Aims of Ph.D. thesis Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science 1) Taxonomic revision of obligately anaerobic Heterolobosea; isolation and Department of Zoology cultivation of new strains, their morphological characterization and description of new taxa Ph.D. study program: Zoology 2) Utilization of existing and newly obtained SSU rDNA or protein-coding gene sequences to investigate phylogenetic relationships between anaerobic Summary of the Ph.D. Thesis Heterolobosea 3) Characterization of the life cycle of anaerobic Heterolobosea 4) Characterization of the flagellar apparatus of selected lineages, unification of the terminology used for cytoskeletal elements 5) Study of mitochondrion-related organelles observed in anaerobic Heterolobosea using transmission electron microscopy Diversity and evolution of anaerobic heteroloboseans Mgr. Tomáš Pánek Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Ivan Čepička, Ph.D. Prague (2015) Pánek, T., Simpson, A.G.B., Hampl, V., Čepička, I. (2014b). Creneis carolina gen. et Tomáš Pánek sp. nov. (Heterolobosea), a novel marine anaerobic protist with strikingly CURRICULUM VITAE derived morphology and life cycle. Protist 165: 542-567. Pánek, T., Táborský, P., Pachiadaki, M.P., Hroudová, M., Vlček, Č., Edgcomb, ADDRESS: Department of Zoology V.P., Čepička I. Combined culture-based and culture-independent approaches Faculty of Science provide insights into diversity of jakobids, extremely plesiomorphic eukaryotic Charles University in Prague lineage. Prepared manuscript. Viničná 7, 128 44 Prague 2 Czech Republic Park, J.S., Simpson, A.G.B. (2015). Diversity of heterotrophic protists from extremely hypersaline habitats. Protist, in press. TELEPHONE: +420 221 951 873 Park, J.S., Simpson, A.G.B., Lee, W.J., Cho, B.C. (2007). Ultrastructure and E-MAIL:
[email protected] phylogenetic placement within Heterolobosea of the previously unclassified, extremely halophilic heterotrophic flagellate Pleurostomum flabellatum PERSONAL DATA: (Ruinen 1938).