Operation.City 2008. the Neoliberal Frontline. Urban Struggles in Post
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OperatiOn:City 2008 the neOliberal FrOntline: Urban StrUggleS in pOSt-SOCialiSt SOCietieS [ZAGREB, 04. 12. - 07. 12. 2008.] COnFerenCe newSletter operation:city 2008 Petar Milat The Neoliberal Frontline: Urban Struggles in Post-Socialist Societies Introduction 2 zagreb, 04. 12. → 07. 12. 2008. Minor and major i.e. regarding them as the process COntentS etting the scope of con- dominated by transnational, glo- ference on neoliberal- bal actors, the privatisation of the ism and Eastern Europe public city space could be seen, Petar Milat n we have made a calcu- using here Saskia Sassen’s termi- 02 Introduction lated risk, starting on nology, in the light of globalisa- Srhetorical level. The methodolog- tion as denationalisation. In other Neil Smith ical risk is evident in conjoining words, denationalisation marks O 04 New urbanism two denominations signifying here the phenomenon where the the least of all and the most of all. local societies themselves with Jason Hackworth On the one hand, there is a signi- their own measures and ways of fier with almost inexhaustible social regulation dissolve the clas- Challenging the neoliberal city 06 scope: neoliberalism - which sical framework of nation state – ti today denotes all there is from resulting in sort of bottom-up Boris Buden measures one must take to repair globalisation. If globalisation is 09 God is back in town broken windows in city districts, understood as the complex result to everyday work stress, machina- of both processes (the umbrella Stefan Nowotny tions of global high finances and like and subterranean one), the 12 Filtered inclusion / the aspects of the political inter- problematic of public space shows Postsocietalism in the neoliberal ages ventionism. On the other hand, similar complex and vague fea- Eastern Europe is the region tures. whose proverbially assumed lack The public city space, that ker- Boyan Manchev and deficiency makes any positive nel of social development and 15 Few preliminary notes concerning the determination almost modernisation, today is limited neutralisation of the city unattainable. by processes of a top-down-glo- by a contemporary Sofia flâneur Minor and major, all or noth- balisation and a bottom-up-dena- ing. Does this rhetorical and logi- tionalisation, and determined by cal convergence in fact make an still not sufficiently understood Artemy Magun otherwise improbable relation of relationship between physical 18 Ideas towards the postsocialist Left ODUC Eastern Europe and neoliberalism and digital. The clear cut neoliber- viable, in as much as the broadest al answer to this hybrid and am- Keller Easterling possible scope of the signifying biguous situation is the total pri- 19 The wrong story range of the term “neoliberalism” vatisation of the public space. at some point implodes into Ines Weizman meaninglessness? Neoliberalism compressed The destruction of participation We are assuming that this is The parameter of speed, urgen- 22 the case and that convergence of cy and operationality that we … and of housing in Leipzig-Grünau neoliberalism and Eastern Europe have noted in relation to descrip- into semantic indetermination tion of neoliberalism is inscribed Doina Petrescu and analytical uselessness, dislo- in the very neoliberal rhetoric, 25 How to reclaim the common? cates the known models of inter- which additionally shows the ex- pretation and action. tent of permeability of the lines Sabine Bitter & Helmut Weber intr As the prime example we have of resistance, witnessing that (Urban Subjects US) taken city-space as a paradigm of even transgressive practices can 26 neoliberal strategies and the re- well become instruments in sistance to them. This is not the achieving the social consensus. Thomas Campbell & Dmitry Vorobyev only way to question the neolib- Operation:city, under which 27 Urban planning in contemporary Petersburg: eral practice, but – we are taking moniker this conference takes Renovation, population, resistance this stand – this is probably the place, makes this important dif- fastest and the most operative ferentiation: operation-city ver- way to summarize all the diver- sus intervention into the city. Op- Brian Holmes Milat etar Mega-gentrification gent strategies of neoliberalism. erationality and operativity as 28 While back in the days of mod- open, collective processes of re- Limits of an urban paradigm p ernisation in the urban environ- flecting, decision-making and ment some kind of fragile and acting as opposed to random in- Who is who precarious balance has been at- terventionism of expert driven 30 tained between public and pri- exclusivist politics. vate interests - which was reflect- The problem, and not only ed on spatial organization of the methodological one, which we are cities with creation of so called aware of, is that operativity of public space – neoliberal doctrine which we speak of is not a deter- iMpreSSUM for its proclaimed goal has chosen mination characterized by sole and Newsletter editors Leonardo Kovačević, Tomislav Medak, Petar Milat, to deregulate public city space unanimous mis-en-oeuvre of dif- Marko Sančanin and to privatize it altogether. ferent desires and intentions, but Design Ruta But, in comparison to usual in- that we are following here an ar- Print terpretation of neoliberal globali- ticulation of intertwined circle of sation processes which find the demands that are not a priori impact of globalisation on the lo- promising to come to a closure dur- Zagreb, December 2008. cal societies as a top-down action, ing their own operationalisation. OPERATIOn:City 2008 www.operacijagrad.org Organised by Alliance for the Centre for Independent Culture and Youth Multimedia Institute Platforma 9,81 - Institute for Research in Architecture BLOK - Local Base for Culture Refreshment Clubture Network ity Partners Analog M Community Center Mosor :C Kontejner | bureau of contemporary art praxis Ana Hušman Right to the City Initiative Project team Teodor Celakoski, Tomislav Domes, n Tomislav Medak, Petar Milat, Ana Plančić, O Marko Sančanin, Sonja Soldo, Emina Višnić, BY PHOTO trea Katarina Pavić Donors Ministry of Culture of Republic of Croatia City Office for Education, Culture and Sports (City of Zagreb) OS Charles Stewart Mott Foundation t European Cultural Foundation Balkan Trust for Democracy O PERATI O ph Petar Milat operation:city 2008 Introduction The Neoliberal Frontline: Urban Struggles in Post-Socialist Societies zagreb, 04. 12. → 07. 12. 2008. 3 Convergence of neoliberalism and Eastern Europe into “ semantic indetermination and analytical uselessness dislocates the known models of interpretation and action global order, but a phenomenon nected our globe into a tight net- for whose terminological designa- work - or at least that part of the tion the spatial extension bares a planet that possesses and manages great importance, in the same information currents. way as in geographical context, Neoliberalism, described in neoliberalism doesn’t represent a this way, creates the circumstanc- new geopolitical intuition, but it es where a few enjoy all the bene- is rather seen as a description of fits of this rapid technological de- new spatial constellations defined velopment, while great majority by concrete measures. of world population is destined to All of this makes of neoliberal- live in a permanent poverty on ism something new: neoliberal- the margins of megalopolises. ism is a system-space and notion- David Harvey equals this with space, and we can’t dispense with the processes of primary accumu- it recalling classical matrix of ide- lation, calling neoliberal social ology and world order. setup “accumulation by dispos- We can answer the question of session”. how many neoliberalisms there is But, if we regard the overlap- i.e. the question of its unanimity ping of system and space in a less and/or multiplicity, by analyzing total way, we will face ourselves the extent of intersection be- with a story, or better, with limit- tween system and space. less stories about neoliberalism, If we consider neoliberalism as which are almost untranslatable an uniform global narrative where and incomprehensible outside system and space are almost com- the context of its own emergence. pletely overlapped, then we are Croatian society, for example, talking about the assemblage of experienced the effects of neolib- different measures that have eral economy politics, with a de- eventually brought to dissolution lay, only in the recent years - the modern wellfare-state. Neo- mainly because of the war, and liberalism, for example, incites partially because of the economi- complete liberation of the mar- cal transition (transformation ket, privatization of the public and privatization) which is some- goods, and exclusively limited what similar to certain neoliberal state-intervention into domain of premises, but is isolated from economy and trade. wider, global courses. This neoliberal model achieves In this loose narrative, neolib- its full affirmation in the begin- eralism is more an exception than ning of 90s, with the new wave of the rule and it happens in strictly globalization. From this moment defined spatial pockets. Neoliber- on, the neoliberal economical al practices parasitize here on al- measures are founded on already ready existent infrastructures, Ruta uneven level of development of and extra/surplus profit is created world regions and societies, mak- by taking into account the differ- ing existing difference between ential between various regions PHOTO BY BY PHOTO nations and regions all the more and spaces. profound. The factual freedom of Neoliberalism: it is simultane- goods and capital circulation - as ously a name for the new histori- The operationality taken as Neoliberalism, sentially pejorative, and there- neoliberal peers are calling upon - cal phase of capitalism, and a norm asks for responsible and neoliberalisms? fore polemic one. Talking about doesn’t lead to freedom of human practice difficult to define which consequential, efficient and How many neoliberalisms neoliberlisam, even if we want it circulation. On the contrary, the has tendency to parasitize on al- measured behaviour, but calls for there are today? This question or not, declares our views.