Y34 A2a and Medium term question planner Key Skills Curriculum Links Years 3 & 4

Locational knowledge Locate the world’s countries, using to focus on (including the location of Russia) and North and .

Place Knowledge A region in a European country.

Human and Describe and understand key aspects of: physical geography, including: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle. human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water. Communication Use geographical language relating to the physical and human processes detailed in the PoS e.g. tributary and source when learning about rivers.

Skills Ask more searching questions including, ‘how?’ and, ‘why? as well as, ‘where?’ and ‘what?’ when investigating places and processes Make comparisons with their own lives and their own situation. Show increasing empathy and describe similarities as well as differences.

Mapping Use a wider range of maps (including digital), atlases and globes to locate countries and features studied. Use maps at more than one scale. Recognise that larger scale maps cover less area. Make and use simple route maps. Recognise some standard OS symbols. Link features on maps to photos and aerial views.

Use of ICT Use the zoom facility on digital maps to locate places at different scales. Add a range of text and annotations to digital maps to explain features and places. View a range of satellite images

Cross -curricular links, especially opportunities for Literacy, Numeracy and ICT within teaching: Computing: Internet research; collating material to produce information; using Google to look at Italy and plot route to Britain; route planning Literacy: Shakespeare – Julius Caesar; Writing Opportunities: Chn write a playscript, between sales person and customer wanting to go on holiday to Italy. Numeracy: Roman Numerals usage Y34 A2a Geography Italy and Roman Empire Medium term question planner Extended Opportunities including possible visits/visitors and local connections: Visits/Visitors: • Chloe Martin’s family- ask Ceri Local information: • AD80: Romans reach Heysham • AD86: Capture and fortify Lancaster – didn’t take hold of NW Britain though because of Celts; the Britons living in Heysham in that day were Celts of the tribe called Segantii of the race known as • AD410: Romans left

Y34 A2a Geography Italy and Roman Empire Medium term question planner Key objectives as questions Key Skills that can be covered Possible activities including use of Computing and Outcomes/Evidence that Technology teaching has taken place 1 • What was your last Locate the world’s countries, using KWL using coloured post it notes. KWL stuck into big book. topic and what did you maps to focus on Europe (including 1 colour for what they already know, 1 colour for learn? the location of Russia) and North questions about Italy. Decide which questions we will Chn can tell their partner key and South America. • What do you already answer this term. Stick into big book. facts about Italy. know about Italy? Ask more searching questions • What do you want to including, ‘how?’ and, ‘why? as well Chn use iPads, laptops, atlases and globes to locate Italy. Chn can find Italy on a variety of find out about Italy? as, ‘where?’ and ‘what?’ when Where is it? How far away is it? How would we get maps. • Where is Italy in relation investigating places and processes there? How long would it take to get there if we… to Britain? walked/cycled/drove/flew? Chn will have created a piece of Use the zoom facility on digital maps work which tells the reader about to locate places at different scales. Chn research using ICT to find out answers to the above, key facts. and the below. - Capital - Continent - Language - Currency - Climate - Food

Chn write a playscript, between sales person and customer wanting to go on holiday to Italy. LA chn could write a telephone conversation, using speech bubbles/speech marks, depending on ability.

HA: children will have used ICT to locate Italy and find facts and complete a play script portraying information.

MA: children will have used ICT to locate Italy and find facts and start a play script portraying information.

LA: children will have used ICT to locate Italy and find some facts and begin to write a telephone conversation.

2 • What physical features Describe and understand key aspects How are rivers formed? Chn will have labelled the river are there in Italy? of: Tiber with key features, using Y34 A2a Geography Italy and Roman Empire Medium term question planner • What do you know physical geography, including: Create a river system on slope of playground . Chn predict appropriate geographical about rivers? climate zones, biomes and what will happen as we pour water over top. Pour water, vocabulary. • What is the River Tiber vegetation belts, rivers, mountains, taking photos and see which predictions were right. Look volcanoes and earthquakes, and the like? water cycle. closely at how channels are formed, and how they join Chn will have researched the together to make a river. river and presented their findings Use geographical language relating https://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Rivers-and- to the class. to the physical and human processes the-water-cycle-6186265 detailed in the PoS e.g. tributary and EXTENDED WRITING: Explain the

source when learning about rivers. What happens during a river’s journey? stages and features of a river’s During the course of their journey rivers have an effect journey, using appropriate on the landscape – they erode, transport and deposit…. geographical vocabulary. Three new words today: Erosion, transportation, deposition. What are they? What happens each time? Chn research one process in each group, ready to present their findings to their peers.

What are the features of rivers? Chn label River Tiber diagram to go in books.

Activity as whole class - http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/guides/z4bk7ty/activity

HA: children will label the key features of a river and have researched a river and presented to class. They will also complete the stages and features of a rivers journey.

MA/LA (mixed ability pairs): children will label the key features of a river and have researched it and presented to class.

3/4 • What do you know Recognise some standard OS Discuss where some of the most famous mountains in Chn will have made their own about volcanoes? symbols. Europe are located. What are mountains made of? Link volcano, taken a picture and • How do volcanoes to rocks and soils Science work. labelled it with key features. work? Link features on maps to photos and What do mountains look like on a ? aerial views. Chn use OS maps to look at steepness of mountains etc. Chn will have researched

preparation/destruction of eruptions. Y34 A2a Geography Italy and Roman Empire Medium term question planner Show increasing empathy and What about volcanoes? Tal k about how there are describe similarities as well as volcanoes in Italy, dormant and active. What is the EXTENDED WRITING: Newspaper differences. difference between dormant and active? How were article, breaking news of a volcanoes formed? Look at cross-section of volcano to volcano eruption. View a range of satellite images find out different parts.

Chn make their own erupting volcanoes in pairs. http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/makes/wild-volcano

Why do eruptions happen? Chn pour water on top of oil. What happens? Talk about density. If it is less dense it will float to the surface. Magma is less dense than the rock surrounding it, so what happens. It travels to the top, where trapped water suddenly expands and causes an eruption.

How can you prepare for an eruption? What happens to settlements after an eruption? Chn research in groups and brainstorm.

HA: children will make their own volcano and will have researched why eruptions happen and the preparation and destruction of them. Ext- Write a newspaper article on a volcano eruption.

MA: children will make a volcano and will research the preparation and destruction of it.

LA: children will make a volcano based on facts found. 5 • What human features Describe and understand key aspects Can we tell what land is used for by looking at a map? Chn will have labelled maps with are there in Italy? of: Chn choose an area of Rome to focus on. Print the map human features. • What food do they eat? human geography, including: types and work out what it is they are looking at. (Can compare of settlement and land use, • How do they get food? economic activity including trade to street view.) Chn label map with human features and Chn will understand that their links, and the distribution of natural grid references. food comes from a variety of resources including energy, food, countries. minerals and water. What about farm land? What does it look like on a map?

Communication Y34 A2a Geography Italy and Roman Empire Medium term question planner  Use geographical language relating Chn think about their favourite Italian food. What’s it Chn will have begun to form an to the physical and human made from? Look at the farming that happens around opinion on the carbon footprint processes detailed in the PoS e.g. Italy. How much of it is traded with the UK? How do we debate. (Should we just eat things tributary and source when learning about rivers. get our food? (Planes bring it over… what is the impact of we can grow locally, or is the that on our planet? Carbon footprint.) damage ‘worth it’ for the variety in our diet?)  Use a wider range of maps In pairs chn come up with arguments for/against bringing (including digital), atlases and food from other countries. In pairs hold debate in EXTENDED WRITING: Persuasive globes to locate countries and classroom, with chn presenting their arguments either argument for/against shipping features studied. for or against. food en masse from abroad. Use maps at more than one scale.  Recognise that larger scale maps cover less area. Chn bring in packaging from home. Where does our food come from?

Link to DT – Food Tech – making a pizza.

HA: children will understand about trading food and how we get it and provide arguments for and against this linking to carbon footprint. Then write a persuasive argument for/against shipping food.

MA: children will understand about trading food and how we get it. Gather and list points for a persuasive argument for/against this shipping of food.

LA: children will understand about trading food and how we get it and discuss whether they’re for/against the shipping of food. 6 • Which countries would • Make and use simple route What different ways di d we say we could travel to Italy? Chn will have located , you have to go through maps. How did the Romans get to Britain? What countries Germany and some other to get to Britain? • Recognise some standard would we have to travel through? European countries, and know OS symbols. • What geographical Chn use atlases, globes and Google maps (laptops/iPads) their capital cities. • Link features on maps to features would you see photos and aerial views. to find out which countries we would travel through. along the way? Chn will have created a poster Divide the class into different countries. Chn research the advertising a tour trip from Rome KEY geographical features of their country. Are there any to Heysham, including a basic rivers/mountains/coasts? What is the capital city called? map showing the route. Y34 A2a Geography Italy and Roman Empire Medium term question planner How many people live there? What kind of climate do they have? EXTENDED WRITING: Write Meerkat Mail inspired narrative. Chn design a tour trip for tourists. They need to start in Describe different Rome and get to Heysham, using a variety of appropriate physical/human features of transport. (I.e. use a boat for travelling down the Rhine, different parts of Europe, skiing/walking tour in the .) explaining why they wouldn’t live there, until they end up in Link to History – Romans travelled through Europe, Heysham. making the Roman Empire.

HA: children will know the capital cities of European countries and facts about 3. Create a poster advertising a tour trip from Rome to Heysham. Ext- start to write a Meerkat Mail inspired narrative.

MA: children will know the capital cities of European countries and facts about 2. They will have created a poster advertising a tour trip from Rome to Heysham.

LA: children will know the capital cities of European countries and write facts about 1. Create a poster advertising a tour trip from Rome to Heysham.

7 • What can you see is  I Express opinions and personal Chn reflect upon all they have learned so far and Chn will have reflected upon their similar between the views about what they like and compare to initial KWL exercise. What do you know learning and thought about any Lancaster District and don’t like about specific about life in Italy now? Would you like to visit Italy? similarities/differences. Rome? geographical features and Why/why not? What about the Lancaster District situations e.g. a proposed local • What can you see is wind farm. (Lancaster, Morecambe and Heysham)? Would you Chn will have talked about why different between the recommend people from Italy come here and visit? Why? there are certain differences in Lancaster District and  Make comparisons with their own What have we got that is similar / different to them? geographical features. Rome? lives and their own situation. Why are certain things different? E.g. why do they grow Chn will have created an more exotic vegetables/fruit? (Climate.) Why do many informative poster about one people in Rome live in flats and apartments, when many Italian geographical feature. of us live in houses? (Land use.)

Y34 A2a Geography Italy and Roman Empire Medium term question planner Chn choose their favourite feature they have learned EXTENDED WRITING: Diary entry, about (Italy), and create an informative poster about it. ‘Today I went to Rome and I saw…’. HA: children will have learnt about similarities and differences between Italy and the Lancaster district and the geographical features. A poster will be created to compare some of the key differences. Ext- Create a diary entry explaining why their favourite Italian feature is their favourite.

MA: children will have learnt similarities and differences between Italy and the Lancaster District. Create a poster to compare some of the key differences.

LA: children will have learnt similarities and differences between Italy and the Lancaster District and created a poster about one of them. 8 • 9 • 10 •