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Government of Utar Pradesh Environmental Public Works Department Lucknow,indba Management Plan (PHASE 11) Public Disclosure Authorized Decwmber 2003 (Sitapur - Bahraich) E505 Volume 20 Ph* Coa m& ConsuftwVs (PCC) Swvces (Loan No, 4114- 1N) Consultncy services for Uar Pradesh State Road Project Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized DHV CONSULTANTS BV Funding Agency: in assoc wffol THE WORLD BANK Halcrow and Partners OperationDHVCOSULAFILE Research Group FndnCOPYcy Development Consultants Ltd. MDP Consultants ( Pvt ) Ltd l f nnw Environmental Management Plan (Sitapur-Bahraich) DHV Consultants BV December 2003 Project Co-ordinating Consultants Services for the Uttar Pradesh State Roads Project, under IBRD Loan No. 4114-IN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (SITAPUR - BAHRAICH) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 4 2 MAJOR FINDINGS OF THE EA ...................................................................... 6 2.1 Project Corridor ...................................................................... 6 2.2 Environmental Impacts .......................... ............................................ 6 3 CLEARANCE ...................................................................... 7 4 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MEASURES PROPOSED .............. ............................ 8 4.1 Pre-Construction Stage ....................... ............................................... 8 4.2 Construction Stage. 8 4.3 Operation Stage. 8 5 IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS ..................................................................... 23 6 INSTITUTIONAL STREGHTHENING ..................................................................... 26 6.1 Institutional Strengthening .......................... ........................................... 26 6.2 Training ..................................................................... 26 22 22 7 ENVIORNMENTAL MONITORING ................................................................ ..... 28 7.1 Introduction ..................................................................... 28 7.2 Objectives .28 7.3 Methodology .28 8 REPORTING SYSTEM .31 9 BILL OF QUANTITIES FOR TYPICAL ENHANCEMENT DESIGNS .32 10 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - BUDGET .33 LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 Phase II Upgradation roads ......................................................... 4 Table 1.2 Details of Route 6 Sitapur to Bahraich ......................................................... 6 Table 2.1 Potential Environmental Impacts along Route 6: Sitapur-Bahraich ....................................... 6 Table 4.1 Environmental Management and Action Plan for Sitapur-Bahraich (Route 6) ... 9 Table 5.1 Implementation Schedule ................................................. 25 Table 7.1 Environmental Monitoring Plan for Route 6 (Sitapur-Bahraich) ............................................ 29 Table 8.1 Desired Monitoring and Reporting Process and Responsibilities ........................ 31 Government of Uttar Pradesh, Public Works Department, Lucknow, India 1 Project Co-ordinating Consultants (PCC) Services for Uttar Pradesh State Roads Project Environmental Management Plan (Sitapur-Bahraich) DHV Consultants BV December 2003 Table 9.1 Bill of Quantities .................................................................. 32 Table 10.1 Environmental Budget for Route 6 (Sitapur-Bahraich) .......................................................... 33 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 6.1 Proposed organisational set-up for UP State Road Project-lI(Phase II).... 27 LIST OF DRAWINGS Drawing 6-1 Typical Design for Construction Camp Drawing 6-2 Enhancement of Pond Drawing 6-3(a Roadside Landscape Design Drawing 6-3(b) Roadside Landscape Design Drawing 6-3(c) Roadside Landscape Design Drawing 6-3(d) Roadside Landscape Design Drawing 6-3(e) Roadside Landscape Design Drawing 6-3(0 Roadside Landscape Design Drawing 6-4 Enhancement of Temple + Well Drawing 6-5 Enhancement of Pond + Temple Drawing T-1 Washing Platform at the Edge of the Pond Drawing T-2 Brick Pitching on Slope Drawing T-3 Seating Arrangement Drawing T-4 Brick Paving Drawing T-5 Detail of Stepped Access Drawing T-6 Railing Detail Drawing T-7 Drawing For Silt Fencing Drawing T-8 Wells Drawing T-9 Hand Pumps Drawing T-10 Oil and Grease Separator LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix I List of Applicable MoRTH Clauses Published by Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi, 1998 Appendix II Procedure for Selection of Sites for Construction Camps Appendix IlIl MOU for plantation scheme between the UP Public Works Department and Forest Department. Appendix IV Monitoring Standards Appendix V Reporting System Appendix VI Specifications for Environmental Management Works Government of Uttar Pradesh, Public Works Department, Lucknow, India 2 Project Co-ordinating Consultants (PCC) Services for Uttar Pradesh State Roads Project Environmental Management Plan (Sitapur-Bahraich) DHV Consultants BV December 2003 Glossary Of Terms 1. Project Requirement The mitigation/enhancement measure written is essential for implementation. It forms part of the project. The mitigation /enhancement measure may continue during entire project life. 2. Contract Requirement The mitigation/enhancement measure is a part of contract document to be signed between UPPWD and contractor for the implementation of project. The mitigation enhancement measure shall be completed within the construction period. 3. MoRTH Specification The specifications published IRC (Indian Road Congress) to be followed in road construction. These have been adopted by MoRTH . 4. Design requirement Mitigation/enhancement measure specified in the highway design of project route. Government of Uttar Pradesh, Public Works Department, Lucknow, India 3 Environmental Management Plan (Sitapur-Bahraich) DHV Consultants BV December 2003 Project Co-ordinating Consultants Services for the Uffar Pradesh State Roads Project, under IBRD Loan No. 4114-IN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN UPGRADATION ROUTES (SITAPUR - BAHRAICH) October 2003 I INTRODUCTION The Public Works Department, Uttar Pradesh, is carrying out the Uttar Pradesh State Roads Project under World Bank Loan 4114-IN. The project preparation activities including the project planning and design is being carried out by the UPPWD through Project Co-coordinating Consultants (PCC). The project envisages the major augmentation of capacity as well as structural upgradation of important highway network in the state of UP. As part of the project preparation activities, the PCC has carried out the feasibility study for 18 corridors (slightly modified from 15 corridors identified by the SOS), based on various criteria including internal rates of return, environmental attributes of the area of influence, the likely social impacts of the proposed improvements, etc. The feasibility study identified 11 corridors (4 corridors comprising 374 km in phase I and 7 corridors comprising 590.74 km exclusive of bypass lengths of roads including length of bypasses in Phase 11) for upgradation to SH standards and 22 corridors for major maintenance works wherein 808 km of road is in Phase I and 1736 km in Phase li The UPPWD is the executing agency for this project and will be responsible for the overall preparation, implementation and operation of the project. The routes taken up for upgradation under the project are given in Table 1.1. Table 1.1 Phase 11 Upgradation roads Route description -e i C ------- ........... ..- Length In Cost Route From To Km INR million N o. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 I Pilibit Khutar 72.807 . -- 4-.. __ 1164.6 4B Lucknow Bangarmau 73.229 1315.9 6 J Sitapur Bahraich 88.336 2490.0 7B Azamgarh Phephna 100.929 1986.1 _O1A Gorakhpur Shahganj 109.656 2642.1 11 Moradabad Uttaranchal 36.335 782.1 .... __ ...Border .. ____ 16 ! Deoria Ballia _ 109.447 1763.7 Totol Phase II 590.74 12144.5 Government of tlttrir Prnoieah. Pthlie- Wn&rL mlrnr-irfmnt Ir'n,., fr,i A Environmental Management Plan (Sitapur-Bahraich) DHV Consultants BV December 2003 The UPPWD, the executing agency for this project, is responsible for the overall preparation, implementation and operation of the project. International contractors selected through International Competitive Bidding shall carry out the implementation. The PWD shall be assisted in the supervision of the construction activities by international consultants. The construction duration of the project will be 2 years. This report details the Environmental Management Plan for route 6, Sitapur - Biswan - Tikora Mode - Bahraich. As part of the project preparation, this route has been divided into homogenous links. The proposed road cross-section (W3) after upgradation will consist of two lanes-each 3.5 m wide, 1.5m hard shoulder and 1.Om soft shoulder with hard shoulder on each side necessitating a formation width of at least 12 m. The links and their description are presented in Table 1.2 Government of Uttar Pradesh, Public Works Department. Lucknow, India 5 Environmental Management Pfan (Sitapur-Bahroich) DHV Consultants Bv December 2003 Table 1.2 Details of Route 6- SNtapur to Bahralch _ - ___ Link description _.. j Ro_ 1Length In Link No. From To Road No. Km2 6.1 Sitapur |Biswan | SH 30 31.707 6.2 I Biswan Ghaghora River SH 30 29.948 6.3 Ghaghara Tikora Mode SH 30B 23.448 64 -rikora Mode [Bahraich ISH 13 [ -3.227 2 MAJOR FINDINGS OF THE EA Before presenting major impacts on the environment of the study region, a brief description of the project corridor is presented below. 2.1 Project Corridor The project