Threatened Fauna of the Catchment Take steps to Water mouse Giant protect Xeromys myoides barred- frog Rare (NCA 1992) Mixophyes iteratus waterway fauna Habitat: Tidal Endangered (EPBC zones. Requires 1999) mangroves in Habitat: Rocky and which to feed and deep, slow-moving nearby reedbeds streams with good and salt marshes riparian vegetation. above high tide Threats: Tree for burrows. clearing, fungal

Threats: Coastal Photo - Eva Ford, MRCCC disease development, predation by domestic pets and Cascade feral . treefrog Litoria pearsoniana Endangered (NCA 1992)

© Queensland Museum Habitat: Found in low vegetation within 1 –2 m of wet Don’t pollute forest streams in ranges of south-east Queensland. waterways Threats: Fungal Photo – Eva Ford, MRCCC disease, loss of riparian vegetation.

Photo courtesy of John Cann

Mary River turtle Revegetate with local native plants Elusor macrurus Endangered (EPBC 1999) Habitat: Occurs only in the Mary River catchment, in deep water holes and undisturbed, slow flowing sections with partially Don’t release non-local fauna submerged rocks and logs on which to bask. in waterways Threats: Loss of riparian vegetation, decreased water quality, changes in water flow, erosion and siltation,disturbance of eggs. Control weeds - early is best

Photo courtesy of Kathie Atkinson Queensland lungfish Neoceratodus forsteri Waterways are Vulnerable (EPBC 1999) Habitat: Endemic to the Mary and Burnett River sensitive to impacts systems only particularly slow flowing and still by livestock water. Eggs and young need macrophyte beds. Threats: Removal of

Image courtesy of Sally Elmer, technical info. by John Young riparian vegetation, impoundments, siltation.

Photo – Eva Ford, MRCCC Coxen’s fig-parrot Tusked frog Cyclopsitta diopthalma coxeni Adelotus brevis Leave near- Endangered (EPBC 1999) Vulnerable (NCA 1992) Habitat: Various forest types with Habitat: Rainforests, dry forests an abundance of fig trees. near streams and ponds, farming stream Threats: Tree clearing, habitat areas where creek banks are free fragmentation from grazing. vegetation intact Threats : Tree clearing, fungal diseases.

Richmond Barriers to Photo courtesy of Gunther Schmida richmondia Vulnerable (NCA 1992) Oxleyan pygmy perch Habitat: Rainforest Nannoperca oxleyana flow are environments containing Endangered (EPBC 1999) Pararistolochia pravenosa vines Habitat: Found in coastal waterways barriers to on which its eggs are laid. (streams, lagoons) in wallum environments. Threats: Clearing of lowland Prefer presence of macrophytes and sedges. rainforests. The exotic weed Threats: Land clearing and coastal fish Dutchman’s pipe is mistakenly © Queensland Museum development have reduced suitable habitats. used to lay eggs on; toxins in the Increased nutrients and weed growth also plant kill young caterpillars. reduce habitat suitability.

Photo courtesy of Gunther Schmida Photo courtesy of Chris Corben © Queensland Museum Mary River cod Giant spiny crayfish Illidge’s ant-blue butterfly Maccullochella peelii mariensis Euastacus hystricosus Endangered (EPBC 1999) Acrodipsas illidgei Vulnerable (IUCN 2000) Vulnerable (NCA 1992) Habitat: Deep slow flowing pools with Habitat: Upland rainforest and wet sclerophyll streams. overhanging vegetation or rocks. Habitat: Mostly Grey mangroves along the coast Threats: Habitat loss, feral disturbances. between Mary and Brunswick River estuaries. Threats: Removal of logs from waterways, siltation and illegal fishing. Threats: Mangrove loss due to coastal development.

This poster developed by the Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee with support from: For information contact MRCCC, QPWS or your local Landcare group.

NCA 1994- Queensland Nature Conservation (Wildlife) Regulation 1994. EPBC 1999- Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. IUCN 2000 – International Union of Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (Red list) Images of the Birdwing Butterfly, Water Mouse and Illedge’s Ant Blue Butterfly courtesy of the Queensland Museum ©