 The war with Mexico led to the issue whether slavery should be allowed to spread westward.

 The proposed that slavery should be forbidden in any territory gained from Mexico.

 Senator Lewis Cass proposed that citizens of each territory should be allowed to decide for themselves on slavery. This was called popular sovereignty.

 Whig candidate Zachery Taylor avoided the issue of slavery and won a narrow victory over Democratic nominee Lewis Cass and Martin Van Buren. Congress Struggles for a Compromise

 James Marshall discovered gold in Sacramento in January 1848.  By the end of 1849, nearly 80,000 “Forty-Niners” had arrived in California.  Californians decided to seek statehood because the gold rush led to chaos and violence.  Henry Clay came up with a compromise that allowed California to become a free state but allowed slavery in the rest of the Mexican succession.  It also outlawed the slave trade in the District of Columbia but not slavery itself.  Congress passed the Compromise of 1850, which included part of Clay’s original compromise. The Fugitive Slave Act

 Part of the compromise was the Fugitive Slave Act, which allowed any slaveholder to point out alleged runaways to have them taken into custody.

 Federal officials had a financial incentive to rule in favor of slaveholders.

 The Fugitive Slave Act required federal marshals to assist slavecatchers.

 Northerners risked heavy fines and prison terms to assist runaway slaves. The and Uncle Tom’s Cabin

 The Underground Railroad was a well organized network of abolitionists who helped thousands of enslaved persons flee north.

 Conductors such as , transported runaways in secret, gave them food and shelter and saw them to freedom.

 Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin in 1851.

 The book depicted the horrors of slavery and sold over 300,000 copies.

 This led to passionate antislavery sentiment in the North and is considered by many historians to be a cause of the Civil War. New Territorial Troubles

 The transcontinental railroad (one that would cross the whole country) would reduce the journey to four days and promote further growth in the territories.

 Mexico agreed to sell the Gadsden purchase which southerners wanted to use the land for part of the railroad.

 Stephen Douglass pushed for the railroad to start at Chicago and go through the Nebraska Territory.

 He proposed that the Nebraska Territory be split into two territories (Nebraska and Kansas), and that these territories exercise popular sovereignty on slavery.

 Thousands of Northerners migrated to Kansas territory to try and outlaw slavery.

 This led to Missourians crossing the border to vote illegally.

 This led to Kansas having two governments.

 Tensions rose as Missourians crossed over and attacked the town of Lawrence, which was a stronghold of antislavery settlers.

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senator Charles Sumner accused pro-slavery senators of forcing Kansas to become a slave state.

 This led Representative to beat the senator with a cane, leaving Sumner severely injured.