St. Martha Readings for the Week Monday: Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78:1-2, 34- Welcome 38; Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17 We are delighted to welcome each and every one who has come to wor- Tuesday: 1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a; Ps ship with us today. Whether you’re a longtime parishioner, a newcomer, or 100:1b-5; Jn 19:25-27 or Lk just visiting, know that our desire is to extend God’s loving presence to all. 2:33-35 Wednesday: 1 Cor 12:31 — 13:13; Ps If you would like to register, you can download the registration form 33:2-5, 12, 22; Lk 7:31-35 from our website,, or find a copy in the narthex on the Thursday: 1 Cor 15:1-11; Ps 118:1b-2, welcome kiosk. 16ab-17, 28; Lk 7:36-50 Vision Statement: Baptized into Christ Jesus, we worship as one and reach out to all. Friday: 1 Cor 15:12-20; Ps 17:1bcd, 6-8b, 15; Lk 8:1-3 Saturday: 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49; Ps Message from our Pastor 56:10c-14; Lk 8:4-15 Sunday: Is 55:6-9; Ps 145:2-3, 8-9, Dear parish family, 17-18; Phil 1:20c-24, 27a; On September 13, 2019, our parish dedicated our newest Mt 20:1-16a building. Cardinal DiNardo came out to celebrate the first Intentions for the Week Mass in our Holy Family Chapel and we are still very grate- Mon./Sept. 14 ful to Pat Reed and her generosity to make the chapel a re- 8:30 †Lilia Anat Tue./Sept. 15 ality. Unfortunately, we have not been able to use the chap- 8:30 †Jack Throop el very often over the last six months because of the pandemic, but it is a 7 †Kevin Briones wonderful addition to our parish family. It is hard to believe that it has Wed./Sept. 16 been one year! It is uplifting to see several people come into the chapel 8:15 S M (Closed to public due to space limitations) every day to pray because that is one ministry that our world needs right †Bill Seefeldt now. We will eventually get back to using the new chapel to celebrate daily †Garza Brochers Mass and other , so we are very thankful to God for the 1st an- †Dee Quinn niversary of our new chapel and all the people who had a roll in making it †Lily L. Cardenas †Joaquin Palmesola a reality. 10 †Sixta Espinoza God bless, Thurs./Sept. 17 Fr. T.J. 6:30 †Jose Luis Cano 8:30 †Martha Busch Fri./Sept. 18 8:30 Frantz Family Sunday Readings and Reflection †Sam & Rose Benigno †Denise Nicholas Jackson Todays Readings †Charles E. Nicholas II First Reading — Remember the commandments and hate not your neigh- †Ricky Johnson bor (Sirach 27:30 — 28:7). Sat./Sept. 19 Psalm — The Lord is kind and merciful, slow to anger, and rich in com- 5:30 †Duane Hundl passion (Psalm 103). Sun./Sept. 20 Second Reading — Whether we live, or whether we die, we do so for the 7 †Helen Applegate Lord (Romans 14:7-9). 9 †George Williams Gospel — Forgive one another from your heart (Matthew 18:21-35). 11 For the Parish 1 †Rodolfo Garnica 5 †Ann LaPosta Forgiveness Nearly ten years before, a son and father had parted ways when the business they shared went bankrupt. The son blamed the father. They did and Special Observances not speak to each other again. Sunday: Twenty-fourth Sunday in Then the father became seriously ill. The mother called the son and Ordinary Time told him he had better come soon. The son walked sheepishly into the hos- Monday: The Exaltation of the Holy pital room. The father motioned his son to him and whispered: “Did you Cross ever think you could do anything that would keep me from loving you?” Tuesday: Our Lady of Sorrows Resentment and anger are foul things, the first reading from Sirach tells Wednesday: Ss. Cornelius and us. Remember the last things. Stop hating. Live by the commandments. As Thursday: St. St. Paul writes to the Romans, we are to live for the Lord and die for the Friday: Rosh Hashanah (Jewish Lord. New Year) 5781 Jesus’ parable in today’s Gospel reminds us of God’s compassion. The Saturday: St. Januarius; Blessed immense sin of humanity has been forgiven and stricken from the record. Mary We are to forgive others in the same way. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Stewardship Corner Please remember the recently deceased and their families in your prayers: STEWARDSHIP FOR SEPTEMBER Bernadette Benvegnu (mother of Tony Ben- Saint Teresa of Calcutta gave us an extraordinary example of vegnu) Christian discipleship and stewardship by her faith, simplicity Elizabeth Morales (wife of Officer Alan Mo- and service to women and men without considering their race, religion or nationality. She was born Agnes Bojaxhiu in rales) Albania on Aug. 26, 1910, and at age 18 went to Ireland to Milton LaBauve (father of Dawn Chapman) join the Sisters of Loreto following what she discerned to be a Loretta Ropella call to become a missionary. She was sent to India in 1929, and began her Dr. Gilbert Melendez (son-in-law of Madeline novitiate in Darjeeling near the Himalayan mountains. Eight years later she Marley, and brother-in-law of Dave & Tashya made her solemn vows and took the name Teresa after Saint Thérèse of Li- Snyder) sieux, the of missionaries. From there she taught at the Loreto Heriberto “Eddie” Vergara school in Calcutta for almost twenty years. Though a dedicated edu- Mary Peterman cator, she was increasingly disturbed by the desperate poverty in Calcutta. Deanna Taubert (mother of Cindy Hecka- On Sept. 10, 1946, Sister Teresa had an extraordinary conversion experience, man) what she later described as “the call within the call.” While traveling by train Bob Snyder (father of Dave & Tashya from Calcutta to the Loreto convent in Darjeeling she experienced interior Snyder) visions that led her to the conviction that Christ was calling her to serve “the poorest of the poor.” In 1948 after a few months of medical training, Sister Please remember the sick and their Teresa ventured out into the slums to tend to the needs of the destitute and starving. Her first year was very difficult. She had no income and had to re- families in your prayers: sort to begging for food and supplies. She experienced loneliness, doubt and Dane Russell, Erin Pergola, Megan Bris- the temptation to return to the comfort of convent life. But at the beginning senden, Connie Sue Rodebaugh, Jerry of 1949 she was joined by a group of young women who wished to be a part Denton, Deacon Alfredo Soto, Bob of her ministry. In 1950 “Mother” Teresa’s community was formally recog- Hatczel, Juanita Allen, Patrick Hosay, nized by the Vatican. Its mission was to care for, in her own words, “the Misty Abalos, Jonny Hegna, Anne hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, all those Schuelke, Margaret “Susie” McDermott, people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society, people Javier Rosales, Judy Trahan, Eddie Fen- that have become a burden to the society and are shunned by everyone.” In ner, Sallie Howard, Jose Calixto Mar- 1952, she opened a hospice for the poor. Then she established several lepro- tinez, Elnora Peralta, Thyra Beck, Denny sy clinics throughout Calcutta, providing medication, bandages and food. In Enriguez, Eric Vergara, Jo Horton, Ve- 1955, she created a home for orphans and homeless youth. The Missionaries ronica Jimenez, Roberta Martin, Emlyn of Charity soon began to attract both recruits and charitable donations, and Evans, Pat Hyland, Claire Tomlinson, by the 1960s had opened hospices, orphanages and leper homes all over In- Alisa Cancino, Chris Price, Bill Beck, dia. then went global. Her first mission outside of India was in Venezuela in 1965, then in Rome, Tanzania and Austria. During the 1970s Jackson Pickard, Heriberto Vergara, Leon the congregation started missions in dozens of countries in Asia, Africa, Eu- Guinn, Albert Taubert, Denise Byington, rope and the United States. In 1979, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Robert MacDonald, Dorothy Hernandez, Mother Teresa died on Sept. 5, 1997, departing a religious community with Weyel, Robyn Laumbach, Pietro over 4,000 sisters operating 610 missions in 123 countries and aided by more Taliente, Richard S. Fitzharris, AJ Foster, than one million co-workers. Former U.N. SecretaryGeneral, Javier Pérez de Ed Dalton, Alvin Holley, Kim Smith, Cuéllar, said of Saint Teresa: “She is the United Nations. She is peace in the Herb Caffey, Dave Rotella, Janet Bosze, world.” Saint Teresa of Calcutta was canonized on Sept. 4, 2016 by Gary Robles, Lorrie Lamb, Mary Ann Francis. Her feast day is Sept. 5. Kipfmiller, Gavin Cunningham, Jenell Joseph, Kimberly Coleman, Kathleen Mathew, Penny Gaido, Luke Blaney, H. Stewardship of Treasure Marie Mathis, Ann Loera, Daniel Brochu, Carlos & Dorothy Maggio, Timothy Sul- With attendance at in-person services still restricted, livan, Candace Nicole Hupp, Jennifer St. Martha's is depending on online donations to continue Cernigliano, Kate Tiedtke, Anita Ly, our ministry. We prayerfully invite you to sign up for Becke Ferris, Dennis Markel, Beverly eGiving and set up recurring donations or make a one- Rose, Jack Flynn, Anne Akers, Madeline time gift. Sign up today by going to our website at Marley, Eddie Gasperini, Troy Kipfmil- Click on “Give” on the ribbon bar. Thank you for your continued support of ler, Sandy Giffin, Frank Phillips Jr., Mark our parish family! Roosma, Tony Baran, Mary Rubino, Ronald Bessire, Patrick Trainor, Mitchell For the weekend of Sept. 5 & 6 your Stewardship Gifts of Treasure resulted in: Mehring, Marin McDermott, Eleana Topp, Ruth Grim, Adrien Mey, Jovita Sunday Collection $ 17,926 Special collections: Carrillo, Jody Wood, Joan Daciek, Bruce Holy Day- Capital Campaign $ 25,522 Ward, Carol Reilly, Richell Cuellar & $ 50 Martha’s Kitchen $ 1,333 Emiliano Alejandro Nava, Kay Lynn Total $ 17,976 Catholic Univ./UST $ 350 Cole, Fernando Rodriguez, Mike Daciek, Year To Date: A. H. Majors, Isorelia Vergara, Maureen Sunday Collection $ 652,600 Current Loan Debt: Berkovich, Patricia Smith, Rowan Mae 2020 DSF Goal: $ 305,000 $7,326,971 Sullivan Payments to Date: $ 235,049 4 Community Life Ministries Director of Community Life: Francine Puglia, (281) Family and friends of L.G.B.T. Catholics – 358-6637 Ext. 200, [email protected] Are invited to gather for prayer, discussion For a complete list of Community Life Ministries and fellowship. Our focus is on building please turn to page 10 of this bulletin. bridges and staying close to the Church. For information on the monthly gathering, please KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS contact Francine at [email protected] FALL FISH FRY We are having a FISH FRY DRIVE- THROUGH on Friday, Oct. 2, in the Fami- ly Life Center parking lot, 5-8 p.m. Please wear a mask. Pay when you pick up. ADULT MEALS: Salmon OR catfish (not both), hush- puppies, fries, green beans, and a *drink- $12. CHILD MEALS: Fish sticks, fries, shells and cheese, and a *drink- $5. *Drinks are ice tea or lemonade. We will honor the prepaid cards you purchased earlier this year during the Lenten Fish Fry. Pre-order sign up After discussing with Fr. TJ, it was decided that due sheets available in the Narthex after all Masses, or, visit to the seriousness of the Coronavirus and the health to place your order. and safety of our guests and volunteers, the YAH St. Martha’s Life After Loss grief luncheons will not begin again in September. It is program offers a nine week support our hope that we will be able to restart in January, group beginning Tuesday, Sept. 22, 2021, but time will tell. We’ll update you as soon from 10 a.m.—12 p.m. All who are experiencing the as we know something definite. It will be posted in loss of a loved one are welcome to attend. For more the bulletin. We miss you and pray that all of you information and to sign up, please call 281-360-2714 or are healthy and well! e-mail [email protected].

“If my people, those whom I have called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, if they will seek my face and turn from their sin, I will hear their prayers from heaven, I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land,” says the Lord. “For my eyes are open, and my ears are listening, to the prayers of my people.” 2 Chronicles 7:14-15

St. Martha Church Couple Prayer Series Using Zoom

At Couple Prayer, you will experience first-hand how you can pray with your spouse in ways that will enhance your faith, your marriage, and the faith and well-being of your entire family. Especially in this time of pandemic, let us pray. Where: In your home using Zoom. When: 7-9 pm, Tuesdays, beginning Sept. 22 for six weeks. (Six Sessions: September 22, 29, and October 6,13, 20,27) For: Married or engaged couples Needed: A computer or iPad for the Zoom call.

To register: Send an e-mail to [email protected] Please include both husband/wife names, both of your cell phone numbers and email ad- dresses. . Comments from couples who have attended: “My husband and I found a new intimacy we never even knew existed between us.”  “We had tried to pray as a couple before attending the series - this has made such a difference.” “I wish I could have attended this series 40 years ago!” “I had never realized how powerful and healing prayer can be in a relationship.” “To come together to God as a couple was awesome. It surpassed any expectations we may have had.”

For more information, contact Francine at [email protected] Vocations Corner Faith Formation 5

Director of Faith Formation: Carla Lewton, Holy Hour of Exposition & (281) 358-1959 Ext. 213, [email protected] Benediction for Vocations For a complete list of Faith Formation ministries  Second Tuesday : 7:30 - 8:30 please turn to page 10 of this bulletin.  Second Friday: 9 - 10 Sponsored by Serra Club Northeast of Houston SPONSOR NEEDED FOR RCIA PROCESS Would you enjoy sharing CHALICE FOR VOCATIONS: your love of Christ with Please join the Rueby Family someone who is considering in prayer this week as they host the Chalice the Catholic faith? and Pray for Vocations. Interested? Please contact Sponsors are mentors who will introduce the partici- Karen Ehlig at 281-813-3285 or by e-mail at pant to parish life and accompany them on their jour- [email protected] to schedule a week. ney as a friend. Sponsors do not teach the materi- al. Sponsors need to be practicing Catholics and members of St. Martha Parish. Please call for more Vocation Prayer information: RCIA office 281-713-8972 x 258 or Generous Creator of all that is good and Patty Schulze at 713-560-7444 or send us an e-mail: beautiful who gave me a sun to wake in, and [email protected] a moon to sleep in, and a heart to love eve- Parents of High-schoolers—support our high school rything you have done for me. I ask you for students with the power of your prayers. Sign up to be more priests so more people know about given one prayer day a month to pray for the parish’s God. So they love God and everything He high schoolers and help us cover them in prayer. has done. We pray to the Father. Amen There are no meetings to attend and your prayers are

Anika Glasco – 3rd Grade offered privately in your chosen method of prayer. St. Martha Catholic School For more information or to be given a day on our high Serra Club Vocation Prayer Winner school Prayer Quilt, email Lori DiSorbo, lrdisorbo@

St. Martha Catholic School

ST. MARTHA CATHOLIC SCHOOL IS HIRING St Martha Catholic School is hiring for the 2020-21 school year for the following:  Part-time Christ the Good Shepherd teacher for preschool & kindergarten.  Paraprofessional to assist classroom teachers in grades 4-8 with distance learning initiatives. Interested candidates can contact the principal for more information; [email protected].

Visit our school website at for more information or contact Registrar Jodie Richter at 281-358-5523.

St. Martha Catholic School pro- vides an excellent Catholic edu- cation by developing mind, heart, and spirit as we share in community to form witnesses who transform the world. 6 Liturgy Director of Liturgy: Mariel Parra, (281)358-6637 Ext. 280, [email protected] Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration For a complete list of Liturgical Ministries please The Holy Family Chapel and turn to page 10 of this bulletin. the Woodland Hills Chapel are open for private prayer: 8 a.m.-8 p.m. For Current Adorers—If you have any questions Livestream Mass Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:30 am please call your division leader: Wednesday: 10 am 12-6 Martha Preston 713.542.4909 Sunday: 11 am and 1 pm (Español). 6 -Noon Karen Ehlig 281.813.3285 Visit: 12-6 Marie Olive 713.202.6499 6 -12 Beth Beckham 281.435.1439

SAVE THE DATE!!!! PARISH ROSARY PROCESSION A Parish Rosary Procession in honor of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 7. More information coming soon.

On behalf of America Needs Fatima, we invite you to a Public Square Rosary on Saturday, Oct. 10, at Noon (Woodland Hills Campus) This will be one of 20,000 outdoor Public Square Rosary Rallies prayed simultaneously throughout America that day. For more information, call Bernadette: 908-601-4586.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!

This and That

All Catholic students in public, private and parochial schools grades 8-12, Kingwood, TX, are invited to participate in Guadalupe Radio Network the Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest, sponsored by St. Martha Knights of Columbus Council 12320. Fall Share-a-Thon Students are encouraged to write a 500 to 750 word essay on Celebrating 20 years! the theme of: "How my Faith helped me to persevere in tough times" All contestants on the local level are recognized for their par- Listen on KSHJ AM 1430 ticipation in the contest. Awards for the top three essays will Sept. 15-18 be presented. Submissions due by Oct. 2, 2020. Participants are required to furnish written parental consent. For entry Support Catholic Radio forms and additional information contact: Antonio Bandeira, Deputy Grand Knight, Cell: 201-344-7974 Social Services/Outreach Ministries 7

Director of Social Services and Outreach Ministries: Olga Najar, (281)713-8966, [email protected] For a complete list of Social Service and Outreach Ministries please turn to page 10 of this bulletin.

Register for PCM Out of work or looking for a better ? Training online at St. Martha Between Jobs and Beyond chaplaincorps can help!! St. Martha Kingwood Tuesdays, Sept. 8 – Between Jobs and Beyond will be meeting Nov. 5, 1-3:30 p.m. on Zoom every Friday (until we can meet in person again) beginning at 9:15am and ending around noon. We can help with the tasks of finding a job, including:  writing an accomplishment-oriented re- sume,  preparing for interviews, and  networking.  We can also help you get your head in the right place emotionally and spiritually to be successful. You will be given a binder to aid you in your job search and we are available to help at the meeting on Friday and other times as well. If you would like to participate, or have any questions, contact us at stmarthabetweenjobs@ or call Bob Simpson at 713-410- 2844 or [email protected] .

Drive Thru HAAM Food Distribution At ST. MARTHA’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 4301 Woodridge Pkwy Porter, TX 77365 Thursday, Sept. 24, 11 A.M. —1 P.M. To volunteer please contact Syvon Wetherold at [email protected] or 281-358-6637 8 Pro-Life

St. Martha Life Chain Please join us and stand in silent witness for life. Bring your families, coolers and chairs as we pray for the unborn and their mothers. Kingwood Drive and West Lake Houston Parkway intersection (By the fountain) Sunday, Oct. 4, 2-3:30 p.m. Signs will be provided The event will occur rain or shine. More information: [email protected]

From Sept. 23 through Nov. 1, you’re invited to join other Christians to pray during 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to stand vigil and peacefully pray in the public right-of-way outside the Planned Parenthood abortion facility at 4600 Gulf Freeway. St. Martha parishioners will be praying at Planned Parenthood on Friday, Oct. 2. Join us, and help spread the word about this important community outreach. When people are present in prayer at the abortion site, through the grace of God, hearts are changed and lives are saved. All are welcome! Contact Peggy at [email protected] /832-233-0401 Ministerio Hispano 9

El grupo de Consolación Duelo, Esperanza y Vida de St. Martha, ofrece un pro- grama de apoyo y acompañamiento llamado: “El Nuevo Dia, Un Camino de Dolor Hacia La Sanación”, para las personas que están sufriendo la pérdida de un ser querido. Comenzaremos nuestro programa los jueves de 7 a 9 pm del 9 de Julio al 3 de septiembre. Ante la preocupación del Covid-19, llevaremos nuestras sesiones vía internet usando la aplicación Zoom. Para más información y para registrarse, favor de comunicarse con Luis y Alicia Martinez al 281-878-9501 (llamada o texto), o por e-mail: [email protected]

HAAM Distribución de Comida IGLESIA CATOLICA SANTA MARTA 4301 Woodridge Pkwy. Porter, TX 77365 Jueves 24 de Septiembre 11 A.M. —1 P.M. Si quieren ser voluntarios favor comunicarse con Syvon Wetherold al [email protected] o 281-358-6637

¿No harás una hora de vigilia conmigo? Mateo 26:40 ¡Apúntate Hoy! Ayuda a la parroquia de St. Martha Catholic Church a llenar las horas entre 6:30 de la mañana hasta las 6:30 de la tarde, el 2 de Octubre. Planned Parenthood abortion facility– 4600 Gulf Freeway Para participar, por favor póngase en contacto con [email protected]/832-233-0401 10 Ministry Contact Information


BUSINESS MANAGER—Molly Kleinguetl, DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION— MOTHER TERESA MINISTRY—Paola Lam 281-358-6637 x208 Carla Lewton, 281-358-1959 x213 832-284-1891 FACILITY MANAGER—Steve Teets, CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD— PRO-LIFE ( PROJECT)— 281-358-6637 x254 [email protected] 713-225-5826 FINANCIAL PLANNING COMMITTEE— CONFIRMATION—Salisha Miller PROJECT RACHEL—713-741-8728

Charlie Garland, 713-203-2101 281-358-1959 x 251 ST. FOOD DRIVE— PASTORAL COUNCIL— CORNERSTONE BIBLE STUDY— Marty Curtis, [email protected] [email protected] Pam Rockwell, 281-358-1959 x230 ST. JOSEPH HELPERS—Bill Beck, SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATORS— ELEMENTARY SCHOOL —Michelle Campisi, 281-360-7023 Ana Luisa Rodriguez and Michelle Campisi, 281-358-1959 x214 ST. MARGARET OF CASTELLO’S SPECIAL [email protected], 281-358- FIRST COMMUNION & RECONCILIATION— NEEDS MINISTRY —Craig Simonsgaard, 1959, x212 Lisa Hartsfield, 281-358-1959 x241 832-633-0321 ST. MARTHA’S OFFICE ANGELS— MIDDLE SCHOOL COORDINATOR (EDGE) — ST. MARTHA BETWEEN JOBS AND BEYOND Lourdes Fernandez, 281-358- 6637 x262 Lisa Hartsfield, 281-358-1959 x241 Bob Simpson, 713-410-2844

HIGH SCHOOL COORDINATOR (LIFE TEEN) ST. VINCENT DE PAUL—281-358-6636 COMMUNITY LIFE MINISTRIES Mike Lahey, 281-358-1959 x252 SECOND FAMILY MINISTRY— LIVING STONES SMALL GROUPS -Lynn Lucas, [email protected] DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY LIFE— 281-358-1959 X 249, [email protected] SOCIAL JUSTICE—Gary Yepsen, Francine Puglia, 281-713-8954 RCIA—[email protected] 832-803-4377 ACTS RETREAT— Melanie McTaggart, ST. MARTHA'S MOMS — [email protected] [email protected] ST. MARTHA CATHOLIC SCHOOL

ANNULMENTS—Francine Puglia, 281-713-8954 YAStM (Young Adults of St. Martha) — th CARING COOKS—Karen Rexer, 281-354- [email protected] PRINCIPAL PK3-8 —Jessica Munscher, 8857, or Marian Brown, 281-630-4820 281-358-5523 CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS LITURGICAL MINISTRIES DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT—Cally Borch, Diana VanHorn, [email protected] 281-358-5523 x330 CENTERING PRAYER—Dr. Susan Davy, DIRECTOR OF LITURGY—Mariel Parra, REGISTRAR—Jodie Richter, 281-358-5523 [email protected] [email protected] x314 DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP—Vicki Ruck, DIRECTOR OF MUSIC—Matthew Mondragon, [email protected] MINISTERIOS EN ESPAÑOL [email protected] or Francine

Puglia, [email protected] ALTAR SERVERS—Acenith Claassen COORDINADORA DE CATECISMO PARA FAMILIA—Katie Barnhill, [email protected] [email protected] JÓVENES Y SACRAMENTOS— KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS— BAPTISM—281-358-6637 Ana Maria Gibson, 281-358-1959 x269 Bobby McAndrews, 281-650-9533 CANTORS—281-358-6637 CORO DE ADULTOS—Luis Valle, LIFE AFTER LOSS—Laura Cardella, 281-360-2714 CHILDREN’S ADORATION—Kristen Johnson, 832-620-1888 MARRIAGE PREP. INFORMATION— 281-713-2518 ADORACIÓN PERPETUA—Carmen Ogando, To Register call 281-358-6637 CHILDREN’S CHOIR—281-358-6637 832-767-8826 MARTHA’S QUILTERS—Cynthia Riley, 832-731- CHILDREN’S LITURGY—Mary Anne Sokol, GRUPO DE DUELO—Luis & Alicia Martinez, 7099 or Kathy Napientek, [email protected] [email protected] 281-878-9501, [email protected] MEALS FOR MOMS— COMMUNION TO THE SICK— HOSPITALIDAD—Gustavo Zapata, [email protected] Hospital Visit: Gene Goll, 281-728-0956 832-247-9955 MOM’S COLLEGIAN PRAYER GROUP— Nursing Home & Homebound: LECTORES—Monica Wilhelm, 404-406-9510 Gloria Gamez, [email protected] Kathy Gearhart, 402-290-3711 LEGIÓN DE MARIA—Mildred Garcia, 936-230- MONICA’S HOPE—Paul & Marcia Aegerter, EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE 1722, [email protected] 281-812-1288 EUCHARIST—Pam Rockwell, 281-358-1959, NETWORK EN ESPAÑOL— MOTHER’S DAY OUT—Patty Jackson, x230 Patricia Lopez, 281-389-1210 281-358-1959x250 LECTORS—Bill Simister, 713-927-9697, MINISTROS EXTRAORDINARIOS DE LA NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING—Jess Lahey, [email protected] EUCARISTIA—Raul Legorreta, 713-545-8705 254-371-5140 MARTHA’S ALTAR GUILD & DESIGNERS — MONAGUILLOS—Pastor Pastora, NEWCOMERS/WELCOMING/HOSPITALITY— Mariel Parra, [email protected] 832-514-5741 or 832-633-0145 Kristene Hergenrother, 281-713-8961 PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION— RICA—Francisco Villanueva, 281-840-3292 NORTHEAST CATHOLIC SINGLES— Jane Doherty, 409-656-5345 VOCACIONES Y CÁLIZ DE VOCACIONES— Peggy Broyles, 281-359-4560 POWERPOINT MINISTRY TEAM— Tony Lasalle, 646-489-1554 PASTORAL CARE TO SICK/GRIEVING— 281-358-6637 QUINCEAÑERAS—281-358-6637 Sheila Yepsen, 281-358-5585 SACRISTANS—MaryLou Purello, RECEPTION VOLUNTEERS— [email protected] STAY CONNECTED Barb Setser, 281-358-4129 SOUND BOARD MINISTRY—281-358-6637 ROSARY GUILD—Gilda Womack, 281-989-4241 UNBOUND MINISTRY—Rosmary Cotte, Parish Website: ST. ’S WARRIORS’ MINISTRY— [email protected] Dcn. Guy Puglia, [email protected] USHERS—Barry Robichaux, SCOUTING: Cub Scouts-Dan Pradel, [email protected] [email protected]

Boy Scouts-Mike Bennett, SOCIAL SERVICES [email protected] SPIRITUAL DIRECTION—, DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL SERVICES— St.MarthaCatholicChurchKingwood Click on Ministries, Community/Family Life, Olga Nájar, 281-713-8966 Spiritual Direction AMSIF—Flor Jasso, 832-335-8475 SUNDAY NURSERY—Patty Jackson, CANCARE—Debbie Mikan, 832-723-3459, 281-358-1959x250 [email protected] TEAMS OF OUR LADY— CORRECTIONAL MINISTRY—Dcn. KC Curtis, Jeff & Denise Standley, 281-913-9518, [email protected] [email protected] E-MAIL PRAYER WARRIORS—Donna Rueby, Bill & Tammy Spijkerman, [email protected] or Text SMCC to 84576 [email protected] H.A.A.M.—Olga Nájar, 281-713-8966 VOCATIONS COMMITTEE—Phil & Diane HOSPITAL MINISTRY— Applegate, 281-361-2913 Sheila Yepsen, 281-358-5585 YOUNG AT HEART LUNCHEON— INTERNATIONAL MISSION TRIPS— Carol Bateman, 281-359-1976 or Terry Stierman, Nancy Karpinski, 713-594-4430 [email protected] Download our app at YOUNG AT HEART LUNCHEON TRANSPORT. - MARTHA’S KITCHEN—Sr. Carmen Sanchez or Text APP to 88202 Domenica Seitz, 713-899-1016 713-224-2522

Welcome to Sts. Martha, Mary & Lazarus, Friends of Jesus Catholic Church Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

Church and Parish Office Liturgy & Sacraments 4301 Woodridge Parkway, Porter, TX 77365 Weekend Masses 281-358-6637 • fax 281-358-7973 • First Saturday (Pro-Life Mass): ...... 8:30 AM Saturday Vigil: ...... 5:30 PM Sunday: ...... 7 AM, 9 AM, & 11 AM Office hours En Español: ...... 1 PM Contemporary: ...... 5 PM Monday-Friday: 9 AM - 4 PM Weekday Masses Monday: ...... 8:30 AM Tuesday: ...... 8:30 AM & 7 PM Faith Formation Campus Wednesday: ...... 10 AM 3702 Woodland Hills Drive, Kingwood, TX 77339 Thursday: ...... 6:30 AM & 8:30 AM 281-358-1959 • fax 281-312-0172 Friday: ...... 8:30 AM

www. of Penance Office hours Tuesday: 6:15 -7 PM Monday-Friday: 9 AM - 4 PM Saturday: 10 AM - 11:45 AM & 4:30-5:20 PM

Perpetual Adoration Holy Family Chapel- St. Martha Catholic School Open daily, 8 AM-8 PM, for private prayer. 2411 Oak Shores Drive, Kingwood, TX 77339 Woodland Hills Chapel - 281-358-5523 • fax 281-358-5526 Open daily, 8 AM-8 PM, for private prayer. Anointing of the Sick Office hours Please call for a priest if you are seriously ill at Monday - Thursday: 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM home, about to enter the hospital, or if someone is Friday: 7:30 AM - 2:30 PM close to death.

Baptism Classes and Ceremony: Call the Parish Office to register Pastor: Rev. T.J. Dolce Parochial Vicar: Rev. Ralph Roberts Marriage Deacons: Mr. Jon Barfield, Mr. Tony Cardella, Preparation at least six months before the wedding. Mr. Bob MacFarlane, Mr. Ruben Register to attend an information meeting by calling Manosalva, Mr. Diego Montiel, Mr. 281-358-6637. Miguel Perez, Mr. Guy T. Puglia, Mr. John Schuster, and Mr. Gary Funerals Yepsen Call the Parish Office for more information, 281-358-6637. gh9h%ÿ19ÿ'%

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