Plwyfi y Bannau a’r Llyn

Parishes of the Beacons and the Lake & Cathedine, Cantref, Llanfeugan, , , Llangasty Talyllyn, Llangorse, Llanhamlach, , Llanddetty, Llanywern

The Beacons Benefice and The Parish of Llyn Safaddan Ministry Area Church Newsletter Llythyr Newyddion Eglwys

September to November 2018 ‘ALL IS SAFELY GATHERED IN’ : Harvest Thanksgiving will soon be upon us once again - you will find all the times and places of each of the Harvest Services and events on the ‘Forthcoming Services’ pages – see also the Harvest Workshop poster, below

WEEKDAY MORNING PRAYER : The clergy are endeavoring to say the Morning Office together once a week at 9-30am each Thursday morning - at the moment the pattern is :- 1st Thursday of the month at Llanywern, 2nd Thursday of the month at Llanhamlach, 3rd Thursday of the month at and 4th Thursday of the month at Llansantffraed. Anyone is welcome to join us for this time of prayer and reflection.

THURSDAY AT THREE : We are also holding a short service (based on Evening Prayer) at 3pm each Thursday for the residents of Brookside Home, Llangors - again anyone is welcome to come along and join us.

STUDY GROUP : The Study group will shortly be starting up again for the Autumn Term - 7-00pm Thursday 6th September, at Weatheroak, Llanhamlach for a simple meal together, at which we shall decide what to study for the next session. We plan to meet fortnightly on Thursdays after that. All welcome.

MINISTRY AREA SERVICE : Every fifth Sunday of the month there is an opportunity for the whole Ministry Area to come together and share in worship - often using the ‘sermon slot’ to do something different from the norm, such as reporting on some aspect of our churches’ life and mission. For our next service we have invited a representation from USPG (United Society Partners in the Gospel) to tell us about the Church’s mission in places of particular need. This will be 10-30am on Sunday 30th September at Llanfrynach Church - do come along.

NEXT PCC MEETINGS : These are 7-30pm Tuesday 25th September at Pennorth Chapel Vestry for Llyn Safaddan and 7-00pm Thursday 4th October at Llanfrynach Village Hall for the Beacons Benefice.

CANTREF CHURCH AUTUMN CONCERTS : At the time of writing the details of the annual Cantref Series of Concerts to coincide with the Baroque Festival (19th – 22nd October) have not been finalised. See the noticesheet and posters for further information shortly. ALL SOULS' DAY : On All Souls Day (Friday 2nd November) we remember before God the faithful departed. There will be a special Service at 7-00pm in Bwlch Church on that day. If you would like us to remember a loved at this service, please add their name to the list that you will find at the back of each of our churches a week or so before the event.

REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY : It will be a very special Remembrance Sunday (11th November) this year, as we shall be marking the centenary of the end of the First World War. You’ll find details of the Remembrance Services in the Ministry Area that day below, under ‘Forthcoming Services’.

LLANGORS MONTHLY COFFEE MORNINGS : These charity coffee mornings are on the second Monday of the month at Llangors Village Hall from 10am - 12 noon, and the causes are those used or supported by local people, or part of our local life. The next coffee mornings are:- 10th September in aid of Llangors to Brecon Cycleway 8th October for City Farms and Gardens 12th November in aid of Animal Rescue 10th December for Gwernyfed Junior Rugby Come along and enjoy the company and the cakes.

TALYBONT TEA & CHAT : This meets 3-00pm – 4-30pm on the first Monday of the month at the Henderson Hall, Talybont:- 3rd September, 1st October and 5th November.

LLANFRYNACH COFFEE MORNINGS : These are on the Second Wednesday of the month 10am – 12 noon at Llanfrynach & Cantref Hall:- 10th October, 14th November and 12th December.

LLANGASTY RETREAT HOUSE DROP IN DAY : An Opportunities to pause for prayer and personal reflection - come for all or part of the day. Bring your own lunch. Coffee and tea provided. No charge, but donations welcome. No need to book. 10am to 4pm with Eucharist at 12 noon - 10th Sept, Monday 15th Oct, 19th Nov & 3rd Dec. A Date for your Diary On Wednesday 26th September there will be a Macmillan Coffee Morning in Llanfrynach Village Hall - 10.30am-12-30pm Please support this cause by donating cakes and bringing yourself and all your friends to make this the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning Further details from Janet Watkins

PARISH VISITORS : In the days when one vicar had responsibility for one church, he would take care of parish visiting mainly by himself. Now we are working as ministry teams, the vicar has extra arms and legs to share this ministry - Parish Visitors - who are trained, then licenced by the Bishop. They visit old and young for a variety of reasons, at home or in hospital, and several can bring Home Communion when congregation members are unable to get to church. They are in no way competing with friends and neighbours, but are there to bring the church to those who need it. Our recently-extended team now works across the whole Ministry Area. Please contact them if you would like a visit, or if someone you know has asked for one. We are not always the first to hear about people's needs and are not very good at mind-reading! Our clergy will normally make the first contact, and they have all the Visitors' contact details. Team members are: Rev Kelvin Richards, Rev Alan Jevons, Rev Liz Bramley, Rev Trina Lodge, Simon Baldwin and Sue Large (Beacons), Julie Pugh, Phillip and Kathleen Keene (Llyn Safaddan) If you would like know more about the team, or even join, please contact us too. The Visitors' team is well supported by Rev Sally Rees () and offered quiet days and specialised training days, for example on dementia awareness and ageing. Liz Bramley PROMISES PROMISES A date for the diary! FRIDAY 7th SEPTEMBER 7.00pm LLANFRYNACH VILLAGE HALL For £5.00, enjoy a glass of sparkling and a bowl of chilli (mild or fiery) and the chance to bid at a Promise Auction

to raise much needed funds for St. Brynach’s Church, Llanfrynach Without any additional expenditure or building maintenance, it costs an astonishing £5500 per annum to keep our beautiful church at the centre of our community open. No onerous commitments required, just the benefit of your talents in the form of goods, services, skills or experiences.

Can you help?

Homework Gardening Sports Coaching

Taxi Service Car Wash Beauty Treatments

Babysitting Hobby Lessons Cooking/Baking

Surplus Produce Holiday Let Advise

For more details contact Jan (665470), Karen (07714 695703) or Mandy (07805 869303)

A Harvest Childrens Workshop

For 5-11 year olds

Songs, Stories and Activities

At Llanfihangel Village Hall

(Cost - Free) COME & JOIN US

3pm to 5pm Sunday 7th October Followed by Harvest Service at Llanfihangel Church at 5-30pm FORTHCOMING SERVICES

Sunday 2nd September Trinity 14 Deut 4: 1-2 & 6-9 / Psalm 15 / James 1: 17-27 / Mark 7: 1-8 & 14-15 & 21-23 9-30am Holy Communion at Llanfihangel 10-00am Beacons United Holy Communion at Cantref 11-00am Holy Communion at Llangors 6-00pm Evening Prayer at Llangasty

Wednesday 5th September 10-00am Holy Communion (1662) at Llangors

Sunday 9th September Trinity 15 Isaiah 35: 4-7a / Psalm 146 / James 2: 1-10 & 14-17 / Mark 7: 24-37 9-30am Holy Communion at Bwlch 10-00am Holy Communion at Llandetty 10-00am Holy Communion at Llanfrynach 11-00am Holy Communion at Llangasty 11-00am Family Church at Henderson Hall

Sunday 16th September Trinity 16 Isaiah 50: 4-9a / Psalm 116: 1-9 / James 3: 1-12 / Mark 8: 27-38 (Harvest Service readings will be different) 9-30am Holy Communion at Llanfihangel 10-00am Harvest Thanksgiving Communion at Llanfeugan 11-00am All Age Worship at Llangors 6-00pm Evening Prayer at Cantref

Sunday 23rd September Trinity 17 Jeremiah 11: 18-20 / Psalm 54 / James 3:13 - 4: 3 & 7-8a / Mark 9: 30-37 (Harvest Service readings will be different) 9-30am Morning Prayer at Bwlch 10-00am Holy Communion at Llansantffraed 11-00am Holy Communion at Llanywern 6-00pm Harvest Thanksgiving at Llanhamlach

Sunday 30th September Trinity 18 Numbers 11: 4-6 & 10-16 & 24-29 / Psalm 19: 7-14 / James 5: 13-20 / Mark 9: 38-50 10-30am Ministry Area Communion at Llanfrynach FORTHCOMING SERVICES

Wednesday 3rd October 10-00am Holy Communion (1662) at Llangors

Sunday 7th October Trinity 19 Genesis 2: 18-24 / Psalm 8 / Hebrews 1: 1-4 & 2: 5-12 / Mark 10: 2-16 (Harvest Service readings will be different) 10-00am Beacons United Holy Communion at Llanfeugan 11-00am Holy Communion at Llangors 3pm - 5pm Childrens Harvest Workshop at Llanfihangel Village Hall 5-30pm Llyn Safaddan Harvest Thanksgiving at Llanfihangel

Sunday 14th October Trinity 20 Amos 5: 6-7 & 10-15 / Psalm 90: 12-17 / Hebrews 4: 12-16 / Mark 10: 17-31 (Harvest Service readings will be different) 9-30am Holy Communion at Bwlch 10-00am Holy Communion at Llandetty 10-30am Llangasty Harvest with Pennorth Chapel at Llangasty 11-00am Family Church at Henderson Hall 6-00pm Harvest Thanksgiving at Llanfrynach

Sunday 21st October Trinity 21 Isaiah 53: 4-12 / Psalm 91: 9-16 / Hebrews 5: 1-10 / Mark 10: 35-45 (Harvest Service readings will be different) 9-30am Holy Communion at Llanfihangel 10-00am Holy Communion at Llanfeugan 11-00am All Age Worship at Llangors 4-00pm Harvest Thanksgiving at Cantref

Sunday 28th October Last after Trinity Jeremiah 31: 7-9 / Psalm 126 / Hebrews 7: 23-28 / Mark 10: 46-52 9-30am Morning Prayer at Bwlch 10-00am Holy Communion at Llansantffraed 10-00am Holy Communion at Llanhamlach 11-00am Holy Communion at Llanywern FORTHCOMING SERVICES

Friday 2nd November 7-00pm All Souls Day Service at Bwlch

Sunday 4th November Kingdom 1 Deut 6: 1-9 / Psalm 119: 1-8 / Hebrews 9: 11-14 / Mark 12: 28-34 9-30am Holy Communion at Llanfihangel 10-00am Beacons United Communion at Llanhamlach 11-00am Holy Communion at Llangasty 6-00pm Evening Prayer at Llanfrynach

Wednesday 7th November 10-00am Holy Communion (1662) at Llangors

Sunday 11th November Remembrance Jonah 3: 1-5 & 10 / Psalm 62: 5-12 / Hebrews 9: 24-28 / Mark 1: 14-20 (or suitable readings for Remembrance Sunday) 9-30am Holy Communion & Act of Remembrance at Bwlch 10-00am Remembrance Service at Llandetty followed by:- 11-00am Act of Remembrance at Cross Oak 10-30am Remembrance Communion Service at Llanfrynach 10-55am Remembrance Service at Llangors 11-00am Family Church at Henderson Hall

Sunday 18th November Kingdom 3 Daniel 12: 1-3 / Psalm 16 / Hebrews 10: 11-25 / Mark 13: 1-8 9-30am Holy Communion at Llanfihangel 10-00am Holy Communion at Llanfeugan 10-00am Holy Communion at Cantref 11-00am All Age Worship at Llangors

Sunday 25th November Kingdom 4 Daniel 7: 9-10 & 13-14 / Psalm 93 / Revelation 1: 1b-8 / John 18: 33-37 9-30am Morning Prayer at Bwlch 10-00am Holy Communion at Llansantffraed 11-00am Holy Communion at Llanywern 6-00pm Hymn Festival Service at Llanhamlach Who’s Who - Useful Numbers

Church in Clergy The Revd Trina Lodge The Revd. Kelvin Richards Local Ordained Minister Priest in Charge and Ministry Area Leader Yr Hen Ffermdy Llanwern, LD3 7UP The Rectory (01874 658878) Talybont-on-Usk [email protected] LD3 7UX (01874 676146) [email protected] The Revd. Richard Podger Ven. Alan Jevons Permission to Officiate Archdeacon of Brecon and Dros y Sir (Barn 6) Associate Priest Cefn Cantref The Vicarage LD3 8LT Llangors LD3 7UG (01874 658298) [email protected] Presbyterian Minister

Revd. David Jenkins The Revd. Liz Bramley Local Ordained Minister 14 School Gardens Brecon, LD3 7PG Weatheroak (01874 622827) Llanhamlach, LD3 7YB (01874 665267) [email protected]