The Free Port of Special investment regime July 2018 The | Special investment regime


Chukotka According to the Federal Law Region No. 212-FZ "On the free port of Vladivostok" (hereinafter, the Free Port), the city of Vladivostok, the 15 surrounding municipalities and several municipalities in nearby regions hold the status of a free port. This status puts in place a special customs, taxation and investment regime.

The territory of the Free Port

The municipalities that are part of amchatka the territory of the Free Port are shown Region rai on the picture.

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky The free port of Vladivostok cannot include any territories that are already sites for special economic zones, territories of advanced social and economic growth or territorial development zones.

Benefits for residents of the Free Port Sakhalin Region The following benefits are provided for residents:

Uglegorsk • A free customs zone – duty- and tax-free Vaninsky import, storage and consumption of habarovsk foreign goods; duty- and tax-free import rai Korsakov and export of equipment; • Reduced regressive social insurance contributions rate for 10 years* – 7.6% on annual remuneration up to the established limits from RUB 815k to Legend Primorsky RUB 1021k (approx. USD 13–16k);. City dictrict unicipal Area rai • Simplified visa procedures – visas for Khanka as well as seaports, including their designated Pogranichny Spassk-Dalny foreign citizens entering the Russian water areas located within the territory Olginsky October of these municipalities Partizansky Federation for visits of up to 8 days Bolshoi Надеждинский Kamen Shkotovsky Artem can be issued at the border; Vladivostok

• Decrease in administrative procedures – Khasan "single window" system; • Legal protection — the management company of the Free Port has the right * The relevant caps are effective in 2018 and to represent and protect residents subject to annual increase. Organizations working in the financial, insurance, wholesale in court; and retail industries cannot be granted reduced • Tax incentives; social insurance contribution rates. • Other benefits. The Free Port of Vladivostok | Special investment regime

Tax incentives Requirements to become • Not to participate in oil and natural gas a resident extraction, administrative activities Residents can apply for: (various activities supporting the An organization may become a resident of core business) and related additional • Declarative procedure for VAT refund. the Free Port by meeting all of services (except for rental and leasing of • Profit tax rate reduction from 20% to the following requirements: vehicles, various machinery, etc.), 0%** for the first 5 years after the or the production of excisable resident gets a taxable profit and to 12% • To be registered as a legal entity in goods (except for the production of for the following 5 years; the territory of the Free Port; automobiles, motor oil and some other • Property tax exemption for a period of • Not to have branches, representative excisable products). five years from the month following the offices and separate subdivisions month the property is recognized on outside of the territory of the Free Port; the balance sheet of an organization. • Not to be a party to a consolidated The process of becoming a Residents will also be entitled to a group of taxpayers, a participant of resident reduced tax rate from 0.5% to 1.1% a special economic zone, a regional (depending on region) over the next investment project or territories of The process of becoming a resident five years. advanced social and economic growth; involves a system of pre-approval • To plan to implement a new investment and requires a business plan*** to ** 5 % for . project or a new business activity which be prepared and an agreement to has not been carried out earlier; be concluded with the management To apply for the profit tax incentive, the • To plan to make capital expenditures company. After the conclusion of the resident must receive 90% of its revenue of at least RUB 5 million within a term investment agreement, the organization from activity in the Free Port and maintain not exceeding three years from its within 5 working days is included in a separate accounting of revenues registration as a resident of the Free the registry and obtains resident status. (expenses). Port; According to Russian legislation, the organisation may receive a resident Organizations working in the financial, status within 12 weeks after submission insurance, wholesale and retail industries of application and investment documents. cannot be granted profit tax rate reduction. *** F ormal requirements for the business plan and the criteria for its evaluation are similar to those already applied in the implementation of investment projects in other regions. Contacts

Should you have any questions on any issues covered in this guide, please email or call your tax consultant or our Deloitte team:

Artem Vasyutin Sergey Lavsky Svetlana Gazizova Partner Director Manager Head of Global investment and Head of Deloitte Vladivostok Tax and legal department innovation incentives practice +7 (495) 787 06 00 (ext. 1806) +7 (812) 703 71 06 (ext. 2561) +7 (812) 703 71 06 (ext. 2515) +7 (914) 712 76 55 +7 (921) 872 58 48 +7 (981) 738 88 17 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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