n uu Ut Volume XXVI. Wake Forest, N. C., Friday, April tO, 1942 Number 24. PATTO S PRESIDENTIAL POSITION HERE

Publioations.. . ' ' Board·. Hits Constitutional .Snag Postpones Elections as Deliberation Proceeds on Legality of Twenty:-Man Group

Broughto~ to Talk Here Thursday . •,·

Page Two Old Gold and . Black Frid~y, Fprii 10, l942 i. · OLD GOLD &r BLACK -I: ,_-' BILL AYERS'::_------;--- Editor AC P's Jay R1cb.tex Repoxts lxom Waab.ingtoo D. E. WARD------Busme_:;~--~~~ag_:~ -1 Bill Primm, sRQrts editor: Bob Gallimore, Xewhill ·williamson, managing editors. , , JOBS . : I There are also_ .~aca~cies rig~t Sam Behrends, Seavey Carroll, Le~ Coppl~·- Eilzab;th Jones, Santford .Martin, Jr., John ~Icilltllan, -"\ell ~l?rg~~· Washington.-Each day adds to 'now for women Junmr _Phys_•• ] Donald Britt Herbert Thomjlson. Ed Wilson, edttoual sta!f. John Conle)', Ken Kelson, sports. D . the likelihood of all-out registra-j cists" (especially those-tramed m ] J. D. Davis, Harrel Johnson, Zcb Jones, emmmg tion of women-power (ages.18 to !radio_ or sound) at $2,000 a year. "·'.' \Yard, business staff. ] 65). Secretary of Labor Perkins Reqwrements are fOur :rears of - Member of Associated Collegiate Press, distributor with WAKE FOREST of Collegiate Digest, member o! North Carolina Collegiate di ts that of 15 000 000 workers college-24 hours of physics. Se-. T. Press Association. prePlay c ed by January ' ' 1943 5 000 _ niors who qua l"f1 y WI·n b e h"rre d -secc em ' ' ' ' - I d t" ' If Entered as second class mall matter January 22 By BOB GALLIMORE 000 will be women. - pending .suc~essfu ~ra ~a Ion. set' 1916, at the post office of Wake Forest, North Carolina, . pha under the act of March 3, 1879_.------Th ing is most dramatic in ~our maJor Is chemistry mstead of Well lucky people, this is the end. This is the Fortnight ago In TIME blithe- war e i~~ustries: Less startling- physics, apply under the "Jupior finish, the last act, my swan-:song, my adieu; my· · . pa YOU'RE NOW THE BMOC ly stuck its neck out, erred twice, but of more practical value to-col- Chemist" classification. basta luego, cheerio, goodbye. With thm my. college '' be now meekly draws it in again, It lege women-is the fact that the Y~u can ge~ blanks for any of journalistic career comes to an end, thank God, ex- -Dull 1) predicted McMillan would take . . t k"ng place in almost ev- the JObs mentioned at the postof- cept for the formality of receiving the sardine-can nigt So you're now the Big' Il'len on the Campus. th "d b 200 votes 2) swmg Is a 1 1 1 c· ·1 S · C - · You're the fellows who ran for the presidency e pres1 ency Y • f" ld fice or oca lVl erv1ce om- key which Old Gold and Black editors an<;i business affa observed that if the SPU did not ery Ie · t mission office. managers consider it clever to give staff veterans. Fa.u of the student body, of the law school, the vice­ k th 'd the vice The Federal Governmen is t _ ta e e pres1 ency or - t• Incidentally, there's no inten ion There has been .a rumor about a staff pa~ty, but if dan1 presidency, the secret~ryship. You're the fel­ presidency and the secretary- th: •on of shouldering college men out of_ I know anything about our business manager this .leadin~- ,;:a~h ~~;;~.1 :~n lows who will choose publications heads, who treasurership it would probably those Ire ~~ . e . e w h" gtwo- this job picture. Howev:er, cur- probably means 'that·we'll split four cans of sar­ B 1 be repudiated by the non-fraterni- menh are kartnvmgt mF das n on rent vacancies are for women. The dines twenty-two ways ancJ make a tub-of lemon- the will edit newspapers, magazines, year-books. . f · · 1 t eac wee o en er e era1 ser- . - . . ty men as the1r o flCla represen a-, . -. obvious inference IS ·that men will ade. m. You're the fellows elected to represent Wake . v1ce. Many of them are hrred for hve. d . . tr t" f . al d be needed elsewhere-and govern- indi Forest College for 1942-43. a mmiS a 1ve, pro ess10n an . . d * * '* nigl: In TIME'S prediction of a 200- b f . 1 . b ment officials have hardene Tonight I dropped _by the High School audita- If you're like most officers you're planning vat: McMillan victory was a gross su_ :ro es~~na io/-as econ~- themselves to the fact. Man .can rium where three one-act plays are in process ~f will to sit back and smile with satisfaction over miscalculation, and for it In TIME mis ' _Pt~ ? re at Ionsd' et~p-er s, apply for the jobs mentioned production. The Little Theatre, Phi Society and Eu _ Kap ammun1 1on 1nspec ors, 1e 1cmns 't lik 1 t - part your election. Sit back and do little or do gives itself a sharp rap on the di 1 t h . . d dn ' above. They aren as _ e Y o Society will have made their drB!l}atic debuts by· knuckles but the prediction may ~e ca ec mcians an or ance get them at present, that's all. the time this reaches your eyes. The plays are ·simi nothing. Sit back and await the Howler to ' . mspectors. W be defended on the ground that It AR "Sham", "Suppressed Desires," and "Brothers." by 1 appear with your picture so that you can show was made two long weeks before Uncle Sam is using them, too, in The U. S. Office of Education Had only time enough to watch the dress rehearsal RE your friends that you were a BMOC. elections. Two weeks ago the skilled and semi-skilled fields-a~ here reports that world war has of "Sham", starring Fat Bob Wilson in the role of the l But things will be different this year. You cards appeared overwhelmingly gas mask inspectors and assemb- brought students from 70 foreign the thief. Putside of a. few blown lines here and Gam and will have more to do than sponsor pep rallies, stacked in McMillan's favor, but lers, arsenal apprentices, me- countries to American colleges and there, things _progressed smoothly enough. Penny in two weeks the presidenti111 pic- chanical time fuse workers, ~xam- universities during the last year. Clark was particularly fetchfug in the role of Sign plan dances and lead figures, dabble in pett;• ture changed radically. Week ago iners of knitted and woven ar- The Norwegian legation in Clara. The point I wanted to make is one of con­ Sign politics, or just sit _back and do nothing. Thing~ In TIME would have granted Me- ticles, power sewing machine op- Washington points out that stu- gratulation .. to cast, property men, ,and directors have been different since last December 7 and Millan a plurality of only 100 erators · · • . I dents have .:ioined their teachers in -particularly directors. There may be no Duses or they continue to be different during your terms votes; Wednesday, pecuniarily Right now Civil Service is look- resisting Nazi domination; a case Barrymores on the stage and no Reinhardts otit 'I of office. embarrassed, it refused one bet ing for women mathemeticians to in point, the "Stavanger ~ncident." front directing, but these kids have given time that for $5, two for $3, two for fifty make computations _in ballistic When Stavanger students heard no one can well afford in a shortened spring semes­ Your chief duty - and it's a big one - cents, one for a penny, testing for war agencies. Require- their school was to be taken over ter to bring Waite Forest its first amateur plays in He 1: will be to make the students of Wake Forest Patton, McMillan's opponent, ments call for two years of col- by Nazi troops, they sneaked into ,years. Orchids to all, no matter how many. to tl: College conscious of the fact that America IS was elected by a machine, the fra- lege with three semesters of math- the school building, stripping it of - ' * * ~' elect now fighting a war which must be won. Wake ternity caucus, To Patton, never- ematics. Formal title of the )ob fixtures before the Nazis arrived. Since I have been odious all year, and since r that Forest was acutely aware for a time, for jan­ theless, must go credit for a well- is "Assistant Technical and Scien- Some 9,500 of Norway's 10,500 am feeling in a peculiarly be1ievolent mood tonight, camE earned victory. In a short fort- tific Aid," starting pay, $1,620 an- teachers have resigned in protest let me -hand out some more orchids: To begin uary, and part of February. Now however. So night slim, dark, handsome KA- nually, against a- Quisling order to join with, one to Dr. A. C. Reid for his new book, Invi- SPU' the only reaction is one of resignation. Stu­ man Patton rose from comparative For those with just one year of the NaziTeachers' organization. tation to Worship. It is straight, to the point, . ed rE dents sigh, "We're losing the war. It's tough." obscurity in a fraternitY relatively college, the job to apply for is that Look for "reactivation" of CAA minces no words. Despite its character "religious'~ -in inoperative in campus politics to of "Junior .Technical and Scien- training programs in some 100 col- it has what· is described by some reviewers as Or they laugh. resig And how are you going to make students take an election generally conced- tific Aid." Emphasis on college leges and universities where the "punch." Not evangelistic though, It's worth · ed to his opponent. In two weeks physics and chemist~y is required. CAA program had been allowed to anybody's time. elect aware of the fact? There are numerous, tangi­ Wecb he worked for and captured the The pay is $1,440. (Continued on page four) Second (this is in tp_e nature of a record for ble ways, ways m which you will not only be Ian's fancy of enough non-fraternity I me) a big, fat handclap to whoever is responsible' -·men', creating awareness but will also be doing at: men to put himself in office. He S II C II A 5 1. F F d for the gentlemanly way the elections were run :ship being comparatively unknown be-l 0 this year. Of course, there was a good deal of the· 'active part in winning the war, little as your ma eges re ea-.:5 Of ree Om state1 part may seem to you. fore he started to work, his me- DR. WILLIAM CULLEN DEN- else ... In these circumstances same old mullarkey over nothing, too much cigar- GOL teoric rise is a tribute to his per- each ·nd•·v·dual counts and ·t is throwing and conniving, and a good deal of bee!- The entire nation - with the exception of NIS, presid_ent of Earlham CoUege, 1 1 1 sonality. very dificult for any one to be ig- ing by a certain faction after the election was over, In Wake Forest students -is now on a wartime 1 t. writes hi The New York Times on b t ll · ll "t d t d · · - Also a gross misca cula 10n was nored and almost impossible for u a m a 1 was con uc e m a fnendly fashion OffiCE economy. Why not Wake Forest, too? What In TIME'S observation that if the "Small Colleges in Strong L~ght''- him to be unfairly suppressed that makes the egg-throwing of ·yesteryear look page about cutting down on dance expenses, or elim­ SPU did not take the presidency , . , I like to think of education without occasionally speedy and pretty childish, as it properly should. the inating dances completely? Should publica­ or the vice-presidency and secre- as a three-way process, the devel- unfortunate reactions. "' "' * tion c now tions be cut in size or number'! Shouldn't tary-treasurership it would prob- opment of character, of the ability The study of the liberal arts in Returns have just come in from the elections as ably_ be repudia~ed b_Y_ non-fra- to think and of adaptability to en- itself means that emphasis is be- we are closing, and we'd like to add our congratu­ a ne\ other extra-curricular fees be cut? termty men as iherr official repre- vironment. The first gives moti- ing placed on mental training lations to the many others which all those who won tions And to keep Wake Forest from being com­ sentative. Though it lost all three vation the second direction and rather than on the imparting of in- will receive. We congratulate Patton on his elec- lead, pletely isolated, why not bring speakers on of the m~jor offices, it took_ for the thlrd efficiency in action. formation or technical training. tion as our new student-body president and Mc- story national affairs to the campus? Why not use non-f ratermty men a much high - There is one basic requirement To learn "how to think, not what Millan for running such a close race. To all the lead er Percentage of minor offices than · others we say "nice work, but don't forget all thos6 Morr. publications to greater advantage in creating for the successful development of to think" is the goal of the study '"' they had ever taken before, lost the educational process as depicted of the liberal arts . . . campaign pledges. How about a real honor sys- to its national awareness? Why not cooperate more NEW the presidency by only 32. votes ' in all these definitions, and that is Coeducation means adaptability. tern, a real student government next year?" closely with administration officials in inter­ and now appears more solidly en- freedom, and the uniqrle service It means doing the same thing for ------trenched than ever. In Wednes- f th l"b t 1 · d Bu1 preting wartime effort? And why not attempt 11 1 , . 1. d 1't h o e sma 1 era ar s . . . co - growmg young men an women sions, to encourage in some way the student who dhayds felletcbtlontsh tfrmta e .tys eavy lege is in my judgment the main- that the skillful forester does for PRO I-IUMANITATE Thur! despairs, is aimless because of war? an . eh Y e a e~mt .ctaucus, tenance and preservation of free- trees, that is to say, growing them the and it as now come m o 1 s own I . . · . . · . ------ocounc The'5e ar~ matter:. to be m-:estigated. And as a major political power to be dthom-ffreedfom dm e~ucAabon _and asdfar as_ possJblet ~~ theh'ahltituthde Fl."e·MI·nute Medi•tati·ons k - d "th ere ore ree om m mencan an environmen m w 1c ey • his l there are more like them. It is encouraging to rec one WI . l'f1 'll 1" Th "11 k t th :stater. note that one presidential candidate had in his M h t b t d · the fact e · · · · WI IVe. ey WI wor oge - Confronted on every side by war literature and that uc in oWe;n:s~:y's IS elections! It is believed_ that the very fact er in life, why not. in college? books dealing with all sorts of political and philo- h a military training th n 0t One m waste ere was . dependent that a colleged · ISd" small"d 1' makesE for j Colleget "t f affords d a I umquet oppor- sophical ideologies, a reader sometimes yearns ,for corps, and that another included "all-out par­ candidate running for office. All freedom an m lVI ua Ism.. very um Y or the e_ve opmen of mu- a change to something that will serve as a much- :and p ticipation of the campus in the national offense candidates not running with the one, students and faculty mclud-1 tual understandmg between men needed inspirational help to him. So much in cur- athir effort." If these pre-election promises are kept caucus ran with the SPU-a solid ed, knows or can know everybody and women. _ reqt writings is filled with the gloom and pessi.:. probably some of these matters will be inves­ indication that non-fraternity mism of a world of chaos, that a really uplifting; PJ tigated. But it is a job for more than one man. men have completely accepted the A S CAM A b LE .l message of hope is the best sedative, and at the SPU as their offici!ll political rep- MPU ER ·=· y A same time the best jolt, that a man can be given. (I It is a job for all of you, all of you who are now c resentative. Such a book is Invitation to Worship, by Dr. class presidents, student council members, on poor 1 Gamma Eta Gamma A. C. Reid of the philosophy department here. The and o the legislature, editors of newspaper, magazine, The fraternity political caucus volume is a group of fifty short addresses deliver- . cial and yearbook. It is a job for all of you who is powerful, but within it is a po­ ed by Dr. Reid at a session of the summer school mearu are now Big Men on the Campus. litical organization more powerful of Harvard University. Prefacing the series of But iJ in proportion to its size than the lectures is an introduction by Willard L. Sperry. con vic KEEP ON YOUR GUARD caucus itself-the political organ­ Dean of the Harvard Divinity School, who sums up -.studez ization of Gamma Eta Gamma the worth of the book in his observation that Pro­ cases Colonel Robert R. McCormick, die-hard law fraternity. No pikers in any fessor Reid "has fastened upon truths which en­ on thE dure, and which serve generation after genera- publisher of the Chicago Tribune, recently con­ field, when it comes to politics l tion." tributed a by-line article to a Washington daily the Gammas are near-perfect as a hard-hitting, efficacious organi­ The addresses themselves took no more than newspaper in which he said that America should zation. It has been many a year PRtNCEION u. HAS five minutes to give and cover only two or three pull her fleet to her own shores and defend ·since they have lost a major elec­ 1HE LARGEST COLLECT­ pages each. Yet each one is a compact little gem these shores from marauding submarines. tion, and Wednesday they won for ION OF DEATH MASKS 11-iRU 11-IE DISCOVER\" of clear thinking and spiritual insight. The· call to (NPORfRAIIS IN PLASTER•) OF OIL CN rr:l LAN I>, religion sounded by Dr. Reid is so strong in its It was but·one example of how Nazi propa­ King the vice-presidency by a UNIVERSITY OF IN 11-IE: UNI'fE[) STATEs. THE \'alues and so stirring in its appeal that it might ganda has infiltrated into American thought. plurality of 271 votes-well over TEXAS HAS mJ­ a third of the total number of \veil serve as an inspirational guidance to many And it was but a voicing of one of fifteen Nazi FlTED TOTl-IE Em:NT votes cast. OF • 30,000,000/ who are confused about the essential principles of life. propaganda objectives recently annouced by th~ Gamma's success may be at­ Office of facts and Figures. tributed to two factors: 1) plain And Dr. Reid evades no fac~s :.1 his approach Not only should men in high positions hard work. With politicians like THE SENIOR CLASS AT MUHLENBURG to the vital questions which face mankind today. guard against such expressions, but every Amer­ J. E. Tate, Bob Goldberg and COIJ.EGE IS ALWNED TO PLANT IVY The invita~ion to \vorship is as clear now as it has Cicero Yow it has some of the IF THEY ARE ALL ever been. Through religion man can once more ican citizen, including college students, should cream of the crop, and prior to BACHELORS/ find the answers to his problems and achieve a re­ be on the lookout for this often unintentionai and during elections the Gammas alization of the absolute, eternal realities. In the aid to the cause of dictator enemies. turn out en masse to work for rf HASN'T BEEN author's own words, "the gauntlet is today thrown To be on the lookout for these objectives, their candidate or candidates. PlANTED FOR squarely before us. Shall we, in fear and de­ you must know them. As released by the Office 20YEARS! spondency, seek a cave, pray to die, do nothing? SPU's Morrison Or shall we listen to the still small voice of hope of Facts and Figures, they are: (l) We must The defeat of SPUman McMil­ and faith, and quit ourselves like Christian men in bring all troops and weapons back to the United lan for the presidency of the stu­ a chaotic world?" States and defend only our own shores; (2) de. dent body came hard to John There is a profound need on the Wake Forest mocracy is dying; (3) our armed forces are Chester Morrison, SPU's smallish, I_ campus for books like Invitation to Worship. Many ruddy-complexioned, fiery chief. IBSU and Sunday School leaders lament about the (Continued on page jive) · (Continued on page jour) ------~ . (Continued on Page-..,·,,_•_·--' - · Friday; Aprll-10, 1942 . .,-/ Old Gold and Black Page Three Ann.ua.l Tri~Frat fJances ·'lJeii~, Tonight at .9:00 Faucette Band· Plays For·· KA's, PiKA~s, :- Lambda . Chi Dance . Reid Publishes The annual Tri-Fraternity Ball . second in' this year's spring dance Religious Book sef and g~ven by Lambda Chi Al­ . pha, Kappa Alpha, and Pi Kap­ 'Invitation to Wor­ .Pa Alpha social fraternities, will ship' · Contains 50 · . be held in Durham's Washington Short Addresses -Duke .Hotel -tonight and tomorrow Virginia Sidbuv~ night. Music for the two night ~ ~ook w~ch is being hailed by affau:s.w · · ill b e ren d ere d b y F r ank religwus . thinkers .as one of the Faucette and his orchestra. Both most :unportant of its type in a flora An d ances· will b. e f orma1 . generation was · published last 17 Brock week by Dr. A. C. Reid, professor Beginning at 9 Friday night, ' .~·.... . ' ..... KA of philosophy at Wake Forest Col­ · the first dance will last until a. lege. m. All three frat~rnities will hold individual . banquets. . Saturday Bearing the title, "Invitation to /\lA night, preceding· the dance ·whl.ch Worship," the volume. contains fif­ UKA will last from 9: 00 to 12:oo. Pi ty short religious addresses which . Kappa Alpha plans to have a cabin ~he authpr gave at Wake Forest party. Saturday afternoon and and at Harvard where he served as ·similar entertainment is pianned chaplain in the summer of the ter- . by the other two .fraternities. centenary celebration . The talks, Remaining dances to be held in each about two pages long, deal the spring series are and with vital spiri_tu~ topics whi~h Gamma Eta Gamma on. April 18, concern the thinlung student m and a joint dance given by Delta the modern world. , , and In an introduction, Dean W. L. '' on April 25. Sperry, of the Harvard Divinity School,• recalls that these talks by Dr. Reid "rallied to the regular Tinie morning prayers a larger and more loyal congregation than had been (Continued jrom page 2) common at those servcies over He had put his heart and soul in- many years." Dean Speery com­ to the campaign to get McMillan pares the volume with a smiliar elected, had c:;onfidently expected one issued forty · years ago, the that he would be, and his defeat famous "Mornings in the College came as a shock. Chapel," by Francis Greenwood SPONSORS-Above are the Brock of Wadesboro with '1------~------­ · · Peabody. sponsors for the annual Tri­ Rowiand Pruette, president of So hard came the refeat to Fraternity Ball, to be held Kappa Alpha; Jean Meredith SPU's Morrison that he consider- Composed for Harvard ed resigning as head of the Union _ tonight and tomorrow night of Lawrenceville, Va., with STUDENTS -in fact,, for twelve hours he did Most of the swift, compact talks in Durham's Washingtofl Ed Gavin, president of Pi LET US CLEAN YOUR FORMAL ·gn w·tmn'• h ft were composed for the Harvard res1. 1 an ouraer .. , . Duke Hotel, with Frank Fau­ Kappa Alpha; Elizabeth Cald­ TAILS - SHIRTS - TIES - VEST r- TUX election results had been posted servlc~ whi~h allows little more cette and his orchestra fur­ Wednesday night, taking McMil- than five mmutes to the speaker. well of Lumberton with Fur­ LOOK GOOD FOR HER Ian's defeat as th In the crisp and effective sen- nishing the music. Pictured, man Biggs, vice-president of men's repudiatio~ of his leader- :~nces ;a~ ~~cessary by con~­ they are Catherine Steinbeck ; Janie Parker Wake Forest Laundry and ship of the·Union he handed · a IOns, r. el s purpose was o of Spartanburg, S. C., with of Woodland with Melville statement of re~ignation to ~D fasten. brief meditatio~ upon those Thomas Griffin, vice-president Broughton, vice-president of Dry Cleaners GOLD AND BLACK. endurmg truths which together -of ; Foy make for vital Christianity . Kappa Alpha; Miriam Hart- . CaD for and ~elivery In OLD GOLD _AND BLACK'S Stephenson of Pendleton with ley of· Lumberton with Row­ office the make-up of the .front The author, educated at· Wake Frank Faucette, president of land Pittman, treasurer of page had been completed when Forest and at Cornell Un~versity, Lambda Chi Alpha; Virginia the news of Morrison's resigna- has been professor of philosophy Pi Kappa Alpha; and Gloria tion came in, but the make-up was a~d psychology ~t Wake Forest Sidbury of Clinton with Bill Holmes of Statesville with now filed in the waste basket and smce 1923. He Is a member of Brantley, treasurer of Lamb­ Ferris Hoggard, secretary of a new one worked out. The elec- various learned societies, including da Chi Alpha; Flora Ann Lambda Chi-Alpha. tions remained intact as the first Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi, lead 'but the publications board, and is the author of "Elements of dam" while 1,000,000 farm work- to local Selective Service agencies sto~ stepped down from second Psychology," "Christ and the Pres- ers are moving into the armed information on agricultural pro­ . lead to third, and the story of ent . Crisis," an? ."V.:ak;, Forest forces and war industies, has been duction requirements and the ALL OF OUR SPRING CLOTHING Morrison's resignation was put fu- Semmar on Chrishamty. disturbing Washington and its of- availibility of needed manpower to IS NOW IN to its place. The resignation was ------­ ficials. assist them in the proper classi­ NEWS. fication of farm workers. including: failure of the classes and So what's to be done about it? ------But sleep, the soother of pas- meetings to have a definite sub- . . SPRING SUITS sions, went to work overnight, and ect matter appeal. . Secretary. Wickard took up. the Thursday morni,ng. Morrison, at Here, in Dr. Reid's volume, is matter and mstr?cted the Agricul­ Large Assortment of the insistence of his executive enough good material for countless ture Department 8 State and ~o~­ SLACKS council the night before, rescinded Sunday School class meetings and ty war boards to make availab e EAT his resignation, issued a new BSU discussion groups. Here is -­ Prices Beginning at :statement to the OLD GOLD. An- real food for earnest thought. !"""------; $3.95 other make•up sheet went into the From these brief Harvard addz:ess­ SMITH ELECTRIC WHOLESOME waste basket, and paper, rulers es can be drawn pertinent ideas Variety of :and pencil made ready to draw up with invaluable meaning for the SHOE SHOP SPORT COATS a third. college student, and with back­ Phone 375-6 MEALS ------,------grounds such as these the invita­ Prices Beginning at SHOES REPAIRED THE tion to the Wake Forest man to CEMENT WAY ..... _ $12.50 Pro Humanitate worship can be made stronger ~- .. than ever. We Call For and Deliver AT (Continued from page 2) poor attendance at their activities, -See- and ()Ccasionally suggest new so- Even the United States can't ex­ PAUL BELL-Simmons cia! attractions as the best pect to run its wars without, food CLAUDE PEOPLES-Bostwick EDDIE'S · means to enlist new members. -and how to get "food-for-free------­ But if they could get the actual convictions of most Wake Forest ·.students, they would find in most cases that the real lack of interest on the part of the students lies in



Page Four Old Gold and Black Friday, AprillO, 1942 ------.;=-~j------~- .,,' ...'i, ~.1 1942 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE -· ,,,. Elmira Faces Deacs; ',·. Date ,Opponent Place Score FROM THE Sept. 26 North Carolina Chapel Hill, N. C. 13-0 Oct. 3 Duke University Wake Forest 14-43 Play Class ''A' Ball: Oct. 10 *Furman University Greenville, S. C. . 52-13 Oct. 17 N. C. State Raleigh, N. C. 7-0 ·. The Demon Deacon baseball team faces "big-time" opposi- ·· SIDELINES Oct. 24 Boston College Boston, Mass. 6-26 t10n tomorrow afternoon when they travel to Tarboro, N. c., to Oct. 31 *Clemson College Wake .Forest 0-28 meet the Elmira baseball club of the Eastern League. The Deacon I BY BILLY PRIMM Nov. 7 V. M. I. Winston Salem, N. C. ----- squad will leave· sometime tomorrow morning for the game. Nov. 14 *George Washington Washington, D. C. 42·0 Playing in" the ·fast Eastern I ~ League, which is no less than ----~------,.;.. Nov. 26 ·South Carolina Charlotte, N.C. 0-0 Class A ball, the Elmira club Courtmeri. · Practice FOOTBALL HITS THE HEADLINES AGAIN * denotes night game should offer real opposition fo~ the Deacons, ·opposition of the The Wake Forest basketball Right in the midst of baseball season that game =- type which the Deacons have not 0 cali~d ==::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::======squad went through its first football pushes its face back into the limelight, at least in tht: faced this year. Sl practice session last 'night .81 eyes of Wake Forest supporters. If you don't think so, just Top Eight Teams Enter Big Pitchers Looked Good with about 25 candidates go­ v Jet your eyes wander over to the next column and gaze upon But Deacon hopes were raised ing through the ~drills. Uni- ~. 'tl the opponents which our Deacon gridders will run up against iJ Intramural Cage Tourney considerably after their perform­ forms were issued Wednesday ~ next season. The 1942 Wake Forest football schedule looks ance against State College Mon­ li Following a successful seas011 in which plenty of good night. . more like the one Notre Dame or Auburn undertakes. A glance day. Though the hitting of the ll basketball was exhibited, the intramural tournament involving v at the first two lines is enough to begin with. Carolina anC. Demon Deacons was a little below ~ Following his regular .cus· the top four teams in each league will get underway on either par, it must be taken into account tom, Coach Greason 'will ·. Duke, two of our most hated, or we'd better say traditional, that Hardee pitched a pretty fair tE Monday or Tuesday night of next week. The Cardinals, Beach probably hold practice three rivals in a row. ball game. However, the high­ Cl Combers, Gas House, and Redskins will represent the non7fra- light for Wake Forest supporters nights a week. The progrant ll And those two consecutive weeks when the Deacons ternity league in the tourney,;------­ was the pitching of Pierce and will more than likely last b meet Boston College and Clemson won't be exactly push­ while the fraternity league will ------­ Ripple. Pierce looked good until four weeks or more. ·R overs. But taking the whole schedule into consideration, send Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma he tired in the late innings. Then S: Phi Epsilon, Alpha , and Whose Are They? excluding the fact that it's one of the most difficult ever Ripple came in and _literally ::::::::::::::::::::::::: Kappa Alpha. Coach Phil Utley is making )'; undertaken by a Wake Forest football team, it is undoubt­ "threw the ball past the Wolfpack no definite statements; but ·he batters." Ripple's performance H edly one of the best since this writer has been here in-' The Lambda Chi five was the only team in either league to fin­ indicated that his..office down may indicate that Coach Greason Wake ·Forest b; Deacontown. It will be interesting, there's no doubt about ish the season undefeated, and as at the gym has several articlei:! will have another starting pitcher .. tl: that. Never a dull moment-that's what this schedule stands to add to his list which includes pi there is a dispute concerning the which were lost. and have nev­ Tops_ State ·' fol', Lambda Chi-Delta Sig game, Vivian, Pierce and Tharnish. And . ec which was never played, a decid­ er been claimed. Among these Conley's performance behind the Deacs Take Second a1 But it gives students here two very good home games ing game may yet have to be articles are a leather jacket plate means that the catching Victory in Tight Duke and Clemson annually rate among the best teams in the played. Close races were featured and a woman's pocketbook. problem is just about solved. 5-4 Win Monday country. Then that game in Winston-Salem was a good move in both leagues, neither winner Hawkins and Conley should be bl Coach Utley stated that the able to take care of the catching The Wake Forest ba~eball team The Twin City is a Wake Forest town. Our Med Schoof is being decided until the final week til of play. owners of these articles may duties. won its second victory in as many · R1 there, and the citizens of that city have been asking for a have IQst them without having se game in their city. They've got it now. Though the Deacons The final league standings, In tomorrow's game Coach starts Monday in the Devereaux which are unofficial, are as fol­ an idea of where they did so. Greason will probably start his Meadows Park in Raleigh when a will be traveling considerably, the only real long trip is up into B1 lows: So if you have lost anything, same lineup of Rel 'd • P rnnm,· they nipped the W olfpack of State the cold climate of .Massachusetts. Wake Forest students will in drop around by Coach Phil's ~letcher and Horchak in the in- College, 5-4, in th~ir annual East­ be able to see five of the games without much trouble and two Non-Fraternity League field, and probably Whitener, er Monday game office sometime today. It may A: more if they want to travel about 200 miles. Team W L Pet. Cochran and Cole in the outfield. · be there. th .875 Just who will start on the mound The Deacons made use of seven Cardinals ...... 7 1 a And there's one thing certain-if the Deacs make a Beach Combers ...... 7 1 is uncertain but a good guess stolen bases to score their fiv~ .875 ------m good showing with that schedule, they will be sure to gain Gas House ...... 6 2 .750 would be Ripple. runs. Cochran scored first in the fourth inning when he walked, te: plenty of recognition. Redskins ...... 5 3 .625 Face 'Heels, ·Duke K1 5 .375 stole second and came in as Stew- * * * Prophets ...... 3 Clubs to Join Cl * * Abbots ...... 2 5 .286 Next week the Deacons swing art booted Whitener's roller. A .286 into Big Five competition again pass to Vivian, an infield out, an­ WORD FROM GALLOWAY Esquire Club ...... 2 5 ba .250 For Co.ncert when they meet Carolina's Tar other error on a ground ball by . Phi Society ...... 2 6 D1 Got a letter from Eli Galloway yesterday. He's up at Nor- Old Hotel ...... 1 .143 Wake Forest and Heels Wednesday afternoon down Whitener, and singles by Cochran 6 Hi folk, Virginia, in the physical Education class of the Navy, and on Gore Field and journey to and Conley gave the Deacs three• Fraternity League Meredith Sing Durham Saturday to meet the more runs in the sixth imd allowed. ch from all indications he's enjoying himself. He had just re­ Team w L Pet. Here Tuesday puke Blue Devils. Neither of them to go into the lead to stay.. ni1 turned from a ball game between the Training School and the Pa Lambda Chi Alpha ...... 7 0 1.000 Wake Forest and Mededith Col- these teams has sustained a defeat Primm's bingle, followed by Reid's: Newark Bears of the International League. Tommy Byrne, ex­ ·g Ph' E ·1 7 1 875 thus far. Duke's Southern Con- long single gave the Deacs their Jo Sl rna l PS1 on ...... · lege glee clubs will give a J'om· t . W k F t T ference record reads seven vic- final run in the seventh. S:p Deacon, pitched the first six innings for the Bears, gave up two Alpha Kappa Pi ...... 5 2 .714 concer t m a e ores on ues- t . d th T · 5 3 runs, collected a couple of hits himself, and went out leading Kappa Alpha ·················· ·625 day, April 14, and at Meredith. on t ones ' . an e ar Heels boast The Wolfpack had tied the score Pr 3-2. Now here's where the good ·part comes in. Kappa Sig ...... 4 4 .500 Friday, April 17 .. The program wo wms. in the fourth on a hit batsman and Sp Delta Sig ...... 3 4 ·429 will be under the direction of Pro- Following is the remammg a double by Stewart, and went in- re1 Eli said that Bob Feller, Cleveland's ace pitcher for the Pi Kappa Alpha ············ 2 6 ·250 fessor Thane McDonald of Wake shedule for the Deacons: to the lead in the fifth inning as past several seasons, and Freddie Hutchinson, the $75,000 Gamma Eta Gamma···· 1 7 .125 Forest and Dr. Cooper of Mere- fheeler smacked a home run over rookie who never came through for Detroit, both of whom Sigma Pi ...... 0 8 .000 dith. April 11-Elmira at Tarboro the left field barrier. In the ninth April 15-Carolina, here Wheeler doubled to score Wood enlisted, pitched for the Naval Training School and togeth­ (( The concert at Wake Forest will April 18-Duke, at Durham and scored a moment later when er allowed Newark only three runs. Going int.o tbe last Intramural Scoring be held in the Baptist church at April 21-Burlington, there Primm let Heath's grounder get we half of the eighth inning Hutchinson came up to bat with · . t . . ht 8:00. The public is invited to at­ by him. Ripple took over the S cormg 11 5 porn s m e1g t d April 25-Duke, here evi en . mound duties at this point, whiffed one man on base, two out and his team trailing 2-3. _He games, Max Crowder, lanky cen- M d"th c ll 'll t Pa· . . ere 1 o ege w1 presen April 27-N. C. State, here Carney and forced Doak to ground promptly smacked a 400-foot home run to win the ball game ter of the Cardmal qumtet, cap- th f · • t' H sue . e o11 owmg se 1ec wns: ave Apri~ ~0-Carolina, at Raleigh out to end the game. poi for the Naval School boys, 4-3. tured top scormg honors for the y s B t Wh't L'l G . . ou een u a 1 e 1 y row, M~y ~-E!on, bere Cal mtramural basketba~ season JUSt Old English· The Rive .Mexican The Wake Forest delegation was well represented at tbe completed. Followmg Crowder ' ' · · May 5-Carolina, Chapel Hill goc "th · t A H . folk song arranged by Dellary; baJ ball game. Molly Layton, George Wirtz, Rex Carter, Dave Ful­ Wl 97 pom s was ce arrlS, . . May 6-Duke at Durham · f th B h C -b d Ha-!a-h, Bavarian folk song ar- wiJ h:r-former Deacon football stars who are taking the physical cap t am o e eac om ers, an . . May 9-N. C. State at Raleigh. SPUman Morrison Captain Charlie Giles of the Car- ranged by Luvaas; Ftdel!.S, Shocked ,at Vote (1( education training-Jimmy Ringgold, former Deacon blocking dinals was third with 83 Brahms; ~lumber, Beloved One, -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: anc back who came to the game, Galloway and Byrne all got to­ ' Ravel; Apnl, Buchanan, • Following the posting of elec­ rOI Bill Behm, sparkplug of tlle tion returns Wednesday night, gether before the game to talk things over. It must be a small sixth place PiKA quintet, led the The Wake Forest Glee Club will Bids Being Asked pe1 Chester Morrison, president of of world after all. fraternity league scoring with a sing: Lo, A Voice to Heaven For Pool Concession the SPU, issued the following lie! total of 80 points. Bill Lucas of Sounding, Bartinjansky; All * * * * Bids are now being asked for statement: is , * AKPi and Ken Royal of Delta Slg Through the Night, Ringwald; A lease of a concession stand at rna THE BASEBALL SITUATION tied for second with 66 points Spirit Flower, Campbell-Lipton; "Speaking for the Student Po­ apiece, while SPE's Joe Duncavage The Old Ark's A-moving, ar- the recently-completed Wake litical Union, as its President, I The Deacon baseball team starts its conquest for the Big was next with 61. ranged by Bartholomew. Fore!!_t swimming pool, and must wish to extend to the Fraternity - Five title in earnest next week when they. take on the Tar Heels The ten top scorers in each be placed before noon, April Party our congratulations on of Carolina and the Blue Devils of Duke. B"oth teams are un­ league are as follows: 27, 1942. Additional informa­ their well-earned victory in Capital to Campus tion may be had at the mayor's Wednesday's elections. defeated at present, as are the Deacons, and both of these clubs Non-Fraternity League office concerning the bids, .. (Continued from page 2) "Naturally we are shocked' finished head .of the Deacons in the Big Five standings last which will be based on salary Name - Team Points that the Wake Forest student year. So the Deaions have something to work for. lapse. The expanded program for plus percentage or on salary Crowder-Cardinals 115 body would reject men of the next year, announced recently by alone. Harris-Beach Combers 97 calibre of McMillan and Hope. The stock of Coach Greason's pitching staff rose con­ CAA and the War Department, Officials of the new com- Giles-Cardinals 83 We are, of course, very proud' siderably in Monday's game. Jake Pierce pitched the brand will require use again of dormant munity house and swimming Green-Gas House 69 of the victories of many of: our­ college· facilities, and possibly es­ pool have announ

Keep on Your Guard ------~--- 1H CLASSIC TAN &. WWTE WAKE FOREST, N.C. (Continued from Editorial page) peril"; (14) China and Britain will make a separate peace with Japan weak; (4) the "New Order" is in­ and Germany; and (15) American evitable; (5) we, have lost in the democracy· will be lost during Ute '~ummer Pacific; (6) our West Coast is in war. such grave danger there is no (J " point in fighting on; (7) the de­ ...,:)porl!J candent British "sold us a bill of e There is no I goods"; (8) cost of the war will smarter shoe :for bankrupt us; (9) civilian sacrifices I will be more than we can bear; summer wear $50~0$550 (10) Stalin is getting too strong Spring than the popular Som1SI1ks Higher and Bolshevism will· sweep Eu­ tan and white sport shoe. There is rope; (11) our leaders are incom­ petent, our government incapable Sodas no smarter tan and white for 1942 of waging war; (12) aid to our al,;, than Fortune's "Summer Spod:s" · • · lies must stop; (13) our real peril an authentic style Certified by th" is Japan, and we must join Ger­ many to stamp out the "yellow Smokes Fortune Style Forum. Fine's Men's SHORTY'S Shop B. & S. DEPT. STORE FORMA'L SHIRTS Wake Forest, N. C. $2.45 Corner Fayetteville and . Hargett Streets Raleigh, North Carolina

Get Out Ice-cold Coca-Cola is re­ freshing ••• refreshing as The Spring only Coca-Cola can be. In its frosty boHie dwells the SUITS· quality of genuine good­ Fellows ness. And taste ••• a taste We Have Everything You Need To Eat delicious, exciting. Thirst • asks nothing more. 51 Prices You Will Like You trust its quality WILKINSON BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY CLEANERS BREWER'S GROCERY CAPITAL COCA-COLA BO'I'TLING CO., Inc. Raleigh, N. C. \

I •' Page Six Old Gold and Black Fri~~y, .:A,_prillO, 19~2

Pi Kappa Alpha : ' Morris, He has sent out bis usual ~ The. PiKA ball at State· bl~riket-bid and is reported to still Debate Team Attends well represented as far ~s Wake have ):lopes. .. (Boys: the news you gave me Forest" men were concerned. . · and which yob do not see here All' the boys hay~· 'd~tes for the was cut! · . toq ·much· election, Winthrop Meeting Tri-Frat. ball, except· Broth~ Ray etc.)

Ten Men Now at .· Work Speaking in ~outh Carolina Townsend Is Wake Forest's ten-man debate FELLOWS! squad today completes three days BSU President of competition in the Grand East­ GET YOUR HAIR CUT FOR THE DANCES ern Forensic Tow·nament in which New Man Replaces L~OK YOUR BEST FOR HER they have been participating since }"letcher; Goal the1r departure from Wake For­ Set for Year Ten cents off if we shave it est for Winthrop College (S. C.) Harold L. Townsend, Jr., rising last Wednesday afternoon. junior from Fayetteville, was last Accompanied by Professor A. L. 8unday night elected by the ELECTED-Rudd Friday, left, and Stacy Kinlaw, right,· were CITY .BARBER SHOP Aycock, men attending the tourn- church to sexve as president of the chosen in Wednesday's election to head the rising J·unior and ament are Sam Behren?s, student Wake Forest BSU for the coming . ruc Brown sophomore 'classes, respectively. Friday, member of Lambda manager, P a ul B ell ' B e ' school year.. Townsend succeeds J .D. Davis, Burnette Harvey, By- John C. Fletcher, Jr., of Charlotte. Chi Alpha, won his position by a majority of 71 votes, while num Shaw, Billy Windes, Larry The new president today issued Kinlaw, Sigma Pi, carried the election by 74 ballots. Williams, C. C. Hope and Arthur a three-point program for next ------Adams. . . " d year: 1) To make the religious Debatmg on the toplc Reso 1ve life of the campus mean more to that the federal government students and to gain a greater MONE·Y to ,LOAN should regulate by law all labor number of participants in the BSU unions in the United States," the program; 2) To have an adequate ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, .JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, natwnal query chosen before the coed representation on the council· Alpha Kappa Pi Humber as the mam speaker. Sat­ pr~sent war, ar.e .Brown, Harvey, 3) To emphasize that the BSU ~ MEN'S CLOTIDNG, TYPEWRITERS, SHOTGUNS, The boys at the AKPi house are urday will mark the date' of ·the Wmdes and Williams. Sam Be- an integral part of the church Annual Gamma Eta Gamma-Sig­ hrends is representing the college and to work in close cooperation planning a house party to be held LUGGAGE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND at Myrtle Beach the first week­ ma Pi Spring Formal-which will . ' ' team in impromptu and extern- with it. be held at the Community house. pore speaking and radio announc- end after school is out. ANYTHING OF VALUE Other officers elected to serve ,, ing. The house welcomed thirteen Kappa Alpha with Townsend are: Warren Prit- .. high school debaters last week­ Everyone in the KA house is re­ Shaw Orates chard, vice-president; Bob Lasater, end; they slept on everything joicing over the victory of Brother SEND YOUR ARTICLES IN BY MAIL-MONEY secretary; George Tobey, treasur­ Shaw has entered after-dinner from the floor to the rafters. Billy Joe Patton in his race for the er; Elbert Wethington, devotional MAILED SAME DAY and oratory contests, and Hope is President of the Student Body ... chairman; Robert Forbes, editor of Gamma Eta Gamma taking part in after-dinner and Lambda Chi Alpha radio events. Arthur Adams has the Deacon Beacon; Carlton Mit­ On Thursday of next week the eqtered oratory, Paul Bell extem­ chell, social director; Billy Craig, Gammas will sponsor the Gover- A big week end is being planned pore speaking, and J.D. Davis re­ music director; John Farrar, ex­ nor in a special convocation pro- by the whole fraternity this week; sponse to the occasion. tenson director and literary chair­ gram. Friday they will hold their the biggest and best Tri-Fraternity RALEIGH LOAN The Grand Eastern Forensic man; and Kenneth Nelson, report- annual banquet, with Robert Lee Ball in history is their goal. An Tournament is held yearly under er. intermission party will be held ------Friday at "The Psalms" resturant. the direction of Dr. W. G. Keith Installation of the new officers Smidt, W .R. Starnes, Jr., A. J. at Winthrop for all colleges in the will be held on April 19. In the Sigma Phi Epsilon OFFICE eastern part of the United States, meantime, the vacancies of Sun­ Sweel, J. W. Whitesel. Fifteen' members of the N. C. and teams from as far as Michi- day school superintendent, BTU Freshman Class: A. H. Adams, Zeta chapter are attending the C .I. Allen, Jr., LeRoy Allen, Jr., 223 Wilmington St. Ral eig· h ' N• C. gan attend it. This is the first Director, and representative of the district V conclave of SPE at year which the Wake Forest team Ministerial Conference also will be H .E. Best, Jr., R. E. Brooks, D. Duke. Bedford Black of this LOOK FOR ORANGE COLOR FRONT has takim part in the tournament. filled. S. Carter, T. S. Cheek,, L. G. Cox, chapter will deliver an address on Warthirne economy prohibited at- The coed representative and a J. M. Davis, Jr., G. F. Ecker, C. 0. "Fraternity House Management tendance at the Nation Pi Kappa poster chairman will be selected Giles, R. R. Glenn, Mrs. L. H. Hoi- and Finance." Delta Tournament, as the team has at the beginning of next year. lingsworth, T. S. Johnston, C. K. ~~~~~~----_;_ _ _!!:::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==::==::==:=::==::=:=:=:==:=:~ don in the past. Josey, Claude McClure, Jr., C. H. Martin. until the following Spring elec­ DO YOU DIG IT? Elections tions. In all cases when the offic- (Continued from page one) er elected in April returns in the Publications Board Fall, he shall be entitled to his of- (Continued from page one) secretary; Mike Thompson (SPE fice until the following Spring · ~ -128) defeated Earl Parker, elections. · for editor of OLD GOLD AND . 1 (SPU-73) for, membership in 3) Representation in student BLACK; Everett Jones, for busi.. l the legislatur~; a.nd John Me- government shall be changed as ness manager; Ed Wilson, for edi~ Lean .

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