The Parish News

For Colgate &

March 2015 Issue

Sunday 15th March is Mother’s Day

Delivered free to homes in the Villages.

The Rectory Telephone: - 01293-871251

'Speaking words of wisdom...'

The recent consecration of Libby Lane as the first woman bishop in the Church of was briefly interrupted by a solitary voice shouting 'NO!...' Quite apart from my personal support for mother bishops, I find myself reflecting on the power of those two simple words; no and yes.

My Mother Church is not a church of protest, its adherents are not 'protestants'. Nowhere does the term appear in the historic formularies of the Anglican Church, rather the creed affirms that we are Catholic Christians; members of the one universal church, albeit sadly divided by misunderstanding and diverse opinions and tastes. A religious group that defines itself by what it doesn't believe cuts a sad and lonely figure.

Through the ages, Christians have recognised the unique part played among the saints by Mary in the biblical story of our faith. She is by virtue of being his mother, able to make Jesus more human to us and in doing so she holds out comfort to the simple, lowly and marginalised.

Like many a mother Mary was the first to nurture her son’s instinct for prayer, her ‘be it unto me according to thy word’ echoed in ‘thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven’. We honour Mary when we approach her as she wished, simply as a lens to enlarge our vision of the Lord and following her advice ‘Do whatever he tells you’ [John 2] She is a model of prayer whose meditation on her son’s words and actions, brought her naturally with his disciples to the upper room at Pentecost where they, as she had been, were overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. Following her example we can ourselves grow in grace and holiness, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ and be brought to the glory of his Resurrection.

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Services in the United Parishes of Colgate and Rusper

St. Saviour’s Church Colgate

A warm welcome awaits you at all our services.

March 2015

Sunday 1st 9:30 am Holy Communion Lent 2 BCP

Sunday 8th 11:00 am Morning Prayer Lent 3

Mothering Sunday 15th 11:00 am Morning Prayer

Passion Sunday 22nd 11:00 am Holy Communion

Palm Sunday 29th 11:00 am

April 2015

Maundy Thursday 2nd 7:00 pm Holy Communion At Rusper Church Good Friday 3rd 10:00 am

Easter Sunday 5th 11:00 am Holy Communion BCP Clergy Day Off

Nick is here to serve the needs of the community. He is pleased to hear of new people moving in who may need visiting and welcomed by the the Church.

Holy Communion can be arranged for the sick or houseboundHe tries to take just one day off each week and it would be appreciated if he is not contacted on a Thursday. Horsham Fencing

Brighton Road West RH13 6NQ

Tel: (01403) 891900 Fax: (01403) 891664

Professional Carpet, Rug & Dralon P.J.Barrow & Partners Ltd. Cleaning Services Garden and Estate Machinery NATIONAL CARPET CLEANERS ASSOCIATION MEMBERS Supplied and Serviced Ring: Philip Hughes (Horsham 01403) 258958 Watermead, Road, Email: [email protected] , Sussex RH13 8DT [email protected] COWFOLD (01403) 864342

R.G.HARDS Established 1998 Excellent service Electrical 15 YearsE ofstablished since 1992Excellent Service Approved 01403 731535 +Discounted Tyres +Exhausts +MOTs +Batteries Electrician 07808 508003 +Repairs & Servicing +Fitting While-U-Wait +Waiting Area With Refreshments +MOT Testing By Appointment All work is carried out to BS 7671. 17th wiring +Puncture Repairs & Tracking regulations Part P Approved contractor.

Cars – Vans – 4x4 ECA registered company: Licensed Trustmark approved business. Members of Free Estimates.

• Fault finding • Re Wiring • Inspection and Testing • Domestic Budget- Dunlop • Landlord Services Michelin-Pirelli • Portable Appliance Testing Uniroyal-Goodyear • Design and install • Industrial RETAIL MOTOR • Creative lighting solutions INDUSTRY FEDERATION • Extensions: New Builds • Periodic testing • Commercial • Safety repairs Fleet Cars Welcome • Domestic electrical conditions report.

Telephone: 01403 731535 01293 851891 Mobile: 07808 508003 Unit 4, Holmbush Potteries Industrial Estate, Email: [email protected] Faygate, Near Horsham, W Sussex, RH12 4ST Unit 4 Axiom Business Park, Horley, Surrey News from St Saviour’s…….

Lent approaches and St Saviour’s will as always offer a full programme of services as we move towards the major Easter festival.

The APCM is currently expected for late April, following the regular morning service. It will incorporate reports on the year’s activities, the fabric of the building and the finances of the church, and provide for the election of Church Wardens for the coming year.

Meanwhile, our ArchDeacon, Fiona Windsor, will visit the PCC on February 25th. This is a rare and important visit and PCC members will have the opportunity to consider with her how the Parish can best move forward in modern times, taking into account our small rural congregation but also the arrival within our boundaries of . This will be an opportunity for any of us to feed ideas and views into the process.

Looking ahead, the Holmbush Open Garden Day in aid of St Saviour’s is set for May 10th. Holmbush will be joined by the main house in opening their grounds and visitors will have the opportunity of seeing one of the area’s finest spring gardens.


Easter is a time to remember those we have loved and have lost. Would you like to remember a loved one by buying a lily in their memory to be displayed in church at Easter?

Orders for your Easter Lilies may be placed with: - Rosemary Lane ( 01403-257829) OR Rosemary Sired ( 01293-.851458)

The price is £3.50 each, which is actual cost.

Payment at the time of ordering would be appreciated.

Easter 2015 – 3rd to 6th April

St. Saviour’s Church, Colgate PROTECTA PEST CONTROL

Mice Rats Moles Wasps Cluster Flies Effective, Affordable Pest Control 32 YEARS EXPERIENCE Local Registered Company 11 OWLBEECH WAY, HORSHAM, Professional, Personal Service , RH13 6AW Phone : 01403 258079 TEL: 01403 259972 Mobile : 07885 439574 MOBILE: 07833 557498 Email : [email protected] Website : HORSHAM HOME SECURITY 24 Hour Service Alarms, Closed circuit TV, Wire Free Intruder MARTIN A.MAYNARD MSSCh., MBChA., HCPC Reg. Alarm Systems. SSAIB Approved 07860 304244 or 01403 730498 GL PLASTERING CONTACT GRANT FOR FREE QUOTATIONS OR ADVICE TEL : 01293 851878 MOBILE : 07812 115305 WWW.GLPLASTERING.CO.UK Nikki & Robin Miller Robinson & Company Accountants & Business Welcome You To Consultants

The Cherry Tree -Tax Returns -Company Secretarial -Annual Accounts -Business Plans -Limited Company Accounts -Start Up Advice FOR A WARM WELCOME, -V.A.T. -C.I.S. DELICIOUS FOOD AND -Payroll -HMRC Investigations -Book-keeping -Tax Planning A GREAT SELECTION OF -Formation of Limited Companies -Management Accounts BEERS AND WINES. A range of Financial Services available by our Independent Financial Advisors CALL 01293-851305 Call now for free initial consultation FOR RESERVATIONS AND ENQUIRIES TELEPHONE: 01403 730099 The Cherry Tree Inn, Road, Lintot House, 20 Fairbank Road, Faygate, RH12 4SA, , West Sussex, RH13 9LA

Advance Notice

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place following the service on Sunday April 26th.

Cuppa & Chat

Every first Monday of the month

Monday 2nd March 2015

Any time between 10.30-12:00, at St Saviour’s Church, Colgate.

Cuppa & Chat seems to be even more popular this year so do come and join us. If you are around on a Monday morning, perhaps its time to give it a try? All are welcome. See you soon. ‘Like’ us on Facebook: Colgate and Faygate Cuppa and Chat Check out local information and events on our web site:

Don’t Wash Your Hair in The Shower…….

It’s so good to finally get a health warning that is useful!

It involves the shampoo when it runs down your body when you shower with it. I don’t know why I didn’t figure this out sooner!

When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body, and printed very clearly on the shampoo label is this warning. “FOR EXTRA BODY AND VOLUME”. No wonder I have been gaining weight!

Well I got rid of that shampoo and I am going to start showering with the Co-op’s own Super Strength Dishwasher Tablets.


Problem solved! If I don’t answer the phone, I’ll be in the shower!

Ha! Ha!

Joke from Sue Howe

Dates to Remember......

Sunday 15th March

Tuesday 17th March

British Summer Time begins ~ Sunday 29th March

Gardener’s Journal

St Valentine’s Day and after a threat of snow the weather has turned milder. Camellias are flowering freely in Faygate and Colgate and the first of the rhodendrons, Christmas Cheer, was in blossom at the end of January. Forsythia will follow. Snowdrops and crocuses are emerging. There is a sense of spring just around the corner and therefore seasonal gardening opportunities are mounting – quite suddenly time will be short. Snowdrops can be dug up and propagated as they finish flowering. Lawns need to be tidied and edges and paths redelineated. New shrubs can be introduced and old ones moved with careful preparation of the soil. Flowerbeds should have received their winter clean‐up and a bolstering of leaf compost and a little fertiliser. A head start on weeding now will save much trouble in summer. By the end of February roses, fuchsias, wisteria and other shrubs should have been pruned and attention should turn to orchards, currants and berries. Be ready to patch and mow lawns, hope the mole stays away, spot weedkill to catch dandelions at an early stage and feed as desired. In the vegetable garden some of last year’s crops – parsnips and leeks ‐ are still coming in. As beds are emptied manure and/or compost should be added in preparation for the coming season. Rotate crops from year to year and pay heed to the merits of companion planting as a natural check on pests. Long before St Patrick’s Day onion sets and garlic should be in the ground – autumn plantings should now be well ahead. Let the ground warm up a little before sowing snow peas – they catch up quickly. Broad beans are about to move from the greenhouse to their seasonal location and will be supplemented by direct sowings. Potatoes should be chitted indoors and planted in March. Containers generating their own micro‐climates and producing good early crops of potatoes and longer term root crops need fresh soil. Again carrots were particularly successful in raised containers.

The days are lengthening. The gardener’s year is under way. Look out for pests such as small rabbits that wriggle under the fence. Clean out last year’s nesting boxes as birds are already looking for suitable sites. Keep the bird tables well stocked. The rising dawn chorus is a sign that local residents at least can see winter is nearly over.

And looking further ahead, a date for the diaries is the Holmbush Open Garden Day on May 10th – prime bluebell time. The main house has also kindly agreed to open its gardens, so there will be plenty to see, and all within our own parish boundaries. Quercus

Colgate Weather ~ November 2014 to January 2015

November was, like October, a generally unsettled & mild month, with only short spells of drier weather, in fact only 7 days were entirely dry. These conditions from the Atlantic blocked the usual colder the airflow from the north, which we would expect to see in the autumn & temperatures were well above average with the air coming from a more southerly direction. The 1st was & warm at 61F but by nightfall it had started to rain & this continued all the next day, giving 0.71”. A pattern of warm sunshine for a few hours followed by heavy showers or longer periods continued throughout the first half of the month, although we escaped the strong winds experienced by other areas of the country. At least the temperatures held up on the south-westerly wind, with 50-54F being the norm, but the rainfall was in the range of 0.3” to 0.5” on most days, culminating in 0.76” on the 13th. During the second half of November the wind direction was more variable, with easterly & north-easterly winds taking control & rainfall was lighter with the odd dry day, so that temperatures dipped to the mid 40’sF & there were several days with early morning fog, although this soon cleared. The month ended, as it had begun, with a dry day & a mild one too at 57F. Total rainfall was 6.84” which was well above the average but well below the 9.5” of 2009 & 2000, with 2002 not far behind. Over the UK as a whole the mean temperature was 7.6C, which is 1.4C th above the 1981-2010 average, making it the 5 warmest November since records began UK wide in 1910. December was dominated by the weather coming from the Atlantic right up until Christmas, leading to mild conditions but we avoided the rain that was heavy in the west. The moist, mild air led to higher than average daily temperatures & there was never a hint that there would be a white Christmas. Although the 1st was dry & mild, the following days brought drizzle & low cloud, a pattern repeated until the 6th which was sunny all day following a frosty start. There was little change in the second week, with sunshine & showers & a temperature around 45F, but heavy overnight rain on the 11th brought 0.46”, the heaviest of the month, but the temperature touched 50F. Mid-month there were a couple more early frosts which quickly disappeared to be followed by sunny days, but again there followed 5 days when varying amounts of rain fell, the most being on the 16th at 0.41”. The 20th was sunny all day but the run up to Christmas Day produced cloudy days & some drizzle at times but it was very mild with 54F being reached on the 22nd. Christmas Day brought a slight frost & sun all day whilst Boxing Day was cold & frosty before heavy rain set in & overnight, giving 0.45”. The temperature fell to 39F where it remained until New Year’s Eve, with light north-westerly winds & marked morning frosts, but at least it was sunny or bright & no rain fell. The 31st was cloudy, dry & a little warner. Total rainfall for the month was 2.21”, well below the average of 3.5” to 4”. Total rainfall for the year was 49.13”, way above the average, the 2nd highest I have recorded since 1991, just behind the 51.6” of 2002 & above the amount for 2000. However, this is the 3rd consecutive year with rainfall in excess of 40” & it will be interesting to see if this trend continues, remembering that the 1990’s saw an average of 30”, quite a difference!

January was dominated, certainly for the first half, by a sequence of Atlantic depressions which brought mild but wet conditions, although the sunshine level was above average. The month began with a mild, dry day before overnight rain heralded a pattern of bright days & rain overnight or late in the evenings. The winds were light & westerly with temperatures holding up around 45F-48F, although on the 9th & 10th it reached 55F, a level not seen since. The dry day was the 4th & there was heavy rain on the 7th with 0.8”, the 12th with 0.82” & the 14th with 0.75”, otherwise amounts were moderate. The pattern changed on the 18th with a severe frost & the temperature only reached 37F where it remained for the next week with a north- easterly wind, but at least there were a few dry days. Frosts were present most mornings but several days were sunny, particularly the 23rd & 24th before the wind became more north-westerly & temperatures picked up to 48F for 5 days. However the month ended with overnight snow flurries on the 30th & 31st, but the snow had melted by midmorning despite a temperature of 39F. It rained on 24 days in the month but the total of 4.52” was only slightly above our January average & certainly a lot less than last year’s record of over 10”!

Bryan Radford

Colgate Memorial Hall Day care for children aged 2-5years. Free childcare places for 3 & 4 year olds. Ofsted Registered Monday: 9.00am-3.00pm Tuesday: 12.30pm-3.00pm Wednesday: 9.00am-3.00pm Thursday: 9.00am-3.00pm Friday: 9.00am-1.00pm For a prospectus Tel: 01293 851606 or email: [email protected]

“Hold a Fish and Chip Supper to help spinal cord injured people rebuild lives after injury”

Great British Fish and Chip Supper – Friday 15th May 2015

Want to eat Fish and Chips, while raising money for charity? Hold a fish and chip supper on Friday 15th May 2015 whilst raising awareness of spinal cord injury and supporting SIA’s vital services.

You can hold a fish and chip supper in your own home, at work or hold a larger supper at your local community centre.

SIA will provide a fundraising pack containing hints and tips, recipes, invitations and donation envelopes. By inviting 8 friends and asking them to donate an additional £5.00 means you will raise at least £40.00 from your supper but we will also give you additional fundraising ideas to raise even more money for SIA.

In 2015 we want to make the batter matter and raise £40,000 from everyone holding suppers. Last year we raised £20,000 from the suppers.

The money raised from the suppers will help the Spinal Injuries Association offer support to individuals who become paralysed and their families, from the moment a spinal injury occurs, and for the rest of their lives by providing services and publications which enable and encourage paralysed people to rebuild lives after spinal cord injury.

Every year in the UK over 1,000 people experience a spinal cord injury and there are an estimated 40,000 spinal cord injured people in the UK alone.

Community Fundraising Manager, Elizabeth Wright, says, “The Fish and Chip Supper is a wonderful opportunity for a great evening with friends and family. We are also encouraging people who work to hold a Fish and Chip Lunch in their work places to raise even more funds. You may be even a local community group wanting to run a fun evening with your group.

For more information or request a fundraising pack call Elizabeth Wright on 0845-071-4350 or email [email protected] or visit

Winston’s Wish in West Sussex

Winston’s Wish is the leading childhood bereavement charity in the UK, helping children and young people rebuild their lives after the death of their mum, dad, brother or sister, and enabling them to face the future with confidence and hope. In West Sussex, Winston’s Wish run a unique bereavement support program called SWITCH. The program is aimed at children aged 8-14 who have suffered a close family bereavement which is having a negative effect on their behaviour. The bereavement may not be recent but may still be having an impact on the child. The SWITCH program offers family work, individual work for children, their carers and group work. We end the program with a celebration day. The aim of SWITCH is to provide children and families with the opportunity to work through their experience with qualified professionals and to help them make sense of their emotions and feelings, meet other people in similar situations and provide them with coping strategy to help them reach their full potential. SWITCH has been running in West Sussex now for two years and feedback from both children and their carers has been very positive. Feedback from a mother after the SWITCH program: “She’s like a different girl. I can’t explain it – it’s like she has grown up. She’s excellent. I think being able to talk about her feelings and listen to the others and what they do when they get one on them has really helped her. She still gets grumpy, but now takes herself off to her room and listens to music and when she’s calmer, then I go and talk to her!” We would like to reach as many of these children and families as possible in West Sussex. If you or you know a child or family who would benefit from the SWITCH program or would like any further information, please contact Sheila Elliott, Family Program Lead for SWITCH: [email protected] / [email protected] / Phone the office on 01403 211030 and ask to speak to myself or a member of the SWITCH team. Winston Wish in West Sussex also offer a family support service for those families who may not fit into the SWITCH program. You can contact them via our helpline on 08452 0304 05 Monday to Friday 9am- 5pm, plus Wednesday evenings 7pm to 9.30pm. Winston’s Wish also run a Drop-in session which take place on the last Thursday of each month: 2.30 -5.30 pm at the Westgate Leisure Centre in Chichester.

For further information on Winston’s Wish please go to our website


CALL NOW Mob: 07968 742433 FOR A FREE Tel: 01293 852549 ESTIMATE

Rob HumeRob Hume RB DECORATING Email: [email protected]

Health & Leisure Walks for March

All welcome to guided, free, sociable, HDC walks led by trained volunteers; no need to book, just turn-up at the start point. Programme booklet containing over 250 walks is available from the Walks Co-ordinator on 01403-215269 or online at Beginners are recommended to contact the Walk Leader to discuss suitability. All walks can be wet and muddy in places. Forthcoming walks in the Colgate Parish and neighbouring areas are as follows:-

Every Monday 10:45 am: , Horsham, gentle 2 mile walk around the riverside. Suitable for slow & new walkers. 1 to 1¼ hours. Meet at the Sussex Barn pub car park off North Heath Lane. Leaders Ann & John 01403-268885.

Tuesday 3rd, 17th & 31st March 9:30 am: Buchan Country Park. A 2/3 mile walk in a largely wooded area with some open heathland, meadows and ponds, easy walking with well-defined paths, taking 1 hour. There is a Nature Reserve area and the Countryside Centre may be open. (First timers and families welcome). Meet at car park (RH11 9HQ) off the A2220 Crawley to Horsham side of the dual carriageway. Leaders: Richard 01403-230293 or Emmy 01403-255517.

Tuesday 3rd March 10:00 am: Rusper going South. Meet in the Star Inn pub car park in the centre of Rusper (RH12 4RA, TQ206372). A 5¾ mile mostly flat circular walk through woods & farmland, heading south towards Faygate via Lambs Green, taking 2½ hours. Could be wet & muddy in places. Good beer & food in The Star after the walk. Leader: Geoff 01403-258180.

Sunday 8th & 22nd March 10:30 am: Leechpool and Owlbeech Woods, a lovely woodland 2¼ mile walk, taking 1¼ hours, generally following main paths & easy under foot, although a small part of the walk will be on narrower paths with tree roots, stubs & uneven ground. Some inclines. Could be muddy in places. A sensible pair of shoes would be advisible. An optional short 30 minute walk is always available. Meet at Leechpool Wood car park, Horsham (TQ194313) off Harwood Road (B2195). Dogs allowed on a lead. 1 to 1½ hours. Leader: Armelle 01403-260342.

Wednesday 18th March 10:30 am: Leechpool and Owlbeech Woods, various 2 to 3 mile generally easy circular walks, some gentle slopes. Suitable for new walkers & families most welcome. Meet in the Leechpool Wood car park, (Roffey End), off Harwood Road (B2195), Horsham (TQ194313). Dogs allowed on a lead. 1 to 1½ hours. Leaders: Margaret 01403-262311 or Emmy 01403-255517.

Tuesday 24th March 10:30 am: New House Farm, a flat 2½ mile walk, but with some uneven surfaces & can be muddy in places, taking 1¼ hours. We walk through two fields, separated by a short woodland section, on pavements & grass verges. Refreshments & toilets are available in the Tea Room. No dogs. Meet in the car park of New House Farm Shop & Tea Room, Old Crawley Road, Faygate, Horsham, RH12 4RU (TQ204332). Leader: Alex 01403-273751.

Wednesday 25th March 10:00 am: Rookwood Golf Course, Horsham, the 5½ mile walk taking 2½ hours, is either a clockwise or an anti-clockwise circuit via , passing ‘Field Place’, ‘Warnham Manor’ & the deer park. After the walk we return to Rookwood for refreshments. Boots are advisable as the route can be muddy. Sorry, no dogs. Leader: Michael 07719-467861.

Sunday 28h March 10:30 am: New Walk, Chesworth Amble, a gentle 2 mile amble along the new Riverside Walk into Chesworth Farm, taking a look at the new path & bird hides & then a stroll back in time for a coffee or lunch at the Garden centre, taking 1 hour. No dogs. Meet at Hillier Garden Centre site, Brighton Road, Horsham, RH13 6QA (TQ187296) on the gravel farthest away from the entrance. Leader: Jill Shuker 07780-701184.

Big savings on sports and leisure for District

HORSHAM District residents on a low income could be entitled to big savings on sports and leisure with a Leisure Access Card from Council. This free card can help residents on a low income to save money when visiting local attractions, going to the gym, taking the kids swimming, going bowling or catching the latest movie at The Capitol in Horsham. The card offers great discounts at leisure venues and attractions across the District including:  The Pavilions in the Park with its indoor and outdoor all year round heated pools.  The Capitol cinema and theatre  Horsham Superbowl  Rookwood Golf Course  Amberley Museum and Heritage Centre  St Mary’s House and Gardens,  Cricket, table tennis, badminton, football, boxing and other sports clubs  A wide range of children’s holiday activities  Plus great savings at other leisure centres across the District Please note: membership is not required at any of the listed leisure centres above. Brochures are available from Horsham District Council reception, local libraries, most Horsham District leisure centres and Horsham Visitor Information Centre / Horsham Museum (9 The Causeway)

Full details and an application form is available online ( or call Horsham District Council on 01403 215263.

Countryside Events

March 2015

Events running at Buchan Park

Amphibian Amble

Where: Buchan Country Park When: Friday 20th March, 7:00pm – 8:30 pm Cost: £3.50 per person

An evening walk and pond dip searching for frogs, newts and toads.

An adult must accompany children. Meet in the Countryside Centre.

To book (unless otherwise stated): Please use the online booking form on our website and search for countryside events.

You can also contact us at: 01293 542088 [email protected]

Horsham District Neighbourhood Policing

Help us fight the Del Boy trade in stolen items

Police are urging second hand businesses to join them in a campaign to reverse the Del Boy effect in Sussex.

Del Boy, the hero of the long-running TV series Only Fools and Horses, made his money selling items that were fake or had fallen off the back of a lorry.

Handling stolen goods is a serious offence that carries a maximum sentence of 14 years imprisonment but research suggests one in four people would buy stolen items if they were offered them cheaply enough - despite the fact the products may have been stolen from families or businesses in their community.

The study by insurance company LV= also revealed that burglars often break into homes looking for specific brands of goods that they know they can sell quickly and easily to people willing to buy them without asking questions about where they came from.

Police hope to make burglary less profitable to thieves by working with second hand dealers to remove the market for stolen goods in the county and encouraging residents to ask themselves if the price they are being offered is too good to be true.

The aim is to leave burglars with nowhere to go to sell the items that they steal so that they decide that committing the crime is not worth it and give up breaking into homes and businesses.

The first step involves helping traders to identify those who might be trying to sell them stolen goods. Detective Chief Inspector Paul Betts said: "There is a clear link between burglaries and the second hand goods market but too many people seem to think that Del Boy-style criminals are just lovable rogues.

"The fact is that these offenders make their living by selling the stolen possessions of others. They are not victimless or blameless - they are part of a problem that causes real pain to people.

"We are appealing to the public to think when they are offered items that seem to be a great deal. If the price is too good to be true the items are probably stolen - so don't buy them.

"You do not have to know that something is stolen to commit an offence if you buy it - just believing that it could be stolen is enough.

"If you are found with a stolen item you could be arrested and prosecuted. It is also likely that we will seize the item from you and you will lose not only the money you have paid but the item as well, so it will no longer seem such a good deal.

"We can all do our bit to reduce burglary by making the market for stolen goods dry up."

Please contact PCSO Tracy Bicknell on 07825431676 or email [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.

If you would like to speak to your local PCSO Tracy Bicknell phone 07825-431676 or e-mail [email protected].

Good Neighbours West Sussex - Introduction

My name is Corrine Clark and I am the Service Manager for The Royal Voluntary Service, Good Neighbours West Sussex scheme in your area. We work in partnership with West Sussex County Council and the scheme is aimed at older people that are socially isolated and would benefit from volunteer interactions to improve their wellbeing and help them to stay happy and independent in their own homes. This is a free service and is available to all older people who meet our eligibility criteria. Referrals can be made by family, professionals or the individual themselves. From the Crawley office we cover Mid Sussex, Horsham District and Crawley areas and would like to promote the service to as many people as possible to ensure those who really need our service are aware of it and can access all help that is available to them. To do this we are asking for your help to raise awareness of the scheme and our need for volunteers to support it in your local community. I have given a brief overview below of what the service covers and would be extremely grateful if you could mention us in your local parish newsletter and meetings and perhaps display some of our leaflets in any neighbourhood areas that would be appropriate. I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you if you feel this would be beneficial and if you do have local meetings, we could also arrange for somebody to come along and do a talk about the RVS and services we offer if you think this may be of interest As we cover such a wide area, we are always looking at new places to advertise and promote the service, whether it be in print or face to face so if you have any ideas then please do let us know. I look forward to hearing from you soon and if you would like some literature posted out then please do let us know. Many thanks in advance. Corrine Clark Service Manager Good Neighbours West Sussex – Crawley Coast Hub [email protected] 01293 228060

Good Neighbours West Sussex Supporting local elderly people to reduce social isolation across West Sussex As everyone is different, the Royal Voluntary Service provides support which is tailor‐made to individual needs. The overall aim is to enable people to increase social contact and become more active in their local community. This service is available free of charge and can include such things as:

 Accompanying someone to the shops or to visit friends  Support to attend local clubs, groups and activities  Enabling a person to take up a hobby  Arranging for a person to be delivered a daily hot meal.  Some company and a chat with regular visits from a volunteer.

We can also link you with a wide range of other organisations across West Sussex that provide advice, services and activities.

Whatever the situation, the Royal Voluntary Service will visit you at home and together we will create some ideas and plans that will help you live the way you want.

For more information, please contact our team on 01293 228 060 In Praise of the ‘Little Gentleman Dressed in Black’ By Mike Russell of the Sussex Wildlife Trust

Talking to my colleague Michael Blencowe recently, he was saying he had been asked to give a talk where the preceding speaker was advising on how to get rid of moles! We both felt that moles get a bad deal, so here we go - a spirited defence of the humble mole.

It is fair to say that the mole is one of the best known of British animals although it is hardly ever been seen by most people. However, the impact moles have on people, especially those who treasure their gardens or their golfing greens can be quite extreme. Although, most people have never seen a live mole, they are familiar creatures due to featuring in children’s illustrations and nursery rhymes, with perhaps the most loved being Mole in Kenneth Grahame’s, ‘The Wind in the Willows’.

There is a great story as to how the term ‘little gentleman in black velvet’ came into being. Apparently, in 1702, it was used as a toast by the Jacobites in celebration of the death of King William of Orange who broke his collar–bone when his horse tripped over a mole hill while riding in Hampton Court.

As well as bringing down monarchs, moles definitely raise the temperature of gardeners and green keepers with their propensity to create beautiful piles of lush soil on manicured lawns and greens. Personally, I would love moles to come to my garden and aerate my lawn, such as it is, with what back in the 16th century were sometimes called ‘tumps’.

I have only ever seen a live mole on two occasions, one was, rather alarmingly, scuttling down the side of a busy road, whereas the other one was when I watched a moving mound of earth in a field until eventually a little velvet head poked its head out of the top, energetically sniffed the world around it, and then disappeared into the hole again. It was a wonderful moment, to catch sight of such a seldom seen common mammal.

Mole are not totally blind, but have very poor vision, but make up for it with an incredible sense of smell which it uses to hunt its prey They eat mainly earthworms but will also take millipedes, centipedes and slugs. It is thought they will often cache worms when they have a surfeit of food, usually biting off their heads and storing them until food is scarce, forgetting, that worms can regenerate their missing parts and make their escape!

Their intricate tunnels can reach over a metre depth and their sleeping chambers that are lined with vegetation are dug using their huge shovel-like front paws. They are found across the UK, absent mainly from Central and Northern Scotland and despite centuries of persecution, they remain reasonably common.

So, the mole is a clever, interesting animal that deserves a better reputation than something that ruins your garden and whose only redeeming feature is to be made into a pair of trousers! Let’s hear it for the little gentleman dressed in black.

Pictures Courtesy of the Following: - Mole & Mole Hill – Neil Fletcher, Sussex Wildlife Trust Mole – Dave Kilbey, Sussex Wildlife Trust Dogs, Cats, ‘Small Furries’ Horses & Farm Animals Exotic & Zoo Animals

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