Particle Detection Technology for Space-Borne Astroparticle Experiments Martin Pohl, CAP Genève University of Geneva

TIPP’14 June 6, 2014 FERMI in orbit since Astroparticle Space Missions June 11, 2008

• Cosmic Rays near Earth, composition and spectra: • 100 MeV to multi-TeV: • p, θ, ϕ , E, t • m, Z • Photons from pointlike, extended or diffuse sources: • X-ray to TeV AMS in orbit since • E, θ, ϕ, t May 16, 2011 • Polarization, degree and direction • Search for unusual components, new stable particles • Low rates, low occupancy Astroparticle Space Missions • Fluxes fall like power laws, typically by three orders of magnitude per decade in energy, 87% p, 9% He, few % heavy ions, even fewer e± and γ • Acceptance in terms of m2sr determines PDG 2013 energy reach, size matters! • Limitations by size, weight and power consumption, inaccessibility

Beischer et al., NJP 11 (2009) 105021 Environmental Requirements Mechanical requirements dominated by launch process: • Acoustic noise • Static and vibration loads, longitudinal and lateral • Shock during separation of components, benign for manned flights, less for others Ariane 5, Vega

Soyuz Vibration Requirements Soyuz

Vibrations: • Longitudinal and lateral • Sine sweep and random • Resonances • Can reach 10g • Qualification levels > flight model acceptance level

Ariane 5 Other Launch Requirements

Interaction with Space Craft (and other payloads): • Cleanliness • Particle contamination, dust • Organic contamination, outgassing • Electromagnetic compatibility, absorption and emission

Most demanding requirement: • Exhaustive documentation of design, manufacture, assembly • Exhaustive documentation of verification procedures and results • Complete traceability of non-compliances, incidents etc. • All in all expect in excess of several 10k pages of paperwork

More Information:

• Arianespace Soyuz Users Manual (2012) • Arianespace Ariane 5 User’s Manual (2011) • Arianespace Vega Users Manual (2006) • Falcon 9 Payload User’s Guide (2009)

In-orbit Requirements • Irregular telemetry and instrument control • Micrometeorites, debris • Charging by plasma: • Important when transiting radiation belts • Radiation resistance: • Irradiation by trapped protons and electrons, particles, cosmic rays • Latch-up and single event effects • Usage of modern components often requires qualification Tools: • SPENVIS package, allows GEANT4 models In-orbit Requirements: Thermal

Thermal environment variables: • Orbital properties, day/night • Solar beta angle • Radiator and solar panel positions • Space craft attitude, visiting vehicles, re-boost • Time scales: Months, days, hours, minutes Results of thermal environment: • Thermo-mechanical deformations • Noise level and gain shift in electronic components • Damaging effects outside survival or operational temperature range

Inaccessibility: Impact on Technology

 You are here

Technology Readiness Level Risk Mitigation • Launch cost may exceed instrument cost • “Once in your lifetime” opportunity • Established technology for detectors • Established technology and redundancy for read-out electronics • Redundant measurements of crucial quantities by multiple detectors, synergy • Exhaustive testing in all phases

Instrument Examples: Spectrometers and Calorimeters AMS Fermi/LAT

Pamela Agile

Attention: not to scale!

• A ≈ 0.40 m2sr (tracker), 0.09 m2sr (ECAL) • A ≈ 2.40 m2 sr • 100 MeV – few TeV • 20 MeV – 300 GeV

• σE/E typically 2.5% • σE/E typically 9% - 18% o o o • σΩ < 1 (ECAL) , 0.14 (tracker) • σΩ < 0.15 for E>10GeV Tracking Heritage

Silicon Strip Detectors: • High resistivity silicon • Single or double sided • Tracking and tracking calorimeters



Fermi/LAT Calorimetry Heritage

Calorimeters: • Homogeneous: CsI, BGO,

PbWO4, Lyso • Sampling: Pb/scintillator, Si/W


AMS AMS: A SiliconTracker Identify E


ECAL TRD Z, Z, P e + , e

e + ,


, e GeV γ -

Z, Z, P to Tracker, RICH, TOF and ECAL

spectrometer are are measured independently by the TeV

precision, multipurpose 3 7 5 9 2 - 1 - - 4 8 6



, Z,

± β Z


Special challenges if payload has little influence on space craft operations: e.g. moving ISS hardware and manoeuvres

Soyuz or Progress Pump TRD temperature

Solar Panel

Starboard Main Radiator Tracker Thermal Control System


Heat exchanger Condenser Tracker

Pump Accumulator

Red line: CO2 gas/liquid two phase Blue line: CO2 liquid phase Movements of the external tracker planes with time before alignment Stability of the alignment on Tracker plane 1 & 9

 Active thermal control  Passive thermal control AMS data on ISS: 424 GeV positron

front 1 view TRD: identifies electron

“First Result from the AMS on 2 the ISS: Precision

Tracker and

Measurement of the Positron

3-4 Magnet:

Fraction in Primary Cosmic measure

Rays of 0.5-350 GeV” ACC 5-6 momentum


Selected for a Viewpoint in Physics and an Editors’ Suggestion RICH charge of electron Aguilar,M. et al (AMS 9 Collaboration) Phys. Rev. ECAL: identifies electron Lett. 110, 141102 (2013) and measures its energy Redundant charge measurement

C: Rigidity=215 GV, P=1288 GeV, Ekin/A=106 GeV/n






ZRICH=6.1 A New Round of the Race…

• Next generation of space experiments T. Gaisser 2006 – Bigger, better, or new ideas! • High energy astroparticle space missions are becoming “general purpose” particle physics experiments – Cosmic ray physics, DM search, - ray astronomy • All at the same time – Photon, electron, proton and heavy ions • all measured with the same payload – Several missions are approved or in planning • Approved: ISS-CREAM(2014), CALET(2014), DAMPE (2015) • In planning: GAMMA-400(~2019), HERD (~2020) CALET, ISS-CREAM and DAMPE

• 3 majors missions to be launched in next 2 years – Detect high energy photons, electrons and cosmic rays CALET • Charge measurement – CALET 2 layers 1cm thick plastic scintillator – ISS-CREAM 4 layers 380µm thick Silicon Pin diode ISS- CREAM – DAMPE 2 layers 1cm thick plastic scintillator + 12 layers 320µm SSD

• Calorimetry 2 – CALET Total absorption: PbWO4, 32x32 cm , 27 X0, 1.2 λ Imaging Calo: 3 X0 + Scint. fiber 2 – ISS-CREAM Sampling: Tungsten+Scint. Fiber, 50x50 cm , 20 X0, 0.7 λ Silicon and Timing Charge Det.: 1 X0 2 – DAMPE Total absorption: BGO, 60x60 cm , 31 X0, 1.6 λ STK: 0.86 X0 + SSD

DAMPE Detector

Plastic Scintillator Detector Silicon-Tungsten Tracker BGO Calorimeter

• Altitude: LEO 500 km • Inclination: 87.4065° • Sun-synchronous orbit • Period: 95 minutes • Launch October 2015 Neutron Detector

W converter + thick calorimeter (total 32 X0) + precise tracking + charge measurement ➠ high energy g-ray, electron and CR telescope DAMPE wrt AMS and Fermi

DAMPE AMS-02 Fermi LAT e/g Energy res.@100 GeV (%) 1.5 2.5 10 e/g Angular res.@100 GeV 0.1 0.3 0.1 (°) e/p discrimination 105 105 - 106 103

Calorimeter thickness (X0) 31 17 8.6 Geometrical accep. (m2sr) 0.29 0.09 1 ’s Space Station Program

• 1st phase Spaceflight: 10 astronauts have carried out 5 space flights with the spacecraft; Completed successfully • 2nd phase Spacelab: docking of 3 spacecrafts with astronauts delivering and installing scientific instruments – 1st launch (Tiangong 1) on Sept. 29, 2011; Completed successfully – 2nd launch (Tiangong 2) in 2015 with POLAR – 3rd launch (Tiangong 3) may get skipped if Tiangong 2 is successful • 3rd phase Space station: 2 large experimental modules with astronauts working onboard – 1st launch ~2018

Module Wentian (WT: Inquire the Heaven)

Module Xuntian (ST: Scan the Heaven) HERD

• High Energy Cosmic Radiation Detection facility - High energy particle detector on board the Chinese Space Station - Requirement: accurate e/γ measurement, large acceptance for CR - Limitation: 2 tons and 2kW

Science goals Mission requirements DM search Measurements of e/γ from 100 GeV to 10 TeV Origin of Galactic CRs Spectral and composition measurements of CRs from 300 GeV to PeV “knee” with a large GF

• “Secondary” science goals - Gamma-ray astronomy: monitoring of GRBs, microquasars, blazars and other transients, … - May accommodate PANGU • Project lead: S.N. Zhang, IHEP HERD Conceptual Design

Xin Wu Silicon-Tungsten Tracker + LYSO 3D Calorimeter 28 HERD Characteristics: Energy Frontier

type size X0,λ unit main functions tracker Si strips 70 cm × 2 X0 7 x-y Charge (top) 70 cm (W foils) Photon conversion tracker Si strips 65 cm × -- 3 x-y Nucleon Track 4 sides 50 cm Charge CALO ~10K 63 cm × 55 X 3 cm × e/γ energy 0 LYSO 63 cm × 3 λ 3 cm × nucleon energy cubes 63 cm 3 cm e/p separation

Crystal dL/dT(%° r (g/cm3) X (cm) l (cm) R (cm) LY (%NaI) t (ns) l (nm) 0 I M C) PbWO 8.30 0.89 20.3 2.00 0.3 30 425 -2.5 LYSO 7.40 1.14 20.9 2.07 85 40 402 -0.2 BGO 7.13 1.12 22.8 2.23 21 300 480 -0.9 CsI(Tl) 4.51 1.86 39.3 3.57 165 1220 550 0.4 NaI(Tl) 3.67 2.59 42.9 4.13 100 245 410 -0.2 HERD Acceptance and Resolution

2 2 GF>2 m sr for proton GF>3 m sr for e/g 2 (ISS-CREAM: ~0.3 m sr ) 2 (DAMPE: 0.36 m sr )

sE/E≲20% for proton

(ISS-CREAM: ~40% )

sE/E≲1% for e/g

DAMPE: ~1% @800GeV DM self-annihilation photon line with HERD

Geneva CAP meeting, 12/12/13 HERD: CR Spectral Composition to PeV



Fe HERD 3D Calorimeter

• 21x21x21 = 9261 LYSO crystals of 3x3x3 cm3 – 3D imaging calorimeter to measure the development of particle shower – Readout by two (high and low gain) 0.3 mm diameter WLS fibers – Fibers read out by ICCD (Image Intensifier CCD) • ~20k fibers grouped into two (high and low gain) bundles

Fiber bundle FOP Image Intensifier CCD

• Triggered by independent fiber readout – 1 WLS fiber attached to the surfaces of 21 crystals in a row – 21x21 fibers of 1 layer readout by one PMT • Sensitive to incoming photons from 5 sides, large acceptance Astrophysics in the keV-MeV Range

• A wide range of topics of galactic and extragalactic astronomy and fundamental physics, large interest from the community – Extreme physics of extended/compact objects (black holes, neutron stars) • Excellent resolution power – Galactic and extragalactic cosmic rays origin, acceleration mechanism • Polarization measurement crucial – Search for Dark Matter in unique corner • Diffuse; excess of gamma-ray emission in the galactic center – Detect and determine the high-energy behavior of gamma-ray transients • GRB, Pulsation search in millisecond pulsar – Fundamental Physics, e.g. Baryon asymmetry in early universe – Solar and terrestrial high energy phenomena • Multi-wavelength correlation studies across the electromagnetic spectrum with other space and on-ground telescopes Detection of Photons in keV-MeV Range

(a) Carbon ( Z = 6)

1 Mb - experimental stot



o t

a s

/ p.e. 0.1 – 1 GeV







1 kb




t c



s Rayleigh


o r    C 1 b


sCompton ke 10 mb

(b) Lead (Z = 82) - experimental stot 1 Mb






a /

s sRayleigh






1 kb








s s

o knuc

r C sg.d.r. 1 b k sCompton e

10 keV 100 MeV 10 mb 10 eV 1 keV 1 MeV 1 GeV35 100 GeV Photon Energy LOFT: X-ray Detection in keV Range

• ESA M-class mission candidate (M4?) • Science: X-ray transients (BH, neutron stars etc.) • Assessment phase completed • Flight n.e.t. 2022

LAD with 15 m2 SDD: • Heritage: ALICE at LHC • Few channels/surface • 3D readout, HV along sensor • Low input C, low noise • Collimator MCP Detector Concepts in MeV Range • To achieve ≲1° angular resolution passive material should be minimized and active detector should be thin or low density – To increase effective area (mass!) needs many layers or large volume • Concepts for high resolution gamma pair telescope studied before – Low density gas TPC: HARPO, AdEPT (5-200 MeV), … • Potentially very good resolution • Need large pressure vessels (AdEPT: 6×1m3 vessels for 20 kg gas) – All silicon, many optimized as Compton telescope (with calorimeter) • MEGA/GRM: Double-sided SSD, distance 5 mm, 500 µm thick • CAPSiTT: Double-sided SSD, distance 1 cm, 2 mm thick • TIGRE: Double-sided SSD, distance 1.52 cm, 300 µm thick • Gamma-Light: single-sided, distance 1 cm, 400 µm thick – Scintillating fiber • Previous concepts with converter: SIFTER, FiberGLAST • PANGU: a new all-fiber tracker concept • Enabling technology: SiPM Photon Detection in MeV Range

N. Dinu, LAL-13-192 (2013) Mu3e module

NIMA 628(2011)403 PERDaix module PANGU: Angular and Energy Resolution

For normal incidence (cos θ > 0.975), both

tracks in the lower tracker ]

10 n



i e

t Normal incidence (cos(q)>0.975)

d 0.06 c

[ Normal incidence (cos(q)>0.975)

a r

F Photon energy F S 95% containment P 0.05 2000 MeV 68% containment 1000 MeV 0.04 800 MeV 600 MeV 1 0.03 400 MeV 200 MeV 100 MeV 0.02 50 MeV 0.01

10-1 0-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 102 103 Energy [MeV] Dp/p Point Spread Function < 1o Energy Resolution ~20-30% For E > 10MeV for 100MeV – 1GeV Conclusions: • Astroparticle physics in space has entered a new era of precision measurements with AMS-02 and Fermi/LAT – Approaching TeV for electron/photon and multi-TeV for ions – Important synergies with ground-based astroparticle experiments • 3 major missions will go into operation in next 2 years – ISS-CREAM, CALET, DAMPE – Aim to improve energy resolution and acceptance in the TeV regime • HERD may well be the next big step forward – Large acceptance and good energy resolution up to the PeV regime – High precision measurements of e/g/ions all at the same time • Additional lever arm comes from new efforts in the keV-MeV range – X-ray transients, polarization and spectroscopy relevant for CR acceleration – Enabling technologies for X-ray and scintillation light detection

Exciting program of multi-messenger multi-wavelength astroparticle physics research in the next 10-15 years!