Final De-Escalation Zone Set up in Syria First OIC Summit on Science

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Final De-Escalation Zone Set up in Syria First OIC Summit on Science +26° / +12°C WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2017 No 18 (132) Nazarbayev’s visits to Uzbekistan, First OIC Summit Turkmenistan strengthen Central Asian ties on Science and Technology takes place in Astana envisioned in the OIC 2025 Plan By Assel Satubaldina of Action and the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development ASTANA – Sept. 10 in the capi- Goals. tal featured not only the spectacu- Kazakh President Nursultan lar closing of EXPO 2017, a major Nazarbayev, who opened the sum- event in Kazakh history, but also mit and welcomed 15 national and the first Organisation of Islamic governmental leaders, including Cooperation (OIC) Summit on Azerbaijan, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Science and Technology, another Arabia, Turkey and Uzbekistan, Photo credit: Photo credit: important opportunity for the na- advanced the idea to organise the Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev and Uzbek President Shavkat President Nursultan Nazarbayev and Turkmen President Gurbanguly tion and the organisation’s 57 conference during the 2016 OIC Mirziyoyev had very productive meetings in Tashkent on Sept. 16. Berdymukhamedov discussed expanding relations in Ashgabat on Sept. 17. members. summit in Istanbul. A year later, The summit adopted the Astana more than 80 foreign delegations By Aigerim Seisembayeva Nazarbayev highlighted Uzbeki- He added Uzbekistan’s decision Sea (IFAS). Today, it is the only inter- Declaration affirming the com- visited the city to discuss the or- stan’s special role in the region and to reduce excise taxes on certain state mechanism for solving the Aral mitment of the member states ganisation’s priorities and goals in ASTANA – President Nursultan stressed Mirziyoyev’s merits in types of imported goods was a posi- problem. In this regard, we agreed on to alleviate poverty, increase the science, technology and innova- Nazarbayev’s Sept. 16 state visit to boosting business cooperation be- tive step towards enhancing trade the need to revive the fund. In par- budget for education and join tion. Uzbekistan resulted in ten bilateral tween the states. cooperation, resulting in a 35-per- ticular, we intend to hold a summit efforts to accomplish the goals Continued on Page A3 documents inked by Kazakh and “Over a short period of time, you cent increase in bilateral trade in the in 2018 to discuss the solution of our Uzbek governmental bodies and have done a lot for the successful first seven months of this year. The common problem,” he said. state-owned companies. The fol- development of bilateral relations. task, according to Nazarbayev, is to The two leaders also addressed lowing day, he travelled to Ashgabat Our meetings helped us solve many increase trade turnover to $5 billion multilateral cooperation, including to meet with Turkmen President urgent issues. We have much in by 2020. That would represent a within Kazakhstan’s membership in Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov common – our languages, culture, growth of almost three times com- the UN Security Council. Draft Latin-based and attend the opening ceremony of religion – and therefore we have no pared to last year’s figures. “We have exchanged views on the fifth Asian Indoor and Martial other way but to cooperate closely. The sides also agreed to imple- security issues in the region due to Arts Games (AIMAG). For effective interaction, we need ment up to three major joint in- the situation in Afghanistan. We’ve The Kazakh-Uzbek documents concrete action and real mutual sup- vestment projects, instructing their discussed the results of the Astana Kazakh alphabet are meant to enhance cooperation port,” he said. governments to work out new gas Summit of the Organisation of Is- in trade, economy, investment, wa- During a media briefing, Naz- projects that would benefit both lamic Cooperation (OIC) on science ter and agricultural issues, customs arbayev spoke about the results countries. and technology, as well as Uzbeki- legislation, transit and transport, as achieved in strengthening transport Nazarbayev noted the importance stan’s initiative to host the second provokes heated well as military and culture. Agree- sector cooperation. of holding an interregional coop- OIC summit of this kind,” said the ments, roadmaps and memoranda “We are already witnessing the eration forum on a regular basis and Kazakh President. of understanding were signed be- results of our agreements. For in- jointly developing the space indus- Nazarbayev also pointed to the tween the ministries, neighbouring stance, a Tulpar-Talgo high-speed try. The leaders also had a thorough importance of developing cultural public debate regional administrations and rail- train travels between Almaty and discussion of water issues. and humanitarian connections. sitioned to Latin script. The latter way companies. Tashkent twice a week. Our na- “This issue is extremely impor- “Our close cultural and humani- By Assel Satubaldina was in place until 1940, when So- “This year can be called truly tional air carriers have launched ad- tant for the entire Central Asian re- tarian ties are an important factor viet authorities introduced Cyrillic historical for the relations between ditional flights between our capitals gion. Central Asia’s trans-boundary of friendly relations. We agreed ASTANA – Kazakh State Sec- script. Transitioning back to Latin our two countries. There has been a and soon flights will be launched water resources are a common prop- to hold the Year of Uzbekistan in retary Gulshara Adbykalikova, script is a historic milestone in considerable breakthrough in all the between other cities. There are reg- erty and a blessing of all the peoples Kazakhstan in 2018. The Year of deputies, representatives of state the nation’s cultural and spiritual spheres of the economy. This is our ular bus routes. Reconstruction of of the region,” he said. Kazakhstan in Uzbekistan is also bodies and the alphabet developers development, said Mazhilis chair sixth meeting, which is a testimony a large interstate road is underway. The Kazakh head of state then on the agenda. Various events will attended discussions in the Mazhi- Nurlan Nigmatulin. of friendly intentions between the Two checkpoints were opened on spoke about the results of the Aral be held to promote an even closer lis (lower house of Parliament) “Language has always been an two brotherly countries,” said Uz- the M-39 motorway. A car assembly Sea discussion. rapprochement of our fraternal peo- Sept. 11 about the draft of the important foundation of every na- bek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev project has been launched as well,” “Next year is the 25th anniversary ples,” he said. Latin alphabet scheduled to enter tion along with its history, culture to open the meeting. he noted. of the International Fund for the Aral Continued on Page A3 in force by 2025. and territory. That is why Presi- The idea of switching from dent Nursultan Nazarbayev has Cyrillic script to Latin script was paid very special attention to the first voiced by Kazakh President development of the Kazakh lan- Nursultan Nazarbayev in his 2012 guage since our independence. He state-of-the-nation address. Earlier made the transition of the Kazakh Final de-escalation zone set up in Syria this year, he instructed the govern- language to Latin script one of the “Another matter is detainees, ment to develop and endorse a sin- key priorities in his recent article By Assel Satubaldina whom some people call buried gle Latin-based version of the Ka- ‘Course towards the future: mod- alive. Tens of thousands of peo- zakh alphabet by the end of 2017. ernisation of Kazakhstan’s iden- ASTANA – The sixth round of ple are there. Thousands of them The Kazakh language used Ara- tity,’” he noted. the international meetings on Syria were tortured and killed. None of bic script until 1929, when it tran- Continued on Page A2 ended Sept. 15 in Astana with the the parties raised this issue to the participants agreeing on a final de- regime,” noted al-Aridi. escalation zone in Syria’s north- Russian President Vladimir western Idlib province. It will be Putin’s Special Representative the fourth zone where no military for Syrian settlement Alexander activity would be allowed as en- Lavrentiev, however, committed S&P upgrades visioned in the May 4 agreement to bringing the issue to the table signed by Iran, Russia and Turkey, in an attempt to build a dialogue Photo credit: Photo credit: guarantor states to the ceasefire re- Kazakh Foreign Minister Kairat Abdrakhmanov (C) delivers the joint statement with the opposition group, a gime, during the fourth round of by Iran, Russia and Turkey following the two-day talks in Astana on Sept. 15. critical factor in the fight against Kazakhstan’s talks in the Kazakh capital. terrorist groups that are recently The so-called Astana process that in different parts of Syria,” noted ence, unity and territorial integrity becoming more active in Syria. has been going on since January Kazakh Foreign Minister Kairat of Syria, said the minister as he read “We need to involve armed oppo- supplement the UN-brokered Ge- Abdrakhmanov during a plenary the statement. sition in the fight against terrorism. outlook to stable neva talks meant to find the political session wrapping up the two-day “We believe that the process The unity of all Syrians in the fight and financial system have good resolution of the six-year conflict. closed-door negotiations. launched in Astana will strengthen will not only foster positive chang- By Zhazira Dyussembekova prospects. Since the beginning of Delegations of the three guaran- In a joint statement read by Ab- the regime of cessation of hostilities es, but will also build dialogue and 2017 we have seen positive trends tor states, the Syrian government drakhmanov, Iran, Russia and Tur- and have a positive impact on up- trust between them,” noted the head ASTANA – S&P Global Ratings in the economy of Kazakhstan, and Syrian armed opposition fac- key announced the creation of the coming Geneva talks under the aus- of the Russian delegation.
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