Shanah Tovah u’Metukah l’Kulam (a good and sweet year to all),

Thank you for participating in services in this strangest of High Holiday seasons. This supplement is intended to go along with the Yom Kippur morning and Yizkor services for Har Mishpacha that are available on-line. The machzor (High Holiday prayerbook) that is used for both of these services is Gates of Repentance, the machzor that we have used at Har Mishpacha for the past few years. Since many people may not have access to a machzor this year I wanted to make sure that those who want to could still follow along with both the Hebrew and English and readings. To this end, I have included in this supplement the transliterations (Hebrew written in English characters) for all of the prayers done in Hebrew (but not translations) that the congregation would typically participate. I have also included all of the English readings that are used, including those that are not taken from the machzor. Each transliteration or reading will have the corresponding machzor page number listed with it (unless drawn from outside the machzor) so that one may follow the service as easily as possible.

For the transliterations I have written for this supplement the pronunciations are intended as follows:

“ei” is pronounced as in weigh “ai” is pronounced as in Thailand “i” is pronounced like “ee” as in see

The transliterations written out in this supplement are done so according to the punctuation and structure found in the machzor and do not necessarily reflect the way they are sung or chanted (i.e. they are not structured according to how they are versed in a song).

A tzom amok (meaningful fast) to those who are fasting this year and g’mar chatimah tovah, may you finish sealed well in the Book of Life for 5781.

L’shalom, Rabbi Segal

Shachrit Yom Kippur (Morning Service) Mah Tovu (81) Mah tovu ohalecha Ya’akov, mishkenotecha Yisrael Va’ani, b’ chasd’cha avo veitecha “” (by Marge Piercy) We stand in the midst of the burning Fill us as the rushing water overflows world the pitcher. Primed to burn with compassionate Fill us as light fills a room with its love and justice, dancing. To turn outward and see the world Let the little quarrels of the bones and that is all the snarling Of one flesh with us, see under the Of the lesser appetites and the trash, through whining of the ego cease. The smog, the furry bee in the apple Let silence still us so you may show blossom us your shining The trout leaping, the candles our And we can out of that stillness rise ancestors lit for us. and praise. Fill us as the tide rustles into the reeds in the marsh

Asher Yatzar (87) (For the Body) Blessed is our Eternal God, Creator of the universe, who has made our bodies with wisdom, combining veins, arteries, and vital organs in a finely balanced system. Wondrous Fashioner and Sustainer of life, Source of our health and our strength, we give You thanks and praise.

Elohai Neshamah (87) (For the Soul) Elohai neshamah she’natata bi tehorah hi

La’asok b’divrei (89) (For Torah) Baruch Atah, Adonai Eloheinu, melech ha’olam, asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu la’asok b’divrei Torah

On (by Paula Ackerman) We need Jewish men and women to become a Jewishly inspired and informed leadership — not only rabbinical but also lay. We need more conversant with the thought and teachings of , to whom Judaism is no cold remote theology and Hebrew learning a matter of mystical ignorance, and to whom Jewish culture is no proxied culture. We need a reassertion of faith and a reawakening of interest in a cultural heritage that is all too rapidly being relegated to the exclusive possession of graduates of rabbinical seminaries…. We desperately need such lay leaders today with vision and fortitude. Torah Lishmah (91) (Torah Study for its Own Sake) Eternal our God, make the words of Your Torah sweet to us, and to the House of Israel, Your people, that we and our children may be lovers of Your name and students of Your Torah for its own sake. Blessed are You, the Eternal One, Teacher of Torah to Israel. Hear the Word of the Eternal (292) (From Isaiah 1:12-17 & Amos 5:14, 24) Hear the word of the Eternal: Wash yourselves; make yourselves When you come to appear before Me, clean; bring Me no more vain offerings; remove the evil of your doings incense is an abomination to Me. from before My eyes; New moon and Sabbath cease to do evil; learn to do good; and the calling of assemblies— seek justice; correct oppression; iniquity with solemn assembly— defend the orphan; plead for the I cannot endure. widow. Therefore I will hide My eyes from Seek good and not evil, that you may you; live. though you make many prayers, And so the Eternal God of all being I will not listen, will be with you. so long as your hands are full of Let justice well up as waters, blood. and righteousness as a mighty stream.

Va’anachnu (300) (From Psalm 145) Va’anachnu nevareich yah mei’atah v’ad olam. Halleluyah! Nishmat Kol (300-1, 303) Let every living soul bless Your name, Eternal God, and let every human being acclaim Your majesty, for ever and ever. Through all eternity You alone are our Sovereign God. Blessed is the Eternal One, the Sovereign God, the Author of wonders who delights in song, the Only One, the Life of the Universe. Chatzi (303) (Readers Kaddish) Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’mei raba b’alma di-v’ra chirutei, v’yamlich malchutei b’chayeichon u’v’yomeichon uv’chayei d’chol beit yisrael, ba’agala uvizman kariv, v’im’ru: . Y’hei sh’mei raba m’varach l’alam ul’almei almaya. Yitbarach v’, v’yitpa’ar v’yitromam v’yitnaseh, v’yithadar v’yit’aleh v’yit’halal sh’mei d’kud’sha, b’rich hu, l’eila l’eila min-kol-birchata v’shirata, tushb’chata v’nechemata da’amiran b’alma, v’im’ru: amen.

Barechu (304) et-Adonai ha’mevorach Baruch Adonai ha’mevorach l’olam va’ed “About Miracles” (by Alden Solovy) Majestic Sovereign, In the darkness and in the light, Source of awe and wonder, And then to draw away When did You decide So that we would To make miracles so simple, Yearn for You to be near, So gentle, so quite, and so small? So that we would yearn Did our fear of Your voice For Your power and might, Echoing from the mountaintop For Your holiness Push You away? And for Your salvation? Or was this Your plan all along, Or are You waiting, patiently, To show usYour glory To return, again, with signs In fire and smoke, And wonders? In the parted sea,

“When Words Enter the Heart” (Rabbi Mendl of Kotzk) “And these words which I command you this day shall be upon you heart.” The verse does not say: “in your heart.” For there are times when the heart is shut. But the words lie upon the heart, and when the heart opens in holy hours, they sink deep down into it.

“Open Up Our Eyes” (words and music by Cantor Jeff Klepper) Open up our eyes, teach us how to live, fill our hearts with joy and all the love You have to give. Gather us in peace as You bring us to Your name, and we shall know that You are One.

Shema (306) Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai echad Baruch Sheim kevod malchuto l’olam va’ed V’ahavta (306-7) V’ahavta et Adonai Elohecha b’chol-levav’cha u’vechol-naf’shecha u’vechol- me’odecha. V’haiyu ha’devarim ha’eileh, Asher Anochi mitzav’cha ha’yom, al- l’vavecha. V’shinantam l’vanecha, v’dibarta bam b’shivetcha b’veitecha, uv’lechtecha va’derech, uv’shochbecha uv’kumecha. Ukshartam l’ot al-yadecha, v’haiyu letotafot bein einecha, uchtavtam al-mizuzot beitecha, uvisharecha. L’ma’an tiz’keru va’asitem et-kol-mitzvotai, vi’heyitem kedoshim l’Eiloheichem. Ani Adonai Eloheichem, asher hotzeiti et’chem mei’eretz Mitzraiyim lihiyot lachem l’Eilohim. Ani Adonai Eloheichem.

Mi Chamocha (308) Mi chamocha ba’eilim Adonai? Mi kamocha nedar ba’kodesh, nora tehilot, oseh feleh? Shirah chadashah shib’chu g’ulim l’shim’cha al-s’fat ha’yam; yachad kulam hodu v’himlichu v’amru: “Adonai yimloch l’olam va’ed”

Tzur Yisrael kumah b’ezrat Yisrael, uf’dei chinumecha Yehudah v’Yisrael. Go’ Adonai Tzeva’ot shemo, kedosh Yisrael. Baruch Atah Adonai, ga’al Yisrael.

Adonai Sefatai (308) Adonai sefatai tiftach u’fi yagid tehilatecha Avot v’Imahot (309) Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu v’Elohei avoteinu v’imoteinu: Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak, vEilohei Ya’akov. Elohei Sarah, Elohei Rivkah, Elohei Leah, vEilohei Rachel. Ha’El ha’gadol ha’gibor v’ha’norah, El Elton. Gomeil chasadim tovim v’konei ha’kol, v’zocheir chasdei avot v’imahot, u’mei’vi ge’ulah livnei v’neihem, l’ma’an shemo b’ahavah. Zochreinu l’chaiyim, Melech chafeitz ba’chaiyim, v’chotveinu b’seifer ha’chaiyim, l’ma’ancha chaiyim. Melech ozeir u’moshiya u’magein. Baruch Atah Adonai, magein Avraham v’ezrat Sarah

Gevurot (310) Atah gibor l’olam Adonai, m’chaiyei ha’kol Atah, l’hoshiya Morid ha’tal M’chalkeil chaiyim b’chesed, m’chaiyei ha’kol b’rachamim rabim. Someich noflim, v’rofei cholim, u’matir asurim, u’mekaiyeim emunato li’sheinei afar. Mi chamocha, ba’al gevurot, u’mi domeh lacy, Melech meimit um’chaiyeh u’matzmiyach yishuah? Mi chamocha Av Ha’Rachamim, zocheir yitzurav l’chaiyim b’rachamim?

V’ne’eman Atah l’ha’chaiyot ha’kol. Baruch Atah Adonai, m’chaiyei ha’kol.

Unetaneh Tokef (312-314) Let us proclaim the sacred power of Judge and Arbiter, Counsel and this day; Witness. It is awesome and full of dread. You write and You seal, You record For on this day Your dominion is and recount. exalted, You remember deeds long forgotten. Your throne established in steadfast You open the book of our days, love; and what is written there proclaims there in truth You reign. itself, In truth You are for it bears the signature of every human being. ——

The great Shofar is sounded, As the shepherd seeks out the flock, the still, small voice is heard; and makes the sheep pass under the the angels, gripped by fear and staff, trembling, so do You muster and number and declare in awe: consider This is the Day of Judgment! every soul, For even the hosts of heaven are setting the bounds of every creature’s judged, life, as all who dwell on earth and decreeing its destiny stand arrayed before You.

B’Rosh Hashanah yikateivun u’v’Yom Tzom Kippur yeichateimun On Rosh Hashanah it is written, on Yom Kippur it is sealed: How many shall pass on, how many shall come to be who shall live and who shall die who shall see ripe age and who shall not who shall perish by fire and who by water who by sword and who by beast who by hunger and who by thirst who by earthquake and who by plague who by strangling and who by stoning who shall be secure and who shall be driven who shall be tranquil and who shall be troubled who shall be poor and who shall be rich who shall be humbled and who exalted

U’teshuvah u’tefilah u’ ma’avirin et ro’ah ha’gezeirah But Repentance, , and Charity temper judgment’s sever decree.

Kedushah (315-16, 318) Nekadeish et Shim’cha ba’olam k’sheim shemakdishim oto bishmei marom, kakatuv al nevi’echa, v’kara zeh el zeh v’amar: Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh Adonai Tzeva’ot m’lo kol ha’aretz kevodo Adir adireinu, Adonai adoneinu, mah adir shim’cha b’chol ha’aretz Baruch kevod Adonai mimkomo Echad hu Eloheinu, hu Avinu, hu Malkeinu, hu Moshiyeinu, v’hu Yashmieinu b’rachamav l’einei kol chai “Ani Adonai Eloheichem” Yimloch Adonai l’olam, Elohaiyich Tzion, l’dor va’dor. Halleluyah! L’dor va’dor nagid goedlecha, u’lenetzach netzachim kedushat’cha nakdish. V’shiv’cha’cha Eloheinu mipinu lo yamush l’olam valed Baruch Atah, Adonai, ha’melech ha’kadosh Kedushat Ha’Yom (318) The House of Israel is called to holiness, to a covenant with the Eternal for all time. We are called to serve the Most High; may we rejoice in this heritage forever. May this day add meaning to our lives. Let contrition awaken our conscience, our common worship unite us in love, our memories of bondage impel us to help the oppressed. This day remember us for well-being. Amen. This day bless us with Your nearness. Amen. This day help us to live. Amen

Sim Shalom (322) Sim shalom, tovah uv’rachah, chein va’chesed v’rachamim, aleinu v’al kol-Yisrael amechah.

Oseh Shalom

Oseh shalom bimromav, hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu v’al kol Yisrael, v’imru: amen Vidui (324) ( of Sin) For transgressions against God, the Day of Atonement atones; but for transgressions of one human being against another, the Day of Atonement does not atone until they have made peace with one another. I hereby forgive all who have hurt me, all who have wronged me, whether deliberately or inadvertently, whether by word or by deed. May no one be punished on my account. As I forgive and pardon those who have wronged me, may those whom I have harmed forgive and pardon me, whether I acted deliberately or inadvertently, whether by word or by deed. ——- Our God, God of our mothers and fathers, grant that our prayers may reach You. Do not be deaf to our pleas, for we are not so arrogant and stiff-necked as to say before You, our God and God of all ages, we are perfect and have not sinned; rather do we confess: we have gone astray, we have sinned, we have transgressed. Ashamnu, Bagadnu… (327) Ashamnu, bagadnu, gazalnu, dibarnu dofi. He’evinu, v’hirshanu, zadnu, chamasnu, tafalnu shaker. Ya’atznu rah, kizavnu, latznu, maradnu, niatznu. Sararnu, avinu, pashanu, tararnu, kishinu oref. Rashanu, shichatnu, tiavnu, ta’inu, titanu. Now may it be Your will, O God of all the generations, to pardon all our sins, to forgive all our wrongdoings, and to blot out all our transgressions: Al Cheit (327-329)

Failures of Truth We sin against You when we sin against ourselves. For our failures of truth, O God, we ask forgiveness. For passing judgment without knowledge of the facts, and for distorting facts to fit our theories. For deceiving ourselves and others with half-truths, and for pretending to emotions we do not feel. For using the sins of others to excuse our own, and for denying responsibility for our own misfortunes. For condemning in our children the faults we tolerate in ourselves, and for condemning in our parents the faults we tolerate in ourselves.

Failures of Jutice We sin against You when we sin against ourselves. For our failures of justice, O God, we ask forgiveness. For keeping the poor in the chains of poverty, and turning a deaf ear to the cry of the oppressed. For using violence to maintain our power, and for using violence to bring about change. For waging aggressive war, and for the sin of appeasing aggressors. For obeying criminal orders, and for the sin of silence and indifference. For poisoning the air, and polluting land and sea, and for all the evil means we employ to accomplish good ends.

Failures of Love We sin against You when we sin against ourselves. For our failures of love, O God, we ask forgiveness. For confusing love with lust, and for pursuing fleeing pleasure at the cost of lasting hurt. For using others as a means to gratify our desires, and as stepping-stones to further our ambitions. For withholding love to control those we claim to love, and shunting aside those whose youth or age disturbs us. For hiding from others behind an armor of mistrust, and for the cynicism which leads us to mistrust the reality of unselfish love. Teach us to forgive ourselves for all these sins, O forgiving God, and help us to overcome them.

V’al Kulam (329) (For all these sins) V’al kulam, Elo’ah slichot, selach-lanu, mechal-lanu, kapeir-lanu! For all these sins, O God of mercy, forgive us, pardon us, grant us atonement!

Al Cheit She’chatanu L’fanecha (330-331) The sin we have committed against You by malicious gossip, the sin we have committed against You by sexual immorality, and the sin we have committed against you by gluttony.

The sin we have committed against You by narrow-mindedness, the sin we have committed against You by fraud and falsehood, and the sin we have committed against you by hating without cause.

The sin we have committed against You by our arrogance, the sin we have committed against You by our insolence, and the sin we have committed against you by our irreverence.

The sin we have committed against You by our hypocrisy, the sin we have committed against You by passing judgment on others, and the sin we have committed against you by exploiting the weak.

The sin we have committed against You by giving and taking bribes, the sin we have committed against You by giving way to our hostile impulses, and the sin we have committed against you by running to do evil.

V’al kulam, Elo’ah slichot, selach-lanu, mechal-lanu, kapeir-lanu! For all these sins, O God of mercy, forgive us, pardon us, grant us atonement! Slichot (334-335) (Prayers for Forgiveness) On this day, Eternal God, we come to You aware of our failings. Help us to cast our sins away, and to find peace. Source of our life: when in our folly we go astray, forgive us. Sovereign God, pardon our many sins. As, in Your love, You have been patient with this people from the time You led us out of Egypt to the present day, so, in Your great love, may You forgive Your people now.

Va’yomeir Adonai: “Salachti kidvarecha.” And God said: I have pardoned in response to your plea.

Shema Koleinu (336) Shema koleinu, Adonai Eloheinu… Chus v’racheim aleinu, v’kabeil b’rachamim uv’ratzon et-tefilateinu. Hashiveinu Adonai eilecha v’nashuva, chadeish yameinu kekedem. Ki Anu (337) Ki anu amecha, v’atah malkeinu. Anu vanecha, v’atah avinu. Anu nachalatecha, v’atah goraleinu. Anu tzonecha, v’atah ro’einu. Anu karmecha, v’atah notreinu. Anu rayatecha, v’atah dodeinu.

Torah Service Adonai, Adonai… Adonai, Adonai eil rachum v’chanun, erech apaiyim v’rav-chesed ve’emet, notzeir chesed la’alafim, nosei avon va’feshah vechata’ah venakeh Avinu Malkeinu, we have sinned before You. Avinu Malkeinu, bring us back to You in full repentance. Avinu Malkeinu, forgive and pardon all our misdeeds. Avinu Malkeinu, have compassion on us and on our children. Avinu Malkeinu, make an end to sickness, war, and famine. Avinu Malkeinu, inscribe us for blessing in the Book of Life Avinu Malkeinu, let the new year be a good year for us. Avinu Malkeinu, help us to exalt Your name in the world Avinu Malkeinu, in Your mercy accept our prayer.

Avinu Malkeinu, choneinu va’aneinu, ki ein banu ma’asim, asei imanu tzedakah va’chesed v’hoshiyeinu

Avinu Malkeinu, be gracious and answer us, for we have little merit. Treat us generously and with kindness, and be our help.

Baruch shenatan Torah l’amo Yisrael bikdushato Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai echad Echad Eloheinu, gadol Adoneinu, kadosh v’norah shemo Mi Shebeirach (not in machzor) Mi shebeirach avoteinu, mekor ha’brachah l’imoteinu Mi shebeirach imoteinu, mekor ha’brachah l’avoteinu Lifting/Dressing of Torah V’zot ha’Torah asher-sahm Mosheh lifnei b’nei Yisrael, al-pi Adonai b’yad Mosheh

Returning Torah to the Ark Hodo al-eretz v’shamaiyim, va’yarem keren l’amo, tehilah l’chol-chasidav, livnei Yisrael am kerovo. Haleluyah

Ki lekach tov natati lachem, Torati al ta’azovu.

Eitz chaiyim hi lemachazikim bah, vetomcheha me’ushar. Deracheha darchei- no’am, v’chol-netivoteha shalom. Hashiveinu Adonai eilecha, venashuvah. Chadeish yameinu kekedem.

Ha’Yom Ha’yom te’amtzeinu! Amen. Ha’yom tevarcheinu! Amen. Ha’yom tegadleinu! Amen. Ha’yom tidresheinu l’tovah! Amen. Ha’yom tichteveinu l’chaiyim tovim! Amen. Ha’yom tishmah shavateinu! Amen. Ha’yom titmecheinu bi’yemin tzidkecha! Amen.