Published In English, Sesuto, Xosa and Zulu • • IlTETELI AU. lltE BEST EDUCATIONAL

WA SPORTING BANTU DISTRICT and I. tile COUNTRY UIIIO.. -& .~ - ... NEWS: I EADIMe • • , AI.., • ARIC·. • ," WOMEN'S • •• • SECTION . " WwaEST • . c:acuLA11O. •...... ,- I ",lit...... _ The Mouthpiece of the African Peoplel...'_'· _0-_"'_'" -!

Authorised tD publiSh Government Notices affecting Africans. Price ,)Q,

lB. Xo. 9'>7 . -.) ' ,. Registered at the G.P.O .•IS a Newsp"'per. Pri.:e Jd • • ,

.. Actions Armstrong Misunderstood By Wins Three Majorities Worid Championships Accusations Made By Beats Lou Ambers "Special Pleadings" In United States

(BY SENATOR RHEINALLT JOl'o'F.S ) THE victory of Henry Armstronl! O\"fr Lou Am bers last ~ ('ek yer,. important events in the presclIt ~essioD Parliament, a8 wo or make ~ the Negro boxer world .ffuting tbe African people, have been the adioD~ taken by tbeir n champion in three cla::J s6..~ a. feat T &even parliamentary representative" on tbe H'fwel{lb Minister Bill nt"ver before a.chieved in the histbfv and the Native" Poll" Tax. These matters have brought the represent­ of boxing, ' atives ver) sharply up against tbe feelings and prejudices of tbe otber Armstrong, It will be remember­ Senators and memben of Parliament. ed, w~n thi' featherweight rham­ The ~. Twelfth ~1inisler" Bill was introduced to alter the Act of Union PlOll"'hlP of the \\ orld by knockillC! ilO that the number of Cobiuel ~tini.ter8 can he increased and tbe Prime out Petey Sarron, who had WOn l\tioi!.ter un get Fourie back into his Cabinet, ~lr, Fourie ",'nS beaten Mr. that ('vent" ith a 6ne vi<' torvover at th~ laet election and, 80 fnr~ he has not found a place io Parliament. Miller in J ohanneqburg. Sarron It haA beeD rumoured thot Seo8tor Tbompson was going to resign to mako HE~R\" AR~I RTRONr., the great r\('gro bo'«('r who by ciefeating then went O\'er to thl' United 1'0001 ill tbe Senate for Mr. Fourie, Senator Thompson is a Senator Lou Am bers no" hold ... the f('u therweig ht , welt('r w('ight and ligbt­ States to m~,..t Arm~trong who had by appointed the Government because he is s upposed to have a "thorougb "eight title" uf tilt' world. been kno('king out oppont> nt~ in Olll' knuwled~e of the reasonable wauh and wishes of tbe Coloured races of round or two, and had ~ho \\ n him· Soutb Africa:' So for be bas s ho\~n no sympatby ,..hateHr for the self to bl' U H'r.,- great performer 1Ualt~r8 brought forward by tbe four Senators. Tbe Act of Union iUlend­ Arm.,! rung llt'at Sarron by the ed Senators 80 nomjnated to speak for lhe African people ::md Mr. W, p, Problem Of The Pass Fees kno<'k·out ruute. and t hu~ won tht> ~hreincr, Sir Wolter Stanford and Dr, Robert!. were ~ood namples, In fco.ther\\t>ilj:i1t title dllunpionqhip. reel'llt )e:l1'lJ tbe good iotenlions ho\e been defeated becau.,e Go\eroruenh. and Ma.yor of ·prlOgs. The dcput. Looking for fr.1qh fidd .. to ('on· baH' useU this power of nomination to reward frieud:; who have no ation "tl..,; intro'{I1<'cd hy)lr F C, ttlil'l' Ann ... tI'oll~ nl'~l ('hl~II('nge, 1 '1ualJfication to speak 00 behalf of the "Coloured race .. :' The Parlin­ Reef Deputation SturrOf·k. :\lini ~ t('r \\Ithout port· Ba.rnt".\' Ho"". tht> worhl' .. \H·lter­ .ncu(81) represcntath'cs of tbe Africans felt strongly that tbe- leller a nd folio. \~cight holder lip.iril of tbe Act of Union sbould he ohsel'\ed in the..,e nomination'!. Sees The Minister It \\a ... pointed Ollt that in the I n the ('oursc of a. hN,ti(' hatt/I:" Tbf')'. therefor !.", wou1d protest if Mr. Fourie were put into tbe Senate ID T"IU1~' ,Ial Pro\,Itl('l·. pa..;" f('('" W('re Ill', u,,,, t ht' lighter of tlu: I \It 0 men, tlti~ wa). ('oll('d l·d hy tlw (:0\ ernn)l'llt and \\ 011 thi ... litl(· fil ... o, H l' tll('n l'l!aJ­ Illlpurl1\llt ... tnl .. uu.'nl in (,00' AX h,uHll·d o"~r to the Pro\lncial n('('1 ion· With tht· pa ... ., fce., Jeng('d 1.011 AmbeN fur lhc worlc/')01 Councd, the amount of the fct'~ so lij.!ht,\\ eight dUl.Inpion.. hip. Tht· Big Problems Before The House poi;lit inn in the Tran'iyanl \\ /4'" pre, tJ ansfcrreci ht'in~ £1102,000. !'entecl to the )lllli.,ter of Xt~th 'c tight that en"ul'd \\a.~ thrilling. W I-Hi:.' till' "Twelfth l\un,lliter' are a party in 0pp0..,;ltion to the Thi:-. money \Ient into the Pro· Affairs. :.\lr Fugan. at t'apcto\\ n Arm .. trong 'lith lon~ TelU·h and Bill ('allle before Parhamellt Gon'rnlU('ut, or art" Ilt It'a..",t ho."t1ie nuclal Reyenuc aCl'O\lIlt, and wns on August 1M Tht: "tatement wa. ..; flailing arm'4 \\30'1 ah\ n.y'l uang-erou<; till' Hm.'€' :'\h'mb€'~ of Parliament to the Oovernment_ pl'nt ()n \-nrion!>' ohjectke~ not al. oy u depullltie)1l from Johan­ t\nd once had Amhe. " nrtllallyout. "hn n'pre"('nt the ('ape African I ('all only "'peal.. for lUy~elf. 1 wu.y" in ('onncction with Native til(' a. lonr .o;(l.\'ing him NeHr· ne!-'burg nnd rl.'ef u)unkipalilic .... Lell \'otl-rs Yott't) it, but did not luwe nCv('r het'll a nwmber of n.n\ (ConlHlUfd i11 page .J ) headed hy)Ir (:l'orgc :-Iutter ~(P (Continued in page .3) tipt"llk in the Debatl'~. The four politica.l p~try !ootnl'l' 1 cam(.' to Senn.tor", on the other ha.nd, llill South AIriea thirh -thl('t' \'I;.'ar!oo ~o. not tJI'PO"(' lt. but p;!\id tha.t they I WI.\..... el('(.:tt'rl a 'Senato~ \\jlhoul "ill prot (· .. t if the Prim", "\lini... ter the help of an." political p.\r\) _ r • numinf\tl~ )1 r j?ounc t\..~ u Senator Illll in t hI.' St.'' nut onl\, to rt', t I) rl'pn'''ent Afril'an intere"b;, pre... ent tlli' Afril'~11 pl-ople of the Tb('rl' W;h thu!-' a differem't· III rrall,,"aal and Un.l.n~t" J·'ret· Statl" • ... (·tulU hl't\\\·\.'11 tbe four :--ienntoN but al...o to "han' ill the la..;k of .and 1lIr...,· )ll'wbers of PMlmUlt:'nt .... t'(·uring that ... onn,\ 1.4"'; are wndt', Nor dill thl'), agree on Int'rih of Uw that Ju.. o,; ti,.'l' i:-l administt.·rcd. lhtlt Bill. frt'edom i.... E'n'iur\.'.t ,uul that op­ 'rhe- ()thrr ~enl\toN [\.nfl 'lemlx'r-. IKlrtunitil.... for a full life an· m.ule 4)£ Paritamf'nt do not ullrlerstalul avnihh).· to all "'{'(,tion.... of the O'U' po~itiun They haH' not un­ population. 1 \\ ill glarll,v ('o·opt'ratt' tli'l'!ootood that we are not a. politil'al "lth th(> (:uH'rrullt'nt IlO nutkr ptllt) and are uot c\'cn n party at what l:Klitti(':l.1 ('Inrt) bin pO"l'f. 1'0 all. We :trl' ~en'n indi\ idual ... Ion!! a ... it ... ('("k ... t!lt· ... ,· e,bjf'('b IlUt dt~:tt'(l ·t"IHU'att'l .... \\ ithout till.' !-,up' 1 shall not he-:--it,\tt" to OI'P(hi I)<,at nf any political party. a.nd 1ffie<\..;.\IJ'l .... "hi"h I tl,ink .Lrf!' wrcmJ,t '"adl one I:. frel' to a.d a...~ h(' think....: an.i unjll" . tit . It b true that th(' ... ('\'('n han: Afriean Poll Tn .\.Lolilion m('t tog('thl'1" from timt· to t iult' to 'fh{' ..... nllld matll'r (,l impol'lcllll"f' • di... C'u. ..,;.;, matti'l'" atT('l("tin~ thE" _\fri, hl\., ht'.·u tin- ,i.·l1 ,,~~ em )1 SMOKING MIXTURE ( . 11 p('()pl" but th~t~ m('din~ han )loltenll" moli, n 8!1kuU( f'.r Ilk· 1\ot lx"'n 1\ ""·8.u('u,,," "hl'rl' III' aholit)()1l ot tht,,, \fri"an Poll T", .. • "('fl' ltindinj:! l\ll "ho «i.-.l~ )ll..'" ti~k('n ThE' ~pt..·lo(:bE'-i h~' \Ir .lloltenl) and lh'rl' pr("!'\'nt hl ad in uni .. on. )IN, Balhm.!l·r h ~\ l I't'leind • 8~ Tbl' B('t1':'!1l ('If thE' thn..... lap~.. )!Teal ,le,\1 elt l\utll'e, but .3.... wa.~ to "l'ruhel' ()f P:uliament in HJlin:! be t"'\.pt'

.ti II ('ommunic.alwn.! to be addru6ed tv ! BUSINESS MANAGER, Two Years For Parliament Talks Of African Japan Fighting Fiercel P.O. Box .S15. For Hanko Y JOHANNESBURG. Car Theft And w Puh/"Ios at Hanko\\' but hUll . h ,art' rnl't" One YI'lr .. 1.-; - nit very .. tern T('sL'ltnntl' . I'l~ '" HOW , ntnturist dcltbemtl'\Y Speeches By Mr. Hemming, :-';ix Munl h ... • i 6 art" ~ufferUl" hell\'" 10. • 11111 I ~\\ ling the bn. ·k of h1.'1 C,lr into eo< • "',,(' " TI Three Month,; j ho.v(' bt'('n a.ble in {'('rlai . 1,,\· the bicycle ricinE'1l Uy a .. ~a.ti\'e b . I· . n ~«'tlJr ... t whom police V.M Mrs. Ballinger And Others nng t lClr \\ [\(':C il\ll y among the ---<0>--_ PASS FEE Yan Soclen below the bread line direct representatives of the farmeN, who Arthur Edf'n, a garage propri- taxation, he proceeded, hut e\-ery want the Africans in thc to\\ nl'! and REFORM etor, said that 00 April 24, as t.he Africa.n over the of IS at the Reserves to he taxed a.nd th o~c No Colour Line In result of a. report he received from le&'1t £1 in direct t.\Xation a. year. on the farms to LH· let o ff altogether Tom, the Native who \larked I\t 0 0 0 0 or to pay much less tha.n the otheN Traffic Rules OME very interesting ideas his Sl1ing,station, he jumped into The African representa.tives, the (a.s used to be the C8!)e in the S were proffered to the bis ca.r and drove after Jem, who speaker went on, welcomed the ap· Transvaal). the Afri<'a ll ca.r.driver Minister of Native Affairs, was pedalling furiously along the pointment of tbe Minister of Native This d l;'b:,te has brought into Is . lUore Heidelberg road. Affairs a man of integrity who prone t 0 tnCrea'le the "c' I prominence questions of great im­ '"' If t'nt Mr. Fagan, at Capetown on rat etlanI the Europea.n ~ August ) 8, when an import­ Jela would not obey Eden whl;'n would re~ist any influencc. portance. In the corridors of Par, he shouted to him to stop. .. We know that influences at liament di"l~us"lion., are taking place ql!,I;''ItionNl by the "Rand Tlail ant deputation from ,Johan­ wOTk intent UpOIl a.ltering the letter about the pO!iition in Parliament of ~[ a l1 ret'cntly. an official of th~ Toppled Over or the spirit of this decision," Co n- nesburg and the Reef spoke the re pT'E' ~ ntativ c.s of the A fricaM. J o.hAnnesburg I . Tmffic , Dnl)art.. Jlll'nt' to h lin abou t pas fees re­ ,. 0 when I was Blightly ahead of tinued :Mr. H emming, "Both inside Jt is said that they arc "special saT( their eXI,eneuce showed that him ," Eden, " I pulled my rar and outside the H ouse there are in­ pleaders" not ordinary Ill cm bers thl' O ne WIl'1 no brtter nOr \\ form. o\·er to the left so thl\t the back of fluences at work endeavouring to the other. No reglll uS~~ Under the present system that they are not suffi{'it'nt l.\' tilink. it would foul hiR bicycle. I kne" thrust the Africans upon land unSt iug of the European'l' \'ic\\ s on mt h n. colour di.stinction wen..· COt. t.emplated. I in an important city like that the back wheel or the bumper to livc On in Bcchuanaland." matters ('oming before Parliament : ,Johannesburg, Africans come of my car would hit his cycle, Oe..<.;pit.e many influences, there that they are thinking only how There \~'jJ,'I, ho\~ '("\.'e r , olle diffi Clt ih' \Vhe,; it did, hc toppled over." wa...q still a. \""ery grea.t deal left in thc wh(,11 Africiln clrlvcr,s WCTI;' im'ol '1 into tbe area looking for tbey can pllSh forward ,. African . ' 1 " \tl( work, and pass through an Jele. crashed on the H eidelberg African people- trust in the white interest.."l". tha.t thl;'v are in too In a.Ct' I( ent'!. 1 he police were nft"tl road on April 24, in onc of the car~ ml\n great a hUfry to g('t~ re~ults; that u!lablc to trat'e Africans after :le'. office controUed by tbe Gov­ he had stolen H e hit a fence .. [ hope nothing \\ ill be done to l'ldenl~ be-ca,lhl' of cbanging: adtlr"J. in their bogtility to the Oo\'ern­ se..;, ernment which coUects the after cror.;.sing a railway IC\Te l cross· di....;sipatl' t he feeling of respect \\ bich ment they are acting with tbe pass fees. EventuaUy, these mg, exists. I feel it will be an unhappy political enemies of t he Africans o pass fees are handed over to J . A. Pretorius, \\ ho saw the a.c­ day when t hat feeling of trust and (nnmely )Ialanite.<;), and so forth, cident, said that J ela "as travelling affection i~ gOIlf'. JU !o1tice and fair the Provincial Council ­ African Affairs Loom L:lrge ~rh e. C:ermisto n C I.D. iii intt'l1~i . between 70 or 7.) m.p.h. \\ hen it pl.\,Y \~ ill 00 much to maintain tha.t fYlng Its campaig n against Afrieall money wh ich in the Trans­ occurred, The car, which was a Iu.w ·abiding feeling." One rea.<;on for this talk is that burg'!, ~hom it is belieVed arl' vaal amounts to over £600,000 nc\\ one, bounded into the air 000 0 there h8.\·e been morc .. African working In group!\ for orgnni~l'(l per year. It is important to when it hit the railway lines, During the week also the debales affairH" ma.tters before Parliament gangs along the Reef, and Ol.'lIjn~ remember that most of this After that J ela lost control. in Parliament yielded much other this session than in a.ny other stolen goo~~ to European re<' eiv('r~. session. and t he repre~e ntatives of money is paid by European " I asked Jela whv he WR'J tra.vel· interesting comment , as follows' A detect,,-c'f'(>rgeant has suC't'(,'!lo ling so fast," said Pretorius. "He Mrs. M. V . Ballinger continuing the Africans in both HOUSCli have fully investigated 20 cases of hOUSd employers so that there is no told me that the car wa~ too fight the debate on lIlr. Molteno's motion spoken with more knowledge and and shop, breaking during the "'" actual victimisation of Afri­ to travel slowly. The car, accord, for the abolition of the Native Poll brought forward more fa.ct s than four wcck!'J. On a number of 01.' cans in this respect. N ever­ ing to him, wanted to fly." Tax, described it as a "ta.x on the has usually boon the ease. And easions the burglars were eBught rl'r1. tbele.'l8, tbe municipal author­ poor." It amounted in many Ca'lCS the result jq that many in Parlia­ ha.nded. Recently several boardin~. Knife Found ment think tha.t too m'uch is being itioo feel, and rightly, that it to a reduction of one·sixth of the h o u se~ in a suburb of Oermistull After the cra .. h, n. Native con· spending power of the earncrs. The asked on behalf of the Africans were brokrn into and money an~1 is their job to look after stable, Paulus, &-<;ked Jela for hi" tax. she said, was introduced to and that there is danger of" moving clot hing stolen, African. coming into tbe pa~. J ella. pretpnded to look in force town Africans into the to\rns too fast." Another rea~ o is tha.t cities and to provide adequate his pockets for it, but then sud­ to take up employment, crea.ting there is curiosity a.bout tbe attitude --<0>--- accom Ulodation for the m denly snatchCfl the con~table's the pre~c nt position in which they of the seven representatives towards stick from him ·lolld attempted to were endea.vouring to move African'i the Government and Lbe political In tI"ling your particular gift!! fnr while they are looking for bit him over thl' h,~a' l with it. Jels. from the Europea-n areas b'Uck in to parti ~~. becau!o1c the political thl;' good of others thero i!l a jll\' work. At present a labour then grabbed P 1I111"'~ cycle and the reserves. situatio n a~ a \\hole ii very un­ \\hich you eannot havC'. and u{'\'t:r contractor may secure the rode a.way. o 0 a 0 certain, \I ill ho.\'c. in any other WI1\· "crvices of a large number of After he had b'·PH knocked off Mrs, Ba.llinger considered that the It is not our fa.ult if ,"e ar(' Bi ~ h o p of LOllclon. . Africans, and wiU aecom­ the cycle by Edell car, J cla was ta\. Cost a great deal to ('oUcct. thought 0 fin Parliament as searched. The key of the stolen Thcre "as the cost of imprL<:joning «specia.l pleaders", 8S setting Afri­ Illodate them where he likes­ car was found in h i'-l pocket a.nd a. 70,000 d cfaulter:l a year at h . 8d. a can interMts aga.inst those of the sometime<; in places which do knife tht! bllJde of ·hi('h m <>M ured da\"; there was a. l o~ to the country \Vhit e- man. Pa.r1ia.ment itself i!J to KNOWLEDGE IS not oom0 up to the standards more than three in. ~ i or"the work the African would do if be blamed. Tho"i(' of uq who op­ demanded by the municipal not in goal ; the cost too, of pORed th(' abolition of the ,I Capc POWERI authorities. The feeling is, TOull,ling up defaulters. The ~()('inl Native FmnchL"I(' '' "ere afraid of effcl·t of thE' tax hfld bcen to under­ thi.~ very thine. By ~cgr('p;l\ting AN ignoranl mOD will Dever .te· therefore, that the city ought The O!sity be a. con .. \" Ilir tll'Il.':'(1 tim(', by JUf',u1l1l ORLD inti' II arol1;,t:'d it \\01l1d he !)('ttN if th~· £1 (lOII,fll II I flid between • he int~rc~t~ of tilt'" fit of the pa~s fees. II' urther­ uf ~l t' Ilion ('oll('~(' ('om'!!· W in the ~l!nan, the Afri('an and tho'!!' of th(' Europprm. morC the ("ost to the general thus forfl'ill'rl Wl'nt. int.o lin' l'hall­ pmulf·lwt· (':nurst'. Our ff't" African \\ ho I .~' ,e t he oldest nt'i" of tJ'ade rnthl'r than intn thl' Tbl' S(,,'('n rt.. ·prt·<;f'ut:\1 j\'P" of till' art' very 10l' - lrom JII/. rntcpil)"('r lli far higher to-day Dlan in t hI;' worll a.lmost (1(·:\'1 channd (If neml intt'f"(· t, 11.1111 not to get an educotion. Pon I to rOllfirw th(,Ill';l'h~'" til .. Afri('nn We f' d that the deput­ ~knnn wa..; hur .t cl.'HI wa... )lr. J. J. \\\·lItl.d cl(· ... crilJ('d till' this Coupon t.o lit olJd lei two YNIoN youngl'r th'LI tilt' f l\mou~ I mot ion as a prt'poslt'ro'h dt'llm.nd AfJ'llr ~.·' It i ~ a-l Illlf.lir to aft v'l( U6 ahow you how we caD ation willch ,aw the )linllitcr Chief Sekgomn. who .{ ),t'a.r... from th(' Kalin H.t·pr(· ... ('nt.'~ti\"(' ... in tht'm for bringing fOr\\MtI ma,ttl'T" help you. had right on its :-;ioe. old Whl'lI Ktu 10 '''.1 St'urhnp~ 'U'(·t.·ntu;·d Ullr H(· I):l.fntl" ."tri\·ing tn oppu'''''' thl' ~\fr il Ul. I ., .... tricul.tlon . to tlu.~ \trican ('ih' dwellt.'l': ptal'('. II IS .. 1I l\H) .. iilt i'lli' dt·hah' n.b atljourUl·d to !Il· ... s. ,ml! mall)' Im'l uggl''"'tc'll tH I ... Stud.rd. IY, y,., ftt. 'N\ L thl' Tt'pn'~{,lItl\tiVt'F: th a: thc· ..... would ,ulli if the Iln~:-i Ll\~·~ \\{lre ad- ' In till' t:\'rIllIUl ({tl:llitl Ith('zt'chl ohtain mt)Tt' for tlH'ir (·on .. tltll(·lIt .. I --L.. I ,\IHI tIlt' t In . and 'f tl .. I tl • .,Jlo""kHPI,.. mini:-.t{,l·('( ov city inSpl'l'tO['S :-;IHII n« ~ o 1 !l'Y)OIllI'( 1(' f -..,\, rn 1Il('nt Jlllrt y ... $h.r1l1and ud f.,..,,,, .. tiailll'ci III their ,,()rl', \\C I !'lome hopes ur, 1,1(111 I II hi' utay .lTvl III ti.i ",n. aUi'll It .. IUt·dln"";.., .....ti ... \ TH'" 10.,,11 of :~!li)IHl(}.OO{) yt'n la"IIt .... ~ho\lhl 1I.\\l' Il·Ss of thatllH'lpthetno 1{£'StOt' tOf!·tlu of till' ··l·"II('1I ' uiwn' "II II)}' r ... fnr Ilnanrin!! tilt' opt·mtion In ...... \ I,..nnlll & t ...... II· fridioll .t ,I ·i.ltl·d \\ Ith ta('t- "Sll(' ~ .... ful Ii \\1 hn\ dtlne I' Irt.~nt 1ll,~ftl'fS rt fliiC"u ..... etl all,1 EIIMj,..t __ • o China \dll h~· otfl'fl,d fllr suh ... crip. fkddt'll IIpon I" [II, tl,,·v an' 1,.;-.:-. l'X,lllliIJ \t ion of pas:-Ol's IHIH'h til "II lire ]'1 II,(' 11 1Ir !'t ',,,·laU ... La ... tllm Oll \ugu .. t :!:? hy thl~ ,J '~l'anf I' IIrot'" '" I It I '0"' I lit I· I'.J.r Ii;lmr·,.t It H .....tin Acr", .. "hi"h h... I ell) hl'hl .01))('- .,. :\11111 tT\' of Flnaue( it i .. rl'\t,dt'j argot·.! that JUon' "1Ij1port "ould h. .,. U", .. tnl I ry ...-~ ,. " •••• in l' tillll':o; again:-;t the polil't'. ."l'<'Urt'( I tnr lIl()tilln" l,r"I1~ht fur· ... A,r+u I tvu. I'thtal SI~\in~ hB.n""~ ;~ni1 till' \1'" .,in. p ... ·ly ho!,l' that the Fired at African Crowd \\artl hy tilt''' r('prl f nt.ltiHs of till' ••• H••• "H'ecUt'! ... "...- .. ,. Btt k of .Japan dre '~p(.-.'lNESBURG, AUGUST -"7 , 3

LOSHO STAN D ERT O N . _- MUNIC I PALITY w. are ofl'lc: ial Optic:;;a ns to the foUowlol orca"hatlons for the LOSHO lolit's getse- mom) K e- w Nat;'•• Communit), Your Eyes S. Afric;an Bantu Foot~;all Loration. Kruge- rsciorp lag-a VACANCIES TO Associ;ation; Palliena )lodisc. mora-lin Pdru.... Ie , QUALIFIED NURSES A re the most valuable asset Transvaal Bantu F" otball :'olartha 1\Iopi"c. OtSE-C'oe ka June ASD SHOULD BE Association; you have - Johannesburg Bantu Foot­ Ifl;l;) ka 1] A\l gu~ t I fl3'"'. APl'LI C' '1'10"° lb · WELL TAKE;\" CdRl; OJ'. NOT ICES . I . . "'" .1-., .... are lere \' 1Il- ball Association; anaale U years e kgoeh le m a l a~"' 1 nted for the po!-; ition of'Two Witwatersr;;r.nd Bantu T SEBI SO IF YOU CANNOT SEE CLEARLY, Cycling Association ; IZAZISO \l Ie 11 V 'foko . Ia.bofelo okopile Iregi stered qualified Ntt ~es, for the thapelo go hatsah mOl'ago ga Natin:.' and Coloured Locations at a SUFFER EYESTRAIN HEADACHES Johannesburg Bantu l;awn IZAZISO t.h~ . & Tennis Association ; pel~() a opela l:'e fela l::8 ::.e. Sotho .1,)~ salary of £6 per mont hand q lIarters. Then you require eJ:perf treatment. Johannesburg Bantu Inter S hort Notices referring to Domestic School league ; Na~eboman g moseleh hcgung. Applica.nts mw,t state their age, CONS ULT m atters or r ecord ing bi rths, d eaths. O~t~lloe ke .Joseph f.A>lal~e Ie q II Rlifications, and languages spoken. Johannesburg \Vif!r Dancc a nnouncem e nt of e ngagem e nts, m a r· Association ; r iage. a re inserted in " Umtet e li" for "dlia.m Mathiloe ba Lutere-. Ba- Dutie:<; to commence I ~t October STANLEY & DE KOCK ;and Safrican Association h a lf· ..- crow n. leli ele )lotl Ie 1\loh. Modi::-.e, Gt'rt 1935. C O NSULTING AN D SURGEO N 'S O PTICIANS Burial Aid Society. These Notices, Records or Announce­ Mohono Ie NeIlal\~oh o no IE' baho- Application .... addre.ssed to the N ext to BIJOU THEATRE, JEPPE ST., m e nts which must b e eithe r in writ ing loane bale. babeli, Bar_ l\1 od~: . under~ i gned. will he recei\·ed up to J 0 HAN N E 5 BUR G . p:.:o ~r:l nii.84so or t ypewritte n. must be a ddresse d t o the Business Ma nager, .. Umte t ell," Batho b_aphltlo enele Jfli molebt. noon, on Wedne!;day, 31st August , ~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::~:::::~~~: P . O . Box 4S25. Joha nne sburg, and tleng kah 14 August.-J_ M OK{;O~H, 19:1x. I must b e accompa nied by Postal Orde r Krugersdorp. 206" Personal can'·a:...... ing will disqualify for half-a.-crown. Stamps to that nn: applica.nt fOI the a.ppointments. a mount will be accepted. Problem Of The Passes Lovedale-Alice FORT MALAN INDUSTRIAL 1. Y .-\.N Rooy!:;!\'", FARM FOR SALE SCHOOL Town Clerk. (Continued from page /) )lunicipal Offices. affairs. This practice was differ. MORGEN between MAK,\· Standerton. Distinguished Visitors 100 PANSSTAD and 'MATEBASTAI) ASI kikolo sama. Afrikakazi . _ 1 ent from that obtaining in other I N 2-l-th Aug u"t , C30J6 proYinc C:':; of the enioH where the and 20 miles from PRETORIA­ ekufundiswa. kuso iruisebenzi (BY S PECT.6.TOR) Aapics River through property. yczandla.. Sixaswa Ii Bhu n~a In pass fecs wcre collected and ad­ ONthe morning of I·-Hh .-\.lw U'-; L Price £700 : 0 :0. - Apply )lAX Pesheya kwe Ncibn , nangu Rulu­ roini"l tcl'ed by the Illunieipal author­ "pl'aking to t he cuu&l'egation OOODl\U,N,35 Exploration Build­ meni we Sebc Ie l'tIfundo. Singa­ IMIPANGA ity. In Johanne-..,burg, the deput­ of student.'> a nd staff unde-r the oak:;. ings, 72 Com missioner Street, pezulll kneminyn.ka elishuroi lina atton pointed out, the city had to at Lovedale, l\liss Strout, organizer JOHA'NNNESBURG . Phone 33-5009. ntlanu saseb.-wa.yo. Turoela um· I look after its Nnti"es but bad no of the World's \ Vomen's Christian C311(;" twa-na wako naninina wok\\.t\mk('­ S IKWEYIYA .-Ngobuhlungu contl'olover fees and had bad Temperance 'Cnion, gave an. lwa.. Sikumga.ngato wezinye i7.ikole obukulu ndazisa zonke izi hlobo to subsidise its Native Revenue impressive talk ou Tempe.ranct', and WANTED zemisebenzi yezandla. I'a."e sioafu· za m ngokushiw8 nguOlntana. walU Account out of rates to the extent in the afternoon she "poke to the rna-niss. iziqiniselo zika Rulumcni we kwelipakade ngomhla we 30 July of approximately £200,000 . It Young People in t he Alice Town )ifundo elUva kweminvaka emitatu ogama. ling u Eunice Nomtllnzi; had paid about a million and a W ANTED- A fuUy qualified male Hall. On the ~10nd .... y evening 'l,he befunda. a.bantwana. AbA.hlala nga­ ominyaka. mibini Uswe- half in pass fees to the Proyince. addressed a public meeting. teacher assistant for 1\lelorane pnkati bahlaula £4:-5 nge seshoni. lekele apa apo asebcnza kona uyise Incidentally, of course , these Na.tive Scbool, Dist. Zeerust. Duties Wat e r a Dd Soil Ttunela i!'; icelo :sako ku M pati \\8S0: e BI.,·'-ot>ruitzicht. lkaya. lake 10- fees "ere paid for the mOilt part . to commence on 30th October, REI'. DA ns. S. NDUBELA. kU7.ah\a li ~e Knapps Hope, e- Xesi. by Europeans. so that there was .I n the Christia.n Union H 'dl at 1931:). l\lem ber of the Lutheran Fort, \Yangcwatywa lelinani i2 abantu no real \"ictimisation in thi;;; respect Fort on 13th August in the­ Church preferred. Apply to REY. ] dutywa. 3 abufundi ~ i James Ngobo, Ersken of the Native. evening Prof. Barker of Rbod-es }~_ JENSEN, Superintendent, P .O. X .B. Kuhlh\f\ e Idutywa: i Bus Dub.... no ~latth ('ws Tlali. Zonkc The Minister promi;;;cd to con­ University ColJege lectured on Linokana, via Zeerust , Transyaal. izihlobo lUa'Zanew:we ngulombiko. sider the matter "~ hi ch is referred <, Water and Soil M Natural 21)70 itabate nge 2/6 iyokl1ba.- fikba e Fort Malan. 206-1: .-.BO¥OE XABlSO SlK)IIEYI YA, to to-day in our leading columns. Resource.s." The lect.ure wa<; :Blrrooruicht. P .O. Box Ober- 0 illustrated by lantern stideq and TEACHER WANTED 3, holzer. C30:;~ some of the iilus trntion"l were drawn CITY OF JOHANNESBURG Wonderful Mine Kitchens from condition.s in the United W ANTED for the Krantzenstein States. Prof. Bal'ker recently ro:\d1:'l School, a highly qualified NON-EUROPEAN AND I ZIHLOBO ezikude mazanelis we THE mining industry hn-.. been a tonr of that country. Teacher to teach Standard V or V] ngulombiko. Aks'l,eko u Mnll. making a grea.t study of the a .... from October. Application,; to NATIVE AFFAIRS .J. J . Xc-si ubube ngomhla \\C'sibini kinds of food for the worker.s J oint Co mmittee he forwarded to RE\-. DR. }'. DEPARTMENT kuyo lenyanga. on the mines in order to build up On lith Augusl Dr A. ]{CI'" pnd ](RUGER, Kratzenstein School, P .O. Lomfana ngunyana ka )[fundi.'-!i strong bodies and an efficient labour Rev. James ,J. R. Jolobe attended Houtboschdorp. Pietersburg. C30J2 Scsi. obepe-te uhu cawe ba<.:e Topi- force. The latest kitcbens are the meeting of the joint committee , Furniture , Unclaimed pa , e Springs Location kudala. ma.n-eis of scientific cooking, and it of the Presbyterian and the Bantu WANTED Abaninzi baya mazi nmfundisi 10 - can be state-d with truth tha.t Churches at St. Andrew's Church. OTICE is hereby ginn that wo ngexesha cbe sa.pila. Ngamba- nowhere in the- world is the worker Kingwiliiamstown. Amollg the N W ANTED- A fully qualified lady certain unclaimed furniture. Iwa . unyana \\ake ute pambi koku- I given food calcuJated to give him Africa.n members present were Re\-s. capable of teaching in a regis­ pari irnlar:-; "hereof aregi"e-n belo'\ , ba n.bube wenza. i1itye lika yist', bette!' health or higher ~tandard or M. Sililo, ?l laritzburg ; Chief H. t ered Teacher Training School the i~ ,..1o."(:d 11.... the Superintendent, kou\\a kute ama.bandla ase Topiya I efficiency. Mama., ; D. V. Sikutshwa, Orlalldo TOWIl,> hip, and de-li,-ery "Ross ?llission ' \y, )[p~mba. . The following !:IU bject~-Dra wing. Pen­ engeka. lisi encwabeni lika. yise, I ======manship, Music, Gcograpby, Arri­ may I)f" obtained by the on-ner on naye was\\clekn.. rlll..ebenzi lowo U MBULELO relations of the two Churl·he..:;; and kaan ~, English, Sesotho. Zulu or sati~f-"ing the Superintendent a~ to u\\ ushiye C'..:andleni zama Topiya the a venues for co·ope-rM;loI\ were· Xho:ia.-Should be interested in hi", ownership. k\\'akullye nomninawewnke, u1\1nu . N DIVAKALISA umblilelo wam Muong the watters di~ctt i<.." ed . girls' sports-Church and Way­ rn.lessthe said rurrutuH'isdaim­ Pllkamile Xesi. onzulu kunyc ne-nkosikazi yam Perso n a l i~ PRINCIPAL, ed by the 3 1s t August. 1938. it is Ama l'> ukwin.i ayambulela kaklilu kumzi wase K omani ngendlel/l.. ote fnrers.-Address THE R.ev ~. Y. Hli.tlo, POI't EliJ;abcth 'Wilberforce Institute, P .O. Wilber ­ thl' Counci l's intention to !:eIl the II Mnl! . )Iatyile ngomsebenzi ate wa.<; ipatn. nga.:.o xa sibe l'> ill1ndwe­ ::a.m(' by Public Auction at the of­ C, Ndzotyana.. London. and forc-e Institute, \u\\ enza uk"azisa a. bantll ngalom- ndwe paknti kWR"O. Anclingeba­ N. Kumalo, Fort Beaufort, were fice of the Superintendent at 2.30 fana. ka Xesi, k\\ sibulela nn-bate luli magama abantll kotlwa ndin1- among tho~e who pa!';!;ed through p.m. on the 7th September, I fl3H , bampatisa umsebcnzi lowo kwaku+ meleni ndiruba.lule- II )Ifullch'l,i W A NTED A.lice- to Macfnrlan to attend thl' to defray e;.. pensE'S_ nye naba, amagll. ma alandelayo Soma'1,a no Nkosk. Somazn kwa· meeting of the Presbytery there. After deduction of rca ~o nable tl APPLICATIOKS are invited for nge zipo )lnu. Peter Be.,hu nomvan~elika:~ i \\ake. Nkosk. Dr Neil i\ /ac-vica.r ex.Superinten­ expense,.; of storage and the- cost of 3. 0; Nko~ k . Etlwl l\faqu-uda 26: Yiba. Ndibuleill. ngok ukuln lim· lhe post of Msi!'-tallt teacher uent " ietori ll H o~ pilal. L" in Alice thi!; a(h erti~e ment. any ::-- urplns \\ ill !\IIlII. (male), a.t the Ba.ntu United School. Nkosk . E\'elinn }>ono 2 -; baae buto ek uti \\ a " Liziko LC'1l\ em hezi" staYlIlg with hi" son Dr Malcom 1t;t rril) Dlith. be- held in trust for the owner. ~[c ebi 2 '-; abe I -. aba. Num/,. opetwe ngll Nkosk. Xondnll:l. onjo­ Mac-v icar . Only qu:\lified teachers neoo PARTICULAHS· (: eo rg<.' Longweni. G. ).[ Fihln., J ngo zipakamilcyo ekuncedeni i.... iz" e Dr. J. Lennox. (" x· \\ardcn and .Mbilini ; a be 6d : ma Kosk. &isu,o - umbuto ote \\8SCIiZela t\ pply. B. I profe!''>Clf of t heolog,\' n,t lona House-. I K AJ!,I E or OWl"EB D l::S(.JUPTI 0:-': Didishe-. E. M. Nko:;i, E sther "i mbnto" yokusihl11isa pamhi ko· Applicants must be either Zulu F ort Ha,re ~1)e nt a day \\1th 01'. A. f'arnuel Morok(,lIg: I Malt n ''''''', I ::-;\l lt {·a~. Z \\. a n e , Ha larala , Constance I, uha sigodukt'. E si"enzo sobuhE' le or :-:eFotho speaking. Thorough Ken' of Fort Hare. on hi ~ wa.y bark !! b,Ip:" I'oundru",.;. oJ Gohine-a . Adelaide Gumbe. ba yaba o;.e;;.ibuleIeka kakulu kuti knowledgC' of Afrikaan.~ a strong DeDI B«Il<"lIt>,.. I bar· to Johannesburg from . King­ Xnlllz. Chas. Msengana. Yivian B kuba kwawa intct o ezicllkulllisayo ft:i·· ml menrlation. 1 ('I P Ob, d(· .• 1 Bundlf­ \\ illinm<:;town. Duti('li to comlllenc<: eillH:r on of w('oLl ancl :I,\rmnl'-. Ktusi. John l\Iq"ati no E. M Nkosi ezinkulu zamanenekM i namnncnc R t>y James J R Jolobe (Bible· abf" 3d !Un K o::-- I ~. WinniE' Dundu, a im Koma. ni ayabizonteto zot!\\a 4th Oct. 193R or 24th J an. Ifl30. Edmund li lt-Ill I Bed and r) 18 t 11('...... & hool) Icrt by train for Ihe 'franskei I ,,"mll Tllhlt'. :J Ilpn· J\elina Gibiscla no Mnu. 1\1. 'Myer:o; k,\abako nezinto E'z ipatekay{). Le­ Applications to he made on a to ~\ttend the ~ret..h o diNt Evangehst dll'lO. I Do:» !julldrle,;. form obtainable from the under- I Nkol-ik. Sophia Sulula 2<1. mbuto siwunqwenelela ukwanda. Con ,'eotian a.t Emq wekezweni a.nd I Bath, I B'lUdlt> Xangoillso mawetu. _ W. E. nokllqubela pamblli emiza Ol eni ya- $il2:llcd and mu ~ t him before Cloth.inp:-, I Roll L illO to hold a weck 's coul'se in Bihle KETTLD.AS, Geduld. :2067 yo emihle. Ukubu.ka indwendw e the: 13th of Sept. 1935, a.nd Illust and I Bu(·ket. study for lay preachers. 0' <0, I l itam~anqa Ningadinwa nangoro­ be accompanied by not more than :--olomon ~I ()bili I De-d aud I Chair. R ev. E. W Hrant , head of the , so. P . MATSHI"KWE, Langa. C3053 three- recent testimonia.ll'>_ O~(' il Tdto 213edR Slid )Iat t I'('~-;C-;;. Bible ' hoo!. Loveuale. left bv car (REV.) J . P. WESSELS, :J K it ('hen D reS»C~, 5 for Matatielf' to hold ("ouNes (in 123 Stuart Street, Boxes Sundries. :l Bible study for lay preachers in SlutCo.Ael<. '"' Baths, I Will Native Cook WILBERFORCE INSTITUTE Ha.rr~mil h . C30·\!1 Bench. 3 bundleR that a-rea., ('Iothing. :1 T ablPf<. 2 O P E~S --0>-- small round Table,;, 2 • PREACHER TRAINING Chaifti. I P iano. '"' SCHOOL Roll .. LillO. I St on Armstrong Wins Three 'HId 2 B \II'ket,; flam World Championships \\ illiam Phakathe I Bed Rnd .M atlr('s.~. i F ormal opening of Nervou. System lJ &gged out Table . '"' Bench "'.... I (rOlllillUeO from payf 1) be: fdt in an, portion o( the PREACHER TRAINING tbe ,ulfc:rer'. weakut point. Bath. I Suit <'a"e. I I lIg P otq and PilnH, th ele~, Amber~ rought ba.<·k a.nd most common symptom. of SCHOOL I Spade. Nenow Debility lUe : Bac.b.che, SIc:c:plu.­ of Wilberforce Institute managed to win ~ ix rounds to oc:u., Worry, Indigestion, Pear of JOllahy, 'laluktt lliuii 1 Bed, 2 Tab'~ I se"\"Cn by Armstrong. "ith t,\o· Pain in the .Ide:. .b.kloeu and • Ic:nerai ("he-<;t of Drn\\'en.. 2 drawn. Although Ihf' YCrdiet \\0.0( living somewhel""e in the Eastel""n fRIDAY, 26th AUGUST, 1938 longing for peace, rc:st, freedom (fOal &nc:-hes. I ,,'I\,.,h­ unpopular \\ i t h the crowd. responsibility or even Death. f'ltand. I fhllt c(l.<;('. I TI""ansvaal, communicate with DR. HEINZ NERVB RESTORATIVB II Unth and I Holl Uno. Prospecth-e students t,;ho uld Armstrong hf'ing booed ttJ('re is probably the mOlt complete Nc:niDc tonk Tom Zondi 2 Be-d.. ,.nd Ma t tr~, WTite at once {or details. Address little doubt tbat hL' wu." u. true net d.itcoVd'cd. Ie aoorbe. the ranlcd I Stretdwr. I Kih·hen POSTMA & CO., (Pty) ltd., winner. 'lhe jndg(>s \\erp not in DCl"t'tI, It n1rm the Ibrlcking bmlD, It all communications 10 On".o;;sf'r. ;1 small 366, v. d . Walt Street. PRETORIA. entire accord, Itrengtbcns the oe"CS of the Stomlcb, T"blclJ. 3 ('ham.. I REV. L. C . GOW or Arm"ltrong ",ilh hht tnrec ,,"orld­ Hcsn and lnck and It rebnDda the Blood. "Batb. as we have'a, substantial amount This alI-rooOO ..::dOD It unique.. THE PRINCIPAL. titls..'! mu'!t now be dC('med the .Hm 'lziz.i "1 b:ad • Nen-ow Bn::skdown owing to 2 Bt-ft..8nd Malt r('l;,.-;e-., I Roll ing men in the hi'liory of the ring. ...." 10 irritable that I could Dot .ork. A coodnu:s1 bc:adtc.bc sod feu of lnunlr, Lino. I Brokl"fl (irftDl. ophone-. made matten I used " bottle. 01 YOUR SNAPS Dr. Hcl.n% Nerve RCitond'ft G. B.4.LLEXDE:'II. sod fed. differCDI man, I caD't will show the best results only iJ -r.lanage-r C311.'7 they are well developed, printed Agents Wanted 111., how tMnltfui I s.m... H. .\fhert X'o. 13H Human, LcJdc:o, Bothaville. and enlarged. Our work is gua­ (Case 1'0. 114). ranteed; our prices competitive. To sell beautiful acre plots of ground In Natal. DR. HEINZ NERVE RE­ Write at once for a Free com­ Apply to ; STORATIVE ",,0 J I6 P" :-';0 many J:::od~. ~(l many cre-e-(l~ bonle or )0/ " (or 6 bot cs ftotll plete price list to WEST RAHD 21 23, HIGH COURT BlOGS .. all ('bemu;Q. Then b 00 su~ :'ll m:tn~ paths that "i~rl.~nd \\;nd PHOTO SERVICE , 13 Van Wyk Street, cor Joubert & Fox Slre&ls. .ri.rult for thl. all-round W hln jUKt tilt" u("nrt "t be-t!l/! kil; I ''''3' 1 I P O. BOI 96, Roodepoorl. JOHANNESBURG. ,..,. ••'---' ~., ...... '.. , 1... l .. eITlDe.. IOIlIe. 4V T,.; all tbe~ad wvrld Ilf't'lb \Yill ·x . ~ TSl'BA OFFICEHS· )lFSS CIGARETTE~ UMTETELl WA BANTU, ,JOHA1\jNE~BURG, AUG1.'ST n, 1938.

! Bll-ntll· SO('il.t,\'. for one, other.",. Firl'd \\ith tilt> ambition to I \\ ill bt' h('ld at the Co,nl I '1t:\rh'd ill 1\ blull' of j.!lory, n ith ),('(' his )l1.IY (lri(·d. II(.' hn..'1 hC<'1l H"a, 0 r I a. n cl 0 rrO \l,'n,;hipnUlld tall'nl n'lI l uhilih on it~ "ide. goinQ rOllnd to old friendfl, hoping 17th SC'ptemh('r. Measr'l \1.' (lit Old- Time Rand 'I I . IX·nn The'\'(' \Ij'r. Ilmoll~ tIl{' highlights to A,rCll''i(' tllt'if intt'f('st amIS ..t yam J() a.nd Mdoloml a. f1 of fhi'! "ClI j, -, Griffith~ )lohu'loEl, ~l'lth('r tlu' Bantu 1'11".\' Rf'arling ) \\ill h(']) ('s. and )ut .j:~l In tl'aiI1l'cll'lm·' ulioni..;t :ulfl EtCh)f of Hoeil't.\" nOI ))1' Pih:h Black ] "() l1ie~ lJl\nU\CH Jja.nd \\ ill be in att~IIfI" Comedian Looks Back Eurnpt-'a:1 .l "I _Hrwan l'XIH'l"i"n{'(,' and Afri<"a.n Thf"atril'al ~yndi('ate a.n('{' . I Da.n R T\\f\.lu. a l'llpahlt·. dl.:ar. ('ould be induc('r! to tal.e t'he pia),. , 'Ii .. ~ D f;omtun~i, l~ th!' orgill!. thinki, ~ ""ul '!I<'nd,' ma.1I HIE. Whether Mr. Dhlol1lo will llol('r of Ii. earn p,·tlt Ion ba.1I 10 1)(. Dhlomfl, pIHYWrl~h't a.nd wlIkicia.n bC'tter lurk. 11I':\t limt:, 1 am unabl(' held a.t thc· Communal Hall ,\\"t . (morE' uf him a.non): (:11 W to I"ay, out th" traged) of it all, e,m Native TO\~~~hip, on 10th I/O .ija S. p NOII~MIZf\, both capllble )oI1'rio-comic. rerbap~,-is ()bvioll'i. H<'ptcmh('r. A"~lstlllg her will I t~adl(,~~, flnd a t'l\~t of NluC'atoo, BISHOP'" RIGHT MC"'irs S. S. Qundeni, e L ; dl~lplll1(>d /letor!!. AND PROF. COAN Mo .-l hcsh and M. J. AI. Nqo l ~br· rhe~l' men and wnmen, L be- I Merry Blackbirds Band. will I>I;! in JuhannesbfJrg Bantu Dramatic lievE"-~t the dOH'cotC." of Ba.ntu B lSHOP H. R . \VRI(:HT a.nd at t.<'ndance, cultural circles nuttcrin~ Euro- Prof J R. ('onn a.rrh·ed, at peau!4 took notic(' and pat ronised Capeto .... n on .Fridny 18~t \,.eek. --<0-- Socipt)·-III Relrospect the Drama.tic Ro('il:'ty. profe~'iional Rev. Mr. ('oan, who (·ome,.; from the men (Lnd WOOlcn ('3ml: to its aid Maurice Bronn College, Georgia, the" holr tLing \\u.s boo'lted !ilk\'· (T.S.A., '10'0.'1 one of the mo~ t Milk For African (BY Gossrp PEN) high , and. as it /oI('cmingl\' deserved brl1liant YB,lt' graduatE'.... of his year. received the blessing (;f all inter: ,. The eyc.'" of Amcric.-fUl Negroe~ Children SYDNEY BUSCH- of th{> Joha.nne~burg Philharmonic cstt>d in Ba.ntu progres.'l. Il. rc 0 n Wilberforce institute," .. THE CITY CO~lEDlAN" Choral Groups of Pim\'iI!E', Western "She Stoops to Conqu('r" waq a Bishop \\'ri~ht said in an interview_ MR. S. B. NYEZr, }'ourteen To" nship and Orlanrlo. Bu/:ich &I~o O LD tune musical ~lOgl'rl:i and great IHlcce"s- financia.lJy and .. W(! realise that education of . Stream~, ",-rites to the Editor sang under the veteran 1\1r. MuUc ragtune (;rooners \\ ere J'(!CaJied othcrv.ise. Pla.ns for future pro. people is a. weapon for Slr.-lt WDS di.~hea.rtening to oot(' a ConvcrlJ&tlOn it h of Western To\\ n .. hip in on Tueodtl.\, \\ dUChoM were de vi qed nnd a. way theIr ~Ull Improvement. how th<.> abo\'('-mentioned ma.tltr At! a picked male .... oice choir­ Sydney BIIS(' h , Il.t on{' tim(' OOl' of thro" n open for African talent. "Our lot i..; fa.r from a happy one \\8.i t&('kled hy men of the epper th(l bel't. :o;ingcrs seJe<'ted from s. House the other '\\eek. Johanne~hurg'~ hc:-.t known African Differences, however occurrt'd in many pArt~ of the world, but slIlgors. number of companie~ - Sydney the socicty bUliit up I • there i ~ less C'oloUT bar in the ranks Senator W T. Welsh mo\'ed Busch \V ~, 10 cl8Y~. BUtich broadca!-lt with ,Johnny a. tho:-oe There wcro tbo ~e \\ ho held out of educated men a.nd \\omcn than ., Tha.t i.n. \·jew .of the widcRpre&4'J vopularl.\ known a... .. Th{> City Khatlanc, the Moclet .. i Brothe~. for a shart' in the three night~' among illiTerates. malnut~tlon whtch prevails among p- Dini~o and tite late )lbaulana, a Comedian," he t.old me. He sang takings. v. bo did not see the /'iense .. We must lI..;e the great weapon the Afrl(·a.n people, especially C'hild. for the Joh.uUle:-;burp; Amateur!:' bn.1'itone singer of grca.t merit, he of rr~crV'ing funds for future pro- of education t.o improve our lot ren, the (iov('rnment be reque~ted and the Don't Worn' Entertain(:r~, said Don't " 'orry Entertainers. upply A.frican Rchool children ductionR and incidental cxpen"es. bere iJ~ t"i ... l'ontint'I!~ from \\ hieb to .... amongst bi.s colleague .. being .J R Sydney went on. \\erc the fir8t \\ ith frc'c milk rations as is done in They preferred the way of the we on~lOally cam£', the Bishop K hallane. Edeli", ~1ft(,tJmela, the African company to record, when Epicurean "Let's eat and be a.dded. the ('a .. (' of European, Coloured and gramopbonC's WC'TC ~tilJ pro\-idecl Indian _-lchool children." lall' Ny&ti (" ho worked for th(' mcrry for to· morro\\ we die." W.N L .A,). Mi:s"c-s Ncllie and Zena with clumsy, on·rsi.zed ampIi6(>r~. on On the other hand, others main­ SOCIAL AND PERSONAL The motion was defeated Booker, I\nd 1\11 ....<; llakosi l'hc-rl' VOI('es. 1914- 18 WAR FUND ta.ined that in th~ huilding up of B. were &bo two pianish., now both R E\-. G MOLEFE, of New. such a mon:ment t hey could not A mong tho~e who spoke again ... t decl'8'ted James :\lajambe and During the Great \Va.r, Sydney cMtle. haq embarked from share out or divide .• it wa..'i im­ til(' motion 1 may mention Senaton l\lacKenrie BU'icb sang for the War Fund, of Durban ell route to Ncn York, ' -an der, Thompson, Alberts provident and imprudl·nt What where hc \\ill cnter the Theological With \\' au('hopc'~ Ragtimers, \\hich the late :'Ilr. H. )r Taherer and N'aude. Evcn the Minister in mon('} tlH.:Tl' \\ as ~hould be kept , emin:lry of Columbia University. Sydney Bu .... ch toured Queeru;town, was treasurer Proll1lOently a..~ hi ... reply had not, in my opinion n. for buytng literature and costumes, London and Kingwilliams· socia.ted with their a.cti\-ities was H R. Wright was in single convincing sta.tement. They failed to agree; they went tonn. "here, he ~ured me, they tht' late Cleo pas ) and in Johanne .. burg on Thur'ldnv 18...o;t Somt'" of us would like to be en­ out III 1\\0 \'tay ..,;. were enthu~ia.slically received. . fourteen monthli' timl' they raised wt:ek_ On the Friday, he dedicated lightened 8<'; so what a white man the Prea..... Jlt'r Training ~ chool of more than £700. Included in that LADY WINDERMERE'S FAN considcr_'i to be favourable or good £. HlKl NO MA" company we rl' Sydney Busch. Wilberforce lnstitute, E\·atoo. To· condition,:> for farm labourers. The mOit popula.r African song Mallison, Mick Mike and Stephen E\'entually those who held on morro\\. Sunday. he will preach the It is a pity our n·prescntative1! then Wl\..') .. Hiki no !\la," \\ bich he Moeletsi, also Miss Nellie Moko· produced ULady Windermere's unveiling sermon at the 25th were rather too sensitive to the claimed be had composed. They nyane and the late Mis., E, Go,qani. J4:an<' an a?mitte~.r difficult play. anni\'crsary of the founda.tion of cold-\\ater pouring, and aUowoo it \\ itb appropria.te action ao· Foreign high society and idea..q Bethel A. M. K (,hurch, Phillip the motion to be lost on voices companiment, intentpersed ,,,ith "SHE STOOPS which framed the background of Street, Johannesburg. without pushing it to a. wvi.sion. TO CONQUER " the play, did not deter the aspiring bright witticisms in English, Afri­ Mr. and ~lrs. G R . Kuzwayo Race discrimination makes tbe ka.ans, Xo!-;& and Seauto. He de­ A BROADCAST version of "She actors, and, as beforc, they car. hM'e returned from a short visit to Ba.ntu lose faith in the Whiteman's monstrated for my entertainment, Stoops to Conquer" by Oliver ried e\'erytbing before them. They Bloemfontein. justice. his accomplishments as a linguist. Goldsmith, will be broadcast from ha.d O?ade their mark ; compelled Mis:scs H . Brown and S. l\Ioagi, o " When the song . Hiki no Ma' the B.B.C. studio at Daventry on attention; and the public took was first recorded a few years ago, notice. Thus was the Bantu's and Messrs G. Mbhele, M. Sekoale, 28th and 29th August, at 7.20 p .m. S. Ng\\cnya and A. Malinga are the The oue who will be found in 1 was asked to come to Joha.nnes· This play, incidentally, was the histrionic art re\-ealed. promoter~ of a concert and dance trial capable of great acts of love­ burg as composer," be said, " The first to be produced by the Ba.ntu VARI ETY CONCERTS to be held at the Orlando Com­ i.'1 ever the one who is a l way~ doing pcople tba.t 1 was working for, Dramatic Society of Johannesburg munal Hall. on Friday, 7th October_ con~idera.te ~1Ua.ll ones. - F. W, h o\\e\-er, didn't allow me. I was Mi.~~ Bertha Siosberg, in the a few years ago. It provided a Jazz ManiaC's Ba.nd wiJI be in Robertson. in Bloemfontein then." meantime, had been studying the striking example of the Africans' attendance. Asked what be thought about mastery of the technique of Euro. possibilities,. and ~n the long run, the record version of bis song, pean drama and demonstrated t.ogether With Griffiths Motsieloa A dance under the auspices Sydney Busch remarked : "It is beyond doubt our understanding and others, produced a rema.rkable of the Orlando Progressive Club Subscribe To "Umteteli" not corrcctly done ; not at all." of the English language. Record programme of varicty theatricals;. H e haa not given up singing, be bouses testi6ed to the popularity Later on, in One of her first pu bJic appearances in London 1\1 iss says, .. but. '\'ou see, the new com· of the production _ 1t ~howed al!';o panies don't know me. l will soon tbe a.mount of latent talent among Slo"berg organised all African pro. Walking's a be liingi llg again. J feel' with' the us,. and sugge!';ted. that, properly gramme, one of whose performer~ stage. " tramed, the Africans' ability is was Mako Hlubi who broadca-;t considera.ble. from England recently. DON'T WORRY PLEASURE • • • ENTERTAINERS OF P.E. However, it is of our cultural CONFERENCE ON Heels de\'elopment, rather than of our BAr.'TU DRAMA on Dri-Foot Soles and Don't \Vorry Entertainers origin­ comparative ability tbat I "-ish to Shortly afterwards, at a confer. AND HOW a.lly came from Port E lizabeth and Yo'rite. Kimberley. he recalled. He joined en~e of Engli .. h dramatists, pla.y. THEY them u hen t hey 8ettled in the city. WHAT DESTROYS 'VTlghts and others interested in WEAR They were great t;inger:J THESE MO VEMENTS? Ba.ntu progrc~s, Africa. n drama. and talent, the contribution we could AND Sydner Rusch sang with Joe Often I have wondered-no make to the de\'elopruent of drama WEAR Kokozela, who was, prior to his doubt others ha\~ e too-just wha.t and kindred arts, \\ere reviewed. departure for the :Free State not so it i.g tha.t ma.kes: our cultuml SOC1- Ma.ny complimentary things were 10ng ago, a conductor and organiser eties generally so s hort -Ii,~cd. The said, ~nd those who had personal expcnence told the wonderfu l tale ...... ,,, of the AfricaM' rise in the scale of culture. - A BARGAIN! " COLUMB IA " Alas! our societies are no more. H. I. E. DHLOMO PORTA BLE GRAMO P HONE AND IDS PLAY FREE Mr. H . 1, E. Dhlomo, I under­ A "Columbia" is one of the beat Gra,no· stand, has been trying to g<"t pbones you can obtain and ,t \ViII gi .... e you RAILAGE together the !iCattered remnants of a lot of pleasure. The price of tbi~ lto iel the Bantu Dramatic Society and IN 1HE UNION is very cheap and the THE terms very ea..'ly. u O AKLANO H PRICE ONLY: ------_. The' OAKL.\XD" Dining·Room 'Suitc- (·on ... i.. t­ FURNITURE £5-15-0 ing of:m 6in. C'ircuIar 1'able and 4- Comfy ('IH~ir ... , \vITH 6 RECOROS WAKE UP YO UR loo ... c st'at;:;. uph'l'')ter('I'1 in Bny culour Rixint'. in BOOK AHO 200 NEEOlES. LIVER BILE- Tea.l:; only Witboot Calomd-Alad Yoo' U JlUDp Od PRICE: £ 11 : 10 : 0 POST FREE The t.erm~ are only 20 /­ of Bed FulJ of Vim uad Vicoar. ON REQUEST Deposit and 10'· Per Your U.. er .hould pour Ollt two plua of 20s. DEPOSIT AN D 20s. PER M ONT H . lj. nltll>lll' into your bowels daily. If tha bO. )Ionth, whlcb makes it so LlI noul , .....) 8' frt!ely. roUT rooddoeeo'tdja-eBt...... ",...... ,...... ~, .... ,-..- . " , . ~ .. ~~ -.~. -.. - . easy for everybody to get It ju t d«an Tn the boweia. C ... bl_l4 UD "" ur _tomach. You II'ct conaUpat.ed. You!' one of these wonderful "hule lI)~ tem is poisoned find you fecllOlIr, m 1c lind the world look. puok. Gramophones A mrre bowd lDovrmrnl doetn·t ,.et at tur e;l.u~. It taka tboee 'ImoUl Carter'. O RDER A GRAMOPHONE WITHOUT DELAY I Litt!e Lh'rr Pilla to set these two oint. of UNION FURNISHERS bile ftuw,n.R' freely Ind mike you r~1 ''\1., Ind up". UltOU!HII. (l'rntle. yet IImllin.- in LIMITED maJ,;inc bile flow freely. Look tor the name Carter', LltUe Llnr Pills on t.he red pack. 44 PLEIN STREET, JOHANNESBURG. DEACON & CO. ate. RdlUe anything elIIe. Price: 1/3. P.O. BOX 2934 CAPE T OWN PIIONf : 22-220' • D , "------IT)lTETELI '" .\ Town A n d Country N ews

,Io!'-l. I\:(1km.t'iI\. Lulhertlll ( 'hll('('h ..\1\ till' IHl' mh(;'r~ Bloemfontein No Land for Normal to li ege ut th(> ,l' hoo1 talT Illlit l'llIldnm Pathfinder Scouts'l Kroonstad'not'cl 'I Ill' hJllo\\ in~ ~<'I\O{))~ The l)llh'h J tfulnH'd (hIIlTh, 1\'\ - ~ (' n t h ' pl ' l'~(' n tl~t 1\ c~ Ban t \\ J b~h, 1('portl'tl pre\ iou ... ly, appliNl for Bantu t ' nitco. Dutch RctormNI. Rally J.I land to lllllid a .xur1llill COI1('gl' Mr. Botma Introduced ~t , Pl\tri('k's and Methodist De­ uvem e Court Being "ithin t hl' 10('l\t ion flft:a, I\ftt'r ha\" ­ ('cn."ed \\ as bdovcd h) all \\ ho ing fn.iled to gl't th(' Blmtu l-bgb Cape Midlands Division To Africans km'" Ill'r The' cllId- mOllrnl'r~ Built :'khool BuildillJ.1;s for I Ill' purpose. \, ere i\J r Diego {mel;\lr W Mh i np:ton (HYoM rd, S . , HALL' -S ECRETARy) (BY AHMIET) '1 he Town Cuuncil <'mild not L(>~enYl'ho, a.nd th('ir mother AlrM . Iy a.ccede to til(' reque:-it 'Jhis dl-"Ci- :O'killa L('!-;cnyeho . I ~ \'ERAL trooplI ha\'C already ex· MR . lJOTMA, ne\\ appoillted S NJ-o::W departmt>nt a.t tlw NatlH' !?:ion of th(' '£0\\1\ Co \I n (' i I pre!ised their intention of !-iend­ A Probationor Officer for O.F.S., I. C. U. IleOla ('omlllif.;..,ioner'~ Court ha.~ be('n caDle before th(' gent'ml !-ynoc\ica,1 ing hatch(\'; to represent them a.t with ht'adquu.rters a.t Bloemfontein, formed . The Departm('nt of Ju~ticc commission of tbe Dutdl Heformed The hra.nch 8e<'fctnry of the loca.l thi::! rally a.t Nl}\\ Brighton, Port ,,\a,s introduced to the Africans in ha~ a.uthorised thala juvcrulf' <:ourt Church, Re\,. J G ~tr\'dolll, in I.e.v. received a communication Elizabeth, Ist-·8th October. The tht' Buntu So('ial lnstitute, at a be e."Itablished for AfrIcan juvenile making his report of the refll"a.l of I{'('entl~' from Mr. S. M . .BliM, ",bo orga.u.ising committee of Port Eliza,. nl('('ting called at fl.bor t notice, but delinquenl~ . Thl~ ('ourt I.~ under the Council to grant land for the :Sllgge .. tcd the formation of an in­ beth Scout Ma.9ters, conaistillg of "ell attended. l\ir. Botma was in· co~t ruction. troduced bv Mr. R . C. Streett'n, n. erection of a bchool of thc kind n'­ dopend(.1IIt l.C.U. from the existing ME.'ssrs Ma.bija, Nginza, l\ikutuka, be l'Qemht'r of the Nati\'e Affairs Com · ferred to, all('gec.i thut thE' Roman organbatiolls, to termed the Tutshana and Mguqulwa, are pre· Another feature in the improve­ O.F.S. 1 CU. 'The local committee mitt<>e of the To" n Council Catholic and 1hE' Ang1i('an..; had large pa.ring for Concerts to be held at Ol ' nt of African afialrl4 t.'1 eonn('C"t('fl Other Europeans pre::,ent wer<' Mr. tracts of land in the location on of lht· 1 C.U. held a round-la-ble Korsten, N e \\ Brighton and with theNMlveAff'aira Departm~nt. talk \\ith :\lr . .Elias, "ho expla.ined R. N . Brits, acling manager Nativc \\ hich they hac! ('recled !-ochool... It Walmer. HH herto, tbough ca.,qe~ under Nati\"() his ~lIl!gE'~tions Tht.· committee, Administrntion Department, and wag unanimously re~ol\'('d that thE' 1 am sorry to ad\,j"C' against tbe h" and CllBtom w(> re l>e111~ tr<:-a\l"'l howenr. declined to nt'('ept tbem Miss OppenJleim of the Public' 8) nod should thE' 1'0\\ n \\ L'lbes of ma.n) mastcrl'l, tha.t troops 11\• the Na.ti\'f' ('ommi~'1i(Jnf'r • ,n' The local committee fc(,I!; that it I Library. Mr. Streeten explained Council again for thE' grant of land. rrOOl each Cehtre bhould he limited did not have he potic-c '1pt'C' io..lI) has nO time to squabble over the duties of Mr. Botma. He On ilwestigation, ho"e\'er, it is to t\\ 0 pa.trols, though 1 rcalise that selN'tffi for that Departmn,t. We leaden. "hen they, as a committee pointeu out that be (Mr. Botma) learned thM the trut' ~tate of af. • the financial le !- pon ~ ll;ility for con­ no\\ ha.H OlV' pdiceman belonging locally, can work their 0\\ n mlva- would serve. both the European fairs is that till' Dut('h Reformed \'t'yance and mainlenanef' at the to this Department. lion. i\lr. Elia~ i~ apparently de· and Africlln communities. It \'a~ Church "as alloled a piee('l of Ra.lly rellis with tho~e troopd. Any A branch of carpentry depart­ termined to form this O .F S, I (' V. t\lee influen('e of the ex·chid Justice ground in Batho location l\H,·nty troop \\ hich requires to !-cnd more ment ha~ been opened at the local ,Yeal"; ago, and sub~cqt1entl~ \\hen On l.1th Augu"t a public meet· should tomOlunicate "ith the Rally Bantn United School. Mr Andre\\ of the O.1".S. that had brought Ing \las held for the election of the Church \\ i.:-hed to erect a ~('hool. Recretary, Lwana. Methodhlt School, )lanie~ ha!'4 been appointed the first nOOut the appointment. This offi (lfficiak and mt:rubcfS of the com­ appli<.'ll.tion fC lr anothl'r ~lte of the Crudock. C P ., ruI soon M pOf.;!'oible . inl-ltruf'tor III thi~ Department. The ccr would help not only thoi'>e "ho mitt('(: for the enbuing year. The hnd fallen foul of the law, but ab.. o ... an1l.· !'ize \\(\S mad~, and tbi" WR-" ThObe troop~ \\ hich hl\.\7e not yet boy!! ,\III be ta.ught to do the granted, At a latl'r date I\]lpli('a. meetlllg \\1\11 unanimous 111 r tllrn­ "riUen to sa.y whether thc\' are theoretical a~ \\ell M the practi~al t ho!oc ,\ ho were unruly but had ing all the officials enhloc With the tion for anothl'r ..;ite fur a (·hurch going or not should \\ rite at ·once , part of carpentry not actualh' over.rcuched the la\\: cxceplion of the chairman. )lr he "(,\lId • be at the diiiplh produce of thanks to llolr. Streeten for school, has hecn iIJ ~jllce 161 h June. The building operations of the N URSE GRACE PH 0 0 K 0 by tbe r~idents of the location. MAJOLLA, of Bloemfontein, l)ricging .Mr. Botma to be introduc· She "'as the daughter of Mr. and R.S.~l Priory at the junction of (d to the people, the appoil.tment )hs . Naboth Seipubl, of Bongalla. the De\' etsdorp Road a.nd Love· has been appoint("d nurse here in ° d tbis (ffieer fu1611t:d a. long· felt Mn.feteng, BR-"utoland. The fnoeral dale Road ba\"o commenced. Ex­ place of Nurse R. l\1otsoeneng (nee Rev. ~T . Bonaventura. Dlamini. Ma.tchaka.), who has resigned. "\\not; he "ould help in tbe con· :-en'jc'e \\ as conducted 1)\' t he Rev c(\\·A.tion~ have been completed. F F.J., who wa.s fully orda.ined t() troll of the wowing number of S, )'( t 'I.. ki at borne, and at tbe The Priory is \\ ithin etL/)y access of Hea.dman M. S. Pbooko ha...'J re­ tbe Order of MelctUsedeek b.y the ycuthfuloffenders. Mr. Sesing ,\1}...<:; chm! 11 Ie \' 1\" ll.S"j::;h>(1 by Re,·s. E. the town and location, being situ­ turned from Thaba 'Nehu where he Bi"lbop of 1\[ariannhiIJ at the end f-('conded in these remark..; by ~lr . Mulll.l· 1\1,0 .' ~lt-!'l:S, both of th ated on tbe east of the local jail went on business. last year, is noW Profe'l!!or at the anJ oppo~ite the re, idence of the Rc\". Dr. Sichuba, ofQueen ... town, 1 x 0 p 0 Africa.n ~emlnary for­ manager of the locatioos. was here during the other week­ holy. priesthood. The l\I(;thodist Bicentenary end. Cburch at Boehabela, now nearing The new nurse (Grace )-rajolla of !-iem bh of the Preo:;byterian Church completion, is an impofling struc­ Bloemfontein) will be welcomed at of Africa here reeentiy - Revs. Dr. ture The opening of this ('hurch a joint function (concert and dance) L. N . Mzimba (AU«). Y. R. will take place on the Sundo..yof organised by the Native Child Wei· K\\ M!'Iha IVitenbage), C.D . Kwat!'lba. Hh ~eptembcr, at :~ p.m. - A MINE BOYS Society a.nd the Natl\-e Rugby (Port Elizabetb). S L. Joloba (Cape special !-Cf\' ice will be held for Football Pnion on 7th SeptE'mber 1'own), .J S. C Makayi (Hewn), P. children on1y on Saturday after­ in the Greenslade Hall. The )[ayor .B. Rapiya (rungn illiam~town aml noon, 3rd September. On that and the Mayore,;-; will be among Ea ~ t London). Saturcla.y (3ro September) the the distinguis hed glle ~ t ~. Rt'\" Dr )bimba i..; the moderator ~lan.,.ano Wom{'n of the (' hurch Following wcrt' a III 0 n g the giraffe is always will ' hol(1 a bazaar at the Bantu of llw Afric·a.n Pr(' ... byteria.n Chureh miuister., who attended the as­ S()(' ial Institute. of Africa, \\hich hi~ father founded about fo rty year-l ago. on the lookout PcrsoDalin I (Continued in no·t colum1l ) )[r , 'Mac L('po le ~n, pr(',., id cnt Bant ll Sotial In.... titutp. (·ame in l a~ t \Ht'k -\"nd a ll an urgent ('nll on Be like I he girafle. bu. illl''''' of the] nstitlltc. )lr ,) a.". (J oml,1\. of Pretoria. plt.s."­ Ukhe ubenawo Umnquma? (.t! through hert' Inst week. H e ok out for accidents, ~ taged a concert in t h(' Eheuezar Hall o n the }'rida.r night, i\nd le ft KUNOKWENZEKA ukuba ubangwa kuku- pecially underground the same night for KroonM a,rl. wbert' he wa ... due t o sure n concert. tya kakhulu kungenjalo kukusela amanzi Mr, a.nd ..\lr>l. G. R Kuzwaro. of kakhulu ukutya okubi, nokungalaJi ngokwane­ Orlando. J ohannesburg. ha\ c been to the city on a ,·j.,it to the old leyo kodwa ke lento yomnquma ivela esiswini. peo plt', Their friends were all de­ BASEBENZI MIGODI l.ighted to meet them. Mr. KUl.Wa..rO lXESHA lokuyilwa lento, I.:uxa ingekakungeni­ is on the staff of " Urutetdi," and Mr:;. Ku'l. \\a.yo is a di ~ trict )\UNC ... t phambi kokuba kanye, uphelelwe kukuthanda Orla ndo_ into etyiwayo, uqunjelwe xa utyile. Indlulamti isoloko iqwalasele )lIss I ~. ~[ Delio and ~li sg )1 :\1 Leiii/\ left last week for .Johnnne.,· FUMANA intwana ye "Eno's Fruit Salt" Yenza njenge ndlulamt i. burg, "here they ha ve t a.ken up employment. Both thes(: ladies uyigalele emanzini ase gilasini, k'Usasa nango­ were <:-x cel1ent cianl"ers locally , Qwalasela ingozi, kuhlwa, ikwenza uhJaziyeke ngentsuku ezim­ R t·\" WOl , Majodill(\, of Bl'thle· ngoku balulekileyo ezasemgodini. hem , was in the city last \\ eek. balwa, sisiselo esikwenza uhIaziyeke I Eno ha ving- come from the synod at '1'baba 'Nchu He ha'! returncd to isusa esiswini itycfu ezen- Bethlehcm za IDdoda idhangale I ~Ir :-;. J . P. l\[ochumolotM, who BASEBETSI MERAFO has heen at Johannesburg, htl-.. reo yolisa isisu, sisile, uzive Lurned umtsha. Mr. Godfrey Moroka. who atte nd­ ed hi.i broth ~ r '.s funeral at .J ohnn· Thuhlo kamehla e falimeha ne~ bllrg , a('eompanil' cI by Mr J SNlogclo, ha... returned , Tsoana Ie thuhlo. :'Il r..;, 1> . Lion(·1 Y 01lng h ll~ return­ "d frolll l)mllfin, \\ here she hild Falimeha likotsi, gonl' for a til Lt f yisit )11 B Z, ) fOlt:llo In,., Iwcn laid haholo mokoting. lip for somctill H" no\\. :':he i ~ on t ill' 1a ll of IhlO ~t Patli('k SdlOOl. \\.(' \\ I h hit u .. pe<·.l.' n (O\t'

• Town A n d Country ew s

fw,t... T h t' "lw.akt·r qUt·sti()l~('(l phlgm· reported in th(' <"ity for 1\ r GAd month TIl<.' Cit.\ Hc:\lth D(>pMt· eorge n Port Elizabeth I "hether lilt· Bantu "l'fl' making the fllllest Il"(' of Ow fj',OlII'l'e" at mt'nt i .. (It·termined to ritl til{' {, Ity 0 d h their dilipnsaL Erlu<'n.linn" o.s of r,ll The disco\'ery ~f r.\t.... in U ts oorn New Brighton Bantu essential if they "erE" to ri'''t>. but II' It' I "ith tht' plagut~ III \'a,non" they app(':~rc,l to dt'}wnd tuo ('mn· p:.l-I'''' of the !'it."'· ha'> prompte,l t.he Formation Of The Library monl.,. on the sC'hool a.nd the insli· Departmt... l! 'lo ('mba"!{ \1Il :\n 111- tutiOtl. The greatc!oIl t bin~N wero tt'nsifkd sl"hcmf> of dl''Itro)'inc: rat ..... Blind And Crippled .\l present ~ Europ":l.n Ull'n are (nv '1.\:\-0. -'l'JJF;. .... PflT a,c-hien:d when a.nd when' t1w IO\'e a of knowledge pO' ... '"lI'(1, so to speak, <'lnp loyen to ~f'arch for WIlL'Itt-; League E i\l\llun.1 mt'di"~ of fr~t'n( l s TH from mind to mind l ~l\gcr minds which are 11 <' i n g ('n.'~ght fol' anll mt'mbt,:r!i Clf the ::'\ e w set other.;; afire. ('xu.minn.! ion :\t the rat ... of I~hout Brightnn Lihrnry on 8th August The choir from United Higber ,')0 a day.\rt~ nrc stili carry­ 111;\"'~ mepting of ('olollr(' I In 'n 1n thl' T (' Whit ~' H J.II. was pre­ School sowe part songs, and ing out ga-. .. ing in thf' c('ntrt" of tbl' A ",idl"fl OHf hy ~lr. L. F ..-\ddig­ uutil'r the :Iu"'pit'e" uf the a Ba.ntu member hllil proposeil a. city n.nd n.t Korsten, which 10.1 re­ Smith 3ml ... enlal other Europeans African Peop l {"~ Organ.1.salion, in \~ote of tbanks to ~lr La.ng_ The ceiving a.ttention for th(' third tim('. abo{'nd{'cl 'fr B. Hermalls, the 0 [-t . (,hurch Mi .;"ion Sdlool, meeting concluded with the ",ingiug In ib fight ogain",t pl majority show Several African drrks employt:d for Coloured people. The Il1 I'eting Dr. R osebery Bokwc of Mifi(l1(' grt'at The number of by the city attorneys contributed regl\rded ~ lI c h empowering of lopal Drift waq in the city la ... t week on a book.'i i ~ 1,080 \'OIUmei, and the financially towards the funeral ex­ authoritie~ to ('nforce compul~ory bricf visit, a\Tcragc read per week is 20. Fic­ peno;ei'l of their late colleague. Mr segregation M a. gratuitou'i IIl t criminate on grouml.s of colour 01' Native Out look of L()"edale. Affairs Depa.rtment, of Port Eliza· London, arrived in the city on 18th creed. The Coloured and Europea.n ~e ri"':i of other d(>trimental mc~­ 4 '1 t J'a.n u!lry the Library ha.d beth, ~lt . :\fayekiso died on Tues· August on a visit to his wife. who Council (George Branch) al-.o ure ... which will hit the Coloured the honour of being visited by Mr. day, 9th Augu<; t , after two months' is indisposed at New Brighton s trom~ly oppoied the draft Ordin­ l'ommullity, It i.>l likely to go On 1\[. Stirling. State Librarian at Pre­ ance in a re30lution, con~idering it illness. Village_ ttll u.-bsolute segregation is achie\·. toria, \\ ho sllOke in bigh terms of 8.'i yet another grave inju"tice in­ ed- hut to exrlllfle Co loured people the wOl'k of the loca.l J oint. -Council \Vide A,,,ake C.C. of Port Eliza­ Haarlem Rythm Girlq of Port Aicted upon the Coloured a,\d ~imp l y 'Elizabeth will give 8 mU';.; ical per­ on a('.:ount of the eolotlr of of Europea.n and Sn.'ltu in estab- beth will hold their opening meet­ requesting (hat lhe local M PJ' formance in the Edward Memorial tlwir ,; kin dot· ... not s('em fair.pla\,. li~IHng a library for the Bantu of Iing at the residence of:\Lr. P . Mati, vote again--t the mea.qurc. The Blin·1 an(1 C'rippled L('agt~f> Schoolroom, K orsten , on ,3th Srp­ Port. Elizabeth . He E'xpref:.Se(l the Kor!lt tcn to-morrow afternoon, 28th R ev. Father .J, K onner in a ha. , b<:>c n form C'l I with headquartc'B tember. )lr. E. E. ~1ax Lupon(hmna. hope that these people (for whom Au,au.."t. All m e mbe r ~ a.nd tho<;e lengthy letter to the local PrCi'i at P0rt EliJ:ab,th. The aim of thr i~ their manager. ~I e>;da m e'i E. B the IIhrary wa.<; intended) would desiring to join are requested to be say .. that til!' feeling of our Colour­ Nya.ti and E . Lupondwano., Nur.;e kagu(> io..; to ht.,J p hli!lcl cripple:; and realise it,; n due. A ~ no m('.-"ns of present at the meetin,a, aq In[l.tters ed comttlll'1.ity 1<; running high Hlahle and :\Ir. Lupond\"aana Ia.'lt olJ-aged p t:oplt' . The le~uc i:! encouraglllg a literary aptitude of importa.nce aTe to be ta.bled ag:rLin-it the Pro,-ineial Council week TI'3ited Uitenha!Ze. purely for ch.\rity. 1\ 111 i~ not Con· ' among lhe BI.\nt u, the R ev Mr . Afler spending three-week~' holi ­ Drn.ft Ordi'1ance for !,,!,·gregation cernt'd wi th politic... .f ollowing Tarrant a I ~ct ure last March day in the eity. 'Mr i'l. J. Z. K omlile Gipsy )lelody Ml\.k ~ t " of E Mt If pa'S'iCd it will certainly not be to are tilt' offi '''' h dd l'r~ fIr the cn~tI­ .at t.he T .C White Hn.J1 on the has returned to Gra.hamsto,""n. London will give a mu ... ical l'i how tho:: n.dva.:1ta.g~ of th '~ CulourC'1 ing year. Prl'.id.;'Ht, :'tfr. D.wid in the Edward l\[emorial Srhool­ "Pleasures of H,,·ading." His :\olr ,J. B . Reid. th!." N('w Brighton people. It will grnnt t o loca l Dalt on Ngubeni. (,h,~i , man, ;\[r, theme wa~ j ha.t rending i:.. a key roo m, KOl)jten , on Saturday night, postma.. ter. and R. populn.r rugby l\'lthoritie'i the p')wer to m ove on'" .John Bhiko: Iwcrct:lry. )[is .. Regi na. which h<'lp'i one to (·)i. plore and un­ 3rd September, They are a bright player in the E Mteru Provincc, is a ~cc tion of the community out of Poort, trc<\>;tlrer: H 'V, Father troupe, and a full hou~e is antici. lock knowledJ."::e . new reader of" Umteteli." a.ny area. thouJht fit for Europea.n John Knn ler, c a.techi~t, Daniel After the readtng of the report, pated. re:;ident i ·-.d quarters. ('oiourcli pro­ Sev'rral popular African lenders kefilo; MC , )lr. C h. r Ie, the Cha.irman introduced Mr. J , perty owner3 may have even to of Graham<; to\\ n were arraigned The annual in<; pection of the Ngcwengewc. The ina\lguration of Lang. M.A_. who s poke of the !:iell their prvp::!!'ty under this d raft before the Graham'itown magistrate Edward Memorial School will be the league will take place next function of the library in a modern held on 30th and 31st August. ordinance. People who possass month, Sept.em\)er. community. Thj ~, he suggested, week for bcin~ in o.rear "" ith the payment of the poll tax. In Mrs. J, McwabRni of Kimberley ground a"'lJ imm wable property The Provincial of the Order of was mainly two-fold, the pro\·ision for,')O or m')rc years might be forc· giving them another chance to pay arrived in the City la'\t month and Ethiopia Church, Rev. Kayser of meanS of recreation, a thing eJ to pa.rt with it to m~k e room up, the magistrate they must is sta.\~ing with her daughter, Mr~ ., ,-i>;it~d George Circuit supremely ncce38a.ry in crowded for the rea..,:m th .... t h (': i~ a Colour­ set a good example to their people H . Nangu of Korsten Mr. J M. on 8aturday, 20th AU~U3t, from urba n cenlres. and the dissemin­ ed man 30'1.0 therefore not fit to by conforming to the laws of the Tuba-Ii of Korsten arrived here Capetown. ation of knowledge. It was the from Joha.nnesburg on 14th Augu'lt Ii ve in the neighbourhood of the Mi'4s R . Poort haq been electoo bu s i~ess of an adeq uate library to country. whither he bad gone to lay l\ Europea.n . Rpsidential segrega- I soort'tary of the ~\[()rnl Star t(,lI' l)ronde mesns for a judgment on There has been no fresh Case of wreath on the grave of his brother­ tion j,> only the fir:;t step in a ni >; club, in·law. the Ia.te Mr. Witness J . 1JIvula who died in Johannesburg, - KUPHELILE UKUTYHAFA NOKUDINWA- • • • Mr. J. D . Ngojo, Organi<;er of the Esika Nkosk. Mbata ISltovu esmgu Cape African Congres'), after hi ~ Amandla Amatsha Emsebenzini bu"iness of the Congrexpres"'l'd locall y in the action of )[r. T . ~( Itoliki yase Monti ichaza incoma ukuphila Mapikela, ~1.R.C of Bloemfontein who aclvisefl tht' Port Elizabeth kwayo kakuhle noxa isebenza nama Ova City Council to introduce the • •, Bendillla Il~ol.:nzi\-a n!li,liniwe nda.kugqiba U k'l~('IH'nzll 1l"anO'okuba Native Sen-ice Cnntract, the Bo.n tu \ \ , / ndada.,ndaf' inth.:I.i.'o ku)'o )'onke into eqhubelill.\-(. IIgokungapllezlI!u, in thp City are unanimouo..;ly again ... t ul"tZlflhuha li.akuhlt' izifundo zam l.'\.'lg ,J(Il hlwa, nuada. nda­ the introduction of thi'i J I ~W . The leaders regard t h(' s tep M a (li8- cetYLS\l'a ngmuldobo wam lI\{ltba mandikhe ndiJillg" I Pho:sft'l'ine. VliU,>U­ se1a ng~lo ~Ul.;~ I , i .m inyak~ emihlanu edlulryo, wI. ·i ... cbeuzi ... a rhoqo i service to the Ba.ntu call .. e when Phosf(' W1C, ;JmhfullI I~o"llcmga oku uknha. ng(.'lIdiyi,lt I1JiIlI\ 1I1~1lIH\ uC'mli­ on the other hand Mr. l\Japikcln. i.o; ngathanga nc!l--,{·ht>ll7.h{" i Pho:-;ferine. X a Ildi :-;cbcnz,~ ..... llly:\ kl\"t, x·' ha. a Bantu nominl'c an,1 rrpr('sent­ lnm Il'''iqhclu t'1i.7i,.}'lIrt:, ~ t'zi, I\disebenza ngoch\\(l,:'-'it{) nditlll ntlakllphi­ ati\·e pl aced to guard the intcr(\sts nrl('la. t.'m,;{·ht'IlZIIII. ktt sl~'1a mllwllqhubc lllll ... t:lknzi W.\n\ 1lI-::Onl/.imhhJ. of hi s people. okhaphukhapl.H1 wiln,\Illand la. amat"ha. into I ~yo l'llokl1qon!l\\:l kuphd:l. ---<0- Il ~'l ba..... e b ('Il7.1.;1 . he . Phosf~rine. K wabo ndi'iehcnzn. m.. 1,o, Ilclidume Hje­ ngoIDntu ongahb,t\l k·uDslllya. ngako konkc 01..0 nclibuleln i Pho ... ft:rinc." A farewell t(>a party wa<; gin'n (ihhahll 0 U B"'1l \lazwi, East Bank Locil,tion, Ea. ... t LoTHlon. h~' }~Il\'n)' and )lnl. t )Iampone. for their fOo n Richard Mampom· before he Irft for s('hool at Bloem· fontein. It wa<; attend!."!l hy p('ople of the Ramoroko Yillage, ZOl'k­ • OSFE rn akanr. The sprakt'rq wert' " e 's I·R ,tliu~ ibitovu e"ingulllang.Jli ,o lIng~pb('kol Lekgetha and )lnkwala.. nga~n, kanti u .·tl.,ku-,;en J: a um1.ilo wokolb.J, Iyeza Lama Yeza. I Radiu:oj huthisn m ... in) nne ut(lllY!l, Lembi· .. 0 zana l..ugnldwa kUJo i)Jalo.filli ayifuni ku ~mav Mnu . Ben MiI:zwi ayafana nawa manene amaninzi a Ntsundu abalu­ N..... 0 'I e~"h. I lekl.leyo ekukho kwelo qela nabe midlalo aba Hleli. onobhala nabanyc, abathi gqO~flwa kuaa i7.i('oc a ngokwuyo. I Hudiu

K I ~li\T Pl'Opil' in till' (' I ~P{' 1)l'UvinCl today. nnrl ad 1I 1l 1l~ til/' Ulot Ion \\,~ Riversdale Teachers' Meeting Cape Provincial Council has('(i ('III irt,l,\ on titl' I"t'p"rt 01 till' Dc-pnl'tnU'ntnl (' :\p{'rt~ \ '1 !oI lIe h Ill' n'<'ollllllt'nrierill Il'( n ('o1l', idI'H,d ri" Miss Delie Cupido At Hennenman Discussions on Native Welfare ('UlUllll' nch~lioll '1'111' lirt tiling lilt' I l ou .... C' nOIl\,1 i'1'(lIJI~hl.\ 1HS )H~I.. II ~ (TI'IJ)(), 01 tit(' M Berlin ),li ...... IOIl :-;('hool HI\('r" ( BY " t.:(lU1U\) l ~(T~:--IIOX~ ('n tilt "l'Ifl\J"(' 01 traiJlC'd ordl.rii(. .... :'II .. ~1Il('II~ir ... <1I1l"-Ition \' 1\ Iw\\ f ILl' thi .. n· ... olutioll ill'UITi{'/I. would IIth'd dHlt', is 011 n "i, mOlltiJ.-t furlough D th(' N{ltin lwopk haH" fi~Ufl'd motlun \\111 11(, .... ullitil·utJ.\ 1Ilt'1 II A WELL u.ttt·ndt·d 11H't'fillj.! of titr- tht' finl\t\C(' of Ole' ('Upt· Prodn{'t', \\ hidl !-Ihl' iH :-IJlI'IHIiIlJ..!; \\ it h her niect' promint'ntly in tht' (' finnnc i:\.1 ),[rs Frances K. Thuel{· 171) Queen Council during thl' pll'sl'nt "'(''''''''101\, t A T . A \\<1..; hl:'ld III the' )rC'lhnrli~t you \\ I, . 11f , H\ . U It'ltl l~ <: H·ninJZ of tht· 12th Au~ust. between them and al"o difll'u""C:'d It't tl)(' lUotton go Ihrl~lIgh ~wlth tht, ~nt·t' bC('UU81;' lilt' l'llh"lid, lrnm th(" duriing )lr:-; Tha('ie. )Ii..; .. Cupido ;\lr .:\Iatsipit. (II Wititc1'>, an I I(){"al fret'l" an carliel' mOtltlll h, )[ r h .., te\\art! of tl\{' j\h'lhodj~t (' huf(·It. l\ml~ndmellt that all Non.!-..uropl'\Ul llnion (:o\"('rnnwnl "'I.~ totally a,ntl ha~ alreM'" vi~itl'd 11<'\\ Brighton A. Sin('lair (Nat \ 'idtlril\ \\"l' ... t). patl('nL... "hohaY(' I<-ILt' hllntlletiMt' I II ' ttl I \\elcomcd tll(' d ... itor" on bl'half of , II I I ',.J r 'J'I \\ 10 , llla( (,(JIm t' or t 1(' purpOSl'S . village, un'd attl;"llCl('d n function in Noo-Eurol)eans ill Hos pis.aJ lam l~ ',Y tfaUlt'<- orner lC~, 1(' This 'Prm im'l' lu ... fOllnti it ne{'(>,.;- th(' '1' C White Hu,lI , ~IH> i." gratt'. .:\tr. K Phal,j"i, pruH'lpal. of H ('Il' ncnman School who was unfor· Mr ",inclail' mm'ed, 1'>l'{'onO~!-Ilh le pain IIhe Union OO\"l'rn l ~('nt \\ouhl £1,110" also .'~ pent no f('w dA YS \\Ith her old , 10 f\, "'0 ('dUl" tbe baton of Mi5ls .J J\-fa\\e1a. , ren~ 6h' ps for the ilmendment 01 thl' til(' ptl. tJent~, . and certain much JX'r pupil for Nnti\"4;' School fri('nr\, Nur>'4e .Frau('es \-an dcred heautiful mU"I(' A ~prinklillj:! r e lati"e Ordinance \\ herehy all Ilec(' .. ,..~.ry tmllllng III ho\\ to kel'p ation to go to .t~ propt"r Courl-{'. SitlC:'rt, who i ~ practising a.t Houth of itcmA wer(' rendereu bv the h ospital boards \\ ill be ('om pclllxl to free: ot mf(,(,~I0~ whell ?'tt('ndlll~ the The terms of th(' Report hall Sll~ ' End, Port E li h, Theuuil'lsen quartcttf', )Ir_ Mokhobo make Pl'ov~jon for Non·European patll·ntl';. \ nrlOU'" tiling ... of ~h'" gt'-ltecl us basi., for per (,3.Pllt suh. Miss Cupido will he Jt' a"in~ for ahly conclul'tcd thi" part of the­ stnant~ for tilt' \\ u ... hing: amI I:aturc. onl ... t I~e: Icarnt I.),)" Non· silly tilt' sum of L:J 12.0 for ea('h ni\'('r~d(lle at the end of Allgn.,t function sponging of 1\on·Euf(IIWan ]ltlticnh Euror~all qlla lifi(>(l ... tfAllll'r~ \\ ho are: pupil that \las. a little mor.e thall and \\ ill rt'~UIlW her dutH.'S in to at ."nll pn.t.en!,. If n motHlIl half of that fur {'OIOUl'Nl pupds a.nrl in hospital ... in ('n..;(:9. \1 hl'rt' qualified Ol,tuhcr Th<: meetillJZ \\ hit:h wao,; organi"l·d uf tillS nattlrt' I~ to g(1 thruugh, (1(1 I\.bout onE' fifth of that for Euro­ Non·European nur"'t·:-; lU(' not --0>-- iu orcl('r to frling. I \\oulrl hI;" lI\\"oln'lI hut It ,~oulclnot 111 no way tuan.' c,trae'l'e'nditurt bl' the ('hair man of the central he out of proportion to thl amount It only Ill('unt that il the HOIN'tI.P' "Iwulcl not ha\"(' I)('('n "rittl:'n on desire to ruo{'e an nmellliment hy tht' ('adl .,ide of thp pn.pC'r b~ant'h, _Mr ..f D. Mot.,i1e, and the of ",('rnC't' ~(,Il~dt'red pron';1 of till' motion, til(' HOIl . substitution of the \\{lI'd~ "trained :--1.T , .Johann(>sburg. \\'(' regret meeting prond to b(> a succe"ls. ~Ir ,J (, It l\I(}ult ~cc'olld('cI )[1'. the Aclmini:-;tmtor would th('n hl' ordcrliel't" in lit'u of tht, word Burma id it .. t·(·med of the opinion tbut a. pN ca.put ,1 Ehall he ohligat(tr~ f(lr all h01'>pital offire. ('ampalgn for tht, legal def('n('c to cut off the rough t'dg('s of ~Ur. ~uL ... idy \\n. ... 1I(·('e ...... ary It ttpJlc>al­ bean\ ... to arl'l.\n~l' thl' Ill·l·(' ...... ary R H n, 1.0 . '\1 ,John.nnesbur,g. fund. tmining fa.ei litil';' for !-u('h or(\(>rlie ... .. ~indltir's motion. l'd to till' l'nion CO\'erntn('nt and Thank \' Oll for Y(lur )I.~.S .. hut wt-' On the plt'a tllat till' teacher~ d(.'~ire hring thi ... to thl' notlt-l' Thr Hon . the Administrator g ..l,\"e tht' \H'i~ht of the opinion of I h' (10 not ~('q lIire ic',uling artidl s. t hr{Jughout lll'l' in tarm' ... t need fCJr of the f!ou ... e. I rbpt·d titl' Hon. C\lr_.r H (·unradit·) :-oaiil he re.>grH· tht· hou .. e beJlinri that nppl·al. ted thAt at prl'1'>('nt h{' ('ould nut unity, the Illccting d('('icied that Member fell \ 'idnria \\'l>st lor hi~ " TIll're '\iJ" a !-Itrong nCI,('.:;..,ity for II 8C'('lpt t'itlter tht., mMion (lr tit(· Doe .. Not Encourage Agilation I thclC \\a~ onl)~ one' \\ay out of thi~ f(,<,lil ,g,. in the mattt:r. hut I do 110t p('r <:aput :mh... icly There- \\eft' qua.ndary- anti that wa"! tha.t fre­ amt'ndm('nt ~qlnratl' training ('ontllluing. ;\rr. Burman !-Iaill think that bl' cil"il1:" that any l~pprOXim\Ltely :lIJO.O('O Xa.tin· qut.'nt sitting-~ of the branch, to N ative or Kon·Europran pl\tient~ centn.· ... f(lr Non · ~;urop('n.n Ilur..,c" There lin' 1 l'UPllO<';l'. mt'mher"l In pupils under the ('ontrlll uf the De· ('on ... olidatc c1o,.t'r exchange of eouM he made po" ..... ble only at a this How'l' "ho ft'el thn.t X,\.tin shall in any \\as ~uff('r if European partment and only ilbout U :3, 1I opinion ... het" €'en h'a(' hl:'r~ of "nrious ('01'>t. The .xew Romt'r",t't hos- I education sb(l1Ild nut he em'ouraged. Durses are 'not 'permlt ted to wa ... h h~gh pt'r heac! 18 a\\ardeci to cdut'att;' centres. should be embarked upon. pltall~trnp(' '1'0\\11 \Iould, howen~ r, and tho.t the Nati\"(' dol"'" not Il'­ them. I draw attention to the fact them and do l'\"(>rything nel'e"'~ar\" and that a:-; far a" pos-lible eacb that an ordillan' sl'rnmt is not ~oon be available for such quire any ('du('atlon, But that i .. for their edll('o.tion. [n a fe;\ centre "bould be allowed acce ... s to capa.ble of "a.. hing and attending nu.,..(·"'. and the Adnllnlstrallon a faLia(') \\ hit: h cannot brar any YCaN' time tiwrl' would still he the entel'taining the hmnC'h. Teachers -certain patient!'< who Illay perhap~ "\lpport~d .the hO!' tion of the 6rat. lIigD.a of '6u_Temperat.ure­ 'That, in "iew (J I the fact that dh<:ipline a H~ ry Il('ce ... sary tlung Nat i, e cd ucu t ion i!-l s u fI(·ring gra \' ely for the mo~t t·UltuH·d IJeople. and , • Shivering-Dry Throat. aod Headaobe­ by nll..'i()n of the lack of ach·qua.te ab:-;ollltC'iy e.., ... entinl for Ix'opla \\ ho Take Nerve· Pain Specific and ward 08 /, ) and t.,Y8tematie provision for de\~ ­ ) H~ve not yet reached the top IlIle aD att&.ok. e lopment. this H ou~(' ret'pectfully of cl\-Ilisatioll. There are Native A lad,. wrjtes~- urges tbat the Administrator make people a~ civilised and as educated '.Flo i.e rampaot bere, but "he D. I fell urgent rcpresentatioll~ to tbe as Member~ In this H ouse. On the U•• ymptoms I took Nerve·Paio SpeolBo rnion Go\' crnm(>nt in fa"our of the otber hand. there are Na.t,,·e people granting of a Ix'r caput ~ub~idy who hM' e gont;' through life without aod bad D O mor-e trouble." towa.rds Native education in terms anyoducation or discipline what. A gentleman writes:- of the unanimous recommendation l:ioe,' cr, And!,;() long as there is a 4. At. 6rat.aignB of 'Flu I t.ook Nerve of the l nter-Departmental Com ~ luck of discipline and education there Pain Specific and a few doses completel,. mitteo on Nath'c Education. I !J35- \\ ill be trouble. J t is !' Burman, fOllnd it difficult to wah , b omo nat~ ~"b . l· bela ba m c: tsi T sbe la Idepolo. ka lena e bolllo­ provision for the development o f Ia. tee I e tlet sc ng koa. the N a tin' children. They foulld " OVALTINfo:" Ita ko miking en it difti<- ult t o makt, pro \'i"ion for lebest.> Ie cill';-;'ID g' ka pa metse a the t'imple f('ason that tlll're ,\ n .. f utbumdscuj! Ie lcbl'se Ia. bole",'. nil iU(, l'ea"c ill till' allloll nt of t he m e 'U\ ALT'-~E n c 101etse t.o y sub"id fnn,1. tho I"h tll(· numbt r nuoa Iof "( 111;01 c' hildrt'l1 ill('rt·tbf>d III til( 13 !r.lmlL,'cnkt.~e bohle bit loki· ordinal" ("HI o l\t' 1 .Ie g b t r ki ... I "OV A L TL _ E." J I ul Ie 1 p U hut t h 1h l' rtm t hand I(! II I \ I t I n n nil \ ,,, 11 r , But 1 ,1 , • KOPA.. R ~L EN E I=" VA..LT NE. , I ".t r , • " I 11 m 1 pr 1'('1' <- )J .n FOR COUCHS , COLDS < ,. rill fund " t ilen I')f th(lU. • S B" AND INFLUENZA -.~ " on'lCERS' MESS ClOARETTES 8 UMTETELI IVA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, AUGUST 27, 1038. -

o nly her teli ," life) in order that they too, ~ hould pla.nt't. to invite the immigrants from her Like Ruth of old WhD said' En­ M R. A. ~IOKHESENG , Tromp" be rc lie\~e d by Him. The Grea.t \Var which broke out but to ke ~ p the Engli'lh p~ople in treat m~ not to leave thee, or to burg, writ e ~ Rir,-Aq a. rea.der The inhabitants}:of 8yclu... r mu :o; t in 1014 aad cn I'J d il) HHH \\.,, ~ England by buying all the­ return from following a.fter tbee' of " Umtet.eli," n.nd one intere'lted surely have re,:; p mded to tbl"! often spoken of a, l m "terial to England, an 1 wh?re th)u lo ' l.~e~t I will lodge' to a.~'ient to Mr Scotfs reqllo'3 t bera, and, since it i"l undoubtedly in 1 91~ h O p 3 ~ of stability of uni­ " The problem, to-da.y, i'J thy p~ople shall ba my pe9 ple, and which appeared in your is<; ue of the eMe, W ~ cannot get away from \T<.' r.ird p :oa'l6 am >ng t.he Nation .. nt)t to ch!:l.mpion an oppres'3ed thy G.>clmyGJ 1. Wh erethoudi~t 25th June, in which YO t,r readers the fact th .. t thi'i grcCLt mec hanica.l . w~r~ high Ne\rer would Na.tion. Lt i .. to try to !'Iecure, not will I die, an 1 tho:ore will [ be buri. were asked t.o express views regard­ like m l) vement ba I bern sta.rteJ up ~\h, tlOn i ru ~ h to armi, War hl}.l a State, but th ~,)r1d , hum'lnity ed the L~rd do ~o to me, a.nd more only by His poe ring into the ob­ in all it'i rll.ce3, from oppre!Hion," al'io, if aught but death part thee ing the above subject . taught th <> m iti dc..;tru"tivenei'l, .. One call least. expcct the Church scure p(l.~ t. anfi pce _~ ent lire of the iti m .... terial ruin. Any Nation~1 said " Umteteli " (14th May) in a an d m~ , .and Christianity of our time t.o live woman of amaria.. It jq only difference3 were to be Nl'ttled by leading article on the subject of If the Union Rho.w3 th!.." example up to the element!'! of the Church when the fundamenta.l and most. other gentler !\ud fea iible m"an'i. .. AbY.i!linia. Take.3 Second Pla')e." of loyalty to her king, the AfricAn1 a.nd Christianity as founded by orthodo x: lUethod in the t el\ f' hing EveryboJv ha.t!'d war b ~c a.u ... e it \Ve, too, African'S in South Africa. will be loyal to the Union. Their Christ oue thou"a.nd nine hundred of the gospel ad applied by Ch.ri ~ t had . brou'ght deva. .. ta.tion, ~orrow must be content to take the second supreme chief iq the of and thirty-eight ago, when in this woma.n's C8.'le i'i adhered t o, ;:Lnd ~\lff e ring, an't the p)verty a.nd place a.nd i:h~ claim of Native Affair:; and His ExceUency such Churcll is devoid of true I\nd only \\. hen th03e who hear the wa.nt. .. Equal Rights for all Civilised )len the Governor-General is Supreme eVl\ngelical teachers. gospel um~ cil their pa"i t anfl present We b:we live I long en')u!!;h to under British Rule.' Chief of the White~, &'i Hi 3 Ml\je~ty The Church is now pa~~ ing life, when the Church a.nd Christ­ witl)e3'i how elu"ivc tha.t p ,~a. ':!e ha~ Even had Britain felt it incum­ ha'!J delegated his power to the through the time as foretold by ianity go ha.nd in ha.nd, in fram­ pro\Ted, \Vhen the Nation'S fram· bent upon her to defend AbY3sinia latter, the Prim~ ~nniiter has the Apostle Pa.ul in Timoth)', 4 3. ing Christian"i' life to completion, ed the pea.ce term'i they still nur~ed single-handed she could expect delegateJ hili authority to the to wit, "When they (th e people) Will E,~angelical tea."heN who will 'lome defects. The seeds of !i;t.rifo conce3sion of Abyssinian territory former, not o!dure sound doctrine, but after not have anything to do with ~tiLl rem'1ineJ in them. The weed'i in return for her sa.crifice. Th-e lheir Olun lu8t8 will heap to the-mstll'e.s private and domestic matters of of trouble had uot been eradicated. fire needs only an unguarded mom­ TO CO RRESPONDE:'ITS iearhers." their m?lUb er,.; , and m?mbers who National jealou'Iie3 a.nd animosities ent to spread and if tha.t happen­ ha.d not been blot.ted out ; and per­ ISS L. ~1. and Mi ss R. R. J.'ers­ Both the evangelical t.eacher and will not have their private or ed, Abyssinia. would be only one of M fontein.- \Ve h&\re your I:tter sonal ha.tred and bitterness !';till re­ the Christian in the present-day domestic matters interfered with a host of nations like China and of 6th Augu!it. Your ambition to by either the) C'hun'h or the mained smouldering, church being mostly of the type as Spain that would emerge, after the do u~eful work is to be commended mini .. ter, !\ h 0 u cl tht-refore be EIl\-i.sage the .vorld under the predicted by the apostle, much 1 most dreadful a.nd bloody wa.r in But we are sorry we cannDt publish light of the present situation, and more sincere criticism than contain­ candid and own up to the pre­ history, as the serfs of one or your letter in "What our Readers diction of the Apostle Pa.ul in :2 you see that Na.tions are subjected ed in Mr, Scott'5 letter can be a.nother domination. .. Think, ' We should ~oon be ba.ving, leveUed at both the pre!'>ent-day Timothy, 4: 3. to a. time of prolific trouble. 'Vhen the appLication of sanc­ in all likelihood. many other such Hunger and wa.nt- the very fire­ (,hurch and its Chri!'i tianity. -- tions againqt Italy failed. Britain per:;onal l('tter~, and we have not brands of rcvolution---ca.nnot be The few true preac ber~ and HA VE YOU FOUND YOURSELF? championed "collective security the "'pace to !Spare for one thing; Christians of our time witnes'; the The Editor " Umteteli," remedied yet he3\"v taxes arc pact" an([ that al~o failed . To­ for another. such contenti; arc really t'xtorted from the l>eople. Di!';· day the race is for the superior Bame horrible sight 3nd confusion, R. P. R MBALU, Spring>, more suited in shorter form for the a.s would he witne8.!ied by the in­ content increa~e.'i in the hea.rtsofthe and greater number of a.rmaments M TranS\'aal, wTite:'! : Sir, -Ye~ ! Buqine"i; Department (,vlverti..;e. poorer members of humanity ; and and aUie~. Hence "the first pro­ habit.a-nt!:> of the earth, if the earth We I\lmo:'lt a\l agree thn.t hfe is an ments). ha.d to rotat.e just the other way to think of what the "termination blem, to-day is not to champion exq uisite experience to ~ome people, P .R.V.P., Protoria.-Sorry, but round, of this might he, makes uS per­ the ca,tL"6 of an oppre~sed nation. They glory in it to the \Tery last the article with your letter 4 0 f 14tlt The Christia.n of to-day governs turbed. It is to try to secure, not a State, • • degree, day is "iyidly ali,~ e August is not intere.stlng enough the word of God, the Church and but the whole world, humanity in \\ith keen interest. all its ra.ces, {from oppression." to pu blish: and, even if it were, it the reLigion-minister, and every­ But we must remember that THE MESSAGE OF THE ~nNISTER thing rel&tive t 0 Church and Great Britain has so many Domi- (Continued in pn'Je 6) such people are racliantly healthy. OF NATIVE AFFAIRS Christianity runs j list the re,~ ersed They full of the vital spirit that way. The much too common re­ come!'; with strong, well-poised The Editor " Umteteli," mark a.mong religion ministers and bodies, They lo,~ e life because M R. S. )ITSElEMLA, Browlllee • Christians of our time is . "The they hM'e so Liven that their senses Locations, Kingwilliamstown, IS Church or the minu,;ter has nothing are acutely alert, and their instincts write!; . Sir,- Let us hope that in NUGGET to do with Christians' private or adj ustCd and normal. the appointment of the present domestic matters," But to many people life is pro­ Minister of Native Affairs was to Was not Christ discovered and saic and commonplace, just a restore the confidence of the Afri­ the best polish for introduced t.o the inhabitants of daily monotonous grind, It is ca.nq which was lost in the Govern­ the city of Sychar by a woman i,n dull, with wtinteresting duties, ment of the country. Boots and Shoes. who s e priva.te and domestic wa.rping, devitalising responsibili­ We ha\"e regarded the treatment matterS H e, our model preacher, ties. ] t i.s hard for such people to meted to us in the past as that of had deeply interested himself? adjust themselves to their enruon­ outsiders not !';tep-children, because "Come au a man. 111hich told me all ment~. They are out of harmony the Ia.tter are shielded by the hand NUGGET mok.. your ohoe. loot things that I eller did. / s not Ihi8 {he of a living parent. They are not with the ulli\~erse , They have not longer, beoa.086 it keepe the Christ?" (St. John! . 29). been properly prepared to fight the treated like orphans outside of the The individual and explorative Lattle of life; or they ha ve not, Tile opposition of tbe leather young. tea('hing of Christ to this woman, found their niche, and are out of Africans to the transfer of the NUGGET remO.... ohi"" and 1mving revealed her past and Protectora.tes to the Union wa.s place. They are like a square peg, gives your shoes a wonderful, pr{'sent life, wa.s the result of, not in a round hole ; they do not fit. based on this complaint. The tragedy of life comes when one In the course of recent Parlia­ ohiny poli.h. fails to " find himself." when he mentary elections the En~ l ,ish­ NUGG ET mak.. your ohoeo speab:ing members of the Umted just hobbles through life w~thout waterproof and keepa the rain AMAZIN6 VALUE IN Pnrty blamed tho Dominionites. for a definite aim to arouse Ius en­ away from yoor feet. thusiasm. their opposition to the Umted Secondhand Regardle!'lS of how duU the Partv and repudiated all the routine of your duty may be, ~'ou criticism of the policy of the United surely have a hobby of some kind, 'Party but immediately after the NUaG ET yeoza iBhozi tako zihlall Typewriters something into which you can put electi~ns were o,"er they too bad izesha eHde, kuba igoina wei. your \rery soul. And it is ,,:ork of grounds for complaint a.t, th,~ kokuh)e. A LARGE SELECTION OF All omission of H God Save the Kmg NUGG ET iohenxi.. ukaogoola y. this kind that makes the geruus. oze ishuzi zako zihlale zibeogezet. MAKES, RANGIN6 FROM Love of life is necessary to life. and the failure to fly the Union Jack on Union Day, ngoku maogaJiaayo. A nd in order to love life you should NUGGET yeDZo ukubo ishozi zak. love your work, the daily duties The English-spea.king se~t i ou of zingaogeowa ogamaozi yenza DO­ £6 EACH you must assume. If you can the population of the U~~)Il ex­ pressed their desires expliCitly to koba im vula ingamaozisi ioy.yO make your hobby a source of a.n zako. INCLUDING THE WORLD,FAMOUS income tha.t 'will properly snstain the Government, na.mely, tha.t they , you, you are a lucky indid?ual. wanted equality in a.~ resp~cts That might be termed an Ideal with the Afrikaans-speaking sectton. And thus thev made it easy condition, NUGGET e etao tieto to. baa U ROYAL for the Gover~nment to meet their \Vhatever grinding circum ~ tance-s 1010 oako e telele, hob8os e bolop may surround you, you should at needs. letlalo Ie Ie leoba. ALL MACHINES ARE GUARANTEED In like manner the Africans all times have a shining goal in NUGGET e feli.o leo.,. 'm. , TO BE IN WORKING ORDER should expre"~ t heir desire~, na.mely, pbatsimisa lietA ka mokoa 0 mlka· view. that they do not want equality To lo,~ e life you mu ~t , first of all , t8aog. with Europeans in all respect.q but CAll AT po.ssCS'I buoyant health, You NUGGET e eta. hate lieta I.. boo mul'tt know ' how to maintain it, in the occup~tion of land. They Ii seke tea kenoa ke metBi ebile I are content to htke the back seats. r and YOII must find a for thibelo pula ho fihleDg mootoD!! ' ~phere The Africans do not look to ROYAL your ' a c- tidties t ha.t "ill a.rcuse bao. England or to the ~nglish- ~ pea.king AND SEE THEM your keent.>"t and mo:st ardent sec tion for protection agallli'\t the intere:;t Then \'idory should Dutch section, hecause thE' latter sure'" 1)(' sOOlewhC'r(' ahead! it can­ AT ;lora on the ~ aml' IC\'l,1 of <-ivili .. a.tion not {nil if you fight for ,with the i: as the fornH' r 'fhe Union of S<:H~th .<.pirit tha t dt'~es 0 I?pO~ltlon that AIri('a looks to Britain or Bntl ~ h ('onll U(.lr s 1.\ II lbfficullit's X.\Vy for proh'd ion and cil,fl'nce, Ifumanwa ngl\yJ E fumaDoa b ROY L '('Ollqlle,t pursues \\ here cour· Obtainable in In,,bala eohle. Hilt ' the .-\ fr ic·.n..; in till' . Pro­ all ohod.. , yonke unib.Jol". TY PEWRITERS 19l' 1(',1.(1-. the" ay . tec\oratt'..; lunk tn tht.>. R es lcl l~ l~t HARRY S~IRE$ pT, LTD. ('mnmis"ioOl'r- a~ the l il ion Alfl­ , Tin of NUGGET' "Til E PRESENT TUR'IOIL (',l.nS luok to tilt' "Ilinistl'r (I f ~ fl tt,·!, Always ask fof' a I 'KonX2 ya NUGGET' Contr ol ouse A\IONG NATIONS" \ f1a irs a .. tlwir Supn'mc C'lm,r {or Ngalo lo"ka IxasIJa blz2 The l'tiit()f 1:mt 'h,1t 1 nhl 'l'h(' rf'fo n ' t he.\· :l re stt'P- e. NUGGET' 17 Simmonds Street c Illlren ,\ i t~ .1. ,tt'p- fat ) 1t' ~ \\l~o Ke nako eohle bat/a 'Koomana R '.\"II :--;E.-\ X~;. 2;1),1 Bocha ill "t'e l h,l. t tenant f. lrmlllg 111 l)elo Location BI~){'mlontl'i,1I I JOHANNSBURG M South _-\fril:a I~ the only wa.y to ,\ritcs Sir. In t he p re~ent (,Ir- TSUBA OFFICERS' MESS CIGARETTES UMTETELI WA BANTF .J 0 H Al\'NE~BUlt(1. A UGU~T 2.... I n3R. •

Is VOllr fIend j\ 7otes 0 " I Words Of \..\I IS r/O rn CookelY LO llghs , i T Rl<~ duor of npportunitl i,'i al· I n/1.j"s open Pu"!h It \\idt>r if IVO/lh) ' o,r And Child A )lA N" ol'lI(,l'('d a. ne\\ · Iaid egg Ifl t a l'it." tl.'a,shop When it wa..'! you ('all, u.ndll·1 01 ,\'1' .. pa"'1lhrough Welfare too. -.\non A Crown, ------sen'ed he notin-d that someone had written on it in tiny letters, •• • HI a.m lonely, beautiful and young, The "orld iK ~o full of a Ilumher DY THE ED1TRE~S :r; lVeeds Are and de .. ir(' marriage.-Apply ..." of thil1ll ~. •• This sholl be n sign unto :roo; Y t" He lost no time III writing off to 1'111 sure \\e ijl\ould ttll be "HAll find th~ bnbe \\ rapped In flwll4'j­ the a.ddrcs:i gi,·tm. H e was a. dhng I' lothes. lying In a mangrr," happy a.. krnJ('" R. L."" Luke- u. 12. And Sl'mplc bachelor, and enjoyed a r-.pice of Sten'nrvhodv. so if "ou •• c Ttr to recog nise earthly royalty by bottle i" not too hot, and that it is • nre not Interesl('(i in ~ babll:':; ; 'Olt " My b(,,,t man dined with 1I~ auy such insignia 8 S Ib es~ . When nell con'red. You do not want the T RADJT10N a.'Icribes the invenT CUrist came, He despised all tbe Dlay o"erlook thi ... nrticl('. . la~t Sunday ,an~1 waq 80 impress('d tion of blanketq to a. .Flemish baby's fo<.>l to tOllch the naked \\ Ith my bride N cooking tha.t be Ladges of conk by which men indicate But if \"Oll 111\\-(' b('('n bleR.,-;('d bottle. weaver, Thoma'! BJanket "bo with a tin~' ·. h('lpll~s, who i~ !-ient her a. can'ing i'et," peat ness, nnd wore tbe insignia 0 Bottlt's with long india-rubber !iettled in Brrqtol and feU ~n earthly I)o,'erly and meanness. Yel 'iolety dependent on YOU for its "Thnt wa.. ni('e." day... tube;! arl.' death· trap", Boa.t .:-; bapcd "'0 He >;ent her ,",' I1S H e less great because He bore health And happill(' ~",' rOil \\ ill do " Not ,'en- One bitterly cold night in the lJottlt'c-l, with nn opening at each three chi;.;ell'1 mallet," Dot the world's stamp of honoor ? r:'l(, t.he fnxour of refldin~ tbe am! a year 1340, Blanket, anti his wife fnllo,nng- hint;.. on a. ,ari(·t \- of end, r..o that Uu·y (f~n ht" \\ R."hed True greatness is in the character, through. are thl' 1Jt>..;t • • could not sleep becau::,e of the lack n ever in tbe circumstances. No points. ~ • of fuel and their ~cnnty,'er. ru:ttter about wearing a crown ; Ba.b~·'s w'<:;h must be lon~lee,'­ The B ur nl Child A clergyman who advertised for IIlg. 1n de"pair he "eut into hi..'i Ul a k e s ure tbat you b ave n head cd nnd · n('ckNI Rememher · Whil" taking a \\alk through the ~n organi!-;t received thi.'! reply \\ork"!bop to find ~omething to add ," orthy of wearing a cro",o. No thai the lung-... t"xtend ahove the \\ar(l!-O of a ho~pltAI I Slaw in IL cot Dear Rlr. 1 notic(' you ha,"e a to the bed cJot hl: ~. He chanced mall" a bout a throne to si t on ; the colla.r·hom' amI all round under n child pln};ng haVpih- with her "aca.ney for an ()r~anist n.nd mu<;ic upon a piece of rougb, unfinished th(' arms to the ha('k, and that 10\\ teacher either lady or g-entleman. m:lke sure tbat your life is regal in doll. She had h,>cl\ 'brought In cloth which had been ca"t aside • its own intrinsic chUraCIf' r - tbat nN' ks n.l1d short siee,'e... ftn-ollr "omc daY:-1 earlier !;uffering badh­ Haying been both for se,'ora-I years, and t he great \\ armth derived m en will recognize the kiDS in yOD brol1chiti:l. from burn~. . r beg to apply for the position." from it~ u'lc ~ugge ... ted the idea. of tbougb you toil in the fi eld or mine, oilell napkin." !-lIould b('rin;-;ed Sbe wa."4 wearing inAnmmabl(, manufacturing similar pieces as o r serve in tbe lowliest place. through and thorough" dril">(l be. fiannel{·tt(', the matche."4 were left winter bedclothes. These strange toke08 teU u.s also fore bein~ put on. Do not. use within her reach aor1, of course, five days old. The reason for the Thi~ he did, givhlg his name to o f Christ's sympathy with tbe ~Ia. or wa ... hing powdr>r when she could not re'ii<;t. the temptation dh,ease of the eye., is firAt of all the a.rticlE', "hich @oon made bim le~li es t phases of life, witb the doing bab.\ '" \\a -: hing, a .. these to strike ju~t one. becau,"e the fa.ther and mother a. wealthy man. plaineM. aod pooreat of tbe people. ca.u~e ('hating. Burns, if at 'all exteru;in', nrC' "ere not !l0 clean as they ought to :None can say tbat Christ never StarC'h po\' del' is better than ,'ery dangerous The children die, have been, and nc,'er really under. o f:ame to tbem. H B e had beeD born ]"1l1lf."1"· ~ Earl h for powdering bab) ; not ~o much of the burn it~elf as qtood that dirt and disease go ... • palace spiendours, the f\ ffiJ:\.:llln' IIf starch powder a.nd from the shock it gins to the band in hand. c-ommon people would n ever have zinC' poOwder j ... bc--.t of all. neryous S,'stem, 13ut tho most impot tant rea.."on A 'W 'J nderiuf felt that He was their Saviour as . The baby mu"t be put to sleep Sh(' was dre~st'd \\ ith what is that the mide\\"fe did not put 'ltey feel now that Be is. Christ In a st'parate Jx>d we call "!Spread boracic:' That any c1eansin~ drops in the baby's Stain-Nemover weat down aDd touched life at its A Bah) ~to Needil means that a piece of clean white eyes a.s "oon as it wa'! born, - I f JAVE LLE WATER lo",,'est point., that tbere might be lint is taken and some boracic !lhe had, the baby would ha"e han _ooe 10 whom His mission of 10 ..... A baby's Ill"t."d'i are few and :sim· ointment spread on it as you la.ughing bright e}e~ now, instaafi WILL remo,-c any 8tain. To- alt. !;Face should not reacb. pIe. hut· t hey are so important spread butter on bread of being half blindrd by n. painful make it di.'lSQive soda. in that not one can be overlooked. inflammation. . a quart of boiling water, then stir ---<0>--- Jt i.q cleansing and does not Fir::;t in importance i~ loving stick, yet it excludes all air from Remembt-r that nearly one· half in ll·lb, chloride of hme, and let it Round the Corner cure; \dthout lo\'C and sympathy. t Lt· burn until the fle"h hnr; heal cd. of the children in a. blind aqrlum sta.nd until cold. Strain very­ care and undebtanding, no baby owe their 10 ... ., of '-;'lion to thi~ one fully and bottle. This is used also The Ba by'S E) es GOstraight. on, and keep your ,\ ill thr,,-e as it ought to do. cau~e - t he ignorance of mothc-l's as a bl(,}e~ it wa...q onl,· tha.t is rnqily pre\'ented ju~t a clothe!'! o,-er night, and rinse, blue bi,r surprise for you, _ . _ DOe,.; the quantity at r<'gular times, He need<:; (Continued 1'Jl neIt column) - Ii-w drop'i in c~\('h t'ye at birth and dry in the lI~lIal \\ay next day. road seem fraug t ",;th dangers a" abuudam'e of frp"h air. ~o the .vIm plod alone·-bound to" arcl" \\indo\\.s:o£ hi!) bedroom should be the far horizons of the greILt un­ open a.t :til timf."", anrl he Fthould known 1 ... pt.·nd a long timl' t"yt"I'y ('1\, if Iwc·{' ... sary I WON1)1:R WHY Round till" corner ,"OU ma.y find the an.'iWcr to your prayel: tbat when h(' i'i inrloor'i. - IS CRYING AliAIN Hi: Il(>ecl ... at..solute dcan]int...... s of good friE"lld you have be(,1l ~king I HAYW JIIST 'FfD "1M may be "aiting therC' r hes body, hi." cloth~. and hi ... bed­ drng. Hi ... dail.\ ~hou ld he a Round the cornt'r you may III et ad\-enture and romance. unReen fixed hahit, fol\(mec.l by ca.reful band.<:. I('ailing you for nothing drying. p(mdcring and the don· ('omes by cha.nce .... Keep thl' flint! ot \\ arm, t horougbly aired lamp of 1"aith weB trimmed, and clothes. at the journey's ('nd ,-o u n('ed £\'el")thinp: that ba.hy lI "CS ha'-e no fear for what is v.ailing !:Ihoulcl not onh- h(, washable, but Don't think that because you've just fed him that Africa n mot hers have it !)(' ,,-ash('d often and be wund tht· bend. ~ho\llrl he's satisfied. Perhaps the lood you are glvmg that Nutrine is the very best food ne'\t carefully dried and aireo. He must o does not contain enough nourishment. to mother's milk. Take their advice and use 1(. Z1BANCED1LE ABA",'11E never u ~t' It damp towel or pillo" He m't"(l-; II repllar life, 'i0 that I ('HA)I BERUIN'S TABLETS zi- )l£S "E IS IlVlm SO luke impilo no mgcobo kuma­ menl .. and hour$ of sleep Ot'Cur at ! the ~anll· tune t'n~ry da.y He need!'! "'IICH annR-MY "aka. Nganina. unga ke ubone 'FRIE NDS SAY HE IS into e7iya. kukwenzcla.? Unokuzi hours of undj.,turbed Bieep .- linga. pa.mbi kokuzitenga.. Tumele He requires protection a.gain.... t WOIIDO'FIIL ".'""" i po~t card ko Cha.mberlain'~ (Pty_) cold. dnmp, dirt , flje~, and c,~er.r' Limited, 2:l2 Sir Lowry Road, thing thM can hurt or frighten *1'owo_ wotunyelwa i sampu)u nge­ him. He ne<,ds warmth. comfort, and po~i ebuyayo. Zitengiswa zi kerni;;l 'ZOltkC ne ven.kilo. ton.. ,> ta.ut attention to hL'! bodily \\a.nt", He :--hould be gh~ell frequ('n-t drinks of cold boiled \\' alCT, and Nutrine contains everything to give your ruby For over 30 years Nutrlne ha"l been re.;ommended should ~ta.rt the da.y with a sufficient nourrshment ... to stop him from continual by doctors and wothers and ha<; proved itself to teMpoollful of ora.nge juice. crying, .. to build him up into a fine strong man. be the best fool for baby when you cannot feed He even require" a littlc beauty KEATI NG'S And Nutrine is so easy to prepare. him yourself. care hi,; hair and scalp should be POWDER •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• gently nQshed, hi~ tillY nails kept • • BABY clean, his enrs and nostrils clE'aned, · FR E E' \Vrite 8' once for it FREE: his $kin "l'r" tenderly washed and • Simplified olel Chan .howing : IBUlAlA • • you how t'O mix Nutrinc lind al Ihe besl lillie 10 ,ive : FOOD drien. it. A v~!.b le ill En&;h5h. XOP Zulu or &'1.111.1, IlIeU'UlU. tUlOU, Stale: ntlOUn, ,.","u_oa, Wbat ht' mutot not bayi" are Jan(\HI,e prefefffd. W rile 10 :. : U' " l U t: , ltfa ,n". "AID ".If If ),OUT baby is always crying and is unn4!ulthy, try l\'utnne OQOM6Qlrwu .. excitement, joite. sudden noise'l, HIND B ROS. & CO., LIMITED.: today and you'll find his improving day b) day. hUfl'lh words. slap.... care'(':'(Sncss, : Depc , JI UMBltO, Natal.: hwtth MlOOiOUJ .UPElJ. • 'NBO UI·I irreo.~ularit\" in AnY \\a\,• !Slipshod -' ~ .- ", -~ '...... • ,. ~ •• ". .,..' > , BAXTV, ,fORA);); E~ Bt'Rr., AUGUST 10 U\ITETELI \VA Health And Beauty For All

d ry pl.we Where lit \\ill keep HOIl('l'- rile tlr,) n ill l,e a.n ('XC( Ilt·nt slor '~I~ • pla,(·(" for hOJlf') 1 I kitch I Put An End To cuphoartl. If hUllev he JlllpS gral Po /; ('/ /. oor/ III&tl"d \\ hieh it i apt to .In II • "liould he pla.ct·rj on ~lr,\\\ in it Chilblains And hot\\;1.ter shoull) h· I· in i na.y nJ\11l pn irl aW("pan a.nd 0 "( tihoulrl u" with .HI ahsolutt'h pI·rrN·t pOllfl·d round Thii \\/ltcr Foot Troubles than ca.n bl;" borm' food, l\nd an instam I' of this i~ 1I0t be bottlor to one "ilJe of By Nightly Using hon('y. II i... 1m of t hI pm (" f ,,~~ the hunt) Pul il IC3.\"e it to melt fOfJ,htutfs ~n()\\I1· it i .1 "plt 'ndifl the 8tove /lod whilt' t"lwrl(}' pr I1l1c r: it i ... ah !Jrl, d in 10\\ Iv. Thi~ trea.tment. the hOIl<',Y, will not impair t h f> blMul.,tl('tUll ("\l'U hd'or(' melting di~(·1tti(jn- ·a oun a it f'nteu the the fla\'ol1r Rf'SlfuJ Sleep. Heat mouth, III fact it i infinitely prc" To Induce A point, add f('rable to sugar n~ n s\\('et('nln,q a cup of milk to boiling take at yoo subjeet to a.nnoying ngent, ,ilvl it !l flayour j ... qUIte 2 tl'a~poons honey and W HEN MAKING SMALL CA k. ES A RE inncup chilbla.Ins every time the cold dd('C·ta.blt'. onCe. _ wealwaYl'ldipthespoon weather returns 1 It's not only the Co ld. putting the (·ak(, to ) pcollie huy honey in thl: Ilh Rone), Lemonade For A of milk hefore pain a.nd dlscomfort you have of a. h'mon into a Into small tin ... for this contend with. but the cluJ blains may jl~r" T('Luled at ahout I fl . and SqUf"cz(, the jui(' mixture .. mix \\)th 1 table~poon of causes it to drop off titl' !<.poon brea.k and be<.ome septic. usually, thc lighter kinds sell the tumhler You can be free from chilblains alJ soda water a.nd eR.'-lily in~tend of slicking to it ILn(1 hest. It l.'; a- c11rio11-1 fa ct that tht' hom·y. add chilled Wmter If you follow this easy treat? TUay helpl'd out with a your J)ublic will gen('ndly choose th(' Rip. If [preferred, this drink luwinK to he mtnt Just gIVe your fe.;et-and wa.ter a.nd too-a nightly rub over With lighter.coloured article. ,\ hl'tiwr it be (Wuted with boiling knife. handc;, the pa.tient is in bed Z.I111·Buk Ointment. This restores he brl'atl, ric(', sugar or honey : yet htken when • • t:nds \ ariet)" • clfluiolhon, in most Cll~l'!i the darker if We Clean Uph olstery , ... mm ation is actualh· belter People arl' Orangc Drin",-l~ deliciou~ Pain, Swelling and Infla Squeezclthe by l'lprinklin~ it o\?er well with skm IS broken gIves bc~innin~ to rt'alise that brown sweetent'd \\ Itb honf'.\'. and wbere the s into a jug, of soda at TlIght, and complete olntist:phc protection. If bread Li morc whok~olU c tha.n the juic(.· of:2 oranl2;e bicarbonate with thoroughly with a :rour ftet are aclllug and tired, or you the\ ha\'e still to Il'a.rn arid the juice of I lemon, mix then brushing before applymg \\ hit<" but . It is ha\"~· Tlard grO\\1bs. honc) is nry l11u ch honey to ta'lte and dill ute With iced soft ~ru'ih thE' next morning Zafll·Buk, bathe the feet in warm tha.t tht d/t.rke~ t which than the pale wl\te~ soda. wnter or lemonade. ama.zlng the a.mount of dir waler ami dry thoroughly, espcclaUy richer til \iblmill~ of the toes. Honeyed Sweet P o t a t oe~ . ('rub hrushes off l\ ith the bicarbona.te between kind , as you ('an tell by the Oa\'our. refined berbal 0115 In lam·Buk boil in the ~oda.. The Pale gOl'''1 ZII '" lJo.It ,..Jd /., ' " _ .. .. mixe'i ter and honey o,-er. Rake a.t 400 _nJ ,_ "')' '" _I p .u ,,_,oJ." . ()f various kiml'i. The·apiari"t knob':! with pincer~, and keep the-.:e Jr, I' \' hOIl(,)" l"j\,hr until ~ polatol'S golden !Unin' h onc~ ' ~\lm bloom to put on the ends of my• knittillC10 lo.'\.iom honey, ju~t a..'! tea'i hrown Serve hot \\ hen the origin.'\1 knoh ... fruit·b until needlc'! a lc blcmh-d .uul likl' the tea·tash'r, Hone) Toffee.-Boil boney get losl . .. ted in cold Ni9h~_ Iw rd lM on 'his. tongue a.nd pa l at~ it will harden when te, 'Rub ·, ZAM-BUK in Every dropping a • t o hel " h im llchll'\TC ju"t the right water this is done by We Save Ce ll opb•a n•e Envelopes .. , . ('old water. mixture. little off a tea~poon into whitC'. 1 lb. in which new si lk stocki ll g~ are fell work i!t clone by I he Pull until it becomes But the I wrapped a nd keep these In our an.VOlle \\ Ito hs':! watched of honey \\ ill about 20 minutes, b('('~. a nd workbox for storing our ~pecia l Y Oll Lo.~e ee thal t hey &re and shoultl be stirred to p le"cnt ow to Kf('P Do tht! 1U work \\ III L\!; r sil ks nnd t ransfers, These show H the m08tf ll--SC inatlllg and industriou.s bu.rning. htful .spread clearly t hrough t he cellophane, and o f erc&t ures. These velvely, H oney makes a delig hite bread. are therefore easy to find when we s hining-winged intieets fl y for score.." for bbcuits. brown or w Colds Away Your Sleep? h as much wa nt . to use t hem. In addit ion, o f miles c\'er)' day; t hey carry Cream t he butter wit t hen sprea.d t he RlLk'J are prc\?ented from b e. i ncredible burdens; they· honey as it ~il l a.bsorb. B\'" A D OC rOR with chop. coming entangled and dirty. facture wax a nd honey a nd t hey on the biscuits. 8prinkle P R O}lPT action i s t h e- only wa y L OSS of sleep i s o ne of the mo,t n. sandwich p build oelli to house t he younger ped nuts. If used a~ •• ... to· get rid of a. cold. K ee trying features of a. cold . should be • M generation which are a miracle of bctl\-ee n brown bread it We Clean OW' Black Shoes .... yourself warm a nd take light, The nasal o bstruction which And when u qed o.s above and mixed with g food . fte n a ccompanies a cold in tnt) mathematical c;t&c ti tudc. with black p olish t o preser\'e the nourishin o ell ed chopped nuts, raisins, d ates or fi gs. he c best and n os~ may result in a temporary you buy honey which; i.a lab deep black colour. but we a lways Rub gently into t wn This ma.y be used as a fi lling for ~ or r eady- made congestion, and the sJeep l {'ol~. pure, you buy the k bces'{o apply a litt le white polish o n t op throat e u ca l y pt u bm tn the cakes. The adcli tion of a. few drops for relief of chest c olds, .NO pr~du ced may pMIJ into product, un<'on l&nllna ted b y before polishing:. This prevents prepa.rations ne!!s ' of l emoD j uice will correct the are being absorbed by true Insomrua, tOllch of m ll-n . n ...... those un ~ i g htly black m arks from \Vhile . these good for sweetness. urs g iven o tT are y poople find th.t cold appli. H oney i .. particula rly soiling the a nkles of our silk st ock? the s kin, the va. po Man o them [t....;; Dougbnola.- l egg; 1 cup sweet ough the nORe a.nd !l to the forehead elU\ble tlit'lU c hildren, and if given t ingR, as t he white polish d oes not breathed thr calJ ?n milk; 1 cup honey; 2 ta.blespoons ~ tuffiness and \' er this difficult time. often &8 t he\' will ta ke it, it w ill mu.r k. mouth. relieving t hat to tIde o n crea. m of 1(" offset the craving for sugar wbich is butter; 1 heaped teaspoo • tigbt ness whic h are ~o uncomfort· Th f" u ugh, ca used by tbe by too ma ny tartar, t teaspoon bi carbonate soda; • • a ble. c umulation of di schllrge io lhe usually ~ l\ t i 'i fi e d leaned with bm n. pinch salt. Fur can b e c me deep breathing exer. back of the throat,. is a not her . Itt, s weel-8 . as hot a.s the . Do so the This s hould be used tf you arc confined destroyer. Us ually this U D " cooked with honey ke-ep Sift dry ingredients. beat CLSeS. a nd, even Foods ha nds can b ear i t. physical c b eck~ d by gargling. cooke tellspoon A little uoric ointlu(, ll t '! hould he o of bora x. one teao.;poon of salt, and ~mC'arN l on t he iUlfide o f the t ,\ 0 h'MpoonM of !oill~a.r. after tbis treatml'nt. Mix weU and U"C one tca"poon Warning To up t'aC'b tloldril of tbe mDcture to half a pint of carefully SOAP ont of the THE BEST AND PUREST \\ arm walt-'r ,niff tip the no'\tr ilR Now in fr Women gentle. table, take deep slow hrf'311 PRICE EVERYONE through the n o~tr il H. Holll AT A A Safe Nasal D ouche unting t wenty ,h"111 women want to p]enqe men Ih~y br(' \\ h11 e ('o IF it a hahil uig-ht and morn­ throu~ h the n O~I!. fOhou ld ~o all out to cu lth'ate Makt' e"I'<.'1 "lowly AFFORD! III1"a l pa~sage~ keep your ..,..,,, . 1111 CAN ft\.ti('ination. l'Iubtle attractivent'..;s in~ to clean out I h(' Be Hlire to !tnortin).!~ und lilt' u~e ane l repeat the elc r c i ~e I a.nd that lDy~tl'riou" quali ty which by forceful cl(J~(>d of clear warm walt'r. tIlUl·~. TilL., koop'f I run.kf'~ men -and other women or (·iI-:"1It S{)ft Iinf'n a.nd talk a.bout them. Tn" f' il. bit of Mounding boards of the \-·oicc r~ ;:~ tl\i~t it TOllnd <1-11 oran~e."o()rl qtil·k. Ill'lp~ to take away the \. An cn~aged or ruarriNI woman nut! \\ .\tt'r l.uHI in"(.'rt , ~ttll1ltle~'t. "hould n('ver run down her man to Mol.itcn in \\ ,lrrn another man '10 as to flatter the­ listener. :'oren hatt' it. K ('it her should she eu Iti VB te ba.IIY· talk nor a baby, voice. . Over 150,000 Natives Use And then qhl' ~hould li~h~n. La~tly , no woman ~hould rt'mincl a rni ed ('ompany Ihat ~Ia' '',is at foI('hool with a \\oman who 1001,'1 half Ilt'r 0\\ n a~e. o

nll'lLI~1 OQl);ISEKILEYO U KOHLELO olujokilt.'yn uludla W~y1 ngokuha "l'm\·a kni...uhli"a ngu lIlfu.lanja lu .. olokn h\<\. lubung:\\;L buhur,d.a a Ill' n~capukl"'o }oku Itl.."\n!l. kUlUflala lit I'>lfu ha. r Because th ey are the very best and Cb.~mht·rlain·s ('(II1~h Rf>mp.dv nl!lI le mpilN oqini.o.;l'kil,'.\"o ukudo.~bio.;a no troub ,·.II .t. .01 dID .... d . time, and had obvioul31yen. way to Johannesburg. She wa.s hnk<" in a. mode.mte oven fol' 1,) to a rOll of bl'atls or I~ dip. deared hcrselftothem . The procccd· present at. A. meeting at the A.C.V. .:!o lllin\lt(' ~. or until tlw!" feel firm Don't W('ar lInn,lit'n-d, round, ing:-l "ere presided over by 1\[r Chn...... Church of S.A., No.2 Local, when Johannesburg to the louch. square, or high·dmpl'c! neck.;. TIl(' NgengC'buJe, as~is~d by Meq~r8 J . she spoke about the Conference to - -- \ . "hopl' i .. ft.h'l\Ys hl,,,t for .\'(111 Dalamba. a.nd Sol. L. SidzulUo. be held at Bloemfontein in Decem. Buch c1or ~' BuHon Don't \\ear mOH' thnl10lle l'olour The programme WM inter('~ting ber. and urged the lea.ders of the Contribute To Progress Beat 202. bulter into fi\'e of Uotlr from :,;houJdl'r to lwm. Y OII can and intersper~ed with mU'Iical it em~ Societies to begin the prepa.ration ring tbe change .. \\ith hlll'i, bll,lt", (BY s. H. D. LEE )l'iY A..."'?ou) :l.nd then \\ or).. til :~07 ('o.~tor ';1Igl\l'. to \~hich contribution.;; were made for tha Conference in good time. .. h(){'s. and glO\ l'S ir lOU IIkf', hut Beat up an ('~ \H.·II III an('ot her ~O7. b\ :\ti'i~efi L . Lesholo, T J o);epb, E. J OHANNESBURG ('ity is encircled one colour on tlu' hOlly 1'1 ('nough. -ugn,r, adding a. few drop .... of al. )lokotedi, ~Jes~N G. ~lot~i('loa, A. o by huge mine dump~. which Don't \H'ar lll'lt'l t·olltrll .. tine: mond or \"I\nilta 116.\ OUllllg n .. or :\huyoowa, ..\1. Plata a. n d E. can be oh ... erved from a long dB· ('olour~ thl'" "wr<.·I\, act a .. ta,pe J)referred. Po .. wuyo. Among ... t the MpeakC'r" tance on thl' raitwa)~ line, and one rueJ.'lure..:. proclaiming. your ~irth tu werc Chief S . .F Zibi, ),fe"'''''rs (' i~ )lh in \\ ith the dry ingr~til'nts East Champ. Dor. knows that one about to approach the \\orld Ll't your Ilt'lts l1I1\t('h Xgengehule, T Nolut ... hungu, 01 the larg e~t.. city of •.\fr-ica. second .·; uul stir w l'II tOg-l't l11'r lwforl' armn~· your rr()('k~. (;. Senaone, D. Denelane. and Gil only to Cairo . tug: in little rounfl ~ on hllUert'd - Don't \\ear Irocl;.-.; \\ Ith v(>r." M.\.tl·hese, hOllorary ... c('retary, Tiger In Joha.nncsburg there are very pa.per. ~pril1kll' "ith more .sugar short ... h.-en."" , unl(> ... " your arm ... IIrc Kloof Ex·Studentfi' A~ .. ociation, of Late Mr. Sere Ie many Nativei4 the majority of :.:lncl bake n:~r'y tightly really "lender. \\ hieh )[rs. ;\[bere wa'4 dce·~wcre· whom arc engaged on the mine~. Coconut Sbor-Icnke Don't ('hoo'if" 10llg drc",H.>s ('~l'(.'pt lory The mine!! of Johanne'Sh urg produce for (',-cuing wear You mll81 ke('p (oy D. T ~U.OQOKI) The fact that Mr. Mbere and Mra. more tban half of the wor ld ' ~ Required lIb. flour, llh l'!\Cb to the fMhionable I('ngth of Rk irt ~rhcrc (nee Sidzumo) are not only THE other week· end was a bllSy output of gold. One call Imagiae butter, sugar a~\d cocon.ut, pinCh of onc in the compound. The the scramble by the fortune· see ker~ salt, teaspoonful ba.kmg powder well-known figurefi in ~ ide and out· flour, cornflour, bl\.kinc; powder and side ,Johannesburg, but al80 active compound worked from when these mines were fi rst pro· a nd two yolk'i of egg~. claimed. They were a source of I> and stir them lightly to tfie and indefa.tigable participant!i in Saturday night to Sunday, 10 a.m., Cream the butter, !S ift in the flour attraction to the Nations of the mLxture. H alf fill SO Illt' \\ell·gn·n,'icd locnl social and s porting Africa. n preparing suffiicent food to last the ( mixed with the baking powder and world. pattypans \\lth the mixture. octi,cities, was evidenced by the compound boys until Monday after· ~lt) add the suga.r, then the distinguished gathering, as well as noon. This wa9 due to a disordered I\. large city has sprUM g Place them on a baking.tin al\ll .CI)CI() ~ut by degrees. Mix all " cU. by the large variety of pre.'\eot!-l boiler . up in t he viCinity of the mine~. bake at once in a hot on'n for given and the mes~ages of goodwill and huge machinery is at work_ Rea. t t he yolks of eggs and add about' ).; minutes. \Vhen baked, Lily \Vhites have sllffered a. great "1 hE' m. If not moist enough add a from fa.r a.od wide. loss by losing their vice-captain, Johannesburg is full of peoples of turn on to a sie,-e to cool. various Nations. Many ~e mi· eiv i. Bi ttle milk, but do not make it too With l[r. and Mrs. llbere leading. J ohann~ Serele, aged 46. He was ..;oft . Pla.ce mixture 00 a sheet of Eccle Cakes a resident of Western NativeTown· lized Natives are a.lso to be seen. and lollowed by Mr. G. S. Y Zibi At present large sums o t-money buttered pa.per and fl at~ n it. out and ~lis.s N . Ndungani, Mr. D ship. He died at tbe Randfontein R ub 8 oz. butter mto S oz flour . are bein~ spent in this city by tQe e\"enly with a fl oured rolling-plD to Busak we Ilnd )fiss li". Sidzumo, the Native H ospito.l on Wednesda.y, .half an inch thick. In another basin mix 4: oz well­ 3rd A ugust. H e wa, buried ot the Government and tbe :\[unicipality entire house danced to the graceful for Native housing . \', &Shed currants with 4 oz moi!lt Croesus cemetery. H e was keen Cut into shape&. bake into mo­ suga.r and a little grated nutmeg ~teps of a march (m usic of the Natives can be con'lidered as derate oven for t .... enty minutes Eml)ire }.... ollies) and more dancing on tennis and a friend of popular Roll out dough to half an in(,h players like Mr. Melato, of Brak· contributes to the progress of Soutb . '3nd tben let them ('001. fo llowed. Africa . thick and cut into sq uare:ol about pan, and P . Monamodi. Many Among those attending were ~ CornOoW' Cakes three inches acrOSl;. mourners attended the funeral. )Olr . and :Mrs. ehas. Ngengebule, o Then put !io me of the currant H e left a family of five children. R equired : tlb, cornflour, I tea­ mixture in the centre of each 8Cp18re. :Ur. and )[rs. J . Dalamba, Mr. and 'Spoonful baking powder, 40z butter Wet the edges and join the ('orners ) IN. A. MLuyedw&, Mr. a.nd Mrs. l\lr. and l\1rs. F. Makau had their Mr. G. S. 1\£, an agriculturat baby boy Lawrence baptized at demonstrator in Bochuanalaad -or margarine, 3 eggs, 2 oz flour, a of each square in the centre. Turn DC;. Lcnkoe, ltr. and Mrs, T . T. 7 pinch of salt, lib castor sugar. over and roll lightly with the roll . Nolutl'lhungu, :i\fr. and Mrs. Chri.,t the King Church, Sophia. has returned from the Kalahar~ tQwn. Beat th& butler a.nd sugar to a ing-pin to make a round (' Ngca.riyo, :Mr. and Mrs .• 01. L . where he assisted tb", assistao..t District Commissionel' in thEt <: ream. Add the eggs, one by one, Bake in a moderately hot onn Sicizumo, Mr. and Mrs. J . .\Iolapo, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs_ invcstigationof the li't'ing condition.'J beating each in well. Sieve the from 10 to ).") minute'!. .\lr. and Mrs. Mokotedi, Mr. and J . Mdluli (Tnduna) on the arrival of .\Irs. R . B H . Sidzumo, !\Ir. and a baby boy. of the Masa wa people . 31 rs. )Ibede, Mr. and Mrs. Busakwe, Mr. and Mrs. Sobekwo., Mr. and 3Ir::!. M.kosana, ~r and Mr'!. Ngqebe, )Jr and :\trs. Chambo, Mr. SHE TOLD ME THAT SHE :\Ir. and Mrs. :\lagomi. :\I~dames HOW BEAUTIFULLY PUTS RECKITT 'S BLUE It. )1 Cingo, N . L. )[akanya J L. WHITE HER DRES5 HIll.tvwayo, S. Sid!ulllo. ;\( C. An easy way to make IS. I CANNOT GET IN THE RINSING WATER 3[u.shwa ,· ~L Beja., A. )lbcre, H B. Piliso, Ndungana, ~lahanjana MINE NEARLY AS WHEN SHE WASHES. THAT IS WHY HER • NlIr~e,;). 1 N'ukuna, )1. T. Sidzumo, WH ITE AS THAT I G .:\lolefe, F . Sidzumo, Orace your baby fat and • DRESS IS M.. im ang, Nogaga , l\lis:o:;e!S D SO WH ITE. Gwabini, C' Pili'lo, li' Gosu,ni, It. strong ...... Lcco~o. R. Leadira, ;\l. Pam la, N . Xdllngani, Nkonyeni, E . Mokotedi, B. nlld D. Bell , .M Gn,mecie, B. Take RobInson·s 'Pacent' Pnm!t\. Mhlongo, D Ste,'en.. , )L. Groats regularly through the 'lorri~ , \V Pllic:o: Chief$ F .S. Zibl. breast-feeding time and your and .Mabomro Sebele . Mcs~ r1i P.l\! T Sid:lllmo, D Denclnne, baby will grow up into a fat, ~ol. C. Senaoane. D . .Makubalo, R strong healthy child. Robinson's Pnrnla., 3L Edward~, J )Ioeket:'li, = P . I. Chochoe. )L Pl.\b. G 'Patent' Groats give the cor­ :;\latebese. E. Poswayo, G. 'Iohi( loa rect amount of food to strength­ )fdnxiwa, E. )(ajomhozi, P \'undlc en you and to ensure a good D. Busak we, R Sol Sidw mo, supply of breast milk for your YOU must try Recldll's Blue. \V H Duiker, A )L D L'koko(;>, , and J. Kraal. G S. B. .~ntl .\ . baby. Start taking Robinson's Jutt put a !inte in the rinsing Zihi. T T Tsnmacsi. \ 'Lllinga, 'Patent' Groats today and see W. Balfour, R . ) (; \V water next lime you do some XIlI,~. 0 :.\Uis,'I., Kendlo and the difference in yourself and N,lnngani. your child. washing. You will be pleased

to lice how much whiter your ot herwisc you'l1 look clo" dy ~o hf' bran: and show )()ur I t'g~ in "hile clothes become. aceDI'dance with l',i-;tin~j fi~"hion • 1M'S. DOli t be weight-con'i('iolls' R C'it If you want to know all about che correa. happily in the knowledgl' that so r~~dlng of your bnby you should wrIte to Colman·Keen (Africa) Lcd, PO. Box 1097, IOllg a'l you Imow ho\\ to "'It. "tl\l\li. BLUE Capetown, for I FREE copy of " My B.. ~." reCKITT'S~ I1ml mO\'e gracefull~- ,lIHI "0 lon~ This valuabl~ book IS full 01 good ne .... n.. you know how to dh'~-;, you and adylce for eYery mother. -makes white clothes whiter / can be Just a<; attracti,'e n ... your 'lPNBJ206·6 more slender sister. , - . - - '_.' ' Al'GUST 27, 1!):18 li~lTETELI 'Ll. BA>,TL', ,JOHANXESB1:R(; TOWN AND COUNTRY EWS RELIGION AND SOCIAL Kimberley Upington Umtata SERVICE Lyndhurst Road (Bl orR (·UHRJ,;:-;'P()",\DF.:\T) Entertainment At CONDUCTED BY REV. RAY E. PHILLIPS A PRET,]'Y wl'"dtlinu- took plnc'(' I Secondary School Old l' C"Cc ntl.r at the Duth Reformed Jubilee Hall Church \\ hen )[i,'i:-; Lulu Rchwartz, -end thl' Jubile(' Boys' Union da.ughter of I\[r. n.IHl Mrs. Jan HE other week whcrt:' th~ c-hUfl'h in a CODlmwlitr all. enter­ Schwartz, of the Municipal Location. T H all was full \\hl'n The Greatest Institution had dechnl'd the cultural, CCOUOtl:ti~' III aid of the FOR the last fe" months a dili. was married to l\Lr. R Daniels, tainment \\ as gh'(:'n moral life of that COlllmunit\~ that and gent l"ommittee meeting son of Mr. and; I ~ a a c location in..fant~. There i" a. fear On Earth had all:Jo d~lined . w(,ekly a.t the school ball, has been The scn ice was infantile mortality is prima.rily due Isaac Daniels. Why not sit down. for a f('\\ a Union of Old Boys. At 1\lr. Joubert, to malnutrition and these stcps arc forming cond\lcted by Rev. minutes, thcn, and ask .;-OtJrSelf the head of affaif'S are Messrs F.A. many gathered intentit:'d as a ('ounteraetioll. and subsequently ( In" TWWARO J . ('LUIlLE'·. D I).) whether you are being fair with :-)a(Ue (principal) f\nd J. Molebo par(>nl::::l to wish The collection realised W8." almost a.t the home of the yourself and. with the church! She­ (obairman). The result is that good luck. Many £10. Mr. Mda opcnoo the function o, it i~ not the !ted Crot>S or the the happy couple has grea.t things to offer, of ·v.. hich 500 names apfcar on the pre,..(>nt!S were by deli\"""ering un excellent speech. N Sta.ndard Oil Company or the cloKe on benutiful and useful probably you ruwc not thought roll (these aro loca. men only), Mr. Mtirara, chief, l:)upportoo Mr. German Army or the- British Em. th· received. She does not come to you, bat if; and this speaks well for the school. Mda, and :\Ir. Pakati summed up pire. It is the Christian Church. Mi"s Edith Melli'·n. of Bedford hand, like a. suppliant. She- COme...... which ha.s &tudents from all corners by stating the object" in raising She is greater tha.n any of the8E", or ha~ arrived here to a ...... ume duties to offer you everything she hat; _ the Union, Non·, of these funds. Various choir:j render­ all combined. She mothered all of St Matthew's SchooL instruction, inspira.tion. cl)urage all creeds, races and colour. ed delightful lDusic. 'I'he follo\\ing democracies and all philnnthfopics. Robert peace, health, hospitality, heaven~ The oolours for present and After a short illness Mr. mcn w ere present: "Messrs She is the mother of modem civi· The psychologists are now telling students are Emerald green. Mbontyi, of the S.A.R. Location Makiwane Makongolo, Mziro ba., lization. If there had been no pa.'St last us that the most successful and ""hite and old gold. The badge, passed away on Saturday, Mda., Pa.kati, Tshandoo. Leqel[\" ('hurch there would hfwe be-en no interred ha.ppiest people are th~e who co. lmt band, tie, and muffler, were week. His remains were, Mkize, B.A., Yako B.A .• Red Cross, or a hundrro. other operate in common enterprisfS witl. by the stafL in the local cemeterv. Tilt" funeral Dol Ntshl)ll&, Lennox Dan. such philanthropic organizationl-l. d""ign.d of a.nd that children wno!lC' still at school are required was attt"nded by - a number Belgium and C It i c f She is also the mother of the arts other~, Boys parents attend cburch, and wh() the colours with white frien.ds . Mr. A. M. MbonYIIllD. 1\ltirarn.. The following womcn and sci('nc('~. to wear attend Sunday School. and the girls conducted the sl'rvlce at the gran­ were pre sen t : Qwelane and themselves trousers and a boater Shc is thE" o ldc ~t mot her on earth the most wholesome­ with emerald side, as..c:isted by Rt>\·. J. Planck, , both of St. John', College, de'\~elop into will "car the colours Mbana She has "ithstood the shock of rs. girdled by a A .M.E . Church. Decea..... ed was a Mqai of the \Velcome Home. characte green gym. dressers. Violet falling empircs and the -- irl"titutlOll. Qot ('x­ right. than an\' ot h('r went into bankru)lltv­ veterans \\ ho still have D. soft spot --0)-- -elf enterprises ('{' pting g()\"(:rnm~nt it depre!Ssion, Ie':>; in their hearts fo< "Old Lyndhurst during the re-cent ~he 1" in rour c'ommullit\ ~en-­ of the churehe !load. " Beaufort West than t\\O per cent ing I~S a mother. ('oll1fortiDg the clos('(( their doors. P('()pl~ bcli(,\'t.'d Incidentally Ur. ShE'p. H . Maloy Tiring Work ) sick, con>;oling the bE'n.'an'(I, i,:oun­ 1'0 thoroughly that ther has \Hitten a ,.,tirring war·cry (BY S:\fALL Il.\)iO in theln con("(>rt, was gi\"en selling the young, corr<·{·ting" tht:' would not let thl'ru go under about this ~choo1. For the inform· wdl attel1(kd s a present for hi lS "ifc a man by the erring, ('hallenging the Wi l·IH·d and of tho!:le scattered in other A hrre on 12th AlIgns-t, The ('hurch i'3 not pcrf('('t. N"n. ation A recently made a tea canister the opprt.s~{·(l. desirous of J D.C Choristers of Pretoria. who CIHI.lllpioning ili~titlltion i~. Holl up your ))arts of, the Union, from 4,000 pieces of coloured pa.per. human enquiries arrived here !rome', hnt unE'xpcctedly. Her genf'TOliR arms ... trelch ont to .:;l(>en-s, pitch in n.nd gi\'(' iwr a mcmber!Ship and colours, The pa.per, cut to i inch width. was J. Molehe. .Mr. principal An~lica.n all horizon",. Her sympathy kllOws hand, and you may be able to uCla should be directed to .Mr. rolled and glued into the panels School, Kim­ school, 8s~istcd the \'ibitors with no cal-lt(' nocolollr. Rhe n'flH'mhers out some of her fault~. By pooling: Lyndhurst Secondary forming the dc~ign on thf> wooden the arrangements. only that " God made of one you.r community interest withothei berley. canister. It took Wm four months The audience appreciated the fie:-;h all peopl~ for to dwell to­ good people, in some local church to finish and he is quite convinced Bantu Sports Ground music rendered by the company, gether upon the fnce of thl' earth." you \\ ilJ put yourself into circula­ that he will not make another as it ,. U-pick.Up" of Thi~ week, lIr. Albert M. Bassie more e~peciaUy songs She i., the greate~t gencl"a.tor tion nnd market your ci\'ic "orth is tiring work. compa.ny er 11M asked "Yolam" for USe of and "Izicwicwicwi." The goodwill known to man. H and \\ ill probably find sati~faction. space in Kimberley news and he demonstrated old African doing~ c hart ~r and ('reed i>; the chorus in hel ping the grea.te3t iJl3titutioll write') as folLov.~ : and costumcs. ~ung hy till" angels 011 thc IIIght on earth I da.nces to which the union looks , on Sir,- A8 one of the numerous l\Ir. P . Matlare. who presided that Christ was born, ,. Peace are not dependable, but of rea.derh oT "Umteteli" I would like forward tha.nked the company on behalf t:'{llth g00dwill towat'd men. " ~hc • with a. ground I am sure at least a.nd to express my opinion towards our bis people a.t Beaufort West , i" the only hope of tht, world £5 to £10 could always be realized for HLOOHO E OPANG aporting community. If sport is to i\1r. Gomba (conductor) repijed Every human force enn bt'defeated minus any expense. . L ()\"(' i'i ne\-er thuo­ -take firm strides into the future, the compa.ny. excepttng goodwill A \I opuoa. ke hlooho ha. ho 10 the sto we should have independent offi­ Our eight big schools could, Additiona.l cl&~s·roo m ~ lost. H letho ho sebeli~a been H~ cials to rlln our Unions. This is a during these short ho1idays. stage Anglica.n scbool (local) Has this grrat ll1ollwl' of men ho thoeng e phekola. hlooho. the takings, as the rc~ult of the efforts ha. Sf' ho kula-He­ sport loving centre, but if our a. sports day and "\\;th a.rranged, rl' ~ist('red her .... t>lf in your (·on .. (·iouSl­ opa ha blooho (pri nci Jlo-"l teac her) ho teng moo rootho a. community can show the right spirit "ith tbe Union. of l\lr. Sixaba ne ....s I Pl'rhap'i not , if YOH arc not boleh" hore his sllbordina.te~. 'In phelen.g hantle 'meleng. Ha­ t01'Jarda \'isitors, why not sholV Let one once more plead for and I\. chur('h attenllant You probably opa ha. hlooho ho bolela thie; 10caHy by supporting our independent men belonging to no o take her for granl<.·d a:-. YOll do the ngata. ho :-;t'bctl' h:1. !:IE' ::-ebet.::e hantl~ tlports activities as we cannot be s to work Ihi-, scheme. men da\lghter, MIIl'ihine and air. Yet rOil would hore club l\lN. E . T:-;hegare all(l hlooho sebeh.~3.. always looking forward to begging in sport \\ ho >;oon mi ...... thE'sun if it' c('t\"'ed to Hn 1I OpllOI\. ke thorougWy interested of Naauwpoort , C P .. who were the C'bambf:r­ It will ncver ~e \\ jse ,YOll would mi>;s Chamberlaiu':-1 Ta.blets. from EuropeaJUi? \\ ill work with a.n aim of kno" ing gues'ls of Mr. a nd I\fr~ . S. H . R . shilw. Lil to Non­ tu funC'lion. lain';.; Tnhlt,t~ kl' ~o na schillre ~a pay to be always applying that they are building a monument Mol8hloE', of ral\ .kyn Deep. hnt"e till' dlUr('h if slit' c{·ased their en­ nncl:: 'nl'te '\l' h('jnnng: haotlE' hore "c Ba.ntu ClullS for use of for their son!S and daughters and left for ](roo nstad and Q\\E'en~­ Thl.' late prf' >; iclent C'onhtlgl' stri\'e to m \n~' lokeln sellt'te. B reki'ioa. mabt.·lIke­ close1'l ~oundj:; . Let u.., coming generation...... The fault is to\\n, and \\ill thE'n return to :-.I~ id III hut "t't'll It haplU'1i SpOi ts Groun.d as in hi ..; O\\n Nl'\\ ~ngh\.ntl thn.t l'Ing 1(' likt'mE's('ng hohk it Bantu not in our Europea n friends but NaauwJloort. time:-; ()thE'r c'entres ha ,'e. in ourselve8. You :n,ooo Africans Mo .. t cri(;ketei":'" and Ruggerites of KimberJey. h:wc YOU buried ". a= "\\ lip. and ,,;th - , in the Transvna.l, a A8AFAII ABASE. )(UNO)(UTlNI "":;O~VU.IN(; .... NO. NO/y.A.BULH.A. tlchE''- ('sp"(:ialJy rise Jet 1I:'1 se(' the dawn of (\.,( . .... A.( ., ... ~ your UKU- IS A AMA • '" ~SH''' ,1'\.0 vn UUNOElE .....00 BENZ UKUSA I FHUNA N8ElEKISI. NGEC · are rrom Killlht"rley. \Vith a proper Sports Ground' ... HIOIO ...... , HLUNA PilLS NeE. ,o.. · .... z, .. (.A~A .. AI' Oriquala.nd ENVA 18ENOKUNCEOA ( Vl NOllA :send BHE1.A eUIs... " GO_UTI XESHA BENZIMA I,II~"~ l .... Uf EBOlAAO grouJlII ho\\ mallY could "e not 1'I.AHOt.IItNZJ'i( ...... USANA PAMSI ""W'" l~l'~ •• 'll,l KWENTANCA ell. BAOlA NGOKU· KUZISE8ENZISA Cily Items l\""~""lO I Experience shows ilUN: ~ "u.s "(;UI. )(OI(USA ~ ( ~!l.'( crrt JlToudly lAlA INTSANA ( .. fll on J6H..... O\ .. z, .. " EllPIlE )(AI(UHl( lUlALWEf ue '" toddy ho\\ people flock Hi;,; nume-Ious frirnds \nll he matches. Saturday's to \\ ate h to learn that ~[I'. Hall(·y G ... one notice!S plea~ed Amongst the !-.pectator Plaatje ha ... lesumed dutie:'l .. \\ ho wouJ<.1 gladly pa.y younJ!'~ter Geoff Sontlaba. wI:\. .. at thr iheir monil·... not onlv to see their Mr. dream Kimberlel ~tation, where he bad • fa.vourlte stars, but al.. o to ~ . " to sa\~ "au [('\-Olr to a thl"'ir 0\\ n morrow on the field of come of on a long hoI ida) ],la) friend. wbo ' If'ft for Griq uato" n . Rllgb~', lo('al[)" is like sugar in i Cd. to m()t!t p(·ople as witnelSsed in Thc death ofMt-. Saul Mawumawu irial matcht's for away a. at the local general hospitnl i~ team to tournament. Those mourned. He hailE'd from 'fembu­ llUmel'OUl-l tickies nnd ~b,pences, la.nd , and lea\"t:-; wife and chUcuen. Upila Kunina. '\\ hit'll ('o\lld be collected if we had Douggie Ngxola hn ~ left the city Umntana Ongekazalwa Odwa anganako uk~ncetl un <:ndn'icd poround would go !:'Orne for Potchef.,. troolll, \\ herc he bn..... Sifumana izincwadi ezininrvi eZlhu'Ll ukuti 3ma Fduna Pills Amanka' expemses of the impilo ebhctde •. abdekc blul ~u~ k~r:.~ "\\ a.y ill alleviating accepted a teal'lling hiUl'l. umfazi ~a enzima 03. Slqiolsekile ukuti umfazi unakufumana 8. The Fduna. pakau nex.esha t:b k:beleL Union in iur\\arding team \\ ith ber US3na oluryebileyo, olukulu ncJomddeyo•. xa en~usebenziS2 3ma db Airs. Mary E . ;\lruoy, pam I dJ 0 k nina column) enyaoisweni lanke Itemba hxumeke pezu k~empllo. yo.mfazl (f'OntiIl IiEd in 8eAond two grandsons, :Jfo!'otito Hoy and ndlOZlma. Ngoba lake, Arnan a a Ukucoceka kuka nina kukucocua kwake. 19azl ltb nina kuhgaZI . Dyce, left on (\ ::-L"\' month>; holida.y kwake. for the mother cit ,. I kungamandla .Jke.. Ama Fdun:l apitikezwe ngend1da. y~ku~a ngalo Mr. Richard Jl\m~ , nho IS :study­ £1 £1 ixesha abenokunika umfazi. unpilo ?ltle ruiui-.;tr.' , ha.... arrived Jonke ing for thl-' I ngapakari esekelwe JXzu kwegaZl el.icocek.ileyo from Bethulic ...... herC' napezu kokusebenza ka~uhle kombilini nawo Killlberley Amateur Entt:itainer. ., wonke umpakatt womfa1.l.. 110..." aT(' bllsy preparing for a big ! Thi!'i will be staged dow n onth in A:lrA Fclana Pills Armnk1l~ Buy a OEM at £1 per month I on 9th St·ph·mllt'f' GrC'en Point ~cOd •• ~Jouc It ia British and guaranteed_for Snb~eribers are now milking u ~ (' iodswoo nge 1/,,, pe ,I, 12 month •• I in\"""ite of thb column to whi<'h ibbod1c, mbhl1lmbe ogqo kwi or Phone. topic.... !Jut 1 do not hold Call. WrIte e\-en more P.O. Bo. 73', Cape Towo, lU yself re:-; 1>0 u >;i blt.·.,fo r n on· appear· uf2kc inbiso lawo... Ten", GEM CYCLE CO. (PTY.) LTD. Rm'e ot news mattl'r ~ent to me or ax paD-­ I{ CttUlNlE 8110S.) for t he opinion.. >; l·xpres>;e llln(' \\ ,11"", n i Ukubuliswa ko Mnu. D. Ngojo mabazl'i~ um>"1 \Vase N~w Bn,ghton wonwabile. Jento y('n~eka. I?'hh~ngu ha.llI'Tlgaml\. 110. i"Xe~oka7.i eli libhu­ J. 1 '\'(\'i(" ukuba.. Kors~en hkaya. Ie Bhodl New Brighton In.lI('cl(' hha. Iikllllln.HL-ka. wama 80 uhud:t1a.. U:ba.Jc Inda.wo czmtlanu kUlUchhn.- (' Kan>;eleni ukuba. kufakwe i ceiling IlISQ uphela. ezh,elikba.ya. lahantsu- kwi1.lndlo ezintsha. eza.khiwa,yo, !tlw hha.7.a.ll\l tl. i Ka.n"ielt'" \-a.,e Abantu Nezingabo ndll ezizezi Elbe'~ RiH'f ( Kapa.) naicyo into i.\'cnziwa. ngoku ' yi Bbai iyakha (> Kor'lten ngentla'kwe Lady Selborne (Pretoria.), Alex. J(IlO':lcle. Durban R oarl i ... akhela am£\lawu" sezilu"Xwe kolothambeka izindlu (NGU QALAZI\'E) a.,~dra . Township (Joha.nn~shurg) U !'Ilnu_ no Nkosk. :\fa.harnbehlaln ezi n tit' ku nene 7.a.tnala \\ tl k wela...;e Rlver~lde ~le Kor~ ten ( Bba!), Uthe ba.$6 Ngc!oli Street., Karsten, be be­ Bhai, ngehnye ieala e New Brigh­ U MBUTO we Bernard _Wynne r ~Isengana watsho ewakhutuza awn- ngabaqeshl bodwa a.bl1f~ndu~mn.yo nembutho ve bhafudevi ventombi ton. schengaphezu 300 B~ntu Golf Club .rase Kor:s ten, dodana ukuba aqini'ie kuwo, I e Kor::.ten, mababe .pmbumbh~ yabo efikaleie kumnyaka \~-esixen'\e f abanlu (ifaruili) e1.ifudu'iwe e Kor,,· ubeneslbho.dlalala s e m b hut 0 e bha..:;o elibe:\; set ye ti (tt'a ).nruanyama aban.tu ba"le Bhal, ubudala ngomhla ,,-e 1-1 August , Edward -Memorial ~choolroom. Kor- .'iet) linikwc u :\[nu: J . Saill, elesi­ ten yi Kan .... elt', ha.bho badideka. \\ ~phetha r ngehtlll ll1a.ka.\t unyw~ egama lingll Boniswa ~[abambehlala zilindlu (·zintle nczintsha kuba. sten ngenjikalanga )'omhla. we 14 bini Ie glalloi ezintandathu Jilllkwe u oka Jab8.\ u usebcnzlle e. Bhal [hingu Nko"ik. W. Sopont~hwn. beqhde amn.hoho ... i. koch\"{\ uncomile August e;;:;ihlalweni ingu .:'Ilnu. P. D. T Khoruo, elesithathu elikwazi (Kwadllny~v9o kakulu). [~Ithethi c'lihlalw(>ni, lIhadi lucbot...hel\,e ngu u Ceba Scha.uder ku Jaua.,-u n2;O­ Swaartz epbablwe oga?a. . ~TU~ . glasi zokusela lanikwa u A. Sangqu. eSL"::ha'ie eZI~gaph9ornbdl Ibe _ngu Mnu. S, Nguna. Zibelapo wnke kucoceka. komotu omnynma Tournament )bengana. \\ tlhe Nge~ l, O,\-'I captain yale klabu. Ku bulele u Mnu. .Nt"h.inga. Ingoma ztvele iZlmuncuwuncu zexe'ihalenkqubela. aku­ [umana inrlawo entle yokuWala \V. W. Jabcwu no P Kwaza Usi- ::\[nu. H. 3iafulo ona;usihlalo "alo­ ku~a ~\.o;~ . ~. )ten-tan~ , phnmbili ynnarublanje bonwaba hlalo uthe kuhlangen\\cngoku\rulwa mbutho. ngamazwi aphakamileyo kuba ubone i furniture t>zint..;ha.. ne !l~ h' en 1. rna. -0:;;1 -?,Zt bonke ababdapo, ababulelwlL\"o rala(liya. el.im8yokoyoko ezife::.ti­ kombutbo omt~ba we golf ongu· ngnmahnga akhe okubaOlbi~ela 17.lp ungo ngo LoUisa . bonke 90babezimase 10ID'ieben·zi. leni. ·wa..t"ho ngelithi uya.\;phika. mdlalo wamallooka, ekuthe ngentsa....;a phambili lomdlalo kwela.'ie Bhai. T . l\I;;engana no Nk.o~z . P . .Makl. Ngu :\lnu. Sidney Luzipo, ofunda "ena into \'oknba umuntu omoya-· yalomini kwa~ho ugqat:so pakati Abebevuma kulerubutho Iiqela Iika kwavalwa sebubambth ubusuku. t: Dikeni, OIHluiuke apa ngoillbla kwe New Btlghton Golf Club ne lInu. Chabane eli vi African Voice... inn. livda ;lexelegu ngendalo. ~lte Abantu Nanto Zabo \\e 14 Augu~t ukupindela,. ewfu· wenziwa ukuba. abeyilonto k uku­ Bernard Wynne ('Iub, at he uWu- nesolo e,runywe' ngu Mnu. P. ndweni. oqwenela impuruelelo lorobutho. Swaartz nama. Kosk. T. ~l<~cllgana U\~ uya. okwenene umzi omtsha wa· l-lwela. llmalungelo 'okuba ahlale Uhambise wathi lomdlalo !lgowo- no R. Lallo, naba N UIllZ. J , Nozewu, maKorsten, ose New Brighton, nge­ U ~'Inu . Ernest E . Llipond ngoku(·o('c kileyo. Utile lolokishi xolo kubn. ulllntu ukhutshwa. neqa- T. Dundu, J. Dumezele, J. Dick. nzame zo Mnll. W. Jabavu ojikcleze obengumtunywa. kwi M.D.A. ya.~E' intsha ,vawn. Korsten (McNamre bane lake adlale na.1o . \\'nt..,bo echaza E. Gqomo no 1. Landell a . kwa\'alwa ne Coba Schauder we Kan eh.langene e Qonce ngo July Village) iza.kuba ngumzekelo kwe­ indlela. odlalwa ngayo lomdla.lo. :sckuhlwile. Bhai. ongusihlalo wezakhi wo ezitsha odlule,)"o. ingxelo yobutunywa. bake zase Afrika eyakunqwenelwa naze­ Uvaleze ukuba kungabikho mona ezise -McNamee ViIll\ge, wa.cela. ku \lycll7.e etyalikeni yake e Kor<;ten zinye i Ka.Il~ele zezin,ve idolophu k\v-abayakuti hakbutshwe ngabanye Umbuliso ku Mnu. Ngojo Ceba. Schauder ukuba kuvulwe nge 14: Augn .. t. Unduluke apa u ngobllhle nangarnalungelo nokuco­ erudlalweni, wahho eyaleza iwihu­ ibeke okanye amatuba ama· Nko ... z. Olga Sulani, WMe Kor~ ten , ceka kwayo ngendlcla engakhll­ nge 13 Augu'it wasinga. e Rhautini tho yase Bhat ukuba ibeke phanbi Uyakulibaleka kudala umhla we tha.thu okuba umzi waloloki"hi tshwa nto. entsba. lubenokupbuma kutbango k\\ i non-European Hospital n,goku· umona, uluhha lUaluzame ukuzi­ 1.3 August e Korsten xa beku bu­ olubavalele nga.p9okati bodwa be­ l1?:enela ubongi. Kubhubhe u ~gom"o (28 August) kwi Edward phatha kakuhle e~imilweni njengo­ liswa u :\1nu. James D. Ngojo ngena ndlela ,vokuphuma ngapa· i\[iriam Dladla. wa,<:e Klein,.;kol ::\1emorial ""choolroom, yingrikela kubn. ucele ahantu ahakhulu ukuba. Pa.a:rl. oyi organiser ye Cape ndle kokuba. bajikele indlela ende n~omhla we 13 Augu'it wa,6hlwa ye so"hi .... ali eycnziwa ngumbutho babezi phata manella, waphetba African E~ihlalweni ibe kunene. Sibbala nje i Kan<.;eie ngo,.,uku olulanuelayo ngenkonzo we African Voi ce'i choir epantsi ko ngelithi umona. nnmllwonga. 8.\\ u­ ngu Mnu. P. .:'I[pehlo encediswa. iwayulile fLlUatbathu yam:l We"ile ngu :\Inu. Peteni wa'ie (Ka""ela k"'pepa 14) phumezi mntll intclo zllnan~ ngu ~1nu J R. Nobhadula. no \~ . • zivang\\ a ngl.m~om(l. c\"ele k\\ I Thangayi, u Nobhnla wowzi. U • • African ,"oiee (,hoir, Kulandele )[nu_ i'Ilpehlo uthe bahlangene inteto evele ku )[nu T :'\['ienp:ann., ngokupha u .:\1nll . Ngojo ubhongo ()ri prc~ident yalomhutho. 'Cthe ngokuyolelwa Iiliso lomzi f.> Kor~ten u"ftOVUYO 10 k u h a l.mglllll'ieki abeluncerJo kuwo k"~ ingxubakaxaka. ,,'alom'buto ekwcnzekilcyo ukuba \'30"0, ashira kumnandi kuba abe yi p r l' !-l i (1 c n t yawo. kubheko iliz\~- i elitsolileyo elil-E'le e Lombuto ubi 1. \l e n~onyana Kanseleni yase Bbai ngoklldilizwa o yin z a I a yn'ie ~hai. nO~ ' 1 kwemizi yabantu e Karsten. Inteto cha.mpion kwi South A~nca; u Mnu eziwile) o' zimane zivangwl\ nge­ Berna.rd Wynne, oba.lUke Imbheko ngoma e\~ elo kwi African Voices oem \'ume u"kuba balhlcbenzise igama Choir- ne Blue Sky Trio. Isitbethi •• lake kulolU huto waoo (K \\ a.dunywa). sokuqala ibe ngu Mnu. Magxaka.. Kwelituba uccle umbllto ukuba Kulandele inteto yo )[nu. Jaba\Tu othe kubelU\tuyo ukuba afake • ukwele C q 0 n ge n i wazi!;wa wonke emzmi, l.'tht> lombuto U'ie­ igalaba k u Ie ngxak.i yomzi •" • _Doe .-­ kwe ngo .January J~~S _ ngenjongo wase Kor.sten ngonana • vokuzarua uk\\ akha. t"'l.lullo f.>ncla we­ na aba.meli bawo babernakhele ro yokuvabula ezita.latweni za.'ie umkhanva be-;itbi uhlala e New • • KorSten. ~ Cralcze ukllba bazi­ Brightoll akaoakubacebisa nto, • manye bonke abawutba.ndayo Kuye kusonakala ngokollakala de • • • 10mdlalo kubn. millinzi imibuto wanyanzeleka ukuba makawunce­ y a \\ 0 ahn.nga1.imanya kuyo. dise umzi ngokuwulwela ngama­ Uthe oko wa';'uiayo, lombuto lunlZelo awo kuma -' phepha. abaruhlope aveze inyani"o -. ubetba njalo n a. n g 0 n a tl .... J\tnu ..J. NozcwlI oyincutshe yase ezingomthetho warnabobosi ' eza­ New Brighton ubawise kakubi_ vunywa naziphatamandla zathem· Kulaudele inteto ~T O Mnu. w. W. bisa ukuwuphata. ka,kuhle Illuzi. Uharubise w90thi unceclisene nama­ Jabavu ot~ho nga.rnazwi a.khetiweyo WITH• ALL YOUR MEALS e:siti ugay\\c ngento ende yolugxa khosikazi angalllanina nOlUanyano ukuba. athcthe ukuba uze apo Iwawo asebenze lukhulu wona. engazi ukuba uza.kuthetha, wat ~ ho ngolona hlobo kumcirubi wokugwe­ cbulela irubheko a);fumene kulo­ tywa. k"emizi yabantu e Korsten, mbuto. Ukuba kuko umntu onl­ aWllcebise ukuba athabatbe unya­ yayo nokhuta,7.a zonk~ indidi zem}: wo olu;;inga ekukhuseleni amalunge- buto nguye. (Bhat sehphamblh 10 abo, ekusamise nga.lomalinga kakulu kwezenkqubela. k\\ituba. ngoku kuthe nqumama nje. U Mnu. Jaba\-u uthe ulusizi ukuba boo lemin "aka emininl.i e.... e Bhai ~eyi­ na. aba.nabathetheleli bagqiba tlizwe ngaphezu kwe 1:2 iw.ibutho-bu~ho flkade i.'i,ekwa e Bhal kodwa Ibe ngenzame zokuba umzi ufumane itshone nge ... i7.atu e'illlg9oziwa bani_ ulutho kulenkqubo ye Kansele. Ute maze uncede lombutho ungawu­ Utile ulusizi ukubona umzi wasc Korsten ungaphumanga ngendlu plloxi umzi wa..'ie Bhai ngo.kuti uf~ kwakamsinyane. bambl"e watl y8.\\'o ukuzakuxhasa lombutho_ imibuto iq~ttyel\\'a phambili. bubu­ Uncome u Mnu. Ngojo ngokumazi ~ kho pakati kwayo kwamanenekazi, kwaruandulo c~e~e Komani, esithi yinkokheli yokwenyanj emelwe ku­ AFTER WORK AND AFTER PLAY avuyayo ukuba kuko u ~ko<;k . E. landelwa. Uncome iliso lomzi :Mseoaana, (senior) pl~kali kwabo. Naye~ lIbhenele kwinto yokuba. elitsha lase Korsten, kodwa waya­ kuyek\\e umona kwelal)c Bhai leza ukuba zonke izithembiso njengokuiJa u\,atlhorlhoza e Bhai ezenziwe yi Kansele kubo mazilic­ kelwe ngokuba. zibhalwe emaphe­ kwange \yanliu!i" ano c:-i'phakat~ phelli na..'lezincwadini, ingabiyiyo • k\\ abadla i hod"a. n.llISLZI ukutl uphaula ukuha i Bhai aliyi k1110- into yomlomo kuphela ne deputa­ u tumente e Rho.fu n~okut:\'afa kwa.­ tion. Ependula umbllli ~o \\ )(Oll. Ngojo uthe pakati kweziuto IS hadlali balo_ Kufikeleleitubalama.­ hha ... o csiqhamo somdlalo \\o.lomim. azitbethil yo, uziswc e Bhai ngumsi t!kuthe ckuzakunikweni k\\awo ngu kumaphepba ndaba. abantsundu 1'kosk )1 'l.... (·Oj.Hma wenyukda e nc;esijwili samfo ka. .Iaha.,,"u ckhn-Ia ... tcjini epha.hh\c ngaba Xumz. ngamabobo,..t S\~e Korsten nCn inkil!! im'\qdi hctv_c vlJue that way Use a teaspoonful ot tea tor J.J, Rl:;SEll ROAD, 'Phon. '13' 1'\ J I. k\\i l\.;tn I'll' \',1'<1' Bhn.i v r; cup ),ou want to make, and one spoon extra PORT ELrZABETH (·hlth(,lUhi ( ukub,1. I Kor:it(~n tp pot. Make the tea with bOlhn~ water and Yi, qwelo ¥omngowabo kupela hHfa him. mah:.. ltlllgi {' alii bohusi t to ld fl r five aunutes bcl,)re pouflng _ ~fuma.npk8:VO 1& ifuneka. dill " t ho l Ilhi IUl4hin,~ illtJIt·. t U 0 \0 )tllil .Ja-ha\lI Uthe UlIlzi Ibllllii yOkUD~(\W8ha kupela III "ul\'> nj.{l'rm,I i \ 10 UV kc _ Etumallelul.yo 1:& ifone". II lliiaugi".:ma. Ilg un ,"on " lku ( h nf'mlllllllt-i(·lu. t hul e In DL AN oIC t. RNA kWl Soeayib yet.[t OPYRIGHT BY I TEA MA ~" U EAU. YokuDJlcw-ab.. _-\lUlL. ,Jaba\ u 110 • t hinJ:.:l~ I \ Bhurli .) a"o ~~\, Brighton ngobu- TtiHAYA I OFFICERS' MBSS CIGARETTES UMTETELT IVA 13AXTU. ,JOHA"''"XE ~13URG, A( '(;URT 27 , 1938 I~ , - Indaba Zase Qonce Iziganeko zakwa I Golf Club Entsba Umzekelo Omhle We Show Gompo Uh .l'Rr~EL~\ ng'oulhbt \\ oklllJttla ukllfH nku\ ulu i ~knlo k\\ i Failla k,t ku Odolwl" IIkll~n k(j\\(, a \'u ~t'lUltnr {'arl 'lakonll ~s r' "oolooll'!CY Ezentlalo Pakati Komzi October i\ .dodm . 7.1ll~ ungumlL l..Ufk· !.;.ufupi til' nl'riiu erullnt!;\ llt"mig('oho t.' i khumhuzCl sOlnl.\I~,1 umlamho oli X "'&1'11111 l"'fl.7.i"l~ oko­ l\AL'l:\EKA ul,I1":t nllnn.tu klll,." i Komiti YO (.xoto iko- \\aml\. 2.1 yo. ... t·k\HLYO i ~\\i.tilo\\~ kubll 10m" .. lwllzi II.Y:lwaofli";l\ u~o· K ah;:LIlt .. undu ImJl1,~IH' 1J(:diilann ahanlll almpett· l~rltl'itUl)I nokuhll H 11,l! by Foot iUlll ('Iu'; vod U 1110 h\fh('­ kuf,lkt'ht j~ikol(J :-;okll l"\onLl ualtalltll ah,unhloJlc hafundl'izinio ngnhatC'ng\\u, mhlnumhi asazi khn.,\"l~pll" l\l\ltIh(, I {~' IIklll.C' uheku ( \\ ('11.\ In/!: ~('bool) 1I0hll ba lOTll';!'­ 7.l'llljulll'Li Ilentla.mhlliuko y('ziz)\,' llmlnn~n woris:\. UhltUlgn. k\\an~a­ njl' ullldlaiu w(.' Hug"~ l' ~Lontl henzi so\\ uq uty\\ a. n~tlmnt. lat(> ngqo no ~lIu r n Brown Tt"iw lle eblll\pa )'\\ h (·ki ,·pelileyo. ziiJ{' Septl'mher. amatikiti seletl'II,nS\\a, F .\loyi. ('aptain' \r g, Higaln" (,hurch Slre('t Ea",t B"lnk Lo<·u.lion ninli lliUlO elJezinokufUl1(il, a siliucieie irupumelelo enkulu_ \ iCt'.cllptalll latc' Hou1!ham Lllkn .... h<'. Ea~t London. ngabnlinll nabafll.' i ahllnhuntlll, Umanyano Lwabantwana Sl'l'f('hu'Y_ L() noznla \\t' Hugby Into Ngento. kanh haht> hahini hatlltu kllpda wl.\znla watyola. kuhn. zabayintlE'ni· I ng :\:(,10 eZl!llzi WI,; ~'o ngoko IHlIi \\'8. KUYM'lIyisn ukllpault~ nkokuba ahazikatazill'YO !lenkuva.. kuLonn. n~l' (,1l1\'("oi koko ikhdHl c/azal\\rt. wo. nokukhuli .... wa kwt\.bant\\an!l- k\\i amanqaku l'tll anl"u I A(h-i"ory inl't'"t.'li"ll yahamhlopt·.' K" iC'all\ }I SwaIJow-.!: numhlslljp i Rugby; .. o yc "Chihi \"dfate Board Ill' Li ... o LOIl17.i ngen(J;t\\ (L­ lJ )hAn/?-f'li ,Jo ~I Rk\\('~i\a_ kmpahla eluuu ha~ n. muzi ont"'undu npn. kwn. Gompo ikumgan(! ophn­ ~o('it:tY" ihe yem·li .... l\Yo k\\amna­ \\ a."(' Adela-HIe. ugaleh'ke ap" nge u ... ekuck t'kuycni kufikdela kum· knmileyo ngokukodwSl, on.Jindlela nrlawana. ('Ziti zirune uku"ilelu. nili ~kupa.ula. ul..ub:.\ itislmkazi noklliityahu. ntatyatt:'h\a ingqnldo nts3"a yf' 13. A lIg.n;;t ngorueimt,i gnngato \,obuhle bempahll\. ,\"1 ~wallow~ Nanamhln.. njc ng(' zitahnt1\ In):axt'ha. enkulu ukulu­ :tiNkokt,1i 7.!t~e khaya. sit~ho kuhH ophat ('II,le k \\ I nkoslkazi yak(· ehbu­ J"ahamhloJll' Pofu ako atu;\oodn "open-gamC" ebait.>ni lomdlalo ngisdela. ahantwu.nn bezikolo. KllZO umdmbi "e Bur... a~v \t' Kansl,lc bhele _ npn, ('kl~tl' ihklo lama. tLnt<;undll n.nclllpahin yexahi ... o. i .. n.ha ItL!-icle i :-Owallo\\ ~ k\\ ('zala pa. zonlie intlanganiso knngt>tlll. uluhlu ('be-~ikll(' -.!uhhala ng~\\o ubla~eh\e Prc~llIt£,~I, la .... l' ~("\\ Brighton lina ckull~;ll \I I1ga ~ 0 11k 11 Ynk utt'1t.'k i,,(\ e~ha,)'a iklahu Kumulungisclelo e 1\\ nma.lllngu aJUatsha. nem Ifumo kwangoko ngoka (;odlo k\\ intl:.l­ k u beka I ht yf' dih I weni Ir-nkol"ikazi iWJl~\hl;\ yl\\\O k \\ eyahamhlopc. Sl1\"er .Jubiler no"" Blu(· ... ,. kuyaku­ ynwo. Ringo. inga.qondal~ll.Ja into yak(' la,vf;'lana na.n· ngelahlc.-k() ol1lnyc unYII.\\O oluhlwkn hn.ko Ul'tohcr nganiso yokugqihela, ye Bhofli batauaft' yoknhu. no.bantwana ll.bangn.pandl(' nOlOdlfllo ngt.> 3 o\'a­ eiJuhlungu kunene ~ ah. Alikabi­ parohih, kuba -u.lUnJilili tlyakufunda. kuha ngobleki~a kun('lIe, p,lkati k\\abek\\!1 II1g('a kuwo ngl'liti kwesikolo banokufunyani"wa. iZlnto ll\\azi\\/l.) i chairman nl' mam\g(-'r namtundisi osigxina ih ldo lama kubo. kwf" " Old {'rocks" ze Swallows, nt' E"Zityi\\a.yo xa. hl'biki\\e I;::wizipata­ yr lokishi, WOXO):\l<\. k\\ intlangani­ Presbitc'ri Ia. ... e Xe\\ Brighton. kndwa. 'xokllba uhungelio ulUtdo woku­ H Dyong ~pa.n," Ofuna ukuhleka mandla ukuha ~o ezayo ye Bhoui ngo Reptembf'I' :--(' .\·i7.ak \\ ak hi wa. it yalikl' \ a W() gininda. ilUlJ,\hla ehnmha.yo, Ill'ku- int!olini angaposwa kukubona 0 T. xenikweni kahn. kuziwe nilwo ('ntslll\ kunye nl"ndlu vomfu- 1andc ukuha. abantu·tLll1R. Inkomo Ezlfama B. Lujizu. .•Jesse Lukasbc, C. \\'. ngokuzelc'yo uphuma e Town office. ndi:-;i wabo e Kew Brighton: kuba bayihone inyani!So yoknba 1t'1ll)'l!lhia Kwieala lemi-Dushane kw('sisitili Jal~e~a, ne-zinye i "lldenAc ,. zityala se~ifllnyen\\'e i~iza ~a'yo e Kan ~clt'n i yabo a \·innxllhi .. n ekuf£'llll'bweni kunqahile ukubonn imihlaruhi yen­ kWI tight ~erll1U. u P. Z .. , Brigg", " Cmcimbi wokung:('na kwe Pa"i ' ya."t' Bhai )lninzi umkllblu ya:-;e )Ionti. Yonke Ie-micimhi isn.:-;ingiswe k wi Koruiti U :\[1111. no Xkn ... k. H, C_ Biklbha. elinye namabini at \'ebilcyo anele ~illl' nCllyhwehn. yokuuona {,ll­ I Skolo soku Santa nje', :XON\ alilOtL - lUllbona ye Li>;o Lom'li okokuha. il~he iroku­ i Attorney yakn ('l'ntani. l10nyann Am"" nkokdi ebezize kwi KOlUiti yo r ~llu, ,T. D Brown Tebe walapa-, 'Xox",a yiyo kuqala.. Ngxat~-ho ke 1I (,ha..;. Biki .... ha. oW8nd(' ukuha adl(' okwalonraka, Bantu ne Pre.... bytNian Churches: ~[nu. Ii.s('., ntozakuti, ofund31a ubugqira e Edinhurgh. akazinto ngokurwel)a ngawo. I bn Lung. H . (Emgwalil Xonahe "ase Ng:qokweni u~"'elekc babl"zindwE'nchn' k\\;l. N"ko4; )1. manvano labalirui mazifundise Mpamba (Nqamakwe), ::';oli10 Abantu Nezlngabo indl;la \'okufu\-a noknlima. izinto kona. ngomhla. we 10 August elm-a D. l"'\B.",heka kwicawa edluleyo. • • (;o<.tal) ,J, J, R. Jolobe, B.A (Fort kokuguJa ixesba elide ehamha.. r-:Unu Dun<'an )IandJeni. unya­ zexa hu-o_ U Nobhala w(, Liso Lomzi u Hare), no :Unu, Mpamba. Siq~ka­ Sike sa bona. p!lkati kOlll7_i II ~Inu, ntL nomntwlInll ekupela kwake ku Ugxoto lakwa Buluneli Mnn, \y , J Xgeamlela uyacaca, Ii.... a ugosizi ukusweleka ko MllU. P. Mbilini, i1un~u Ie Bunga lase­ )[nu, no Kkosk. on Mandleni L )lnu. 0_ )lho.lla.. umxaSI 'William l\lbewu. wakwa 1\lasingata. balapa, uhlangene nengozi ebublu­ elllHni kokulala nzima ylct'~1ne Peddie, eze ngemicinjana. U ~lnu. ephakati komzl. om dab \\ elipepa. u",i balela e~iti: ngomhla we 10 August ; wangcwa­ G. D. Gciljshe, u Nobala we ngu newot usileyo umzi ngokugilwn 4Malullga nowcimbi wukwa BbuJu­ t,}rwa. ngu mkuluwa wake u Mnu. Bhunga lalapa, uke walnla iqeLa vi motor e (,hurch Rtreet, U Mnu. R . C_ illl.limang itoliki ka neli apa, ku~imanga ukuba abantu J ohn Zakade Mbewu. Iziblobo lent~uku k\\ i\'cki epelileyo, e-sivuya Ba.nk Location ngokuhh\a ko l\Inntyi ku, ucit(" inxalen\'e bam4lne bebbula. be .. da ul1lcimhi mazixole, akublanga lungehJanga, ukumbona epakamile ngoku kulo­ ~[~qibelo we 13 kwemi~·o . ~~. :'Ie 'l(n\~" yake apa. kumninawa ocnl!.a.wazi'o ute-gao kona Silusizi ukuti u Sil>onda Menziwa wo mkuhlane. nceba nemfde zo ~tdali u .. iluhle \\ ...~c u Zakadt." selepuma e Rautioe.

ts ~ £JENA- I -ke lieta ts nang Ie Lets'oao lena la khueb

lete?oao 'el:a Ie paLa te'ireJeb:otmonate, bot bat a, Ie theko e tlase mofuteng 00&. , ~iefa t~ena ke tea ts'jreletso; li)ireJetea meoto a hao hohle me It phemJsa maoto kotsing e& majoe a hlephiJeng. Sl'eta sa N.R.C. ha se tomaDoe kae.kae haese Mersfong , leel.,

Seeta sa Basebefsi Merafo

'~ UMTETELl \VA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, AUGUST 27, 1938 16 lvalwe Pakati Imidlalo e Tinara Amalizo Abanzi Kwi Mfama Ezi Thambisa Ntsundu Imfuneko Yokuzimisela Kwinto Yonke Ezase Kapa Nakwa usana lakho Amawaka Afumene Langa yonke imihlaJ Umbuto we Hamilton Uncedo nge Sixhaso KUBOTSj[\\, E ngeq hina. lomhha.- lo u i\[nll S. Diyana Mogane no S EKU'·EKl mbini kungl.l.'1adllllwa Sika Rulumente kakulu 1 ~lllon ·'npku:t. i k\\ iC'ldl\ lowo Nko~z .J Mac hana, bobabini b.\kwa liqcln. llHllho...:o (' Tinam. i Bodl into chho 10 ' mpunqll.' \'a.nen':.( q{'ll;'. Langa. ngu )longameli S. L . Joboda, yalapa. iyi\'alile imitllnJo. l Tnohn· Usihla.lo Wl'U '.{' :\I11a.;. \\ i amflhl{' KW I ~[1 NYA KA em bal\\'I\- C'gq itilc- eCB.wl'ni yas(> Tiopiya, kuveki ezipe­ \I yo bekll ,yinto l>qhclekile.\·o ngl·ln. k \..u nga. xa" \\" a kOIll~l' bel\zi imigudu YI\-ro", Ko-.z. F Xomponrlo lileyo. 1.'Iulshnkazi unikelwe ngu OW(\\\ ukul umana imfa.m<\ 1.l\-ba Ntsundu zi . .I.i (,Iub,., znla})a. u ngomhla we no X :\la"lIhl\- n~ okuwll\"ll'ie lda mnalin-aho orukulu, u Mnu_ George ngqiha ekuhlang'\Ilcni kwezita.1ato-­ ") Augu,t, k"iholo yase T~ h('t s hi umbuto 10 ngo).;. \\ cn7.ela itont ... i .;\Iachana wa'le Klipplaat. Umtsha­ t'k\\!tku ngumhono wom'lUo olu~izl. Kuqala l'kubeni n,malikiti a)'cku­ lamanzi a ... hll-;I\\I kllha lonlo iwuni­ kazi lIben'(ibe IIlgubo ezotyiweyo N!Ultonina. ezazi \'u, mnk<-IIl\'o yayi tshwe ngl'x('shn. kuzo zonke i clubs kl\ umbuto i:-;idima m>mbeko k\\('· ncrclcrele ebala lunthubi nomqwazl ukllba njengesiqhclo lSe Bodi xa ngaba. ine minye. Wente amba.lwa ngokuba.­ n~t'nt·ll' zib~ nokl~zipflisa., okwanjalo. hiyalo uokwamkehvu. kuh,,, zithembcleyo kwiidzalwana konsa.ti, zande ukuwatata )tupela luleka kwe H amilton kwimihla. ynyo kwabokubekwa 410 Harlem Ave­ ct.ingam£\-hlwempu, intlalo YMO ma­ zazimisela. Ilkuhn, a.zi~ol~uwatcngisa cbaleni n£;okulljalo naljemakaya nue apo bate banqwenelelwa int.-Ialo ngapa koko. ckubelli i Bodi ide k\\ ieah" l e~imilo C.,ill elo gama mali­ khl\ya ihimbi ngokwenene. ent.-le nebukeka.yo. U -Rulumente uthe, akuqonda. sanayo iokonsati ngo'iuku lwayo soloko libanjiwc lulutsha.. Kupa­ Ugaleleke kwepelileyo icawa u ngalt>ntlnlo engonwabi!'liyo, watha­ aku.rangn motu kwezo clubs waba kame II :\ll\u S. )[ayeki<.;o owa\'e­ Mongameli R . H ., oyi batha amanyatelo okulungisa leme­ "m... ebenzl owawufuna. inxaso ebanzi mele i H ome SWeCI)eN owenze nA,ve Provincial no Mpati we Ba.ndla kho. njC'ngoko kuko it yah ~lik\llu 10 amazwi oku\'uyi!ian'l nembuto valo­ eliyi Order of Ethiopia jikelele, asu­ Oku kulaoeJelayo kwalo.tha a<.;e­ kW{' kwabanlu iminyaka mbuto en unq\~eneleli\- imihla e'mide ka. e Toisa Kraal, Bailey e kwa. Mnu. J . Ngqabe 33(" Harlem kwenzlleyo u Rulumeute ekuncede­ o(' nHbini h ... altleli ezincwa.dini 7.0 no.kuzo zonke izinto lawo. Batcnjini. La Mongameli wamkehve Avenue. ni imfaml\-l.Odwa, kwizithili ezintha­ ~qira. njengoko umntu ngarunye kakuble liba ndla lake nabantu .ebenik\\a ipepa okanye a'iiwe kwo.­ UkuvulW8 Kwellnye Iseba thu ezikufupbi apo e,:;iganeko singa­ U Ainu. R obert LimbhJ., owamke· lase Reba mandla_ abalinqwenelela impumelelo eloba­ 10. umsebenzi woku nce ( li~a na no gqim ongcnokuziharubcla. Pezu ndbla. Wfl,(J8Ia ngokubekwa. ubu kwcl.imeko ;dmbi i Bodi ifcze ukuba Ukwandn. k webandla 18<;e Rahe lSI THILl INANt NOONYAKA Mpati·Lokishi omhlope we \ali ya'le Dikoni ngo January, 192 1 ogu Simonstown, ute l~mveni kokuba i\·a.lwe iruidl.a.lo de wnke i clubs Ie Elliott :\[emOl'ill.1 C'hurcb libangelc RUl';tenburg uku\-ulwa kw('nye indlu yelibandln. Bishop Williams e Bhotwe lase agqibe unyaka wesibini k uloni{onzo -ziyikupc imltii yamatikiti el8.linikwe (Kunye na'ie Pilane) £3600; wangenela ubu Priste ngo ngomhln. we 14 A u~u <; t nll~ M \'angeli wabizwa yi Kansile ya~e Simons­ wona ukuba i ... iti se.:sona ... ohh\ayo Zf'1.'ru"It £2800 193 t ebekwa ngu Bishop Ethridge S. Gwadzi no Mnu_ F ...... Funde town ya.myalela nkuba alabate uhu ..... inokuti mhlaumbi sisebenze. . Mafeking £1900 eSt Titus, ku Tsomo. Umsebenzl (omi<>elwe ukuba li go~a elipambili Pati-Lokishi obuzeleyo. Kutc Ku:',;mfuneko ellkulu ukuba ulu­ wake umenze \Vanyatela e Ca.thcart.­ lelibandla) kwiffl,llla. yam8 bhulu e Amanalli entlantlu nge ntlantlu, upela- unyaka laye ityala nelinganga t~ha iuyiqonde into ,Yokuba nayi­ ngo 1907, e Xhukwana ngo InOS kutiwa yi Brt'ell1.agte kwisitili sa"c ngok \\. tlm8nani aba Nt,s undu abafu· peni lipelile. Namhanje 0 k ... vina into eyellziwa.yo kufuneka na... e Rautioi, Ku Beugu ngo 1909, Stinkpoort. Lite lifika ixe.c;;ha na uneedo, Mabelwe kU'lO zonke ezi­ Limbha e Simonstown l1yinto ayiyo llkuzimisela. kuyo kungenjalo yofcla nyeizlthili eziseleyo kwelo meliba-ni. E Crown Dougla':l ngo 1911 - 12 pantsi ingah;l. ll1bi njengoko seku lokuvnl" a kOlllsebenzi kwaye kll­ kubo bonke ahantu abamhlope na.­ "10. I ·Rl'bc Ie Micimbi yaba Nhundu e Xbukwana n~o 1914, e Port Alfrect nja.\o namhla,nje e Tinara.. l ndebe ngaseko ndawo ahanye ababi no.ku­ bantsundu. E botwc b.l1lanzi 10 lithemhha I1kufumana. ku Rulume­ ngo 1911 -16-17, e Ndwanengo 1921· Kumkaoi (admirality) apQ kunga.-­ ezingakadla,lclwa zilUbini e ... iqinilSC ­ ngcna bawul.olela umc;;ebe nzi beme nte ama L-t6,OOO okullceda imfama 27, wazakupelela e Hbai apo emke zange kungene mntu Nt:-;lIn,lu oklo kilc"o uklllm i Bodi ye!lze konke ngapandle Amazwi 0 ~hn.ngeli kulonyaka.. ngo 1936. Uqeqeshwe ku Za,laze. Limbha wabllngcnl-;a a,i).1.kowabo ()ku~emandleni ukuboiti!'lalla naba­ O\\adzi yaha. nganzulu kunene nase St. Bede's ubufundisi. Ufikele kulonyaka. Knnti ulu 'l~ed,) nase .ba k\\ into eli­ njalo 1I :\Inu. Funde WemE' amazwi mfama, i Sebe liIungi ~c l elc ukuba ngazo zonke inya.nga, ukuba ihe ngokwenza umbhalo opullleleleyo yenzayo. Ngl\,pa koko i Til,ara okutelela. Aba. NUIll7.. M. Mavai ogqira beze kubo, laye i ~obe lizi­ neoto eyifumanayo yokuziphilisa. no B. Sko~ana batelele kakulu hlaula ngokwalo indleko. Kuyi nyani'\o ,Yokuba oluncedo ngomsebenzi woku pata abaui u ba,. ebelidllme umdlalo kowabo kakuhle. wase bu!-yaknlayo esitubero ngowokuba. i\I. . B. :\(acuba no F. Hoyana, nyulele nabanina omnye ukuze babe . kwi konsati ebi"ii10"" ti;roal. too. NGE PONTI UBUNZIMA FU'st and lx>6t m (-ounl\.- !'I WI'y!!. • .. Kunganina ungenji njalo nawe • 2!d. Anh'Ul~h .. u IIIghts ouu nn'lliou .. day!l.- ­ Fu'st- and bctlt. and AAft' nnd lI:\lre Soothing WoodM' {; .... u.t. Peppermint Cure G. p.s.81 TSHAYA 1 OFFIGERS' ~ESS ClGAItb:TTES V)ITETELI WA B.u,\,TV .JOILu\f;-':ESBl'RG. AUGUST 2.. 1fl3H • Liphafara Tsa Lefu Lehaketse Masepala Oa Ha Tsa Maje-Mashoeu Mahlomola Marquard Frankfort Ntlo Ea Joala N ()\ld It I' ' lcTLOl ;1-:1,,,\ on Motseng Oa :\lllngnung. 0 piull'lillliil' mono I A In Hi August kl' 111\ 1m h l~ K gn ill·1I i. nl!' m i PI-Iil p;o bona l\lO('\" (' A Tsit ullgw(' htl Matlakeng Morojaneng Motse o Bofifing ' Iohlllnagadl na ga~ '\t· Bal1l1111ll. fuma na, rnohula 0 1m t"t' hi:.lang ho t"IlIlU ., (' ...... 1(' ) llwtOl1 1(' ) Ia.,t.,rrit,-, t - Bo Boholo hlokubalo ha. rtlosl\li Uloholo, R eitz, KHOELINC enn. re bon!\ !-iepheth{' kha itsl, Jj ('n. mofu )lnruti Alex. ~eatn bit jl-ht-' ho Illognh\a bOI1(, pheth(' sc 'wholo ~o. ha.'\l'hf·bi nala, hit ('" n li llloholo ena. e et!iOo. (",ngol" en. Iits(.·ia bu' Moh ('('('ilia)1 apt (XI't" J OALI'JKA ha. re sa ra. b I I BEKENt: tSt' fctileng makho· Brandi,,) 0 {'nt~I(' a hobola. me rc a !'ie n. bolokuoe. !tholo (main line). Le ka lekoisht>n­ kula. ha. Mong. Ephraim?'~ ela Ito L halane 0 hlile OR. t !-l ukutla molopela gor(' a hole. Molt. S. Kt:;o mo (Ou Jerry) kO 'cno otilt~le­ Iia-holo mona. mots('og boo 0 ileng o 0 () eng ' )la~ape l a 0 nkile mehato ho Parman ke molhusi IlIO ,,('k \, el('ng 'mc ke mahlomola. J 0 ~tc !o> Ul l' Q3 ba. oa.. feta kll bn. bang. 1I0no Lefu Ie hlile lebnket"e ts·lltng aha. ntla ca. joala. sa. J~opano, rnorutint~ht ('() mo-;ha Le h ahen~ (The Cliff) haufi Ie ~:r~ <.\(> ho !:lOa. t "iOn. timdn. )long. Morena Rckolo l'I a ](opnno. tsamllisong tsena. ho bua bolokoR batho bn ga ft.. III mont' go go roga. (>no. Ebile moscbct ... i e mohol po. ~l'heki 5 0, eitse bn. e ka re lebala. en. Mong. ~la.soon. {Princip"I) . :se bararo ba babolo ka \"C'kc e Ie ng\le Ickhotieng 180 motse, Ene c Ie leru 10. hac, 11a reta momHnyano. ba ntf.l C ba Ia.telann. joalo 1>a. kereke nka ho ipha. Ul t"tla. Bana RrnE.'<'ho )(oruti Scata 0 iJ <.' s~~t ho nyeunycba. joalekn. litsie. Matlo loshung i \\ a gl~ monnawc :-ia.m uel Deacon ea kereke ea Chach . 00. ntate Edward Marako E\"odia eo. Roma. Ho tsnmnill:' motbo oa sehclitse-ng ho fihlela a et~o ale Illll.tsatRing a. ~{'kolo (\ sala. soa.lnla. KgatHtu Reata kwa. \'('nterstad. .I\larako a felehetsoRo ke batho ba monna pele it la.teloa ke Mof. P I . I ' tme II. 31)', phupu e t .. nmaisoa ke Moev-. Kl' talimile mokele on. lipiUll. on. l\1orlll\ J . L . 1'lothupi Ie· Moh. (' e a. time a 0 btnne scfels. 80 2 : Ra.chel Moloi eo. kutseng ka nako bukcng tsa Chache. A bal. p & }i(>lai oa l1cthodist. E latelang en. khoeJi eaba ho latela luoAAli Sckala sa ban9 (infant Depart. Mothupi ha. betih' mOIlO ha. {'a ment) ka 10. 7 September, mot~eare loshung I w n mogwagadie ko 1.39, temana t.~e 9. 0 timela :sil: b<,·kc ra pata morali oa Adam mobolo ·m'a·rona au Miki mosali hlemo tse 58. 0 patiloe ke Be ~etlado Seipati. 'roko-toko ba. on. mantsiboea. Mong. Masooa Ie Phiritona.. g on. mofn ntat a rona au Ramaqbeba A. Kgomo. J . Wire, Ie E Tobel · • imela ntata rona, Solomon mohahi 0& khale Frnnkfort District. Mc.quoe ea. bona. ba. banyenyane e Maecho Rebe('Ca Malebo, mmadi 00. a felebeHtsoe ke batho ba 210 b ; " Siangfoot Masobc- , e mong oa litsiea. l\'Iosnli mobolo 0 na n. se a holile fi, till. b'e jere mckelc Sontah a. eo mogolo "11 "Umteteli ",o arno­ se lIang, re tin. be re no. Ie mokete bane ba. tlile ho t..qoa. Ie Mang~ a () t .. a mot-so on. ~Ioem l~ncng . E ne o ka ba lil emo tse fctang 70. Mo· gets{' pe~i ea gao lUonnawe Sofie Bohle ba Kgomo ba ts ' elisehe~ng , i(.. moluln.· ... et ulo Kerckeng ea 0 no. be 0 ts'()('roe ke Ntatc oa Selatio Kerekeng ea }~ora Tlhakudi wa 'Mnkeirketla, me 0 ( 'hache, e Ie :-;ctho sa. School Antbony Wilden, C.S.S.P ., ho tlob. (D. R . C.) ga.olebC' i:'engae ka pico (.' ngwe, a Baruti Ceo, Fanana (Blikana) ('ommittee Ie mererong e meng e baa. bo ea fibla mabilleng, batho bn. Tsoelo pele JUcs;eh(lt~ing ea ')1 uso l\Iodimo 0 tie ditsala. cotlbe ma· I. Z. R. Nyokong ( Both.ville) c­ metle en. mohe 0 oa a fum anon kn. ne bo. hlile ba phuth('bile hantle Ie Sekolo e motin.. Empa oe· e ! tshcdi~ho. Moh. S. D. Tsoai oa leng ba Methodist, ba kile ba e ha kcletso t l:ie ntle. A pato3. ke baholo 'me palo e bileng tong e ne l\[et~eng ea 1 rona, Laboraro Ie Ma ngaung 0 mono, Ie ~lama Aggie mono, ba. tsoara tsebeleUio tSl."" Subdeacons D. NtIatseng (~eneka l ) e ne feta 700. Mab'cliso a be ho Ratertn.ha re bona. lintoa. tse mpc o gorog-ile go C 'H~ 1'lanyatseng. kholo tse monate. Le ka. Dutch Ie Pitso (\ Vinhurg) Ie MoeV' . J . beng hI' bafu. tsa botahoa. 'Muso 0 oa t!'ioarn., 0 K a di 27 Phato kl." tbeki...'1ho E'n Hefo,rmed b,a. ile ba tsoa.ra mO!le­ l'iho (D. R. C.) .. tolokeloa ke I/o re su ! Empa ba ho tbml(.'. betsl tcng, me ba. thabeloa. baholo 000 dilopot~ia t:-;a kcreke ('8. D. R. C. Setai (Metbodi .... t) Ba. bua. ba.holo Mong_ O. Phehlane 0 ntukisetsa Y oruti Schutte Ie Mong. TRocne b~ Yekeng e fetileng ho na be ho Ma-Afrika. n. lopiwa ka bocwapc-Io bablanka bn. lentsoe, Mfu a felehc· ho tlosa kefi (cafe) en. hae moo e kile ba leba Philippoli3 mo,ehetsin~ ena Ie lSelallo sa Morena G. Z. Kerk, go etlelehm, tiro eo ka go reka se boo. ke batho b30 3,jJ. 0 siea. likhu teng, bo c isa ka bolimo ho motse. on i\loruti Khame, Moruti Ie Mor bana ba Molimo ba n(' ba hWe ba tlhokang, dikgebi bn mmidi di l\(ots,bumi, Beng Rebotha Ie Mojahi t~na. tse 'ne 1m lin. lUofumaba.1i 0 gone. Moh. 1\L Molut:o:;i on. ] ~ellge­ ba phuthebile hanUc-nyana, mose· ua. klle ba re khalo mono ho ~'IOa na a raUe k.. 1936. • yonden 0 nntsc a Ie uodulu mn betsi 0 ts...... maisoa. kc 'Moruti \V. Ii' . Thaba Nchu ba tli s it~ Moruti "Ka hie tsoa fetn. libeke Seneka.1 c CillieN. Ba neng ba atamela. mal at sing ann. R. B. Tlatsi bo tsoa Sinotong. t..-ile ell. hlola thaka en. Good Ho!",s tafoleng t'it )[orena. ha bile palo e Tsa Henneman Ba-)lasepala. ba eme ka. maote> ~mpe ka 3-.1 ka etelo.. ke ntle bnbolo. 8teynsrust hape, Iwe ra lebella Andre" Tl:atsinrann. c bile tcn.cher ho lokisa. tsela motl:ieng. Ba-na ba 000 sekolo ba nlse ba. itokisetsa. lio lela pal)ali e ntle Referee e Ie Mong. R. Phutheho Ea Matichere mo Gansdei, Oistrict \' redefort ka Mohabo 0& ntIo eo. Bantu United Rouxville, Rmithfield Ie eona e ntse:­ 8eUo Mosuoe oa lUona. (ex Princi· lilemo t~e 2! ea. ua 0 ea \'Iaakkuil School 0 se 0 Ie haufi Ie ho fela. e ba)al et~e tseleng. pal Staynrust) papali ea. eba 2-.2. HObile Ie phutheho e khaclehung moo e leng kgwedi ea gag"e en. 10 pula eo. eona e se e tla ba haufi-ba ea matichere a leka.l a en. Central a Ie gone. Bana ba. sekolo Ie dit~ala Haufi-ufi ha fihla. Winburg. Bel! se botJe bane ke t1ang Ie bone, 1(' o bolo ea bapalo, ha hloka. ba hlo· Branch mane H enneman, ka 180 bn mo ntshetsa. dimpho lse dintsi. rona re nka. mohato 0 mocbo. lang (draw) : matbaka a matboko 13 Phato. Ma.ticherc a ile a a.rno· Lenyn.lo Ie ne leemisiwa ke -'toruti 1. Ea fihlileng vekeng e fetil'ng: mona ,Jobannesburg ke Mor . Alina. 110 roua. a hlile a rata babolo ho o hela. ka mokete 0 monate 080 Iipina.. Tau oa. St. Augustine's, Thabl1 tla inoesa. kn. nkho_ Ka baka I. hosepheie hantl. ha 'Nellu. Montsioa ho t~oa. hac Kroo08ta.d . J oale ea ntseng a le bolutu ke'm'a. l\fesuoe c Wile e falimehetse hlobo en. sekolo sa mona, eo a En rekileng koloi e ketc e en. Bishopo Chaketse bileng sieo Ie phutbehong Ie motlatsi bonala (car) ke Motl. DM'id rona au Alina Montsioa ka Vereen· moscbetsi on. sekolo baholo, leba. iging 'me re mo lakaletsa katleho. lipapali tsona Ii bat/a. Ii fokola, oa hae. Mr. Mong. Mahlatsi Ntsamai R eitzburg. Eo 0 re tloge. ebe pina eona e se e utloab; la. ka ka lona lebaka. la ho kula, ba tseng ke Rraecho Abram ~lo n ga l e Koffiefontein sekolo bane ba bints'oa. ke Mor. ""hloph' sa. V Ie VI ha. U.tsa R. II. Ie botlhe ba Subscribe to !\long. R. F . Sello, se nk... Test " J em Ma weln., Ao ra utloa. monate gagabo e bong bam Ie baradi ba. fa bona mehlol0. Mosebetsing lahoWano Ie leng Ie Ie Jeng. gagwe. "Umteteli' A 180 13 Augu:;t, Bishop oa ona 00. lipina. leha hloho, Mong. Bat :-IOali e ka. ba. ka. romeUa bana K Bloemfontein ana a. cbaket:se Phakisi, ane a Ie siore lebohp thuso ..ckolong thuto ke iefa leo ma­ Kereke ea Good Shepherd Mission e kholo e ileng en. etsoa ke Beng. foome a sa Ie jeng. a hlomamisa. batho ba. 3. Eare ka Mokhobo Ie Mat. ipa mabap. Ie Ie. 14, Sontaba, Moruti R . A. }~ord ---hutbeho tsa Kopjes li eketseba. bo Korantn ea ':Mueli oa motse Oil. ba bab'o ha H enneman, mba ziwile ebu~btLlbaka, waza wahlaaelwa sisisu, oe li phuthehcbe teng kaofela, a. batho, ka ba ke hatho ba tsoelo· Ie ka Mong. Voster, Mookameli oa kobekeloa. ebelete e sehlot soana. aada sasese gazi DO ntyo· pele. Sekolo (School Manager) ba bats'o E.a re sHeng ke Mof. ~Ialete 0 bJo· H enneman. Ho builoe litaba t"e ndyosbe. Kwa no nyana kah:ola. kala Ii 14: August hosasa l\la.sepala. oa mona 0 ntsa. lokise· ngata phuthehong ena 'me ha hona.­ wake omkulu wabonaka· tsa. bo kenya Telephone Lokeibbe· a. patoa. ka. Ii 14 khoeleng eona. eo. hal a Ie moea. 0 motle oa ts'ebeli· la ekwa ngo blaselwe yilo Phupu e ne C gbojoa ke Moruti neng, lintbo Ii tsama.ea. hantle: sano Ie kutloano lint hong tse ngata. nl-athazo ina yise. bat ho ba lera kn. tRon.nelo esaJ e ho K waza kwaqaJa uku· l\ _ Taba e 'ngoe ea t~e ileng t!H\ hu uoa. kena !\fong. A H. l\Iakuetla. phutitehong ella ke ell. .. Legal baka uludwe oluoe· l\Iopl'ofeta 0 hoetse 0 re fapobe. ndleko lwama linga oku Officing ea Lokei... heue. Defence Fund," ea matil.'ilere a t ~ Nt. nt:-:eng a. tsoarehile ke fumana unceda. Bo· Mong. P . )[ohajane : eke morena Ea nt!\eng a kula, ke me no Ie bonahabeng ho e a.nanela. tsebe ke Mof. \Y ilhelmina. Letsipa nke om8qethu~ a aba· ka. Illothusn hie. Baeti reka. bolela Ho no ho let eng ma.tichl'r(' ann. zange babe naiuocedo leba bo Ie yoa.lo t ~ epon.rana. e feng lIlong. Y. ,\I.lete Ie Mong. J . J. D . Mot--il(.~ (chairman) E. H . kubo ooxa. u Mavuka Morena. 0 tla thusa.. Tsoko. ))10K Taiwe (secretary). 1\[, r. wnbablaula imali ezi· Duma, J. Sea.hlolo, Joe Pretoriu ~, • nkulu. lzinto 7.aye 11: N . 1\Iogoro~i , C'ha ..... ~laroeping, J. bambhi. Yaye Imall Moremi J Phakeli Ie Bar. S. inqabile. Umlunguoqa· Thoahlane. J Lepati, J . Taiw{' , M Bamhleka IAbantu N G 0 K U mkulu, Hlaheng, Ie ~Iof. S. Thollhlane (Tbeuni:-;sen), ~ l ong . J. Thoahlane kuba \\I AYE u t y e b i I e una (Kroonstad); Beng. Pitso Ie Tsunke aha. u Mavuka wa mbbomLbozela (Venter::;burg) Bar. J . ~rawela , \ ~_ mandla Nflanyane, J. Matsuuukanye. A. ngeli~i ukubo. akabonakali kucbncba hhlfyIie Rampa (Henneman). uyakumncama emsebeoziDi. I ukosikazi Re ilc ra ba Ie moeti ea t~oang ka Mnvuka, Da),o, nge lixesha ya~ ise \Yinburg. eleng Mong. Ph. Phakisi ijoDge enkalweDi umtyeleli omtsba. mati('here a leboha kamohclo e Nge tamsanqa, u wfundibi \\otyeJela ntle ea mat ichere a H enneman. Ie hohle ba thu .. ibeng Ie J D. -'Iohile kwa Mavuka wtva llga lo nkbatbozo moluia-setulo ka. hama.iso e ntle t.'a yabo. Waba cebiea ukuba batenge u phutheho eo. Mfisi ka Chamberlain we Si"u olbe o waaindisa abantu abaninzi a baLe gula. kakbulu SeB) sigulo ansi khathnza u Dr. Williams' Lenyalo Vredefort Mavuka.

·t (liE MAKGALElIELE) Ig a z ; elltsha, e tit)Ie b I eyo .pink Pills zldala REnnile Ie moleOo wa lenyalo Ia. U Mavuka wathoba. Baza banyangwa boba­ eta.mbUevo n(' qinileyo. Uya.tyehu. ga Moll, Andrew M. E _ Ayiko konk(' imfuneko o I N I I Tsatsinvane, mora ('0 mogolo w,t. bini baphila. Wa6k'umtye­ ukangcleke kakuh e. ge oxe" U\ , • indod a. oka.n ye in('nekazi lase Afrika. live ubenamandla ngnpezulu nem· ga. Motl. Moses T~at~in~ ane. a Itbe J, l\ hhit ~1.l. likangelt:ke libuta· • nYRola 1\108, Martha. K. Setlhnra. leli omtsha watiwa igama tJ.ka. l'l~uba. ubhityile. \lonko pilo epeleleyo. ,.., ,,·a Tbaha 'Nchu Da hilefij! teng Tenga im bodl e ~a. y~ Dr, \\'l hi" k ychit':\' uhen ~mllndlA n~e Dr. Pink Pills e\~e n.k.II(>IU rabata Ibe· e ne c kn. bn. hat 0 ln. ~,H). re · it lokuba ngu Chamberlain. 'Vill i :\w~' Pink Pill..... Lc J1.ndlela n, e ('Ill\·a, kokut,\'a. Yenzn. njalo bolela. Batl ,1. 'ebitlwa.m· (DCwet~. <'7.i ~ (' henz: .... IIgn.,\'O, .. ok" eqeh lt~ '.. eki way£' \lyakul.>aul(l, dorp), Letloja.ll(' (Dewehdnrp), .' COLIC AND I ] L \Yillinm< Pink 1",lh; z!ku. li T.!:iabinynllt' (\'r(>uefort), ~lo )o;. I\ DIARRHOEA kam.sinya umublnko omnnga sa,Yo f'eabelo· (.I uhanne"hurg). M 0 llik.\ It, I.i {li b ha dit:.... e bil('yo l!zd~' REMEDY ilnl'il, ,/, .1,(lll.uJda. . Kuh xa. ~h~a,.1 t·mlllly,Nu.. . )(aria. Sl'nf.!"l' (Kroon ... tad). )lotl Cham erlains I.Kemesi no novenkllebonkebatenglsa Molehe (Bloc-mfontt'in), Mo t I. lit:-. II<\ htYl lll lt.' 0 hbaillba ~m l ta­ ezipilis1. ixabiso ]s ]d. ngembodlela. I .:n,jl'lli, u Hl1 in1 ll' UZ:l IIl. ngeo.' ,.\wa \\,A BANTU. .JOHANNESBURG, L AUGUST 27, 1938. 17

tin. khutli!a. masolo a. fats'e I. hac I Makumane A Taba Tsa a nahcnl,( co ClL Spain. Tumeliso J Moapehi eo Mot:' 0 Russia Ie Japan Trompsburg Lefats'e Phapang ca. Ru~si(L Ie Japa.n e sa nt! (' erne. moo (' neng e qal,. tong, kamoo hkumntn. t'lQ. Mose Ii LoleilLng. Haeieo ulon. rona, e emi­ Tse Ntseng Li Phethahala sits('; ('mpa. kutloono bakeng en. A Sontaha mohla. 7 August khelho (.'8. ha.nna. ba. ts'oanetseng K ho hlahlohn. rnabaka. a. phapang eo ebile mokete 0 moholo kere· keng eo. D. R. Church on. tUlllcliso Naheng Ea Europe ha e 1"0. Babuelli ha. lichaba beo tso peli ba. ile ba. kopana ka Moqe­ 00. "Moruti S. S. P. Kbame. l ~be l e cle mokcte 03 SelalJo sa. Morena ea lulang bakeng se seng sa (KE )IQOTL..<\OLA) b£'lo ho buisana. kn. khctho en. ba.nn f ~ bn.tho baphuthe - hile ka.- bongata Eastern Transvaal a kopane Ie bao. cmpa hothol' cill5(, hohn. muelli 1 EH.A Ilttl1a Ci\. Em'ope t' It' hf\r'a neng leoop ng 10. Yan!.(t ~ l' Rin.~ r bobotle ; Mosebetse 0& tsamllea. ka hphap~llg, Yekyng, e feliJeng hothoe palo el~ bona e ka fihla ho 00. 'Muso 08. Russia u. bone po1e10 makhethe. Motse oa. Trompsburg en. )[uso on. Japan ma.bapi Ie taba. POSTMA & CO., (Ply) ltd., tabo. 11 ne h batla. h tlS episa., knha 200,000, t:" lelltl' kaofeln. Ita bona. ke o Inhle - hetsoc rure ; ha.-holo 0 meferefcrc coble tl nc e ka e koko- ~ co a ra.hisa Ita roo.oto mabeli a re holahlehetsoe phutheho ca hac. 266, v. d . Walt ~Street, PRETORIA. bet.:.-e . Empa, hono ha ho bole Ie rn(l. .;; olc 300 ho ts'epileng han' ke ha a lumele hore pho..pang ena. en. Re utloa eka u eo. Philippolis. Re hore kutloano e hau6 Ie ho hla.ha 0 0111\ 8 tla nkang toropo eo ea bona. c hlahlobioe ka. I3cbopebo seo. hobane re tsoere chelete a Ha.nkow. Ba ntseng ba fa.1itnehet~e molakaletsa tsamaeo entlc Ie fatl"eng leo la mOM". tabu. ena most', ba bolela. hare Ho feta moo, aka. hann ba.o ba. ctong 10. hae, lekatleho mosebctseng kholo e leng ea hae. Ho feleng ha. .... eke ea. maob~De, khalenyana Ja.pan e ile eQ fiblela ile b~ hlahisetsana iipolae!o t3a. oa Morena. Philippoli~ . naha Iea Cz.ecbosG lo\·akia e ne e tletse Ch'ltla e loana ka. ho mebu'to en. bona ka ntseng Ii pbe­ Kali 23 J u IY ho timetsc ngoann. maso e a ermany, aO ho nong hoholo setrekeng seo : 'me Ie h 01l1l. thnha.l n. hono. joale. Japan e re on. Mong. S. ).{olefe a longoe ke hot hoe a cbakile ft.:.ela, empa mcrao janie ho honam hor('- Jo.l)an e tla Ru",sin. e ntse e romela. lifofane tsa utja, e se ele ngoanana. on. lemo ba. elello8. hore 8. blile a mono ka ts ' OMlgon.. bothatn. pele (' k .... nkn. rona hore Ii 'ne Ii eo fofa. har'a tse ka.bang 13. MokhoWane 0 e Colds lebaka. 1... ho ea scbokeng sa. masole taro po eo. naha ell. Ja.pan ; Russia eona. e phile rnatla. hara. motse kala pele relief without rub ... A :llajeremane a bokaneng toropong Nqen~ e 'n~Q{' , baelUf' li bl\. ' i\lU80 :tyn.tsa. kctso ea masole a Japan a kgoeling TrolOpsbu.rg ea chakela ea. Bohemia rooo ho bore 080 Engla.nd bR. · nt <; e b .... It'ka ho bokanneng Ketrckcng so. Chang­ Edenburg ka footba.ll hosaso 0-0 .a nbe fI. fibla ka bongata. bo bogolo. reril'&na Ie bn buclli ba. 'muso oa kufeng a. ntseng u. phehelletse lIo Trompsburg ], Edenburg T~c ling litaba Ii hlnlosa hore ')Iwio Japan mabapi Ie boemo bn litokelo ts'ela kn. hlakoreng Ill. na.ha. en. O. A mang mathn.ka a. nqo.. on. Germany 0 nt50 0 bokella ntho t~a. rueraft' eR. lirhaba. tsa ~~urope e Rus.sia hoo ma..;;oic a Russia.:& iteng Springfontein, oho bo.ipolaisa batho • 1.o:e kang lij o, rnafura, Ie petrol : 'me phelang fat!'l 'C'ng leo · cmpa eka bo tloha hosa.,*,- en. eba phafo.. Ie litho t~ena ka.ofel..'\ hothoe Li hlile ha banna bao ba ambile ka \("nt'loe Ie a ba:J. tlameha hore a thunye e mantseboea phafa 2-0, 2--0; A" POlitical nutt... in tfti. iuue by H. Ii bonts'e bore Ii bokanyetsoa. reng Japan hll. e na t!-\el/\ eo e ka. mong on. ba.nna bao. springfontein 0 hlotse. K"mlllo, oM End St, JQhlln"","bll~r. khot<3o . blli~8.nang It' bona hona joalt.'. Bothoe phapang pakeng t~ Taba co hothoen." (' khathat<;,a. - ),[ajcmane a !laha l'a Ir ;\[ajapan ha.holo nt ~en~ ena k(' ho hcn~ ba. fah'e leo e nt~e e kha- hloka cheletc. Ho bonala bore tbat~a mcbuso en. Europe. Ho hona. joale ntoa ena e ~e (" jele • hore "Majereman(" a moo a chelete e nga.ta haholo 'nlt' Ie sona Uela hore 011& ha a neoc litokelo s~ha ba se ~f' itim .... ntho ts(" ngata NKA MORALI OA !'to MU U mUNA I'Il.U. ... lA .... IA LANG HA U R\.UI'tA. U HtOtO" HAO KE EENOA. U HA A NTSOALU he fuoang beng ba naha. eo, athe kll. baka. Ill. ho rata ho thll'la ;\[u .;;o MA UIUA K)AlO HO U: TlA U KHUn'S(H " leha e Ie batho ba sechaba !:I3. ntoeng en. oonn. )[etsoalle e 'meli NKHUTlI SETSE 10. NGUANk Lll.H0l10 ' SA HAO TSA )[ajerl'mane kc baahi he. naha eo. ea Japan eo ho ncng ho ka thoe HAll SA KA.. 'HA' 00kAU. ~ ;\[tl SO eka 0 arabile kll. puo e reng . Japan e t~ ' epile eona.- Germany Ie ha ka ' no. ba. neoa lits'oanelo tst-o ltaly--e fumana.ncbile hoo e ~ ito~... n.l! ba Ii lIelang, l->I.!terekeng seo bEl ho thU 'S fl 'l{'chaba. sea Ie h/\ (' Ie ka leno:!; ho ~ona. H ona hot hoe- ha ho lethonyana Ie chelct.e. E 'ngoe taba kholise sechaba. ~eo , .0;00 ba se eo ho boleloang hare e khathalitse hatlang ke hore ba ipuse moo ba Japan ke pbapang es. se('haba seo leng teng, 'me ho utloala hore ba Ie Ru<;s ia. . Leha hQ Ie joolo, .Japa.n khothaletsoa kopong eo ke Herr e hlile e ik e mi ~ elit"le bo betsa. China. Hitler. ho fihlela. 'lcc- haha l'eo "e in("cla. Ka hlakoreng Ie leng, beng ha naha ba laetse ' ma'<,() hore 0 seke oa bn. 00. leka ho neha batho hao soo ~s'epo ea hore ntoa (' kit ba se ba.tlang haeba ho etsa. ho tla .;ell ya fats'e In. Slovakia. fehsoa ka makutu ea lichabn. tse ntseng Ii leka. ho hlahi!':a khotso :\1ebu'iO eo.. England Ie France lefats'eng leo e boluiloe ke kn.mbelo t. ma hothoe e Ie bile tabs. eo ell. "Io,"nkia ka leiblo Ie nchocho, en. kopo ea Iicbaba. tseo hore ho ba elelloa. hare ha :;\[ajere­ .. ebelisoe maele a tsona e hlahileng o He a Batla Bore a Khutlisetsoe Bohali Ba Hae. ho General Franco matsatsing ana. a. ka. fumana. rookho:!. oa ho England, khaleIlYll.nn., e ne e kope koenya naha. eo joaleka eo. Austria ~ro s ali eo oa batho 0 ne ale mahlomoIeng ha monna oa hae a re 0 mo khutlisctsa ha habo h ono ho tla hlokisa naha eoble ea. Franco hore a amohele kopo ca eona hore ban no.. bohle bn. lichaba. ho ntatae. 0 ne a Iebeletse ka mahto a matso ho bona hore na Ii FeJuna Pills ha Ii tlo Ino Europe khotso. Ke ka baka leo thusa na. )[afora. a ileng a t:;ebisa. licbaba be t""e ling ba. loanelang Franco ntoeng ella ba khutliset.soe mafat.l\'eng a. ling hare a till. eroella C7.ecboslovakitL Rc ka bolela ka 'nete Ie ka botsepehi bohle hore re na Ie makholo~kholo a mangl)io a tsoang bona, 'me Ie bao ba loanang ka ho batsuali ba b.lelang kamoo Ii Feluna Pills Ii ba entseng hore ba fumane bana ha ba ne ba moferefereng ofeng 0 ka hlahclang hlakoreng Ill. ').[uso ba busetsoe ... echaba sro. ~ e ba tetse ho ka {umana oguana. Feluna, tabeng tse joalo, e hlasimolotse setho sc neng se maha.eng a. bo bona. Momo ho fokola kapa se sa sebetse ka tsuanelo, Feluna e fihlile ea t50solosa ea matlafatsa !loelho ~eo Ntoa Ea China nako e telelehali General j<'ra.nco a. 'me Illokhoa oa hlaho, ka thuso eo, oa etsa hore ho fumanehe nguana eo ba neng ba 1U0 a.raba. a bolela hare ha. a- bone hore Ntoeng ea China., l\Iajapan hothoe I~kaba ba mo lebeletse hakalo. ntho eo e ka phethoang joang. a. hlile a. leka. ka rnatla ho nka. Ilape Ii Feluna Ii li sa bophelo bohle ba mosali. Lipilisi tscna lia eketsa 'me Ii nchafatsa mali toropo en. H a.nko\\' moo 'Muso 0& Kamoo babali ba tla. hopolang, bongata. ba. masole a Fran('o ke hore abe mafubeli hantle. Ke ka lebaka leo mosali ea sebelisang Feluna a bang Ie bophelo Cbina 0 leng teng joalo. Setrekeng bo tletseng bo khothetseng, a bang Ie thabo 'me a ratehang, () ikutlua a phetse hantlf ~cna e se e Ie nakonyana ma.sole a Mantariana Ie )lajeremane, 'me ho mn.hlakore 0.0 a. mabeli a ne a so ho ile ha bolelo8. ka Illakhetlo me basali ba fclang ba phetse hantle ho monate ho tula Ie bona. a man.e;ata hore ke banna ba.o ba. bokane moo, me Japane e lekile kn. H"e:ba liponlso tse latclang tsena Ii teng ho uena Ii supa hore Re hatisa lengolo leo re Ie amohets~8 maforene bn. t.~' eh e lit.,en" mekhosi makhetlo a ma-ngata ho nka toropo u ka fumana thuso ka ho sebelisa Ii Feluna PilIs;- bo Ezekiel Nkosi, oa P.O. KariDOt eo h,('la a fumana Ma.china. a loana C3 }'I'a.nco. Ka hlakoreng la 'Mu so, Transvaal, eleng Ie len .. Ia a mangata • ho tellg :\laforn. Ie 1\[0. - Hu""ia, I-!(l fo kclloa I..e mali, Mokhathala, Ho fokola. Ho sohla, ka bokbabane bo boholo hoo ho moaa ofising ea rona...... ol\g ho bonala. hore pcle Majapan leha bOJl(~ata. ba bona bo !Je l.~· h .ltlt:lo Ie lesoeu. Mahlo a lerotho, Moko kotlo, Mahlaba ha \I ile kh u<:li ng, Ho pipitleloa, Ho bona linaleli mahlong, a. ka. nka toropo eo ho tla batleba bo kae. .Toalc he, ka baka la ho .. Ho felile ~i1emo tse tharo ke nyctse mo sal! rata ho hlahisa. khotso Ie kutieano. \{ol ikroali koane, Hlooho e opane-. Ho nyeka pelo, Nyooko Ie oa lea pele re fom3na ngnana oa rona oa hare a tiee. ]ikhatha lso tsa mala. matsibolo. Ke ne kc hlomohile ke bile ke Bat.samni.:; i ba noon. ba )[a.japan Ie ho feLisa ntoa eo, komiti ea hopola no me khut lisets.I. ho batsual i ba bo holt:l on hore ba lactse !itona t ~ a. lichaba tse itseng tsa Europe e ne e hae. Empa motSII3 Ue c mons a Te delsa mekho!': i ea bona. bore " Hanko\\' c hlahi ~e kelf'tso e reng ha batho (KAHORAO HO KHU£U 1'5£ 11) hore a scbdi!'e 1i I·chlna Pills, a elsa joalo Ho makalcIlg ha .J ho hoholo Ie th;lbong ts'oa.n (' t~e en. nkuoa ." Bongn.ta ba bohle ba.o (" ~c ng bA. ba BOPHElO BA ICA 80 eaba 0 n),;a mpa kamorao ho likh u("l i t'ie nt ~ uoe ntocng ena, sechaba. s C() se RE NA LE NGUANA ba. loanelaog Japan ba. boka- BOTLE HAHOlO IOALE 'ne 'me a ntsuall nguana e mo llc ea no n­ JOALE. RE LESOH" t1 oheloe hore se itoanelo ntoa t'a LE LESEA LE NONNE LE neng oa nguanana. Kapa dellg ho hlaha sona. Ba.etapclc ba.·polelo co e bil{' II FELUNA. PHETSE H"'NTlE ha nguana kapa 1..: lIg lipllisi ke si to:"! 11 0 ka Mn.ngesemanc. Morao ha ho {'mela hlalosa f('c!;1. h· ·Ie bOllhclo ba hae ho hlle karabo khoeli t'lC ngata, e hlahn (;' hO lle haholo h Oi t~a l e a qala ho .. eb. li. \ II Feluna K ajel·~~ n: na Ie bana ba b Ir3ro bolela. hore Oem'ral Franco ha banana 03. baLt·Tj Ie mo~heman e ale mow; Hiokomela utloi.-: isc hore hotboc kc cena. ea Kaofda' hO'l .I. phctse h"ntle ba r; t',.· nang Ie ba li(: haba ba ba ngata ka hlakoreng il... hac, Ie hore bongata Chelete bo tla lelekoa bo h;'oa nclso ha. hlaha ka bo c("na.. o 0 0 ea Hao. Taba. cnfl. en. Spa in (.' a mane Ie ba.tho un. htl n~~l t a ha holo . har'a, --- bono. re ka hold,... Ma ntariann Re se ne rc behcll' habali ka. sclckane se ncng Sf> e-hOl' ke England Ie Italy I Boloka Chelete ea hao mahapi II' n toa ena ell. Spa. in. Tl a. mong t·n. hf}IlI~, ho no Ito IlI melot., Rc susumetsa ka matla hore ho lekoe Ii Feluna I Post Oflice Savings Bank. h o n~ pele ),[.lngt·..;f'mam· :1. ka. tii~a polela t .. a. tlJ.;olo I~no Ill. ~f't .. oa.lI(;' Pills tsa Basali Feela. Li rckisoa hohle ka 1/9 U ka e boloka hantle teng ho till. hath:ha. hore nHL~o l e o hl ~ Ie 3/3 botlolo Ii liphu­ a. 'la.ntari ana a Spain a kh utli.'loe. thelong tse khubelu tse ---eba Ie phaello ha e Mt'hl eng l'{) 'fu-;solini 0 n a. lunw le k .... pde ho bant' a nl.:' a. hOPOlS(' hore joaleka sena se bontsit­ ntse ele moo Bankeng - ­ ntoa co c tl.-.. fd, ~ ka n3.ko {' kiln· t .. oanyao(· )lorJ..'I ho nako t' it .. l' a soeng mona. Ha hole U ka ents'a ka nako eo u ';;1" a bon'l horf" ntoa e nkl~ nako e thata ho Ii fumana ngo Ua tclelc, )(u .. so lini a rata ho potla. ki "H ho P.O. Box 731, Cape rataftg Po song e hali Ie ·Muso 0 0.. Englu.nd hore () ph pthi"t· PI LLS ro · rem les I knmoo ba Iwn/;( bit lunwliiUlc , a. Town, u romele chelete. ti I t a on ~ iket>l n. ea '>eng a. lebetse hore tum£,­ haeno. Su F.J • llano e nc e. ... bore cena )[u""olini 0 " • 27 1!l3R t:MTETELl WA BANTl;, ,JOIL\NXF.SllllJW, AU(:U~T IR - - Umsiki We Bunda Umboniso e _Debe Rugby at !ast London Witwatersrand Bantu Griqualand West Open ( In \QI ' \l:l nl ) Draughts Association Golf Championship Kl'S.\:o-JD .\ k ll pum,l 10.., 1I11l'm (;,7(, lo THE 1I0p(' (" plt". '('(I hy 11 HuiIlDll'llI ~l) kuti ILhduug u. '- At K' b I slko. ('orr{'I\poncil-'nt of l m!pldi Electio n Of Officers 1m er ey k.1zi a lm.. "I 1I kt' h(' h ll lllllll 11;\ hl' n1\\ Illln Nolwabiwo lwa a t th,' he"innin" of II", ",'"r that 11.\ nhl l' IIkun'ln . ~THI~ J.!olfing ('vrnl a.t Kimlx:rI,,\, ngl'sitinwla 1oil·1J('\'U Mr. H (' {'ook tht· II("~ ' lll.lnn!J:(·r ,. _ )I,:s uka Ia ... f S:l lIrd,l." \\111 h(· pla.n·ricHr -:, t I " i'V" I ,1 Ii kwn hl' zitimtla lapo 1 Mabhaso ofi\l.lt1\j' nCillilTli .... trntioll, La!.t 1..011 - Al Il ITlN'!llI[! pJ\.tn ~ t . at till' ~nd nnd :frd t)elo~(~r IO~!'I.on kona ),okul1 intomhllZI Ul Ilo l' don \\011111 foI ( · ttli~ tilt' C'()I\IIOVt'r...,\ ;lflf-rnoon, :!~'Ih . \IIJ..:ll 11 3. \"0, n'nlr thl - (Ct'" "dill(' IO,ti. ano will ~Io!l... n'ry ~ ~ h! l1\h\l\lHt . n l\ l'hamhil Clnr the ~n.ti\"t' nlTt'lLtioll ground. tllf" Bantu \ll'n '" ~(.H' · I , d. l·sililUpl(.ni Il ILmcfl A.,"{)f" In.tlon "a~ :?Xlh ~('plf'mhtr. Mr. L ti l' f)~l ingadc iz,\ k \1 m cs i ~ i t:) hn~ bl'cn lultillC'd an() Hu~by i"1' (!WU L :\ U;OV1:\IR\S )loI1Yollo. :Jf).l Mradu Ht ,\\ jzom ~ 17. 1\ kuhantwanlL mUil, knug('ko i-l\\ill,l( nlt{'r u IUlhl' ul fOfllH ·d and 111f' Inll fl wln~ ofti (; f'r. GOMHL.A Wl' 1:-( ,f'll1 C" l-l ihC' n(' ~ i nou in lull Bcaconsfie'Id G~~,«II hclungu a.b(', . "cre ,·II'{' tf 'r! III (·"IIIt'nt. ~lr. :--i , P()IIl~t Lo('atlon. tlo mboni s() nal,llilNli two S ca~OI1 "1. \\ill &rL"lWer .. ' un- N rq)r(''' (> n~ ! ~tl\( ' Qunll",u dIn rroan, )lr P C:wt'iE' bNI(>l: • • izul\llnh run.turuha ntJiI .; n, kodwa A .strong n~ld \1 J I'D '"k J' l'nqumc"l.d Thr • t I 'I I' ~I \"1I'C' cI r" ,. . .1<; 'omo. ('hampiotL.oothip will be- pia tt ('"('. \\ I . I .1 r t . - lalrman,. Ktq,I,\o.;l' Xnmaqllala nd kuti\\f\. yaha. Il('m umel('io. !\jt· n,::;toko camilli Versu.tile'i' golf COUTOf'. ye On tilt· n'i chnlrman, and. l\lr MI 'fTl'tary, .\11' S. ~ . •\1 u~ nla apt\ czilahni. izinto Huhl1s~!,n. (;olf L"'I improving at Kimb I o.s s("TdM)" nrc I~rm ant ~('(' rt'tary .l\Jr P '\ . 'y ok o mi ~ a ok" c~ n.b e kayo . 7.onke 7ang!na ngulu nt"n"1 I1 , kwn .\.:\1 ('It)'wa have re-t k erf')' ngenxn 01. tlw trpa.s\l~{'r , :\Ir . .J. D. (:uhn II Thc' Two old ~olff'r1J izifo e/.i IIlg a ~o ll-rd 01 mnnngt'n1rnt Cn to- Abantu nabdullg u se bl' nge-nwe aka zigale-Iekil(' izi mtall1t1.ndla W('I'(' elt.'('t{'fl , till' rta.m". n am. I va ThC' ('omIDltt('{' fol1~wln~ patmoo.; !"", .. , P B l'OAt' nt'lo lelo· . 11.... ' I ( "I' I'('('reallon grouod h ' .• cl.ibangwa indhla la nn 111ll0nganu I I 'I I" II' C' B I t (·u 1l{'C'eptaJl('e :\lr lI.(otlb.tlh",I,· and P J ok' ze7.1: lnnu. Samp~ )(-'rR R.n' - ('sootrs -I n , {'II R\I )JI·(·t to • . ,on en. "hI') Lomi ~ (> lonk(' k\\azc k\\ayo- · '1 ".,. ", '1 mew \\' '1 j' \n I' I' 1'1 '11' 11 zwe. I , CI )It) .' nll' :\la . J ~l k' II' \1 (.' u 'h II tp~, r"contly' plaued a fine.n '. wo Imo wo u IwnO ... C I , • ,-... . ous to, - l ' ""1\-11. ,ay.. <. < J ",meagaln~t ... finyelela I.' BC'Chuano land. K uth, a '1 b t k Q b q 10' Z\\l,. • ("' II \\' l\l (' h B II I' and 0 0 O) : J J til II . H H fL pn,. ~,Lr ~ P. P. Mampie and P. Monyoho imizi y ahantu u)' urg,tmnn}lya"A . . am elll , . '0\ 0, . . t· ,rR nlll t'n( nezilllfenese1.ingt' ne-lo. Mnu Roberts, l1mpati walm Iimi RJ(:hard (. werE' beaten 2 up and I in IS holb! 'JJIY'" L,J· .N . BU~l·)k':~ . ,!~ S. .\1zazo, \\cl1b~lo\{'d , and '\Ir zifuna uk udhla.. bak\\a. Qoboqobo; MUll \\~il1ow8 we 'fl I' til G If CI <'Om ' B. UJIZP. . ,--...... "tvong . Balo\ I IC ert'a e 0 ub I (1 '1 '[ b un ikne- Ie W J I 1 :\1 ?II ' K lob' . . will be played on tbp 1 - • • • nit Hln)'e. II nu 1t.) urg c: 0 t . It ~\ ' n!i (hoclderl to .hnld the.firl'lt petition ku Mnu. 8amp'iOn ubu maka \"ule a~e u. aJl( September entrieR.3'.. 8th u h. opdetsbcni \\ no.;(" I'epresent. nwel~n,g of tbe' ~X("( ' utl, \t" C'ommlttf'(.' Limlnhlik umbonGio ote 'H'IUI\ inl('lo cmfu- The follo'\lI1g bodle~ lue ie-al:} lokllba. kwa.ti mhla on ~l\tul'(lay ,Jrfi ~('ptemb('r to 'fekwini tshane :yokuvula enomdln. nt.'fundi- TNI on tlllu,,". ('om lI(l:tt Pt:' !!~mkPo In abnmblop e- ngo May ycna , '0~11>? ,rl(' ·(·t r('('l'h (' final nffiJi[ltrnn.~ nnd reo woketo sayo kwaha nolanga'll.ielo Iwe T(,I~nI!oI '" mon on Raturday AIter­ ut!': hwala bnsc l\Inb;beni .t\o.tlve RlIg~,y gi"1tration~ and to ('undurt the dra.\, Johannesburg, \\a."ula mfundo. e~iti ngu mhoni ... o kuwo. ~n~on, Ji,ast Lond(!~l her 3, at 3: O'clock. kokuba waye sl'yaliwe ukuba A"!'locm . for til(' fir"t tournnment. noon, ~f"ptem p~zu qala 10 apa c7:ilalini tt' ilion, ami th(· \ Igllant'{, fee and regis_ ~ wo. ngnlolo~ ukn . Affiliatio n fe-elj are the ~ hilJings with Club affiliation bWlgaZf" bnda.."i Ion rees of aU pla.y('1"!i who wi~h Iimlahlile akahlauli. No.ti\-e Hugby (.1s .J per club. but n (·Iuu rna\" tration J enter as many teo.m~ of four (.i) to tal(c part in I\\\angwa. kuthH so ky,€"Zindidi z:\ba. gqato.;l. - Pnion ' ~ first league fixtures at that ba IlS it \d.,IJl'"'I on the !Onm(' \, hich "ill be organi~('d ada} io.;e n((ot ~Jtwaln. ngo':'t uku loktto. , ika7i, no· been played to the end of the fiNt pl:\)"er, lTgcino lwendhlu kumnko .'h plnyer mUNt 1)(' time. and I\-'l only h\o round!i art.> affiliation E,t( • • Iwamasimiuilmo. B('mi ngoluhlobo round informa.tion ('on~lIlt • intl'rE'St in registc'red at "ix pem'(' (Ud .) pN :For rurther lase' kumakoRikazi. Ibn..'io lokuqnln ngu pln;wd ('ncb 'ieO'ion, or the lolJo\l,;ng Baligqunl(' tj('ll' i Knladi at the player for f'[wh tourWuUcll.l fot' any of the officerli, latengll Estht.>r ~fagodla , l'Ie"ibini Lenn rugby ~ at its ll(li~ht affiiliations from Mgungunuhlo\"ll ngokuha run or whid. thc.'y enter who may rcC'ei\""e eit'!oIitntu t. Gin d)"N moment, Un the- gl'uernl ug01ogo ng(ogama okungelona. r1alo Njikelana on tlt(" \\·it- Club:) at any time before :.In!. the play NO fur the dub" An.' on Dra.llght.-I pla..'ers futi lll'keJi elo.manga..· i\lakuha.lo. their September -ka.nli the <:nnlC ll'vel of piny The watt.>rllrand are urged ta form isitupn. :sc·zlIlyanga ngala\\o much their The addre~" of the !':e<'Tetarr bope Independent 1. (' l' R F duo ('Iuh ... at (Inn anrl appoint ' . , Kwelama ~ ~i ~1?J.."qnln ngu h . dJ t . I lna,C'ebo 0.10 wonderf'll ~tr"I"' ,,,, this t t· t l' e'ecut l\ e an r('asurer re1ipeelt\'e y ar£' K Pamln, elesl hlnl E. Mnl...ubalo, h"O made ~ "- reprC'"en a. IY(' 011 ."" I . f q , Secretary, P O. • • ,"a'on 8 0 a ". tu· ). of Il,e apl,el,·'.,1 0 I he u""'o<:iai ion. lil' ~lr s . ~. i\lalga • (' Ie- sitn.tu D. Duka"he, ('h~ sine ~ . .. '..-., u u comnllttel· mel-ting or Box4'"\,('ro\\n~lincs.JohaDnesburg: Ba.);tintc etu~ileni abeluogl1 aba· 10J! todate sho"s. Th i s Club's should h('preo.;('nt at I hI' 80njica. lhe ~lr J. Gube\"u, Treasurer P O. me Ie abantu bao,;e Koloni e Palo.· L" " Soy· tlu.- E'h:uli\"e ('ommittl'e at Umbulelo omkulu ubh('kibwa Rkipper tlus S('OS()I1 mende nxa b('ti iruali yekanda H(),~e Bantu ~It.'n ' s HOclld Centre. Bo.\( .,)4 , Randfontein. ku l\lakosikazi ate atata olugqa.tso. )landaba. Though ~pring 6teli~"a. nbantu mayipele ngoba ===~~~~~ ingenba abantu· lento ilikaya. yinto appear . at tht" bott~m of\, hatth(' '~111lo~, I~~~~~====~~:~= Iyona kubnekuhmeka ka.loku icocekile , ke lonto ixo. tbere I!; no kno,nng n.ingi ejE"le. A Hike ama Bhltnu Uk . d k k ku makm,ikazi. Nali ke happen In th{' sN'ond round "hlch cmo. nger.inynwo ati ahelungu aha.· mekeke Augl1!-it, a'l uJa u a we endili yalezayo, kwa bangn 7.lIznnga C'ommenc('~ tOday, :!7tb nye yibonn. bandit>o. inkulumo kuba. hayi thL" club . hl\~ fl ~~t of to~~gh r,!:- NTLONZE abaxoshwa. imite-to ruabbaso: ze bangadani yokuti abantu yabo bayi beka. "ard~ a~l) I~'"(l by Sa~a\\n Pl~ISA baye· lungisile imizi ~'mibi emapandhleni, ongu"o eyonanto and no\\ re·lnforced II) th(' nrfl\al Ia.po batikc bahulawe emgangatweni lobheni nangapezu ' k webba~o. of t,he- "" , Bctraru ~imandl8. iodhlaJa, ibifuneka kurauzela kakubi ku roaku rindwe zi lhel'emal a, shn;d(> IIlllbu ... o WMe Xatn.1 ngcnxa y('sikolo kwenu, kuhn. aruadoc1a Esitambiso singamanzi esingumnyaDgi tn the . " three,, ' Wtt!~ .·!ienqabc uk\\amkela amadodaka7j caJa. 10 limo scyi bonakala into ~uI?e-rlor mangaliso sinamandla okungena pant.&i kof.I'" I Mango back III the .. centre ake akaele efundn. kuson&. ngesizatu nyenzayo. PIli si) e encamhini yesifo. sisebenze ngoko~lingor position, ami playing on top of hi" ~okl1ti sengDli lawo ma.ntombaZ<' sibulala. sihlasela impetu siblambe ubutl. Via, lohu Kaladi. o form tbi~ sen.."on , kauleza. IziJoDda, Am I- 8.:oIube igazi mateh('s, rauzela nrntlungu zidomba. ngoku As r(,ferees for bie; se Ntlooze, Uk-wek •• • • and n. ),1 lumba. l'kujaduka, bilo esibabayo • I\Jes"rM .T. R l\lngqikana. la kupele ! I bitshanguba, njalonjalo, kuyome Kwelfl.l'c Japan(' u petrol us ute- Dyani haye- caught thE" e-ye- , and lu\'uzayo, Izilo zofele c7irauzelayo zinenkani esekungeko ngwn nF':czilingani"o ez.inq uny" e u U-Mhlekazi Polo their handling of, and tight zipeliswa ngoku kauleza nge D,~.D. . HuhlmelU \\itkona. ngenxa. yokuba. matches should he an object nyangayo Ukunyangwn k"ako ku."aku vakala. ngoku lSebeDZl8a " ~trol udingeka kakulu empini le-lson to otbe-r rdC'n.>el', e"pe('ially kunganinn ungaqali ngayo ngoku1 K wakona Ule yabo nabn..o..,e China. Indhlala. ka Uyabulela the younger mrn. qala, D .D.D. S('Iap. e."f'nzelwe ngoku balulekileyo kwabo petrol i .. i\"u"c ukuhamba. kakulu The First. League log to date- nge ntloDze. ... 110 njenl£a."e- Tek \\ i ni n.jeya. lalekayo izifo ze llgam a.Ji r(,f\.d~: ..blDdllI.tdll.hJI. 'UIliI~w ..\·e. " IU k-w nte Obunloll:lblilonYlI.owlI.t • • -~l.HLEKAZI \ "innr Potu. i,. II . R I" P \r 1... . 1).[::" 0 • '.( . 4- .) /I ;1' SCRI nj(' hat i lLUHl. Jalimanc U Nko..'ti c .Kkulu \iltUlt Mpondo H\\a O\~"T·' · "Hayala. -I- I U .) PRE aseNvandeni,ubhaln·c,itJ Mhl('li, - _ TB'I' rokbuL~ mh"(1 3wahlClmilc ati mhlola manje kuti. ae' 'on ~ I I " 4 ' d ' . . I k I I (I I :1 :J wa arlhlulH. woke izizwc 7.omhlaha Needaun tpeL'n~u)a ' \\(" fl pepaako1 I JCl' 4 UKURAUZELA 4 II 2 ., ., PELISA nj,CezlkaJi 7em pi ."n.."emoy('ni Kuloko ukupe lencwad, kllio. ,"' . . R kuhloma okllngako abamhisenc .. ======::::~ Ndinq weneta ukuhulelama.lungu wena ngC'· elI,,;S~p:r =' ~n~g";,~o=;",======,,,;=== nnnlf~ Ktali\"l\l\e okudhona hanga ~ senzo :;;ako ote.xa tina ('ollnC'il he­ lit: 11 tio WQ a. i;akelcnr I;a\\o. Nativc Repre!'lentlltivc • • siccle ijX'pa lako ukuba lipapasbe ~\ • i!o>llZiso edirualungn nt'hambu yctu, l';:i.!t iJ(' lJg u !'o lllJungu sas t!sa \\ati wen a- nge... i~ll e .. ikuln wa ,:uma -- IIlkufl/'i yc"idumo {' (:oli ku~ihlwa ukw('ll'l:n eso ~ a-'Zi.... o ngap:\lldle k\\ ('­ Owoyisileyo' ngo ~f~ ( lil J(> lo oliblule. t;a.ngena ntlauJo. Obobuhcl(' ha ko buliho­ "-ala C!oIitf 10 " ;\.I1In.\\ ashi lap.\. eti uya, nise lonke ihzwe "kuhn imicimbi qede IIJt' I,miniui "itolo !' ange- na ya-bantll abnnt"llndu 'pepn lako tla.'\i a la ~ 1I" (' f'ili makapa.kamise iu,,· liyitanda li,)-ikutalelc- ngl'nyaniso. I1(U,1. kel'll. \\a,.. uke wahlckl\ e-ti Egameni lama lungu e Xatin' uyantf'la kanti ublekela,. ukufa. Representati\"c)' en u n c i I fi-" (' Waqn.buk8. ngc)ha ez w a siti Tra.nskei ndiyahuleill. . .. ~n~idhJalj, n:\a ungazipakami.·,i ubu· 17oc,n d hla ruanje ngoJ .. w nhlam \u I ' 1.apo­ .iJo;il.ll- ngokuba. komt' lana. WaH WI\7 Sixcldwa ngu ~[nll . P. Molete lapo ","apuma , . n. hlal*, lImkM i . (ll Nobhala jikelele) t!.kuhn. ngomhla . wa."lho ngt-"ju lu\nc uIDntanomlungu we 4 September kuyakubnko intlu­ liam o~h,\ bl\l.l' Lambamba kod'\3 nganiso esidlnngnlala pantsi kwe-. 'olo • ,t;f' k ,· "ahiU lung ulull\ ngt'\'olo\ mpembezelo zcqunu'u lokunlselela. Etandwa Ngumzi I ' Ilia !tllga t ~ ha-"all g a. muntn ums('benzi we Tra.n:waal Afrit'an Congr~s. k\\ i H olo Y(' Lokishi yn-o;e Wonke --o~- Brakpan ngo 2 p.m . [zithethi iyn· kuhn ngaba KUlllz. ;H . Romtunzi, luMatshisi Ka Ezase Kapa Nakwa N. Nkadimeng, ZUIlIIl no P Molete kl1nye naman)e I\.mnlungu e ('on­ wonkewonke Langa gress

(Zi~"I. Iul'Cp" /.5) 1T1;;SJ EHKUlU ; Im.Utl ~i in9J.· I ~lnl1 Bal'lsi(' "a"e !-it . Columbus :- 1 ~Ir an ~ t n ~n , rnn 'fblo rn ) ~a 80 _.n,. nD p e ! ~ IJ ne £~l IS 6. J Ilor IJ lf'twe 1ljJ;1I .Mno Sit Bapumt" ('0\\0. hwang(' IHl inko­ 'hllitl M ~el,! nil. Ing-onm (>zitC' zaba l a8e l . ~ Kute nge .n'SI U:Cm.t.NE lin lpetn c ng-u "Sawo .ng.b. 60 ok l ng. "~)"lpellflu JIS H \"(·hl· int llokl."lt··· inik\ll\ yi n7.oo ezukile-yo ngu 1\llu. H. G. St . t ')priJtn'l-! .J utuor 1\(' " Afrika S &\·oge encediswa w£' Order Mall;\n'· y i tli ~ lll' r Sl'nioT, yay e Ngxll\\l},IHL (u 1\I0ngl\lUeli kwt" sicllo 8e "\-'(' M( ,T hurli.o.., t Hlg ht·r i ~it i o f Ethiopia). }~lUvn ,h:I" lIl ih" l'mgciniRihtalo i ngl.1 l\~o H i hwangenl\ 11111(1\\'(' olll~inga k\\i bhot\\I' IC' nt"anll o . GllOIU\\ a . ======:===:::======: nhntc oalnnd(OIa. ,...... ~ \"olh., fo r .. ".,.!, I knzi" P:,ktlli kw l' ko Ill· Dl' puty .M&Jor, 110 11, II! '1'"/\ u.~ ~oud I, old, 1111udwc l~ lIb 'I '. , 1, r for t\'",.::11 \I \full \V.Brinhln. l B"\\(l~a, ,age ... II f.III' ." (>\1'" "ul·' "n lal(,. lIu y i ~t )r;-\ r,\"'a '" I r • .. ll 1I!i~' d HtE" igama EmT"l'u.i !.;.\\l·J1tl'to (.. bt\llzi 1 ... , I h I I.. IIlId"llIloolI, :::idlOOI. r 1., (julte .n1n· '1'.' "It "tl' 11111 ngom boltt.· "t> ~iZ \\l'. .J' I \\ ouJII ( , 1(·11 t Prpl>t' rtui.nt Curt' Ii u \" ah\"(· UMTlCTELI IVA DANTU, JOHAl'lNI>:8BURO, AUGUST 27, 1938. I~ -

for the buJ1cLing of lh(' A ~r K Cape Penisula Churoh at Langa. Th(' tld"n~H for Parys Pretoria Swaziland Trader tho altcrnooJ\ toln.lled i: I i · I U·O Found Stabbed Mrs. Vera Woodliffe Mr. Jdfery Albert Welcomell Bloemfontein Choir Hostel for Visiting New Provincial THE police- w('rro infol'llu'rI I jJ.~ b Monday thn.t Ih(> body of !to Lay Foundation Stone :'Ilr. ,J ,\Iberl, rirrllit ~ t('wnrd Coming Soon Africans at New of t he Order of EthiopUl presided trader carryin~ on hUi04ilw"" at /)t4'1':1 yillage, in '~n.M p rn ~\\nzillllld, b u.l BOl '1' IlYe hundred pe-oplc over a. ui~ gl\thering in Rt. ('yprian'~ (HY SOM U~; PLl·.Mt;) Location A been found in hiM room "ilh thr.·(, Africl1.lI". (,olourc(l~ and Euro­ ~ribSiol\ School room tilC' same flfier· ou 11(ls. pl'ans att('ndNI tht' n('\\ building noon on I he (K't.'n'ljtln of II. T('{'(lption A ('OLOl~R~~D H{'hool lin"! been opened here', and lhe ('olonred THE Nt\tive and Atliatic i\.( lmini!'4- EMf'trn Swaziln.nll pnJit 'e, with "orks of till' Ethiopian Church in III honour of Rew . l: H ~1!h\\t\.lla . r{' ~ ident~ thank Rev, :'I(r tration eo mmitt~ of. t~lO city I dog:i, arc' on till' "ay fo sl ... ~i tn ( 'hurch ~trel't, _\!thone.II\:'1 t Sun· ne\\ Iy ('ll'Cted pnn mciu.1 of that Lit·herbl'rg, of thl' U. R. C' ., for conllcll ha'i accepted m prinCiple th(" inv("fltigat(.. . tiny n.ftt'l'rlOOn \\ hl' n )lr~ . \t~ra uody til' wa~ ~Iu.d. he ;luiti, to be RtrC'Il\IOWi wor1( for til(' Rt·hool. propo~!\1 to crt'ctD hostel for vi~iting \\' ~lodhtf.. " n European lady, of prh'il<'g('d to \\"(''''OI1H.' I~ minister The 10{'ld Bantu United f-khool AfricalH~ . and til(' (Oity Enginoer anti o \ ·j(' torin. Rond,' 1'0\\ n, laid 0. and l1. IH'\\ pr(H'incil\l uf tht> chllrch manag('r of the Native and Asiatic under lhe prindpal~hip of i\1r .1 C' 1f sclfiAhnE'~i ha"l given plf\f:e In ll\luhle foundation tottonI.'. She was H(-' hoped that tile beglllTlin~~ adrnini~tmtion department are Mekutt', i~ leavin.!!; no Rtone unturn· kindne:t .~. we "hall regtlrd our aC'('ompanie section) Re\' J , ~ N conferencp on ht. 2nd and 3rd ~yamela. )Lr. and ~lN . Taku. 1'1r restaurant tea. room. ~abe , pf\"tor in charge of the rape The Pre~idl"nt of the AfricA.n ex· October, is an elaborate one, severa.l .a,tid )lrs. Clertv , Mr. and Such an Hostel would supply a­ Tow11 brandl, 8ml )lrs. Sabe were • (,T\~icem('n'~ vagll(,. Mr B people been invited to rea,1 )Ir:ol . Dike. )Ir a.nd )tN, )laUhew Sl, long-felt want among Africans It 0.1"0 pre-lent. Arter preliminary N('wana. i"l leaving shortly for the paper'J on topic'! of interest. H e i" .and )lrSl. Lad\' President Clara Li a welcome sugggcstion. remarl..,:;, the chairma.·l n-l1llouoced Orangf> Free Rtl\tp. the Trn.n~vaal contempla.ting a.n interview with ~pawn and )lrs. Ellen Mathews, the deciHion of E\'angeli~l A. and Natal, to hold re~ional Con­ Bantu Methodist ChUl'cb the new )linister of Native Affair". )Lr. and i\1N. Kekana and Mri;. Le Gweleta to join the church f('['('nce"l of ex-Servicemt'n's LealZ:ue wag The C<>nference will be held at tbe }-'ula, )1.r and ;\Ir~. Laurence and The Bantu Methodist Church The Rev. J . \'~ . 8abe closed to cli-l('u'1,<1 a propo·m.1 for rai'!in~ Orient Palace, 14-4 Boom /)treet, many othe~. A ~pecia l contribu­ crowded on Sunday 21st August the proceedings with a big open­ £10.000 hUNan', in memory of Pretorin-. tion in v. hich Europeans present Rev. ']' 1\1. Ra-mu'3hu president of air meeting around the main Africanq who made th(' stlpr("me A Meeting of th(' ).Iendi Cricket 100k nO mean pout brought .t:11-2-10 the church, preached in the morning, avenues of the township, ending up sfl,{'rifice in the grefl.t World \Vllr. team will take pla.ce in the Dougal to the building fund. and admini~wred the Holy Com· at Main Barracks wbere he attract· The pn:-~ident i.q confident that ex­ munion in the afternoon, assisted Hall Library on Saturday, 3rd ed a crowd of African!). It was Sf>rvicem('n in the four provinc~ hy th€ local pMtor, Rev. J. M. September. irs F. H. Cow conducts Cburcb \\;11 support thp propoa.r her and )IN. . rccpntly g:ot married, a Xative .\d,·isory Board. wa,;; Char"e of the theological depart. . acco~ted t new PO"It there. During bel' short )Iargaret Lonw, 'lr ~ )ltallHi, ~Lr '" pn.rt~· at the re.. irlcnce of theIr hy he police at Bantule Station willie \\a.ltlllg to catch hl$ st.ay In Prf't.oria., slw hM enrlea.retl ::\'onyana and hi -l wif~, 'Ir~ ment at \\,ilb l~rforceCollege. g\~aton, nephew. 'lr R. C:;, of J at'kf'I',, ­ train to Bon Accord on Sunday her!ielf to t\.l1 ~ectiom of the Ba.ntu, }'ran~cina Ramakl\bo. anrl many Trn.nsnl.aJ Bi~hoJl Wright who had vlei, Cn.pp 1'm\ n, A mnnQ<;t t hn'!e­ Coloured and I ndian COOlin unitici «)tiwr ... TIll' ). 'fr a.n rl 'frs. charged without any evidence for Will check the hacking cough st'n-ice,.; will b(' appreci:lhle. Lusu )[r. ~tqhizl\, 'Ii",,! \hhi'l Qoza the defence bein~ Il·d. )Ir, (' B. )[holf'kw:l \U'J in. you've got. )(r" Xalwndlini. '[r. n, R 'lht'n~'Il, This ('[LSl''it'd great excitement .Johanne~hurg f1uring the weekemL Mr 1) Wm Nkomo. amongst the lo('a.llon illhabitant'1" A soothing sense of ease and rest , Will thw pervade both throat and chest. To reinforce the first you take, Sip one at midnight if you wake- The dose, of course, to that assure PEGASUS Is always Woods' Great Peppennint Cure. lWooiIs' Great Peppermint Cure, For Child.r

Beautiful acre lots. Water plentiful. Your Pelrol e sebelsang Ie Isoelln last chance to get cheap ground. Apply to: pele e .cha ea 21 23, MOBILOIL HIGH COURT BUILDINGS, c/o FOX & JOUBERT STS., JOHANNES BURG.


'1 the COUNTRY UNION'S ...• "" NEWS: I FADING AIIO AFRICAN ," ,, WOMEN', NEWSPAPER. , , • •• ••• SECTIOII WIDEST ••, •, - CIIICUu.nON "-". sune'lnloa: POUTICALLY 11/... ,_ IND£I'ENDENT. 7/' ..... "" The Mouthpiece - of the African People 4/. 1Ioartooit.


South African Bantu Rugby Tournment VALET ----- East London Cricket in The Bafet)' Razor Why It Failed At The self~sttopping ufety razor whkb give. weeks Swallows Rugby Eastern Province of perfect shavea from every blade Football Club Silver Port Elizabeth (BY ('. \ h':l'LATl , PORT BLIZ.\BET1I) LAS'J' year a tournament "as Jubilee Rtngcd at Cape Town and " Spectator " Gives His Views unfortunateh' the Eastern l:>ro"ince failed to a;l\il them<.;el\"es of it ]~ J912 Rugby football wa.'i firlSt RITINC 10 the Editor h Spectator " sa)"s: 1 ha,cbeen \'tailing for a fuJI becausC' the Ea'"lteTO Pro\;nee introduced to Mricans of the official report of tbe Port Elizabeth Tourney from the tournament ('ricket Board was in my opinion, fig hting l)ort. The beginning was W secretafl, I hlne not ... een it. slow in raising fund ... modest, for only one club was I must point out tbat it appeared that the Eas tern Pro,inee. as 3 Our ('rir k£'t lack ... support A.nd the l"ltarted, the famous 8v. allows Rugby centre, had made no necessafJ arrangements for the other centres, let working Board i ... ~ I ow in arranging rootball Club commonl,- known as alone spectators. A tournament committee was elected to arrange for the tbing:-;. 1 tbink that onc reason of Valet uilt8b~ttlIJ6 t'sioqalHltyo ftlizi­ tb(''' Blue"." To·da,- East London coming centres, and let me say boldly that if it ever arranged anything, this lack of crirket pro!2:re '>."l in the lo layo E'eisebeoz8. kakuhle okwtqela l~ a.bJe- to boast of 11 properly ;1 failed hopelessly tbough it gan a lame excuse, that it nenr met to make Eastern Province is that the Board leveki ogeDcbakuba eyodwa. cl)llstitutoo clubs "itb a. total prf!paratioDs. is compo ... ed of \~eteran.. ('aptalll, .J \Y. Kampi , £54 53!. qeloa bog? A khuUUoa Jour?" follo\\~ donated. \ i~ ' e.captnin. !\J. Nomngqokwfl,lla; functions resulted as .... th July. £6 14 0; 6th Jul)', £ 1 , 6: 9tb I think it a,(hi..,a.hle for the board .. e -retarS (~ , Gaqa.. to return and .. unite "jth the P E. MaUa base likhoka Banna ba ot.lieng <';wallo,\ '! hrr-t nnd "'('cond teams £6 3 3; making a grand total of ba alba hoba Ie malla haho!o, B;1Oo .... £6810 I !.! Hughy Cnion,_c\'en temporari y ba baholo bangala ba botsoa b.J ,- , CUj'r a hi¥h po:-; ition in the loca.l talirneha ba fok ola Rughy 10,11; and :-;tand a chall{'e of Expenditure: Thc hire of the --0'-- inning HUlle of the' Trophies. Coloured ground \\ as £1 ) 0: Jazz MaUa ke ntho e khannaag, e 5U5ume· let.•••• ,nli:; bo sebetse:ng. ke pltso f': band throughout the Tourney, Reef ol ·"l11~ {'ommittt'(.' The blt."iln~ matl3- ohle a bopbelo. Kt o £4 10 , hire of hall ~, £ij 0 (j : huses to of the Tram';YiuLI African ('Ollgl"(,~ .. . bophelo. Ha u tsoara mobala Dol. 'II" l' J) l"dtllW, of K£'n ... ingtoTl. convey pla'yer~ £,j 18 1 water:1-. ,.. ill bo ld a meet 109 in the location 'mane (electric) 0 t1a ° bolaea. Empa. ha u tima mat13 a OODa eba mobal. .1 ,hamH·.. !tllrg:. left on Thufs:day Total £17 II 7. hall, Brakpan next ~l1nda'y (4th 00 ba ona mosebelS'l, 1 -l \\E'I·i,. 1M ;\lanzana. EngC'obo, oiJ Foodstuffs: 'Butchery £4, 1 ~) . September) at 2 p.1I1. Among .. t ~ t " 0 IIlOHt h,,' holicla,L grocery £18 17 .... , n'getable~ 1:2 7 b, the speakers will be l\l e~~f:; . ~r Ilire of crockery, £1 10 . helperR. £3: ~omtunzi (,Johanne'lburg). N lights 15/-; car at the di .... Jlo~al of :\'kadimeng (Johannesburg). Zuma official;; £11 1O hin: of Xcw ((;enniston) a.nd P :'\{ ol(,te (Bok,., WOlHUTER MOTOR & CYCLE Brighton O,"al. £;j hirE' of car for n burg) WORKS Border phwer to ho. ... pital ;) -. further bu<; n c., £i I 9. 31aking a total of ------, 154A Marshall Street, £(')6 13 4- out of an income of \iir~la f' t"l6a ruOnD~ , Ha.. ba ana Ie uutlJ Batbo ba matia ba.sah kapa HI36, totAl tal-. in ~ werE' .lIIH odd. 11l"" lo.a l a bo f1 _.1 Unlho 0 tlJ ba Ie bo La tua banna. ba tsoanebe bo tbusa. Methal: Johannesburg. £6S 10 I i, 1<.-aV1.112" the four ('entre~ b"'Dtl ~ k.l 110 fe ll "a. k3po'"l .. , If' ho kbolb')'l", bo weI'£, bolo. ra ' ru ~k o.t tJaUe ea ' mete ea bona ka bo sebelisa Vin- Pa01"tllET OIt . 0 A . LEBDRU. The matches pla..Yt"d on Cood ha.. b", Muh.l l>O hu e a to share £ 1 IH !)} . \\'hat n ~hame! .l E {epa melbapo ka mali. Ka nuo :­ li'ridav Raturdav a.nd Ea.<-.ter nu,Ua a bopbdo ~I so an !j: .... Y,r;)la Tbe,se (·entre... IH\\'e spent mone.,­ • • • ea matsat.;i a leshome bo !Cheba b a­ :Honda." onl,.. at the Korsten O,·al,pa!t t$f' bf'J";WC b.lbolo u,.lI Balbo ba baUo eona ho t1a Ikulluahatsa ka 0 con ,'eyinJ!: t heir player.. {(I Port b ~bl:bs.ll Vuala hob.lOf' La t,.."" waLIa iI ~ . \\""h y ;\'(18 there no mateh at t hI.' lub _ J. fI1. Dtppa. " O (umantsoa matla a m:r.cbil . Elizabeth wlth n. hopp of gl·tting a Ko;stell (h·td I Real gros..... inju ... tiee _ ",b,. Football Uwoo .;ok bolelana: Ita VIUb. Vu-aU e tellisoa hohle u 1/9 {20 PU: share of the profits, and 1lt'1'(:, tbey THE VI RATA PILLS CO .• t.o the Rugby hupporte'·s who hal""t." Ie 3/3 (40 pills) k.a O. P .O. 80K 742. upbuthel have a paltry £1. I1.t tsebla Reka botlolo bona kaltao the wclfal"f' of Port Elizabet h CAPE TO\\'S. rro pro\-e that meal" were in··;nffi ­ heart. finally it wa~ a pity to ~('(' Ikl!, ciellt Griquns spent £1 J 7 ti for k~ 'umuf' bOR Viuta ke OICH"ii.lU 0 Olalla the centres leaving without luwing n ka <) ~Ie RwI,. 3lOHY h;>II"lo. 0 elS3. bore mdbapo lule mE'al". and the- S.A B.H B. rc.fllsed ha.d the £.~. guarantee to share. as a:wtJa , Kf' ikutJua kr tle t..e bopbeLo. Kf'le:noha Rll dl. 3' O.H.V '" bore V,rillil k.e UIOlI).lItiafaUl e.a lokd~D' banDa 0" ''''Irlme 21 S Y £11 to rE'fund thk> money the income wa..s snallowed by th(' ba nl.lDC bo lui... ba If' matJa b;a loket.e leba 2ISY. '" d .. _bf'l:M o fe 0 boUlia. R\liby ke pip.UI us, "'-e 1H1\'C it in ollr recor(l~ that at expenses. Aftl"r all s..' and done flI ke e u.eW,D' bantlf', ' me k.. detH bbapalf Slin 2tO"Y, '"£1. Port Elizabeth b('1.fS the brunt nnd t..oble bore If tebf'LiIe \ If"at;a bobane e I .. ~ OQ ,lUS 3' Twj n the EiH~tern Prodnce inter·to\\ n Pl-etbpo Ita maU.. not the tourney ('ommitte-t'. \\,h~~ J. M. DIPP,-\.. 8.S ' 2i U . tourna ment. l\ her(' Border. l\Ud­ Pustll,.. ,. '" should p , E .. a famott .. RlIgh~ l'('ntre PAIHit ER '. 0 H,Y '£15" land". Alball), King'\ illi.uu ... tol\ n S."'. RUeBY f OOTBALL BOARD ent"I'} h 91. 21 S , '" anll Pl rt l ~li7.a l)(-, th pnrtid j);tted in only yield il)~ 1 P r inh d &: r u LI it- iJ(d ly tile PJO pr i~ tors Nati\C' Prlllti"g & rubJi:.bil'g Co., Ltd" 46, Enu Street, J obanlll·sburg.