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Journal of Threatened Taxa Building evidence for conservaton globally ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) Short Communication

Parasite commonality at Swamp (Mammalia: Artiodactyla: Cervidae: duvaucelii duvaucelii) and livestock interface

Animesh Talukdar, Bivash Pandav & Parag Nigam

26 February 2020 | Vol. 12 | No. 3 | Pages: 15364–15369 DOI: 10.11609/jot.4812.12.3.15364-15369

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Threatened Taxa Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2020 | 12(3): 15364–15369 ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) PLATINUM OPEN ACCESS DOI: htps://

#4812 | Received 09 January 2019 | Final received 27 January 2020 | Finally accepted 02 February 2020

S h o r Parasite commonality at Swamp Deer (Mammalia: Artodactyla: t C Cervidae: Rucervus duvaucelii duvaucelii) and livestock interface o m Animesh Talukdar 1 , Bivash Pandav 2 & Parag Nigam 3 m u n 1,2,3 Wildlife Institute of India, Post Box #18, Chandrabani, Dehradun, 248001, India. i 1 [email protected], 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected] (corresponding author) c a t i o Abstract: Interactons between wildlife and livestock have increased background n over tme with increased anthropogenic pressure on limited available Interactons between livestock and wildlife has natural habitats. These interactons have resulted in sharing of pathogens between the resultng in impactng the wild ’ increased in the recent past due to increased sharing ftness and reproducton and further infuencing their abundance and of natural habitats resultng from increased demand diversity. The spatal overlap between Swamp Deer and livestock was for agriculture, grazing, water, and a diverse array of studied at Jhilmil Jheel Conservaton Reserve (JJCR), Utarakhand and Kishanpur Wildlife Sanctuary (KWLS), Utar Pradesh in India, having anthropogenic actvites (Dobson & Foufopoulos 2001). diferent levels of interacton with livestock. The prevalence, load These negatve interactons result in competton for and commonality of gastro-intestnal parasites in the species was studied through coprological examinaton. Parasitc ova of Strongyle food, provide opportunity for pathogen sharing and may sp., Trichostrongylus sp., Fasciola sp., and Moniezia sp. Amphistomes result in species hybridizaton (Foufopoulos et al. 2002; were encountered in swamp deer and livestock from both the Laferty 2003). Around 77% of livestock pathogens sites. The parasitc species richness and prevalence however, varied between JJCR and KWLS. The study recorded signifcant diferences are mult-host with a majority afectng wild ungulates between the parasitc load in Swamp Deer with the eggs per gram of (Cleaveland et al. 2001). Parasitc infectons and diseases 487.5±46.30 at JJCR and 363.64±49.97 at KWLS at varying levels of in wildlife and at the livestock-wildlife interface have the livestock interactons. potental to hamper conservaton eforts by intensifying Keywords: Coprology, eggs per gram, helminth, Jhilmil Jheel the ranges of host species (Dobson & Hudson 1986). A Conservaton Reserve, Kishanpur Wildlife Sanctuary, wildlife. majority of these pathogens are opportunistc (Dobson & Foufopoulos 2001) with the ability to infect an unusually large number of host species. Though parasites rarely play a direct role in host extncton, they can signifcantly alter populatons in conjuncton with precipitatng factors like habitat loss, habitat degradaton, and climatc change (Purvis et al. 2000). There is mountng

Editor: Rajeshkumar G. Jani, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, India. Date of publicaton: 26 February 2020 (online & print)

Citaton: Talukdar, A., B. Pandav & P. Nigam (2020). Parasite commonality at Swamp Deer (Mammalia: Artodactyla: Cervidae: Rucervus duvaucelii duvaucelii) and livestock interface. Journal of Threatened Taxa 12(3): 15364–15369. htps://

Copyright: © Talukdar et al. 2020. Creatve Commons Atributon 4.0 Internatonal License. JoTT allows unrestricted use, reproducton, and distributon of this artcle in any medium by providing adequate credit to the author(s) and the source of publicaton.

Funding: Wildlife Insttute of India.

Competng interests: The authors declare no competng interests.

Acknowledgements: The authors are grateful to the Utarakhand and Utar Pradesh Forest Department for according necessary permission to carry out the study and to the feld ofcers of Jhilmil Jheel Conservaton Reserve and Kishanpur Wildlife Sanctuary for providing logistc support at respectve sites. The authors are grateful to the Director and Dean of Wildlife Insttute of India and Dr. S.A. Hussain for extending support in carrying out the study. The study was part of the Master’s dissertaton duly funded by the Wildlife Insttute of India. The authors acknowledge the support extended by Dr. A.B. Shrivastav and Dr. K.P. Singh from the School of Wildlife Forensic and Health, Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University , for providing laboratory facilites and helping in identfcaton and quantfcaton of parasitc ova. The authors thank Dr. Anupam Srivastav, WII for critcal comments while designing the study. The eforts of the feld Assistants and laboratory assistant namely Chamma, Shivpoojan, and Ashish are duly acknowledged.

15364 J TT Parasite commonality at Swamp Deer Talukdar et al.

© Animesh Talukdar Jheel area (JJ) of JJCR (Figure 1), and Jhadi Tal (JT) of KWLS (Figure 2) were selected where they had varying levels of interactons with livestock. JJ is considered as an area with high Swamp Deer-livestock interacton and more than 1,300 livestock have been reported to use JJCR on a daily basis (Tewari 2009). JT of KWLS on the other hand, is assumed to have minimal interacton between Swamp Deer and livestock as human setlement is present only in the northeastern side and the western side is bounded by the Kheri Branch canal of the Sharada canal system (Midha 2005). The populaton estmaton of Swamp Deer conducted by Tewari & Rawat (2013) and Midha & Mathur (2010) included 320 and 400 individuals at JJ and JT, respectvely. Image 1. Swamp Deer (Rucervus duvaucelii duvaucelii G. Cuvier, 1823) at Kishanpur Widllife Sanctuary. Early morning dung pellet samples were collected from restng areas of Swamp Deer afer they moved away for grazing at both the study sites. Simultaneously, random sampling was also performed to collect dung theoretcal and empirical evidence that parasites play an samples from livestock in both the study areas. important role in infuencing host populatons through The sample size was calculated according to Thrusfeld impacts on survival, reproducton, and trophic equilibria (1986) by considering 20% expected prevalence and 5% (Grenfell 1992). accepted error at 95% confdence interval using this Three subspecies of Swamp Deer, viz., Rucervus formula: N=1.962 *Pexp (1 - Pexp)/ d2; where, N=required duvaucelii duvaucelii distributed in northern India, R.d. sample; Pexp=expected prevalence; d=desired absolute branderii in Kanha Natonal Park in , and R.d. precision. A total of 246 individual dung piles of Swamp ranjitsinhi distributed in (Poudel 2007; Sankaran Deer were selected by simple random sampling method 1990) have been recorded. The Swamp Deer is one of whereas 20% of livestock populaton was sampled as the most of deer from the Indian suggested by Bogale et al. (2014). The inter-sample subcontnent as well as in the world, and is presently distance for Swamp Deer samples was maintained at found only in isolated localites in northern and central 50cm distance, to ensure unique individual samples India as well as in south-western (Qureshi et al. (Bogale et al. 2014). To determine the efectve 2004). The populaton status is between 3,500 and sample size for parasitc infecton/ disease, the species 5,100 animals among which several meta-populatons accumulaton curve (Cain 1938) was drawn by plotng are found in patches in protected areas and outside the number of parasites present against the number of where presence is not secure (Nandy et al. 2012). total samples collected for each study species at each The study focussed on Swamp Deer (Image. 1), a study area. Randomizaton for the collected data was representatve of specialized habitats and an important done on MS Excel followed by countng the number of species of the swamp. The species is under threat due parasite species present for each fve samples. to loss of habitats, , diseases etc. The habitat Before collecton, pellets were visually assessed preference and seasonal movement patern places the for consistency and appearance. Six to eight fresh species in close proximity to livestock that results in pellets weighing 20–30 g from each dung pile were sharing of pathogens and resultant disease. The species, collected in sample collecton vials and preserved in like other cervids, is vulnerable to infecton by gastro- 10% formaldehyde for further laboratory examinatons. intestnal parasites. Pellets were observed qualitatvely for consistency, color, odor, presence of mucous, blood, and parasite Methods segments and observatons made for each sample A rapid reconnaissance survey was carried out at were recorded. Coprological examinaton for parasitc Jhilmil Jheel Conservaton Reserve (JJCR) and Kishanpur ova and the load was carried out using qualitatve tests Wildlife Sanctuary (KWLS) to identfy the intensive study (employing foataton and sedimentaton techniques) are based on the presence of Swamp Deer and probable and quanttatve tests (employing modifed Mc master interacton with livestock. For the intensive study, Jhilmil technique to assess the eggs per gram (EPG) of dung) as

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2020 | 12(3): 15364–15369 15365 J TT Parasite commonality at Swamp Deer Talukdar et al.

Figure 1. Map showing the locaton of Jhilmil Jheel Conservaton Reserve in Utarakhand.

Figure 2. Map showing the locaton of Kishanpur Wildlife Sanctuary in Utar Pradesh

15366 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2020 | 12(3): 15364–15369 J TT Parasite commonality at Swamp Deer Talukdar et al. described by Soulsby (1982). Parasite egg identfcaton In JJ, the Strongyle group was the most prevalent was based on Soulsby (1982). The entre study period parasitc ova (67%) followed by Amphistomes (28%) and was for six months from December 2014 to May 2015. Fasciola (5%) for Swamp Deer and Amphistome were The prevalence of parasitc infecton was calculated the most prevalent at 91%, followed by Strongyle (6%) in the two populatons as the number of individuals and Trichostrongyle (1%), Moniezia (1%), Fasciola (1%) infected in the total individuals sampled in a given area in livestock. and calculated as In JT, Amphistome was the most prevalent at 45%, Prevalence percentage = (Number of positve followed by Strongyle (45%), Fasciola (5%), Moniezia sample (Individuals)/Number of samples tested) X 100 (5%) and Trichostrongyle (3%) in Swamp Deer whereas (Thrusfeld 1986). Strongyle was the most prevalent at 49%, followed by The species-wise parasitc prevalence in total Swamp Amphistome (41%), Moniezia (4%) and Fasciola (2%) in Deer and livestock populaton was derived as livestock. Species-wise parasitc prevalence = (Individuals The fndings of the present study varied from those infected with partcular parasite/Total positve sample) reported by Tiwari et al. (2009) who documented the X 100. prevalence percentage of Strongyle sp. to be maximum The parasitc load was estmated as eggs per gram at 98.71% followed by Amphistomes (88.65%), (EPG) of dung and the egg count for positve samples Strongyloides (32.21%), Trichuris sp. (18.55%), Moniezia were multplied with 200 for nematode and cestode, and expansa (11.85%), Coccidia (7.47%), and Moniezia by 50 for trematodes and later, average mean EPG was benedeni (4.63%) in Barasingha in Kanha reserve. calculated for each studied species at both study areas The load of diferent parasitc ova in the Swamp (Soulsby 1982; Shrivastav & Singh 2004). Signifcant Deer populaton at both sites revealed an overall mean diference between the average parasitc load of Swamp EPG of 487.5±46.30 at JJ and 363.64±49.97 at JT. There Deer in between the populaton of JJ and JT was tested was a signifcant diference in parasitc load between using Mann-Whitney U test by sofware SPSS (SPSS Inc. the two study sites (p<0.01, Mann–Whitney U test). Released 2009. PASW Statstcs for Windows, Version The mean EPG of dung for Strongyle sp. was 642.85 ± 18.0. Chicago: SPSS Inc). 33.10 and 544 ± 53.15 at JJ and JT, respectvely. Though Trichostrongylus sp. and Moniezia sp. were absent in JJ, Results and Discussion the EPG of 200 was recorded for both the species at JT. Of the total samples collected and screened for The overall mean EPG for Fasciola was 100 ± 28.86 and parasitc ova, the overall prevalence of parasitc ova in 50 at JJ and JT, respectvely, whereas the mean EPG for the Swamp Deer populaton at JJ and JT were 15.38% Amphistome was 109.09 ± 6.09 and 96.87 ± 5.53 at JJ and and 12.69%, respectvely, whereas the overall parasitc JT, respectvely. The higher values of EPG at JJ may be prevalence in livestock populaton at JJ and JT were atributed to higher livestock presence and interacton. 95.41 % and 60%, respectvely. The overall prevalence Although the Swamp Deer sampled in this study visibly rate observed in the study for Swamp Deer (15.28 in JJ appeared healthy, the high prevalence of some of the and 12.69 in JT) was less as compared to those reported studied pathogens may have signifcant consequences by Tiwari et al. (2009) (51.03%) for the study carried out for their populaton dynamics. at and Chakraborthy & Islam (1996) (21.85%) for the study in Kaziranga Natonal Park. These Conclusion may be atributed to sampling restricted to a shorter There have been only sporadic reports and reviews period (winter months) with environmental conditons of parasitc diseases in cervids and limited systematc that limit survival of parasites outside the host. studies have been carried out to establish the cause and Based on the laboratory analysis, the presence of spread of disease (Watve & Sukumar 1995; Dharmarajan nematode, trematodes, and cestodes was confrmed et al. 2003, 2004, 2005; Jog & Watve 2005). This study from Swamp Deer as well as livestock in both the areas provided an overview of the prevalent parasites in the and represented parasitc ova belonging to group wild and domestc animals at the wildlife-livestock Strongyle, Trichostrongyle, Moniezia, Fasciola, and interface limited to a grassland system. The parasitc Amphistome (Image 2). The commonality of genus infecton in swamp deer and their sympatric livestock of parasites observed in Swamp Deer also correlated appeared qualitatvely and quanttatvely parallel with the observatons made by Tiwari et al. (2009) who denotng the fact that the infecton is being maintained carried out a similar study in Kanha Tiger Reserve. in the environment through interacton between these

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2020 | 12(3): 15364–15369 15367 J TT Parasite commonality at Swamp Deer Talukdar et al.



Image 2. Helminth eggs under microscope. Parasitc ova encountered during the study: A—Fasciola (10X)| B—Amphistome (10X)|, C— Moniezia (40X) D—Trichostrongyle (40X) | E—Strongyle (40X).

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Threatened Taxa

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2020 | 12(3): 15364–15369 15369 PLATINUM The Journal of Threatened Taxa (JoTT) is dedicated to building evidence for conservaton globally by publishing peer-reviewed artcles online every month at a reasonably rapid rate at OPEN ACCESS All artcles published in JoTT are registered under Creatve Commons Atributon 4.0 Internatonal License unless otherwise mentoned. JoTT allows allows unrestricted use, reproducton, and distributon of artcles in any medium by providing adequate credit to the author(s) and the source of publicaton.

ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print)

February 2020 | Vol. 12 | No. 3 | Pages: 15279–15406 Date of Publicaton: 26 February 2020 (Online & Print) DOI: 10.11609/jot.2020.12.3.15279-15406

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Threatened Taxa