~~~~~~,;.~:=::c:;.,-::ll:=:::ll.;.~.---=m:::.:Il"'.::....-:m:.;:r=fl1 I1 BERGEN COUNTY ji New Jersey ~ I MARRIAG~ ~ECORDS l $f~~::::..i .............. :::::::c-.::=:c.-.:.~~--~-':!==::::::r:-==:~=.!:.::==:;:;::;-.:r=-.:==:::--==:::::=r=::..-n:::.....-n~r'!.l BERGEN COUNTY New Jersey MARRIAGE RECORDS Copied from the Entries as Originally Made at the Court House by the Ministers and Justices of the Peace of the County Compiled b, MRS. FRANCES A. WESTERVELT Curator of the Bergen County Historical Society Financed by the Special Fund Donated by WILLIAM 0. ALLISON Publishers Lewis Historical Publishing Company, lnc. New York 1929 CHIEF ORATAJI[, Bergen County, 1567-1667 Bergen County Historical Society Organi:cd, 1902 Incorporated, 1907 Hiram Blauvelt, President James W. Mercer, Treasurer Oradell, N. J. Haclcensaclc, N. J. Cornelius V. Brinkerhoff, Secretary Mrs. F. A. Westervelt, Curator Haclceruack, N. J. Haclcensaclc, N. J. Assembly Rooms, Depository of Records and Museum Johnson Public Library, Hackensack, N. J. PREFACE HERE is nothing of the spectacular in the presentation of this volume of Bergen County marriages to the public, but in the preservation of these records there is performed a II sel"Vlce of value that will increase with the passing years. Nor 1s the work itself unat tended by human interest am! even something of the dramatic, for it is an accomplishment made possible by one who has p=¾5sed from our midst, an achievement of hands that are stilled. William 0. Allison was a life member, vice-president, and financial benefactor of the Bergen County His torical Society, and in addition to generous gifts to the regular activities of the Society established a fund of which he made the Curator, Mrs.
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