Sofya Pugach, MD, PhD, MPH; Isaac Z. Pugach, When is a conservative approach MD Complete Med Care, Dallas, Tex best for proximal biceps tendon [email protected]

The authors reported no rupture? potential conflict of interest relevant to this article. This case demonstrates that when a patient’s occupation and lifestyle do not require a high degree of supination and upper strength, conservative treatment may be the way to go.

CASE c Mr. A, a 59-year-old high school sci- The magnetic resonance imaging report ence teacher, came into our medical clinic with revealed a complete tendon rupture of the severe pain (7/10) in his left and arm long head of the biceps brachii muscle. The and weakness on flexion of his left . A long head muscle was intact and there was week earlier, he felt a “pop” and experienced a posttraumatic hemorrhage in the region of sharp pain and immediate “swelling“ of the the tear in the upper arm. The remaining mus- left biceps after throwing a heavy trash bag cle, ligaments, and tendon were intact. There away while at work. He went to the school was no evidence of a fracture. nurse for evaluation and was referred to a z A 3-pronged approach. Once the di- physician. agnosis of acute complete rupture of the left Mr. A was healthy, had no chronic dis- long head tendon biceps brachii was reached, eases, and reported no previous injuries or we laid out a 3-pronged treatment approach: trauma. He denied smoking, drinking alcohol, • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents using illegal drugs, or taking steroids or other and muscle relaxants such as cycloben- medications. He had worked as a high school zaprine, tizanidine, or metaxalone teacher for the last 10 years at the time of his • physical therapy (2-3 times per week) clinic visit. and daily home exercise z Imaging, physical exam tell the tale. • modified activities—specifically, no The patient’s physical exam was normal, with overhead work or lifting of anything one outstanding exception: a “Popeye” defor- >10 lb with the affected arm. mity in his left biceps (FIGURE), accompanied Before we proceeded with this plan, we by severe pain and tenderness to palpation referred the patient to a specialist for evalua- over the proximal aspect of the left biceps. tion and a second opinion. Both active and passive range of motion of the elbow were full and symmetrical, but the patient had prominent pain and weakness on Biceps tendon rupture usually elbow flexion and supination. However, he follows a traumatic event had good strength without pain Long head biceps tendon ruptures often in- and no impingement signs or acromioclavicu- volve people between 40 and 60 years of age, lar joint pain. He had no atrophy or scapular with men affected significantly more often dyskinesia. Similarly, a neurovascular exam of than women.1,2 Tennis players and ballplayers the distal aspect of the extremity was normal. are also affected, as a result of frequent swing-

134 The Journal of Family Practice | MARCH 2013 | Vol 62, No 3 FIGURE “Popeye” deformity in left biceps Pho t o s cour t e s y of: Sofya Pugach, Pugach, Sofya of: y M D

With long head tendon rupture, the muscle belly retracts, causing “Popeye” biceps. Since only the long head tendon—and not the short head tendon—is involved, the biceps still functions.

ing motions.3 As you might expect, a person’s biceps. Because the rupture involves only the dominant arm is more often affected.3 long head tendon of the biceps and not the Excessive weightlifting or rapid stress short head tendon, the biceps still functions.8 upon the tendon can cause an acute tendon rupture. As a rule, biceps tendon ruptures are caused by a single traumatic event that typi- Surgical repair cally involves lifting a heavy object while the vs conservative management elbow is bent at a 90-degree angle. Weight Whether to pursue surgery or conservative lifters who use anabolic steroids are at an management when caring for a patient with increased risk of sustaining a rupture at the a biceps rupture remains a subject of debate tendon, and clinicians may also see such rup- in the medical literature. There are no studies tures among patients who have fallen force- that demonstrate the superiority of one ap- fully onto an outstretched arm.2,3 proach over the other.2,5,9,10 Keep in mind, however, that rupture z Surgery. The serious complications as- can also occur in the absence of a traumatic sociated with surgery have led some experts event. This usually happens in elderly indi- to question whether the risks of surgery out- viduals with advanced tendon degeneration.4 weigh the benefits.11 Equally important is the Smoking, rheumatoid arthritis, steroid medi- patient’s individual circumstances. Clini- cations,2,5 fluoroquinolones,6 and statin ther- cians need to consider each patient’s occupa- apy7 can affect this tendon and increase the tion, lifestyle, and age when recommending a risk of spontaneous rupture, as well. course of action. z “Popeye” biceps—a telltale sign. Un- Published clinical guidelines usually derstanding the function of the biceps brachii recommend surgical repair for young ath- helps explain at least one of the telltale signs letes who require maximum supination of long head tendon rupture. The biceps mus- strength in daily activities. Although the size cle enables supination of the and of the Popeye deformity does diminish after flexion of the elbow. With long head tendon conservative treatment, surgery is often rec- rupture, however, the muscle belly retracts, ommended for patients who are unwilling causing prominent fullness and bulging to accept the cosmetic defect seen after the of the upper arm—what’s called “Popeye” tendon ruptures. And finally, operative treat- Vol 62, No 3 | march 2013 | The Journal of Family Practice 135 ment is indicated for middle-aged carpen- mendation to pursue conservative treatment ters and manual laborers whose occupations for Mr. A. require full supination and arm strength.2, 12-14 Over the next 4 to 6 weeks, he received The surgical procedure, called tenodesis, physical therapy 2 to 3 times per week. With the involves reattaching the torn section of the help of the physiotherapist, Mr. A performed tendon to the bone.5,15 A recent study involv- joint mobilization and flexibility exercises to ing 5 professional wrestlers injured while improve the range of motion in his shoulder. performing noted that tenodesis restored The therapist also helped him with strength- full biceps function, gave excellent cosmetic ening and stretching exercises to restore the results, and allowed all of the young men to strength of his biceps and elbow muscle. return to wrestling.15 At home, our patient’s regimen included z Conservative treatment. A conserva- elbow bend and straighten movements, el- tive approach is appropriate for older patients bow supination and pronation movements, when their profession and lifestyle do not and static biceps contractions. demand a high degree of supination and up- Over time, his pain diminished and the per arm strength.5,8,13,14 In addition, the more strength in his left arm improved. Mr. A was conservative approach is very well tolerated, able to return to work with modified duty, which reduces the risk of serious complica- 2 to 3 weeks after his injury. By Week 8, he had tions and the cost of surgery.11 Avoiding sur- full range of motion in his left arm and normal Consider a gery also permits patients to return to work strength. He was able to do his job as a high patient’s much sooner. school science teacher without any restrictions, occupation and Patients may, however, lose up to 20% of but continued to have the Popeye deformity. lifestyle their supination strength with conservative before choosing treatment.14 But this approach does not cause Our experience treating Mr. A serves as a re- between biceps weakness in grip, pronation, or elbow exten- minder to physicians that complete long head tendon repair sion. Nor does it affect patients’ activities of biceps tendon rupture can be successfully surgery daily living,14 which may explain why more treated conservatively. Patients working in and more patients are treated conservatively than with sedentary occupations usually do not need a conservative surgery.5,11 Additionally, some experts recom- high degree of supination or physical strength therapy. mend nonoperative treatment of distal biceps in their upper extremities, making this a tendon ruptures for people who are wary of worthwhile treatment option for them. JFP surgery or present late with the injury.11

CASE c Two orthopedic surgeons examined CORRESPONDENCE Sofya Pugach, MD, PhD, MPH, Complete Med Care, 8989 our patient and both supported our recom- Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75243; [email protected]

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136 The Journal of Family Practice | march 2013 | Vol 62, No 3