United States Naval Academy, 10 USC §§ 6951-6974 (Suppl. 4
Page 711 TITLE 10.-ARMED FORCES § 6953 (i) An aviation pilot of the Naval Reserve or the Sec. 6871. Midshipmen's store, laundry, barber shop, cobbler Marine Corps Reserve may, if qualified under regu- shop, tailor shop, and dairy: disposition of funds. lations prescribed by the Secretary, be appointed an 6972. Chapel: crypt and window spaces. ensign in the Naval Reserve or a second lieutenant 6973. Gifts and bequests: acceptance for benefit 6f Naval in the Marine Corps Reserve, as appropriate. (Aug. Academy. 10, 1956, ch. § 1, 70A Stat. 427.) 6974. Gifts and bequests: acceptance for benefit of museum. HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES § 6951. Location. Revisedsection Source (U. S. Code) Source (Statutes at Large) The United States Naval Academy shall be located § at Annapolis, Maryland. (Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 6915 ----- 34 U. S. C. 841a-841e; 34 Nov. 5, 1941, ch'.468, 1-5, U. S. C. 841h. 55 S tat. 719. § 1, 70A Stat. 428.) Nov. 5, 194i, chi. 468, § 8; added Aug. 4, 1942, chi.547, HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTES 15i(hi), 56 Stat. 740. Rsection Source (U. S. Code) Source (Statutes at Large) In subsection (a) the authority to designate student aviation pilots is expressly set forth. The portion of 34 U. S. C. 841h that provides that 6951 ----- 34 U. S. C. 1021. R. S. 1511. student aviation pilots who are qualified civilian avia- tors shall be given a brief refresher course in flight train- The words "United States" are inserted before the ing is contained in subsection (c). The remainder of words "Naval Academy" to state the full title.
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