
‘Do Now’ December 7, 2017

If a tree falls in the woods with no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Si un árbol cae en el bosque sin que nadie lo escuche, ¿hace un sonido? Definition of a sound: vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear. Found in virtually every textbook in the world, the two monsters in this optical illusion are in fact the same size. Your brain automatically adjusts images that it perceives to be distant in order to compensate for the fact that they are larger than they seem. This is a variation of the Hermann Grid where dots appear and disappear at the intersections of the gray lines. Interestingly enough, if you cock your head at a 45 degree angle the effect is reduced (but not eliminated). 11.1 The Enlightenment!!! (1685 - 1815 A.D)

Enlightenment thinkers in Britain, in and throughout Also Known As… questioned traditional authority and embraced the notion that humanity The Age of could be improved through rational change! Sparks Change!!! Think back!!! To the Scientific Revolution!

The advancements of in the 1500 and 1600’s convinced educated Europeans of the power of human reason!!!

If ‘Natural ’ governs our universe and we can understand it through science and reason…

Why Can’t We Use Science and Reason to Study Human Behavior and Solve the Problems of Society!!? Hobbes Vs Locke We talked about these 2 yesterday!!!

Hobbes believed people are naturally terrible! He pictured human before civilized society and how they lived. He famously said… “life was nasty, brutish, and short!”

In his view, the only way to keep people from anarchy and barbarism was a powerful state (!)

Locke on the other hand felt that human beings were basically reasonable and moral! Because of this, he felt all human beings have “natural

Government should protect these natural rights. LIFE, , AND PROPERTY!!! The ‘’ (Philosophers) (French) = in government! No one branch should be too strong! (Executive, legislative, Judicial)

Voltaire (French) = of thought!!! (Think about our 1st amendment), he battled corruption, inequality, injustice, and with his pen! He detested the slave trade and hated religious prejudice!

“My trade (skill) is to say what I think!” --

Diderot (French) = My goal is “To change the general way of thinking!”, he created a massive encyclopedia explaining all sorts of things in our world! and Economics

-- Believed that the government should stay

Out of the economy! (No more )

-- ‘Laissez Faire” economics (Hands off) Jean-Jacques Rousseau and The

-- Believed that people were naturally ‘good’ -- He felt that humans nature innocence was corrupted by society, especially the inequality of land and

The good of the whole should be placed above the interests of the individual in his view.

The ‘’ of the public should control government!

Women Challenge the Philosophes (Philosophers)

The Enlightenment Slogan “Free and Equal” did not apply to women.

Though mainstream philosophers argued women did have natural rights, they were limited to areas of home and family.


By the late 1700’s, a small but growing of women protested this view.

-- Germaine de Stael (French) They argued that women were --Catharine Macaulay (British) excluded from ‘’ -- (British) all together! Enlightenment Questions! Full Sentences for Credit! 1) What political revolutions were influenced by the ? 2) What do you think philosopher meant by “"Dare to know! Have courage to use your own reason!" 3) What were the common enlightenment themes that all philosophers thought of while they wrote? 4) What did The try to do?

¿Qué revoluciones políticas fueron influenciadas por ¿La era de la ilustración? 2) ¿Qué piensas que quiso decir el filósofo Immanuel Kant con "¡Atrévete a saber! ¡Ten valor para usar tu propia razón!" 3) ¿Cuáles fueron los temas de iluminación comunes en los que todos los filósofos pensaron mientras escribieron? 4) ¿Qué intentó hacer The French Revolution?