1 CONSUMER GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL FORUM CENTRAL REGION (Formed under Section 42(5) of the Electricity Act 2003) 220 kV Substation Compound, HMT Colony P.O. Kalamassery, Pin – 683 503 Phone No. 0484-2556500 Website: cgrf.kseb.in, Email:
[email protected], CUG No. 9496008719 Present (1) Smt.Soudamini B Chairperson (2) Smt. S.N.Sheeba. Member (3) Sri. Jefrin Manuel Member Petitioner Smt. K.V. Mariamma, M/s. Kallungal Trading Company, Oorakkad, Malayidamthuruthu P.O., Ernakulam, Pin – 683 561 Respondent 1) The Asst.Exe. Engineer, Electrical Sub Division, Kizhakkambalam 2) The Asst. Engineer, Electrical Section, KSEBL, Edathala. ======================================================== No.CGRF-CR/OP No.32/2020-21 Date : 17-12-2020 O R D E R Background of the case: The petitioner, Smt. Mariamma.K.V., M/s Kallungal Trading Company, Oorakkad, Malayidamthuruth P.O., Ernakulam – 683561, is an industrial consumer with Consumer No.-17548 and a Contract Demand of 100 kVA, under the jurisdiction of Electrical Section, Edathala. The petitioner challenges the audit bill she received for an amount of Rs.3,32,123/- by the respondent on 07- 08-2020 which directs to pay the bill on or before 26-08-2020. The petitioner states that the demand is assessed under the heads of Deemed HT Demand which has been assessed for the period from 01/2016 to 11/2016 and the Voltage Surcharge for the period from 05/2017 to 02/2018. Thus the complainant submitted a detailed objection against this bill informing that they are permitted 2 to use up to 110 kVA. In the place of a single phase meter, the complainant was insisted to change to three phase meter and thus connected with a ToD meter.