AFHA Alberta Friesian Association Alberta Friesian Horse Association Why a Friesian

1 2 Friendly th The Friesian is a horse that can be trusted. 20 century Although the horse has an imposing physique, Farmers found Friesians too it is friendly by nature, luxurious and later mechanization st hallmarked by loyalty 1 millennium rid the need for work . The and steadfastness. Early records write of breed was near extinction, if not for a mercenary troops mounted few dedicated breeders. Now, there on Friesian horses in are over 70,000 registered Friesians. Roman-occupied England. Fiery The Friesian is eager to put on a show and to present a gallant upright stature. For this, the Friesian has become renown. The Friesian is Distinctive eager to work, being bred originally as a work The Friesian is a time-honoured utility breed, horse, and this still shows in its willing and ery favoured by nobility due to its distinctive character. appearance and performance, and shares roots with other noble European th breeds such as the 19 century . The Friesian increasingly became a luxury horse for upper-class farmers. At this Many illustrations and time, the Friesian was writings report the Friesian likely bred to many Versatile ridden by and it is here other breeds. The Friesian is not only wonderfully made and a that Arabian and Andalusian beauty to behold, but also shows excellent in uences enter the breed as it performance in both and . It is became increasingly popular. a horse for those who engage in top sport as well as a horse for those who just enjoy recre- ational riding or driving, including trail riding. 3 The Friesian horse. There she is: fiery, strong, intelligent, and looking just a superior. As if she knows of her centuries-old heritage. As if she knows of the place she has in so many hearts.

The Royal Friesian Horse Studbook, the Koninklijke The KFPS is an international studbook with at least The interest in the Friesian horse Vereniging "Het Friesch Paarden- Stamboek" (KFPS), is 12.000 members of which almost half are located outside has exploded in recent decades. As a the oldest studbook in the and promotes of the Netherlands. Friesian horses can be found on every result, the breed now has a popu- the interests of the Friesian horse in the broadest sense continent in more than seventy countries. The regi- lation of 70,000 registered horses. of the word. The KFPS has been realizing this by the stration of horses in other countries is done by the KFPS More and more horse lovers are im- meticulous registration of Friesian horses since the time in Drachten through local associations aliated with the pressed by their regal bearing, their it was founded in 1879. In addition, the KFPS has KFPS. Friesian horses in both the Netherlands and other suitability for both recreational and established a breeding program to maintain and further countries are inspected according to KFPS standards by professional equestrian sports, and re ne the unique characteristics of the Friesian horse. jury members trained by the KFPS. their friendly character.

5 6 KeuringInspection Foal Book


For young horses and Participant horses not accepted 1e PREMIE 2e PREMIE 3e PREMIE into the Studbook. First Premium Second Premium Third Premium No Premium



For and Participant that meet the Studbook No Premium requirements, 1e PREMIE 2e PREMIE 3e PREMIE (accepted to Studbook) starting at age or Not Accepted three. First Premium Second Premium Third Premium (remain in Foal Book)

1st or 2nd 1st Premium Outstanding with Mare with Excellent Premium mares with Crown mares, four three results in horses, 77 in IBOP, age 7 or o spring, o spring competitive age 3 or age 3 or older, with Star or with Sport sport older older o spring higher predicate

Star Crown Model Preferent Performance Sport

Keuring Predicates Non-Keuring Predicates

7 8 Worldwide, KFPS has many a liate associations. In North America, the KFPS and Friesian horse owners are respresented by FHANA.

In North America, FHANA is the only o cial organizer of Friesian Horse inspection events (or keuring, after the Dutch word). These events are locally hosted by the FHANA Chapters. KFPS certied judges from Holland, often from Friesland, travel to North America to o ciate these events and judge horses accord- ing to the standards of the KFPS Friesian Horse Studbook (Het Friesch Paarden-Stamboek).

FHANA, and its chapters, form the backbone of communication within the North-American Friesian Horse community. FHANA administeres Studbook registration and transfer of ownership, and brings together Friesian horse owners for sales and breeding.

FHANA publishes the magazine The Friesian and membership with FHANA comes with a free subscription.

9 10 AFHA Alberta Friesian Horse Association Alberta AFHA is one of many local chapters of the Friesian Horse Association of North-America (FHANA), which in turn is the only o cial a liate association in North-America of the KFPS Studbook in The Netherlands. Friesian Horse AFHA represents Alberta, NE. British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, NW Territory, and the Yukon. Association

L'Association du cheval frison A Alberta Ontario AFH Association du Québec Family or Business Alberta Friesian Horse Horseon esian Associati Friesian Horse One or more members of a family Fri Association $100 or business owning at least one North East registered Friesian horse and Friesian Horse Club residing in the AFHA zone.

Individual Northwest Friesian Horse Club Any person who is an owner of at Ohio Valley least one registered Friesian horse Great Lakes Friesian Friesian Horse Mid-Atlantic $75 Horse Association Membership and who resides in the AFHA zone. Association Friesian Association

Sierra Nevada Chapters Associate Friesian Club Any person not a resident within Coastal California Friesian Horse $35 Friesian Club Association the AFHA zone or not owning a of the Mid East registered Friesian horse may Central Valley Friesian South Central become a non-voting member. Club of California Friesian Horse Association Friesian Horse Club of Southern California

11 12 AFHA Membership Benefits Alberta Friesian Horse Association AFHA members enjoy a wide range of activities with their horses and membership with AFHA may lead you to be involved in some of these events.

Keuring Clinics

Competitions & Shows

Parades AFHA Alberta Friesian Horse Association

13 Trail Riding 14 I would like to become a member: Your experience with Friesian horses E-mail Postal Code City Address First & Last Name E-mail List or Membership Request Family/Business ($100/yr.) I would like to become and receive a friend general news e-mails Phone Province AFHA

Individual ($75/yr.)Individual Alberta Friesian Horse Association Alberta Friesian Horse AFH A Associate ($35/yr.) Association F Alberta r i esian

H Associat i orse on