THE MERCURY. Wednesday, June 11th. 193d ^-...lnesJay, i\ convivial gathering being held tit the Golden OBITUARY. CRICKET. THE CYCLISTS' MEET. Lion Hotel. Mr J. Wiseman, Vice-chairman bWALEL)ALE nf the Urban Council; presided, supported v. EVENWOOD, by Mr W. Ascough, the Chairman of the MR JAMES THOMPSON, BARNARD CASTLE FINE WEATHER AND A LARGE Played at Barnard Castle on Mond£ Publicity Society, and Mr C. T. Singer, Scores:— GATHERING. secretary. Mr G. Newby, jun., was at tht> We record witli sincere regret the passing AMNUAL MEET!. piano, and songs were rendered by Messrs •f Mr James Thompson, of Barnard Castle EVENWOOD. W. I'.. Smith, J. Norie, F. Nevison, S. and , which took place on Tliurs H. Walker l.b.w. b Grellet Thf North-Jiastern Cyclists*' Meet or l'j;iu— Thomas, J. Shevill, etc. ay night at his resilience, Startforth, after W. Lowson c Hutchinsou b Johnson ... ih • .">i>-, of its kind—passed off at Barnard ' Mr Wiseman proposed the health of the prolonged illness. Mr Thompson was W. Cook c Thistleibwaite b Hutchinson ... Many member* Castle tuts Whitsuntide with greal success President, referring to the cordiality which ixty years of age. A. Watson l.b.w. b Johnson ! llio Swaledair to which the tine weather contributed a had always characterised die Meet and Mr Thompson's passing removes one who F. Dunn c Tbistletbwaite b Hutchinson ... „ met al Bain] great deal. Mr and Mrs .1. Norie, the which had been particularly emphasized was ;i sincere friend to a wide circle. For W. Atkinson b Johnson ... President and Lady President, have been ,.,ieral lueeUnj this year. He concluded his speech by many years he had conducted the dogger's H. Mupgrave c Swinhoe b Johnson well-supported not only by the members of %e&Uig* being J giving instances of the satire of Thomas ml boot, factor's business to which he J. Graham b Jobnson the Meet, but by the general public of tlie ii. Uinsdale. Hardy and Robert Burns. ticceetled on tlie death of his father, llie F. Prudhoe c Wellman (R.) b Hutchinson town and many other visitors who came He Mr James Thompson, it having been Mr Norie acknowledged the toast, G. Clennel b Jobnson Mi J. W. D attracted by the Meet programme. Altogether .tided by liis grandfather in tlie early l».V ihanking the people of Barnard Castle for J. Hewitt not out .ivesdale, vice! this year's Meet ranks with the best that the hearty way in which they had rallied ears of the last century. His shop on the Extras Jl> Uar,uu has been lit-Ul previously. Over ttfci cyclists, round the Meet officials and endeavoured Sauk recalls memories of old-time Barnard, cK. - j representing -.' and district clubs, in make the Meet a happy one. He hoped '.astle, for it remained much as it was when nair u"ulu,< i assembled in Eldon Square, Newcastle, on his successor would have the same support. the business was begun. Total ; Saturday afternoon, and. after the presi­ %vay in the Mr B. WoodhaiUS proposed the health of Much sympathy has gone out to Mrs BARNARD CASTLE. hi* dent hail laid a wreath of Flanders poppies the ex-presidents, saying he had recollec­ 'hoiupson in her bereavement. She was a R. C. Grellett l.b.w b Lowson Kirkby Stel and evergreens on the War Memorial, set ister of the late Mr Reay, whose name is tions of the first Meet at Barnard Castle Waine b Atkinson .,lie stateiii' nt J away for Barnard Castlv as the nucleus of and he had been impressed by.the Wonderful familiar in the sign of another well-known C. Swinhoe l.b.w. b Lowson pees, showed a procession which grew in length as it Mr loyalty of all the officials, and he admired business house in Barnard Castle. Two proceeded on the way to ils destination, and J. Jobnson b Atkinson ^tisfactory tirj them for it. asters of Mr Thompson survive—Mrs reached a total of about 300 units by Hie P. Hutchinson not out ... . n with a ball Mr J. Hilton. Ihe oldest ex-presidenl. ac­ tiiigin. Hexham, and Mrs Thorpe, Scar- bet a time bait the distance had been reached. F. Wellman run out knowledged, the toast, as also (lid Mr F. lorough. j-eceipts tutall Wheji the party, which had been met at ihe Roe c Watson b Atkinson Turvey, the latter observing that even with­ Mr Thompson had a personality of Town Head by Barnard Castle Prize-Band, R. Watson b Atkinson year the] out the welcome of its inhabitants the 'articular charm, as all who knew hini well readied the Market Place and gathered H. Tbistletbwaite c Hewitt b Lowson ... NV;l« stated *\ charms of Barnard Castle itself would have will readily testify. He had a keen wit and It round the temporary rostrum, there were B. Stoddart b Atkinson led them to choose it for the annual re­ deep understanding of human life witli in' mbership of I thirteen ex-presldents in the gathering— union. its frailties—in short he was one who R. Wellman run nut Mr T. Oilbertl MesfBrs .1. Hilton (1899), Fred Turvey (1900), Mr Ascough. on behalf of the licensed might, have been well described by Geoffrey Extras .1. M. Woods (1902). A. Norton (1905), A, yowes, was uni victuallers of the town, handed to the Chaucer as " a verray parfit gentil knight," Andrews [1908), 1). Pollock (IOlu-11), J. jetit, and with lj treasurer of the Meet a cheque for £10 for ir he championed the cause of the Total log | Klliott (191:-'). J- Burton (1923), It. Brewis ppressed and did secretly many things ,-e-elected Mr Dlj ihe Meet funds. BARNARD CASTLE v. <1924), F. Latlibcrt (1925), I. G. Gibbon (1927), for the comfort of his fellow men. Those position tu • O. Thompson) (1928), and .1. Slievill (1929). Tuesday. SYNTHONIA. a who were privileged to join the conclaves f the asso\;iaU Mi i. Wiseman, Vice-chairman of the Urban The concluding function. Ihe President's hat often took place in the little back room Played at Billingham on Saturday, June";. 0 Acknowleilj/iii Council, and Mr C. T. Singer, secretary of reception, in the Inner Bailey yesterday of his shop on the Bank know, as no Scores:— the Publicity Society, voiced the town's morning, was well attended. An excellent others could know, how solid was BARNARD CASTLE. Mi • Dinsdale welcome and good wishes for a happy entertainment was given by a troupe of the foundation of his goodness and how A. Waine b Hull g mid continue [ holiday, and then Mr Shevill introduced wo dancers from South Shields, and solo much his heart went out to those in distress T. P. Hutchinson c Jefferies b Hull ... ; ,( usefulness. the new President, Mr Norie, who suitably vocalists, including Mr J. Shevill and Mr F. other need of cheer. F. Baker c Pigg b Hull Mi J. W. Demj acknowledged the kindly expressions. Nevison (Barnard Castle). Politically Mr Thompson remained true to T. Boardman b Raine Sunday. The Vicar of Barnard Castle entertained his early training in Gladstonian Liberal­ M. Adlard c Savage b Baker u I vice-chairman the officials to tea at. the Vicarage in the Whiteheadj Many more cyclists arrived during the ism. Many will remember the prominent C. D. Jackson l.b.w. b Norris . c night and early on Sunday morning, the iiiernoon. and at night the reverend gentle part he took in the election of 1903, when, J. C. Swinboe not out seconded by man gave a dinner to the Meet Officials, and streets presenting an animated scene al an following the death of Sir Joseph Pease, Jobnson c Hull b Baker l.odge, BaldersdJ the Urban Council members and officials. early hour. Before the breakfast-tune 01 Mr was elected Member F. Wellman st. Savage b Brown ... for the Barnard Castle Division, which he ... 19 Messrs T. many people a cycle trial was held over 25 H. Tbistlethwaite not out ... J miles from to and was to represent in the Labour interest for Stephen, and Extras ... I back. tlie next fifteen years. Kirkby Steph« . A keen bowler, Mr Thompson was one The fastest time was made by C. A. Pike, Finance Comml of the original members of the Barnard Total for 8 wickets ... 189 of the Stockton Wheelers, who won in 1 lir. R. Watson did not bat. Hainard Castle.J 4mihs. 6secs. L. C. Wiseman, of the Tees- THREE RECORDS BEATEN AT THE Castle Bowling Club, of which he had been side Road Club, won the handicap in nett treasurer since its formation twenty years BILLINGHAM SYNTHONIA. \s auditors -N^ SPORTS. j go. He was elected president at the last time of 1 nr. 35 sees., and the team prize was Norris b Waine View, LaxtingU annual meeting and it was a great dis- won-by Stockton Wheelers. There were 44 Jefferies b Waine were again choi riders. • anointment to him as to all the members Barnard Castle School sports were held that, owing to his illness he was unable to Raine b Baker nii-iu was oncf Fastest time—1, C. A. Pike, Stocklon on Monday afternoon on the playing-field be present at any of this season's contests. Askey b Jobnson of Messrs John^ Wheelers, 1 hr. 4 mins. 6 sees.; 2, R. Moore, before a large company. The events were Hull l.b.w. b Waine Barnesbury C.C., 1 hr. 4mins. 47 sees. Bowlers of Barnard Castle were not slow with (Stainmc well-contested and three records were made II express their sympathy with Mrs Thomp- Spooner c Swinhoe b Waine Fastest team.—Stockton Wheelers (C. A. Mallerstang), The officials were : Starter, Mr M. Adlard | n in her loss. At a large gathering of Pigg c Jackson b Baker Pike, 1.4.6 ; A. O. Jones, 1.5.1 ; J. H. Top- Midges and timekeepers, Messrs F. Board members of the Bowling Club on the green Savage not out Mr J. W. Der ham, 1.5.29). total, 3.14.36. Barnesbury were man. C. E. Hardy, W. T. J. Purbrick, and at the Howes Museum on Friday evening of " A " Distric| beaten by 1 min. 19 sees. <•. S. Field; referee, Mr T. A. Southern Baker not out Many people accompanied the cyclists to Mr S. E. Harrison, ex-president, presided Extras 15 secretary of vice-president. Results are appended and on the proposal of Mr R. Woodhams a Rokeby during the morning, and there, amid 100 yards Hat race (under 15J)—Lancaster Dixon had a scene of typical summer weather, the vote of condolence was passed. Total for 7 wickets Iff 2, Thornley ; 3, Armstrong ; time, 11 1-5 sees Most of the members of tlie Barnard jf •• C " Distril ex-President, Mr i. Shevill, invested the new (a record). Brown and Dntton did not bat. • President with the insignia of office—the Castle Bowling Club attended the funeral of tion of the col leu yards flat race (under li.V)—Saunders v. . r>i!mr embellished with the badges of all the Mr Thompson at Startforth Churchyard on Dixon's son, M 2, Walton ; 3. Smith ; time 13 1-5 sees, Sunday afternoon, including the ex-presi­ At Eggleston on Thursday. Scores:- previous Meets—and also the new Lady too yards flat race (under 13)—Storrar i.. the posithf President, Mr and Mrs Norie suitably ac­ dent, Mr S. E. Harrison, the Secretary, Mi Eggleston, 110 for 3 wickets (W. Forster 18.G 2. Peiinoek ; 3. Holliday; time, 14 2-5 sees, H. Hobson. and several vice-presidents, and East 62, R. Moore 13); Cotberstone, 34 (J. B moving his c\ knowledged the honour. The time-honoured lea yards Hat race, open (The Clark competition in impromptu speeches then eight of the members acted as bearers- Young 14). belief, whi:h Challenge Cup) — Hart ; 2, Booth; Messrs F. J. Tyrrell, T. Gowland, H. and if young Mr Ej took place, the prizewinners being : 1, J Blenkinsopp ; time, 11 1-5 sees. EGGLESTON v. ECHO (' Parker, South Shields Jazz Bows j >, R. G Bainbridge. W.. Down, J. n. Jordan, W, Inn yards handicap (Preparatory School) -t. ps the inter Jackson, Barnard Castle Excelsior; 3, George Allison, and W. Longworth. The Rev. C. F. At Eggleston on Saturday. Scores:—Ech; —Clapham ; 2, Grant; time, 14 i-5 sees. be well serve^j Newby. Alexandra. The subjects chosen Richardson, Vicar of Startforth, officiated 22 ; Eggleston, 47 (Sir Wm. Gray 13). Quarter-mile flat race, under 14J (The were "Sunshine," "Love." and "Economy and with the surpliced choir met the i me-third of j Ladies' Challenge Cup)—Saunders; 2, Smith EGGLESTON v. CLIFFE. Au unexpected event was the presentation cortege at the gate. In the church tlie 90th retires each y] 3. Balmain ; time, 66 2-5 sees. Psalm was chanted. Miss Wightman At Eggleston on Wbit-Monday. Scores to ex-President J. H. Woods of a wallet of Quarter-mile flat race, open (Richardson Cliffe, 168 (J. Allison 15, R. Maughan 15, F. I'lake House Treasury notes in appreciation of his many organist, played " O rest in the Lord," and Challenge Cup)—Reed; 2, Blenkinsopp ; 3. Whitehouse 14, L. Ratelford 14, R. Stare* ("Jove Lodge, years' service' as treasurer. The presenta at the graveside the hymn, " Jesu, lover of Hart ; 6t 1-5 sees. 29, E. Watson 18, G. Storrow 34 not out I ii\>s of " A '1 tii.ii was made by Mr Frank Lambert, who my soul." was sung. The coffin bore the Hat and ball race .(Preparatory School) was introduced by Mr Arthur Norton. Mr simple inscription, "James Thompson." At Eggleston, 45 (G. East 11). as also were • Richardson ; 2, Borrell. Woods, who was taken completely by sur­ the request of the deceased there were no more, and Sirq Quarter-mile flat race (under 151)—Lan BARNARD CASTLE 2nd v. COTHERST0XL prise, was deeply moved and had difficulty wreaths. The family mourners were Mrs caster ; 2, Thornley ; 3. Perry ; time. 61 sees At Barnard Castle on Wednesday. Scores - -'ang, the r*| in expressing his thanks. Thompson. Mrs liurgin and Mrs Thorpe Hurdle race, 120 yards (under 14J)—Smith sisters). Mr W. K. Burgin (nephew), Mrs Barnard Castle 154 for 4 wickets (J. Milner 10 The represent In the afternoon there was a special 2. Saunders ; 3, Walton. Springmann (niece), Mr F. Brown B. Pearson 64, R. E. T. Wellman 13, C. I' service in Barnard Castle Parish Church, Throwing the cricket ball, open—Lan (nephew), Mrs F. Thompson (niece), and • vt-r—Messrs where the Rev. H. W. H. Bircham, Vicar, Jackson 28, F. Wilkinson 14; Cotberstote caster; 2, Clayton ; 3, Bouslield ; S3 yard* the Misses Reay (sifeters-inJaSw). Mr T -•at. Keld, al who is hon. chaplain of the Meet, gave air 43 (R. Watson 12). 6 inches. Borrowdale carried out the funeral arrange address on the text, " Beware lest ye forget had expressed Hurdle race. 12u yards, open—Greveson nients. BARNARD CASTLE SCHOOL v. the Lord" (Deut. viii.. 11). The evening • II their placi 2. Booth ; 3. Rice ; time, 20 2-5 sees. • MIDDLESBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL was set apart for a run to bvington, where 220 yards flat race, (under 13)—Storrar ; : At Middlesborougb on Saturday. Scores:' master Pasd fraternal greetings were exchanged with Bohson ; 3, Holliday. "a ker, Arkel te rubers of the Richmond Meet. APPLEBY SPORTS. Barnard Castle School, 194 for 9 «** 220 yards flat race (under 15Jj—Lancaster (Clark 43, Clayton 74, Jackson 24, Allison If \pplication| Monday. 2. Thornley ; 3. Armstrong ; rime. 27 1-5 sees Rice 12) ; Middlesborongh, 87 (Pearson • (a record). sidered. it is estimated that nearly 10,000 people The eighth annual Appleby British Legion J. B. Robertson 12, Anderson 18, Hngill 103- were in Barnard Castle on" Whit Monday 220 yards flat race, open—Reed ; 2, Hart sports were held on Monday in the Holme Field, \ 1st on and| SCHOOL 2nd v. tM attracted by the Meet festivities. The fancy 3. Blenkinsopp ; time, 26 2-5 sees. Appleby, before a large gathering. Equine and ' l applied dies.- procession took place in the forenoon, 22n yards tlat race (under 14J)—Smith ; 2,* athletic events were well contested. Results At the School on Saturday. Scores' '->es at \hi the following being the prizewinners: Balmain ; 3, Hunter; time, 30 3-5 sees. School 2nd, 104 (Booth 47, Bell 29, ScottuIt- ATHLETICS. moil of tM Largest attendance in fancy costume— Half-mile flat race (under 14})—Edes ; i Bishop Auckland P.M., 41 (Cook 21). in the case df Jarrow Burnsicle, 62; 2, Wallsend Central. 59. Balmain ; 3, Saunders ; time, 2 mins. 36 4 100 yards handicap—open—W. Moody, vv Best collective group—Jarrow Burnside ; sees, (a record). , and H. Tiplady, Darlington (tied for :ili .regard) 2. Milburn Indians ; 3. South Shields Jazz Half-mile flat race, open—Robinson ; 2 first place) ; 2, S. Brogden, Bradford. BOWLS. v were a Watson ; 3, Maughan ; 2 mins. 27 2- Mile handicap--open—J. Bryne, Ripon ; 2, A Bow. time, '">' 'he assist Club causing most fun in procession— secs. J. Rome, Ripon ; 3, T. Strickland, Kendal. SOUTH PARK v. BARNARD CASTLE Half-mile flat race (under 151)—Wright High jump—J. Edwards, Falkirk ; 2 and 3, celebratf Jarrow Wallahs. At Sonth Park on Thursday. 2. Perry ; 3, Scorer ; time, 2 mins. 36 4-5 sees M. Watson, Penrith, and P. Graham, Carlisle "'i'usiastsf Individual causing most fun—E. Anderson, SOUTH PARK. Jarn.w (Little Ticli). Relay race (under 141)—York ; 2, Durham (tied). 'Vere prevenl time, 2 mins. 6 1-5 sees. Pole jump—J. L. Spooner, Appleby ; 2, E. W J. W. Dale, H. Pickard, J. Bailey (s) - Best comic character (male)—W. Leeder, G. Catterick. T. Adamson, J. Auld (s) - wstorm. Wallsend (Old Mother Hubbard). Relay race, open—Northumberland; 2 Towers, Grasmere. A. J. Alsop, G. R. Hine, J. Morrison (s) ••• Mi P classeJ Best comic character (feinalej—Miss Hall, Durham ; time, 2 mins. 40 3-5 sees: 440 yards handicap—open—F. Ribchester, Fr-ncehouses ; 2. M,ts Armstrong. Middles­ Steeplechase, handicap—Wright ; 2,'Holl Carlisle ; 2, H. Martin, Appleby ; 3, J. Edwards, S. J. Bates, J. Atkinson, J. Moss (s) **fid be sij brough. day ; 3, Edes. Falkirk. " - ej- had Total ••• " Best fancy costume (male)—R. Hall, High jump, open—Greveson ; 2, Booth : 3 HORSE EVENTS. l!':' the CoJ Barnard Castle ; 2, B. Smith, South Shields. Vickers ; 4ft. loin. BARNAED CASTLE. . j; Open trotting handicap—Lilly G. (J. Pratt) 'he bla^ Best fancy cosuume (female)—Mrs Tavlor, High jump under 14})—Smith; 2, Simp 2, Empress Hummer (A. and D. G. Wilson) ; S W. Errington, J. W. Bewick, R. Lamb (sJ ^ Alexandra Club ; 2, Miss Sherrlff, South son ; 3. Crosse ; 4ft. 2in. Miss Edith (T. S. Foster). J. Norton, R. Cameron, T. Gowland (s) ••• jj " Kendal, Shields. Putting the 161bs. weight, open—Hart ; £ Appleby handicap—Bouncer (Mr George) ; 2, H. Bainbridge, W. H. Chester, H. BennetU" , \!>ton. TbJ Best novelty—A. S. Lindsay, Witton Park Bell ; 3, Reed ; 26ft. lin. Mars (A. W. Pochin); 3, Duradio (Mrs D J. Shield, S. E. Harrison, T. H. Hobson l») ^ II grantinl

Long jump, open—Blenkinsopp ; 2, Booth ri (The World Upside Down). Ritchie). " 'h, ft] Fancy costume (children) — T. Eales, 3, Rice ; 17ft. 9 in. Consolation trot—Needle (J. Tomlinson) ; ' Total ••• ' . ' '''Is ShovJ "Witton Park (Negro) ; 2, rt. Brown, Darling- Tug-of-war, final heat—Northumberland CD. (F. Smythe); 3, Lady Lind (T. S. Foster). 2, Durham. 'I"' Swaled Tton John Bull) ; 3. E. Neilson, North Shields Eden handicap—Vice Regent (Miss A. Swift) TEESDALE GOLF CLUB. at (Red Indian). Northumberland House won the Ellis Cup 2. Page Boy (J. Stobbs); 3, Duradio (Mrs D '*' grant? tt! There was a large crowd in the Inner with an aggregate of 217 points. York House Ritchie). • of N ''arfedalJ Bailey in the afternoon, when the competi­ being second with 135, and Durham House For the foot-racing Mr Bob Moore (Shildon) The monthly bogey competition ^j, The tive entertainments took place. The first third with 82. Tlie Victor Ludorum Cup was was handicapper and Mr T. Bussey (Shildon) Teesdale Golf Clnb was played on nd prize was awarded to the Alexandra C.C.; awarded to Hart. judge. For the trotting and horse-racing Mr R and the best returns were:—W. Pe*V(. j> °Pt*d on the second to South Shields Jazz "Bow. J. Dawson was starter. Messrs P. Rudd and A, The prizes were distributed by Mrs M. T ance 18), 1 up ; J. H. Brown (6), 1 j, bonded Barnard Castle Excelsior C.C. also competed. J. Sisson were judges of trotting; and Mr N Watson, Corn Close, Barnard' Castle, for io iv Later a jazz band contest took place. Bousfield was referee. Steele (7), 2 down ; T. K. Bell (5)- 3 *° ;;, 'n* -hi whom hearty cheers were given. Garbutt (6), 3 down. ... oisWf In the evening the customary entertain­ Barnard Castle Prize Band, under Mr J. B The St. Stephen's Silver Band, Carlisle, was Saturday, 14th June.-Matcb wi» hoorj ment of ihe Meet officials took place a °f de Wright, played during the afternoon. engaged. Auckland; play to commence at » P,IB'