Vulture News 66 July 2014

Avian Pox in Turkey (Cathartes aura)

Orlando Gomez1, Rafael López1 and Adrián Naveda-Rodriguez2,3*

1Parque Zoológico Metropolitano del Estado Zulia. Km 10 ½ Vía la Cañada, Zulia, Venezuela. 2Agencia Ambiental C.A. C.C. Los Chaguaramos, Piso 15, Ofic. 15-12, Caracas, Venezuela. 3Acopian Center for Conservation Learning, Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, 410 Summer Valley Road, Orwigsburg, PA 17962 U.S.A.

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Avian pox (Avipoxvirus), a (Bolte et al. 2009). The cutaneous widespread viral avian infectious form is the most common in raptors disease, has been found to affect and it is characterized by skin nodules around 2.5% of living species and papules (Jones 2006, Hudelson & (Bolte et al. 1999, van Riper III & Hudelson 1995). Forrester 2007). Twenty three species On 18 December 2008, an of diurnal and nocturnal of prey unsexed hatchling year Turkey have been reported infected with Vulture Cathartes aura meridionalis avian pox (van Riper III & Forrester was captured for wing-tagging on San 2007, Vargas et al. 2011), these Francisco, Zulia state, Venezuela include Cathartes (10°32'15"N, -71°38'10"W). Nodular aura and Vultur cutaneous lesions were observed on gryphus (Forrester and Spalding the head (Figure 1A). Sections of the 2003, Kim et al. 2003). Avian pox skin were removed and fixed in 10% infection is expressed in two forms: buffer formalin and submitted to the diphtheric form affects the Laboratorio de Diagnostico respiratory and digestive track with Patologico Veterinario in Maracaibo, high mortality rates, and the Venezuela, for histologic cutaneous form which produces examination. All tissue samples were lesion on the featherless areas of the embedded in paraffin and stained body and shows low mortality rates with haematoxylin and eosin for 42

Vulture News 66 July 2014

Figure 1. Cutaneous lesions in a hatchling year Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura meridionalis. Photos by Adrían Naveda-Rodríguez.


Vulture News 66 July 2014 histopathological examination and and the first documented record of were examined with a light cutaneous form of avian poxvirus in microscope. Because we were not Turkey Vulture in South America; managing the population of Turkey two more individuals (aged as second , the bird was released after year birds, sensu Henckel 1981) with tissue samples were collected. similar cutaneous lesions were There were three nodules observed in the same locality on 28 yellowish-brown (Figure 1B), round November 2008 (Figure 2A) and 21 and firm, measuring 6.5 to 12 mm. January 2009 (Figure 2B), The cut surface was creamy white. unfortunately we were not able to Histopathological examination capture them; these birds correspond revealed hyperplastic epithelium with to the subspecies wintering in South marked globose degeneration and America, Cathartes aura keratinocytes colliquative necrosis, meridionalis (Kirk and Mossman intracytoplasmic eosinophilic 1988). inclusion bodies, dermis infiltrated Avipoxvirus infections are with heterophils and lymphocytes. On reported more often during migration the basis of the presence of Bollinger season (fall and winter months) when bodies and characteristic ballooning there are highest host densities and of epithelial cells a diagnosis of among them large numbers of young poxvirus infection was made (Cooper birds (van Riper III & Forrester 2002, van Riper III & Forrester 2007); our findings are consistent 2007). with this statement. Avian pox, as an Avian pox was previously emerging disease, is of concern for reported in Cathartes aura the management and conservation of septentrionalis (Forrester and Turkey Vulture populations because Spalding 2003), a subspecies of its epizootiology. Avipoxvirus wintering in south-east of North transmission is host density- America (Kirk and Mossman 1998), dependent and can deplete this report was diagnosed in three populations (Smith et al. 2009). nestling Turkey Vultures in Florida Roosting behaviour of Turkey (USA) during the breeding season of Vultures could facilitate an avian pox 1978 and correspond to the outbreak with undesirable diphtheritic form. To our knowledge consequences, particularly in this is the second report of avian wintering grounds such those in Zulia poxvirus infection in Turkey Vultures State in Venezuela where more than 44

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Figure 2. Cutaneous lesions in second year Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura meridionalis. Photo: A) Rafael López, B) Adrían Naveda-Rodríguez.

400 individuals have been observed found affecting the fitness of infected roosting in telecommunication birds (van Riper III et al. 1986, towers. Knowles et al. 2010). Declines of Little is known about infectious wild bird populations (including a diseases in New World , species) and subsequent and few reports have been done from reduction of geographic range are cases detected before 1990. Turkey driven by Avipoxvirus and WNV Vultures and Black Vultures (LaDeau et al. 2007, van Riper III et Coragyps atratus have been found as al. 2002, van Riper III & Forrester hosts of Avian Malaria, Venezuelan 2007). The epizootiology and impact Equine Encephalitis and West Nile of these diseases, as well as other Virus (WNV) (Aguirre et al. 1992, infectious diseases, on vultures is Forrester and Greiner 2008, Komar et widely unknown, so there is an urgent al. 2003, McLean and Ubico 2007). need to monitor for them in vultures. Infectious diseases such those As stated by Deem et al. (2001), mentioned here are significant health assessments by means of diseases affecting avian diversity. For monitoring diseases constitute a example, Avian Malaria has been baseline for population viability 45

Vulture News 66 July 2014 analysis of species. This data will demography of raptors have been allow comparing the same population suggested (Saggese 2007). Therefore in future years and comparison we encourage raptor researchers in among different populations. the Neotropics to extend their Understanding population health will observation efforts to vultures in assist conservation biologists to order to understand better the impact manage individual populations with and interaction of human activities specific needs. Identifying infectious and environmental changes on vulture diseases in a population would inform populations. Research topics could environmental managers and include the interaction of vultures decision-makers about land with domestic animal facilities (e.g. management and specific poultry farming, cattle ranching) and management techniques for the the movement ecology of vultures to affected populations. Rigorous track environmental changes and studies on the prevalence of dispersal routes of birds and their pathogens and their effects on the pathogens.

Acknowledgments Agencia Ambiental C.A and Hawk Mountain Sanctuary provided logistic and financial support during the course of this work. Ministry of Environment of Venezuela granted the research permit No. 4215 on 18 August 2008. We thank to Jorge Soto-Bracho and Andrew Nelson for their assistant in the preparation of this report. Two other reviewers are also thanked for comments that improved this report.


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Vulture News 66 July 2014 van Riper III, C., van Riper, S. G. & Laird, M. 1986. The epizootiology and ecological significance of malaria in Hawaiian land birds. Ecological Monographs 56: 327-344. van Riper III, C., van Riper, S. G. & Hansen, W. R. 2002. Epizootiology and effect of avian pox on Hawaiian forest birds. Auk 119: 929-942. van Riper III, C. & Forrester, D. J. 2007. Avian Pox, pp. 131-176. In: Thomas, N. J., Hunter, D. B. & Atkinson, C. T. (eds.). Infectious Diseases of Wild Birds. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford. Vargas, G. D., Albano, A. P., Fischer, G., Hübner, S., Sallis, S. E., Freitas, C., Raffi, M. B., Soares, M. P. 2011. Avian pox virus infection in a common Barn Owl (Tyto alba), in southern Brazil. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 31: 620-622.
