1176 THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 21, 1305. the Private Legislation Procedure () grounds, in a north-north-westerly Act, 1899, for all or some of the following among direction to the point where it crosses tie other purposes that is to say :— Road, about 300 feet west of the To alter enlarge extend and define for Muni- unction of that road with the Castlemilk Road, cipal and Police purposes respectively the md then in northerly direction, following tie existing Municipal and Police Boundaries of the burn, past the east side of Spittal Farm to a Royal Burgh of in the County of point nearly opposite Rutherglen Cemetery (hereinafter called " the existing Burgh ") ind distant about 200 feet west from the said and to constitute the lands and territory within 3astlemilk Road ; thence in a westerly direction the extended limits or some part or parts thereof iollowing the irregular course of the burn past (hereilafter called "the added area") part of the north side of the Curling Pond to a point the extended Burgh and to incorporate the about 1150 feet west from the north-west corner added area therein. of the said Pond ; thenes at right angles and in a northerly direction to a point about 660 ieet The limits and boundaries of the. said Burgh north from the last-mentioned point, thence m as proposed to be extended (hereinafter referred in almost a straight line and due west to a to as " the extended Burgh ") will subject to point about 500 feet distant from the last- such modification enlargement or alteration as named point, and thence in a northerly direction the Order may provide be as follows :— and following an irregular line to a pint- on Commencing at the extreme north-east point the road ieading to at We;sthouse; of trie Police Burgh in the centre of the River thence across the said road and in a west-north- Clyde, about 850 feet west of westerly direction past Newhouse to a point Bridge and in line with the west boundary of about 2050 feet from Westhouse; thence in a the Clydesdale Dye Works, and following the regular curve in a north-westerly direction, centre line of the river in an easterly direction measuring 900 feet or thereby round the curve, past Dalmarnock Bridge, then in a northerly to a point about 500 feet due west of Newhouse; direction, and again in an easterly direction thence in a straight line, and in a north-westerly following the turning of the Clyde, known as direction to the point where the line joins the Cuningar, and thence in (first) a south- Mallsmire Burn at Aitkenhead -Colliery, a easterly and (second) southerly course to the distance of about 400 feet from the last-stated point where the Scion Burn joins the River point; thence following the irregular windings Clyde, near Ballochmill Farm; thence following of the said Mallsmire Burn, across the Caledonian the course of the Scion Burn in a south-westerly Railway Line and past the west side of direction to the point where the said Burn Colliery to a point about 600 feet northwest Caledonian Railway Line and Roac from the north-east side of the said Railway meet at Rutherglen Junction, and thence in Line ; thpnce, following the Burn, now knovm south-easterly direction to the point where as Burn, in a north-northrwesterly the said Burn joins the Royalty Boundary Lin< direction, a distance of about 400 feet, to % at Hamilton Road opposite TDastfield Colliery ; point at Millcroft Brickworks where the municipal thence following the said Royalty Boundary boundary of the City and Burgh of Line in an easterly direction, passing immediately meets the said Burn; thence following the said to the north of Eastfield School and along the Glasgow boundary in a straight line and north- 'north-east side of the Hamilton Road to a point easterly direction to the centre of the River directly opposite the Horlpit Burn; thence Clyde at a point about 230 feet east from Ruther- across the said Hamilton Road, and along the glen Bridge ; thence, following the windings of east side of the said Horlpit Burn in a southerly the river, (first) in a south-easterly, (second) direction to a point opposite Wellshot Brewery ; southerly, and (third) south-south-easterly direc- thence in a south-westerly direction, passing tion to the point where the boundary of tie close by the west side of Wellshot Colliery, and Police Burgh leaves the Clyde-, in. a southerly across Calderwood Road; thence along the direction opposite Rutherglen Quay j thence ir north side of Fisheston Road in a westerly a north-easterly direction along the .centre oi direction to the junction of that road with the the to the point mentioned at the roada leading to East Kilbride and Burnside ; commencement of this description of the limits 'thence turning at right angles and in a southerly and boundaries of the said Burgh as proposed direction along the east side of the said road to be extended. leading to Burnside, to a point at the north-west corner of Burnside Loch; thence in an east- To separate detach and disjoin for the purposes south-easterly direction along the-north side of of the Order the added area from the County oi the said loch and ditch in adjoining field, across Lanark and from any parish or other district of the road leading to East Kilbride to a point the said County and from the jurisdiction of the about 300 feet east of the said road; thence in County Council District Committee Cannty a southerly direction, recrossing the said road Road Board or County Board Trustees of the. to a point on the east side of and opposite to said County the Parish Council of the Parish of Springhall House ; thence in a westerly direc- Rutherglen and all other Local Authorities tion, across the road leading to Cathkin, and having jurisdiction within, the added area and along the burn immediately to the south of to abolish or alter or transfer to and. vest in Burnside Farm, to a point in the corner of a the Town Council all or some of the righte field, 1050 feet or thereby west from the said powers jurisdiction functions or Authorities road leading to Cathkin; thence in a north- at present possessed enjoyed or -exerciseable westerly direction following the burn in an by the above-named Authorities within the irregular curved line from the last-named point added area and to provide Ion the retention to the point where the line crosses Castlemilk abolition or alteration of offices now leld under Road* about 1060 feet south from the junction those Authorities respectively within, the added of it with Blaitbeth Road; thence through area.