Hear it from the Experts: A DNA Panel Discussion

Moderator: Alice M. Fairhurst, Administrator of ISOGG's Y-DNA Haplotree

Panelists: Katherine Borges: Director of the International Society of Genetic (ISOGG) Ken Chahine: Senior Vice President and General Manager for Ancestry.com DNA Bennett Greenspan: CEO of Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) CeCeMoore: YourGeneticGenealogist and representing Genographic's Geno 2.0 Joanna L. Mountain: Senior Director of Research at .com

Prominent DNA testing Companies and Types of DNA Testing for Genealogical Purposes Company Y-DNA mtDNA Autosomal Autosomal Autosomal (males only) Genealogy Geographic Health 23andMe.com ID HRV1 + HVR2; Emails of IDs by Yes – carrier SNP results Haplogroup ID matches Continent, and risk sub-region, status country Ancestry.com DNA Up to 46 STR markers; HVR1 + HVR2; Emails of IDs by No Haplogroup ID Haplogroup ID matches continent Emails of matches Emails of matches FamilyTreeDNA.com Up to 111 STR HVR1, HVR2 + Emails of IDs by No markers; Coding Region matches continent, Haplogroup ID; custom (full genome); sub-region SNP testing Haplogroup ID Emails of matches Emails of matches National Geographic Haplogroup ID; HVR1 + HVR2; No emails IDs by No Geno 2.0 SNP testing Haplogroup ID continent, sub-region

Introduction of the panelists with brief description of their responsibilities in the world of DNA.

1. What is the most exciting news from your DNA company within this last year? What advancements do you have for the future?

2. If I test for genealogical purposes is this the same as CODIS markers used for criminal/forensic cases? Or for paternity testing? Or diseases? 3. Y-DNA follows the straight male line. How are SNPs different from matching by STR markers? Why is the ISOGG Y-DNA Haplotree (isogg.org/tree) based on SNPS is being updated multiple times each month?

4. Why would I want to test mtDNA? Is there an advantage to testing the full genome?

5. Autosomal tests allow both men and women to follow all of their lines back in time. What do you see as the future of autosomal testing for genealogy? For health?

6. What tests tell me my percentage of inheritance from different areas of the world? Do you think BGA (admixture) tools will advance quickly and what are your companies plans for improvement in that area?

7. What support do you provide to your customers?

8. What is ISOGG’s role in the field of and what are its plans for the future?