German 1 Semester 1 Course Outline

I. Geography

A. Germany's Neighbors i..German Speaking Countries ii. Demographic Information iii. German Speaking Countries’ Flags iv. Locations

B. German States i. Locations ii. Capitals

C. German Cities i. Locations ii. Features

D. Topography i. German Rivers ii. German Mountain Ranges iii. German Forests iv. German Flat Lands

II. Grammar

A. Descriptive Adjectives

B. Noun Genders: Masculine, Feminine, Neuter

C. Definite/Indefinite Articles i: Der, Die, Das ii. Ein, Eine, Ein

D. Subject Pronouns i. Singular ii. Plural iii. Es

E. Subject/Verb Agreement

F. Capitalization Rules

G. Interrogatives

H. Plural Formation Techniques

I. Basic Question Formation

J. Gern i. Favorites ii. Interests iii. Dislikes

K. Present Tense Verb Conjugations i. Regular ii. Verb Stem Endings--“s” Sound iii. Verb Stem Endings--“n” iv. Verb Stem Endings--“d” v. Verb Stem Endings--“t” vi. Verb Stem Vowel Shifts (a to ae <ä> , e to i, and e to ie) vii. Sein viii. Heißen ix. Haben

L. Nominative Case i. Pronouns ii. Definite Articles iii. Indefinite Articles

M. Word Order i. Regular Word Order ii. Inverted Word Order iii. Question Word Order iv. Negative Word Order

III. Vocabulary

A. Greetings and Farewells

B. Introductions

C. Numbers i. Age ii Telephone Numbers/House Numbers iii. Numbers/Counting

D. German Alphabet

E. Days

F. Classroom Items

G. Telling Time

H. Family Tree/Family Relationships

I. Colors

J. Rooms

K. Furniture

L. Negative Words

M. Seasonal Greetings i. ii. New Years

N. Christmas Vocabulary i. Food ii. Songs

IV. Culture

A. Language Learning Benefits i. Educational ii. Financial iii. Cultural

B. German/American Heritage i. German/Swiss Influences ii. Amish Communities (Indiana) iii. New Harmony, Indiana iv. Indianapolis Architecture

C. Du, Ihr or Sie

D. English/German Word Similarities

E. German/English Family Names

F. German-American Day

G. Cognates and Sound Shifts

H. 24 Hour Clock

I. and Celebrations i. Sankt Nikolas ii. Sankt Nikolas Tag (Dec. 6) iii. Knecht Ruprecht iv. v. Krampus Masks vi. Ruhklas, Pelznickel, Klasbur vii. Weihnachtsmann viii. Thomas Nast ix. (Indiana) x. Christmas Markets xi. xii. Calendars xiii. Joseph Mohr's Life xiv."Stille Nacht" History (Silent Night, Holy Night" History) xv. Houses xvi. Advent Wreaths

German 1 Semester 2 Course Outline

I. Geography

A. Major German Industrial Cities i. Location ii. Imports

B. Major Swiss States i. Location ii. Capitals

C. Major Swiss Cities i. Location ii. Features

D. Austrian States i. Location ii. Capitals

E. Major Austrian Cities i. Location ii. Features

F. High German/Low German Speaking Areas

G. Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland (BRD)/Die Deutsche Demokratische Republic (DDR) Post World War II.

H. Farm Areas

II. Grammar

A. Inverted Word Order i. Emphasis ii. Variety iii. Time Expressions

B. Cardinal/Ordinal Number Formation

C. Gern Versus Lieber

D. Wohin? and Woher?

E. Personal Pronouns Accusative Case

F. Accusative Case Prepositions i. Durch ii. Für iii. Gegen iv. Ohne v. Um vi. Herum

G. Attributive Adjectives

H. Adjective Endings

I. Noun/Verbal Formation

J. Word Formation Techniques

K. Wann? and Wenn

L. Modal verbs i. Können ii. Wollen iii. Sollen iv. Mußen v. Dürfen vi. Mögen vii. Möchen viii. Double Verb Construction ix.Modal Verb Word Order

M. Separable Verbs

N. Imperatives Polite and Informal

III. Vocabulary

A. Housing Terms

B. Neighborhoods Terminology

C. Locations/Directions

D. Dates i. Seasons ii. Months iii. Holidays

E. Cardinal and Ordinal numbers

F. Moving Terms

G. Transportation Terms

H. Shops and Stores

I. Entertainment Terms

J. Opposites

K. Well Wishes

L. Weather Terms

M. Body Parts

N. Illnesses

O. Medical Professions

P. Medical Buildings

Q. Clothing

IV. Culture

A. German Hotel Terminology

B. German Breakfast Staples

C. The German Keller

D. Germany's Major Agricultural Crops

H. German Scavenger Hunt/History

I. Hans Riegel/Haribo Candy Company

J. Carneval (Karneval)

K. Silvester (New Years)

L. Wohnen Versus Leben

M. German Car Companies i. Audi ii. BMW (Bavarian Motor Works) iii. Mercedes Benz iv. Opel v. Porsche vi.Volkswagen

L. The Rhine River Project

M. Spanish Riding School

N. Lipizzaner Stallions

O. Easter and

P. Germany’s Highways i. Deutsche Alpenstrasse (German Alpine Road) ii. Great St. Bernard Pass. iii. German Autobahn System iv. Romantic Highway (Romantische Strasse)

Q. Vienna i..Prater Park ii. Heurigens iii. Schönbrunn Palace iv. Saint Stephens Cathedral

R. Munich