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Tigersroar196365sava (1.080Mb) Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/tigersroar196365sava m^ms ROAR SAVANNAH STATE COLLEGE SAVANNAH, GEORGIA _a_ July 17, 1964 THE TIGER'S ROAR Volume ie, Number 8 SECRETARY OF LABOR SELECTS DR. JORDAN FOR HONORARY CHAIRMAN Noted Tln^oloiiiaii Savannah Slate IJlirarians Attend In SS(1 Library Anieri<>an l.ihrarv Assoeialion IMcclini*; Let'lure Series E. J. Josey, Librarian and As- sociate Professor, and Mrs. On Thursday. July 16. at 11:30 SSC Professor Madeline Harrison A.M.. during the regular weekly Liaison Offieer Dixon, Cata- all-college assembly program, log Librarian and Assistant Pro- the Savannah State College Li- For Fellowships fessor of Savannah State Col- brary Lecture Series will present lege, attended the 83rd Annual a summer lecturer, the Reverend (fnquirles about the Danforth Conference of the American Li- Malcolm Boyd, the Episcopalian Graduate Fellowships, to be brary Association which con- Chaplain at Wayne State Uni- awarded in March. 1965, are in- vened in St, Louis, Missouri last versity, Detroit, Michigan, The vited, according to C. Vernon week, Mr, Josey appeared on a public is invited to attend. Clay, Savannah State College panel of librarians which dis- Associate Professor of Chemis- Mr. Boyd, a distinguished cler- cussed "The Federal Government try. gyman, is the author of four and College Libraries." Mr, Josey books: "Crisis In Communica- The Fellowships, offered by considered the relationship of tion: A Christian Examination the Danforth Foundation of St. the library of Congress and the of the Mass Media." "Christ and Louis, Missouri, arc open to men Library Services Branch of the Celebrity Gods: The Church in and women who are seniors or U, S, Office of Education and Mass Culture," "Focus: Re- recent graduates of accredited College Libraries. On Monday Thinking the Meaning of Our colleges In the United States. afternoon, at the Sheraton & Evangelism," and "If I Go Down who have serious interest in col- Jefferson Hotel, Mr, Josey ac- to Hell." He is also the author lege teaching as a career, and cepted the John Cotton Dana of five plays. He has been widely who plan to study for a PhD. in Award which was bestowed on published in leading American a field common to the under- the Savannah State College Li- periodicals and is a regular graduate college. Applicants brary for "a vigorous program columnist for the Pittsburgh may be single or married, must of Interesting scope in a college Courier, be less than thirty years of age library with limited resources." at the time of application, and H(.iw:itci Jr., Presi- programs Chaplain Boyd was ordained a Mrs. Dixon participated In the Di Jordan. working with the to may not have undertaken any disadvantaged youth. priest of the Episcopal Church activities of the Catalogers' Sec- dent, Savannah State College, aid graduate or professional study "Candi- following ten years in Hollywood tion, The Resources and Techni- has accepted a position as an Mr. Wirtz stated that beyond the baccalaureate. necessarily college cal Division of the ALA, Mr. honorary chairman in the pro- dates, not graduates, who have experience Approximately 120 Fellowships Josey was appointed chairman gram to recruit and train recent will or training in working with dis- be awarded in March, 1965, of an Ad Hoc Committee which college graduates to serve as advantaged youth are also being Candidates must be nominated will study "The Academic Li- counselor aides in Youth Oppor- by Liaison Officers sought for training as youth of their un- brary and the Community," and tunity Institutions, Programs. advisors." dergraduate The make a report at the 1965 meet- Foundation docs not accept di- The Honorable W. Willard Examinations for the training ing In Detroit, rect applications for the Fellow- Wirtz, Secretary of Labor, Wash- programs are administered by ships. ington, D. C. recently sought local officers of the state em- Danforth President Jordan's assistance in ployment services. Graduate Fellow.s K. Rrinj^s are eligible for four years of fi- Dr. Bird nancial assistance, with a maxi- in Science Education Specialist Consultanl mum annual living stipend of Kinpluisis Food $1800 for single Fellows and In Education and Science Workshops S2200 for married Fellows, plus Teclni<)h>gy tuition and fees. Dependency Roscoe Monroe, Science Edu- ganization. Among these organi- i^he Home Economics Work- allowances are available, Finan- cation Specialist. Spacemobile zations are the Maryland Acad- shop, under the direction of cial need Is not a condition for Program, National Aeronautics emy of Science, National Science Mrs, E, V, Terrell, entered the consideration, and Space Administration Teachers Association and the second week of activities with Danforth Fellows (NASA* served as consultant in Maryland Association of Science may hold Dr. K. Bird spearheading the other fellowships such as Ford, the science and education work- Teachers. discussion of "Advance in Food Fulbright. National Science, shops at Savannah State Col- Technology." Rhodes, Woodrow Wilson, etc., 29-30. 1964, lege. June is lec- concurrently, and will Dr. Kermlt Bird, Ph,D„ presented a dem- be Dan- Ml- Monroe President Jordan turer on Advances in Food Rev. Maliolm Bit\(l. Chaplain. forth Fellows without stipend onstration-lecture to the com- and Agricultural Speech at Wayne State Univrrsi(>, Lilirarv until the other awards lapse. Technology, bined workshops on Monday, Gives Lecture Series Spt-akt-r. N.i\an- Economist, Serving with the The Danforth Foundation, one June 29. His demonstration- Institute nah State College, ThursiUy, Marketing Economic Dlvison, highlighted with the Tuskegee July 16, 1964, 11:30 A.M. of the nation's 10 largest educa- lecture was US, DA., Washington, D. C, of miniature model tional Foundations, was founded presentation 1964, Presi- On Friday, July 3. in 1927 late Bird emphasized freeze dry- rockets, satellites, and aeronau- by the William H. Dr Jordan, Jr. of Sa- dent Howard Danforth, St. ing of foods, its importance and tical instruments peculiar to the Technical Shift Louis businessman vannah State College served as program. Each group, and philanthropist. The Foun- uses to the workshoppers in an NASA and special consultant The shift m the economy of speaker dation's primary aim is to informal lecture. Following this. within its respective workshop. agricultural at the First Principals Confer- Georgia from an speaker at opportunity for a strength higher education Dr. Bird was keynote was given the Ala- an industrial complex is ence at Tuskegee Institute. base to through a special convocation. A very de- more specialized consultation on programs of fellowships bama, sponsored by the School reflected in the 1964 summer when Mr. and workshops, and through lightful luncheon climaxed Dr. Tuesday, June 30. Insti- school of the Division of Education at Tuskegee program visit which time Presi- Monroe was guided throughout grants to colleges, universities Bird's at tute and the International Paper of Technical Sciences under the workshops. and other educational agencies. dent Jordan joined the group. the Company Foundation. leadership of Dr. Clyde W. Hall. He was born and raised in the This summer there are a num- The purpose of this Confer- town of Bladenhorn, North Caro- ber of former vocational agri- ence was to explore in depth the lina, and attended Hampton In- culture teachers enrolled in role of the principal in improv- stitute in Hampton, Virginia, industrial arts for the mg the quality of education in courses in where he received the bachelor purpose of changing their the secondary schools of the science degree with a major vocational agri- of Southern Region. certificates from in mathematics, and a minor in culture to industrial arts. Most Dr. Jordan addressed the Con- physics. of these persons are well estab- ference at the 10:30 a.m. session. Mr. Monroe has attended grad- lished in their communities and His topic was "The Principal and uate level Institutes in physics have been teaching vocational Instructional Leadership," In his at Morgan State College. Temple agriculture for years, but their talk. Dr. Jordan emphasized that University, X a v i e r University agriculture programs are gradu- the principal should be more (Ohloi. The Johns Hopkins Uni- ally being phased out. and indus- than a "glorified secretary, versity, and the University of trial arts courses are being intro- money-changer, bus regulator, Pennsylvania. He received the duced and boss," He master of science degree from disciplinarian, indicated that the The State Department of Edu- the University of Maryland ana strongly must take the leader- cation is attempting to make New York University. principal actively involved industrial arts available to every Mr. Monroe taught physics and ship and be in the academic male student in Georgia at the physical science in the Baltimore meaningfully The principal must be junior high school level. Funds public schools. In addition, he process. about initiating new have been made available at the has served as a coordinator in concerned challenging ideas relative to state level for the past several the Baltimore City County Sci- and and V-rars on a matching basis for ence Seminar Program and as curriculum development, towards the Ijcal school systems to buy an instructor in the Baltimore should work always of sound ad- equipment for industrial arts City Summer Science Program. implementation providing qualified industrial He served as staff sergeant in ministrative techniques and pro- i\lr, L, Josfv inccpled the J<»hn Cotton Dand Award which cedures. Dr. Jordan characterized arts teachers are available to J. the U. S. Army Corps of Engi- was bestowed on the Savannah State College Library for "a vigor- of instructional leader- teach the subject. Some persons neers in Korea and Japan.
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