Regular County/Municipal Committee Meeting of the Province of held in the Board Room of the County of Forty Mile No. 8 Office, Foremost, Alberta on Wednesday, March 9, 2016.

The Meeting was called to order by the Reeve, Bryne Lengyel at 8:59 A. M.

Members Present: Gerald Reimer Ronald Harty Bryne Lengyel Steven Wikkerink Chantel Timmons Joan Hughson

Members Absent: Craig Widmer Dustin McGarry, Protective Services Coordinator/Safety Coordinator

Also present: Dale Brown, County Administrator Kerri Buis, Director of Finance Paula Mueller, Executive Assistant Keith Bodin, Municipal Supervisor Stewart Payne, Municipal Enforcement Officer Jamie Reiger, County Commentator


MOVED approval of the Minutes of the Regular County/ Municipal Meeting held February 24, 2016. CARRIED.


10:00 A. M. - Foremost Minor Hockey/Village of Foremost 10:30 A. M. - Royal Canadian Mounted Policy (Service Area Review) 11:15 A. M. - Public Hearing Bylaw 1/2016

Amendments to the Agenda

MOVED that the March 9, 2016 County Municipal/Committee Meeting Agenda be approved and adopted with the following amendments:

• Small Capital Item • Forty Mile Foundation Update • 100th Anniversary • Follow up on Fish and Wildlife Officer • Assessments • Plant Site



Municipal Enforcement Officer’s Report

The Municipal Enforcement Officer’s Report was presented and attached as Addendum “A” to the minutes.


With Road Bans on, the Municipal Enforcement Officer spent considerable time administering the Road Use Agreement Program.

With Council requesting the Municipal Enforcement Officer to conduct patrols on Saturdays, enforcement was conducted on February 13th, to change up the schedule and patrol trouble areas at opportune times. Approximately 20 individuals bringing garbage to the North Forty Waste Services Site were educated or warned regarding unsecured loads along with the Road Ban Patrol. Utilities

The Annual Reports to Alberta Environment for our three regulated systems (Burdett, , and Manyberries) were completed and submitted.

The Alberta Environment approvals to operate the Etzikom and Manyberries Waterworks Systems are on a ten (10) year cycle which expires this Fall. Applications for renewal have been completed and submitted. The County has received documentation requiring the upgrade of the systems by January 2016 to ensure compliance with the Canadian Guideline for Drinking Water Quality. This requirement was the spark which began the Foremost/Forty Mile Regional Project, a project which was delayed pending funding approval. It is not clear how Alberta Environment will consider renewing the approval to operate while not in compliance.

The County of Forty Mile No. 8 continues as the lead municipality in the monitoring and supervision of the Foremost/Forty Mile Regional Water Treatment Project. A progress review meeting is scheduled for early March.

Emergency Management

No activity to report in the month of February.

Mr. Stewart Payne left the meeting.

Protective Services Coordinator Report

The Protective Services Coordinator Report was presented and attached as Addendum “B” to the minutes.

Fire The Fire Chief attended four (4) volunteer meetings in February. There were a total of three (3) calls in January. Two were medical assist, one motor vehicle accident, and one structure fire. The Fire Chief attended 3 of these calls.

Foremost, Manyberries, Etzikom, Kings Lake, and Aden Fire Department Members have received First Aid Training this month. The County Office issued 13 Burn Permits in the month of February. Kings Lake Colony Fire Department has been given five (5) used Self Contained Breathing Apparatuses to replace their retired Self Contained Breathing Apparatuses. Mr. McGarry started hydro testing air cylinders and is in the process of clearing out old gear. Richard Jaegar and Brandon Piper have asked to be removed from the Foremost Volunteer Fire Department.

Burdett, Kings Lake Colony, Manyberries, and Etzikom Fire Departments have received years of service awards.

Mr. McGarry is attending a course obtaining 1001 training along with Hazmat Awareness and Operations.


A Health and Safety Committee Meeting was held February 22, 2016. Three orientations have been done at the Public Works Shop.

The employee health and safety orientation has been updated and redone.


MOVED approval of the Timesheets as presented.


Road Bans

• Roads are in pretty good shape through this Spring Season. • Municipal Supervisor has found a lot of parties entering into the Road Use Agreements which has been very positive.

Council’s consensus was to keep road bans in place for one more week.

Annual General Meeting (Open House)

• Council discussed continuing to put a summary of County Operations in the Commentator. • Reeve’s Message and a summary available at the County Office for individual ratepayers that request the information. Estimated cost to submit the summary in the Commentator is around $ 4,530.00.

MOVED that both options be made available this year in the Commentator and on the County Website. CARRIED.

Open House

MOVED to cancel the Open House this year pending response to questionnaire on website. CARRIED.

Delegation Present/Foremost Minor Hockey/Village of Foremost/ Shaune Harty, Lee Snortland, Brent Burton, Lorne Buis, Dale Mehlen, Stacey Barrows, Rod Piper, John Hollingsworth, Curtis Kurtzweg, George Piper

• Mr. Shaune Harty provided an overview on the possible expansion of Foremost Civic Centre to build two new dressing rooms. • Mrs. Stacey Barrows provided a funding breakdown on all donations provided from all events over the last three years. • The delegation was requesting funding from County Council in support of this expansion.

Foremost Minor Hockey and Village of Foremost Delegation left the meeting.

Council discussed the request for funding by the Foremost Minor Hockey and Village of Foremost.

MOVED approval for the County to cost share the remaining unfunded portion of the Foremost Arena Expansion to a maximum of $56,000.00 on a 50/50 basis with the Village of Foremost. CARRIED.

MOVED to go In Camera. CARRIED.

Delegation Present/Staff Sergeant Scott Buchanan/RCMP ‘K’ Division Headquarters

MOVED to come Out of Camera. CARRIED.

Item Discussed: Service Area

Public Hearing By-Law /2016

A By-Law of the County of Forty Mile No. 8 in the Province of Alberta to amend By- Law 10-2009 being the Land Use By-Law.

Mr. Nathan Ogden, Development Officer present.

REEVE BRYNE LENGYEL: We are now assembled for the Public Hearing at the County of Forty Mile No. 8 Office, Foremost, Alberta on March 9, 2016 at 1:00 P. M. for the purpose of hearing matters relating to the proposed amendment to allow for the incorporation of a new Solar Energy Facility (SEF) District with uses and standards.

Mr. Jared Sproule, Mr. Tom Bird, and Mr. Gareth MacDonald of BluEarth Renewables were in attendance for the Hearing. Mr. Sproule provided an overview of two solar developments at Burdett and Yellow Lake.

The Reeve inquired if any written presentations had been received.

The Administrator advised that no written submissions were received.

The Chairman declared the Public Hearing portion of the Meeting has now been closed.

The Hearing as transcribed has been attached as Addendum “D” to the Minutes.

MOVED to re-convene the County/Municipal Committee Meeting.


By-law /2016

Being a By-law of the County of Forty Mile No. 8 in the Province of Alberta to amend Land Use By-law No. 10/2009 pursuant to Section 639 of the Municipal Government Act, revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M-26, as amended and provide for its’ consideration at a Public Hearing.

The proposed amendment will allow for the incorporation of a new Solar Energy Facility (SEF) District with uses and standards.

Second Reading, CARRIED.

Third Reading,


Safety Manual Changes

The Health and Safety Committee has reviewed changes and additions to the Safety Manual and have passed a resolution recommending them to County Council for approval of the additions/changes.

MOVED to adopt the Safety Manual Changes attached as Addendum “E” to the Minutes. CARRIED.

MSI Four Year Capital Plan

The Administrative Staff have reviewed the County’s MSI capital requirements for the next four years and have prepared a four year capital replacement program for Council’s review and approval.

MOVED approval of the County’s five year MSI Capital Replacement Plan as per Addendum “F” to the Minutes. CARRIED.

Year End Transfers

The Director of Finance requested Council’s approval to make the following Year End Transfers:

- Fire $194,700.00 - Public Works $ 8,400.00

MOVED approval for the Director of Finance to make the Year End Transfer of $194,700.00 for Fire and $8,400.00 for Public Works. CARRIED.

Small Capital Items

• Portable unit for steaming culverts • Self-contained unit

MOVED approval for the Municipal Supervisor at his discretion to purchase a portable unit to steam culverts. CARRIED.

Wildlife Officer Update

• County Administrator contacted Superintendent of Alberta Fish and Wildlife Department and discussed replacement of Wildlife Officer. He advised this will not occur until the current Officer has retired. • Drew Barnes has been contacted regarding this issue.


Councillor Reimer relayed concerns expressed by one of his ratepayers regarding re-assessment that is occurring in the County.

40 Mile Park Foundation

Councillor Wikkerink provided an update on the 40 Mile Park Foundation meeting.

MOVED to rescind Bryne’s appointment on the 40 Mile Park Foundation Committee. CARRIED.

MOVED that Gerald Reimer be appointed as the County Representative on the 40 Mile Park Foundation Committee. CARRIED.

Mr. Keith Bodin Municipal Supervisor left the meeting.

Recessed Meeting at 12:00 P. M.

Re-convened Meeting at 1:00 P. M.

Manyberries 100th Celebrations

Council discussed the issue of safety to the public during the Manyberries 100th celebrations pertaining to several buildings in the area.


• The Operational Expense List for the period ending February 2016. • The Monthly Approval List was presented for the period ending February 2016. • Truck/Hauling Report for the period ending February 2016 was presented. • No Water Well Report. • Mechanics are conducting yearly maintenance and commercial vehicle inspections on Public Works and Agricultural Equipment. • The Welder has been doing some relining of the scraper apron and assisting with replacement of pins and bushings on the cushion hitch on Unit 843. • Grader Operators have been doing some grading and snow ploughing when required. • Staff completed a small culvert replacement North of Bow Island in Division 6, built new road closed signs for projects and are currently completing their divisional sign checks for the month. • Managerial Staff have been working on road programs, capital, and budgeting for the upcoming season.



MOVED that the meeting adjourn at 1:55 P. M. CARRIED.