Rev. Biol. Trop. 50(2): 679-683, 2002

A new species of Cyllopsis (Lepidoptera: : ) from Costa Rica

Isidro Chacón1 and Kenji Nishida2 1 Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio); e-mail: [email protected] 2 Escuela de Biología, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2060 San José, Costa Rica; e-mail: [email protected]

Received 11-II-2002. Corrected 14-V-2002. Accepted 15-V-2002.

Abstract: Cyllopsis emilia Chacón and Nishida, a new satyrine species, is described from a single male speci- men from Cerro de la Muerte, San José, Costa Rica. This new species can be distinguished from other species of Cyllopsis by its white coloration.

Key words: Cyllopsis emilia, Cerro de la Muerte, Chusquea, high altitude, Neotropical, .

Thus far, 26 species are known in the genus plants recorded for the genus belong to the Cy l l o p s i s Felder; and its geographic distribution Poaceae family and especially to the genus is from the Southern United States to Panama. Ch u s q u e a (D e V ries 1987). The new species, The majority of the species occurs between Cyllopsis emilia Chacón and Nishida, possesses Guatemala and Mexico. The habitats of these white wing coloration which is unique to the are described as montane or submon- genus, i . e . all of the previously described tane; a few are found in the lowlands (Miller species have brown and grayish brown wing 1974). In Costa Rica, five species of Cy l l o p s i s coloration. The female is undiscovered. Here, have been reported, three of which are known to we describe the male of this new species. Th e be endemic to the Talamancan ranges. The host male genitalia is also illustrated.

Cyllopsis emilia Chacón and Nishida, new species Fig. 1 A, B

D i a g n o s i s : Cyllopsis emilia is distin- Diagnosis: Cyllopsis emilia se distingue guished from the rest of the species in the de las demás especies del género por tener la genus by its white basal color in the upper and parte dorsal y ventral de las alas anteriores y underside of the fore- and hind wings. posteriores de color blanco. Miller (1974) Characteristics and some main features of menciona las características del género Cyllopsis according to Miller (1974): transcel- Cyllopsis, y algunos caracteres principales son lular and extradiscal bands in both wings. los siguientes: banda transcelular (franja que Submarginal ocelli absent in forewings, well- atraviesa celda discal) y banda extradiscal developed in hind wings, with silvery colored (franja que pasa alrededor de celda discal) en pupilla, and located between veins M2-M3 and ambas alas. Ocelos submarginales ausentes en M3-Cu1. Eyes pubescent. Antennae approxi- las alas anteriores, bien desarrollados en las 2 REVISTA DE BIOLOGÍATROPICAL


Fig. 1. Cyllopsis emilia Chacón and Nishida, holotype . A) Dorsal view. B) Ventral view. (Abdomen not shown; pho- tographed after dissection of genitalia.) mately one-third of forewing costa. Labial alas posteriores, con pupilas plateadas y local- palpi long (third segment approximately one izados entre las venas M2-M3 y M3-Cu1. Ojos third of second segment) and semi-porrect. pubescentes. Antenas aproximadamente un Second segment with hairs extending three to tercio del largo de la costa del ala anterior. four times the segment width. Tegumen form Palpos labiales largos (tercer segmento aprox- of shield. Uncus long, curved, and undivided. imadamente un tercio del segundo) y dirigidos Gnathos paired, tapered and not freely articu- hacia adelante y ligeramente hacia arriba. lated. Valvae slender, arched laterally; tip gen- Segundo segmento con pelos extendiéndose tly tapered and weakly dented. A e d e a g u s de tres a cuatro veces el ancho del segmento. straight. Genitalia del macho con tegumen en forma de escudo. Uncus largo, curvado y no dividido. Gnathos pareado, puntiagudo y no articulado libremente. Valvas delgadas, arqueadas lat- eralmente, con ápices puntiagudos y leve- mente dentados. Aedeagus recto.

Description: . F o rewing length: Descripción: . E n v e rgadura del ala

24imm. Upper side forewing: White. Dark anterior: 24imm. Superficie dorsal del ala brown, 3imm wide band in apex-subapex anterior: Blanca. Ápice y subápice con una forming ca. 90˚ angle. Creamy, pale, reddish- banda café oscura de 3imm de ancho forman- brown band along costal margin; wider toward do un ángulo de ca. 90˚. Margen costal con una basal area. Dark brown spot on intersection banda café amarillenta; más ancha hacia el M2 with discal cell. Underside wing pattern área basal. Punto café oscuro en la intersección visible dorsally. Underside forewing: White. de M2 con la celda discal. Patrón de la super- Creamy, pale, reddish-brown along costal mar- ficie ventral del ala visible dorsalmente. gin; lighter near apex. Subapex marginal area Superficie ventral del ala anterior: Blanca. with 3imm wide, reddish-brown band. Margen costal café amarillento, más pálido Transcelular and extradiscal band light brown; cerca del ápice. Área marginal del subápice the former ends in discal cell, the latter ends con una franja café rojiza de 3imm de ancho. INTERNATIONALJOURNAL OF TROPICALBIOLOGYAND CONSERVATION 3 around Cu1. Dark brown spot on intersection Banda transcelular y extradiscal café canela; la M2 with discal cell. Upper side hind wing: primera termina en la celda discal y la segunda White. Dark brown spot between M3-Cu1 termina alrededor de Cu1. Punto café oscuro (behind black ocellus on underside). Underside en la intersección de M2 con la celda discal. wing pattern visible dorsally. Underside hind Superficie dorsal del ala posterior: Blanca. wing: White and reddish-brown to light brown. Punto café oscuro entre M3-Cu1 (detrás del Anal margin light brown. Basal to postbasal ocelo negro en el lado ventral). Patrón de la area reddish-brown. Submedial area with superficie ventral del ala visible dorsalmente. creamy white band, tapering toward anal mar- Superficie ventral del ala posterior: Blanca y gin. Medial area with reddish-brown transcelu- café rojiza hasta café pálida. Margen anal café lar and extradiscal band; from costa to upper pálido. Área basal a postbasal café rojiza. Área half of discal cell cream and from lower half of submedial con una franja blanca, estrechán- discal cell to anal margin area light, reddish- dose hacia el margen anal. Área medial con brown. Reddish-brown spot on intersection una banda transcelular y una extradiscal café M2 with discal cell. Long white band reaching rojiza; crema desde la costa hasta la mitad tornus between medial and postmedial area. superior de la celda discal y café rojizo pálido Postmedial area with light, reddish-brown desde la mitad inferior de la celda discal hasta stripe. Cream colored between postmedial and el área del margen anal. Punto café rojizo en la submarginal area. Submarginal area with sinu- intersección de M2 con la celda discal. Franja ous silver stripe. Pale yellow ringed, black blanca y larga entre el área medial y postmedi- ocellus with silver “horseshoe” pupilla al, alcanzando al tornus. Área postmedial con between M2-M3 and M3-Cu1. A n t e n n a e : una franja café rojiza pálida. Crema entre el Black with brown line between segments. área postmedial y submarginal. Área submar- Eyes: Clear brown, iridescent and pubescent. ginal con una franja plateada sinuosa. Ocelo Labial palpi: Grayish-brown, semi-porrect, negro con un anillo amarillo pálido y la pupila and hirsute. Thorax: Grayish-brown dorsally. plateada en forma de herradura entre M2-M3 y Yellowish-brown hair-like scales on prothorax. M3-Cu1. Antenas: Negras con una línea café Remainder thoracic segments with white, fine entre segmentos. Ojos: Café claros, iridis- hair-like scales. Abdomen: Grayish-black dor- centes y pubescentes. Palpos labiales: Café sally, with white, fine hair-like scales; white grisáceos, dirigidos hacia adelante y levemente ventrally. Genitalia (Fig. 2): Tegumen convex hacia arriba e hirsutos. Tórax: Negro grisáceo

and shield-like. Uncus long (c a . 0 . 8 i m m ) , dorsalmente. Escamas de protórax similares a straight, slightly curved down at tip, undivid- pelos café amarillentos. Resto de los segmen- ed, i.e. not paired. Gnathos tapered and curved tos torácicos con escamas semejantes a finos upward. Saccus moderately sized (0.5imm pelos blancos. Abdomen: Negro grisáceo dor- long), arched dorsally. Valvae slender (c a . salmente, con escamas similares a finos pelos 0.5imm), tapered, arched laterally, and triden- blancos; blanco ventralmente. Genitales (Fig.

tate at tip. Setae c a . 0.15imm. A e d e a g u s 2): Tegumen convexo y en forma de escudo.

straight, non-grooved distally. Uncus largo (ca. 0.8imm), recto, ligeramente curvado hacia abajo en el extremo, no dividi- do, i.e. no pareado. Gnathos puntiagudo y cur- vado hacia arriba. Saccus de tamaño moderado (0.5imm de largo) y arqueado dorsalmente.

Valvas delgadas ( ca. 0.5imm), puntiagudas, arqueadas lateralmente y tridentadas en el

extremo. Setas ca. 0.15imm. Aedeagus recto y no acanalado distalmente. 4 REVISTA DE BIOLOGÍATROPICAL

Fig. 2. Male genitalia. Lateral view, terminus oriented toward right; left valva removed and drawn below. t = tegumen, u = uncus, g = gnathos, s = saccus, v = valva, a = aedeagus.

Holotype : Labeled “COSTARICA, San Etymology: We dedicate this species to José, Cerro de la Muerte, Villa Mills, 3i000im, Emily Foster for her commitment to the people 23 de VII de 1997, col. Kenji Nishida”, and natural resources of the Neotropics. 9˚34’04”iN, 83˚42’17”iW, INBio 68861. Comments: The flora of the habitat is Deposited in the Entomological Collection of dominated by various species of Chusquea, the Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio), those which are probably hosts of this new Santo Domingo, Heredia, Costa Rica. species. The second author has returned to the Host plant: Unknown. same collecting and surrounding sites with Early stages: Unknown. certain frequency, but more individuals have Di s t r i b u t i o n : The holotype collection reflects not been observed as of the 29th of May, 2002. the high elevations in the Talamancan ranges. It is probable that this species is highly sea- INTERNATIONALJOURNAL OF TROPICALBIOLOGYAND CONSERVATION 5 sonal. However, many individuals of a pierine RESUMEN , Leptophobia aripa (Boisduval) were observed flying in the same region. This but- Una especie nueva de Satyrinae, Cyllopsis emilia terfly possesses a white basal color with black Chacón y Nishida, es descrita a partir de un solo espéci- forewing apex, and it could be confused with men macho procedente del Cerro de la Muerte, San José, C. emilia in flight. Costa Rica. Esta nueva especie puede distinguirse de las otras especies del género por su coloración blanca.

AKNOWLEDGEMENTS REFERENCES We thank Phil J. DeVries for the revision of the specimen pictures and the manuscript, DeVries, P.J. 1987. The butterflies of Costa Rica and their Gerardo Lamas for the suggestions on this natural history: Papilionidae, Pieridae, Nymphalidae. Princeton, Princeton. 327 p, 50 pl. work, José Montero for the preparation of the genitalia and José Alejandro Herrera for the Miller, L.D. 1974. Revision of the Euptychiini (Satyridae) fine illustration. 2. Cyllopsis R. Felder. Bull. Allyn Mus. 20: 1- 98.