March 21, 1946

The Watch Tower

By of inciting riot, and this no one who DR. G. heard him denies. It is a pity that GEORGE a newspaper as great as the Tribune, stoops to misrepresenation to take its FOX personal spite out on an officer of the law, who stands so well.

The results of the Anglo-American * And now Dr. Lisa Meitner turns Palestine Commission are eagerly be- out to be a non-Jewess, by her own ing awaited. The commission is now statement! She told a Washington breaking up into smaller groups for correspondent of the New York Jew- more intensive observations. One of ish Morning Journal that "she did the last to testify before the com- not consider herself a Jewess, and mission left Palestine was Dr. Judah that she had no interest in Jewish L. Magnes, the president of the problems." Her mother, she said, Hebrew University, who is also the was of Jewish descent, and she was head of the Ichud movement. This born a Protestant. That is all right movement believes in a bi-national with us-but one must look at the state for Palestine, that is to say, a irony of history. Hitler thought dif- state in which the Arabs and the ferently, so she was forced out of will have equal rights. He her home, gave her information to a asked for the admission into Pales- man who is himself a half-Jew, and tine immediately of 100,000 dis- was thrown right back into the Jew- possessed persons, as did President ish lap, adding by that mischance, a Truman. It is interesting to note that little glory to the Jewish people! Now the late sainted Miss Szold also was all of the news items and editorials a member of the Ichud party. about Dr. Lisa Meitner will have t~ be revised!

* * * * It is idle to speculate on the de- cision of the commission. But when * That there are Jews in our land one realizes that Jews of the type more awake than we in Chicago are, of Magnes. Szold and Einstein, are is attested to again, by an item in opposed to a "Jewish" state; and that the New York Times. It states that more than one member of the com- the National Farm School of Dovles- mission has expressed himself like- ton, Bucks County, Pa., is to be made wise, it is safe to guess what the into a Junior College, beginning this result will be. We believe that there June. will be almost unanimity in a de- The National Farm School was cision to admit many Jews, if not founded fifty years ago by the late the whole hundred thousand, cer- Joseph Krauskopf after a tainly a number as large as 50,000 visit to Count , in . and even larger. It is also probable Dr. Krauskopf was persuaded that that the threats and the challenges young Jews in our land have a career of the Arabs, particularly of the na- on the land. He worked assiduously tions touching Palestine, will not be and hard until he gathered together deeply considered. enough funds to establish his school, An additional factor which may add which is now one of the best junior to the liberal side of the whole ques- the land. It tion is the decision just anounced agricultural schools in Our Catering Department by radio, that Attlee is offering India has been found that the institution complete freedom. If this is so, it can become more valuable as a three Will Plan Your Wedding Party will take out of the situation the fear year junior college, and its trustees that many have had in Britain and have accepted and acted upon this Complete With Ceremony also in this country, that disregard suggestion. or of the Arabs alleged interests in Palestine, will inflame the whole Business Luncheons-Bridge Luncheons Mohammedan world against Eng- 'I land. The freedom of India removes Banquets this threat to a large extent. BRILLIANTLY-ECONOMICALLY * The Tribune had a rather nasty editorial the other morning, anent Sheridan Plaza the Gerald L. K. Smith matter. It The was of course, an anti-liberal senti- LONgbeach 1900 ment. The Tribune doesn't like Judge Quillici. So it makes out a case against him mostly by calling him a "Red," and thus justifying its outburst. On the whole it exhibited a rather flimsy case for Smith and against Quillici. In answer to one of its statements, viz., "Stripped of legal artifice, it was handled on the proposition that because Smith makes IMPLIED or DIRECT APPEALS tc Sold at Your Local Dealer it I- RACE HATRED, (italics ours) Throughout the Year all right to attempt to deny him free speech through mob violence." The Tribune should have had its CALIFORNIA WINE CO. reporter to hear the rabble-rouser, then it would not, if it were honest, Chicago 10, U. S. A. say what it does. Smith was guilty