GCIS Communication Centre: THE STAR: September 14, 2016: pg 1

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O R7Om budget for bicycle lanes axed O Sanral told that it can go take a hike

ANNA COX “With last week’s removal of the [email protected] managing director of Pikitup, the focus now turns to stabilising and N A shock move during his strengthening this entity The nor- acceptance speech yesterday, mal 135 weekly refuse collection new mayor Herman Mashaba rounds have been restored at all 12 put the brakes on bicycle lanes depots, as well as street sweeping and said there would be no co-oper- and litter picking. ation with Sanral over e-tolls by the “There is a massive backlog in Joburg metro police. clearing waste at the 2080 illegal Mashaba announced that the dumping sites. In conjunction with R70 million budgeted on bicycle the JMPD, the city would begin a lanes would not go ahead. process of by-law enforcement at It was former these i’legal dump- mayor ’s ing sites,” he said. dream to establish Regarding the bicycle lanes around shortage of water, the city to reduce the Mashaba promised number of vehicles that in the next three on the roads and to months the city

get people fit. would implement a “When every road “first-line response in Joburg is tarred, team” initiative, then maybe the city which entailed a will again look at dedicated team bicycle lanes,” said being dispatched to Mashaba. isolate water leaks He also raised the and bursts within ante on the conten- two hours of a major tious Gauteng e-tolls burst being reported. saga, saying there He said Johannes- would be no co-oper- burg Water would ation between the continue to roll out JMPD and Sanral and that there its pipe replacement programme, “would be no harassment of motor- with 100km of water pipes targeted ists about outstanding e-toll pay- for replacement in the current year

ments” . Active leak detection would be However, there is currently no carried out daily by dedicated leak link between the payment of e-tolls detection teams, he said. as it is a national project, and the These teams would survey JMPD does not have the power to 250(~km of the water reticulation issue fines for non-payment. infrastructure to ensure al’ leaks Another urgent step that Mash- were reported and repaired to aba’s administration would be tak- reduce water losses. ing is reviewing the boards of all l\/.ashaba made further promises, city-owned entities. but appealed for patience. This, he said, would ensure that “There is no quick fix for the the entities have the skills and will- years of mismanagement that have ingness to drive an agenda of bring- resu‘ted in the failures of our city ing change that would create jobs, We need to start from basics and fight corruption and fast-track the step by step build a city we can all be delivery of better services to all. proud to call home,” he said. He would also conduct a skills l\/.ashaba reassured all goburg audit of the city’s employees to residents that under the DA-led ensure that all are properly quali- council, the city would have a gov- fied for the roles they are in. ernment for everyone. “Gone are the days of cadre “Xow is not the time for political deployment and the appointment squabbles. The time for campaign- of friends and family,” he said. ing and politicking is over. We face To improve efficiency at the great challenges that no party can troubled Pikitup and ensure that the confront on its own. Now is the time a" filth in the inner city was cleared for of us to roll up our sleeves regularly, Mashaba said Pikitup had and get working together,” he said. been instructed to double its shifts. See Page 4 GCIS Communication Centre: BEELD: September 14, 2016: pg 2 ‘JULLE WORD MISBRUIK’

“Suid-Afrika het julle (in die 0n- daar ’n verlies van R1,8 miljard. Die Minister él Wat tetale langse munisipale verkiesing) ver- totale staatswaarborge Wat t0ege- Werp omdat julle aanhou 0m ker- staan is, is R19 miljard. — rupsie te verdedig. “Tans is daar tussen agt tot tien insterting keer Iulius “Almal van julle meet ruggraat banke Wat lenings aangebied het en kry en hierdie minister van finan- tussen einde September en vroeg sies verdedig. Hierdie man is al Wat volgende jaar sal tussen R4 miljard Llewellyn Prince Malema het telkemale na die 0ns n0g in hierdie land het. en R5 miljard van daardie lenings “middelmatige en suiwer 0nbev0eg- “As julle nie na hierdie man luis- vir betaling 0pk0m.” Dit is net , minister de” Dudu Myeni as “Dudu Myeni- ter nie, sal hierdie land ineenstort. Volgens Gordhan moet die SAL se van finansies, Wat direk in die pad Zuma” verwys Weens haar n0ue “En as julle die minister van fi- nuwe direksie dus met ’n finansiele van die totale ineenstorting van bande met Zuma. nansies nie gaan verdedig nie en plan vorendag kom 0m die lenings Suid-Afrika staan. Sy is pas vir 12 maande heraange- aanhou 0m ’n misdadiger te Verde- te kan terugbetaal. , EFF-leier, het dit stel as SAL-v00rsitter. dig, sal daar geen land meer 00r “As 0ns die staatswaarborge ver- gister gese en die ANC in die parle- , minister van klein- Wees nie. Laat 0ns Dudu Myeni en Wyder, sal die SAL tegnies insolvent ment gesmeek 0m Gordhan in plaas sakeontwikkeling, en Bathabile Jacob Zuma uit magsposisies verWy- wees. Dit is egter ’n staatsbate en van “die misdadiger” (pres. Jacob Dlamini, minister van maatskaplike der.” 0ns kan nie toelaat dat dit 0nder- Zuma) te verdedig. ontwikkeling, Was 0nder die talle Gordhan het in sy spreekbeurt gaan nie. Daarom moet 0ns die 0m- Malema het in die Nasionale Ver- ANC-LP’s Wat daarteen kapsie ge- gese die regering skuld die publiek keerstrategie ten volle in Werking gadering gepraat in ’n debat 00r die maak het, maar dit is verwerp. persoonlike agendas van (Zuma). die volle Waarheid 00r die SAL se fi stel.” sukkelende Suid-Afrikaanse Lug- Malema het gese die EFF is uiters “Hulle Wil nie die SAL se kapasi nansiele status. Gordhan het gese korrupsie of diens (SAL). bekommerd 00r hoe die SAL en an- teit bou nie. Hulle Wil dit melk 0m “Vir die 2014-’15-boekjaar Waar- plundery moenie by die SAL éf eni- Hy het ANC-LP’s en ministers uit- der staatsentiteite bestuur Word. meer geld daaruit te maak. v00r die finansiele state n0u afge- ge ander staatsentiteit toegelaat gekryt vir ’n “gr0ep Wat nie vir hul- “Almal van julle Wat hier is 0m “Julle meet Weer dink. Hou 0p 0m handel Word, is dit korrek dat ’n Word nie en bewyse daar00r meet self kan dink nie” Weens hul blinde- Dudu Myeni-Zuma te verdedig, moet verkeerde dingo en korrupsie te ver- verlies van R4,7 miljard gely is. aan die relevante owerhede verskaf lingse steun aan Zuma. Weet julle Word misbruik vir die dedig. “Vir die 2015-’16-boekjaar Was Word 0m te ondersoek. GCIS Communication Centre BEELD September 14, 2016 pg 14 Moenie e-t01 vrees, sé Mashaba

Claudi Mailovich en t0g as’t Ware 00r10g verklaar pr0beer 0p10s. Anlerie de Wet teen Parks Tau, v0rige burge- Hy het 00k be10We: meester, Wat h0m vir die fiets- I Gr00t tenders sa1 in k1ei- Johannesburg se m0t0riste bane beywer het. ner tenders verdeel Word; h0ef nie meer in vrees te 1eWe Si1umk0 Mab0na, EFF-raads- I Van vandag af sa1 2 000 ti- dat die metr0p01isie hu11e 00r lid, het Mashaba bedank dat hy telaktes aan mense 00rhandig

e-t01rekeninge sa1 verv01g nie. “die EFF se manifes t0epas” . W0rd vir huise Wat s0mmige a1 “In 0ns stad sa1 daar geen sa- Mashaba het h0m sterk uit- t0t 20 jaar beW00n; mewerking tussen die metr0- gespreek teen korrupsie en ne- I In die eerste 100 dae sa1 p01isie en Sanral Wees 00r e-t01 p0tisme. dienslewering in v00rheen be- nie. Dit belemmer dienslewering, nadeelde gebiede, inf0rme1e ne- “Ek het reeds die bevestiging Wat die inW0ners van die stad, dersettings en h0ste1s verbeter; van die metr0p01isie 0ntvang maar veral die armos, m00t b0- on dat geen van 0ns m0t0riste 00r v00rdee1, se hy. I Grondpaaie van 12 km in agterstallige e-t01rekeninge ge- Die metr0raad 0nder leiding Pr0tea, LaW1ey, Iv0ry Park, teister sa1 Word nie,” het van die DA sa1 daarmee k1aar- Bramfischerville en Tshepisong Herman Mashaba, J0hannes- speel. ’n F0rensiese 0udit sa1 sa1 geteer Word. burgse burgemeester, gister in ged0en Word Waarin verdagte Mashaba het bek1emt00n sy inhuldigingstoespraak gese. uitgawes en tenders 0nders0ek daar 1e baie Werk v00r. Hy se hy is bekommerd 00r sa1 Word. “Ek m0et die mense van J0- die begr0ting van R70 mi1j0en “H00r my en h00r my m00i: hannesburg 0m geduld vra - Wat vir die ontwikkeling van Niemand sa1 b100t 0p die vin- daar is geen kortpaaie nie.” fietsbane 00r die v01g0nd0 drio g0rs gotik Word nie. Daar sa1 Hy se dit is belangrik 0m te jaar beWi11ig is. nie sti1 uittredes 0f g0ue hand- besef dat daar nie een party is “Ek beplan 0m ’n stokkie drukke Wees nie. Wat die meerderheid van die daarv00r te steek. “Die Wat skuldig bevind inW0ners van die stad se stem- “Wanneer elke pad in J 0han- Word aan korrupsie en bedr0g, me 0ntvang het nie. nesburg geteer is, sa1 0ns dalk sa1 reguit tr0nk t0e gaan.” Mashaba is gedurende sy t0e- Weer na fietsbane kyk.” Mashaba het aangekondig ’n spraak drie keer deur die EFF Julius Malema, EFF-leier, het indaba sa1 geh0u Word 0m die onderbreek. in die party se verkiesingsve1d- krisis met die rekeninge te Die ANC Was d00dsti1. Robust competition lavv compliance initiative is called for

ment, analysed various ways in terms of which the quantum of damages was to be SAAAND calculated in order to establish a robust methodology for such quantification. SAA is to pay interest on the damages award until the date of full settlement in addi- tion. It is of grave concern that SAA has over an extended period of time, in actual Ahmore Burger-Smiclt fact almost since inception of the Compe- tition Act, been hauled before the compe- tition authorities in relation to allegations sult. A civil damages claim by Nationwide Airlines, for damages suffered as a result tionwide this year, that there is a lack of conduct it engaged in during the period of anti competitive behaviour for R43m, stemming from the 2001 ruling of the abuse of dominance by SAA in the causation to substantiate any Nationwide 2001 to 2005. It was indeed the SAA stance N AUG JST 8 the High Court or- by the Competition Tribunal was settled domestic passenger airline market. And claim. that if there were any losses suffered by dered South African Airways to by SAA and Nationwide on a confidential it took an additional 10 years for a fur- But what is apparent from the SAA Nationwide, which it denied, that such pay more than R104 million to Penalties basis shortly after the trial commenced ther civil damages claim to be concluded argument is that the alleged lack of caus- losses were caused by factors unrelated to liquidated airline Nationwide, Various claims for anti-competitive con- in 2006. against the national airline this year ation did not relate to the merits of the SAA’s anti competitive conduct. for damages caused by SAA’s duct have been investigated against SAA It took almost 10 years from the in- With regard to the civil damages claim claim by Nationwide, but rather the quan- The finding by the High Court that abuse of market dominance for the period and the airline has been ordered to pay ception of the Competition Act, 1998 (as for the period 2001 to 2)06, SAA argued tum of the claim. In actual fact, it was the SAA is to pay to Nationwide damages in between 2001 and 2006. This is the first administrative penalties during 2004 amended) for the first civil claim to emerge during the proceedings, resulting in the view presented by SAA that no actual dam- the sum of R104.625m, is indeed precedent time a damages claim based on a finding (R15m), 2005 (R20m), 2006 (R20m) and 2010 in the form of a claim by Nationwide successful claim of civil damages by Na- ages was caused by the anti competitive setting. The court, in a very detailed judg- by the Competition Tribunal has been (R18 799 292). This is in addition to the litigated in full. R45m administrative penalty being lev- The competition authorities found on ied during 2005. The amount that SAA more than one occasion that SAA offered has paid in terms of penalties and civil incentives to trave’ agents that resulted in claims for anti-competitive behaviour has an abuse of dominance by SAA. This for reached a significant amount. To add to the period 1999 to 2 )01, as well as the period this dim picture, the current claim for 2001 to 2036. civil damages by Comair could impact the SAA was ordered to pay an administra- overall figure significantly ' ti v e penaity to the amount of R45m during Comair has instituted a civil claim 2005 for the abuse of dominance finding for damages against SAA for the same against it in relation to the loyalty rebates conduct that Nationwide had complained offered to travel agents between 1999 and about. The Comair claim was argued dur- 2001, which loyaity rebates provided incen- ing the week of August 22. In its volu- tives to travel agents to divert passengers minous court papers, Comair presented from rivals domestic flights to SAA. This a model produced by an expert witness finding by the competition authorities laid that showed the total damages suffered the first basis for a civil claim for damages by Comair amounted to R898m. Comair in . The action was brought also asked the court for 15.5 percent inter- by Nationwide in the Pretoria High Court est, which would push the total damages for the harm it claimed to have suffered claimed to about R2bn. We await the final as a resuit of the abuse of dominance by outcome. Clearly, a robust competition law SAA. Whilst it was the first claim of its compliance initiative is called for if one kind in South Africa following a finding would endeavour to bring healing to the by the competition authorities against broken SAA. a company, it did not result in a ruling.

Therefore, the long awaited precedent set- Anmore Burger-Smidt is a director and ting litigation regarding civil claims for Competition Lavv specialist at Werksmans competition related damages did not re- Attorneys. GCIS Communication Centre: CAPE ARGUS: September 14, 2016: pg 2 OI’ an l'OllIl OSS

Minister says non-executives

should not interfere in airline

The Presidency has previously denied Craig Dodds rumours that the two are romantically P()L|T|(}\L VVRITER involved and share a love child, saying

craig.clo(lcls@ i n l .co.za their relationship is purely professional and based on her running of a foundation in the president’ s name. INANCE Minister Pravin Gord- That statement was in response to the han has laid down the law to the widespread view that former finance min- R-L7 billion government loan guarantee to saying he had been out of the country when which was not the job of board members. new SAA board and chairwoman ister Nhlanhla Nene was fired by the presi- stave off insolvency — could be attributed to the cabinet took the decision. Myeni’ s clash with Nene was reportedly Dudu Myeni, saying non-exec- dent for crossing Myeni. Myeni. The airline had been in trouble for a Closing the debate on SAA which fol- over her wish to change a deal for the acqui- utive members of the board Myeni was recently reappointed as chair long time, Zuma said, suggesting that none lowed Zuma’s question time, Gordhan said sition of new aircraft, while she also tried may not interfere in the operations of the of the SAA board despite the Treasury of its former board chairs had been able to that among the conditions attached to the to award a deal to restructure SAA’s debt to airline. under Gordhan having recommended alist run it successfully. loan guarantee was the introduction of a little-known financier for a R256 million Earlier President Zuma expressed his of directors that did not include her. “I don’t see any difference between what corporate governance practices. success fee. full confidence in the controversial Myeni. In reply to a question from DA leader she’s done and what other chairs have done This included non -executive directors Gordhan said he expected the new board Their relationship came in for ridicule Mmusi Maimane on whether he had con- before,” Zuma said. This was disputed by not interfering in day-to-day operations. to hire a competent management team when a debate on the SAA crisis followed fidence in Myeni despite the Treasury’s Malema, however, who reminded Par- Gordhan said he would leave it to MPs to and ensure compliance with the law and questions to the president in Parliament reservations, Zuma said, “Yes, I do,” adding liament that under former chair Cheryl interpret whether this had happened in the the constitution. He confirmed that SAA

yesterday, with EFF leader Julius Malema he had “seen her working”. Carolus the airline had been profitable. past, though he mentioned that when the had made a loss of R-l<.7bn in 2O14L/ 15 and dubbing the reinstated board chairwoman He denied that the airline’ s financial Zuma also denied that he had been Treasury intervened, it had discovered let- R1.6bn in 2015/16, while its total loan — “Dudu Myeni-Zuma”. woes it has just been granted a further responsible for Myeni’ s reappointment, ters being written on behalf of the airline, guarantees now stood at just under R2 Obn. GCIS Communication Centre CAPE ARGUS: September 14, 2016: pg 8 ‘T e are ta. in 00 ’ out 0 our mout

Fishermen claim wildlife authority is restricting their use oi kraals

Mphathi Nxumalo

HE ENKOVUKENI com- munity in Umhlabuyalingana Municipality, near the border of Mozambique, is crying foul about iSimangaliso Wetlands restrictions on their fishing method. The community live off the fish in the Makawulana River, which surrounds the community, forming a small island. Their method of fishing is by creating fish kraals which, when they are properly formed, trap the fish. However, during a visit by an Independ- ent Media team to the area at the weekend in a boat sponsored by the Department of Transport, Sharks Board, SA Maritime Safety Authority and other stakeholders, residents pointed out their unhappiness. They claimed the wildlife authority was preventing them from “putting food on

the table”. Richard Ngubane, 50, said IsiMangaliso had issues with the fish kraals. The father of five said the fishing kraal he relied on to catch fish had been passed down to him by his father who, in turn, received it from his father. He said he had been fishing using this method for the past 2-L years, since he was retrenched. The kraals, which take up to 18 months not preclude fishing; rather, they require making it important that fishing be done Another resident, Lindani Ngubane, to build, can provide a living for about that fishing occurs within limits,” he said. within limits. said residents were angry because Isim- 1 O00 in the area. Zaloumis said research showed that He said iSimangaliso could not regu- angaliso allowed tourists to take photos The chief executive of Isimangaliso, some of the fish which werere depend- late the taking of photographs by tourists near the existing fish kraals as a marketing Andrew Zaloumis, said the Protected Areas ent on the estuary were heavily exploited, and that those who did take photos were ploy. He said villagers did not benefit from Act and the World Heritage Convention and that this had serious implications for advised to ask permission from the people these tours. Act guided their activities. “These laws do commercial line and subsistence fishing, of whom they take pictures. GCIS Communication Centre: CAPE TIMES: September 14, 2016: pg 3

' Court orders Prasa to pay two security companies more than R7m owed

Siyavuya Mzantsi as Chmna Security had risked Supreme securities. faced with due to Prasa’s at school because we have not “We are trying our level their lives protecting commut- Prasa was also ordered to non-payment could lead to been paid for two months and best because we can’t be WESTERN Cape High Court ers on notoriously dangerous pay their legal costs. their businesses being liqui- we are not even certain if they treated like slaves.” Judge Leslie Weinkove has lines, yet Prasa did not want The order came less than a dated or retrenchments, the (the companies) will get paid. Supreme Security manag- expressed deep shock at the to pay week after the sheriff attached companies have warned. We are frustrated and some ing member Richard Loops failure of the Passenger The two companies have a seven-coach train owned by More than 700 security of us have lost hope,” said said they were frustrated by Rail Agency of South Africa been embroiled in a legal fight Prasa to settle a R2.4m debt the guards deployed to the north- Chuma securities employee Prasa’s silence as they were (Prasa) to pay two Cape Town with the embattled parastatal parastatal owes Chuma Secur- ern and central lines were Ntombozuko Bomba. unable to tell employees when security companies it owed since they were not paid for ity for July hired by the two companies. Another employee, Vuy- they would be paid. more than R7m for services the services provided in July Attorney Mark Hess for A group of frustrated iseka Pit, said: “Despite the “If they could just tell us they rendered for two months. and August. the companies said Prasa did Chuma securities employees challenges we are faced with they have financial problems Weinkove said security The judge yesterday issued not file papers opposing their attended yesterday’s proceed- we continue working because and give us a time frame for guards employed by Supreme an order compelling the state- application. ings as they have not been paid we are scared of losing our when they can pay, but they do Security services and High owned enterprise to pay the The steadily increasing for two months. jobs. It’s difficult getting a job, not respond,” he said. Goals Investments cc trading amounts it owed Chuma and arrears the companies were “Our children are no longer especially for us women. [email protected] GCIS Communication Centre: CAPE TIMES: September 14, 2016: pg 4

Gor an gets onest, ran on

African News Agency urged the board to appoint competent managers and allow FINANCE Minister Pravin them to manage without inter- Gordhan confirmed yesterday ference, and to stop moving that SAA suffered losses of the goalposts for a return to R4.7 billion in 2014/2015 and financial stability, which most a further R1.8bn in the past recently it has said would take financial year. another five years. It must also Gordhan was closing a review all suspensions. bitter debate in the National “This date has been mov- Assembly on SAA, which was ing with each corporate plan,” was dominated by demands Gordhan said. from the opposition for SAA He also conceded that SAA chairperson Dudu Myeni to be would collapse without gov- removed from the post. ernment guarantees but said “I think we owe it to the that was not an option. Its South African public that we long-overdue financial results be honest and frank and truth- are due to be tabled this week ful about the financial status of after another of R4.7bn “with the airline. For the year 2014- conditions” was granted. 15, where the annual financial The DA said it would pursue statements are about to be con- a court challenge to Myeni’s cluded, it is correct, there was continued tenure and the EFF a loss of R4.7 billion. And for said she could not be trusted 15-16, according to the numbers because of her close ties with I have, R1.8 billion,” Gordhan President Jacob Zuma, who said. they demanded resign. He said the opposition was EFF leader Julius Malema not only correct in stating that implored government to sup- SAA held government-guaran- port Gordhan in a widely per- teed loans of R19 million, but ceived tug-of-war between the that later in the year and early Presidency and the treasury in next year, eight to 10 banks “Defend this, Minister would call in up to R5bn in of Finance. This is the only payment from the airline. thing we have in this country,” The National Treasury has Malema said. GCIS Communication Centre: DAILY DISPATCH: September 14, 2016: pg 1 BCM R3m ‘misunderstanding’ shrinks budget h R1.6-million

By MAMELA GOWA I-" these funds had not been used in . E, the last financial year. BUFFALO City Metro’s operating Transnet spokesman Molat- revenue and expenditure budget wane Likhethe said: “Transnet en- has shrunk by more than Rl.6- tered into an agreement with million after BCM erroneously BCM to establish and manage an added and approved a R3-million enterprise development hub in Transnet-funded project as part of Mdantsane. their 2016-l7 budget. “In terms of the agreement, Transnet said the R3-million was Transnet committed to fund the theirs to spend, and should not be establishment and day-to-day in BCM’s expenditure budget. management of the hub, while the Almost half of the loss has been municipality agreed to avail one of offset by unspent budget rolled its buildings as the premises." over to this year. BCM and Transnet agreed that Both revenue and expenditure Transnet, and not BCM would budgets of R5.9-billion each had to pay the service providers. be urgently adjusted last month “The aim of the Transnet En- after it was found that the Medium ’ terprise Development Hub is to Term Revenue and Expenditure create an enabling environment for (MTREF) budget presented in small businesses to access prod- .-

. (<1 council in May included the __>~ ucts and services by both provincial R3-million committed by Transnet and national economic develop- to establish the Enterprise De- ment institutions under one roof. velopment Hub to help small busi- “The Mdantsane hub started op-

nesses within BCM’s jurisdiction. . erating in May. The services on

In the urgent report presented *1», offer include business develop- '1 in council two weeks ago, new <¢.»§»,<éis> ment, business registration, pro- mayor Xola Pakati said BCM’s curement advisory services, tax MONEY MATTERS: Buffalo City Metro mayor Xola Pakati Picture: FILE budget for operating revenue and registration and compliance, fi- expenditure had decreased nancial support and guidance on “mainly due to a reduction of a The city was assisted by funds sponsored lighting project, black economic empowerment re- R3-million grant allocation from of RL4-million which had not been R261 565 from the Independent quirements," Likhethe said. Transnet which was understood spent in the 2015-16 financial year Electoral Commission for the mu- BCM spokesman Sibusiso Cindi

to be a direct transfer” . to boost this year’s budget as un- nicipal elections and just more could not comment on how BCM However, it has since been clar- conditional funds (to be used as than R1-million from a Human Set- had misunderstood the contract ified that the project will be im- seen fit to advance service de- tlements Development Grant for between the two parties. He had plemented directly by Transnet livery), were rolled over to this the Duncan Village Redevelop- not responded by the time of going within the BCM jurisdiction and year to finish the projects. ment Initiative pilot project gave to print yesterday. f mante- therefore is an in-kind allocation. The R89 858 from the Glasgow- BCM an increase of Rl.4-million as [email protected] GCIS Communication Centre: DAILY DISPATCH: September 14, 2016: pg 6 raffic officers nd overtim

Province-Wide action over ‘unpaid Wages’

By MALIBONGWE DAYIMANI the department of transport of ments and funerals, and road playing the blame-game by al- blocks and drunken driving ROVINCIAL traffic offi- legedly telling them that the awareness campaigns. cers have stopped over- fault lay with provincial trea- The group accused the de- P time duties following a sury. partment of transport of defy- long-running dispute with the “We told them that we don’t ing Phumulo Masualle department of transport over work for the treasury but the by not paying them their mon- outstanding payments. department of transport.” ey. Masualle last week urged Traffic officers in Nelson Plaatjies said traffic officers his cabinet to make sure public Mandela Bay, Amathole, () R would not be available to con- servants were paid all their Tambo, Alfred Nzo and Chris trol flow of traffic during spe- outstanding money. Hani district municipalities say cial duties like funerals, sport In a brief telephone interview they are owed between three to and school functions usually with the Dispatch on Tuesday, four months’ overtime. held over the weekends. Masualle’s spokesman Sizwe Public Servants Association He said officers were yet to Kupelo said: “The premier shop steward Christopher receive overtime money for the made that statement because Plaatjies said the decision to no late Reverend Makhenkesi Sto- each time he meets with unions longer work overtime was tak- file’s funeral. he gets complaints about issues en at a meeting at the Wilsonia According to government of unpaid benefits so he in- Traffic Department on Monday. regulations, overtime money structed the directors to fast- “We’ve decided that we won’t should not exceed 30% of an track the process of paying the work overtime anymore until employee’s monthly salary. outstanding money but our overtime money is paid in The traffic officers, however, stressed that it must be done

full. There will be no late shifts, have rejected this rule, saying on merit” . no stand-bys, no escorts of they could not be compared The department of transport VIPs and no emergency shifts with other public servants be- was not available for comment. over weekends. We will only cause they frequently worked In a WhatsApp message spokes- work from Monday to Friday." long, irregular hours. woman Ntombizomzi Bala said: Normal provincial traffic of- ()ther services expected to be “The whole of our management ficials shifts are 6am to 2pm affected by the stayaway, in- was attending a hearing at pro-

and 2pm to 10pm Monday to cluded standbys at events in- vincial treasury” . i malzTb0ng- Friday The group has accused cluding concerts, sport tourna- [email protected]

SA should stop licensing metered taxis

CO-PIERRE GEORG AND MICHAEL E ROSE prevent cheating or unjust behaviour.

some quality control is needed.

USING a metered taxi is a nuisance in (Yities could. for example. state tor- most countries: just try to find a cab on mal requirements and issue operational a rainy afternoon in downtown l\lanhat- allo\vances to all those who t'ormally tan or London. New e-hailing services meet these requirements.

like llber have vowed to revolutionise This is exactly how we regulate many the transp(irtation industry. transp(irtation markets. long-distance

But they have also lett city ofi'icials buses and airlines among them. and scratching their heads about regula- other credence goods markets like res- tions and traditional metered taxi driv- taurants and pharmaceiitical drugs. ers from Jakarta to Toronto and l\airobi There' s no reason the same approach to (Yasablanca fuming. cant be applied to taxi drivers.

ln South .\fi'ica. using a metered There is also no reason to treat all taxi can be a nightmare. There have companies of one industry in equal been many reports of reckless drivers. measure. The rules and regulations tor defiinct meters or drivers \vho take restaurants difier from the rules and circuitous routes to push up the price. regulation tor tood trucks and other There are personal security risks. too. mobile food vendors. for example. The situation is exacerbated by unli- li-hailing companies are not metered censed and unregistered metered taxis. taxi companies. llegulators must resist Such drivers are otten highly organised the urge to regulate them in equal meas- and. as everywhere around the world. ure just because both ofier a similar act as cartels to prevent competition service. Their business model is dit- from branded metered taxis. terent and the challenges both types lloth unregistered and registered of companies pose tor regulators are metered taxis haven't \velco1ned the ers using a smartphone app. A similar Meter taxi drivers have rightt'ully for taxi services is constant. lower sup- difierent. too. advent of e-hailing services like llber. approach has been successtiilly applied complained that there is no level play- ply implies higher tares. ln the case of The other thing regulators must

lnstead. some have resorted to scare to renting holiday apartments or hiring ing field between themselves and llber. transport services it also means longer remember is that they ought to work tactics and even violence directed at a hike. .\nd the licencing system seems to be waiting times. .\nother unintended with customers in mind. (‘ ustomers their new competitors. lfber is currently the only major the main battleground between meter consequence is the emergence of ille- demand change in a defunct industry This escalation o1“violence has pushed e-hailing service operating in South taxi and llber drivers. gal taxis. and it' s to their demands - not those ot - South .\t'rican policy makers to search i\fi'ica. lt has drivers in (‘ape Town. South .\t'rican cities are interpreting Licences act as a barrier to entry. the monopolists that regulators must for new and better ways to regulate the l)urban. Port lilizabeth. Johannesburg the l\lational Land Transp(artation Act too. They shield metered taxis fi'om respond. metered taxi industry. and Pretoria. l)rivers usually work on difierently to deal with licensing llber new entrants and reduce competition .\t the same time. regulators must not

The law is likely to soon treat e-hailing their own as independent contractors drivers. to those already in the market. This has be blinded by llber' s grandiose prom- companies as metered taxi companies. but are subject to city-specific require- ln J(ahannesburg. llber drivers oper- two implications. First. without compe- ises. They need to tackle the specific

The bill. however. tails to account for the ments designed by llber. ate using charter service licences. tition there is no pressure to innovate. challenges Uber' s business model poses. crucial difi'erences bet\veen e-hailing They must pass a background check: (Tape Town created a new category Secondly. market participants are incen- llow can drivers be protected from and traditional metered taxi services. their car needs to be in good order and of licences for e-hailing services. l\leter tivised to defend their market position exploitative contracts with car owners?

lt is likely to cause more harm than it cannot be too old. taxi drivers are insistingthat liber driv- through lobbying. l low can regulation encourage competi-

good. lfber and its smaller competitors ers should become sub_ject to standard- In a 198 '1 report the US Federal Trade tion in the e-hailing sector? Regulatory environments difier are becoming more popular around the ised licensing rules rather than getting (Yommission wrote that entry restric- .\nd. most importantly. ho\v can around the world. \\'e'd argue that in world. But meter taxi drivers are not what some perceive as special treat- tions in the taxi markets enable "taxi authorities ensure that drivers and car South .\t'rica regulators should stop try- among their tans. l’art ot'the answer is ment. firms in a number of cities to exercise owners pay income tax? ing to apply yesteryear' s rules to new the tight regulation. llut why should any kinds of taxi market power. Restrictions on the num- The proposed regulatory 1“ramework. industries and services. ln South .\t'rica. city authorities operators be licensed at all? ber ot' taxis also limits the employment which would treat llber as an ordinary They should tackle in(lustry-specific screen meter taxi drivers and test lt' s been claimed that licensing opportunities of less skilled workers." metered taxi company. would not pro- challenges instead. cars: they set fixed rates per kilometre meter taxi drivers protects customers. There are good aspects to licensing. vide satist'actory answers to any ot'these - .\nd we'd ask why taxi operators. charged bythe taxis. These regulations Above all. licences restrict the supply too. like restricting the supply to coin- problems. theconversati(>n.com ' 0-1’1' 1' whether meter cabs or e-riding services. usually don' t apply to e-hailing compa- of metered taxis. New taxi operators mercial drivers and only licensing cars ( c/"/"c ( 100/1g‘ s so/11' 0/" I ccrzz/"c/" at r/zc should be licensed at all. nies. allowing them to operate at lower must buy a licence 1“rom current licence- which fiilfil certain quality standards. ,lfi'1' ca/z 1/z.s'r1' r11rc_fi)/' F1' /za/zc1'al .\]a/'/Jars

' There' s a revolution in the transport market prices. holders or wait for new licences to be liconomists refer to taxis as credence (lIIC[Rl- 8'/\'ll[(lII(lg'(’lIl(’IIf. I /11' rc1" .\'ity rgf( 7a/10 - industry can regulators keep up? l\lost importantly. meter taxi compa- issued. goods. (Tustomers are usually unable Tow/z. A111- L‘/IC‘()l 1€[)'\‘() is a1’/11)ca/zcliclarc

1' I.'( "1. E-hailing services match consum- nies must buy licences that allow them Restricting supply artificially ulti- to assess the quality of the taxi and /1 ecu/10/)21' c.s' at 1‘/11$‘ a/"riclc M1211!)- ' ers with independent service provid- to provide their service. mately implies higher prices. lt'demand the driver' s skills before the ride. To l1's/zcd (‘(111/"rosy of '1‘/zc ( 0/zrc/" .s'ar1' 0/1 GCIS Communication Centre: THE WITNESS: September 14 2016 pg 2

Education cannot bus

all pupils


SCHOLAR transport continues to pose a serious challenge to the pro- vincial Education Department, which has come under fire lately for failing to provide the service to needy rural pupils Who travel long distances to and from schools. Yesterday, the department told a National Council of Provinces ses- sion held at the Pietermaritzburg city

hall that it would not be able to meet

its targets for at least this financial year and the following year. The department provides trans- port to 47 747 pupils in the province and 46 l86 more pupils from 337 schools are in need of the service. Deputy director-general ]udy Dlamini said the target shifted With more pupils needing transport every year. “We Will not be able to meet

it [the target] in the Z017/l8 financial year,” she said. MEC Mthandeni Dlungwana ad- mitted that the department should be doing more, adding his staff are finalising “some issues with the pro-

vincial Department of Transport”. The Transport Department told the finance portfolio committee ear-

lier this year that it would need R4,5 billion to provide transport to all deserving schools and pupils. However, non-govemmental orga - nisation Equal Education has scoffed at the provincial government ’s lam-

entations, saying it Was to blame for

the inadequate budget. It accused the province of failing to motivate to the Treasury for the required funding based on a needs analysis and cost implications. In March this year, the organisa- tion led a march to the Education De- partment’s offices, calling for suffi- cient funding to be allocated for the provision of scholar transport. Equal Education also demanded emergen- cy relief for the ll schools in Nquthu that qualify for scholar transport.

- sabel0.nse|[email protected] GCIS Communication Centre: PRETORIA NEWS: September 14, 2016: pg 2

Pravin lays down law to Myeni as J Z lauds her

“Yes, I do” “seen CRAIG DODDS denied rumours that the two are said , adding he had decision. reportedly over her wish to change

romantically involved and share a her working” . He denied that the Closing the debate on SAA which a deal for the acquisition of new air- FINANCE Minister Pravin Gordhan love child, saying their relationship airline’s financial woes - it has just followed Zuma’s question time, Gord- craft, while she also tried to award has laid down the law to the new was purely professional and based been granted a further R4.7 billion han said that among the conditions a deal to restructure SAA’s debt to a SAA board and chairwoman Dudu on her running of a foundation in government loan guarantee to stave attached to the loan guarantee was little-known financier for a R256 mil- Myeni, saying non-executive mem- the president’s name. off insolvency - could be attributed the introduction of good corporate lion succ ess fee. bers of the board may not inter- That statement was in response to Myeni. governance practices. Gordhan said he expected the new fere in the operations of the airline, to the widespread view that former The airline had been in trouble for This included non-executive dir- board to hire a competent manage- while President Jacob Zuma earlier finance minister Nhlanhla Nene was a long time, Zuma said, suggesting ectors not interfering in day-to-day ment team and ensure compliance expressed his full confidence in the fired by the president for crossing that none of its former board chairs operations. with the law and the Constitution. controversial Myeni. Myeni. She was recently reappointed had been able to run it successfully Gordhan said he would leave it If there was evidence of corrup- Zuma and Myeni’s relationship as chairwoman of the SAA board This was disputed by Malema, to MPs to interpret whether this tion, Gordhan said, “give me the came in for ridicule when a debate despite the Treasury under Gordhan who reminded Parliament that had happened in the past, though evidence so it could be referred to on the SAA crisis followed questions having recommended a list of direc- under former chairwoman Cheryl he mentioned that when the Treas- the proper authorities. to the president in Parliament yester- tors that did not include her. Carolus, the airline was profitable. ury intervened it discovered letters He co nfirmed SAA had made a day, with EFF leader Julius Malema In reply to a question from DA Zuma also denied he had been being written on behalf of the air- loss of R4.7bn in 2014/15 and R1.6bn dubbing the reinstated board chair- leader Mmusi Maimane on whether responsible for Myeni’s reappoint- line which was not the job of board in 2015/ 1 6, while its total loan guar-

woman “Dudu Myeni-Zuma” . he had confidence in Myeni despite ment, saying he had been out of the members. antees now stood at just under The Presidency has previously the Treasury’s reservations, Zuma country when the Cabinet took the Myeni’s clash with Nene was R20bn. GCIS Communication Centre: PRETORIA NEWS September 14 2016 pg 4

SA airports ranked among best in Africa

AIRPORTS Company of South Africa airports have once again been ranked as some of the best in Africa. Transport Minister yesterday announced the results of the annual Airports Council International’s (ACI) 2015 (ASQ) rankings which measure passenger satisfaction. Upington Airport achieved top honours with first place in the Best Airport by Region - Africa (under 2million passengers per year) cat- egory Cape Town International Airport and King Shaka Inter- national Airport tied for second place in the category, Best Airport by Region - Africa for those air- ports handling over 2million pas- sengers per year. Mauritius was voted best in Africa.

T a m I n t e r -

n a t i 0 n a l A i r p 0 r t was ranked third in its category The Air- port Service Q u a l i t y (ASQ) pro- r g a m m e , under the auspices of Airports Council International, represents 98% of the world’s air- ports. Incheon in Singapore ranked first in Asia-Pacific; Amman in the Middle East, Indianapolis in North America and Guayaquil in Latin America/ Caribbean region while Pulkovo, Sochi and Sheremetyevo shared top honours in Europe. ACSA has nine airports which Peters said were the core of development nodes in South Africa. The concept of the Aero- tropolis, whereby a range of manu- facturing, logistics and commer- cial facilities, complemented by hotels, retail outlets, entertain- ment complexes and offices are clustered around an airport was likely to further accelerate the core role of our airports, particu- larly for the King Shaka Inter- national Airport and its associated Dube Trade Port, she said.. The other major Aerotropolis is directed by Ekurhuleni Metropol- itan Municipality and surrounds OR Tambo International. She also announced that ACSA planned revamps of the inter- national terminals of OR Tambo, King Shaka and Cape Town air- ports, including the realignment of the Cape Town runaway and its domestic arrival terminal. There are also plans to expand parking at Cape Town and OR Tambo and build an additional cargo terminal at OR Tambo. - Staff Reporter GCIS Communication Centre: PRETORIA NEWS: September 14, 2016 pg 5

Joburg bike lanes to go

UNDER the DA, the city of Joburg would do away with the construction of bicycle lanes, while the Johannesburg Metro Police Department has been be instructed to desist from “harassing” residents who owed e-toll fees, mayor Herman Mashaba said yesterday “In our city there will be no co-operation between JMPD and SA National Roads Agency (Sanral) on e-tolls, and I have received a commitment from the JMPD that there will be no harassment of our motor- ists about outstanding e-toll payments,” Mashaba said to loud applause as he delivered his acceptance speech during a council meeting. He said R70million had been set aside by the previous ANC administration for further develop- ment of bicycle lanes around the city “I intend putting a halt to this project. When every road in Johannesburg is tarred, maybe then we will look at bicycle lanes.” Former mayor Parks Tau came under fire from the EFF for building bicycle lanes while residents needed tarred roads and houses. EFF leader Julius Malema said the project was a waste of money meant to sideline the city’s poor. Mashaba vowed to fight c orruption and nepotism in the city and further inve stigate “suspicious” ten- ders and contracts conclude d with the city A forensic

1 . audit into city contracts w ould soon start , he said

“Hear me and hear me wel 1. .. there will be no slaps on the wrists, there will be no quiet departures or golden handshakes. Those f ound guilty of corruption and fraud will go directly t O jail.” Mashaba said the city had incurred R5billion in irregular and wasteful expenditure during the ANC term of office, which would not be tolerated by the DA. His party would institute open tender and transparent processes. “Another way in which I intend curbing corruption is to break large tenders into smaller pieces. No longer will there be con- nected middle men receiving tenders with their sole responsibility being to sub-tender to smaller parties. “I also intend seeing the tender adjudication process being opened to the public and media so as to prevent wrongdoing.” - ANA GCIS Communication Centre: SOWETAN: September 14, 2016: pg 4

Penelope Mashego

GAUTENG motorists will never be harassed by Johannesburg Metro Police for outstanding e-toll fines. This was announced by City of Johannesburg mayor Herman ing his inaugural council speech in targeting expenditure and tenders said was the city’s unnecessary self-promotion, and said Johannes- l\/Iashaba yesterday, saying he had Johannesburg yesterday. that have raised suspicion. Hear me spending, particularly on the much burg’s political leadership should received a commitment from the The contentious e-tolls have been and hear me well, there will be no touted bicycle lanes and for mar- be ashamed that it spent more than metro police that they would never a thorn on the Gauteng govern- slaps on the wrists, there will be no keting and advertising. R156-million on marketing and force motorists to pay for e-tolls ment’s side, with the public and quiet departures or golden hand- “I was concerned to note that advertising. during roadblocks or when they opposition political parties calling shakes. R70-million has been set aside over Of that amount R56-million went renew their vehicle licences. for them to be scraped. “Those found guilty of corruption the next three years for the devel- to communicating the “End of Term “In our City there will be no co- l\/Iashaba also said he was going and fraud will go directly to jail,” opment of bicycle lanes around our Performance” of the outgoing operation between J MPD and San- to focus on cleaning up the city’s he said. city. I intend putting a halt to this administration, said Mashaba. ral on e-tolls, and I have received a finances, vowing to crack down on The mayor also said he would project. When every road in Johan- He also said contrary to criti- commitment from the J MPD that city officials who have cost the city break up large tenders into smaller nesburg is tarred, maybe then we cisms that he did not understand there will be no harassment of our R5-billion in fruitless and irregular pieces and cut out middle men who will look at bicycle lanes,” said the plight of the poor, he would motorists about outstanding e-toll expenditure in the last financial sub-tender to smaller parties, to Mashaba. ensure that the Johannesburg gov- payments,” l\/Iashaba said. year curb corruption. He added that the city would not ernment is a pro-poor government. He made the announcement dur- “We will conduct a forensic audit, Also in his bull’s-eye is what he spend money on lavish parties and I masheg0p@bdlz' ve.c0.2a GCIS Communication Centre: THE HERALD: September 14, 2016: pg 4 EW IIIIC 3 E 0|‘ IISS S Elli Rochelle de Kock a milestone-based payment system, o|e|

Lee-Anne Butler ,” he said. “I “On but|er|@timesme0|ia.c0.za “This section of the N2 also and the installation of bridge she drove from Kabega Park to have been trying to make use acres Shopping Centre. Mon- joints. “Cape routes,” said. carries a lot of local commuter Newton Park every day. of alternative she day, l left home at 6.50am and ar- “Sanral regrets the inconve- Road is now an absolute night- Stacey Spence, 33, said it was CONTINUED roadworks on Nel- traffic, thus requiring careful rived at work at about 8.10am. nience caused during the imple- mare as you can only travel 500m now taking her an average of 45 son Mandela Bay’s N2 dual car- planning in order to minimise “The point where the freeway, mentation of this necessary road every 12 minutes,” she said. minutes to travel from Westering riageway are causing long delays, traffic congestion and inconve- Kragga Kamma Road and Cape project, “The nience to the public. maintenance ” he said. result is that the suburbs to Greenacres, where she works. but the South African National Road intersect is especially hec- “Towards this end, Sanral has Leanne Koen, 36, said the traf- have become busier as people Nevashnee Pillay, 40, said it Roads Agency (Sanral) has insist- tic because you have cars cutting sec- fic congestion in Cape Road had are trying to avoid [the conges- now took her an hour to travel ed these are unavoidable as it scheduled work on the busy - affected her travelling time as tion] for as long as possible. from Morningside to the Green- across everywhere,” she said. carries out complex and neces- tions of the network such as in- - sary maintenance work costing terchanges and on-off ramps for almost R200-million. off-peak periods, at weekends The work started in July last and at night. year and is set to continue until “Sanral became aware that mo- December. torists from the western suburbs While motorists travelling experienced acute congestion on from the city’s western suburbs Friday as a result of a truck that have expressed frustration on so- overturned between Cotswold cial media about the bumper-to- and the Stanford interchange. bumper traffic on Cape Road and “Unfortunately, the freeway al- the freeway - especially during so became congested on Monday peak time - Sanral said the con- when the contractor had to close gestion last Friday and on Mon- one traffic lane in order to com- day had actually been the result plete an operation that was inter- of an accident. rupted by Friday’s accident. Sanral regional manager Mbu- “Sanral regrets the inconve- lelo Peterson said the R198-mil- nience caused,” Peterson said. lion construction project en- The bulk of the remaining sur- tailed special maintenance, inclu- facing work was on the freeway ding localised repairs of existing on-off ramps and crossing roads pavement failures, resurfacing and would be carried out mainly and drainage improvements. during weekends and at night, he “The N2 Bramlin to Soutwerke said. [PE bypass] is one of the most “The outstanding work on the heavily trafficked freeways in the freeway relates to road marking GCIS Communlcanon Centre DAILY SUN September 14 2016 pg 3

This holy |lllllSB B0 l5U Mill‘ 'llJ‘r“ llfllb

By MODISE TAU . “My husband saw the signs PEDESTRIANS and motor- could have a use and God gave ists can’t stop staring ;at us his blessing. The church

T this church ev- gets peop1e’s at- ery time they tention and is pass by. easy to find for This is be- people who want cause the to come and church in Makgolokoeng, serve God.” near Harrismith in the Free It wasn’tagood idea to build State, is made up of road a church with road signs,

signs! 1 claimed one motorist. “We get Motorists have complained lost on these roads because about the church, which they some signs are faded, but this call a shack, but members say structure was built with signs it’s of that to read. a holy house God. ; are easy Church member Malefa “The signs don’t look old or Makhubo (50) said it was built faulty, so why were they with old sign boards after a replaced?” the motorist want- construction company re- ed to know. placed the signs in 2012. Her Department of roads and dead husband, who worked transport spokeswoman Hill- for the company, collected ary Mophethe said they had a them. procedure for disposing of old “Because the church that sign boards through a service people used to attend was far provider.

away, residents decided lto “We don’t send old signs for build their own. The church recycling or throw them is helping us spiritually; I away. The way we dispose of wonder why people have been them is through auctions. complaining as we didn’t The church will be » steal the signs.” investigated.” GCIS Communlcanon Centre DAILY SUN September 14 2016 pg 10

By NTEBATSE NIASIPA MANGALISO Magasela from Empilis- weni squatter camp, Ekurhuleni was hit by a speeding taxi on Friday. Magasela (52) was crossing a busy free- A way when the incident happened. ‘ He is one of many residents risking their lives every day by cross- ing the freeway. The pedestrian bridge in the area v was sealed up after its rails were sto- len. Daily Sun ran the story in June that the bridge was a haven for thugs who rob people of their belongings ' and threaten to throw them into oncoming trafiic. The Ekurhuleni prom- Municipality _ ised to start repairing the bridge at the end of August, but so far nothing has happened. According to Hlengiwe Magubane, Man- galiso’s niece, her uncle was on his way back home from shops when a taxi ferry- ing school kids ploughed into him. “The taxi drove into him and he died‘ instantly.” Last month, two blind women were crushed by a train as they were trying to cross over a railway line near the squat- ter camp. ‘ residents the municipality to 1 Now want move quickly and fix the bridge before more people lose their lives. “We don’t have a bridge and that is why people are being killed by cars and trains,” said a resident, Ekurhuleni spokesman Themba Gadebe said plans to fix the bridge were dis- cussed and they were waiting for the rel- evant department to start the process. GCIS Communlcatlon Centre DAILY SUN September 14 2016 pg 17

‘X OW WIIIIIBII causing more acculenls!

By K0PAN MONAHENG males is R51 537, compared to 9 W0 M E are involved in more ac- 805 for males. This is beca se

. cide n t s n the road than men‘ women are less likely to speed iory This i according to recent in- drive recklessly,” said L’eanne. sura n ce statistics from Alexander She said in the higher powered Forb es Insurance. car segment, women had fewer ac- However, although women cidents. g caus e ore accidents, the impact Most women drive budget cars or da nfige to their cars is not as and 75% of them have an insured great as compared to the damage value of under R250 000, com- inflic te by men. pared to 70,75% of males’ cars. Th ea erage cost per claim by fe- She said from middle age on- ‘ male dr vers is less than those of wards, females have a higher p r- their m le counterparts, irrespec- tial damage frequencyL which s e tive of heir ages. believed could be caused either y L’e an e Harrington, senior being distracted by little childr n _ man a ger at Alexander Forbes Re- in the car, or by youmg lea er tail, told Sun Wheels: “Men have drivers. ' l'I1OI'Q cars written off than women L’eanne said while it seemed f r do. to say that women were less of n 66 F0 r flars worth over R500 000, accident risk, the jury was still ut the a ve age cost per claim for fe- on who the better,orworse driver.
