Church and Village News January 2021 Bedfield, , Southolt, Tannington and Worlingworth

Request from Worlingworth Community Centre Committee Could I take this opportunity to remind bottle bank users to please to be mindful of our neighbours in the times of day that you deposit your glassware ?

With immediate effect please do NOT use the bottle bank during the hours of 8pm to 8am. A sign will be erected in the New Year.

Make a new year resolution to help our village!

Would you be able to join a gang of volunteers to offer occasional help with practical tasks around the village such as installing posts for dogbins or village signs, installing kissing gates or changing the batteries on the vehicle activated signs? At present your Parish Councillors try to do these jobs but many of councillors who do not already have other full time jobs are getting a bit too old and frail to do this type of work. If you are able to offer a hand from time to time, please send your name and contact details to me. Volunteers will be offered health and safety training and equipment before being asked to tackle these tasks. Please Email: [email protected] or ring 01728 627141

THANK YOU to all who donated food to the Waveney Foodbank from the Harvest Service, Worlingworth Primary School, Worlingworth & Tannington WI and St Mary’s Church. Val Swallow took another car load to the Foodbank (thank you Val) and some personal cheques from local donors a couple of weeks before Christmas and it was very much welcomed. Last year our local Foodbank assisted 4840 people with food. This year that has risen to 6610 people with 11927kg of food being distributed so far this year. Thankfully the people of Worlingworth had included Christmas specific items, as the Foodbank had been let down by a supermarket so the Christmas items were thin on the ground for those less fortunate. It has been a difficult year for us all so thank you Worlingworth for donating to people in need.

Also on Page 10 contributions to FIND

ST.MARY, WORLINGWORTH. HAPPY NEW YEAR, 2021. The PCC for St. Mary’s wish you all a much better year than the one just passed. We have to look forward with hope and faith that all will be well. **************** We also thank all those who have kept our church open when it was Possible: the cleaners, Charlie our organist and, of course, the people who have attended services. Special thanks to our churchwardens, Bert and Ann and to our elder Val - all of whom have worked tirelessly to not only keep the church running but also to keep people safe. Thanks to Charles Plowman our H&S person and thanks too to the ladies who have, when possible put flowers in the church and to our Treasurer, Nick, who has also had a difficult time trying to keep the books. Thank you all.

GREETINGS. Many of you will have had cards from Reverend Neil Dear and his wife Daphne but for those who remember him as our House for Duty priest he sends the following message:- ‘Daphne and I are well and send greetings to all our friends in Worlingworth and our love and prayers to you all’.

Worlingworth Community Centre The committee at WWCC would like to wish all villagers a Happy (and safe) New Year. As restrictions allow, the Community Centre will open but at the time of writing we are in restricted movement mode. The committee is using this ‘down time’ to think of the future and have some exciting ideas in the pipeline for the Community Centre. The volunteers continue to open and close the gate each morning and night and for this we thank them especially during the cold and bleak weather. Finally - calling all painters/photographers/musicians/arts & crafters! The Community Centre is planning to hold an exhibition of village talent in the summer (vaccine and Covid allowing). As we have been holed up in our houses for some time all creatives may have been using their time to work on their project list. We would like to show everyone what talent there is in the village. Details have yet to be finalised but if you have a project that you would like to exhibit please get in touch with 2 Diana 628077 or [email protected] to register your interest.

News from Bedfield A Very Successful Bedfield Christmas Bazaar We pondered and discussed at length if it would be possible to hold a ‘virtual’ Christmas Bazaar. How would we get things to sell and would people buy something from a photograph?

We are now able to report that it is most certainly possible! To date we have raised just over £2.5k and we are still selling the ‘Heaven’s Above’ Calendar, sets of postcards and the Bedfield Recipe Bible. So how did we do it? Well since the start of lockdown we have been developing the use of WhatsApp as a way of communicating and we now have 68 members of the community regularly using the group page we call ‘Chitter’. We sent out a message to the community asking for the support of all the crafters, makers and creators to get busy and produce things we could sell in an online. The response was amazing, and we created a new WhatsApp group for all of the BAZAAR MAKERS to share their ideas, request help with sourcing materials and show their finished pieces. It occupied people very well throughout the four weeks of the second lockdown. The next stage was to find our buyer’s market. Again, we used Chitter to advertise the Bazaar and attract buyers through posting some tempting photographs. We created the BAZAAR ONLINE group for the buyers and over 70 people from the local community joined. Communication is key and the use of virtual com- munication built up over the past months proved to be an effective platform to showcase what we had for sale and for buyers to purchase. During the two online selling sessions, it was also great fun, generated a good deal of community spirit and festive cheer! We did our best to reach people who did not have WhatsApp by using a letter box flyer so they could purchase calendars, cards and recipe books. Not ideal and certainly an area for development. Of course, behind the scenes of the ONLINE BAZAAR was a team of calm, WhatsApp savvy organisers and a large team of elves who managed the sorting and delivery of items to buyers. Bringing the ONLINE BAZAAR together and making it work was an amazing community achievement. We never dreamt of getting anywhere near £2.5k; we just hoped to provide a big distraction from the daily grind of COVID and raise a bit of money for the church and the school. It just shows what can be achieved when a commu- nity pulls together. If you would like to purchase any of the items below please contact Jenny Hinchey on 07710218957. All proceeds are shared between St Nicholas Church and Bedfield VCP School. The Bedfield Lockdown Recipe Bible £4 A collection of recipes shared on Chitter during lockdown, many using the contents of our weekly veg boxes. The Heaven’s Above Calendar 2021 £7.50 3 Each month has a different photograph taken by residents of Bedfield

The next meeting of the Parish Council is on Wednesday 20th January 2021 at 7.30pm to be held remotely via Zoom. All are welcome, if you would like to attend please contact the Parish Clerk: [email protected] for a meeting link Minutes of previous parish council meetings can be viewed on the village website at

New Councillor – The Council are delighted to confirm that Jane o’Vel of The Acorns, Park View, has been co-opted to join the Council. This brings us up to a full complement of Councillors working hard on your behalf. Ready, Steady, Census The decennial census is almost upon us. Households across Worlingworth will soon be asked to take part in the nationwide survey of housing and the population. It has been carried out every decade since 1801, with the exception of 1941. Information from the digital-first census will help decide how services are planned and funded in your local area. This could mean things like doctors’ surgeries, housing or new bus routes. Households will receive a letter with a unique access code in the post, allowing them to complete their questionnaire online. Paper questionnaires will be available on request. Census day is March 21 2021. For more information, visit: Allotments – The Parish Council is trying to gauge the interest level in the village for allotments, at the moment there is no formal provision, but if there is a demand then we will look into making arrangements. We are aware that many of you have gardens (indeed some may feel too much garden from time to time!), but if you would be interested in an allotment then please let the Parish Clerk know. Speed Indicator Sign – We are pleased to report that we have one volunteer who has come forward, but it would be really good if we could have a second volunteer to help with the periodic relocation of the sign. Training will be provided, so if you are willing to help please email the Clerk.

Village Website – We are seeking a volunteer who is willing to actively engage with the various groups in the village to gather information on upcoming events as well as seek out information from District & County level Councils that is of use/interest to residents of Worlingworth and then upload this information to the village website. A basic level of IT literacy is needed, but specific training can be arranged with the website hosting service. If you are interested please email the Clerk. Website Update Emails If you would like to subscribe to a mailing list to receive notifications of when updates have been posted to the village website please email [email protected] with “PC Alerts” in the subject line. Your email address will not be used for any other4 purpose.


Distant Discoveries A new year sees a brilliant new topic for the pupils at Worlingworth to get their teeth stuck into. This term all our topics are linked to discoveries from the past – Matisse Class will be discovering Treasure, Pirates and the Oceans, Picasso Class will learn about the what explorers Christopher Columbus and Scott discovered, Lewin Class are off to discover the Stone Age and our eldest pupils in Monet Class will delve into the world of Tudor Discoveries and the wealth and goods brought back by Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh. Our cogs this term will be Courage and Challenge with the children concentrat- ing on learning about the challenges faced by others when making discoveries and how without courage discoveries may never have been achieved. Rocking Our Times Tables This month we are organising a special Times Tables Rock Star Day for KS1 and KS2 where we will be inviting children to come to school as cool rock stars and to complete special times tables challenges throughout the day. Our growth mindsets will be needed to succeed! At the end, we will see who is top of the leader board, celebrate effort and discover who has made amazing progress so far since Septem- ber with learning their times tables. The world of numbers has never looked so fun! Reading Challenge Reading is the golden thread that links all of our curriculum together and it is something we greatly value at our school. This term we will be setting a new innovative Reading Challenge for all the children to support the development of their reading fluence and to help fire a love for reading and to experience a wealth of books, poems and stories. As our choices of entertainment dwindle in the current crisis, reading remains a joyful option for us all and offers a wonderful way to escape the gloom and boredom so this challenge has never been more relevant! More details to follow next month. Christmas Jumper Day The school uniform was transformed for a day in December with mischievous elves, Rudolph, Santa and snowmen sparking and lighting up. The children raised a total of £57.00 for Save The Children as a result. Well done to Ava in Year 6, for raising an extra £10.70 through her competition to guess the number of Candy Canes in the jar. Friends of the School The Friends of Worlingworth Primary have been busy raising funds for the school through a successful Zoom Quiz, Pumpkin Competition and Christmas Raffle. They were able to fund the end of term online panto performance of Robin Hood and His Band of Socially Distanced Men which the children all en- joyed so thank you everyone. They are always looking for new volunteers to help plan, organise and run events. This can be as little or as much time as you can manage but every little helps as they say! If you are interested in helping then please contact Laura Elliot the Chair of the Friends via email : [email protected] and find out how to support and take part in future fund-raising events. Road Safety Request Please can we remind all members of the community to drive carefully through the village. We have children coming to school on bikes at pick up and drop off times and so it is important to be vigilant and model safe, cyclist-aware driving at all times. Many thanks for your support.

Website Please do check the school website: as there are lots of photographs showing our activities . You can also follow us on Twitter: @WorlingworthSch and facebook: Worling- worth.School. 5

Letter from David Burrell Dear friends, The winter of 1836 was particularly bad in . It started snowing two days before Christmas, and continued for nearly a week, putting a stop to all business. Some villages in Suffolk were com- pletely isolated for six days. There was a strong NE wind which laid the high land bare and gorged the narrow roads and valleys with snow. Between Yoxford and the drifts, in some places, were from 15 to twenty feet high. Two days after Christmas the coach from to Yarmouth tried to make the journey. Nine horses were attached to it but its progress was slow. At Yoxford it became so entrenched as it could not move and had to be abandoned. There was no communication between west and east Suffolk from Christmas to New Years eve. Communication only being restored when a man on a horse managed to get through. Men work- ing in gangs of 20 – 30 tried to keep sections of road open. The post was entirely disorganised. The guard of the Yarmouth mail coach had a perilous jour- ney. Finding it impossible to proceed with the coach, he exchanged this for a post-chaise. In some places the snow was too much even for this and the guard had to unhitch his horse and ride that carrying the post bags on his back. He arrived in Woodbridge sixteen hours late, much fa- tigued and bruised from many tumbles. It must have been hellish for our ancestors trying to survive such a winter that seemed to have no let up. But they did survive and did not give up. We have just lived through the worst year ever with disruption, lock downs, businesses failing, hospital full to overflowing. We have however come through it, or at least survived so far. We must have faith that all will be well to believe that God will not abandon us but be with us every step. The people of Suffolk in 1836 believed in God’s love and the promise of Spring. We too can believe in God’s love and the promise of a vaccine to come. Let us therefore believe and trust that this year 2021 will be a new beginning and that we will be free to live our lives once more. David

Monk Soham Carol Service It is with regret that the P.C.C. of St. Peter’s Church decided to cancel the carol service for safety reasons due to the rapid rise of covid-19 infections. Many thanks to all who decorated and cleaned the church for Christmas. We are all looking forward to be able to return to something like normal. We wish everyone a safe and healthy 2021.


Friends of Debenham Library

See for the latest details

Tel: 01728 861940 debenham-library Facebook: @DebenhamLibraryFriends Email: [email protected]

Bedfield and Monk Soham Garden Club Warm Seasonal Greetings to all!

Our plans for 2021 remain ’on hold', but Spring is round the corner and will herald in our renown Plant Stall at Daisy Cottage (Bedfield). So do enjoy treating yourselves from those seed and plant catalogues and, once you have benefitted from the rewarding process of growing and potting on, gain the additional pleasure of sharing any surplus plants via our stall! So, Happy Gardening thoughts to all. Here’s to 2021. Barbara Lee ([email protected])

Just got my large eggs and some excellent vegetables from the Paddocks, so convenient. There was rumour that it was going to close, but for now it’s open, so don’t forget , shop local. The Paddocks, Mill Road for eggs, vegetables and convenience . Maureen , Southolt.

HIGH SUFFOLK COMMUNITY BUS – UPDATE FROM THE COMMITTEE The Committee had been giving consideration to the possibility of restarting the Community Bus service at some point in the New Year but this is now looking unlikely, at least in the early part of the year, due to the current position of the increasing infection rates of Covid-19. The safety of our passengers and drivers is paramount and until we feel all of us on the bus can travel safely, we cannot consider starting the service again in the near future. The situation will reviewed and discussed when the Committee next meet in the New Year and any decisions will be reported accordingly. If you have any queries or questions please contact Alan Nette-Thomas 685694 or John Ridgwell 627181 Email address: [email protected] Website:7


WORLINGWORTH CRICKET CLUB The cricket club Annual General Meeting will be held on Fri 12th February at 7.30pm by ZOOM call. Anyone who is new to the area and interested in cricket is very welcome to join us. , as this meeting is open to both members and non members. To register for the meeting please email Rob Bensly at [email protected] We really look forward to welcoming anyone of any age who is interested in playing for or supporting the club. For more info see

WI Happy New Year to all our members! There will be a flexible programme for 2021. We are nothing if not resourceful and adaptable and we will be staying in touch with the monthly newsletter which in January will have a note in about a “Lockdown Project”. Don’t forget that this year’s membership has been extended by 3 months until April 2021. For further details about Worlingworth & Tannington WI please contact either Jenny 628798 or Diana 628077

Another huge thank you to everyone in the community who contributed tins of biscuits for the FIND Christmas appeal and also to everyone who donated essential food and toiletries to support families over the Christmas period. From their base in Ipswich, FIND provide vital help to families in towns and rural communities. Kate Ellerby Caroline Blyth

Dates for the diary at St Nicholas Church The 3rd January at 11 a.m. will be a Family celebration with Holy Communion added on. At the first Sunday of Epiphany, we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus Christ and at Bedfield we do have a Family Service (10th January). There will be Morning Prayer at 10.30 a.m. on 24th January which will be family focused On the 31st January sees a Benefice wide service being held at the church in Tannington. 10

Dear Friends, Message from Chrissy Smart

Well, in casting my mind back to this time last year who would have believed what was going to happen in 2020? St. Nicholas’ church was investigating closure and the PCC had resigned. I was preparing for Ordination to eventually become a priest and Reverend David Burrell asked me if I would be prepared to become the Focal Minister for Bedfield within the Four Rivers Benefice. And, of course, we cannot ignore COVID-19.So, what did we do this year? Just as I was getting to know folk across Bedfield thanks to Debbie P and Celia D, we went into Lockdown. My main interaction then, somewhat fleetingly was on a Saturday morning collecting a veg box or on a Wednesday afternoon when we were allowed to open the church for private prayer. My Ordination was delayed until September and it was wonderful to be ‘read in’ at St. Nicholas the morning after. But, the church is not about me. It is the place where we go to worship God. It is God’s house just like my house is Chris and Michelle’s house or your house is whoever’s house! Some have found God and some are just exploring, some are at the start of a journey and others probably think, ‘You what? There is no God!’ However, the church is where we can meet to- gether, to pray together and to also explore our Christian journeys wherever we maybe on the path. I am indebted to folk who came forwards to form an interim PCC and for the huge support they have provided to St. Nicholas. Now we need to move forward and develop the council so that we might operate legally next year. Truth be told, to continue to open our church so that we can hold services, we must try and find some folk who are willing to take on the Church Warden role. Are there people out there in Bedfield who would like to volunteer for a role on the PCC and within the church? The Church Warden role can be shared – in one parish of the two posts one is held by one person and the other by a husband and wife. We already have a Treasurer and Verger and we are looking for somebody else to be the Sacristan (person responsible for preparing the items needed for a service) and folk to be Sides People. So, this Christmas time, your present to me would be folk coming forward to fulfil the roles described above. Give me a call. Let’s have a chat and let us, together, take St. Nicholas from strength to strength in 2021. Thanks to you all who have formed the PCC this year and also to those of you who are part of The Community of St Nicholas and have accomplished so much for your church and community this year and I cannot thank you enough. A special thank you must also go to Richard Nesling for his essential work cutting the grass and keeping the church yard tidy. 11 It leaves me just to say, may we all have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year when we can look forward to being altogether once again

BEDFIELD AND MONK SOHAM COMMUNITY CLUB (Formerly Bedfield and Monk Soham Sports Club) At the Annual General Meeting held by Zoom on the 2nd December 2020, it was decided to change the name of Bedfield and Monk Soham Sports Club to BEDFIELD AND MONK SOHAM COMMUNITY CLUB. At the same time, it was decided that the Bedfield sports field will be known as BEDFIELD AND MONK SOHAM COMMUNITY HUB. It is felt that both names will more accurately reflect what the Club is trying to achieve and more effec- tively describe the wider facilities on offer at our beautiful field. The club Constitution will be amended very soon to reflect these changes. All residents of Bedfield and Monk Soham are deemed to be members of Bedfield and Monk Soham Community Club and please continue to support us in trying to provide the widest range of facilities possible for the benefit of all the residents of both villages. In addition to our field and pavilion, both of which are available for event hire, there is the all weather tennis court, wildlife meadow, bottle bank, plus of course, our superb new children’s play area. The Post Office is there every Tuesday morning, together with a pop-up cafe and shop. All events are fully COVID-19 compliant.

For further details of the Club, please contact Geoff Robinson, Club Secretary on grobin- [email protected] or 01728 685425

BEDFIELD PARISH COUNCIL There is a vacancy on Bedfield Parish Council If you are interested in being a Bedfield Parish Councillor, please contact Geoff Robinson, Parish Clerk as soon as possible on 01728 685425 or [email protected] who will be very pleased to discuss what is in- volved and help in any way. It’s not too much work and you could help to keep the village the wonderful place it currently is to live. The meetings are four time a year and can also be interesting and convivial.

Bedfield and Monk Soham Tennis Club

This year has seen an increase in membership numbers as more players ,especially families , appreciated the benefits of local fresh air and exercise when travel and holiday plans were defeated by Covid restrictions. Unfortunately an unforeseen combination of events will mean that by the end of the membership year in March the club will have lost all its committee members and officials. In order to obtain an understanding of how the the club’s future may unfold it will mean the calling of a general meeting of the membership in the early part of 2021 to discuss the options for the12 club in the year ahead.

Monk Soham Parish Council and Hungers Green

Hungers Green is a beautiful and tranquil area of land lying between Monk Soham and Bedfield. The woodland and open grassy areas have long been appreciated both by local residents and visitors from further afield. The responsibility for the management of Hungers Green rests with Monk Soham Parish Council. It follows that one of the Councils duties is to monitor the use of the area to ensure as far as possible the safety of those making use of the Green whilst maintaining a natural and unspoilt environment welcoming to all. We have recently been faced with the problem of a rope swing having been sus- pended from one of the trees. Whilst this would not be an issue in somebody’s pri- vate garden It does become a matter of concern once placed in a public open space. Given the possibility of injuries being sustained due to its use and any resultant claim against the Council being made, we had, from an insurance point of view ,to take steps to eliminate or minimise the risk it represents. We also have to bear in mind the difficulty of access for emergency services in the event of any accident. It was thus , with reluctance, and knowing we could be labelled as spoilsports that we had to remove the swing, it would have been negligent to do otherwise. We do hope the above explanation helps with understanding of the Parish Council’s actions

Home start Worlingworth Community Centre

Mondays 10.00 to 10.55 and 11.05 to 12.00

Contact 01379 678 552 07542785649 [email protected] Booking is required Sessions are outside and limited to 6 per session

Thank you to all those that contributed to this years Poppy Appeal collections in these very difficult times, in particular Jewsons, Tuckwells, Worlingworth church and Bedingfield Church. Thanks also to Nora Ingate who helped me count the money in the boxes.

13 Kathy Thurman

Hannah Day Beauty Therapist Simply Beautiful by Anne Qualified therapist offering Massage Weddings, Bridesmaids, Ball treatments, Gowns, curtains alterations and Indian head, Reflexology, Hopi Ear Candling, much more Free estimates and Paraffin wax and other treatments! quotations given 01379 384097 07944894757 Gift vouchers available [email protected] Flexible appointments available includ- ing evenings and weekends. For more details or to book an appointment please contact Hannah on 07880 953984 [email protected]

D.G Carpentry and Joinery Renovations, , Extensions, Roofing, Kitchen installations Flooring Fb page D.G Carpentry joinery

Tel 07913 291732/

[email protected]

East Coast Hampers, a family run business was born out of an enthusiasm for food and a love of Suffolk. We have a full range of hampers from Christmas to Mother and Baby pamper hampers. With something to suit every budget and the offer of bespoke hampers if there isn’t something quite right for your needs, we are happy to help.

For our full range see: 14

DANIEL ABBOTT GARDEN MAINTENANCE GRASS / HEDGE CUTTING FENCING PAINTING SHEDS ETC AND OTHER GARDENING JOBS : 01728627806 / 07898308601 SM Plumbing & Heating Specialist in bathroom installations, maintenance and repairs

W Sharpe Computer Services Com- For your local plumbing needs puter/Laptop/Pads & Books Internet/ Free quotations Telephone: 01728 628046 Broadband/Printer & Networking Support & Mobile: 07732 272403 Repair. 01728 685905 Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Chris from Tannington Garden Services,

Hedge Cutting, Strimming, Grass Cutting, Power washing and More Currently working in Athelington and Pettistree , References available

Own equipment 4/8 hour day preferred. Rates negotiable tel 07535 494760 or [email protected]

POSTMAN FENCING SERVICES AJS CONSTRUCTION Paddock & Agricultural Fencing Groundwork and Building Contractors Specialist Landscaping, Mini digger and driver available

Mechanical Post Driving, Gate Installa- 01728 861799/ 07746 213000 tion Home: 01728 628078 Mobile: 07876355579

Cooker cleaning

Tel Nick Williams 07923 897705 15

Bedfield and Monk Soham Community Club

A reminder that the Post Office is open on Tuesday mornings from 9.15 am to 11.15 am in the Community Hub (pavilion) which is fully Covid-19 secure.

The following services are available: stamps, facility to post parcels, stationery, cash and cheque depos- its and withdrawals (even if you bank with another provider).

There is also a pop-up shop selling essential items including fresh vegetables (potatoes, carrots, on- ions). The pop-up Café is open if there is no lockdown and warm scones are always available to eat in or takeaway.

COVID-19 is affecting our region more than ever. To protect yourself and others when visiting the Post Office: Wear a face covering at all times. Enter through the first door and use the hand sanitiser provided. If we can, we will carry out a temperature check. Please queue, maintaining a 2 metre distance. Observe one customer at a time in the shop (first right-hand door) For the coffee shop, it is table service only. Choose a seat, with only one household (or support bubble) per table. Only remove your face covering once seated to eat or drink. For the Post Office, please queue in the corridor so only one Post Office customer is in the room at a time. Please use the hand sanitiser before leaving. This protects everyone who touches the door handle.

The next Saturday Coffee morning will be held on 9th January. There are two sessions, 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. in a COVID-secure environ- ment. It helps us (and guarantees you a table) if you book in advance – just tell us which session and how many of you are coming. At present, COVID regulations stipulate that only members of the same household or support bubble can sit at the same table. [email protected] We have recently created a new email address to keep all residents of Bedfield and Monk Soham in- formed of village activities. If you haven’t yet subscribed to this address, please email:

[email protected]

The idea is that it can be used by residents to inform everyone who subscribes about forthcoming events and other important information.

Items for February 2021 newsletter by 19th January please . To Val Swallow : [email protected] or by post to: Ivy Cottage, Shop St Thanks in advance for all the volunteers who deliver this newsletter

If you wish to receive this newsletter as a PDF please send your email address to the editor: [email protected] with subject “PDF for newsletter” It is sent bcc so your email address is not seen by all .

Don't forget the monthly PDF copy is as well16 as and not instead of and is always sent earlier than the paper copy