October 2020

Online Edition

In normal times Pilgrim is published ten times a year and delivered free to every household in the three villages. Whilst the country is in lockdown we will run an online version only. This version will be updated monthly, so if you have any news or stories/quizes etc. that you would like to share with our community then please don’t hesitate to contact us.

The editors are Pam and Jeremy Smith, 4 Broad Lane, Swannington. NR9 5NH; Tel: 01603 860342 e-mail: [email protected]

For a return to church services


Come and try it out! News From Chicken World

Dear Readers, So please will someone explain to this poor bemused Hen, WHAT IS GOING ON IN SWANNINGTON? First we had the wandering Hen who had to be rescued from almost certain death, had you careful drivers and the Samaritan good neighbour not avoided her and returned her to her anxious Owners ; then we had the escapee Chicken plucked by ‘derring do’ from thorns and prickles by Prince Charming and restored to his inamorata; and NOW this week, there has been widespread concern, hope and then a HAPPY OUTCOME for Horace the Tortoise who had been on the run for at least four weeks! Is there something in the water which encourages flights of fancy, does the village have an enchanted aura which tempts otherwise timid souls to stretch their wings or reach out even further from their shells or are the animal species getting together, determined to ‘star’ or at least get a mention in Chickenworld News. How many more divas, personalities or wannabe celebrities will you be batting my way? It has all been happening with us as well, talk about ‘hatch, match and dispatch’ ! Six new chicks from two broody Hens and death of a Cockerel and an adolescent Hen and all in the space of three weeks , sometimes, I just cannot keep up with the pace of life. The chicks are charming, growing bigger and more adventurous day by day, they are just learning to forage in the flower beds and get so excited when they come across a tasty treat. They have moved on from Chickcrumb to Chickflakes and before long, no doubt they will be competing with the rest of us for our adult food. Talking about competing, it has been a veritable Olympics down our way! Tokyo 2020 would not have competed! We have had Hens doing long jump, hop, step and jump and even pole-vaulting! Our Owners placed a small ‘pond’ in our enclosure when we had that earlier heatwave, so we had diving, water-polo and even one day synchronised swimming. Unfortunately one of the adolescents got a bit carried away with the high jump and suffered a dislocated leg so sadly is with us no more. These activities naturally did not go unnoticed by our lovely Owners, so they arranged several Award ceremonies complete with medals and flags and the playing of suitable songs . We had ‘ Chick, chick, chick, chick Chicken, play a little song for me!’ , ‘Cock a doodle dandy’, There ain’t nobody there but us chickens’ and a specially composed Chicken Anthem , which we could not decipher as unfortunately our Lady had had just one too many. A great time was enjoyed by all participants. Are you aware that in the market place one can now purchase Chicken TOYS ? There is a rather smart SWING at a cost of £20! OR one can get containers the deluded Owners can fill with Chicken TREATS which can either be strung or hung from a suitable height or placed on a bendy stick in the soil. Needless to say, our Lady, who thank goodness is completely besotted with us, has spared no expense so we are luxuriating in splendour. We understand that a group of Chickens have recently had a brand new GYM installed in their pen in Swannington so we are eagerly awaiting an offer of a play date! Do continue to look after yourselves and one another, that nasty virus is still around, so wash your hands, wear your masks and socially distance! Until next time, Take Care, Hetty the Hen Swannington with and Parish Council

The next Parish Council meeting will be Members of the Parish Council

This meeting will be at St.Margaret’s church. Sue Darling 01603 864876 Mark Hassall 01603 860854 All members of the parish are welcome to attend Ed Jones 01603 860255 (Chair) Helen Mutimer 01603 754437 (Vice chair) Trevor Nelson 01603 860253 Jayne Phillips 01603 393553 Steve Williams 01603 861300 Patricia Kirby 01603 860671 (Parish Clerk)

How can you keep your river healthy and clean?

In a series of articles Rivers Trust will provide advice to help maintain the health of our globally rare chalk streams and lowland rivers in Norfolk. In times of drought and hot weather it is especially important because of the wildlife our rivers support. Endangered white clawed crayfish, brown trout, eels, and water voles are just a few of the iconic species at risk in Norfolk and you can do your bit to help protect them.

Water use and pollution: East Anglia is one of the driest regions in the country and water security is becoming increasingly compromised due to excessive abstraction and water waste as well as increasingly long dry spells. While we have a large proportion of agricultural land use, most of the water abstracted in East Anglia is actually for domestic consumption. The average person uses 140 litres of water per day so by reducing water use in your home you can directly reduce the impact on Norfolk’s rivers. Reducing the use of cleaning products and chemicals around the home will help reduce the chemical load in our rivers and maintain a healthier stream. Checking your septic tank regularly can also reduce pollution in our rivers. If you see any sewerage, pollution or chemical damage in a river please report it to the Environment Agency on 0800 80 70 60 as soon as possible.

If you are a landowner with riparian land and would like to talk to us about restoration and rewilding please do get in touch with us at Norfolk Rivers Trust. We offer a wide range of services including surveys, restoration and management advice. Email [email protected]

Can you help Reepham help Reepham?

The Reepham Rotary Recovery Ini2a2ve

What’s the problem? The recent pandemic has badly affected some families and made it difficult for the organisa8ons who try to help. Many have been unable to use their usual fund raising methods.

Here’s an answer? The Reepham Rotary Recovery Ini8a8ve is designed to help local organisa8ons who have suffered from restric8ons on their ac8vi8es so they can be?er help the people of Reepham and surrounding villages. Can you help? While many have had problems, some of us may find we have a li?le more in the bank because we have not been able to travel or shop. We would like to direct it to those who need it most. With GiE Aid your dona8on would be worth an addi8onal 20% and, with Rotary, there are no fundraising or administra8ve costs. Does your organisa2on need help? As funds become available we will be able to make grants to organisa8ons in Reepham and nearby villages. These will be for a maximum £500 for purchase of equipment or supplies to enable them to do their job. Please give If you can spare some cash, please donate at www.justgiving.com/campaign/rotary-reepham or bit.ly/RRRI2020, in person at Reepham Post Office or contact Roy Sherlock 07795 804452.

Find out more To enquire about a grant, contact [email protected] or call Richard Cooke 07889 036 852 The 2020 Norfolk Churches Trust Sponsored Bike Ride

The Norfolk Churches Bike Ride. Do you know, it is actually one of the high-points of our year? Few things are pleasanter than whizzing around country lanes in early autumn, visiting beautiful buildings that have been used by worshippers for hundreds of years. This year we had ideal cycling weather. The Swannington Team signed in at 13 churches; the more intrepid Weston Longville Team clocked up a few more!

Many thanks to all our sponsors who have so generously helped us to raise money not just for our local churches but also the wider work of the Norfolk Churches Trust.

Why not join us next year? A Message from the Rev’d Helen Rengert

October 2020

As a child I looked at this date and thought it was miles and miles away, it was so in the future that in one way I never thought I would reach it. I think the only possible way that I manage to get to this date is because of the team I have had around me. First my family team, then my church family team, then my friends team, then my work colleagues team, then my partner and new family team, then new work colleagues team and so on. It’s always been about team.

We need people rooting for us, we need people on the sideline encouraging us sometimes challenging us, and above all loving us. I loved having a season ticket at Tottenham cheering, singing and shouting for the team. It was a real family of supporters in the same seats each week. The atmosphere was mostly joy and sometimes real disappointme; I am sure you know those feelings.

We have a team of colleagues which is expanding with Revd Judith as honorary Assistant Priest and Helena Crockford as Lay Reader (preaching, leading services and giving pastoral support). Both come with a wealth of experience from ministry and psychology. We are delighted to share their talents and experience across our team.

We are blessed to have other wise colleagues in Richard Cooke, our authorised worship as- sistant, Rev’d Tim who has Permission to Officiate and Rev’d Canon Peter Halls who also has Permission to Officiate (PTO) as well as Sue Page who is a PTO Lay Reader.

Having a team is a real blessing and we have many other important team members who support our work, not least our Benefice Administrator Annie Dack as well as all our church wardens across 12 churches, plus PCC members and congregation members and then wider support from local communities.

Thank you all. We could not do this without you.

May you continue to bless and be blessed. Remembrance Sunday November 8th

We will be laying wreaths at all our memorials, and as we will be in the open-air we will able to meet together, abiding by all the rules and regulations!

The main act with prayers etc. will be at St Margaret’s Church, at 10:30 am.

We will be reading out all the names for all our villages and laying a wreath.

Individual wreath laying at each of the memorials will take place at:

Great Witchingham Village Hall 3:00pm

Swannington 11:30am

Attlebridge 11:30am

Weston Longville 11:30am

and at the American Memorial. 11:45am approx

From Peter Halls Services in October 2020

Date What’s On? Where?

Sunday 4th October 9am Holy Communion St Peter & St Paul, Salle

10.30am Holy Communion All Saints Weston Longville

10.30am Holy Communion St Mary’s Elsing

10.30am Café Style Church St Mary’s, Reepham

Thursday 8th October 6pm Evening Prayer Zoom (Details on the Virtual Church page) Sunday 11th October 9am Holy Communion St Mary’s Bylaugh 9am Holy Communion St Andrews, Thurning

10.30am Holy Communion St Mary’s Reepham

10.30am Holy Communion St Mary’s Gt Witchingham

Thursday 15th October 6pm Evening Prayer Zoom (Details on the Virtual Church page) Sunday 18th October 9am Holy Communion St Mary’s Sparham

10.30am Holy Communion St Andrew’s

10.30am Holy Communion St Margaret’s Lyng 10.30am Café Style Church St Mary’s, Reepham

10.30am Matins St Peter and St Paul, Salle

Thursday 22nd October 6pm Evening Prayer Zoom (Details on the Virtual Church page) Sunday 25th October 9am Matins (BCP) St Mary’s, Bylaugh

10.30am Benefice Service St Margaret’s, Swannington with Holy Communion

Thursday 29th October 6pm Evening Prayer Zoom (Details on the Virtual Church page)

Zoom Meeting ID: 825 0887 5273 Password: 374589. Zoom is free to download and you can even join us by phone if you don’t have a computer or broadband. Dial in numbers to join evening prayer by tele- phone: 0131 460 4496/ 0203 051 2874 / 0203 481 5237 / 0203 481 5240. Dial in calls cost between 2p- 10p per minute depending on your provider, mobiles may cost more. Please check before calling.