The Parish of Annual Reports

April 2017


This report is prepared in order to fulfill the requirements of the Charities Act 1993 and associated Regulations.

Vicar: The Reverend Canon Veronica Hydon St Oswald’s Church, Bollington Road Bollington, SK10 5EG

Churchwardens: Christine Osbaldiston Hilary Young

Inspecting Architect: Mark Pearce Lloyd Evans Pritchard Ltd Chartered Architects No 5, The Parsonage Manchester, M3 2HS.

Bankers: NatWest Macclesfield Branch PO Box 65 2, Chestergate, Macclesfield SK11 6BS

Insurance Company: Ecclesiastical Insurance Company St. Oswald’s Policy No. 04/XPG/9078684

Independent examiner: Mr. Barry Matthews

Membership (PCC)

Ex Officio Current Members Elected Term Ends Revd. Canon Veronica Vicar Kenneth Bennett 2014 2017 Hydon Anne Coomes Reader Jean Reader 2014 2017 Christine Osbaldiston Churchwarden Jennifer Riley 2014 2017 Hilary Young Churchwarden Christopher Ward 2014 2017 Anthea Wilkinson Deanery Synod (2014) Sally Garnett 2015 2018 Sue Berry Deanery Synod (2014) Julie Brunt 2016 2019 Rachel Lake 2016 2019 Beverley Nixon 2016 2019 Jacqueline Pengelly 2016 2019 Angela Williams 2016 2019 Maggie O’Donnell 2016 2019

The Annual Report of the Parish of Bollington in the Diocese of Chester: 2016/2017 1 THE ANNUAL MEETING OF PARISHIONERS, Monday 24th April 2017 For the Election of Two Churchwardens

1. Apologies 2. The Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 21st March 2016 3. The Election of Churchwardens for 2017/18


1. Apologies 2. The Minutes of the last APCM held on Monday 21st March 2016 3. The Electoral Roll 4. Church Fabric & Furnishings Reports 5. Report on the Financial Affairs of the Parish and the Presentation of Accounts for the year ended 31st December 2016 6. General Parochial Reports to be received. 7. The Vicar’s Report to the Parish 8. Election of Tellers and of Lay Representatives to the PCC. 9. Election of 2 Deanery Synod Representatives 10. The Appointment of Sidespersons 11. The Appointment of an Auditor to the Parochial Church Council 12. Questions / Matters of Parochial Interest

The Elections of Parochial Church Council Secretary and Treasurer, and the Electoral Roll Officer, take place at the first main meeting of the newly elected PCC

THE ARCHDEACON’S VISITATION From the Diocesan Registrar

I hereby give notice that the Venerable Ian Bishop, the Archdeacon of Macclesfield, or his duly appointed Commissary will hold a Court for Admitting Churchwardens and Sidespersons to their Offices. All visitation services will commence at 7:30 pm

Thursday 18th May, Chadkirk/ Mottram/Stockport, VENUE: St Thomas, Stockport Monday 22nd May, //Macclesfield, VENUE: St Mary, Nantwich Wednesday 24th May, Bowden//Cheadle, VENUE St Mary, Ashton upon Mersey

Churchwardens, present and new are cited to attend at the Court aforesaid, the present ones to make and give their Presentments and the new ones to make and subscribe the Declaration required by law for the due execution of their office for the ensuing year. a) Sidespersons are cited to attend at the aforesaid Court to make and subscribe the said Declaration b) Parochial Church Council representatives are invited to attend

Dates of future PCC Meetings: 7.30pm Monday 10th July 2017, Monday 18th September 2017, Monday 13th November 2017, Monday 29th January 2018, Monday 12th March 2018

Ministry Team Meetings: 7.30pm Monday 12th June 2017, Monday 11th September 2017, Monday 30th October 2017, Monday 15th January 2018, Monday 26th February 2018

Minutes of Annual Meeting of Parishioners ("Vestry Meeting")

held at St Oswald’s Church Bollington, at 7.30pm on Monday 21st March 2016

27 members were present. Revd Canon Veronica Hydon was in the chair.

1. Apologies for absence: Elaine Ward, Brian Reader, John Baker, Julie Brunt, Revd Michael Fox. 2. Minutes of the last annual Parochial Church meeting held on the 26th April 2015 were approved and signed as a correct record.

3. Election of Churchwardens for 2016/2017. There were two nominations:

Christine Osbaldiston – proposed by Sue Whitehurst and seconded by Anthea Wilkinson

Elizabeth Thomas – proposed by Hannah Beko and seconded by Beverley Nixon

Jackie Pengelly was given a presentation in acknowledgement of her six years’ service as


The meeting was closed. Minutes of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting held at St Oswald’s Church Bollington, at 7.45pm on Monday 21st March 2016

27 members were present. Revd Canon Veronica Hydon was in the chair.

1. Apologies for absence: Elaine Ward, Brian Reader, John Baker, Julie Brunt, Revd Michael Fox. 2. Minutes of the last Annual Parochial Church meeting held on the 26th April 2015 were approved and signed as a correct record, subject to the addition of Joan Kendrick to the list of sidespersons. 3. Electoral Roll The Electoral Roll Officer -Christine Osbaldiston – reported that there are now 129 members on the Electoral Roll, ten having been removed as a result of death or leaving the Parish. 4. Church Fabric & Furnishing Report Thanks were given for the anonymous donor for the new paving outside the vestry and to Michael Burdekin for organising the installation of new lighting in the church. Thanks also were given to the churchwardens for their regular care of the church. 5. Finance Report The treasurer presented the Annual accounts for the year ending 31st December 2015, drawing attention to our annual quota of nearly £60,000. The resulting annual deficit on regular payments of £14,500 cannot be sustained for many more years. The Marketing and Communications Team is looking at ways of encouraging increased giving in order to combat this. Sally thanked Ann Stringer for her weekly effort cashing up and those who had given donations. The Vicar thanked Sally for her work as Treasurer. 6. General Parochial Reports: • The Vicar said that the late Joan Barton will be much missed for the many parts she played in the life of the church.

• Concern was expressed about the inclusion of the theft in the RICH group report. However the meeting agreed this should remain in the report anonymously. • It was noted that next year the Parish magazine will be issued bimonthly, at 50p per copy and £3 per year. • Anne Coomes has agreed to act as Reader for the Bollington Parish and will help the Curate during the Vicar’s sabbatical (April to June 2016). All other reports were duly received.

7. The Vicar’s Report to the Parish was noted.

8. Election of Tellers and Lay Representatives to the PCC: Just six nominations had been received for the six vacancies that had arisen in the PCC (Hannah Beko had resigned and five appointments had finished their three year term). The following appointments were therefore duly agreed by the Meeting:

Maggie O’Donnell - proposed by Chris Ward seconded by Jackie Pengelly

Julie Brunt - proposed by Sue Matthews seconded by Ann Stringer

Rachel Lake - proposed by Beverley Nixon seconded by Christine Osbaldiston

Jackie Pengelly – proposed Sally Garnett seconded by Maggie O’Donnell

Beverley Nixon – proposed Christine Osbaldiston seconded by Hilary Young

Angela Williams – proposed by Jackie Pengelly seconded by Christine Osbaldiston

9. Appointment of Sidespersons

The following were reappointed as sidespersons for the coming year (proposed by Dave Williams and seconded by Sally Garnett):

John Baker, Gaynor Barton, Margaret Booth, Michael Burdekin, Sheila Capper, Eddie Clayton, Derek Gascoigne, Valerie Genders, Phillip Gilchrist, Susan Gilchrist, Alex Ireland, Nicola Ireland, Joan Kendrick, Rachel Lake, Sue Matthews, Irene Mills, Ray Mills, Helen Nixon, Rachel Potter, Jenny Riley, Delia Rix, Martin Rix, Claire Street, Ann Stringer, Angela Williams.

10. Appointment of Auditor to the PCC

Barry Matthews, proposed by Angela Williams and seconded by Joan Kendrick, was appointed as auditor for the PCC Accounts for the coming year. Thanks were expressed for Barry’s work as Auditor.

11. Questions/ matters of Parochial Interest

Dave Williams stated that there is currently no phone in the Vicar’s new house and the former Vicarage phone will now be cut off. It was agreed that a mobile phone be purchased for the Churchwardens to hold during the Vicar’s sabbatical.

Deputy Wardens , PCC Secretary and PCC Treasurer will be appointed at the first meeting of the PCC on 11th April 2016. C J Ward PCC Secretary

Minutes of an Extraordinary Vestry Meeting (Meeting of Parishioners) held on 11th September 2016 at 11.45 a.m. in St. Oswald’s Church, Bollington

Present: Reverend Canon Veronica Hydon, Katharine Howe, Debra Tracy-Carney, Mike Carney, Jackie Pengelly, Christine Osbaldiston, Judi Hyde, Alison Hooley, Eileen Hooley, Beverley Nixon, Rachel Hunter, Susan Gilchrist, Phillip Gilchrist, Richard Jones, Anthea Wilkinson, Ray Mills, Irene Mills, Maggie O’Donnell, Dave Williams, Brian Reader, Jean Reader, Hylda Arnold, Canon Roy Arnold, Maureen Heald, Brenda King, Sheila Capper, Elaine Ward, Chris Ward, Oliver Ward, Sally Garnett, Becca Garnett, Val Genders, Ruth Rogers, Lorraine Heard, Dorothye Webster, Margaret Booth, Gaynor Barton, Luise Hermann, Ann Stringer, Anne Coomes, Sue Whitehurst, Jenny Thorpe, Sue Matthews, Mary Houghton, Olga Houghton, Judy Sinclair, Julie Brunt (plus two visitors not eligible to vote, Revd Mary Leigh and a gentleman called George...) Apologies: Joan Kendrick, Michael Burdekin, Jennifer Burdekin, Angela Williams, Hilary Young, Jenny Riley

Purpose of meeting: Election of new Church Warden following the resignation of Liz Thomas


Jenny Riley – Proposed by Sue Matthews, seconded by Jennifer Burdekin

Hilary J. Young – Proposed by Sue Whitehurst, seconded by Hylda Arnold Outcome: In a secret ballot counted by volunteer tellers Anthea Wilkinson and Anne Coomes, the laity present and eligible to vote at the meeting elected Hilary J. Young, by a simple majority, as the new Church Warden to replace Liz Thomas, to serve for the remainder of the annual term of office which ends next May.

The Vicar thanked the two candidates for having been willing to stand for election to this important office. She also thanked Christine for her hard work undertaking her duties in a solo capacity over the past five months, and finally she thanked members of the congregation for staying behind after the service today and contributing to the voting process.

Julie Brunt PCC Secretary


The Electoral roll is the basis for church representation and permits church members to attend the APCM and stand for the PCC and act as sidespersons. The numbers are also used as a basis for the permitted numbers of lay members on the PCC and the number of Deanery Synod representatives.

The new roll will be reported at the APCM

CHURCH FABRIC AND FURNISHINGS Christine Osbaldiston - Churchwarden

As per the Quinquennial inspection of May 2015 repairs to the west end of the church have been carried out, these consisted of replacement of the stone cills to the baptistery window and the north west window, re- pointing the masonry to the west gable and baptistry and replacement of the wire window grilles with clear polycarbonate.. Further repairs to the east end are required and hopefully these will be carried out in the next twelve months.

The new entrance doors required re varnishing, this was completed by Bollington Joinery.

Several roof tiles were broken, these have been replaced.

The boiler has been serviced, the gutters cleared, fire extinguishers checked and work done on the lightning conductor.

We have just taken delivery of a new photocopier on a lease contract, this is due to the Risograph having reached a stage where replacement parts are no longer available.

Thank you to the volunteers who help keep the building and surrounding grounds in such a good condition, the gardeners, floor polishers, cleaners and general maintenance personnel. Also a big thank you to everyone involved in the general running of our church and services, the deputy wardens, sidespersons, sacristans, readers, choir members, group leaders, music group, flower arrangers, caterers and tea makers. Finally thank you to our Vicar, Veronica for her love, support and encouragement.

FINANCE REPORT 2016 From Sally Garnett, PCC Treasurer

This report should be read together with the audited Accounts for 2016 printed towards the end of the Annual Reports.


The accounts for 2016 show that we have paid out £16,232 more than we received during the year. This continues the trend seen in recent years, but cannot be sustained for many more years.

Our major item of expenditure is the Diocesan quota which amounted to nearly £61,200 this year. The amount we pay does not only cover the stipend of our Vicar (around £24,000 pa) but also contributes to the central diocesan costs of administration, schools and parochial support, clergy pension contributions, housing and on-going training (our Curate does not himself receive a stipend or housing, but is self-supporting).

This is the minimum that we must cover by income before we add in our ‘running costs’ such as electricity, gas and water etc. These regular payments (including the diocesan quota) total £77,980. Our regular income for the year was only £63,596 , leaving a ‘regular’ deficit of £14,384

A review was made of giving in the year and a Giving Officer was appointed, please see the separate report. A positive and welcome response was received in October regarding an

overhaul of our giving and revised pledges (with associated gift aid if applicable) will increase our annual giving by £12,200.

During the year we concluded our LED Lighting project, the kitchen refurbishment project is ongoing and we have started our Organ restoration fund for essential repairs to the organ bellows, which will be started May 2017. We also received a welcome legacy from a former parishioner, which will be used to provide a safe environment at the front of Church for our young children and provide a shed for storing garden equipment. Any residue money to go to the organ restoration fund. We undertook some essential repairs to the fabric of the church totalling £11,104, of which VAT reclaimable was received in early 2017 of £1,851. Bollington Town Council made a generous grant of £2,000 towards the maintenance of the Churchyard and Columbarium, and this with further donations from the congregation is much appreciated.

Our total planned giving and collections decreased slightly from the previous year. We received over £10,900 in respect of reclaimed Gift Aid which shows the importance of everyone who is able to do so making a Gift Aid declaration if possible. Many parishioners arranged and took part in various fundraising project s in the year for general funds, raising £2,800. The PCC very much appreciate the volunteer time given and the generosity of those attending.

Charity Giving

The amount that we raised for various charities during the year is shown in note 6 in the ‘Notes to the Accounts’ section which form part of the audited accounts.


The accounts show that our reserves at the end of the year were £72,648 of which £23,791 are in restricted funds and the remaining £48,857 are unrestricted for the PCC to use as it sees fit in the running of the Church.


Chris Ward, Parish Giving Officer

The Stewardship Survey completed by 50 members of the congregation last year provided some very encouraging information. Based on the estimated need of average weekly giving of £11.50 per person, 40% said they would be happy to pay this amount or more, with 20% willing to pay more than they do currently and 20% already paying more than the average. Only 20% said that were unable to increase their giving.

Based on the survey, 61 current givers and 50 other members on the Electoral Roll were sent an individual letter in October outlining these results and enclosing a Pledge Form (with Gift Aid and Bankers Order forms if relevant) for them to indicate their future giving intentions. It was emphasised that to meet our financial needs we all have to act together

This again received an encouraging response. Our Treasurer received revised pledges from 69% of regular givers and six replies from other members. The

increased and new pledges show an increase of £833 per month, which with gift aid will increase the total to £1016 per month, £12,200 per year. This equals the deficit last year from our regular income payments. All pledges have been acted upon.

We need to add that we still have support from many of our existing congregation and all pledges either existing or increased are very much appreciated. All those contributing were acknowledged in a Thanksgiving Event after the Carol Service on 18th December.

REPORT FROM THE VICAR From Rev. Canon Veronica Hydon

I would like to thank all those who enabled me to take time out in April, May and June last year and to enjoy some of my sabbatical leave in Venice! Particular thanks are due to Christine Osbaldiston, Revd Michael Fox, Bev Nixon, Canon Roy Arnold, Anne Coomes, Brian Reader and others who took on extra liturgical and organisational roles during that time, including offering prayer stations both in church and in our local schools for the week leading up to Pentecost, and again later on when our Assistant Curate was supported in officiating at his first two weddings! Later in the year we celebrated with Bev Nixon as she received her well-deserved Children's Ministry Certificate in Manchester Cathedral. Her tireless enthusiasm and innovation alongside young and old within our congregation (and also reaching out to our schools) is a huge asset in our church life - and all amazingly freely given, as are the other creative, compassionate, organisational, fundraising, musical and serving gifts of so many others who make up our varied congregation here at St Oswald's!

Sadly there were also two bereavements during the latter part of my sabbatical following the sudden and untimely deaths of Sue Bennett and Guy Wharton, whose creative and inspirational lives had made a deep impression on many people within our local community. It was impressive how well the church supported the families and friends most closely affected by these losses, including the staff and children of Year Six at Bollington Cross School and our RiCH Group, by literally opening our doors in the immediate aftermath to allow people to express their grief and shock in personal and unique ways within the sanctuary of God's house. St Oswald's congregation has once again proved itself well able to respond appropriately to strangers as well as friends on both joyful and sorrowful occasions. (It is good that the PCC agreed last September that we open our church doors routinely on Wednesdays to allow people to venture in for private prayer or refreshment during daylight hours.)

As many of you will know, Canon Roy Arnold is presently recovering from a broken hip after a recent fall and I know both he and Hylda will value your prayers and ongoing support especially over the next few weeks of rehabilitation. We look forward to welcoming Roy back safe and well into our midst. Our good wishes also extend to Revd Dr Gary Bowness who has from time to time kindly offered his high-speed, in-depth ministry whilst the Vicar's been away on other commitments during the past year! Gary will shortly be moving house to retire (properly this time) up to Lancaster in Blackburn Diocese. The Deanery will certainly miss him and we wish him God speed!

Last autumn we said a fond farewell to Revd Michael as he took up his new role of part-time Priest-in-charge at St Paul's, Macclesfield. Whilst continuing as Michael's mentor, as Rural Dean I am pleased to say that by the end of May 2017 six new incumbents will have been licensed or inducted to fill all fourteen vacancies that have arisen in parishes across our Deanery over the past three years! The only parishes that have in recent years retained their existing incumbents are Bollington, Gawsworth, Prestbury and ! As we look to the future, it will be good to heed the warnings expressed elsewhere in this Annual Report regarding our Parish Finances, since the trend is to amalgamate parishes where there is insufficient income to support a full- time Vicar in a single benefice. I'm grateful to Canon Taffy Davies who in retirement has returned to act as Chapter Clerk and to Richard Raymond for his continuing work as Deanery Lay Chair, as well as to Julie Brunt and David Marriott who have valiantly undertaken the other voluntary roles of Deanery Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

Our ministry and outreach in this parish is greatly enhanced by our two church schools and our links across the whole Bollington Family of Schools, including our continuing close relationship with Dean Valley Community School. It is great to be able to report that both Bollington Cross School and Bollington St John's School received excellent Ofsted results from the short inspections carried out in March this year! Do visit the website to read the full and detailed reports, which warmly commend our two Head Teachers, Mrs Downing and Mrs Walker, for their continued high quality leadership. We are blessed in having such dedicated staff, parents and governors whose efforts combine to offer a good and inspirational education to all our children. Please pray for the right choice of a new Head Teacher for Bollington Cross School as from September 2017 when Mrs Downing will have retired. Please also continue to uphold in your prayers the children of School, following the choice made by members of Pott Shrigley staff, parents and local community, for the Local Authority and the Diocese to dissolve the Federation which previously existed with Bollington St John's, and which took effect on 28 February 2017.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere thanks to our two dedicated and equally hardworking Churchwardens, Hilary and Christine, who have greatly encouraged me in my calling as your parish priest and who, alongside the other members of the Ministry Team, continue to share a vision for the future thriving and growth of our church community here in Bollington and beyond.


ST JOHN'S CHURCHYARD In March last year, Councillor John Weston was approached on behalf of the PCC with a request to informally transfer the responsibility for maintenance of the churchyard to East Council. This approach was taken as we have been unable to get a Closure Order on the churchyard and therefore unable to insist on a compulsory formal transfer.

Subsequently we met with members of Council and the Community Payback Team in May, when we were informed that:

1. Cheshire East will not take on formal responsibility for maintenance of the churchyard as they are aware that the churchyard has not been formally closed under a Closure Order. Neither are they prepared to take on informal maintenance as there are several other churches in the county in the same situation. 2. ANSA will not carry out any maintenance work but may advise the Payback Team on technical matters, tree felling etc. 3. Community Payback Team (CPT) is interested in the churchyard as a project and agreed to quote for regular maintenance as opposed to the current informal arrangement. 4. We explained that the area to the right of the church is now owned by the Simply Group. Council representatives said they would approach Simply Group to see whether they were prepared to contribute to the maintenance costs.

We requested monthly 2-day weekend visits by CPT during the growing season, from March to October inclusive, with visits taking place on the last weekend of each given month. A member of the church will attend each visit to advise on work to be done.

- to mow and strim the grass to allow access to all the graves.

- to cut grass on surrounding border areas on occasional basis.

- to cut back any brambles and sapling trees.

- to sweep up fallen leaves and collect fallen branches.

- to exclude the area around the church owned by the Simply Group as they organise their own maintenance.

-to exclude the Columbarium which will continue to be maintained by Suzanne Wainwright.

Removal of rubbish will be carried out by Kenyons.

CPT quoted a rate of £85 +VAT per visit to which we have agreed. This will amount to total of £1625 per year. We will apply to Bollington Town Council to pay for this work.

The churchyard is currently in good order and we hope this scheme of regular maintenance will continue to keep it so.

Cre8 have been asked to survey the trees but we understand that this service may no longer be available.

CHUB (Churches and Pubs Club) From Jean Reader

Throughout 2016 we had three outings and a Friendship Lunch in September: although all our outings are friendly.

On 19th April we visited St. Lawrence Church Eyam and it was most interesting to hear how the Church and village had survived the Plague – then off to the Miner’s Arms for an excellent lunch.

On 7th June we went to St. James’ and St. Paul’s at Marton where we heard more historical facts about the Church and surrounding area before we had our lunch at the Davenport Arms just across the road from the Church.

On 19th July we visited St.Mary’s at Astbury where there we heard more fascinating history and once again it was over the road for a good lunch at the Egerton Arms.

September 13th brought us nicely to our Friendship Lunch at the Deanwater.

All in all, it was a good year for CHUB

MOTHERS’ UNION Jean Reader – Secretary

The year 2016 was the M.U.’s 140th Anniversary. A celebratory afternoon tea was held at Henbury with many M.U. members from our District in attendance, and of course, as is our mantra, a very special Anniversary Cake. Throughout the year we held our meetings with interesting guest speakers, especially a talk we had from a M.U. speaker from St. Peter’s Alderley, whose talk was about the M.U. in the Sudan – excellent.

St. Oswald M.U. is now a very small group, but we manage to support the various projects throughout the Macclesfield District; we soldier on, that’s what M.U. is all about.

We enjoyed our usual Drive and Dine in August and once again our Christmas Dinner was at my house.

Meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month at 7.30 p.m. in the vestry and all are welcome especially non-members.

CHOIR REPORT From Anthea Wilkinson Choir Leader

This last year has been a very sad one for the choir of St Oswald’s following the death of Sue Bennett in June and the final admission to a secure nursing home of Lilian Hughes. Lilian’s days in the choir go back to St. Johns and her soprano voice is much missed. Although a more recent member of the choir Sue was a great asset both as an alto voice and, more lately, as an organist. Her musicality in both roles has left another hole in the choir.

I am happy to report that Ken has now returned as a regular choir member but we have lost Oliver Ward to the congregation! The full complement of the choir is now nine so holidays and illness can cause us a problem. Please consider if you could help to support the choir, particularly if you have a soprano or alto voice. Although attendance at every practice is ideal this is not essential. The choir does not lead worship at the first Sunday service and the Family Worship service (the third Sunday) tends to include well known hymns or tunes.

Sadly Martin’s daughter, Jenny, now finds herself too busy to play at services and Luise has had to hang up her organ shoes! My thanks to both of them for their support during the year and I hope that Jenny will feel able to re-join the organist’s rota sometime in the future.

We are thus reduced to three organists and I am grateful to them for their continued support, for their helpful input during choir practice and their contribution to the services not just for the hymns and psalms but for the incidental pieces before, during and after the services.

This seems to be a report on loss and reduction but the current choir members are a great asset and I thank them all for their support

CHILDREN AND FAMILIES Beverley Nixon, Children’s Ministry Co-ordinator

Another very successful year, growing and developing our children and families ministry.

Worship - We have regular participation in both of the monthly family services by our young people as they undertake readings, prayers and various tasks such as bell ringing or taking the collection. Provision for the children at these services also enables attendance by their parents without undue stress, a point which has been appreciated by the families.

Parent and Toddler Group – After some consultation with parents last year, Praise & Play moved to a new slot on Tuesday mornings at 9.30am. This move seems to have been a success and the group continues to attract new members. Two of our young Mums, Alison Grimshaw and Nichola Tidman have taken on the roles of group facilitators and now help to plan, organise and run the group alongside myself. You will be able to see some of the fabulous Bible based artwork that we produce with the children displayed on the walls in the family corner.

RiCH – Now into its fourth year and most of our original children have moved on to make way for younger ones. The group continues to be popular and well attended each week. We were pleased to welcome two new helpers this year, Lorraine Heard and Julie Brunt, and sad to lose two due to changes in circumstance, Rachel Lake and Becca Garnett. A new initiative to say Grace before eating the cake has been embraced by the children and we would love to receive any suggestions for this so that we can compile a small book of Graces for them to choose from.

Church Colleges Certificate in Children’s Ministry – I successfully completed this University accredited course last summer and was awarded my certificate by the Bishop at Manchester Cathedral in November. I found the course interesting and stimulating, despite being hard work at times – it’s a while since I undertook academic study! It encouraged me to look deeper into the bible and see how that related to my work with the children. As a result I feel confident moving forward that we can have a lot to offer to our young people in helping them to develop and grow their faith.

Outreach and missionary – Annual family events such as the Good Friday Craft Trail, Summer Fundays, All Hallows Eve Light Party and Christmas Eve Crib Service were extremely well attended by families from the parish (and beyond!) A new initiative for Advent this year, a Messy Nativity Sheep Trail, was received with enthusiasm around Bollington as local businesses hosted woolly sheep for people to find!

My sincere thanks goes to all those who help to make this ministry a success. Moving forward, my hope is to sustain and build on the growth that we have already accomplished with particular reference to providing for the older children as their needs progress.


Our quarterly meetings continue to produce initiatives for raising our profile in the community. Last year it was agreed that we should try to organise 4 events (specifically for church funds) per year. Forthcoming events are displayed on the GAP noticeboard towards the rear of the Church.

In March 2016 we held an 'Irish' Concert and in February 2017 a Welsh-themed one. Both proved to be enjoyable evenings which showcased local and in-house talent and helped to boost Church funds. Thank you to everyone who was involved.

In May we hosted a very interesting and informative Dementia Friends awareness talk by Wendy Luxon. Information regarding dementia friendly churches is available on the GAP noticeboard.

In September our first Garden Party for several years took place and proved to be both an enjoyable event and a financial success. Thank you to all who helped in any way. We also hosted a MacMillan Coffee Morning which was very well attended and raised £263 pounds for the society. Again many thanks to everyone involved.

Our second Taize service, dedicated to Sue Bennett, was held in February of this year. Thank you to Chris Ward for organizing such a peaceful and uplifting service and to all those who took part.

We continue to hold GAP meetings every 3 months- the next is 8th April 10-11am.Everyone is welcome to attend, so please come along if you wish to share ideas/initiatives or opinions. We have several new initiatives in the pipeline, but are always looking for new ideas.

Some pictures from our events during the year.

Garden Party Posh Tea our 1936 ‘Babies’

First Ring of Bollington Bells at St Thomas Stockton Heath

Ken and Hilary

The Annual Report of the Parish of Bollington in the Diocese of Chester: 2016/2017 1