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Next issue: Holiday Issue Pacific'—y'^NollonalPublcaltonotlhe JapaneseCitizen Ameftaonatlzens League C75C Poitpow U.S) N»i-«land 25e #2690./Vol 115, No. 19 ISSN: 0030-8579 701 Eosi 3id Street. Suite 201, los Angeles, CA 9C013

Didn't know 'Jap' is racist, says Schott to JACL liiarge SdK>tt, Cindnnata Reds •ting be owner, spologit^ Dec. 1 to JACL tioowith- In a depositio 1 t^en last De­ for using the word’Jc^.*' In phone Sdtott, Hayasliliifciil, ’(^ven tite cember for a wrongful firing suit calls to Dennis Hayashi. JACL racially insensitive nature of by a former employee, Schott ad­ Owners call meeting on Schott national diiactorandBill Yoshino. Marge Schott's recent remarks, mitted using the word ’nigger’ Basrfiall s executive cpundl is scheduled to meet Dec 7'In JACL midwest rmonal direeto>r. the owners oTMAjor League base­ and said it was possible she re­ Louisville, discuss the ongoing controversy surroundii^ Schott said she didn’t realize the ball must determine whether she ferred to Martin Luther King Day Mai^ Schot^ although there are reports that the League may term "Jap" was racist. is fit to rentain as president/CEO as “nigger day." The Reds owner take earlier action. The ^ds owner ^hied making Earlier in a Nov. 30 letter to of the Reds, and also address the has also admitted to possessing a racist remarks Dec 1 attributed to-her by firmer Ri^ Mnjdeyee Sdio^Hayashicalledforherres- deeper proUems of race relations swastikaarmhand. When aformer Sharon Jones, according to a Los AngeZes r^wrt. imation following charges that intheroort.“Hayashiandyoahino employee whoha;^)ened to be Jew­ "My actions as president and CEO of the Re& are an the Reds owner used racial slurs, both told Schott that any apology ish protested the arinband, Schott bocA. Thor 1:^ any charges of discimhtation. I have nothing to ”We believe you should rssign as to' Japsmese’ Americans would has been quoted as saying, 'If I Ijide,” said Schott In a four-paragra^ statement. preadant and chief executive of­ have to be made publidy and that have a Jap flag out, are we going Jpnesearlier said that Schott emoe remarked, Tdratixerhave ficer of the . If you the Reds owner should meet with to be offended tomorrow?* a traioed memkey working for me than a oig^.’ choose not to do eo, we will ask Asian American community l^d- Bill Yoshino, JACLmidwest re­ Peter O’Malley, Dodger president, was quoted in the L.A. MAjor League Basri>all to take ers on the issue. JACL, thmij^ gional director, admonished Time* Nov. 28 saying, "If statements attributed to Marge Schott whatever steps are apprt^ate to ■ its midwest office and the Cincin­ Schott for using the term ’Jap" in are accurate, I believe Mrs. Schott should resign as chief tpxecu- tive officer." remove you from your pontion," nati Chapter, JACL. requesUd Sm SCHOTT/paga 9

It's not over—Nikkei fiies for 500 at Jerry Enomoto testimonial By TOKO FUJI recount in election dogfight SACRAMENTO-<;io8e to 500 friends Democrat Mark Takano filed for a ballot larities. In the recount, these insularities jammed Hoi Sing restaurant to capacity recount Nov. 30 after apparently losing his will be easy to discover. There are some in tribute to Jerry Enomoto o*\,Nov. 22. congreasional bid in the 43rd district in issues of concern, but nothing hard and The two-time national JACL president Riverside County, Calif. Three weeks after fast, nothing to take to court right now, ’ 11966-1970] and current ehajr of the the Nov. 3 election. Riverside County offi- said Shallman. JACL Legaev Fund was praised by local ciale announced Nov. 25 the final tally Now that he has asked for a recount, and national leaders for. his decade of placed opponent Rntib- Takano has to raise the money to fund the laa(Mship, not only in the Nikkei com­ lican Ken Cal vert aMad* cost Estimating the cost of a recount to be munity but in the world of criminal of Ikkanoby 519 votes, between $30J)00 and $60.h00. Shallman justice andcorrections, having served as 88,987 to 88,468. said the campaign is continuing its head of the Califi>rnia Department of John Shallman, fundraising efforts.. TheT campaign man- .Corrections 11975-1980]. Takano'a campaign ager said if it turns out that Takano is the In resporrse, Enomoto, 65, expressed manager, said the victor, the State of California will pay for his gratitude to those present and to Taikano team remains thecCtt, Otherwisei thecampaign will have those w^ presented him with so many hopeful and that the • to foot the bill..' expreastons of appreci ati on and recogni • recount should be com- For now, Takano, a teacher at Rialto tionTHe -gave credit to colleagues on pletedin ailproximately High School, is back teaming and helping various projects and to those who sup- two weeks. 'If one vote TAKANO with fundraisir^. Shallman did not rule ported him during the maniy years with ^OIIOTO ^ in each precinct changes, then we wirv" out the possibility of running again if this JApL and LEC. He also acknowledged said Sbmlman. "We y/ouldn’t ask for a re­ bid is unsuccesful or even a job in the th^support from his wife, Dorothy. On the dinner committee: Lori count ifwe weren't hopeful. We think there's Clinton administration. Shallman said, Elep. Robert Matsui introduced the PujirAoto, emcee; Toko Fujii, coordina­ some chance that some of the bollots werfc even if Takano loses, his campaign can be gUjtst of honor. An album of testinpnial tor; Tim Fujimoto, Toyoko Nakatogawa, 'miscounted." seen as a victory i n this heavily Republican letters, a rare ^ari plate, and a Ijapa- Amie(F^moto, Pearl Sugimoto, Grace precinct. 'Mark performed better than any nese painting Iwere presented to the Hiuga; Alice Uyeno, Fran Yokota, Yuki While not alleging tampering. Shallman other Democrat in this area, better than Enomotos. ^ Fujimoto, Rich Sawamura, Shig said the election process was ’sloppy." Clinton, Diane Peinstein and Barbara Grayce Uyehara, who came fnan Phila­ Shimazu, Glen Yee, Shig and Rose ■We've heard dozens of reports of irregu­ Boxer.’© delphia to honor Jerry, appealed for all- Yokote. out support of the current Legacy Fund Program participants included Nisei drive.Witha goal of $10 million for the VFW Post 8985, color detaik Leslie inouye accuser won't participate endowment fund, it will help JACL push Miyamoto, National Anthem; Rev. programs in the areas of great n.^ she Seicho Asahi of Koyasan Church. in Senate ethics investigation emphasized. . shokuzen no kotoba (words before meal). Lenore Kwock, the episode behind her. Inouye has denied woman who originally .Kwock’s allegations and according to his accused Sen. Daniel >oke ant^suNestorGarcia had’ no comment JACL Legacy Fund Inouye of sexual mis­ on Kwock's latest statemenU. conduct, said Nov. 20 In what she called her last press confer­ that she will not par- ence,’Kwock forgave Irx>uye for the alleged ^ ■___ ■ a. tidpatein any U.S. Mn- ate Elthics ^mmittee More important iiow than ever investigation of her Cod. ofSilence Broken, a^up forced .r .nrru.p. njonal JACL p^sident. 1966-19701. following Kwock's allegations against By GRAYCE K. UYEHARA claims, according to a Chairwoman, JACL Legacy Fund Inouye, is pressing for a Senate investiga­ While visiting the Sacramento regional Honolulu Aduzrtifier exhibit, "Continuing Traditions; Japanese report. iowwik tion of Inouye. Jo Byrne, spokeswoman for the organization, said that while the group On Nov. 21 ,fo1 lowi ng an a) 1 -day Eastern Americans. Story of a People 1969-1992,* The Advertiser Said Kwock is wary 'of the District Council session, the New York before speaking at the Stockton Assembly posable political motives of such an inves­ is disappointed with Kwgck's decision not JACL recognized Paul Suddes, adminis- to testify, they support hen© CenterReunion on Labor Day, Toko Fujii, tigation and just wants to put the whole ’tratorofthe Office of Redress Administra­ another very visible Sacramento JACl^ tion, at a reception held ' in the community, told me he thought the at Nippon Club. As of I time had come tohelp organize his chaptM* Fujimori coalition wins election in Peru Oct. 26, Suddes re­ to support the JACL Legacy Fund in a roma ported 74,600 have re­ positive way. Supporters of Peru President Alberto dent after Fujimori’s term expires in 1995, ceived their $20,000 re­ Piyimori won virtual control ofthe 80-sent LuisYamakawa, Peruvian-bornJACLerin On Nov. 22, Toko was true to his word! dress checks and that He had coordinated the tribute for Jerry as Democratic Constituent Congress with 44 Los Angeles told the Pacific Citizen.) the remaining eligible seats, based on exit polls by Apoyo, the Eighteen parties and moverrients fielded a measure to show the chapter's support for 5,000 will receive theirs the Legacy Fund. With the effort of JACL nation’s most respected candidates. The main opposition parties, in October. 1993. J including APRA of immolate past presi? vice-president Alan Nishi, we also rhet be­ polling finn, in the Nov. The following day.H fore the testimonial dinner with local area 22 national elections. dent Alan Garcia and Popular Action^of Je^ J. Enomoto was The New Majority fiarnerPresidentPemandoBelaundeTerry, JACL Legacy Fund and chapter leaders: Randy Imai.MikeSawamUraCSacramento); Cambio^ Alliance, led refused to take part. Final results are ex­ uyehara pected in several weeks. Ellen Kubo, Aster Kondo, Hike Yego(PIacer by Jaime Yoehiyama, JACL installation affair. It was a testimo­ County). Terry Itano, George (Marysville), one-time minister of en­ Apoyo polls reported: New Majority nial Itwig overdue, for Jerry has continued Cambio-90,44 seats (and 42.6% ofthe na­ and Mary Tsukamoto (Florin). ergy and mines in the to make m^r contributions to carry forth (1 rembmhered Hike’s older brother, the Fujimori government, tional votes); the main opposition Popular tile JACL mission, and notably as JACL- Christian Pitrty, 8 seats (8.2%); remaining late Tom Yego—one of the JAC!L prtineert dedored it was a *great, lEC chair, following Min Yosui’s resigna­ great triumph* for ______seats in the assembly divided among the when the late Walt Tsukamoto was na­ tion because of health in 1986, and by his tional president, 1938-40; and Aster when Pi^roori who diseolved FUJBIORI minor parties, groups and movements. peraonol witness to improving our society the 240-member 160 eenators,-180 depu­ Survey was baaed on 20,000 interviews, we attended a prewar Sacramento'Valley over past several decadesTdnting from Young People’sphristian Conference. Those ties] Uauneral congress last April 5. chief Apoyo pollster Alfredo Torres an- the years tie was the San Francisco JACL (Yoehiyama is a iWvard-educated engi­ nougped. He predicted 15.6% ofthe ballots president in 1954 through two terms as SMUYEHARA/page9 neer who eome feel may be the next presi-' Sm FUJIMORVpi^a 9 rj-.? " X fa- 2—ftclflc atizen. Friday, December 4 and December 11,1992 rvr^i.i- •m ■

^ No. 2.690 Calendar Pulgaa. noon Al San Mateo seniors bersJ23. non-mambers plus $2 vatet “TfautaU are inviied. invitabons wi be in the mai parking.''RSVP by Dec. 4: Fred. 3KV Join the group Be^. games, and gift exchange, intor­ 457-9934. or Slad. 310/978-4776. Honolulu mabon w>d reservations; 415/343-2793. Saturday. Dac. 12—Japan American Wed.-FfL. Dec. 16-18—East-West Ceo- SuiAeniie Saturday, Dec. 12—East Bay Nikkei Symphony Orchestra perfonning work Wf sponsors the contereoce, *CNN's ot Yutaka Takahashi, Japan America intactonAsia.* East-WestCenter. 1777 Singles' Christmas party. Schober's Gat on Itw news and features from acrossWcountry RestaurwiL Pinole. Reservations and Theatre. Little Tokyo. 8p.m. Cost; $25. East-West Road. Honolulu. Speaker; informMion: May Takashima. 51(V 531 • $20 Intormabon: 213/ 680-3700 « you wish to subscribe or have moved Mte Chinoy. Beging bureau cNel. CNN. Wonnalion; JohnSchidtovsky.808/944- 1789. Tuesday, Dec i$—The Asm Society (Alow 6 w**kt to report oddr*sschan9« with iobol oo front pogo) Through Sunday, pec. 20-Asian and Jap^ America Socte^ sponsor. 7340. enocHvo dot*______American Tlfeafre Company's *Webster The U.S.-Jap«i Relationship: Wll it Street Blues.’ 403 ArgueBo Blvd.. San always be difficultr The Bitmore Ho­ Please send the Pacific Citizen for 'Kuu- Franoso. Cost: $13-$15. Wed.-Sun.. tel. 506 S Grand Ave.. Los Angeles. ___Iyr/$25 ____2yrs/$48 ^3 yis/$71 with 3 p.m. matinees. Sunday. Informa­ 11:30 a m Speaker; Wiliam Franklin, -New York tion: 415/751-2600, president. WeyerhausdTFar EaU. Ltd. Name;______:_____:------•niur., Owi lOJIiy M, 1»»S-The Through Thursday, Dec. 31 — Cost; $30, •members ,$35. non-mem­ Addres$_ Chinaiown HisKxy Museum presents Japantown Holiday Season Sale. bers Information 213/624-0945. the photographic axNbitions. •From Japaniown. San Frandsco. Raffles and Friday, Dec 18-Japan Amenca Soci­ City, State, Zip_ Canton to New York; The Broken Trad- cultural demonsliBbons Information: ety ol Southern California presents Alwt»cripT)onspoyaC)Jelno<3vonce. Foreign: USS13.C0extropef^i^ bon.* and The People ol Tong Yehn 415/922-9300. Lester Thurow. dean. Sloan School of Cnecia poyoble to: Poclfle Qlizen. 701 E: 3tO St., Los Angeles. CA 90013 Gaai.* 70 Mulberry St.. 2nd floor. Sun - Sunday. Jan. 3—The Nisei Widowed Management. MlT. Biltmore Hotel. 506 EW»tfUTON NOTICE: »the IW loor onrewofcneefeoes—»IM»ete>»t«TiSW< tenwee Dec. 10.5 pjn-8 p.m Intonrrabon; 212/ lhep«w«tepK.plHMn«lyJACXNNIonNHMdQu«ieN eiAeMety members welcome, intormabon: Bsie Cost; $20. members; $25. norvmem- 619-4785 Uyeda Chung. A\5/ 221-0268; or Yuri bars. Information: 213/ 627-6217. .Moriwdu. 510/482-3260. Saturday, Deci 9 —Gardenali Break­ Ongoing—Japanese American Gay fast with Santa. Nakaoka Community Social is looking for new members (in­ Center. 1700 W. 162nd St.. Gardena, 8 Philadelphia formal and non-political) Information: a.m. Cost: $3. pre-paid: $4. at door. Ortgoing—National Archiwes-Md Altaft- 415/584-7224. Intormabon: 310/217-9537. Pacific Citizen tic Region's The Internment of Japa­ Fri.-Sat., Dec 18-19—Pertormance nese Americans. Photographs by San Jose , artist Sandra Tsing Loh and Satori per­ 701 E.3rd St.Sulto201, Los Angeies. CA 90013-1817 Dorothea Lange,* Lobby Wiltiam Penn Frictoy. D«l 11-Yu-Ai Kaf, Chrisl form ’Hot Pointt and Ftoreups.* High­ (213) 626-6936 / fax 626-6213 Post Office Annex. 9th ar>d Market mas parly, Yu-A Kai office, 565 N. Ftfih ways. 1651 18th SL. Santa Monica, rr« Pocne emten (ISSN: 0030-6579) s pue*h»d wMkv eecept me Inf wMk of St. San Jose, 7 p.m. Cookie exchange, Smts. Mon.-Sat.. 8 a m -6 p m Infor- 8:30 p.m. Cost; $10. Tickets LA. 213/ ttw yea. ble^eiay dunng Ji«y and Auoa>. ana Mnvfnontniy r< 0ec«TOec. by the entertainment and surprises. RSVP by mation:'215/597-3000 660-8587. JcvmwAmMicOTCtwwteapue.TOlE . raoi. lot Aneetet.CA900lMei7 Dec. 10. Information: 408/ 294-2505. AmudMlMCfOtoniaie* JACimetroen St3oimenaiK>naiduetpfl»v()eone|waion Through Saturday, Dac. 19-The Sat.-Sun., Dec. 19-29—Yu-A Kai's oonepf tKx—rpBIxefc Nwvnwrnben )year-$25.2veon-MS 3y«an-$71. Tlettt VfCextco SPARC (Mery presents -Confronta- poyoUe in oouonce AddRtonoi postcQe oei v«ar-law«n $13 U$ Az mat-u5. mods tsuki. San Jose BuddhistChurch. bon 1992.* an exhibit on race, color and Canada.Mee«»;$30IB; Joporvtuioee S60US (Sut*eclioctwroetwtmo.4noiee) Albuquerque SaL. 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sun.. 10 a.m.-3 racism. 685 Venice Blvd.. Artisis in- NOionalheaeiajateitirtSSi^a.Semffoneeco CA9ttlS.(^lS)'^l-622S Sunday. Dec. 13—New Mexico Chap­ p.m. Mocht must be purchased in ed- dude; vtoeo artist Alan Nakagewa and vance.524b.Volunieefs needed. Irtlor- ter. JACL's children’s Christmas party. performer Amy Hil. Intormabon; Eric mation; 408/294-2505. y seMMapoley. Yonemoto's Garden Center. .208 El Gordon or LudaAguayo3lCV822-9S60. Pueblo N.W.. 2 p.m. RSVP and infor­ KjoiLMAnoeiet. CcW. and oadtarai maeng ofi£M Thureday, Dac 31—New Year's Eve mation: Randolph Shibata, 505/ 883- Los Angeles hrSS POCTMASIEfc SErC AOORESS CHA74GE TO PoctK CBoen 70) E 3e3 St /30I. Lee Friday, Dec. 11—Greater LA. Singles dance with High Resoluiofi. E. San 12S8; or Ron and bsa Shibata. SOS' Gabriel VaBey Japanese Community Anoeie».CA900iyiei7 291-0167. Chapter. JACL's monthly mMbng. Founders Savings & Loan, (kamercy Center. 1203 W. Puente Ave.. West N»w/»d d«§dlln0 Friday btton dtf a! I$um Sunday. Dec. 27-New Mexico Chap­ Covina. 6:30p m. BenefitsWestCovina ter. JACL's holiday party. Mnato's Res­ and Redondo Beach Blvd.. (xardena. 7 Cdttor/Qeneral Manager: Richard Suenaga Judo Oofo vid San Gabriel Judo Dofo taurant 10721 Montgoowry NE. 5 p m p.m. Tc^; -Who you are is how you Assistant Editor: Owen Nuranaka Cost: $15. in advance; $25. at door. Jigianese food and karaoke. Tickeu: ad—Do you know who you are 7* Infor­ Editor Emeritus: Harry K. Honda mation; Avie Ige. 714/ 842-9550. lnformabon:SlBve818/g68^7;rina. $25 Information: Moss and Jean 81B/287-7B40;orPaul.8l^2893S83. Classined/Produdion Manager: Isao Andy Enomoto Kishiyama. 505/ 294-3274; or Minato's. Saturday, Dec. 12—The Asian Busi­ Business Mana^r: Joyce Kato ' 505/ 293-2929, ness Le^ue's 8th annual Christmas San Diego ^ SubscripUon/OrculatJon Manager: Frances Okuno bal awards banpueL («dden Bdlroom. New Otani Hotel. 120 S. Los Angeles Thureday, Dec 31—The San Oiego- St. Little Tokyo. Honorees indude: Yokohama Sister City Society and the PadHc aUzen Advisor: Bill tlosokawa Seattle^ Shirley T. Hosoi. president and CEO, BuddNst Temple of San Oia^ mem­ ThroughSunday, Dec. 13—Wing Luke bers win ring the Friendship Be< on New JACL^esidenr Lillian C.Kimura Rrst InterstatefrarichiseServices Inc.; Asian Museum presents works by local and Christopher Lee. senior vice presi- Year's eve. at the end ot Sheter Island. JACl NaTionolDtrecTor:OannlsHaya$hi Asian American artsis. 407 7th Ave dentofmobonpicture production. TriStar San Diego, midnight. Rev. Miyaji of the Artists include: Silk designer Laihong Pictures .Cost: $60. members; $70. non­ Buddhist temple wll conduct die car- Padne^Uren Board of Directors Tran and graphic designer Frank Fujii. members. Intormabon: 213'626-5637. eip^. Information: 619/ 234-0376. Chairman: Paul 3hlfikawa Intormabon; 206/ 623-5124 Saturday, Dec. 12—Bud Orypresenu Cathy Maeda John ftakahala B.6. Chung King and the Screaming Buddth Heads performing atthe Roxy. Internships Ronald ShlhaU LesHaU 9p09 W, Sunset Blvd.. Hoflywood. 11 Tcrcaoe J. Yatnada Kim Tachlkl pm. Tickets arto information: Chns. 618/ Peggy S. Liggett ■dheiTie Shlmairioto San Francisco Area ^-9663. Thuraday.OecIO—San Mateo Chap­ Saturday. Decf 12—Marina Chapter, EDOoffers D.C. ter, JACL's senior holiday party, San JACLChristmaOiarty. Shanghai Red's, MateoSeniorConteronAlamedadelas MannaOelRey,la Del Rey ,5p.m. Cost; $21. mem- internships WASHINGTON, D.C.—JACL is accepting appHcationt for the Eastern Distnet Internship Pro- ' JACL TAKE ADVAPfTAfiE. gram. T^s internship program places a college or graduate stu­ dent in JACL's Washirigton, D.C. LEGACY FUND OF RENEmna your suBSCRimon at the office for three-month periods CURRENT RATE. during the spring and summer quarters. 'Ht# internship pro^m is de­ The Gift can renew their subscriptions at the current rales of: signed Uf provide the intern with ONE YEAR: $25 experience in working with JACL TWO YEARS: $48 on public poli^ issues and the of the . THREE YEARS: $71 national political system. 'Die intershm is full-time. A stipend of Generations Effective March 1,1993, subscription rales to tlw FadHc Otiitn $1,100^11 be provided per quar- will increase due to rising costs in printing, postage and mailing. The new rales are as follows for Qual/hed candidates must be a non JACL member subscribers: college junior or higher, a mem­ ber djACL or the child of a JACL ONE YEAR: $30 member, and have at least a "B~ QS20C00 and over □ S5JOOO - $0,999 □ S500 TWO YEARS: $55 □ S200 grade point averse. QS1O0»*S19.999 □ SI XXC • S4.999 THREE YEARS: $80 Interested candidates are en­ □ Others______ATTENTION: Ail overseas subscribers, regular and lAO.cn couraged to apply by sending a . My cortributon to the Legacy Fund: S____ Additional foreign postage per year charges will also Increase from resume, transcript and cover let­ • I would Hke my gift recorded in memory of: $13 to $22 per year. ter explaining the candidate's in­ terest in the program by Jan^ 10, NOTE: The Kihtcripliufi rate clui^ Coa nal i#fecl wAiwriplKMn baKdoa )ACl (HONOREE)______1993 to: Karen Narasaki, Wash­ mentoship, cicepl fordgn Mtema (Japao. Caaada. Europe, efej wlw imoI rerdt ington, D.C.representative, Japa­ I am un^e to contribute at this time, but would ike to piedge: dlrrclly ihc additioiul kirngn pemage of $23 per y«v la Ike fedBc CkUem with ttieir nese American Citizens League, 1993 membership. 1001 Connecticut Ave., NW, Ste. //s" ______■ 704, Washington, D.C. 200». ~| Yes! I warn to renew my si^npUon to the Pacific Citizen auhe cuircni raiet: —i nONRYFARA2SnosRYFjuirtzs nnTwovFjutsrsaiTWO YFjMtS/S4I OTIIRliEnnuu-KvcABSzniYEAIIS/Pl Your Nai Overseas sebscrrbtrs. pUase add SI3/or postage ■ Reminder Address. City, State. Zip_ ADDKIiSS , Telephone OTY_____ ■ CTATI-. TIP JACLOistricVChapter_ Mol order fam la: PaciRcCitizen Please make your Ux deductible contribution payable to : 7011:3idsi..sic:aoi JACL Legacy Fund. lx)sAngclcs.CA 90013 €B (21S)«3M«36 176$ Sutter SL, San Francisco. CA. 94115 Pacific Citizen, Friday, December 4 and December 11,1992—3 Short takes A Holiday Gill of Remembrance From Internment Camps to MiDtary Confusion over Hie U^. Senate Historical mately one i n fi ve Americans hoi d Office has revealed there were stroi^y anti-Semitic views, ac­ Intelligence Service Language School 'Native Americans' three members in the past known cording to a national poll con­ omcial archivals, photographs to be native Americans: ducted in May and released Nov. and documentation stiil persists (1) Kaw-Osoge Sen. Charles 15 by the Anti-Defamation Mantanar TukLakc . Curtis (R-Kan., 1907-19ra; 1915- League. Conducted by the Bos­ WASHINGTON - When local Robwer Heart Mountain 1929; and Vice Preaid/nt under ton-firm of Marttila and Kily for AMcmbly Center Volf* Asaembly Center Vol II** newspapers headlined the historic Herbert Hoover). ADL, 1,101 adults were polled. Mllawy Intelligence Service Lat^age School (MISL^ electionofColorado DemocratBen (2) part-Cherokee Sen. Robert Abraham Foxman, ADL na­ $35 post paid Kighthorse Campbell to the U.S. Latham Owen (D-Okla., 1907- tional director, was “deeply TecCom Productions Senate as the Tirst native Ameri­ 1925), troubled” 1^ the extent of anti- can,” at least one reader begged to P.O. Box 39641 (3) part-Seneca Sen. Matthew Semitic attitudes: black Ameri­ Los Angeles. CA 90039 differ. Stanley Quay (R-Pa., 1887-1899, cans 37%, and the 35 - 40 million *”nie main point is: thereis al­ Vtf I: Sana Ania. Pomona. Fresno. Tutare. Pnadah. Salinas 1901-1904). Some accounU say adults who are overage 65, with a Pornana. Pu/Oufi. ready a native American here," high school education or less and -Vrf U. TurtocK Tanloran. Siodaon'St said Bob Omwa of U.S. Senator Quay was part-Abnakoi, another New York tribe; others'contend are blue-collar workers holding Dan Akaka's office. A native Ha­ “strongly anti-Semitic views." waiian and a native American. he had no Indian blood. The Congressional Researc^^ 'Die ADL Index of Anti-Semitic Akakawaselectedin 1990. While Beliefs was developed and first .... Mainlandersthink “nativeAmeri­ Service,.a part of the Library Congress,alsoquestionedthepor- used in 1964 and again in the cans" refers only to American In­ irayal of CompbeirasThe “only 1692 survey, dians, the residents in Hawaii know better, he added. native American in the Senate." (At its national convention in When Akaka came to the Senate, NlkkOi/SWISS Denver last August, JACL reaf­ “hemadeabigdealaboutbeinga . . . native American,"CRS specialist neigHDOrS firmed its solidari^ with native Americans (Indian not mentioned) Mildred Amar recoiled.-Anyone blOSSOITI ill Priflt “who share common ground as who read the papers (then) would ~ know Akoka is a native Ameri­ ethnic minorities in a common can. TTie reporters didn’t do their Header's Digest (November, culture ... and have shared the homework." 1992) condensed John Sherrill’s experience of forced evacuation article, “Neighbors," from Guide- and relocation into government- In Honolulu, Haunani-Kay Trask, director, of the Center for posts aJx)Ut two prewar Northern sponsored residential centers.") California immigrant families Campaign staffer Mickey Hawaiian Studies at the Univer­ sityofHawaii, said, “I understand who grew roses for sale in San Manley for Campbell said, ‘’Na­ LOS ANGELES. CA. toon how the general public would be Francisco. / MarUectureri oi Japraa CoVwaon Stk* 192S tive American’ and 'American In- confused. Akaka is a native When World War II broke out, L.MEYA RICE CAKE CO. dians’tendtobeusedinterchange- the Japanese neighbor, Jiro ably.Ben isthefirstnativeAmeri­ American. “The U.S. government has said Ni nomiya was i ntemed by the FBI can Indian in the Senate in many but later rejoined his family at years. It’s never been our inten­ we are native Americans for the purpose of health and education Amache, Colo. Across the road, tion to deceive.” Swiss neighbor Prands Aebi told While Sen. Akaka, a mild-man­ programs, but not regarding self- VIDiO®ACTION and government." Such confusion over the Nihomiyas he would look af­ nered man, hasn't lost his temper ter their nursery. Both nurseries over the headlines, his staffmem­ the term, “native American,"only present reflects confusion within the fed­ were converted to growing veg­ bers have been irked since sum­ eral government, Trask charged. etables to qualify for a farmer’s mer when journalists began say­ - Report from Allan Beekman WWII ration of fuel. ing Campbell, if victorious, would Released at war’s end from be the “first native American in Amache, the Ninomiyas returned the Senate.” and were surprised by Aebi'scare. *We just don’t want (the press) Poll: 40 million The nursery was intact and the to be going on and on forever say­ in U.S. hate Jews busi ness prospered wi th a heal thy ing (Campbell) is the only native bank balance. The families then jaisKw American in the Senate," Ogawa WASHINGTON - Approxi- Sm SH(^TS/pag« 4 said. Now Available On Video atoichi. the biii>d swordsman, ta the hero of > aeries of full-length motion pictures that have been des^bed as the most popular and Send a holiday greeting to your JACL friends across the country succt».<»fuljln Japanese fUm history. episode Here's a chapter ad ... follows itiis mild manfM:red Save money, savetime,save ^ ^ masseur as he travels across postage by placing a Pacific feudal Japan in search of Citizen Holiday Issue greeting. adventure. Masterfully A$60chapterad (actualsize portrayed by Shlruaro at right) in our big end-of-year Season's (greetings Kaisu. Zaioichl. although issue will be seen by more than blind, displays an urwanny from the abUltyasadcadly 25.000 readers and subscrib­ BSk'or^ghicr. ers. Just fill in the black in the ad and well reserve a space in the (Name of Chapter) U Ma^ur Ichi and a Chest of Cold Hoiday Issue. (Zatoichi Senryo-Kubi) (H you wish to list chapter Color, English Subtitles, 83 Min., 1964. officers or indude other holi­ Officers □ The Blind Swordsman & the Chess Expert day messages, additional space costs $ 1S a column inch.) (Zatoichi ligokuiabi) i Color, English Subtitles. 87 Min.,,1965. O The Blind Swordsman's Vengeance PC HoiiOav Project Ad Example (Zatoichi No Uta Ca Kikoeru) i OR... Color, English Subtitles. 83 Min.. 1966^ Holiday Greetings If you wish to tend a more Individual message, you can sign up for to our JACL Friends a Pacific Ctttzan Holiday Isaua Project ad (actual alza at left). $20 pays for the space and the remainder may ba aarmarkad for a tax ALL TITLES $59.95 EACH deductible contribution to the JACL-Abe.Hagtwara Memorial Fund for Student Aid or other JACL or PC funds ss deslghsted below. ORDER NOW FOR THE HOUDAYS! Earmark Contribution for ^ 'ORDER FORM s — — — PlEASE SENOME; □ Mottevr Ichi ond o Chejt of Gold City. State. Zip - □ Nirtd Swordwnon & Chess Expert ZJ Uind 5wdsmon's VersgeorKe this forrfr to Addnesi . FORMAT: □ VHS ENaOSED: □ □Mo.^Order QCrmiilCvd Wakfatten Citiy, State. Zip . 701 E. 3nl SC. #201 Amount enclosed as diacked below WkbOvCvdHi.. ,fap.lk-i:_ T»JACL T»K TV JACL .TVFC _Pk;( Los Angeles, CA. 90013 Q $126...... -$105 $20 Drfxw'sU.t*! _____ Q$150...... $130 $20 Nome; ______Call 800-960-6157 oi QI200...... 4180 $20 Q$100... □___ $___ $20 Addreu:______for assistance C-y,S»ale. Zip:. Chapter. FbmeEOAaiON.70eWes>Fir«Sae«.lmAiMslas,CA 900)2 Add S3.00 iv ita (m Im and $2 00 iv aock lepa imaAi br tkppiag & l»dfcM. residsiindd SS 00 lor lirv orvl S2 00 lor Mch W Aara^. LA CosWyrwdmb odd 6VA solas tax Cokf. rwdatas odd ^7% solaslBa.Dat«o>y2 iuioiks Toordsrbyphona(diargeaitds«nl|)|orferiBara dm, olMfrM (800) 422-2241 or 12)3} 6V-S242 4—Pacific Citizen, Friday, December 4 and December 11,1992 serve the immigration detention fn^ the aetUement. Kishi Colony ALOHA PLUMBING Coimmomli Mutual SHORTS station. Vasinstrumentalintheaeononuc ArCondMowyafttffl - When the state could not afford growthofOrangeCounty.'Onlya UC.M40840 Contador (Cnl thirty violations of Federal labor • BASICFACTSHEETON YOUR SURNAME. (SoviS10®w/kanpv.Ti ting of name.) Pacific Islander(API)counting. It Years ago Texans, without in- law irKluding spying on off-duty Mail Orders / Inquincs to: YOSHIDA KAMON ART was felt that many recently-ar­ ten t to di sparage the pioneer Japa­ employees, interrogatingemploy- P.O. Box 2958. Gardena, CA 90247.1158 • (213) 629-2848 for Appt. rived immigrants would not iden­ nese settlers who successfully in- ees about the union, and firing a KEIYOSHIDA Researcher / Artist NINA YOSHIDA Translator tify with theAPI label and that a single entry would contribute to errors in reporting. Lane.” It passes by land once tilled APALA has written to Saison by the Issei colony organized by Corp. Chairman Seiji Tsutsumi Small Companies Kichimateu Kishi in 1908. to protest Inter-f^ntinental's ac­ San Fernando Valley The other one, *Jap Rood,” runs tions. "We have written ... to pro­ Save With past the old Yasuo Mayumi rice test the tactics being utilized to dedicates farmfarm near Taylor— • ’■ s Bayou south­ keepInter-CJontinenla) nonunion JACL - BLUE SHIELD new temple west of Beaumont. which can cmly exacerbate the ten­ At the core of contentiMi be­ sion among workers in the hotel/ PACOIMA-The San Fernando tween those wjio want to dia^ tourist industry, many of whom Valley Buddhist Temple on Oct. 4 the names of Jbp Lane Md Jap areLatind8,AfricanAmericanand dedicated a new sanctuary ,, Roadtoivuuu w ”KishiLAn8ruMU ”cuiuand*Wyumi iiM/unu Asian Pacific Islanders,' said (hondo), tw^ce the size of the origi­ Road* and those wl)0 want to re­ Miyakawa. nal templebuiltin 1962. Designed tain these historic n^mes isa third Quality Blue Shield Coverage by Jim Sl^ozono, the temple at grou(7, i t was disc]oa^,>he Nikkei Transportation At Special Rates For/ACL Members 9450 Reraick Ave, will be used Texans who preferVibt to see a religious services, wedlj^ngs and controversy at this time over the key to growth, B Vour Choice Of Doctors And Hospitals funerals. name changes. ITte original building serves as says Mineta ■ Wide Range Ot Benefits Such As: a multi-purpose room. Another Japanese-name Rep. Norman Mineta, in-com- ■ Professional Services And Hospitalization Benefits Bishop Seigen Yamaoka of thq, road exists. In the University of ingchairfnan of the House Public ■ Dental Coverage Buddhist Churches of America, Texas Institute ofTexan Cultures Works and Transpotation Commitee, inarecent interview ■ Medical Eye Service Visloir Care Benefits San Francisco, officiated at the book, TheJapaneseTexans(1987) dedication with the Rev. Kakuyei by Thomas K. Walls, he writed with the Washington Poet, said ■ Healthtrac^ - a personal wellness program to help Tada, SFV Hongwanji minister,« Ma^mi was one of the three com­ full funding of the $151 billion keep you healthy assisting. panions of Shinpei Maekawa vis­ highway transit bill is key to any itingtheHouston-Beaumontarea plans to stimulate America's lag­ ■ Over 36,000 Physician Members To Help You Save ging economy. Angel Island forfarmingrieein 19^4. Maekav^ Speaking to the Post, Mineta On Out-ol-Pocket'Expenses who died in an accident while ' barracks saio, 'Obviously, a short-term ■ Up To $2,000,000 In Lifetime Maximum Benefits farming in 1910, had a road re­ stimulus will mean an increaaein plans underway named in his tribute, with the the deficit," but the congressman ■ Worldwide Coverage SANFRANCISCO-Barr*ck«at spelling slightly changed, noted that short term deficit “Mykawa Road.”-WalU, a Tokyo- spendingwouldpayoffin thelor^; ■ A JACL Endorsed Health Plan Backed By Over 50 Years Angel Island which served as im­ migration station between 1910 born American Sansei research run by stimulating economic Of Blue Shield Experience and 1940 has been undergoing sociologist, has May[ayumi ’s first growth and providing more jobs. Enrollment is open to groups as small as (our employees. restoration as a hi storical museum name as Yoshi. ■Die Post noted that Mineta will Groups of size 4-9 ernployees are required to submit a group because of immigrant Chinese ATexusHistoital^mMcm health statement. Groups of 10 or more employees do not carvings on the walls. Until 1920, Nfarker wa< posted ^ 1982, economy throughtfirough improvement of require a health statement. All groups applying for coverage are it was also the first stop for many at the site of the Kishi Colony, the nation's infrastructure. Issei picture brides. northeast of Beaumont, in Orange Mineta made the comments be­ subject to prior approval by Blue Shield ol California before After years of abandonment, Coun^. The farm thrived with coverage becomes efiective. fore a New York toansportatipn local Asian Americans lobbied a workers of Mexican and French conference sponsored by Salomon For More Information, Write or Call Today: sum of $250,000 in 1974 to pre­ Louisiana (Ciyun) descent jmn- Brothers..

(415) 931-6633 Small kid time ■'X Gwen Muranaka Yes! I warn to know more about the JACL-Blue Shield o! California Group Health Plan. I am a member of _ . ram not a member of JACL Please send me membe^ip information. ') understand that JACL membership is required to obtain this (xrveraoe. Name______' ______Ant; Address______•______

I iWortc I. iHome

JACl-8tue Shield of California Croup Health Trust 1765 Sutler Street. San Francisco, CA 94115 i^dflc Citizen, Friday, December 4 and December 11,1992—5

Personally speaking aAraooMiBuminftvnenAa RAKE PMCHOHET OH BVBOr 8410

SAK-Zra lUty CollegM chancellor Joyce ..ance in everything they leom.’ (213) 683-8852 Tsunoda, 54, was among four ) , _ ,, ^ « m * Bnaliata bidding to be prertdmty^/ oftheUniveniityofHow^i.Sh^r VENTURE SCHOOL theoolyHowaiiresidenLT.unoda tehnol.gr who aur- waa Oaaka-bom, but came to Ha- "ved the Cahrom.aProp. 13 drop waii at age 10. A UH graduate >" funding, waa on. of «x atate- FerGrad*^- whojoined the UH system in 1968 teachers w win *. l^onal. (310) &5S-2678 alumni and the community would '"8 f“80 and recently ex- be amoKg top priorities alongside P”"®'® ft'' “J?' Best WisluM to ike Japanese American Community account&ilityandstewardshipof v.d»reportaandpTtphlr public funds. (It was moorted .‘*“>8n with computers. He ala (It was reported OKAZAKI Kenianneth Mortimer of Western has trained teachers, viu^e NANKAUDON ^... grants, developed and evaluated S' Washington Universi^ would be has started on a romantic comedy chosen.) educational prograrM.'Iheaward about a rock ‘n’ roll bond in Son 1 ^ is sponscH^d by thrWilken Fam­ ^ Tel: 213-585-9967 A ) Aerospace Education Pounda* Francisco. “It’s basically about % '> ..'• WON TON SKIN tioB, Washington, D.C.’ recog­ ily Foundation. boys and their troubles with nised biology teacher Art Kimura women." He plans to alternate N.nk. SdNEN Co. Inc. 3030 Ueonls Boulevard of Hilo with the 1992 Chnsta between making documentaries Los Angeles, California 9CK158 McAuliffe Award trophy and a and feature films. He was in To­ $1,000 pri se for his “Future Flight kyo with his latest, “Troubled Hawaii”educational program and Paradise,” a glimpse of Hawaii for developing a teacher resource and speaking to the need to pro­ ,MID-WEEK center linking math, science and tect the Kona Coast from Japa­ Ajnerica’sneedforqualified people nese and American developers BREATHING SPACE... in aerospace careers. Kimura, a who Want to build multi-million NASA teacher-in-space finalist, dollar resorts. (See May 1, P.C., was on loan to the state lecturing GwenMuranaka’sreviewoffilm.) to studente and teachers. Sylvia Komatso, vice presi­ The Wally Yonamine Foun­ dent in charge of programming at dation scholarship of $5,000 was KERA, Dallas (the PBS outlet), awarded to Georgina Kwan of and Ginny Martin were honored Ai: Honolulu McKinley High School. TSUKAMOTO by the Women in Film/Dallas for $39 per nigU..Monday - Tiiursday, Includes: Ihe annual echo) arshi p recogni zes L'j outstanding contributions to the •body Be sour resloralion, all-mineral pools, achievements 9s a scholar-ath­ • On Oct. 27, the new Mary film industry. Their most recent aerobic workouts, spa fitness Be Continenlal breakfast. lete emulating Wally’s lifestyle: Tsukamoto Elementary School PBS documentary paired Helen MURRIETA HOTySFRINGS RESORT Sf SPA determination, hard work and in Elk Grove, Calif., was dedi­ Hayes, 91, and Lady Bird Johnson, I-800-238-6J57 • MURRIErA. CA • (714)677-7451 pursuit of excellence. Georgina, cated with the retired Nisei school 79. in “Wildfiowers with Helen now at Smith College, co­ teacher present. “We are a better Hayes’with breathtakingspring­ captained the varsity track, cross people for knowing her," declared time footage of the far-flung state countryandswimmingtenmsnnd^ Sacramento radio personality and scenes of the National Wild- Assistant Dean of graduated with a 3.54 GPA. Tom Nakashima. She co- flower Research Center near Aus­ Hawaii’s Teacher of the Year '"nuthored a book on internment, tin. The film urges wildfiowers Guidance and Counseling honors went to Glenn Minami, “We the People" 119881, assisted over lawns. It is no accident that From the Cold Ruth en and before. Solano County has been checrottroaidt of Nonhera who has taught at Honolulu Kai­ •in the Japanese Americanexhibit the state highway department U California. Solano College u ideally ticuated with San Francisco and the Facific Rim to ser High School’s vocational auto­ at the Smithsonian Institution the biggest wildfiower gardener the west about 40 miles, the world-famous Califonia wine country to the nonh about motive program for 20 years. He and worked on the JACL redress in the country as sowing the road­ 15 miles, and the Suie Capitol. Sacramento to the east about 45 miles, all rimmed by mountains and ma)or leaiBwayt. obtained his BA degree and a campaign. Doris Matsui, wife of sides helps restore damaged land Rep. Robert Matsui of Sacra­ rftduce mowing costs by $8,-mil- Aaainmcati UnderdiiectionafThe Dean ofSrwknoSefvtecs to plan orpnixe. administer. master’s in industrial technolc^ ^»3ap. andevaluate the programs, profccttandaoivitiesoftheCounseling, Cuidanee.and mento. presented a congressional lion. ■ from CSUTVesno. He also wceived Student Aoeaameni divisNin. theteacheroftheyearawardfrom award. • “OxnardBeet’(SoulNoteCD Saaryi*!61-647 annually. 12-montW40hounperw«*k- ^ Valvoline and Hawaii Industrial 121228-2) by pianist Glenn Arts Association ond-ar letter of ENTERTAINMENT Horiuebi isa blendof jazz. Latin BinilWi Cefte^iMid medicd./demal. and ««iM (dans fcir emplo:^* and dependents life /insuia«fc>retr^dor«c 22-25 days vaatkmannudly IStmlK^saivd 1.2 side days per mnnih. commendation from Massachu­ Oscar-vrinning Sansei film­ and Japanese rhythm commis- setts Institute of Technology for maker Steven Okazaki. 40, re­ ( (^oalifienbooti MA in a discipline related to the assiglped area from an accredited See PERSONAUY/page 9 ‘^institution: One (1) year offull-timefonhal training, intem^p,^r leadership expenence his effectivandssas a Uacher. He cently told the Japan Timet he liunuimriiiiiiiiii reasonably rela^ to the adminiitraior't administniive alignment; and equivalent of ALASKAN CHRISIMAS CAKE cricnce RENEITS two (2) years fi^i-time experience in a related area. WhycgveludorKi» onottw fiu« coke Ihb ____ ^TE COLLECTION! -xlii-tt all n b U Friday, February 5. 1995 at a dabcioui. HEALTHY 3t00 |MU. We ate doaad ioc (nsaincaa betereen\V\9192 ami 1/V95. kxOAYgVt.• -.1 WmV wM Aksskon Foe and application matcriab contact: dor^erriK. noh#at\-t oe’.Uiyna* His'.to' TAKEI R.ARE PAPER CL RRENCV FORTHEHOUDAYS: RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 18» -BkI E«k' Oac DiAe Sthrr CcitiKsie. TEACHER'S CHIDE COMMERCIAL GENERAL CONTRACTOR Teacher’s Guide: The ROY TAKEI & TOM TAKE! •aeber'a Gnid^ BilTbf Rights and the (213) 601-9972 • (818)577-7465 CONTRACTOR L>C£NS£ MliS2 Japanese American World War H Experience (Revised). Published by NJAHS and the San Fran­ cisco Unified School Dis­ trict. Department of Integration St(0 Develop­ ment. San Francisco. 1^2. 96 pages, text tt photos. 5/0.00 eac/i./i/Hr5/.00 4 WtHd Chem U4gutg 4 Miisf postage & handling. Wiih Me Ski Free Til Dec. 17.1992 'Boa 8 An important guide on d VsUey. New Mexico 8752S the Bill of Rights and the i-snii-"4.s. eviction and inlcmmcnt of iir 5it5.'^7(,-2i,4‘l .\»4 Inrtadr: Japanese Americans during * A bm« drK-rqXnin ;>kupK. Wofid Wx n. This informative booklet includes historical overview, * .Atbccionihr hi»i<«>'«jThr n-4«. ., * .4 ccnuW'Mr < J aknhrnik.ii). important dales, and lesson plans for Grades 4 thru 12. Oder now- Suiell'» ^er\' teniird—baifUtam Kuanmerd. great for.educators. youth nvrkers. or concemedj>arents!^ News, f-r-tJUki. ' i to order____copies at $10.(» each, which includes tax. T« •Kfter. caB no«'. teft (mr features, (800)99541395. handling and shipping (AUow 2 weeks for delivery). For priority •D««awd to Ynuf mail, add $1 more. entertainment. SwiuQiun-AtrcliaMcal.* UktcvlSki It's all in the PC... 708 nessaroK Boulevai^ Cky/State/ZpL Norman. Oklabtfma 73069 Mate check payable to NJAHS. and send la: NJAHS. 1855 Fat- Subscribe today! (405}S$9-00M (405) 380 - 0S$4 Fax somSt..Rm.iU61.SanFraHcisco.CA94I03. ivK . I 6—Pacific Citizen;Friday, December 4 and December ll, 1992


m KINNEY PSYCHIC READINGS vention in Denver. political career, for as I read the JAMAICA • MONTEGO BAY. It Ule Polling You By? Are You Very plaque, it did not mention anv PrimU^stHMdedimdttiUctosel Oaprniad? Ii Your H«irt So Empty otherofficesthat Ralph Carr held. Then You Con'l Find Whot You Are Wiscotisin I wasveryimpressedforhowmany Sahara de U Mer Resort is a deluxe upscale resort. located in Sowing For ? Job DlfBculliei? Poor By JIM MIYAZAKI of us would put our own careers Readi Rgon the edge of Montego Bay on the way to Negril. Away Hwdd)? TroubUs In Your Home? Lone- President/Delegate ‘from the hustle & bustle, close loTryall Golf Course, the great River -lintu And Fear? Monty Problem i? and livelihoods on tfae line in or­ Show and many other maior attractions in and around Monte^ Bay. For More Info & Aop. CoD: The special Convention P C. is­ der to uphold the principles we Sahara de la Mer has 24 luxury rooms, complete with-satelUte TV. (818) 5d8-8460 sue had most of the details, but I believe in? Ralph Carr wasindeed A/C.phone& fan. Alsoaalt* freshwater pools, excellent snorkling. Ofe^. Sean Oort A Week 10 on to B err PSr thought a few observations and an exceptional person .. . 12136 Oxrtord S., CA ^ 1606. Aflert)teawardsbanquet. Imet oceansideJacuari.gyrh.resUurant and entertainment. comments were necessary. NationalBoardelection: The the winner of the (first) Mike ESTABLISHED 1936 president's election of Lillian Masaoka Congressional Intern­ Kimura was marred by an unfor­ ship scholarship. Joseph Horiye Jtmma • Ph

While You Multiply. An observation: All the national of the scholarship, travels to The Accumulator Account olTcrs a floaiing interest rate Chrac officers, other than Kimura. are Washington to work in the office higher than ihcavcracc26-wcckT-Bill. It also allows an from the West Coast. {Kaneko is of Congressman Norman Mineta .tinlimiicdnurabcrofacposiisofSlOOormbrcwiihoui from the Honolulu chapter). We for 15 weeks at the beginning of extending the maturity date. ______sh^orac need to have more representation the year ... on the National Board by nomi­ Upstairs to the Midwest -Moun­ JapMtfCMflis nating more candidates frvm ar­ tain Plains district hospitality Take Advantage of eas rhnn the W«»«;r r*nnstf room, it wasquite differe/iKfrom Sumitomo s Japanese FamilfCna Select Committee on Orga- our own Pacific Southwest’s). I tzsstvunviMi aizaiion Structure: A contro­ think that people from the Mid­ New Time Deposit GwdenGmM.CAS2M versial issue and rightly so. This west-Mountain Plains are a bit (7t4)teS4S5l proposal would restructure the different from the people in the Accumulator Account JACLon the Notional Boardlevel Southwest. I met the president of and on the chapter level. The origi­ the Omaha chapter, Russell • Allows for odditioiuil deposits nal proposal was defeated but it Matsunami, who told strategies was're-introduced with changes. on how to bet on U. or}i(ebrasko With time and discussion as prob­ games and other college football •Withdrawal feature available lems, a program and procedure games. He said never bet on pro­ was planned and accepted by all fessional football for this subject to be a part of all I also met the president of the •Interest higher than T-Bills district meetings. By doing this, it Mile-Hi Chapter. Bill Nagaki, who could become possible for the next told me how he become the owner • $5(I0 Minimum Deposit SAN GABRIEL VILLAGE biennial convention to be con­ of his own moving company. He ducted under the changes. This is told me something that I would • 23S W. Fairview Avc. thesarhesubjectthatl wroteabout heqr over and over again at the And.youarccntitlctJtoonc wiUidrawal.aftcr6month.s.of San Gabriel. CA 91776 in a previous newsletter request­ convention: “That 50 'be success­ anyadditiooaldcposiismadc with no penalties. Come into (213) 283-5685 ing member input, but have re- ful, ita not what you know but the branch ofSuiniiomo Bank nearest you for full dciails. (818) 289-5674 ceivednocomments to dale. Again, who you'^n I/ask for input... Sumitomo Bank ; Legacy Fund: Our Wisconsin Warreri Furutani spoke at the Sumitomo Sat* otCalitomia MemborfOtC /Chapter was, one of the few that Youth Luncheon. He told of his Los Angeles has gone ove^the top as of con ven­ reasons fw leaving the JACL in HifiM can ml •latncn KTIW ind anMm (or ■ tion time. We^ceiveda Japanese the early 70s. He felt that the Japanese Casualty character print, which was organitation's goals were differ- Insurance Assn. framed, and all had our pictures entYrom his own. He also echoed COfcFlfTE KSURWeePBOrECTJON t,oken as a group. another statement that I heard Odds & Ends: As usual, Shig many times: “That t)ie youth of • Aihara btsuranci Agy. he. Wakamatsu and his group were the JACL ctmtrolled the future.’ 2S0E. l«SL.LeiAno*« 90012 selling books of interest to us. We ... Once my roommate John SutiTOO «aM825 bought Volume 1 and II oPPlanted Igarashi [whofinally arrived] was Furakolhi Insunnc* Agmcy, Inc. in Good Soil; the History of the settled in, we wandered to the 2D0S SmPeSfO.lDBAagaM90012 issei in United States Agricul­ hospitality rooms and ate some SutoSX S26-S27S ture' wri tten by Masakaiu I wata. sushi and chips. We both had amusing encounters with Lillian Ho Inurtnct AQtncy, he. I glanced through it and it looks H0MBtt.ia0S UhsAM..C2Q5 very interesting. Roy Mukai, our Kimura (our current National PaadMABitOi librarian, has the Ixioks. Ask to JACL president]. We were st^d- (»16) 7K-70SS. (219)681-4411 L A read them. ing around. She came over. John Kagawa Insurance Agency Inc. This was my third convention introduLcedhimselfand then asked 960 E 2nd Si. LoiAigaM 90012 representing our chapter. It prob­ her if she was doing anything at Sum 302 628-1800 ably was the most pr^uctivd and the convention—not knowing she Kamlyi h8.Aomey.h& interesting one that I have at­ was runnir^ for president. She 120S ShiPadm.LBSAao*l90012 tended. Ifanyone has the chance seemed*a bit flustered and John Sum 410 62S819S to attend, either os a delegate or a commented later that it must be Thi X Horsy Compaiy, he. booster, you should! unsettling to find someone in 11060 ASM Bl $• E. CMn 90701 The -makeup of the National JACL who doesn’t even know (2l3|C4-94»44714)Sa2-2tS«(408|2IO^ Council ischanging—for the good. you’re running for president. I StsvsNskillhsurwws • The Sansei arid Yonsei are there. introduoedmyselfand sheseemed ii9&4WMagmPkei LMAivaM90066 ^01901-5091 We need more of this representa­ excited tomeet me until she found V Oaho-Mzumihs.Agsney tion from our chapter! Do you hear out that I was not the voting del­ me?? egate. Being from the East, she . 1616W BnHlr8tUe«Mb4B>90640 Sui2l0 (S1D57l-6Sll/pl9)72|.74«LA. knew she would have to swir^ OtshsinnetAgsney some votes from the California Join Hie Notioael JACL Credit Uiiea ood bicone SELANOCO chaptersovertoherside.Shethen 95N UktAve.PMdM01101 eligible loi oui new VISA card. Fill out tbe Sull2S0 (2l9)6i7-aS7-<61«708«a6 moved on to meet other people... ' Informotioa below for irieahersbip iflformotiol By RBD YAMASHIRO ^ Qu^iirSwri^k^ Booslet South Bay 24iEPc«kmBM ' IMOT|rPMk»l7S4 (219I727-77SS [While] sightseeing in down-, 'ByEDMTTOMA town Denver. I made sure to visit Sate Insurwot Agsney President/delegale Sokura Square, the local Japa­ Addres_____ 966E 18 Silas JWvilM 90012 6264161 62»^1<2S nese American center. However, I (jeorge Ogawa and I attended Oli/SWi/Bp - Tfunoi8hilns.A9oney,lne. was disappointed because there the Denver National JACL Con­ S27E 2nd son Angain90012 was hardly any people there and vention. It was quite evident that Si*22l 628-19^ there weren’t too many shops the younger generation is now AKT hsumca Assoc, he. open. However, the most interest­ takiM care of JACL operations. ing was that portion ofthe square dbs Wadi Amo AtaeiMA Inc .lYw Nisei are outnumbered now 1451W. Aims 90047 dedicated to twoinfl uential pe<^le by the younger and mere ener­ 0 MonalJACL SUWA (St0)5is«n0 in Japanese American histc^. getic pe^—whidiisas it diould CREDIT UNION KiniMihhLKsmiyshsinno 'There were two busts with be. Swth Bay ^UNild and must go 9nVaNiaaA«..&aiilO plaques. One was Min Yasui, the in that direction. TotmaCABOSOI P197S1-2086 ro iOX 1721 / UC. UTAH 14110 / Ml 3JS-M40 / I0ITS44-II2I Nisei lawyer who disobeyed the We of the South Bay ^Mnaored (WWn curfew) order... the other two resolutions: (a) 64 —reduc^ was ofColora^ Governor Rdlph ^ Sm AQENOA/p»0« 7 Pacific Citizen, Friday, December 4 and December 11,1992—^7 through four days of business AGENDA meetings, impressed by an orga- JAPANESE ANTIQUES (Contla^^ from pago 6) nixati

We at Union Bank mi MIDAS OPERANDI can help you Invest in Dollars and Have It Working for build a bright future through investments jl%e Ultimate You in Yen...With Liquidation in Dollars. in IRAs and other - retirement progrtims. jliiHome Decor Hedge Against Inflation by Realizing nease inquire at Orchids are easier to grow than you think, and reason­ More than 20% NET perAnnum you nearest ably priced, from $15 and Minimum Investment: $2S.OOO Union Bank office up. ^DETAILS UPON REQUEST----- for details. Special to the Japanese Dyke Nakamara: Foreign Department Community YAMAKIGHI SECURITIES CO.. LTD 7 Nikonbaahi. Katetodo, 1-cfaome. Union Bank Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 10} Cilc: YAXtASECURE TOKYO o Telephone: (OJ) 667-7M7 8—Paflflc Citizen, Friday, December 4 and December 11,1992 Opinions Voices from Japafi KSiia Is there hope BILL HOSOKAWA for Japan’s universities? A good man, a good cause Geophysicist Takafumi Matsui, Univer­ sity of Tokyo, was interviewed by Shukan Asahi as part of the weekly magazine’s se­ ries on academic politics. Articulate, out-^ Potlongagoaformercolleaguewrote foundations, organ) zatibns and i nsti tutions; Ten years ago some Nisei who benefited spoken and controversial. Matsui has been to ask aboutjfhe National Student identified, contactedand'organized univer­ from the program set up the NSRC Fund. a visiting researcher at NASA, the Massa­ Relocation Council. She was seek-, sities and colleges who would accept evacuee More than a quarter million dollars have chusetts Institute of Technology and the inginformationforamagazinearticleabout students; and provided these coUa^ with been raised for an endowment fund. This Umversity of Michigan. Before being pro­ President John W. Nason of Swarthmore funds for scholarships to the evSuee stu­ year $1,000 scholarships were presented to moted in 1992, he had been a research Colley. Thatisnotaname familiar tomost dents. 'Riey networked and identified po­ each of 10 students who are making their assistant for 14 years. Japanese Americans, but it deserves to be tential collie students in each of the camps, way as Americans after their families fled enshrinedalong wth those whobefrienxled and matc'fied students with appropriate Q: Yoshimura Sakxyi, a 49-year-old as­ CambodisL, Vietnam and Laos. sistant professorofarchaeolt^ at Wasedn us in our time of need. Dr. Nason was schools. IheJapanese honoran admirable moral University, has voiced complainu about chairman ofthe Council which helped thou­ “They secured proof of community accep­ concept called On-gaeshi. That means the the sduml’s hiring and promotion prac­ sands of Japanese Americans get ou t of the tance once the colleges accepted the Nisei repayment of a moral debt. The former tices. Denied advsmcement to full profes­ WRA camps to continue their education in students. 'Hiey even made all the arrange­ students are performing this act. So are sorship, ostensibly on the grounds that he inland campuses. ments to clear each one of us with the FBI those ex-evacuees who have contributed to hadn't published enough, Yoshimura be­ By chance a few days later I received a so that we could leave the camps. the Quakers, diurches, and of course the lieve^ Ae real reason is jealousy of and mailing from the Nisei Student Relocation “Over 3,500 of us received aid, papers, or JACL’s L^acy Fund in appreciation for contempt for hie place in the popular spot­ Commemorative Fund (NSRCF). This is information directly from the coll^iea we help provided when it was most needed. light. He claims he was punished for his another name not well known because It were to attend. If you're like me, you as­ ' Fm sendi^ the NSRCF mailing to my fi^uent television appearances and gen­ performs its good works in relative ano­ sumed it was the schools that were the friend. T>)e information it contains should erally fiamborant personality. nymity. lu members were beneficiaries of catalyst in relocating the students. But it be included in her story on Dr. Nason. The Matsui: Voshimura's story certainly the National Student Relocation Council was the Council that moved the moun­ NSRCF*s address is 19 Scenic Dr., Port­ rings true to me; in academia, this sort of and they are dedicated to helping new gen­ tains.” land, Conn., 06480.(S thing is par for Ae course. The promotion erations of students in need of support. Who was the Council? Mostly volunteers review process is completely oTbitrary; it’s In the mailing,Glenn (Rosie)Kumekawa at the AmericanTViends Service Commit­ Hosokawa is the former editorial page all politics. I admire Yoshimura’s spunk, ofthe 1945 class ofTopaz High School, tells tee headquarters in Philadelphia, the staffs editor of the Denver Post. His column ap­ but Fm not sure what he hopes to accom­ the story of the wartime Council: of YMCA and YWCAs, and the people at pears weekly in the Pacific CitUen. plish. You fight city hall. *The ^undl raised funds from national scores ofcollege and univei^ties. Q: In other words, the rule at Japanese universities is that, as the saying ws, the nail that sticlu up gets hammered down? MatsuirRi^t. >^en someone is upfor a promotion, he’ll usually sail right through with very little scrutiny as long as no one in BILL MARUTANI his department objects. But if some mem­ bers of the faculty dislike him, they will \ suddenly start calling his qualifications, into question: “You call that research?” the/11 scoff. exponents know they can't get away Paradox in integrity with just saying they don’t like his work, so theyll apply some absolute standard to ENERALLY SPEAKING, in my was ensnared in the Cosmos Recruit scsm- imposed as punishment, raising doubts give the appearance of object! vi^. One clas­ ■ V experiences in dealing with Japa- dal wherein a number of politicos—most of within some quarters as to the integrity of sic line they use is, “So-and-so is just not npsemerchantsandpeople,Ihave all, inembers of the LDP (Liberal Demo­ the judicial system, which customarily is Nobel Prize material." found them to be forthri^t and hopftt. cratic Party which has held the prime highly respected in Japan. Also some have If support for a promotion is not unani­ mous, ifsall over; the caSe will never moke^ Once, while in a hurry to get to my next minister's spot for a number of d^des char^ the usually highly-regarded pros­ destination from a pok office in Tokyo, I through the majoriW leverage of the it to the faculty council for >approv^ A ecution sector with having eictended defer- candidate’s accfxnplishments are not re­ left my billfold on the counter. A Japanese “Takeshita faction” wi Ain the LDP)—were entiaJ treatment to Mr. I^emam. rushed after me and handed me the bill­ ally at issue here; the real problem is a fouhd to have been recipient participants of “WHAT ABOUT the 500-milUon yen?” cliquish mentality, a compulsioiri to weed fold. Another time, I ordered some goc^ “sweetheart” deals on inside purchase of Well, it seems that under Jap^bese law, out titose who “are not like us.” from a merchant, paid in full for them with discounted stock. If anyone landed in jail thereis noprovision that the recipient need his promise that he would ship them to me on that caper, I never read about it. to cough it back up. Anyway, according to Q: What kind cX people run into this in the UnitedStates—some nine thousand NOW COMES yet another corruption the news reports, themoney(orshoulditbe trouble? miles away. The goods arrived, and when scandal, again involving the LDP labelled *)oc^) was distributed among an Matsui: Thov ora lots of examples. It one of the parts was slightly damaged in “Takeshita faction.” This one invdves an ^mated 60 other members of th^ LDP. A may be a rising star whose superiors-fear transit, I wrote to the merchant and asked filial “contribution” of 500 millicm yen citizen'sgrouphasfiledaoomplaintagainst -being upetapd if he advances. Sometimes for instructions (i.e. should I send the dam­ (over $4 million) from a package-delivery these ^ thuB-far unidentified recipients, the guys only sin is that he doesn't observe aged part back?) By way of reply, the mer- company to Mr. Shin Kanemaru, a charging a violation of Japan's “Political the soda] amenities, like sendingNew Year chant'not only sent the part that had been strongman within the LDP Takeshita Funds Con trol Law.” Prosecutors from other cards. damaged, he sent me the whole thing. group. Mr. Kanemaru, to his credit (or regions of Japan as well as a number of Or else a young upstart will rub his elders the Strong way by being too aggres- It would be “a cold day in Hades* for perhaps as a well-considered maneuver) prefectural officials of the LDP have pub­ something like that to occur here. did not deny the charge—thereby avoiding Bve or ostentatiou -going on prime-time licly criticized the manner in which the TV tglk shows, that sort of thing. More AND SO IT is that 1 find it paradoodcal a formal charge or iqdictment and trial proaecutor’so^cehandled thecase against that when it comes to its political leaders, with its attendant embarrassing exposure raroly, there'll be sorne sort of rivalry with Mr. Kanemaru. researchers at another institution. In a corruption apparently is not uncommon. of details. No, the gentleman managed to rrSANANOMALY:straight-as-an-ar- For example, going back just a few years, case like thi^ the department may get a remain out of the hoosegow; indeed, he, row folks on the street, largess; and corrup­ phone call with the warning that “so-and- the then-prime minister was convicted of continues to remain a member of the House tion among (some) in high places, continu- so needs to be put in his place.^ taking a (sizable) “kickback" or bribe from of Representatives (where the core of legis­ ing.O ______Q: Is it true that the professors in a ^a U.S. aircraft manufacturer. I don't know lative power lies) and so far has refused to M^utani is a retired judge ofthe CouH of position to block a promotion often aren't whether the gentleman has yet served any respond to demands far resignation. Afine Common Pleas in Philai^phia. His col­ capable of evaluating a junior faculty time. There^Ur, another prime minister of 200 thousand yen (about $1,700) was umn appears regularly in Pacific Citizen. member’s accomplishments objectively, because they haven't kept up with advances in the field? Bdatsui: Yes. In all fairness, acandidate's achievements should be compared with those of his wouid-be '’colleagues in Ae department But lo and behold, whenever people oppose a promotion, they discard this relative varwtick in favor of some universal.gold standard—whether he’s a world-dase scholar or capable of winning a Nobel Prize. • Many of th^ who pull this sort of thing, frankly, would pale fnany comparison wiA the ydbng go-getter’s record. It’s totally absurd. Q: You are cmisidsred one of the world’s leading geophysicists, but you were made an associate professor only Ais spring after 14 years.as a research assistant. Were you held back out of ^>ite? Matsui: I guess >^u could say that. Fd

my advantage, though. Berause of my low status,' I was able to refuse to teach classes or to take on the tedious administrative tasks that professors are often asked to do. This .gave me time to accept a lot of Saa JAPAN/paga 11 Pacific atizen, Friday, December 4 and December 1992—9

that despite our efferts to inform goals since taWng office in 1990. Raasm appears in the economic you of the offensive and insensi­ Fujimori, in his visit to Wash­ problems arwnd the world. Anti- JACL D.C. leadership program tive nature of your remarks, you ington last April, reminded mem­ Semitism and hatred of, immi­ have chose terignore them." bers of the National Press Club. grants are on the rise in Europe. applications available Prior to the phone call, Hayashi “It 19 necessary that we come to There are no easy solutions to the Dennis Hayashi, JACL na­ of Congress such as Senator accused Schott of avoiding the know each other, in port, because rising number victims of frus­ tional director, anrwunced that . Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) and Japanese American cffThmunity of a tragic phenomenon. Your tration and hatred. Indeed, the the 1993 JACL Washington. Representatives Norman saying, "Additionally, we are out­ country is the world's lai^est con­ chapters must push tiie Legacy D.C. Leadershiy IVogram has Mincta, Robert Matsui and raged that you have reportedly sumer of cocaine and mine is the ‘ Fund by asking people directTy to been schedulM for March 19 F%tsy Mink. Speakers have met with African American and world’s largest producer of coca. contribute to the fundand be ready through Mar^ 23. 1993. The also included journalists, ad- Jewish American representatives It must be argued that if we solve togive answers about where JACL Leadership Program is con­ ministrati onofTidalsand lead­ to apologize for racist statemenu our end of the dark problems, we IS today. ducted as part oT JACL's com­ ers from other dvil rights or­ pertaining to their communities, vrill be helping you solve yours." This past summer, a profes­ mitment to developing leaders ganizations. but hove deliberaUly avoided The U.S. suspended more than sional fund-raising counsel was in the Japanese American com- Each JACL district coundl holding the same meeting snth $100 million m economic aid, in­ surpn sed to 1 earn the JACL L^acy muni^. may^select up to two partid- us." cluding anti-drug assistance since Fund was able to pass the $3- pwts to attend the program, "Marge Schott's use of radally the Fujimori’s dissolving the Con­ million mark withourmethod. He •Hie purpose of the five-day demeaning siursare clearlydetri - gress. program is to introduce poten­ ^e tuition for the'^program, counseled ff^campaign with a goal Which includes housing, cur­ mental toMajorLeagueboMball," An Evans and Novak column as high as $10-miUion requires a tial community leaders to the said Yoshino. "BaaebaU's Acting recently commented: “Fujimon TMitional poli^ making scene riculum materials and some professional. We hope to have such meals, is paid by the sponsor­ Commissioner^ud Selig has a told us he wants to see President­ an individual on board to direct from apractitioners point of moralobligation toexercise strong elect Clinton to develop an inter­ view. Trie program will pro­ ing chapter^gid district coun- the campaign and give chapters action to indicate that Marge national plan to eradicate Peru's the support they need. vide participants with the op- Criteria for selection include SchoU has not held herself to a poison. Indeed, if coca is grown in poHunity to talk with policy '"demonstratedleadershipabili- level of decency commensurate the Upper HuallagaValley.il will makers in Washingtop, D.C. tiesandacommitmenttomak- with what we expect from the continue to corrupt this country By the end of 1992, the cam­ PartidpanU also will examine ownership and interests ofMajor and infect the world." paign should top $4-million. Un­ how the system works and the ing an active contribution to the Japanese American com­ League baseball." Bob Novak’s interview, con­ less we are well past the $5-mil- role Asian Padfic American munity and to JACL. Inter­ Callingfor Schott's resignation, ducted in English with Fujimori lion mark, we shalTnot see large dvil rights or^niiations such ested individuals should con­ Hayashi said, "As one of 28 own­ in Lima, was also aired on CNN enough earnings to carry through as JACL play in affecting pub­ tact their JACL district gover­ ers of a on Nov. 21. some of our major programs to> lic policy and pursuing dvil nors for applications. Further franchise, you occupy a position .. Novak's column, datelined completion. rightslegislation in the nation's information m^ be obtained which must be free of any hint of Santa Luaa, Peru, a U.S.-buill At the Denver convention, capital. through the JACL notional of­ racial prejudice. By continuing to mifitary base to interdict ship­ seven of the 113 chapters were In the post, the program has fice in San FVandsco at 415/ use radallyoffensive terminology, ment of coca paste, described the recognized for having surpassed induded visits with members 921-5225. you have violated that trust."© war against drug traffickers “is the 60%-mark of their assigned being Tost - and Tost badly." The goal—Clovis, San Luis Obispo, Sal t column was reminded of Vietnam Lake City, New Mexico, Detroit, Twin Cities, St. Louis, and six in the San Francisco area and over two decade ago when “strate­ PERSONALLY FUJIMORI gic hamlets of that ill-fought war OVER I004t^-Selmr, Seattle. Mt- now retired. (Continuad from paga 1) Olympus. Cleveland, Wisconsin, (Continued from page 5) • 'Die Rev. Sumio Koga was . too, contained Americans dressed in camouflage fatigues and Philadelphia. Alton the con­ the guest speaker at Calvary would be blank. More than 11 vention, Monterey Peninsula sioned by San Eh^o Ruse Perfor- Presbyterian’s 75th anniversary without insignia and carrying million Peruvians were registered sidearm^aarneslly training lo­ joined the 60% group. manceGallery, recalling the 1904 celebration Nov. 13-15 at the to vote and turnout appeared to Two individuals whose cam- sugar beet strike in Oxnard. Oth­ cal forces." church, located at 1239S. Monroe be high. (Peruvians are legal- In Los Angeles, Teresa paigns-irtcorporated a tremendous ers on the disc feature Francis St. Stockton. He was pastor from bound to vote, which accounts for community outreach for the Wong on flute and sax. Taijt Molonishi,^ 20-year resident, told 1953 to 1960. the blank votes. 'Dtose in the aLtJ.s Times reporter out­ Legacy Fund were Hank Tanaka Miyagawa on boss and Leon • Molly Miyako Kimura of shanty “young towns" ouUide side Belmont High School where [past national JACL president! of , Alexander, percussion. This is Sacramento, acandidate for ordi­ Lima were also unable to return thousands of Southern Califor­ Cleveland and Cherry Kinoshita Horiuchi's fifth record, including to their hometowns to vote.) ofSeattle, who had monitored nnd^ nation as a Nishi Hongwanji min­ T^e constituent congress will nia's Peruvian citizens came to •Poaton Sonata" on CD. ister, w.'is thd lone Nisei of some voie,”Fujimon is not a dictator lobbied the redress bill while n convene Dec. 31 to r'ewrite the memwr of the JACL-LEC board. 360 graduntys completing the constitutionandlegislateuntil the like some accuse him ofbeing. He FINE ARTS ; Chuo Buddhist Institute Corre­ needed to clean up the congress Their chapters were No-1 and No. RenownedSanFranciscosculp­ end of Fujimori’s term in 1995. 2 in reaching their goal. spondence Division. She received and now we must elect one that tor Ruth Asawa has been com­ Those who partidpate in rewrit­ Asa perpetualendowment, the her diploma Oct. 21 in Kyoto. She ing the constitution are prohib­ vnll cooperate ^^^th him." missioned to execute a bronze A satellite hookup set up on the JACL Legacy Fund is used for the monument in remembrance of hod enrolled in the three-year ited from immediately seeing re- biennium’s stated Program for course in June, 1989, conducted election. The new congress is ex­ school lawn provided a link to a wartime internment of Japanese Lima TV station - broadcasting Action. This is an important as­ Americans for downtown San alt in Japanese. Daughter of the pected to be cut down to 120 pect of the Lejgacy Fund earning late Mr. and Mrs. Nobujiro members apd elected on a stag­ election results. plan. The Philadelphia chapter, Jose, it-^was announced by the Peruvian consul general, Am­ Commissipnonthe Internmentof Nakamura of Marysville, she gered system. for instance, had.applied for a pro­ taughtat theSacramento Bets'ui n 'Die new constitution will be bassador Raul Pinto, has said the Local Japanese Americans, in con­ image 4»f Peru undef iVesident gram grant in support of the East Dharma School for 35 years as submitted toapublicreferendum. Costkt Coalition fortin anti-Asian junction with the San Jose City Andifit twice-fails to win popular Fuj i mori con ti n ues to be ange ■%holenceconferenceheldai the Un^ Coundl, Transit Mall Art Com­ well as students of Ikenoto flower for the good - not the bad." , arrangement, Chikuzen biwa, and support, the executive brancn will versity of Pennsylvania Nov. 6-7. mittee and the Fine Arts Com­ make whatever chahges it finds —From staff, wire and ridio Yoshikawa sand painting. reptirts. As one of nine program grants mission. The memorial will be necessary and pa^ it single- distributed from the 1991 L^acy approximately 6 feet high and 15 SPORTS handedly, accordirt'g to govern; Fund earnings, Philadelphia JACL feetlong, incorporatihg Executive ment guidelines promulgated afj UYEHARA was gran ted $1,500—second larg­ Order 9066 and as many Japa­ • Victor Tarawa, who once the time the old congress was dis-! est donation to the program after nese family cresU (“mon") as sub­ operated a bonsai nurseiy in Den­ solved. (Continuad from page 1) Core-States, a major area bank. mitted to the artist, 1116 Castro ver and the T&M Tree Farm at During the Sunday voting, were the days when I was on the Other chapters which received St, San Frandsco, CA 94114. Fort Collins, is in the process of a Fujimori visited Ayacucho and JACL oratorical dreuit represent­ fundingthispastyear were Centra 1^. Emily Sano, formerly a new enterprise, an 18-hole golf ChuBchi to encourage voter turn­ ing Northern California and when Costa, Detroit, Ol^pia, Seattle, senior curator at Dallas Museum course twoyearshence, theR«*y out He had gone into the heart of Central California was still part of APAN, Selanoco, Chicagoand San Art, was appcnnted to a top posi­ Mountain Jiho reports. His 160- the SenderoLuminoao country. It NCDC. That was how I met our Diego. tion at the Asian Art Museum. acres, n»'>' called Mountain Vista was important to observe, early JACL pioneers.] 'Die' distributions for next year San Frandsco. She will be deputy Greens golf course, opened Labor Fujimori said, "that the fear of At the grand testimonial for will be made, even though 1992 director, diief curator and chief terrorism is gone and everyone is Jerry Enomoto, because ofhis stat­ was a poor investment year. administrativeofficer, succeeding Sm PERSONALLY/paga 10 participating consdously.” ure in the community, local, state Twenty percent of the annual earn • Clarence Shangraw, who retired ^endero’s chief. Abimael and national, I was the 12th in line ings are reserved for chapters, Guzman, founded the Shining after 26 years. of speakers and sensitive to' the which should encourage planning SCHOTT Path at the Andean city of time element, mine was to the of special events and expect some (Continuad from paga 1) Ayacucho. The Sendero guerril­ point: “that Jerry’s life spoke for matching Legacy funding. Chap­ ORGANIZATIONS ' las launched tiieir bloody war in him and thus he is the role rrtodel ters should review the 1993-94 The Aloha Coundl Boy Scouts a Nov. 23 letter. T^e term Jap is the nearby town of Chuachi in More eloquence was to foil w with Program for Action and decide how of America hcmored labor leader a racial slur which is highly ofTen- 1980, disrupting municipal elec­ tributes from Congr^men they can moke a difference and Russell K. OkaU as Hawaii’s rive to Japanese Americans," said tions. Since then, terrorism, guer­ Norman Mineta and Bob Mptsui. service their community. 1992 Distinguished Citizen. Ex­ Yoshino. "It is a term that has rilla warfare and repression by [I don’t know if the review by Looking ahead, after passing ecutive director of the Hawaii always been ueed to demean and ‘security forces have Wiled more bothcongressmenof my three-year the $5-miIlion mark, JACL will be Government Employees Assoda- dehumanize those it refers to. It than 25,000 Penivians. stint in Washington as the JACL- able to increase program support tionwhoacquiredhisvaluesfrom' has been our experience that wher- Guzman was captured Sept 12, LEC executive irector reminded with specialisU who can rive di­ plantation life on the Big Island, eversuch slureare directed, Ja^- tried by militaiy tribunal and sen­ Toko that I had made no appeal for rections. For example, with staff, an Eagle Scout l^is leadership in neae Americans have paid a price tenced to life in prison. Political the Legacy Fund for he took the the education program can be on community life included service for the emotional message as dur- analysts are puzzled over how prerogative of calling me back to the fast track. JACL would be in with Aloha United Way, East- : World War II when virtually serious a blow the rebel organiza­ the p^um to tell the 500 guests position to utilize a coalition net­ all Japanese Americans were re­ West Center, Blood Bank of Ha­ tion is without its founder. whytheJACLLegacyPundshould work to move education to a more moved from the West Coast and Inspectors from the Organi­ have their support. P.S.: A few inclusive curriculum, impact on waii, Judidal Coundl, State Plan incarcerated because racism and Policy Council and as trustee of zation of American States, led by days after- the dinner. Jerry re­ the contents of textbooks and see the use of racial slurs were al­ vealedthatapraftssionalcolleague that creative writers can reflect a the I^blic Schools Foundation. U.S. Ambassador Luigi Einauch lowed to persist unabated." to the OAS, were posted to watch of his had responded to my pitch. nation with immigrants from Asia. RELIGION ' Hay^i, in his letter to Schott, for voting irregularities. \^ich is/proof that you have to American history needs'to be up­ • Forseveral months, there was noted that the 63-yeor old Reds In a presf conference the next asW for contributions personally dated. owner has not stopped using the keen interest in the prospect of day, whileexpressingsatisfaction and tell about JACL-I JACL must impact on legisla- word "Jap." Citing articles in the that elections were not marred by There is a truism in fund-rais­ ion which respond to the changes United Methodist Church / West­ Nttc York TimtM and the Los An­ ern Jurisdiction delegates gath­ violence, Einaudi hoped the poet-. ing which says: Noone gives money in society, the work place and in geles Times, Hayashi said. "It ap­ poned municipal elections in Janu­ unless asked. TeJeo's gesture al­ government. We must be at the ering in Las Vegas to name the pears that while talking to a New table in dialogue and decision­ Rev. Nancy Yamaaaki, 56, for ary would be as smooth. lowed my answering the ^estion: York T^mes reporter, you discussed hinaudi also stressed that re­ “What's after redi-ess for JACL?" making about programs delving the one c^n bishop’s position in gifts you had received from the into the health insurandi^needsof the western region. It was not to sumption of su^nded U£. aid *Die audience was reminded that Japs.*^ Further, it was indicated and other coc^ration is condi­ racism today is.no less than that our community, the changing job be for the nominee, who is assod- that you used the tenn freely dur­ tioned on further democratic ad­ faced by those of us [Japanese requirements and reduction of ate director of the Padfic North­ ing a discussion with Bill white, vances under Fujimori. AmeriennsI who lost our freedom pension programs. Asaftindamen- presidentofthe National League, west Conference Coundl on Min­ It was noted that U3. interest 50 years ago. Political pressure tal purpose. JACL must protect istries and working with ethnic which piwpted him to admonish to resume nid is a |friority with win be similar to what happened the welfare of Asian Americans in communities. Her husband. Rev. you against continuing to do so." Ftljimori who has made elimina­ on the West Coast in 1942 as com­ particular. Wilbur Choy, was the first Asian llieJAC'L national director con­ tion ofcorruption.contrxdHng drug petition and dividveness incroaae Who asked what JACL should American bishop who had served demned SchoU saying, Tt is clear traffic and inflation his prime today. do after redress? © •j/yjoriBr Citizen, Friday, December 4 and December 11,1992

SECURED BY SHARES DP TO S UAI$ SHOWTIME-Poriormer Amy Hill, shown in current production at SPARC gallery, is looking tor wnters to FIEE lOAl IISDtAICE collaborate on a new project. SiHPLE IITEIE&T • Attention aspiring writers; mance piece and will be originat­ Amy Hill is currently looking for ing the role of "Pola." a French young Asian Americansinierested artist, in "Dream of a Common in writing a new theatrical piece Language," atBerkeley Repertory Join the NoHonol JACl Credit Union. Cali us or fill out the Theater. ihforrirotioti below. We will send membership information. that reflects the history and e;^- rience of Asians in America. T^e actress, writer, and performer is • The Asian American theatri­ cal troupe. Here and Now.Ua- already workingwith several stu­ currently presenting its new show dents at Cal State Northridge “The Road to Together" at college Udriss/arr/Sleti/IiJ . helping to develop their material intoa theatrical format and wants campuses across Los Angeles. to expand the participation to in­ Currently in its fourth year, Her^ clude more Asian American writ­ and Now uses a wide variety of ers across Los Angeles. theatrical styles in its interpreta­ 0 MonalJACL Those interested in participat­ tion of the Asian American expe­ C R I 0 I U N I 0 N ing in Hill s project should send a rience. This year's show focuses on such issues as safe sex. hate 'S vshort letter of intent along with a fO BOX 1721 / SIC, UUH 8X110 / 801 3SS-8040 / 800 514-8828 writing sample (poetry, prose, crimes, women's issues, and the monologue, sketch, short story) LA.riots.Forinformntiononhow — to: Amy Hill, Tokyo Bound Pro­ to bring Here and Now to your GOTANDA ductions, 642 Maltman Ave., Los college campus or function call cal, "The Avocado Kid," with Angeles, CA. 90026. Funded by a 818/ 441-9615 or write lo: Here Hiroshima band member Dan grant from the LA. Arts Recovery and Now, 2043 Stratford Ave., Kuramoto for the Mark Taper fund, a reading of the developed South Pasadena. CA. 91030. Forum in Los Angeles and "tlie National Business and material wjU beopen to the public' Ballad of Yachiyo" for the Berke­ . «ProfesvEn« logototncasttNraitasfpquirpd. PC ins mode working on several projects for AO deliinTanniirti lliai ihf buvn«Mi iiiled in ^it dir«d^ ore ker^ ^ proper gownmonl oudtortjt. for production at the Manhattan find this play very interesting. It film and television. She is also Theatre Club. In addition, the touches upon many universal is- Gr—t»Lo« Angdw Sacramento, Callt developing her next solo perfor- playwright is working on a musi­ ASAHITRAVEL GLEN U OUCHIDA Inveatment Executive—PalneWcbbcr Ine. Bun-NM A LBH-'as pm Heritage Centre in Vancouver. the Japanese Canadian Re4ress 3 Parkcenter Drive. Suitc'SOO Gtom, Pamum a Lmwiocau. Thecomplex of50,000 square feet Sacramento, CA 96825 PERSONALLY Foundation for the centre was pAOucfi Tocas, Catnm Raivam, will include a museum, library, announced at the recent YovrtMi A LoiounMC Savici (800) 828-3988 or (918) 9294)900 (Continued irom page 9) exhibit area, multi-purpose hall, HomeComing *92 celebration in 1543 W. Olympic Btvd, *317, LJl 90015 Day as a driving range wth a 9- (213) 487-(2»4 • FAX (213) 487-1073 San Leandro, Ca^ meeting rooms, rental space for October. hole spread andclubhouee to cone. cultural servicespluse heedthcare flower VIEW GARDENS YUKAKO AKERA,"-O.D. DocUr ofOploBctry facility and senior housing com- AWARDS&HONORS Medi-Care Provider, Fluent Japan< ARCHITECTURE ponenL The federal and provin­ • International Visitors Coun­ m) Worldwide Soivic* 1390 E. 14th SL, San Leandro, CA 94577 • World.renowed Canadian cial governments are expected to (510) 483-2020 cil of Los Angeles honored Jiro 1801 N. Woatem Ave., Loo Angetoo 90027 architact Raymond Morfyama contribute most of the costs for (213) 48S-7S73 / Art A Jim Ito lehizaka, it^first distinguished SeaUla, WafK of Toronto waa named designer of the heath care and senior housing non-U.S. ciHun opinion leader TAMA TRAVEL INTERNATIONAL the $20.3-million National Nikkei buildings. A$3-million grantfitmi from ^road ta experience the di­ Martha IgarMhi Ti luhii - ■ ]^npeR*aL Lanes vers)^ of the UjS. by meeting •with Americans in their offices Complete Pro Shop, Reataurant. Louugc ED SATO Dr. DarljTie Fujimoto, 2101-22nd Ave So. Seattle (208) S2S-2S2S Plumbing & Heating and homes. He was former chair­ fitmodei and Rapatn. Wa^ Heaters man of the Union Bank of Califor­ Optometrist & Associates nia and had returned from Tokyo A Profowtional Corporation Famaces. Cartage Dsposals 11420 E. South St. CerrUoE CA 90701 UV«^JIMAYA Swvlng Los Angsies, Girdeas to receive the award Nov. 9. (3)0) MO-1339 .. .A/u'ays hi good taste. (213) 321-6610, 293-7000. 7334)557 • Playvvright Philip Kan Gotanda will be honored by the SuiJoce. Calif Stockton Art Commission Jan. 26 HENRY & MURAKAMI |4AMM0TH $205 pexp*»0B. dooueoeeupsoex. during the city's observance of V'icc pTGMldcnt, Invcwtmonto SNOVr^lM o rfiTv cirt mW-wwk. nen-hoU6248 starting at $419in 74, Monterey-bom community (non-golfer rates less) leader of poMwar Terminal Is­ Bellevue • 747-9012 (2NiOHTSmnmm) Ojai Valley Inn landers; Naoyuki TakasugL 71, AILEEN A F:URUKAWA CPA Anoraga,Ala»ka ------& Country Club Oxnard-bom and the Oxnard mayor who was recently elected SYLVIAK-KOBAYASm rAIT S379.00 (2 Nights) ALASKA BEAL ESTATE, J»ck While Co. to^State Assembly; Kochi-bom Buk (987) 563-S5(M Ro: (997) S7M718 f San Matec. CA 94403. Tel: (415) 358-9330. 1-800-788-6650______10«Di,m.Mtolm.W,.AMar. Sm PERSONAaY/pagt 11 Padflc Citizen. Friday. December 4 and December 11, 4992—11

will eventually gain enoii^ pres­ JAPAN tige for conegestoattradtop^otdi PC Classi'fied Advertising people. Once thathaf^ns,diange (ComkiiMd from pag* 9) will come naturally. 9—Real Estate For this revolution to succeed, ouUide work. For example, Pm on «« need the suppokofat least 80 ------one of the expert committee* of Skelton L.E. LHhos NewvortK pereent of our coliiaguo.. If only « BILLION $ JAPANBBE CO. BUSY MOTEL Cenffal f^toUand Cty. the Council for Scie^ and Tech* Gent Philosopher. Financier. Freddie. Nr Palisades Pkwy. 20-30 rms. Irg fiil nology. Pm the only Memberwith­ Freeloader, Shack. Kitty. Tub. Birthday. Elks, on beaut 37, acs. Posaibte lor the movement will S3700-S1700 out a highriml^g pMition in steam, and the oppoeitian will win. uds which can be utibad by evenrone adult home or insiilubon. $1.3 Mi. V, an academia;evei^t:Rwe)sei8thehead Now in e countries—A soikJ interna- (407) 87B-0331 hour north of George Washington Bridge. 'Rte first thing on our agenda 6130 Donegal Drive ofthis laboratory or a professor at banalprowrih record. For detailed infor­ Relaxed country atmosphere. should be to change the way aca­ mation please cal (BOO) 29B-2423. Ortando, Ftoride 32819 (914) 354-1373. owner that university. My association demic institutions are evaluated. withthecouncil musthaveseemed Now, schools tend to be ranked by EXCELLENT INVESTMENT North And South Dakota especially strange while I was still their admissione standards, but Cattle Ranches For Sale!! just a research assistant at least Lucrative and very high return on com­ Sell it... in some places the students are plete turn key business' Frsi time otter- 6060 acres Witt) exceBent cMie working to people who aren't familiar with more ^fted \hon th^r profeaeors! ing on local route $1000* wWy pft Be with PC classifieds fadlities. S942.bOO. Also larger and my work. A mernocre teadier behind the lec­ your own boss in an al cash business. smalbr properiies. Write for inventory. Between this and my involve­ tern can kill a bright young mind. Uninv $14,700. ie Roee Realty, Bex 89 AA. Sleele. ment in astronomical research I think that is criminal. (BOO) ^22B6 NO 58482. (701) 475-2784. prqiectsvothinstitutacmsoveilBeas, rdlike toseeinstitutionsranked It’s not too surprising that people SOUTHEHN CALIFOONIA USA PERSONAL CARE BOAROM6 HOME by field, lli^would let pe<^ CONVENIENCE STORE rPA-kareedtorSieadMAI would see any advancement on 7-Qevan Temecula.^ownerlOacs horse prop­ know, forr e.n_..,exihtple,__, ------that— the —U^- erties wAildgs 8 possible agriculture unehrgs 4 Owrteui Ktoded. ftewh my part as a threat. I should men­ ™nutyofTokyoi.numb«-onein ? rencti 1683Bi.7bdrm4 2Ubttian27 tion that Pvealsoirkedsomeofmy 3500sf home « jig rooms 4 bdrm. 2V, ^certainVwrteinsubiectbutonlvin.aev. subject but only in, say, bttr. Irg kilch A din rm. 2 frpics in liv w/ to rue! PA Pdentel tor 2nd buanete to U fellow reMarchers by crittcizing third place in another area. If thsM pool erwtosed. $2.6 mi rtrehed bsmnt 41S9.00Q (717) 5864112. May their work in popular science (805)733-3483 HcOdlw. Styn 4 Mery are WwiTs PwMtel results were published,*schools English pieese Call (714) 676-6625 CMHowe.ROn.6ei233.IMre.PA 11831. magazines. would have to begin competing for I came out of it OK because Pm the professors in ordier to sur­ tough, but most academicswhogo ESTABLISHED ROORNG SEAL BEACH. CALiFOPNIA vive.'Then the revolution wouldbe Beaut 2 story custom hon>e % block come Loc a the southern end d ItatoeTcey, throu^ what I did don’t survive. COMPANY from ocean. 2400sl. 3 bdrm, 27, bth. opytteltervOWirCqr.Atiea) Seperee^ underway.fS Located Central CeUomte . Countless researchers in Japan '-sunken Imly rm. formal dvr rm. iv on have been labeled outcasts and Good finartcial record SoMluTieftodinci^WK^llonrae Translated from the Ja^ Price: S2SO.OOO custom hnterd cabinets This home is 4 dock on the hwborsfoe. Cenuct: Mfce condemned to obscurity. Alter 10 magazine Shukan Aaahi speed S553K Uahteewn Reel Estate, Nesreu. E or 20 years ofthis, many of them Negotiable Asia Foundation’e Troi Cal (209) 666-7106 (310) 594-4859 pp. Ph: (809) 322-4144, (109) 3264B27. crack. Service Center. Q: Similar harassment takes Whse For Immod Lease HORSE PROPERTY place in business, too, but the wort d 7500 sq R sat up wAjrop corUs tor sew- ROWLAND HGT (CENTER OF). Near you’re describing seems much ing factory orr iteii mig Cell RueUGary International Buddhist Temple 1.7 plus more draconian. PERSONALLY 631 East 61 St acs all level grourrd, completely len^ Matsui: In academia today, (Continued from page 10) Us Angeles. CA 90001 3 blocks from (60) Pomona Fwy 2bldgs BEVEriLV HILLS. CALiPOriMA USA having fnends is of no help if you- (213) 231-1949 on property $3100 Off. Cokhvater. 343*dning rm. Kaoru Tsutsui, 87, Pacoima, for Fax. (213) 231-2043 (310) 691-1311 Modem spit level, secluded view. 2 also have enemies.Ihose who keep his promotion ofJapanese callig­ fireplaces. C/m. double garage. ALL a low profile hove the best chance raphy; and attorney Richard ^ NU DECOR! VacteiL of getting ahead. It’s a sonry form is H Time To Make A Move? Pa^lc Palisades .9487 Readcraei Sherwood, 64, Beverly Hills, Immaculate 3 ♦ 2V, w/180®ocean 4 City ^egalitarianism. Asdentist needs Enpy tie good Me in Wyomng whie (818) 576-0573 to have both supporters and de­ Asia Society trustee since 1978 making a handsome income. Purchase view Marble floors, bath, kitchen 4 fire­ tractors because scholarship and current president... The Japa­ tiriving nite dub. Bquor store wAcenses. places \ owe S829K Rowayton Conn Unfum Or thrives on debate. nese Order of the Sacred Tr«i- inventory & equip .&opbonal band house sure. Gold and Silver Star, was for under S900K Brenda Jackson, C- Lease also available. Partial Furnished House A lot of people think of academ­ 21 Action Realty, (307) 237-4B19. (310) 454-4151 ics as the intellectual elite, but awarded to Thomas K. Family wanted This charming 5 bdrm, 3_^ bth fme is perfect for growing tmly nothing could be further from the Shoyama, a Canadian citizen Of Victoria, B.C.^ for his exceptional PLANTS AND FACTORIES BEST OF SUNSET STRIP MagrvWnt view of Long Wand Sound truth. Icould understand this ad­ _c oppcninlv ri fool Ite tsdory. Mtoi W Across street Irom Spago 4 rrexi to Prvt beach 4 mou ring. $450a/mo ♦ sec miration ifprofessots were still ns service to Japan and contribution t liM^ 60 year Mrrwty on ite. 2S m Grappa Restturants. Enbre building (2(0} 838-0554 rare as they were before World to better relations between the sms. IkxW base. CouU be nW to $7200mo (310)378-0600 FirsIftoorS PWtotin NYi Uena. Pm $3 mi UnoshSl offices. Irg reception rm 4 2 reskooms War II. Back then, all of Japan’s two countries. A founding editor ------seven imperial universities to­ of the New Canadian after gradu­ si.WntoorCdMrLjPtifte.3i25& 2nd floor 6 offices 4 2 restrooms. 3rd BrwKvd. Quebec. Cansdi J4Z2XS floor: Bachelorpenthouse aptwith vww Tell Them You Saw It In gether had fewer than 1,000 pro­ ating in 1938 from the Univ. of ($14)3884003 fessors, but the postwar national British Columbia, he served in The Pacific CItben universities, which number about .the Canadian Army Japanese Affiteto CAL»=OW«AUSA 100; have 50,000! military intelligence uijit, rose IMPORTANT NOTICE Los Angeles Prime Building With fa*ulties so huge, it’s re­ For people with personal or business 42 U • Inc S364.49S—$1,150,000 after the war to deputy minister Los Febz Properties ally not'strange that there are a offmancein Ottawa, wosnational contacts in JAPAN (213)662-9234 iluxurious Homes lotofincompetentsinhigher learn­ president of the Japanese Cana­ 2020 HiDhurst Ave Looking for persons to market promote ing today. Japan has made such dian Citizens Association (19481, Loi Angeles. CA 90027 . Available For Rent In ' outstanding economic progress be­ andman^distribubon of personal care and has been teaching at the Uni­ products. Fastest growing US Co now Gold Beach cause government' and industry expandng to Japan nq.,maior im«sl- GLEMMLE. CAL^RNlA versity of Victoria since retire­ 2 and 3 Bedroom have b^n abl e to attract the cream ment from government service in ment required (800) 473-9611 Fa*. VIEW UPSLOPE LOT ( ofthecrop.Universitieshavebeen MLLION DOLLAR NEIGHBORHOOD 2 Bath 1979. (806)485-3693 | left with the dregs. And because 1500st Units sleep 4.8 incompetence begets even worse BeauliM trees Finest quality vacation rentals incompetence, our schools will con­ SPECIAL CORNER SoUbyowner tinue to go downhill unless some­ CMI (818) 2434629 on 3 M/L acres • The Eagle Scout project for Ocean View thing changes. John Cox, 17,ofNorthrid^ troc^ Q: Is Japan an exception in this 99 to restore tuvo stone guard Totally equipped Southern Caklomia Aoeage U Habra Airport pick-up available regard? houses at Manzanar in May and Heights. E^ owner. 47, acres w/ocean Matsu. .atsui: Japan's first universi­ featured in a Los Angeles Times vtew. BeauMul hillskte land (on Holy Sauna & Hot Tub GOVERNMENT JOBS country amdertce. 2 min- ties were noteMaUirfied to quendi story last summer was dted Nov. Lartd) fogaly country i Special Winter Discounts the intellectual thirst of scholars. $16,040-$59,230/yr. Now utes nom shopping 4 schools. Execu' 22 when he received his pin at the ave area, last wew lot Founded after the Mem Restora­ troop court of honor. Hiring. Call (805) 962-8000 Worth much more (310) 606-3274. CLEAR SKY RENTALS tionof1868totrain leadersforthe 26810th Street Ext R-1317 for current country’s modernization, they NEWICXICO Gold Beach, OR 97444 wera seen as conduits for knowl­ federal list. Corrales So West charm, new constr of Adobe (503) 247-6456 edge from the West. 4 frame stucco on^anoramc vie* tots at very Custepwr Serviee Repfessntethie. Ceniiffy ibie prices, tie accents. Berber carpec Even today, pur institutions of dcylwha. lOvi Irpic. SbIUo Iteflrs LghS. br^ higher learning play a much dif- Cade. Redondo Beach B nepiBO tefActeons EDELWEISS HAUS tor CuBonwr Sena Rep to«erkdte|r. 1200pm 4 beuL CM JW Boland, AgL^i Rio ferentrole from those in the United to 900pm Heavy phone and custemar csftH. R»icbo Bfvd. Rie Rancho. mTittA. (SOS) CONDOMINIUMS States and Europe. Ibeir raison igureenerted. 10-Key by loudiwto computer 7844876. Fa*. (505)891-5485. . InPvrttCHy d’etre is finding solutions to prac­ bactopowto. Btei^ Spwteh a pks. Non sfflok Excslem Locivan ASoKktle a Com- irgXs Afdy:&Mi«y Cade. 2925 W I82nd ICVAOA lonable Lodging 1 sabaAoom condo, tical problems. In geophysics, for Hgh wop an 8 4 acknoll dazzino vew oMhe cty example, theemphasishfualways Strsei Ftodonto Be«:h. CA 90278 E.O.E a holel rooms. 200 yard, Irom the Part. tofu 4 toby Serra. Ihe Cotswold-style home City Ski Area Haalad ouldoor swni. been on predicting weather pet-’ KOVR-TV is cunenBy seardiirig for a recMures ^ endearing old Engsh style e mitrg pool»jacuni. Men 4 Ladms sau­ teme^ earthquakes end volcanic 100% Natural, No Salt, PRODUCTION MANAGER BA in TV or deson d area qutety & coriion Crater bnek nas & chan^ rooms. Laundry facAly. *wleedi%utheSbdrm(esd»nce.4beaJtiluby activity. No Preservatives radio prelerred. Prior expenence m pro­ garage 4 maating roam. Japan’s universities ere like duction as a Director andfor vanous pdniedtarescaptogal around HtipkOHsolthB , RECOMMENDED BY SEMOR technical positions sKfoding lighting, 0^ Roror house ind Irml hvng 4 d«vig rms. (800) 438-3855 department stores. Check the cur­ atervy.gowmel kich Wriormd eahng 4 semg OTJZENS IN JAPAN AND HAWAII camera operation ar>d switching. Previ­ 1482 Empire Ave riculum of any school, and you ous expenence as production manager MB. a den 4 trrteim (both wteei bar), and 5 PO Box 495 name U, they’ve got it. The trouble AvatebeattessaorM: in a large or medum size market is trptos thoughed. Shanng to the sunny scene ol is that by trying to offer every­ prelerred. Ser>d resume to: General oddoor oAnngs-a speetr 54 h pool W10 per Parti City, Utah 84060 KOVR-TV. 2713 KOVR Dr. scto spa. kxtoors or ouL the horne B a sensaenal thing, theyVe become carbon cop­ IMAHASA’S PRODUCE fosi to al manner of eftertatotog Oltored « ies ofone another. Instead oftry­ WedSaoan^. CA95605 No Ph^ 19725 Severn Creek Bivd. .pals Accepted KOVR-TV is an equal $2250.000 Kathy Ltot, 1900 CauM Croee- ing to offer everything fi«n eoup CupertlTK). CA95014 kig.RMW,N/89509.(702)747-67«e«M errvloymenl opportunity employer and 14—Miscellaneous to nuts, .-university departments SENATOR RSH MARKET does not disqriminate on ihe bas« ol shbuldnaiTowtheirfocusandwork 2215-lOm Sheet race, color, religion, national origin. d»- at becoming master chefs at just Socfomenfo. CA 95818 abiity. sex.^'age or other factors prohte Thayer, Missouri YOUR JAPANESE one type of cuisine. 'Riat way, eaA SOUTHSOE PHARMACY ited by law Dreg Free Workplace ISO ac ranch, mobile home 4 house, CONTACTS CAN MAKE institution would develop a repu­ 1347 S.CoUfOfrtaS. both him. W/2 wells 3pondsw/cattish4^ YOUWEALTHY tation for excellence in a particu­ Sockton.CA 95206 cattle, xactor. equip. 2 trucks, ducks, geese.chickens, idkeys Good hunbnQ lar field rather than being just a STATE DRUG 4 fishing area 125 mi from Branson Call Ron Saunders or Lindsay nondescript face in the crowd. 4l9Poinier Ave. South S27SK. $150Kdown (417) 264-3205. Hoover al (408) 659-3^06. Q: Do you really think Japan’s Seattle. WA 98114 colleges are capable ofchange? MUTUAL RSH CO. Wayne Gretzky. 'A Bey And Me Dream* LtSA-BMudUftoneha BUSINESS CDNNECTtDNS Matetti: Itdependsonhowmuch 2335 Roiruef Ave. South By James Lumbers Tbd rumbered hto « •CirenCoirtY.0K.Welm BIG INCDME AS A REP talent schools are able to recruit Seonie.WA 98114 > 3 iwch hoses. S ou btogs. toundM oonali. persorefly sgned by Wayne Gretzky end is quaMy teneng 4 good Mier. 680 aoei to tcAoK: Ho»togelstaned brwsoHered Group and on how serious their faculties ecconnwted by to regular 4daon sgned »)d become about fostering quality. For otter Bores or ir 4M pere gote 30A tteg ste. 29253A preut 4 nifiteeied by 9« aitst $7000. Also Vew 297.7A eqtend. ShoreSy tf/ft orty- Stophre 0^ Those of us in our 30s or 40s real­ ntiwdi dr Iproy Nwnea est wlue S16.000 CelM.WMl»BiM.(9IB)Sn-3aterwteto:PO' ize that things cant stay the way 1-800-238-9643 SkO^CenSKt im) S8SM11. 6oi?244.8atlMHto.OK7eCB5USA KSaeiM.(>13)2S*-S4«S. they are. My hope is that toadiing 12—Pacific Citizen, Friday, December 4 and December 11,1992 Obituaries

West £i.A. I. Donald. BS. Loa Angeles. ersKer^i(Jpn).srsier-avl8w gatos. Oct. 26: Briggs. -bom. survivod. Tanaka. Dr. Jettray S., 34, Champaign. Nov. 13; S«iem. Ore.-bom. sunvod by vile (Utah). by husband Rikito. sons Rrchardi Robert. i M.. Nov. 3 « an acodent, Umv. ol Ulmois Kiyoko. parens Maseo and Kryoko(Sao Jose), MbtauaMge, IMvIn 6.70, Los Angeles. gc. brottieri Ruben VO George Suyehara. prolessor n psychology departmeni. survived Travel sster-in-law Rose Haslwnoio (Sarua Cia/a) Oct. 20. survived by mother Misayo (Hawai). a«tea SvWi Oye. Lucy Nakashnui (Chi­ by parent t ShO|i and Yuki Yoshida (Lot Ange Hattori, YoshiNro, 16, Baton Rouge. U-. broihers George (Morton Grove. It.). Rich­ cago). Sue Chung. tes). titter Stacy, grandmother Suie Tanaka Oct. 17 of gun shot wounds; TokyoOom ard. Roben (both of Min View. Cakf ). sister Ofmra,klyrtto8.77. Victorville. Nov. iS: Tanl. Yuwae, 96. Pico Rivera. Calif., Oa Ingram Japanese eichange stoOent who amved (wo Jean (Hawaii) Honelulu-bem. survived by sons Hatvne. 21. Waktyvna-bom, aunmmd by aone Tettuo. months earlier. survived by parens (Nagoya). lAaye, George S. TS; Westmnster. Nov. 5 Masaji. Sadao. daughter Saeko. 6 gc. Jofi. daughiBr-in-law Setsuko Tan. 7 gc tahIbeaN, JKauko, B5, Lot Angles. Oct. (funeral), Gaidena bom tower grower, sur­ Taniguchi, Kiyoahl T,88; New York.OcL -OntoM. John H 93, Los Angeles. Japan- Administered by 24; Port Blakely. Wash.-born. survived by vived bywileKikue. broiher MasamiMayeda. 24:survivedbybrothersYuteka.George (both bom. survived by son Masae. daughter husband Harry T.. sons Wilkam. Ben. daugh-' as srs Martha F urus. Kazuko Kobayashi (San Los At^eta). sisters Masako Woodward. WLA Travei, Inc. lers kArdiiko Nakadaira. Chizuko Murakam. Osgo),bfOihers-v>-lawYaio,TomMisuhashi. tAytkoYukmura(Saeramaniob3gc..7graai- ShigekD Okawa. Yasuko Tamaya. Nobuko 11 gc.. 2 greal-gc. brothers Saburo (tAdv- sittarnn-tar Lilian Kawana gc.. sisiars Saiako Yamam^ (Monterey). Takayama For JACL Members, Yukikb Morin (Hawai). oster-m-law Afcca gan) and Stwo Kuoimauu (Washington). Miyaglshlma. Toshialau, 62. Sim: Val­ Teragawa. Fumi. 84, Los Ar^eta. Nov. Family & Friends Kate, Merry S, 78. Huntmgbn Beach. ley. Nov. 13,Brawley-bom. survived by wile Onishi.. 19; Berkeley-Dorn, survived by sons Robert. Sagara, Frai* K. 87. Corona. Oct 26: Oex. 26; Garden Grove-bom. survived by son Mane, sons SfilarL Darryl, daughter Sheri Kenneth, daughter JaneOshiia.3gc.. brother ~ , survived by wile Ruth. Dr. Ray. 3 gc. 4 tsiers Grace Ishian.,- Helen Usoo, mother Shiga, brothers Tad. Tom. Joe Okubo. sisier Nobuko Sato ' )». Eiloen KalD, Harada. Ruth Monshiu (Idaho FaRs). Aiko Cart, sisters Kay Endo. ToshAo Arhora, KAtzi daughters Rc Tekueka.5Ngeko,94.LOS Angeles. Qa aonGerakt.2to. 2gc. sinersAlee Yamate. Grace • Travel Meeting Morishita (Utah), sister-in-law Betty ImaiZurni Taniguchi. 23; Hiioshima-bom, survived by sons Waiter Kuneu, brother! Peter. Norman. (San Oi^o). Murakami, Chikaahi, 70. Los Angeles. (Pismo Beach), George S inai (Venoe). Shibaia.SumlyaK, LosAngelee.Oct.Sl; December 20 Kono, Kiyoke, 71. Los Angeles. Oct 24; Nov.^^Moniebello-bom. urvived by son daughters Helen Tak agayra. daughier-m- Idaho-bom. survived by husband Tadashi. Penryn-bom, survived by motner Asako Bnan^ln Pedro). Marvin. Myron (Gardena). law Kinuko Inai. l3gc. a«iers-tft4ew(>iyoHiraoka.Maryand FumAo Tsuchii. brother Kiyoshi. sisters Hisako Devi (SacrameniD). Darryl (Whm«r). 3 gc. Kojiima, brother-in-law Bun Sagawa. Shinuku. Miuuko K^awaKi. brothetjn-law brother Yukito (Anaheim), sisters Martha Onla. Wath.-bom, survived by wito Ooko. Shlmada. Taichlre, 78. Oceansee. Nov. bns. and atraahtnefa. tmv tut Sundar?DM Or. Tom Kono. SiSier-in-law Della Sh*a Nakano (Whiner).Taisy Shozi (Buena Park). brotherSam. sisters HarukoKadoyama(Cn- 18; Waaonwlle-bom Kibei of Yamagudv- month. 2 p m.. ai the Fetca Mhood Cemei. 11336 ‘ Marumoie.Keniehi,U,LosAngeles.Oci klorikawa, HIchIke, 75, U Palma. Nov. ca^>. sisier-in-taw Katie Tomosada. ken. survived by sons Edward. Kenneth, SaflaMoncs laieomh A«e). Wea LA 19; Hiroshima-born naturalized U.S. otizen, 9;Flonn-bdm. survivedbysonRichard,daugh­ Tomoaada, SMgaharu S. 69, Torrance. daughter KvenTanaka. S gc . sisier ShiziAo survived by wife Yunko.sons Kazumu.Tom. tersElkoEnomoto. PamelaNishimura. PhyUis Nov. 20. Soanle-bom. survived bywile Mar­ 1993 Group Tours Hoshide (Jpn). daughter Kimie Hedan., i grandchild, broth- Watanabe. 9 gc. i greai-gc. sisiers Chiy^ garet,sonSamuelT.Wayne,daughtersCheryl (revised December i, 1992) Shimidzu, Koto, 93, West Los Angeles. Uno. Elsw Masuyama. Elame Kaneko. Ber­ Birmngham. Karen Okita. 6 gc.. Sitter Hachi Oa. 2 in Japan. Shizuoka-bom naturahzed Menunants A Mwtsn tor All CemMerta tha Shimazu. sisiers-m-lawTokieGoto. Dons Kadoyama f1 SU-Chamoix. France U.S. citizen, survived by meceTakako Nomi. January 15-22 Nakata. May Yoshihara. Rose Hasegawa. ToucN, Masuyo, 95, Los Angotet. Oa. Shimemura, SumI, 86. Orange, Oct. 29; Ski-Paria Nagal, Noriharu, 85. Los Angeles. Oct. 19; Hawan-bom. auivived 8y ton Kenneth, Kagoshima-born, survived by sons takaaki. Jan 22-26 24; Waisonviiie-born. survived by wife daughters Elaine Cho. Evelyn Cigau. SNriey G&PMurakm.as«rta KUSHTTAMA SEKH-SHA Akihvo (both Santa Ana). Monumi.daught^ Masako. sons Earle. Alan. 1. gc. stsiers Umeda. n gc, 9 greai-gc , S sisters m Ha­ Terue Fiv' (Garden Grove). Mirue Uchihara EVERGREB4 HONUMB^CX). Waseko Kamiya. Berrece Mauukane. stsier- waii' «5« FkirtI Dr^ Los Angttea, CA 90022 (Jpn), Katsue'Moiodera (Garden (Srove). 2i m-iawAnnaNagai. gc. 1 graat-gc. Wada, Ber^i, 73, Los Angelet. Nov. 18. S3 PrketeMQihaTour Bus.:{21^261.7279 Rat.:(213)20-5555 Nakamura, Tomeke', .Tommie', Los An- SumiyeaN, Kumeyo, 102, Msson Viaie. Seante-bom. survived by wite Kayoko. eon Nov 6; Hiroshiina-bom. survivod by son Joe Douglass .daughiws Suaan Kamiyania, Gayte Wada. 3gc. broihorHiromu. aisiars Meaako Ray bhU. escort Y. daughters Nobuko Seki. Kazuko M Prkalass China Tour Smrmj (V CuMfimimily Hirabayashi. 7 gc. 12 great-gc Kuwaki, Yaeko Sutbw. atep-brothor Frod Isanxj, stop-sisters Eiko Yamada. Toahiko /brC>ner30 Years Tahara, HiUuo. 89. Lot Angelet. Nov. FUKUl Tsuyffloio. IT,nr’- i 2. Honoiulu-bom. survived by sons George. Fkiy Taked^aacert YabuU.SatQru,76,San GMvM.Nov. 18: « KyjK^S-dp.^ MORTUARY Hideo. James, (San Oememe). 6 gc. Hllo-bom. airvivod by wilePoggy. daughivs KUBOTA NIKKEI TakahasM. James T. 67, Torrance. Nov. Carolyn <3otabif. Joyce Endow. 2 gc. aMtors G 5 Phturakawa, escorts Hmm Fuiwara. Masae Sagara (Danvar), M Japan Cherry Blossom Tour 18; Calwnie. Nev.-bom. survived by wile sater-in-taw Mary Yabuta. Mar26-Apr6 MORTUARY Joyce, daughter Ooma Johnson (Whimer). Yamada. Yoahio, 87. Waw Los Angslos. BUI SAursi, escort 911 VENICE BLVD. son Jay. Dean (La Habra), three step-cha- i7 New OrbatsVississIppl 707 list Temple Snu PmUM dren BJGei.Mfr. (Long Beach). Steve Ogata, gc. ane gioai-gc 10 - 20 M.Mo(oy**u.A«I.M)r. Yuki Sale, escort «10 Satsuki Japan Tour Hay 17-M Ray Ishii, escort 1993 TANAKA TRAVEL TOURS «tt HawaiiCruiae American HoUda^Thivet ^ May22-28 EXCEPDOflAL VALUE • QUALITY TOURS r Toy Kanegai, escort 1993 TOUR PREVIEW HOtOU^OO WINTER FESTIVALS (Stam Snoe Fe«AtasM-Hyb f12 ConlnenSl Europe HOKKAIDO SNOW FESTIVAL TOUR...... June ...(iidays)FE66 G A PHurakawa, escorts FLORIDA DtSNEY EPCOT 8 NEW ORLEANS...... (9 days) FEB 27 Co-sporisor AsoN toTarnationoi Tiovel f13 ^ Tata Castle el Germany NEW ZEALANOJkUSTRAUA toduta Gm Btniv Reef) ....(17days)APR aSIBBEAN IlOUDAY CKUISE...... NAB 5 • 15 Jun 10-24 JAPAN SPRMG ADVENTURE (hckiM Fenvaf)...... (14days)APft10 NEW orii:ans holiday tour...... MAR 24-28 «^NTUCKY-TENNESSE£ TAXK TOUR (NnMIe Opryb iyUm)...:..{9dai^)days] MAY IS BEST OF SHIKOtOmUSHU (tabM $n etogaTtanat HAWAII IlOUDAY TOUR.. ..MAY23-29 ..(13days)MAY14 RaybltN.eseerl Alaska Cruiaa A Land Tow CARLSBAD CAVERN-UOfUMENT VALLEY (M SedonaC Car* Jun2S-Jul6 -.{6 days) JUN 2 BIlSakuraL escort CANADIAN RXWESWTOFBA (2» ymuSa PacHic NortlMesI -.n19-27 BEST OF EUROPE TOUR (U» Opnoncu ©xtGoson !o Pussio. NIAGARA-ONTARIO TAUCK TOUR (ItotaNOBawarNagaraWY)...... ALASKA IlOUDAY CRU6E...... -...------..EseonOoto Kono (10 days) SEP27 iKA llOIJ ..riuTB-lS Jul6 CHINA IlOUDAY TOIIRU... ..SEP 26-OCT 10 (borgaKattagai. escort SaknonH^ NEW ENCUND fail IlOUDAY TOUR (Tauck Tour) .SEP 29-OCT 6 Jul12-tS JAPAN AUTUMN IlOUDAY TOUR...... OCT 12 - 20 GAPMwakam.eaGorta Neva SeotoPrinee Edvard Isbnd OKINAWA-JiYUSIIU IlOUDAY TOUR...... OCT28 -iVOK 7 JUM5-2S gS,iaiiWia. TO IS 3 SO AMERICA JAPANESE HERITAGE TOUR...... OCT 30 - NOV 9 YuU Sate, escort Canadian Rockta CALL OR WRITE TODAY FOR OUR FREE BROCHURES SOUTHEAST ASIA HOUDAY TOUR...... NOV 14 - 27 Jul29-Aug7 HMy Mochouki, escort TANAKA TRAVEL SERVICE For infemtalion and r a wrlla or call: JapwFeslvalTour ’ 441 O'Farroll St. San Francisco, CA 94102 368 E. 1st St.. Los Angclps, CA 90(n2 (213) 625-2232 Aug 2-12 (415) 474-3900 or (800) 826-2521 ‘ • Kanegai. escort YAEKO . - laRrvar Cniiae 3913 V] Riverside Dr., Burbank, CA 91S05 (213) 849-1833 l-Oclt8 ToyKsnagai, ERNEST & CAROL HIDA (616) 846-2402 Ozta. fransrransen A Missouri KOKUSAI-PACIFICA R^TN^ escort New EnglandVFaU Foliage Sap30-Oct1S 1993 TOURS Michi Ishii, escort ASAHl GROUP TOUR MENU 1993 O^FalFoliagt J^Mn 0 ASAHIB AUEUCAR BOUDAr 8 2ND SNOW nSTTVAL TODR-RB B-18 Kyushii/ShfcekuTeur PANAMA CANAL CBUtSE-SONG OF NORWAY-----MDOfi See the 3 most popular events: “Sapporo Snow Fest*. “Okhotsk Ice- Ocm-21 Son Juan. St. IhomoB. Curocoo. Son Bias. Panama Conoi. Floes Fest* & “Hlrosakl-castk; Snow-Lantem FesUval*.^ Included Uauko Kobayashl.oeeort •2593. Independent S2193. MS^ashmgton DC Reunion Costa Pica & Acaptico Main Deck - Mid-ihip - Yuicle S204S Oct16-24 -OutscteS2245. ABABZ*8 SRD CElflBAL JAPAN 8PKDIQ TODS-AFB 16-23 George Kanegsi. escort Tokyo-Nii^ta-Sado Isl.-L. Suwa-Takato-Matsumoto-Cero Onsen- China A Oriant Tour MAS 19 SUPS TOUR-CHINA DB.UXE- 130oys^------SOIDOUT Takayama-Kobe. See Sprtngttme Cltnuut tn Ura-Nihoa Chubu Nippon Oct 4-19 & Kansal area. All Inclusive $2880. Ytikl Sato,escort MAS- 31 Spring Japan oid/orKorM- 1D13C^------From $2695 ftCraOR CITIZENS' HAWAS 8t OABD ISLAND* TOOS-MAT 6-12 Conkal Japan A Ura-NBMti Tou APS 14 DMUMOri#nlTour-I6Doy3------S2B96 Octt7-30 Honolu]u-Hik>-Waikola-)(ona-Horx>luiu. Anall Indualveeaooited 0i>up Ray Ishii, escort MAY 6 AusIrdkitNawZMiand- MDoys------$3996 tot^t^th tsbnds tours, city tours. NaUona! Parit Visits 8t a dinner show Discover South Amwicsi Nov6-.l8 JUN 15 Sumntdr FomPy Tour - Japan and/or Korod—From $2595 TAMAGAWA ONSEN ft TOBOKD 8PRZNO TOOB-MAT 2SB1 SEP 2 Eostom Europ* VMas -14 Doys------$3896 Take Tohoku Sh tnkansen to Morloka. stay In TamaAwa ft Yuze Onsen Soizburo;V«riria. Budapest. Krekow. Prague BBertn. . and enjoy tours to HachimantaJ NaU nc, Odatc, l^unodateft i«w» Towada. All inclusive $2395. IT ^ (Uteway S9 Nnr York, Now England ft Canada -,8 Doy*------$1695 , ASABI GROUP SOUTBBSN CARIBBEAN CRtW-JUN 6-13 SEP Hokkaido ft Tohoku Fal Foftoge • 12 Doys------$5195 Fly to San Juaa Puerto Rico to boanl 3& ITS-lon Peatfvale. Visit OCT UronDonFolFoRagt- IIDoys------=—$2995 of St. Tiwr^.^ Maaffm, Dominica. Barbadoaft MarUnlquc. OCT • Jo|}anDbcov8ryFalFoftog8-110ciy8- >$2895 NORTHERN HOEKAIDO 80IOIER TODR-JUL 1-^ NOV. - JopanFdllFolage-IIDays------Fly to Chitosc. visit Syjporo. WakkanaL Cape Soya. Sarobetsu, Asahikawa, Hakodate. foKoku-Shlnkansen to Tokw. All inchistve NOV > Okinowa, Kyushu ft Shkoku'12 Days- $2585. Independent tour $2140. TOBOKD GRAND SUMMER FESTTVAU TOOR-ADO »«- IMtamfc Summer FcsUvals ofTohoku: *Nd>uta MaUurT in Aomori. Al tours include • lignts. tronifets. poderoge. hoteh. MOST MDUS. Kanto Matsurt' in AkfUt & “Tanabata Stars FesUvaT In Sen^. All ind. sightseeing tips ft taxes and touring by prKote motorcoach. $2595. Indcpcnd. $2195. ^I'W L.i. TRAVEL Wot List accepted on sold out tours- (213)487-4294 12012 Avwiu* Fot information and brochures—contact: LosAn^M.CA 90025 KOKUSAI INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL, INC. (310)820-5250 4911 Womei Ave.. Suite . HiXiliTgton Beocti. CA 92649 ApRHl INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL, INC. FAX (310) 826-9220 714/8400455- From 213/818/310 Coll 800/232-0050 1543 W. Olympic Blvd , Suite 317 ______Us Angeles, CA 90015