I 1 . n. . : . 1 n —M . n r —. . « ! - Y \

MlS('ELLANEOrs, NEW YOUK IjoaisTille Female Institute, tf^tm I’lsrAer d^Srk^tr, timf-mf I/im> ^/--•»/Kefv. ffU For Sale. Walnut ftwU between twrond and Third S„. m .V« S. Peltengill Sc Tli^ Hv •lling-llooM' ai»w rt^ni From M. Co., : t l*t RrN<: r«ct>r«Hrnt!v Ibf mtk tr FKTIMNutlisi xff, t>4 p arr tbr but and most f «alMKTif4-r« are *••«- pr»|«red t«> ngrr for thr ia«peeti.>n Al*w. f«r r^kt. tht e^'The} f>r mdil/ eiroutatcd I fi R attention • ill hr m»uac4 ji>orii*li> tbei «aada«. fdanlm in <« Sainr^arv m I Ihater*. and other* tradinr in in the United >tate# and Jeffersonville Railroad. rm(ioe«fna«inTimdm J'e- Nnstral r? k i ... *rc4 lo.hir Ereiflit IhrWKk t»< l.riua.ti T Tnmdai I artielei. tb*T inf rnutu n, in.iuirr . f th« fan. c. mmenrmd V* hi Railroad at the full' winf: rat«:a- •neh^.tTr! 4.^ ( Ita«ae«. - l*laiiiklieluincl. » i.Mral MwrtiMi I DSr MiniH. TV |>«HiMiiie t On ietrla>«. 'hieta. yer lr«an Aeefirdt»ne, Saahnm«, / EtlRGE HoIm»FTT>. WIHil.F.'AI.ETIN-rLAXr Worker ) rUU kt. ae. 2.^ ri^wl Wtwummm < •met'n-i^Ma.n* It and Japanner in a^n^ral. Importer and tioiM ela4«. eu. per ii>U)* fceiM . ^'4 IB the hnildinc IUFte«. Manufactnrtrof i.-. and Iron Verc^anta and >tber« will find this t)i« ni<.«t rvliahU r>n*et«< No 445 hnUtr. « Ckrwinnt j Main street, between Fifth and Sixth, A.IbMWi!. Italian dr. ih^ M II. M k%l MT.. KF%% lOHK. and from I'lO' lunati, avoijin/ anv LouisTille. * CO. Mnna*. lonr dela\ a aai >a> hy I d ^ 1 lliebe*. aimn;:enient« with the rns and Metk I- and I* w wa»e r 0«r )arrhrated man- rJ-r. ir.m » 4i.u«r, will Wmiu.J,-.!.. Oral and Obl«>nr Di^ht’orrra, F- r fnr!h.-r »nf .rmit»..n. apply at the Mil iniJ.i. per* • afat orer* la CnTv.|tt are »«rb ae ta enahl. «• to *rli ru(4* at Je(fer« nville RaiJ- ’ " Ovtar<-n and ronnd Tea and fMlTe# pwia, |^*ad OfAee, <.ii a'.rtb sid<- ibeir h «r*t |•rlee« and we ran Mfer ••nr rn«i»m«>ra the adran- >laiD 4tr«-.*t. l-etw.. n S. road and ®- Henry Co., Er.: Codhre. Nnr'erv Innif.#. Third. I.MniaTillc, -r at I»r|sti Holrlek Melli i fi A »»r. • f«rlretin« fr>«i an entirety n v and rar«fally aeleeud tW at Jefler* .nvtUe Tiovr.**' H'aterr.e ler<. T..iM Seta. de. %Ullla*M Hel» SSS.BASTV •t..ek. Heinr in the market at seaeon* "«ffl"dtf X r. o*«lU)KSr 5ui.t A - all vitk tnc < a«n ll:irlfoi*(l t'o.N f'ar|M‘l^, n. II va* a« arded the ftrat pn minm at the New V«rk t'ry«- read! to ae -eft .f any iMb l«.ta of food* that mav ofer «e ran tal I'aUee for I'laniahed Tin Ware and Water t'»o)rr« varaiu-t afford •tt«rt*>tiitio< of karcain* in many artirlrV. TI RED ,.T a tflr-mx e >tni«eiiti»n<. wlM-n-bv hedarur* him«r|f thnt in k*ran **“*r 'ernto -f t'arhart c«oi«taat!; d Needhame’ eriehrated Mela- M'DEiniOTTS. ' PaUnt I vnndr m attend lo THOMPSONVILLE, CONNECTICUT. ty of hnish r>t- Ware i« e.|uai. if nut aojortur, tu abi«>tS»r CLll'FOli'U.&CO anlw dan . rrKlilN 74M,|l.\r)| and tnmuh i AM> t mi. Imwrten. H..M.IW.U mannfaeCarr- « Fnianm iirn l'4l ) june2:*d<'>m \o. .y:»0 >I.iin r« ana i:^d:tm N., y; M«tden I.anr. N%« V.Tfc Hireet, beUseeii Third and »iloni i and aft. r Ad/o*t 7. I*^'4. T rain* wiil rnn in • •nnceti ii M r,\i JACKSON & SON BiththeTrains f thefMiic. and Vi-e.-sippp, A.M Tl RF.I;- UF W Ka lfSMd f..i d'WH iat« 1‘rmetpa:- S7 Itruudi inuati and with all tram* fr ni Indianai- tii 1 , g (Or Twi: LATr. rina or W d N. Jackmix d f .r all th< ftttf/ j±VW I i|i:‘leiti«« -rth, , 0 'oftptr, (’AKI)S, *• N and Fast. Tin, amt She*- I k. Teacker «*f ln*trwi..ri iT:M>KK >1 AKFIfiS, HM'u;o. ANH THE EAST- mplete. n- whieh • in f all .•A ^ .TeoeiK-ruf Ancient l.4i.roA^. A toCi.i l.en> ’« md the Ute«« » .dehted to the .^Ute . f J«ners..ntille tural J. N. G. ttief, dee d. (: p|K»^ita l.on'-viUei at T-'clti-'k \. M tenee* eqae«t* d tM 24i> iitre*‘t an»l 930 IJMl* fMrward and par up. and Front Broadwav, M . Conner tin,r at I ndiana|^»F« w ith ull TTORNtr .AT L.t li «' trams di- \ A . Tt «. ktiT uf y.4r-T. Ijinyuaree nnd llalk- those harinr a»« against said i-stat. niU pr M-nt {i»eir tills inrfrMBi thateity. Fa*e*nfer4l.t-thts7.^.)f.traina.' b\ faithfnil. auoad ' infen< Jur NFAl lOUK. ans wtt ki onMsntmd snta 'fs kid, settlem* nt J. St tlie samerveninffatt'hira^iM « XIOH.ILsO'W TT! H. .AaIs..( ',minkSoi c nmd irntMcni H IIROEIM.K »t I’. M. XNTATT I aeher Y.aal '1 < of T- of liwsir. t*rawioc. and dim A VE r»'n4tan»lr n hand rT'*rr ran* ty Grate* and T- nd- . SkilWta J.' .Tl R \ I \ t; I. rare ludianap lts and Lid«. Odd I ids. Mew I'oU.Waeh It. byoepnaiti. naadm-kn. after the arriral -'f the k- Ir a< U . . » ii. . « . ai'« Mailm er*^. also nrcnlar and A^narv Oenuan Silver t.raiT^. •Id HBof fWMly ndeefftiotws w ill c«nen*4 ngodlt n I fr-.m rhicaiT' and the at ru*t..mersaad the puhlio in rmerai. -f W Ka-t 11 A. .M . and 4 V. M„ arri- rhankinl f-.r pa*i fav.’-r». e,, rtbeprrsoull Whoh.ale dealri* supplied. »o od * . nr k—In m. jun«12dl> at J«-S.-r'MbTille •< nnd nH ntkrr nd4«etin«. ou. n<^ at 4 and I' R . < Ikmr aornUr Imsinwi. no ngffwd fur. u- kr |«a*4 Isbskal ab4 t oBiHicrrial vkoolf Tilt* Peo|iU‘'K ItiMik. R riNri.V.NATI A.M» THE E\4 »wnm» I It St 1 M . I 4m I* ndeif»isemsnu.%i>enRs' nnd e»^ N '^TITITItiN OF THE I Nnrn >TATE'^. OEtl.ARA M and** r. M The** tm,n* are •» OWIXWBW fnfcmt m 4ietne,ikentneal. otrenOpur 'PHC see.^aJ Jt. p. 4^t). ye»r, e>e«eistinc -f f rty-tw.' oet'ki TltiN rtliENi'E. WA«i|| .A^rxei. U’an.cy <3-oocis. making thive wnncrtiMn/ for i WW...V Mmilnr OF IM>f and INt.ToN s FAKF m. iniuti. arnriur in Large Stock of at I.»W (.«« ^ kr fmtdieM ki tkr >«nr. 1 and ti.eiati at f-«r 'i|«art. r». w ill r>uwmen..- ,« Mua WFI.I. .AIi|)RFV'«. inst paldisbrd in large Bv**.. hear* paper. t • make all o 'nuet-ti .ns Fast. J. A. I . IIKKIIIA.V, Wl. If 'rrhul. iMhawf. ta4 Mi dsi 1 . Ssrf.wmt^e 1" Si' pAg>-«. n Ni;->l.«;aTe 4 •* 4 4. illustrated with ffue |..»rtraits »f \A'asbiu|h«*u and KM Ihcinu Iti atCtuand l(» A k* >U MIKRTFUS mad » l...|,i>..l. D.^»lT« in lllll'«EKEEPIMi X.and ^ pmetiee in tke « Vts • Tuition a! 4 I* ' ^uiirt*r. f«i «14a in ad vane. J. Sei>*Ni Mil tinted |•n|•er. I'tm'c vMk. 2.*e«nU; i^i'er «-oviiilE.\M ViKMiD'.Ail llnailwnj. .N irata a* Ali knaiaemeatrwsted V.- ELli(iAi\T .A.M) F:\S11 1 Apfi{> tu iki lYm i^I.at tke > '..lul-riMmi. or attWre«i 12 S eeutt. i'ntlery. lO.N.ABU'; AT THEIR NEW WARFIIol >E. ^ilteraod Flatf d WaIv. JspariiKri . German Mlvrr and I'lRMTUtl dencr uf Mr i C Ila>ns0pr.>| . I .nrti. street, betweei t Mn-idc-ring tkr style in uhitdi this >< i* «m kook is r*t *p. i auh>.K'> anp .T! Kfaui «t« Hritaimia Ware; i iupeiUMn. Khamtied, and Irfti H- II w I'ki'stntil sad Ur>.ndwa4 of tl»« rpisri ST a* well a* one of the ao»T tl Wjks eVer , f|*pesite the Ware llrmied. t J'per. and llrass te»4s: llackins .A|»p4nitn<. WHOEE'^AI.E ANI> J. r pnblishrd Park, KETME. M'l NCER, A M PrinEiinl. Tin. W w.d, and Wi11m« Ware. Ilnisiios. iiats. Uaslivts. Kefrig- aUdtOiet N KoM\'4iN. a B.. Assistant. Filieral terms t.. tkc Trade. B-««ksellcrs. send <*r 4 ••wr<>rders erat'.r*. >|»*rtii«^ Tst-kie. k’’. Ourst.-ck has f- r • ar< past hwea tn eke |.nMisker. Tllo'^. I RF.KE. e«{H»l tfi and Dmw suri>assrs lu tanetv and eaten* an> similar J «f* M Nae«an street. New V ^rk. estaMishnunt in the cMuntry. and wiU k> s^ld at pn«rs defying J. M. STOKLS m. «Urktrd & A >mitk. > , N* Rrlisble SON B Affente wanted O. sc-ll the akuer buc-k throngh- t iuraprtiti.ib. l*,T If..,., .....At , . _ ...... tl A 'mith. •nt tkr e»«Btrv jvISdSm Foreign Staple \». Mail! street, y and Fancy llry huods. The aitebtiuB ..f IlMiiseke^ per* and Mer« Kants Is invited to m o|i|Misite the of Keiituckv A .indeiwba, (.'iaeinnati. onrst I thr.r . «B manulMtun-, ih. l.r.v.t THE EAGLE MANUFACTURING CO.. J. A 0. IIRKRIA.V, u i wwt » i„i , M ANUFAill R£K^<»F RICH SILKS. DKKSS GOODS. marl4dly frH Ur adway, N* w V*rk. SHAWLS. ilirit 4nui #v7T//r#ii# ItICOi iTKI.I.KS 4!\1» 4 OTOIJ\F> RIBBO.NS. GLOVr.S, KMBUOIDKRIKS, i'ttritiiHrt a *“ ' V po w c K- LOO . AVHITK GOODS, &.<„ '! ^ “* "•' >.d .t 1 f « .^wi, „ 1 ' F trawld eall the attebti<>n af the trade to the go'tds of our They Will olPrthef IP ningEavlasiv. N .TeU.es, which e. «- «* BaattfaetKi . nhs- k •'om|n*e A lar.e vanetv of patteras rise the newest fashionable • Iioscnooi), >I 1 and m- «t b-e t ilioi; i\v, VI AI.M T, VMM |ir.|{|0 in«v n wmhiaati..a m| e«>b'is switabl. fifTthr/teWst work. f i k> >ATI.\ rilF.N'E. a styl^ ..f gnuds •umbinin/ thi- rieh- lda«li(‘«>' Fahi'ii'o liOuisville and Portland Also i hairs, flocks, Sprinc and Shock Hattrrs>M>s. Tnmble A Bigger, aee--l KrneateUe With the dwrai-ility of ITm>h, w i4 hav- Railroad. i.ookiu«-f. TTORN^hTTo.v.w huh f»r the coming A.NDt or.\>Rl.|.nK> at s«as .a. 4 it "* >B. twi.h.w.ll r lA laic SricRtifir School. ing an immense kal« fur wiih „mil.ir jnicD. Baanli-'' a. <•«. n Krodway. between LETOU E IVAt.i UtAHMi, Ellll.'*'’ Market I Kiiriiitureel |»liolster!i ’•* a4tea*i»nn. thu .s.iwtiun . ^c. t - ’*• r*smbtr !.A stttl e. siii.Si^ f.mrteen » , i»HAE hi. OHALiM:. *7^ 1 Ui tiieir «as« la tn^ Orxtoixrot-lAdrvltox-s’ enaatiAs -f Me* rae e eidtirs- « Ti.S.SfE AVif .ii run^/mivt Jiijltt JVtrvtor*lrvl« Ti euntnd f * Fattcra* given to ihusc that wish lu hi. n Hi/t /E, 'PIIE Frunriet- r « f ifu!- Mediums a ill state, wikliout sita- — uf Farr. TaU. a.Gra»^, < I A h« •>ch as Af thorany and KMepw>»d MarvnaU, LiSinislim, r A I. I'lank . A '•n*-er*. T >-'fa .'*prias*. Hmr h;-a',ar * «»ntinv pe« uliar sty Ws tie ir •>« n trade. THIVoLa of «<. 1I'D,-*,i 1 d. t1 ..- ak .a/ *. ! 1 W ftoTU, 1 tin ur fear CMntradu'tiMn. that ike Stauplpk MfSTini 'I'll IUirf;ll pa«sare on nr sod A araisb. f I.., . Mmaibu* lAseni* 1 A.'., r •vh> at rMdu,xd pr...s, ii . '' N>I1.MM AN M. LL. U . 1*ruirs^ Fric mack in** than c»4s of f 'reign manafaetory. MOiHE HE i\iHAhlS!, has cured a* .re per».-a* wWre it has latrinluced 1 umnihes Illy '• thiin .ny . vitker nay. eeniw 4l«-any Nu. 4 Fark nace. otlier f<>rtheahuve N. V. HohEs hr. sEt ju s/r. medicine la uss diseases. This mrilinuc Thr.uigh |>aA-e'---.r' g> iQg'd ‘wn and wsy pa»*^n* A. NnUToX, M A . I*r- r.»«*c -T < h’ls Sci.r-RcuiLATiKi, WiN'DMii.L. I>am«4 iua«ii*d-Am s > MAK<1I. Agtat in atti anther .Arsmic B*>r ifuinm- in its rom{ta>siitua— all nf tbe • ay ar- re>,uire.| I |e«v — Hal- wldck the nti.tu of the trade is parii^ulart.v iavited. the dnv. r uf- i, Mterii.gth^ ingredi.ats are i.f a |«rf«clly healthy chars<-ter and highly rbp*ueh |siAsen:;ers TTORNtT- liSav. refaaiur in < a«h and Ar t h«>i-rs will t« tarnislied with a an obarurr rouutrj: vtllaer^. f-AMr- |i h'.N.A I.I., Silliman «•! class will bad it t-. their iniTeot to cv- car tick D„ Frufe**.? N’ninrb! eliainlating and lBvig- nmtac <*«r assortmeat Wforr pnrchasiug. as «e liflu v> in (miat l.llii^rMn. Coom^icut. baa dottr ntiat while Using this modicia*- will nut Iw affe«*tsd by tin 'll ffAu f tn- of extM>su^• to and after Augif t I. I passer,?. MkNJ AMI.h nwTelty and sl \ U it i« an^urpaitsodl. V4, r« a ill be . v MUIMAN. Jr . U. L» . rrof«««ur of Cemral Paleiil 4f acliinebireli'lied l.eatli- water or a aainp atm >>plu re n<> mure tlun n hra la their usual furnish tli. exart « hai.£e. world of arcluniTE ha.r aouflit for id lam foi nnff W have the Messure to sat that the ia«'rea«rd faejlitie* of "Uirra i*.- thri- a ill ».e c Ap’ he4 s|re and |u nts f- ri-mnrim. ka« imriitrd JOHN .A F.iKIfttt V .As. IYefe«mr.4 Aanlytiixl and fr ight lines, as well as the upeuin:^ r'way pas«AC Hr and put iu .^ucrr><.- anff Af preiailswill du well tu adopt this mediefnt, a* tbe patient is Ladies. *'f the new < auada ronte. within the past months, few will But obliged tu tal oprration a W'liidmill TV ouj, PalnU Bunds in (Ac Country. lie by while under treatment, and they may be I'i witb •ii/-fmr{i*e aaiid. enable Miir friend* IB the West tu receive their gund* uilheut 'PM Ifiititutifa I* Incated ive mil«« ea*t -f l/•Qi«rille, ••! •f tk** w t Ac "‘t. A*.scu»nMf a spLCi.rcure. The proprietor culd iBtr,»duee llie nnfurtatikt* delays *.f |utti..i*s PitUburg, I the t.exiB.'t.sa anil built bj fire 'IIEl are BuiUe from tbr br*i oak-tanneJ leather, sea- a* a.^ ddw Philadelphia. lurupikc aaJ railr«.a 1 . an>i every 4er. "t ik. hra aeka. taught. F aa4 th.*- thousand* of cvrtibx-ates fri.a these >4 the highest rsspeetabil Baltimore, m‘nt wf It u aui phwd ith lUMHEKilAL tlsr 1 tw«gl>i' »trrtebe4, remetitcff. unJ riTeird tugether. an4 « .-..mpetcot and -xperieuxcd fe-uk- INMK.AMi: thr diaoM4ar of tbr wind wbrri trn fi^rt. r- la n«e. rnl dc|>«rlnivi ity. but prefer, ssying t the sick, buy »ae iH.tile and )mo will New York. C aiiHHi> etratgli', at,4 -r ' ma4 : with a |•e^fe«t hug I*. th« Desirable Property near LouisviUe for have M ari r>ton. tbe lufalliUe pr.uif iny>urself. Fall directions for its aevt it ba« b«o« ill oprration for kia montba witliuui pnllie*. »n4 w arraBtc4 !•> W ~ hra|.r»«e »rticle a*i4 t.ipleaan The Bsiin « ill x' lmmcai-efa tbe Am M^mJay la Se|- Sale. use accompany each k>>ttle. X Withdrawn all *.| |i«rrb«*> r. ran be the They ka4 tiarb-. 4'brd to il to repilalr tbr »aib. • The andrreiraed, beibg dr^ir*.« the piiO'-ipAl Dmsgistterervwhere. Wh»»arv arti. lcB int he Kev. liFO KF' KFrT. Frin. ipil line— h, oHer- iou«t U addressed MEMiA 111. EEf'kEK. Suit ls-?-afA*r »fi-e ii.oe tl*e eit, . Fr..iris- 2S9Blet" wi«hebtAarll hi* pre .t |V«ideB Mr. A. .A >!• • It ruD fiTtr-b data at omt Uotr w itluxU atop, nil- a44re^aln^ H II MIlEL. Fateatre. FKI>F, Fr »,>>ir f M>wleni I lairua^m and I-e.*- lo«*r;fttiuft, Gr^ti ** 1 .. b«‘tAA«^ii First and kl tor*. T* Ur^adway. New V«rk. ^PP^whtrb lie« within half a luil. luref ’li llidtorv. janelSdTm Ferry «* . day or niftlit. and it ba» stood tbruudi mmot liar-', » , N A’. HaV UOMI A FaTTFN, t.MuUviUe; 'Pill lit I. »e«aiw(, . dtrwrt. in a line with Fir^t btr. . f '' ed FTi * ' - ?L.» .n*: i'ofiun wil’ rtMnm*ne* •• Aim- * luenilwr T thr ‘^iitgiag 'wtrty of Kerlia t, A.;g>iT*-v II ^t. r^ pfvmiecd • Hlaxxu^ L uis; ! tlic ,:ai< s; 1 nap. ^e|4 4 A I fiiit. a.imAwr Tk«- arc earn that wt-re f'-rmeplv uwned anti ibrbrautyof tbr iU|>ro«nbrflI i>. tliat it d .f t •ard- r* « an tx- HI IMIOOFfhAFI {( . S. HiRhSAi.i. • ' AA i'lneinnati juae • d in*M tke t.nwul% * III. t'rtn.:|ml. .sccnpied by m F. 1 b”ma*«i>n. Ciq. Ihs-rrari’ arrrn K F r imi w|->n which ar«* c>iD*i4fri d very at Al rti.u a «.ri4W'J>t t t.. all ne'^^naary inf«w- u wr ..f the i*ria- i)-al, • h- m letu . ma’i f iw,w«*tiar tkr valualilr. ctmeiftihg a larr. well-tnilt hri- k 4welliar-b«.cw. 2U half cheat* extra fine )># dirvtwst will, tbr rd^r of tbr «in^ lo tbr wnal.ajtd in*t.te* m. can had hv • l'F.\— Uiiai>owdcr f< r *ale !• mav at l. •tli•vl^e Ptwe if a^ .* allmr at tk> HAwIm r 'iwea» McFarland a co.. dunCaiaing h'nwiud lieRid*- ha.*l« "rch.*, the I tinei|«l. |Gx aad brick f.*wI-bownr, . WM J Atki s i>. | •I l>ilb th-y rra'iuallt .-n>umr tlirir po-ition foi rthraot i “-i - eBiisk* M AlHI N I.AXF, NFAA V<»RR. bri k -b -ua. . large ie«-h'-u»e. *tab|r, cow-bi.u***, carnage- i.n.l... rh.sr' f . For W INF!*— vr. thu snt mh-r r..ms. Sale. Dickson Gilmore, honM*. well . . is MM A a itriillr brrrz It .o ront:ivrvine«. do F-.rt d..; al*- - plna,-, p,-atb> t r--tlii>- Iia''i*a»s tU s.L .^*C s.f nLa-k t.“ til- « itbout change t • f «aid "•tlulv a I.V da> car*, an«l aft.r ti , Mad W ithtB a witiiout tuonirul'E uaruitifr ee. |war* quiaee*. ra>pl i Madeira Wine, fl„.rs s,.el..k, ! itaiiiuay tree*, ahntb*. lb* ev.-rgrei-B* are remarkably Main KM. hVr. ‘tsl,", Ih'S aer y .'f 1 tnd nia-urpoe- OF HAKTFOKI), CO.W ‘4E14EWA«o l.r-mO.m*!, Ileivr.wfwc anmeroun. aad Wat- »is I -sii.Tlvaiiia r.-ntral R.iilr .a.t, aT;i..’,-tt..k ** bv any IxMil in tl*« auir-uaiitss •-.ua-- Tlir mmtioirfd lias larci .‘.ii M BS-1 ar’ mill drawii watrr froBi a , and beam iful, vary me from rkl to f«-rt la raight. I that «4.«r *afe preaervfsl my b.mk* aad The «'* t II ARTKIIKP ".7 I-.’ - sl- k and .aim.nu* vl anuifia huh «tate >I •'uUtvati'in, writ oltr th* bre |a*t bis’bt. ty wkii h ev«*rvtbtuc work III irndiB? and Uwlder.nr Firet -tret !•* Kenta>'ky L" twrnl..ru:bt frrt drrp, blllldrrntraet 10 ca*k'K Jaiilhn s and J r*v iGr ((ttAlity, and the-atire il«t «.s« «-•sn•alne4 aad although it wa*ex- and i* n*.w prncre««ing rapidlv\ r N t'orax : «Ov dT ARt ** Ra.Ir .ad •I diataal. it . arr.i.uji. .N, A<‘.. and la kae m:nditisaa. . .ytl- and form! into a siuall rr-rrtoir n, inteiiwe and thr dirt road fr»m Kentui ky *treet <»nt t-i this pr>jierty w til 6 do llermaa do, w x„rk » irr b- heat, tt* ...atenta remai bed r i laid be a verv ruof one. the br,ag 5 d. fanu ar all new aad ‘i tbe verv tbr upfirr part of tbr barn, sulfinrot foi w itb Itttle re|*airiug. w ilL 1 th.ftk, an- cronnd high and dry. Thi* pr» i- h M.l.dy do; all fai v, lOmin.is. and luvr-hMiiw a|MDe Iskvlag f^iCt nee *ev*-nl erty i« . .•a*idered very d<*«irab|w eitUr f-r a r»'*lamr- .iran ia- S N d . F A. liAilevin 4* .’nae; Davtos purposTs. Carden irrieatiou, aral -lot' to .',iarr.'* c- !;»truftn n " f tt. Th« are alas, viit- T JENNY. Jr., 3S d> MbUiua do I iitwburt - «'**.- **^*-1'.**^/ 12 M x-D < k aii.1 Vituii..it.4 ript- 'r ai.d f the lats-ni S ’ Tbr co»t of aueb a mill « ill U and i-w Ud* 11 S-«tk Wilham *t. S Mena. »*y d -, dark: midnight and b'«*. tb- »ftrracv>B.f . .«*. rtaMe ni-ht * n«t r> “ rh. re u npMB the farm one .ume bv . S d-», J al> ; p«im,t- aiMl pipes about It is rjrxalrd on IpUa aut baliiw. .-.. a A >% <-a«ka Finet tt •. IvFel's, u SCHIEPFELIN BROTHERS o k and.wi miiiut* «. I . & CO , miJnirlu. pUbU. all the hw«t iittality >f -viv Mapir oak poat a foot Mjuarr. tbr liim rirrir 1^-. T » the«e favorite brand* 1 invite the aitea ‘B.'BS.I. t.ysl.i. htla iirhtj me hear. ng conditi..a. T'> r- i' al< ' -a { k.i.r.n t- H II O 1. 1 : N 4 1. 1: l» I <; 4 ; I ST S will guaranty Ibcai ure. and • ffer them r«rsh,-.|~.Ils K • aup,)ortrd iron brarrs. ( IS.-, r-.ang rvh^r.1, c> i.tataiar ab. at l*»aj ti me by Thr wmes at*- $5,CX>0 l•uu'ht ,,, , , Wauled. iu the Eaxtd-rn or .'^•utbxTU luarkei. *,'1 ,' ‘-“"•i rtl,. .'|. i.. sr II,.,'... tad •, *tt<-h a* appt'. pear, |«aeh, cberrv, and . u, d-'-r p madr of lo:ie>ti.diiuiJ iron bar. tbrou|:li NKW YORK, MER nf our* wiahe* to G>rrow fr*>m $2 alii the b. 1. n me A. i.ibw'td •ujb • ZANuNE. II i.a \A alniti «trs^» t. I An Ll.ti b.'iid >f th- G ,t -.1. td 1 nr.lycar*. U ill pay a librxal ioten-at and giVra wbirli nil! auall rod*: upon Uir-r rod narrow Have renioved to No. 170 William street. tbe pr>. atvd both tu tin* aotrv atid •a real r*taG- ly ing near tlb- nty for t«.. orthre< FARE. . ^ a|M>a thd farm »cr. rol bev. r-fathns -j t ij.iB r iDCianati tu Fitt*kiiry, boards half au inch tbirk arr btled. bolr- bru^: • ORNEROE BEEkMAN. onnl a- •e.-anty. and aill pay intere«t anaaaitv hr«t elv** 1,1 57 tb 4u ai-aadao<*r • f w.«tvr, lad I h4 ulh . and Will give any relereni-e a* to characGr bore.! tbroHcb from rd^e to r, I in Fars|>e and the F.x»t Indb *. and al«o Fr» nch an« the wat> r of which I* X' • Ileat aad a< to*rttier bx nuts oo tbr nais of tb«' rods. RAVt KORT rir.Ul. RealE.UteAgtrit*. Tbi' Ihfli.b 4 k rtlts-r t I tlFMh ,A|.^. FEKFI MKR\ . T4NIT1I. N.AII.. an. arlH-mlur*. m-^aiiv ..f th^ sa'-*RE Rrw: II Fifth «t., fe>nl ..f t'TR.A|*^ Fan* aa< Binville, hy., r W. Fri'-e, Jr., I. >. r»Bi TrisMe MAiNGf.-. t'liRk^. mi.aF-, gc., the* offer them «•! arl:irrs not tobr furlrnatle term*. 4 irder* either ib pv r^.n or by mai: nati lUmiTt.a a arr throw w ill re ^iTc n up rder tu tbr w iihI by a i rr, iii;;r- th'ir be«t atu ntb n jane 1.^ dl2m •f ltr>ada the addiiiuE, i* the larrcat .%v and I •treet* under tb lN«*'iruvr awch a* will ta*are a f -rmut and t**t armuced Hot. 1 iiious and simjilr J." MIlF'l.KV.i lr->ad iiitus arranermmt of tbr In 'land, , luariutirrr. and the saboenWr brge leavo to rail . At v*snv»***.g neevowar' f •r g-.od m-a and a-e*al b Fourth and filth • wbirb Samuel L. Caverly, U. It* uaraiii^ bt arraarem. at* and -afe rioraccoiu- obxiatrs tbr errat obpudjoo to wuidiniri' at fCiXtIl street lirp *. 1 he farnttaiv if m*de t.s Combine atiiity and eon- am Tartar uii band Crab Oi chard Springs. for farm purpoars; Wh Jcanle DeaU-r in tbr nrmnity of rotiktant with laxariow* ea«e and »iinf >rt. drawiag- , FAINTI.li I'A1I> ANlt TUH^. WttOD and The tuu*i elwgantir apfesinte.!— . •uprrxistoa of Um- sails to suit i(m> atrri^b of Ware, Uaaket*. Mat*, 4 .fd^je, T* lac. W.ckinr, the nai** f rv m* wrll- furtatuilie* and large travelinr partia*— the tbr w’Ukd. .3U4 Green Wickstr.-et. New 1 ..rk f?2 dig tUei- iibeatw .simm -dioa* and well-\< nulated, aad a large * . f them •B|-fdir4 with ('--ehituaG- water Wind Is uisdoubtrdly tbr rhrapes* powrr that vr*'a Buhanow A|.(da*, achuicc and r.- •rt w ill be made by the |sr«>priet--r tu ooatrthate to thi a fansrr uar, ai'id, tv.-d aud fs«r *«le bv k.g- ,\«wva*tlr Sttdajurt raa notw itbstaiidine f hi* gae»t* whilcnu^oumiiig received HVK'M. IMTKIN. k Cryhn.‘k More-li aae ( lately ocewpv fare rheaii«t.i' Windmills swamps may lie drained and iipUnis by /an..t.. on Third street, hetwe n Main and W Uulf il.. ter Tbi* hoBse will hr n-nled W}- b g‘-d tenu* t" ... irnealrd. W’bal ’ ST. an advantaer would br thr Ut- g>s.d tenant by aj>plying *uoa itl.UkN >IRl F- LOUIS TYPE FOUNDER .lo tl'N fr«ita •rk. k. K fnoiiVtutfal- t. ' II. such a druuebt as prrraiU now in many I K .ANK ( ARTER, Hxh’her > rrffocry; •rk. ^*f ('orwer Third and Water street*. Iiud«>(tt riVrmtca parts of tbr country, brsitir tbr er-at amount ol PAEEIJ \YA!IEllorSE, frrtiluuie smtler in watrr at ail timrs. Tbr New York Store. E J. MARTIN A 4’4» urarr >. First and Main « windmill . II could br uaed too for all efit'diiK of Unrh lb . INiInnry 4..|M»«wn«. Great Hedurtion im the Priret of ' ‘ * “ eiain foi fann use, driwu,; tbe will be f aad at waee at rair*«, 471 Main street. URV CtKIli.s. FAKFKTS. 4*|I. 4 |,rkof Taffe- ING GtMiDS and cbiim. pumpinfr tbe water from tbr writ or I pc i'uuudcrsaud rsimmebre at th> .Ni . nsfvirtnii.in at«b tbH*« rtver* t., i.tbwr pnibt> ta End Satin RibG.nrwf all width* and odofw, t« which VV'*rk.1. >t-‘re. f«a Monday. July U ) Dealer, in Paper, vl 24. eonttnoe till •#*T»keth. .-ar at Jeff- spriiti; —oftm our of tbr bardrst kinds of labor f nart; • ittsirvin . f rbt. rinc mt. the avi c tbe att* attow uf uar ra«t* «»er* and the eitv trade g> and tbe l*i «»f September next. VAe Mhnati. ai 13 ha^ibi * n- for further —4 U. I..,u. u., ibf*»rm vtj> a. 1 srlliwg i'mU i* invited t# t:.i» •|•|wl>rt«blty ly tll'IsANEl iMiAA _ - »t.<>k 4#f -piibg «ad ffi**e !i* aG ve aoout tbr bousr. I.mpud *t MARK. . A N>. manure, and tbe ioli<: l>ef»re ••ar iri*yrtif J aa P/. tj ;. and th» llliawi* ('en'ral Kailrmd ('••aipanv fall pareba***, and in *o d-’iug Wt feel Ticket Agent. Shark.iUftf, rxerement made of lujuid, could br srnt o enter into A4,t» 4 II EOF— 1 ewae Sap-Sago 4 h a*«* Twecivcd pcr*teai w. e«a off. r ‘n|s rior iadui'emrat* to cn*- / , f ssJ.T.r, tbroucb Irad ne piprs by tbr samr power. .TfaiHuii ,s.i-t. » r •» W. BURKHARIFT. ide* '-f >nmmer >ilk*. tlrenadiiK *, tirrandie*. I ., r. Iu». lT.s:ii.i Usl.. El s.r. Insurance We do eameatly hope for tbe aucceni of tbi' aadftrarvd R- ro;i*. rags R..he«. 543 slrt***t, -fee) dh.*? on Nemoee. > lEay addrmacd t» the inderauned. at U Floaured Main l>etwt*t*ii Svt'uint andTliirtl. artiele u«ed in a Friating (i£t 1 THF--c -s.f .a .--.UGr 4 t*. Funt*. 4'ro|H I'RINTs-S22 ca*«* English l^iat*. direct 11 ^bawl•. Iron Railing, Verandahs, Balconies, latelv madeoddi — oma- 'I'll E last opp.,rtiinity b> diosv{-»*-y kaki’s . tnrv-.t pareha**- gtsid* a »•. •rtmeat Wl 1 n i^s M‘ I |e«rtAtiun, t«r sale I' ts.rws- Urst.sc, Ilin/.-. IV Iks-k .lad N-w»} V bt RRA1.1.. Freo't by I le** than r. M K -r', r.. .. Tv t e ;?ular pri. «* will »* all .rdt-i ivRs.-- ment but a tbinft of nsrfultiear to many Arnrri- nr Ib^lw f Iw^t selected *t-ck of t'arpvt* and raraithing I. a'c-IlssA, .SU hs*. r E. 'ri.i Ill.t . I „ < (».. iin *c. s . R R JAMi> LOW k Main month (.Augiut). s.ui.lrU. ( 1 ibd in any house si, «*n«* of ' V . I'ss.s in the W« which will l»e add II Kailin r.v, » utb side f J ffxrsou,i German ace* ran farmers. —A. Trikmmt. There 1* yet la ihi* tie- Ir ManutavU 22 t')uii |*«r ('eat. li.i* than *toek a ffae at- TU.« sr. hy any other dealer* r - ru r -‘f Thif'i and He- e. tirdxr- fr -m a diatj ,U tlw ,sth..n.,.| sir-st. ..f ^rted qualtUa* received fuitabl. f..r fall and winter, a.* tbu wriacEpal Trt*« UNTRV am*. whi« • Hlll.MlW W.XRt IU tss, r- r. — s..- U ndx'J to w ith proU*ptBx*e aad dn aU h oud oa tb* oiu*t ssd.nms Ih' t . >ilk«. also »Aiae Vi ** | r*-. vr.d all rde. • iHileuiuUtf* ' are in *tote, ry eh-faat 1 ^ aa< U r invite all who arc de«irua* of the eheape*t w hicb we w ill sell t* the trwde ~l«l.4 (r.u SSI «T»t. .0 .1 Es,.rrsiri Efret «/ OtutmU •> tkr Color «/ Mmnkimd. r k (N).. 4HMaiw*t. The ah Ve Will be rluscvl ..ut at irket to call at obey. use aad warrant It a snperior article. half lo t« -third-* 111 4*. They kee|. 4 « Those R ‘tTFWART a* av u ru ud a large •ut-i-lly eo*t. A !*•• •one rich f Nrw* and M< • k For l.»«iu jmrt tbr Jrwisti rncr lias bren t Make Yourselves J^*Td«r*for.'tarwut>p. . and Brg:uv>agw Safe Against Fire IsOLg l.awo, Jac-L- 1 atahri*-. from 1. A .sill anv intermixtare witb Uie oUirr race* of W. Burkhardt, AM» .'*.AV»: INM KAN4 K. EMHKoliii Hir.< kdit- r* •rPHnvr* wifnir<< * >*«fa»«i«h HoLE«ALE and RETAIL GR(H ER AND DEALER 4k I am fally prepared t.i makr-. •« f.h<>rt notice. Tl. greater part .f t»ies- ir»w are ode,>d 1 .4u4l mankiiw. Tlirrr are mndt Jew* still linp-riif at Mftuw »*nntia*4»fff.-e * t;i««c< rir» and V.*ult« <•! the m-ut itu- aHjAI.J2 F- r *al«l*-w by r HEM. f- r fh- -xii.e ». • m titr t allrys of the Jordan, bax iiii; be. n op- ly. Iw|«irted Frail*, Mating tbe vit-* f the rat t*W*«rv.'a. INckle*. hrimeiically K«vcd*ty|e. aad at price*a* I 'wasaay. ('aUaad*«-e majbdftw dl Third oirv-e •4 •tUeaBd |oa> :it> • i w rk v h, -v .u |id< a me Wf'.reuiakinf y-*nr c>>ntrart* at the lr*.n Railing d by successivr coiM{arrors of Syru / e. Math. -.4 '»*» 'A>T IKON • a r.aad. ti.woat «>f lirandealHBrv. Mead- Uoekvtn, Drix-d FrwiU, ftc., No. 417 Mark.-t *t., i'.T Greri. street, 2d d**ur brl-.w Third, SETTEKi^Weha ly t-»r sale iwa b«att- for a^rs—a low mcr of propir. arid a> black \ tiful paiG • fvllle. ra- «.f ra*t <<«tie«s. tu eX|-*-Mnl 4 e form- t r |*ar« aaeh and iG Ky. ai* mar.^dtfrram H.J. MF.AI>. ;d all |da- ee*. Our .Vs.atbern as Utt cxcbawg* friend* wuuld lueb (u ti»e beaaiy 4>f any of Ftkiopian races. OtJirrs of Ut- lE pmp'flv . 'itl.sH TKAh— !.'• half cheat*. arlrc*cd for family *nl«*, rv- their residea-'es 1*1 Unat a pt tw» x>f • J. M GAl.r.Ar.nER, Verandahs. f them E t^ir -[ temWr Jrwi^ propir. parUcipatine ia ICuropran cixil- «eiv*d pvr fUniBcr MamatirU and fx«r sale bv pramue*. t all and examine at 1 have ja«t r> lien op several new patter* f*»r Veran- laatDin. 1* W. HLRK.HARI1T. eI 6 WA1.I.A4 and dwrllinf in t£r nortbem nations. dah* and lftala«trade*. b* which I w-ald rest>ectfw1iy W iljiainfbi l«all the <1 Uiow instance* of tbr li|dit complexion, titr blur A Card. attention tb->«e whuarr wantiugthu bcaoti- F'tf TUIfV t T‘RK.ANT>— A fre*h ca|^-ly uf cL 4»ic« oil lli;\T. (.'arrnnU fwUtyW W-Tk. 1 harealale all tiu- Machiwury ^in *et colors, without refririui: them to oricinal dis- t ba* given h->th to phynieian* and |ia- I f**-^ rwnwiair >>i nci*-».py..f *v ry garment that ha* b*wE rwt in tW egtnUish- iWy can eunftdt-atly rea>mui* it a* tinction. TION.s-AA* ud W- M-*rtix*ia^. Elegant Paiis Embroideries, Muslin de< m.nt f.st th. tnM ten m««ths. MH.IsM collect a *iid bill* *>f i'xchaugr < Huriag. and Gr**uvia.' Gentlemen iherwfMCe. ar adt- pr >pnetary article af tkc kind. ud 1 iiB all Forsale lanee wW- hnvx W>a tuor |W'r * la the t'aiwn. Flaniair. J •latiug. ai*d 4 Laine>. Kiti llloved, Acr.. | 4ea*i-d wifl anted >>f aavarvinx strength by •f tw k« <>«r w.irk. — lUUcaae* Mhac'uwter. Cwwbrr. Hal Turnia* l..xtW«. w Well w thxw* Lring in tht* 1 try atay rvly imi It- mmn>\kk at ft FO. 1 prigh Jaw* rerrUed by A:\pr«*«« at Hewl. I»a«all. A: 4'w.'a ilEM..*KoHIN.<4>N. ft 4 0.. adi na hand aad f-ir sale by 4 ir. cttly npmn kaviag thrir *irvl«r» laiihfaify utar .'*.;w Ux-ach. *. \ w and a»|-r*m|dlv Market Wtweeu Third inv.tc th^ attea'ioa fir h I JAME.*^ U»W ft i'O.. 4 l*«MUa*t. aud F<>arth sts. ' eneeiia.' '^E -f th? la-lic* to tki< arrival u Ender n.y ndaiaietraUwn a* datinc tk. exttWnwr ef New Vork, l^iladclphia. Italtimore. t'ii Fre«*« •. 4 all Hetel. frx * k><(h|s. Tltvy Will •• >bl at IxfWest x-v I U be theVerv t ,t tk* t*m uf 0|iv« r A TifEsm < unr t»r 4> ce*»irr. BIS, and New 4>ri*aa« for sale by Engine aad 2 H«-iler»; 41MN4N 1‘ttKTER- KENT. tJl \ Al.I.. ft 4 4» 1 Fire Eitgiut •(— . I kavc mcnrvd tW sarvi<«» «f ver- •apenur ciHtoiw, kav* G II. MfiN.'vARKAT ft and II FO i wl7 al4 Jfth i Main it., .••• ri«^ f ••tlhLg (Thi« Machin* 7 -pi- lUak* Kcaiuckv. w*n« than tw bast >4 w«-rkm«a in rtapbiv ry in ali that 1 * a< m« meal, ekall ftO do gawea'*< loth*; forth* maaufactar* •I Faraiture ill •a^-riatand |wr*».mnily eVrry .if itsx-viry braneh. > aeimrtmct.t my basine-t. and S0 dw Raglish Mcria*wt; 'KANDV—4 half ptt*e* hne Fhampagne Fugnae Brandy, .Ab**, a «t**«-k dAwly *vwm by stru t nitcatwin g> * Dickens’s hue of |.i Carpets! Carpets! n d «aly W aewaiw bat want a fair Iv da M'uvwtwd and Mohair Erst (V f>4. f *r saU by New Book. Sarces; 4 berry. Walnut. •hniw .if pai-lir |iaarui»nge. d2 I ARDTIME?, by I'ha*. Dirken*. !.'• .Syx auiore. and i;i 2‘* do Egarwd Alpaca, black aad odwred; GALLAGHER ft FO. cent*. •hrinil Ihir moriiiug of Xtir Carprtt My asi*-*rt«apmt very .M-u. U-ih..,ss). Copaitnership. Wing cemfdrtc, 1 a ill »«U, frwm tkia t* 1 Fart I Harper*' Ga*etG‘«r> f the W- rld. Walnai, su-1 '.liss.-Kl Vesstr*. Hsrd- •>nr>*wh im|H>rtat»oa. aad for onlc by .\r iiiK I'.xKru w AktHoi 'F.. W* Ihi-* day £kv«a vW Ut 4 Jaly, nay |sx4ti'*i of mv *Ue k ST* fcttv forewh. urt- Kr*ciVed this day by worv, ft-' Mr TRaVFR-SF A y OLA>*^ES- « JAM£< LOU ft FO. 4'ari t* re. eived thi« m 'rair.g. w hix-h, with . ar en: h«w t,..' iw-w*. Al*». my Fa> tory t-> < Wtiicn Will C BduCUW ptwmid xaetumera pavabU dariac tW m*mtf. .f Juh l4*i bU« Flaatatb-E M*>la**e*; El7 MORT4>N ft GRISWOLD. Let n ac>* n m>>dxtiAg term*. W i*a< r*-t-ei) xruable aa t» pro^eai the largewt aad AND *> To any a- wishing toxuva.*^ in INkLL E4 TH4*> m «»mVer. lOi V hbis do fW maaafactur** • f Farrii rvboilcd MoU«»cs: at • U'ft-rtu Mrr iefed at thi- ae3 -sa, vmKra«ia: . l-'*4 . /'111.4IRIDE tar* -rt > pnrrt.Eve ]• A B. VA.NM INkl.r Swc««a**rw Oliver ft TipGm. Zimiuer <« 04*bely 5U bbU 2>OAF~Thi* ,'^-ap. f--r rendering the ski item* in al-.v- •t I w ill wffer K '«agar-lioa>r M-daaae* James'- such indu*-« • jane »mu-4h meat* a« will .-.ua f t'ari t« tr>m the bnest im|*orK-d .Aiaia-U r 7 dtf 47;, Main -trwet. V and a-ft. removing pim|les and Memishe*. f- fully justify an luvxi m ic MAMTACTFREK^ st-re aad f-r »ale by fal4 A. 4 ; * l-reveatiag eartag al7 jftblJ keaiuoky h -BM -mad and cataneou* diHrases, particularly la in I's* - $»• FoBrth Btraei, ketwewa tlKspvv-ial attcan-*b «*f pMrehnser- tvanexanui-j Blaekw -1 *4u fi>rJmiT: Mnrkat and Mnia. fant«, aud a>*<> f<>r bh-achiar F A4 kEREi.- ma«lins and bandkcrcliieli AULE dee* •*-4 fx.r tarixd 'b- k. which «e - Her at th* l*>w«-t puo»iLir and sni* ay •lauds au(>urpa*«ed. F'»r sale bv ar kale* ibiv :a -ruia« of g*-od- B AG.AN ft CO . MT Mai rmed t, liFVAl.I.. 4 hef kumbuf. a r .r..xrta» nhtn < BENT. ft 0 ., wasa Mafftet aad JeSar**« Fi'LL'RL FK\niEK. ft >M|ril. 1 derthe siyl*?- f W.AT>0 .\ ft FI.AKK M UD *t., >>pp-»ite Uiak > f keiitui'ky. Al»1 E^' and Goatlcmea** W*lg»‘ Half Wig* Scalp*, Braid*. .A KIlFRS' SOA F — lo boxes R'-waoeU's Barbors' Noap fr*mth«.-ld itaad -f * J..hn Watg-n i 4 4 . t rJ 4'nrl*. ftc., eunstnwtiy un liMd in great variety aad made «t<-ro and fur sale by aext the d- ri.. Sx;uthcru Bank uf K-i.tu. Ho4iR> - H-*m# tl».* tl t« urWar at k 'F W Dauiel nnd uaWraof keuli:. Ly tW shartest nutiet wad at tike must reasonable pri- 17 BELL. Robinson, a co. and Fifth streeU. Panama. Loghoni. JiilIN N by W II. Urvaat I Vul. 12 mu S|4m. aud Palm Leal Hats at ICAX INU < XSIT'— Jao.lLltM. Jus AI Woad--rfal4'huraeter4. t -miTi-.ag Mrm->ir« lad Aarcdui. - 3U ff>«» M-u>U«t AW*. HairBrwidthz of every dewcription d->ne to ord«r. each iHEE^i:-ll4*.b..xe* prime Westi Reserve Fheese received Cost. • perv x t every 1 v B' Far-Rinic*. Bracelet*, i'vb f the romarkable u- age and aati a. /•ITV r.«uiry i •a A-.- Hirtdanaer 4-: Urea*t-Fin*, and Gaard F^in*. per stt-ambont Gaxel and for ew Watson wmu .J »»t .( tl-. M .Biva . C*u>. m b \exkla-r*.ft< & Clark, Henry Uil-Mu. ft a- H.x.ry thoMLdu. JN4E ^^IMPfiRTKKS AND U liOEF.<. \] £ >nauy MrBk>-rte* •-£ F^r^iga I and*. Hy .Mr*, li irriet Beecher Carpema and rurnishiia Goods ft d» Deaatar The Hair^'ECtiEg SaloOE of this e«taMt*bmrat if <-f the d : 'iJH'R— 13U bid* in store aud'f >r sole tv ^ers IB "addl> ry. F.i.i.-h * * iUrdwsrv. g ^ st»we-^2 vuU. 12 mo. $2. £ ft- Kerrv moot e -mf -rtabk ahd elegant »tvl*. aad the attendance iafe HITE *L RMALI 4M« .Main st And'wd alft Huea* M Hutiags. Imnk Tniumit IU Abyv.nia. '•eia? U'-tooe dle-'ted during ri«r G- n>-ne IB the a*aniry Thi- *ak*cril>er* w..ald tbervfore Uatlwr l.ilo thivo yexr« -I allkUiJ*.al.x..Haddl > I.ri residenee travrG that x-untrx >>v .kud lu . ManvA-ld F.rkvuv. re*p«-«t fally n«k Ud»e* and geatlemcti g> fav«r them w ith a Carpeting! Carpeting! ** Trunk*. Blackwood's IFF—2ft ticrc4T« prinic fre*h head Htec received |x-r s .A Fu|-nlar .A*a>uut uf the Ancieat Egyptiau*. by ^ir J Edinburg Magaziue for July afecti«»upr trial. ZIMMER ft GOEKEL, pH Fourth *t. Gtai .Inothrr .Irririil at the Cariiet Warehouse Na. Iwo Alain SirrrI. 4*. .a. aad fur sale by of l.oa|a«l Gardner Wilkia^ua. g. I... I . K. N B Farlicalar atteatiun |*aid to Fhildrwn s liair-t'Ettiiag. AND'W BF( HANAN ft 4'.) HITK A. S.MALL. .A H:*tury uf Grec^'e. fr-aithc tarlie>t time* la the R-mau Paro--. Otl-4 1 .fr«: TsMr Mata; d-A ( nracr AVa*hingti-a and Sh-ob i • r-n-in—>t. )-v William Sr.titK, L L. lE ECEI VEI> thi* ni'.rninic. in a4ditit-n uour f-rm-rr— i|.u. PIIE 4'an«4hair». Will wibair*; of ft-plv For Rent. 1'lte \A a)d»u4e«— '^kvtche^ uf Evaai.'c!ical Fhnstiaa* *4 th-- MV'TEUII.«i4i Mont and Impwnal 'U£E^C— lift liUBco prime Weetern Roserve 1 hoa*s rwcoivcd R direct fr>m the imp<-rler*, several set* IV ork -taa.O; larriagxo. Frwdlos. •m*. '-ae la the *e.- Valley -f Ft- dai iiE 1 Frcmber. I tm« |.«rrgrsd.-e a-l aud the the S-fl%*nwd nU«kr |.«r stcambont Fort FiU aad fur aale by K">al Wiltoa ari*t «. t ry...ver Mark. Dulaney. ft D-wn-'- 'el«brate*e* xed B3rr«tc* h* T«7* Fu*T C—4s 1 * tk* al4i st I >nrth *n-i I . f th. M Bin ., beta ora Third aad F’Oirth sts Rich Kidd*; >ng w .wa. .tnd tbo lwrh*E NDKeO—ftjam III* Ikdigw, soft and kand*«onc. f- Rich American Rt"K Marbleized da d >; wthcpre««att>mc. ihoabt. i-riuf It with H--ait«a kertbe*; aagliidftw Cast Iron Mantlepiecea. rry •f th- usaud- J. MokRi Ki<’h English Ura*«cU d->; For Sale. D eml-r .»4er* 4 Lace < a|»e*, DIFFERENT i-atterntof Omw* Mantles i&*G.reai>d f< Household ^TSTorde for riJO(*R on^'Lomd. Tugeihcr w Ith a i^b< ral asotirtim at of vari August Is. Lao* •ale at pruww aKait -a* grad* s REAUTIFUL LOTr in tlic Methudiat or Eastern A. D.AVIDhiN, Bands: ( one-half of Marl l Mautle*, 1 free fn> \ Daryiag itrtlVEDby thoog^ats* BRoWN . wide WIM«4i WS «mt Bw SB 2-ply. Tapi-strr Ingraia. A RF la jury by oil* acid* 2-ply; A (-t«. K*-'b embr ^kiro laM-chauiC arts, call aud make a personal e\amia\ti»a of d YIRA ft AMILY FLol R~ 1aR^E1U.E.« m*rrad> Which we have rcieiviwl danng th»* post wet-k J. rxTi Dickens s New Novel l.mbvwi4rrod I rvinG; w Tk. wad we think you will award tuKeatu< ky the preiuiut - . . . — VUG ft.^. = umpK-te la .-ae v-l. Fr.' 2A coat.. 4 r*4 *pr*adi . van«wm ottaa Klli>'kFG>- e ut I ace 4 Ueniie- fe» and SUoTsa; J ?. MORRIS ft SON F- r «a|e by Peters. ' Ri ll'VStic. Webb, & Co., )< ! wan: a a* > urftrtt 1 * bat G^ AND MATh. Rich 4'henillc, Velvet, aad Tufte«i Rug*. 'py, «U|-pl> Liui Mill* MoHww ali WALl-.AFE. I.ll lU.OW. ft FO TalorsvilU •• Ferwms ia want of haadsom* •sain Di-al.T« in I'lano- Fortes re ID. --If in a hurtv bw t s Api-iication. Fai lor .-rFharnWr 4'arpcts and ami Mii'ical Furaishm.:* will Hind the latest BROWN ft FRI MF. d'< in s|a ;g4. stvU* at AlHrc-liatiiii.'t-. Black Enameled Mantlepieces. M F arib st. aoar Moi ke*. s* t-*o HITF. ft SM AU/S. aanan*. aa’! dwn u. l.Lvppo«tw4 wp in '! have - W^ft instore ready forsale lieaatif-.il patterns of tbc«e .Mwi> . 0 h>ua a tall -n|.| I- ai: i9y Maiust.. Sdu^ir* wen uf l. .t t’.t.rl, M. aredailx in r^. e., t ,.f Mawett.U. w aud -vvl. Bank -ai*viUe. n n ft f MaatUt. ffnikbod tn tl«e higbett *t«le «t the art, tn - HvRb fa r ipiu frame Fuuo- for t»1I.A\FA ft IMIWN^. 471 Main st • a|-ri--rto any mauufaeiared in the Faited >tat*>. Furies, A New Book, Americans. iB»e rare GiUirsrr; and t-ur ”'"f T warranted M|uxl to the Wot made lu V AN4;FK in the D Ahk,<'r V Sw .rdwh. st Hilt iv in R >1 (Tice* i'ann-'t fail to m et the wi*br* uf all wbu deaire t-< pur- 471 Main street. 4 4 Oir I'nited State*, - ?«. .«. / and wh •« lEode 1 - vsr all the fiarth. by 1 -oac e. chase. We ean - rnameat ur finish a* de^irod with bra«s Mskit.. W 11 . liiLa.vcv d vv h-de^ale kcD and Kuoms. fur the prv*ent. -.v«- thvst.-re..| 4 4 ar|teliiiu>! or purr w-'. ul. 12m->. Frix'e$l. l--rsal. av-le-al- -r retail bv German *ilv. A vi«it tu uar galvs-ruxius will coa- 4 .SOI HER arrival 4»F new G4HID2 -ne. ft M T*.’. H. Fergoaon Ss Son. viac. all vf the oar !• BR4IWX a FRFMF. SE('U.M) *o(>erF^y --f w-rk. -V Ui-rnibg. |H-r expres*. auutUr lut uf ric ee mad* to the Musical pp-fession geBcralli .\KklV.\L— NF.W F.XI.L STYLES. X'nOLE^.XLE k.\D nXTAIL DtALtU IM r.XSILT ' aI2jftb .«! Foarth »t.. m*ar Market. WALI.AFE l-ITHG(»W. ft CtE, Mlkv aud a variety wi t thi* aud the acighh-rin* .'^tates. Pl»iir aatt «r-Ma. uew aud eh-ix-e G •oi jy7 ift h l-IVMI I l> ' Fiftl Mark.' lT3)kk MENT 3 »r inr.».i! i » ri,.o-. di.. alS •. .VkS B Twevt N comor Main aad Third sts. part uf the f«-Uun in N b All F' ur k-U by aa dalivecwd fraa ' f iraya^s and 'I'ME I.AMPt |4:in ft.R ~Ti.-ee wt.-ihave aui real the ADTvER—< cask* pnm* 4»mbro Madder ja*t received nnd MuaeselaiiK-f: *tripi-d Moa*^ lame*; J. rr.TCKg. waaa. Lul arranged to s«it >lt: tialf caolkS uf Sheet /tnc. Nus Bi, De Laine K<-bss fx.r i lirhter Will ft»o •lad t» learn that an op| -rcuuity is a* f.T»aleby laa.'F'dAal J MORRIS ft M>N 9 and Misse*; Peters, xBurded h.*vs sale by l>w d4> f T toadies, cniirely Cragg, & Co., them The Lit' vd autfe-r thr -wa all her '-rtlii. NEk% IMMftOfta. KERS <>E (.K.VMi- XI'TIOM taleut intu thi> her Dr-t Amsri.-xa r-mauc*. -\nda -hi.: WALI.AFP. LITIK.OW. ft FO. bJI.KS. I TI.l. IRON- N.NT LANIMft, praise Iw the anrh- to MCMORItS OP fORRIGN EWaut pliid Silk«. tall *tyle; iK.AMft. FI \.NO-ftURTft> esu aaard.d r than *ay t'u* her ft Harriet H . -er .'M^'wa, aathwr of raelaT'-m • ‘ '* eCt rt lb liVeratnrc, like W iverlv and ' My Nuv.-l,' --t •‘x _ Whulesale and Ket.ail Ware-ruum« and oAcv 'r-r--.. '- a-.tifa’lT ilhmtrated. Pro* xud Hxilwxr. will be th«- work ihat will t a u -rtaliz* it« -Nl bbis aad 7 tiero** Nu. 1 landtag |»t FETft.R>. Wl.im. A 141 •>. c.v u and f -r *ai« by iG-r’* fame. Rrrx‘eivvd and f.*r ^«l.- hv 1 \A GAl-LAtillER ft CO.. h dv'ale iKalor* o.M T in xlliftb A ll Ai.AN flRO . Tiiird / all uf Smith ft K- wlai.d's M-<-k. Main st. FFtVED >FGAK-ugor in sturc and fur nale bv rtsFactory. Mata street, betw.-n FMBR4*IDF.RIC.<. Tturtrx.ath 70 Piano Fortes—Fresh Arrival. Putnam’s Monthly Magazine for August. .15 AND rilANAN ft FO W ' m ' ‘^1 ' ’>v awvBL*. Valencia 4 Jast re<^iv#l an--th«r lav-ic# r fur VO. a Ih* bemi*ettc* aai >|ceves; _ , ..f pian>-- “..I U I tftie •MRP jj2'.iH A HA»iAN A RRO.. TNiM»I- IKINIED Vft.LVElS-S ease* printed V«ivrt«, di Fambnc d-< do d-s Kentucky. fr-m Ex-ii. Aiu>ii* t.*em m»v U f•ll;ld

• p.rtation, t MalUse do • r-vl f thx m---t -up’ r'- and ri--uly x erv.-l Ih fraiD Date*; t sale by do d»; ww i I - \l V »:v|e. « itit ith--at (* «rl kex • il5 JAMES l.OW ft F41 4lh M: W • U'* and w . J i Ml nue-u |Nuae«. ll'r-mthe Luai*vtl|.- Democrat.] Imbreidored and benand llaadkfrehief* (new): fium the celebral d maanfa- tufj uf Naaa« ft 75 du* fresh |Va- le * / D. Mik Mit*; 'OLOGNE— Mc-sr*. Kaym--nd A Fatten pr*i- 4 lark. N*w VH FRINT.'*— : STOWE 9 NE BOOK* 4 MRS. W ' x>bed NNl MEMt’KIE' IN ruRllON L.%NDA. by anv Wx- havr . ver seen, v >uuthvrB paicluser risk -f |n 2U d-> black and whito du- Ac tho* savin: tl*« tUs aui exptas* d-’ Enali*ii oluut*, I* fast gaining ceUtnty in thi» . -iiimnuity.au irsn«|*-rtati' n. tn*uraov-e. ftc In d . • -lid black du. VARIETIEJ?. l«i 4*. Alsouad-: are rapidly iacr< asio^ thr -urti- ut the un 7" •. a v-^tiwrut f r-. - (»ti Land and fureal- ty ^’llk llandkerefuef* c--uutr W<- liave u. w hand Plan a fall rv lu ga*k» Fxiwraak Alm«md- have ieciJed in it4 f.tabr.idered >ai«s fav.T. and uf c.>urie the tea' • lie. «ty le. ri*** that •*au U f- uni ai an • ! maauia- al5 JAMESUiWft4 Mu«lin«; and I rxRcl MiV * — <)Ue*tioa their drciaion. ta." J'laid aad rboeked N'ains«r M re«»:’*d a . New Book.s by Express. 4.al. • - B-nnet Ribboa*: blem bed 4'utb n*; I. 4.1 tTrt A U A rERfir-^N t M-N 'FJ<'<>N'I>ER-m..\, ..r IU Blo. k Ea.I.: 1. a K..Baar. .1 i.y, Hair 4 th >kirt4; A a J . k u b. New Book. ( onar Fiftn and Mark. ;• 1 bot far diitant. byG. |*. K Jam*--> E«<|. Munneed dw. r \FI D'‘. '‘TtiNE. ft M.IRI^F h;\. by (;. • *'llis jo-culiar f K. Jamo* “m i*i» »» 1 Fu' • -le i M"aic. p w*-f a«i«4s in l>cinr able b> d«-«eribe. a ith Many "f the ak.vc r'l-d* bring new and t•enntlful. they a Imp rter« *4 lavir- u» r- aoaderful has thr. wn all hi< brilliant tab *pint. ba«v and ettmng »c>^iic«: (a bnor oat la n-ciuk UtlT m et a Ith ready *alc. Hence tbs ladies cauu '•oidr»lir| I r-nianc*, aud n > btglur pra>*e l ictarc'ef danag and n-urars. to delineatr. « itb ill tuu early t>- get the first ch--iee. a few b

«i t.. B'X>ks. and asionaliv pvrtray al7 MARK. DFl.ANEV. A THiWNS. (71 Mata it. New ibv dcr|kcr fielin-" --f human nature. whi-’4- few i>urc««-d in nDli T14»N’~ Being desirsws -I reducing handling wx-ll. There are sceitft • t infinit* beauty and patboo FFLE.*-aubbl* U ban-.n and II-t( u« I \ \*. preparalury tc veceiviag ' ^ s White Apple* -mr iaihisaork h ( ul. 1-cwi* .'kabdria s ffmag rbem at ^Grmss HilU) orchard v f -r . al sreatlv r^uced i-ncea. Tho i >aaOwieh l*laad Vote*, by a Ha-!c. ts UVK\M. x/g* omd -f the p-.olitv f' all aft T aenty FITKIN. A 1 ear- la th* Fhili|>piae«. Mil LIR A (.vit-LD * ffftPnawbai Ilisb-ry <>f Pyrrbn*. by Jao-b .Abbutt. I MlKIE^- l(ari-r«' 4.aa«tl#er wt the Uudd. Nu. 11. 1 21*1 bux** L- m -B Simp: Oodey for August. MifKTO.N ft GRISWOLD. lig du a*fturt -d Fit- Fruit; ratwrg • 4»P1R* u-der sLo^ sft-en. tl 14SI |«si fr-m du iDaadv Fcarlite and < herru *; plaint. -landing cefivu Art)iur'* M^fifti'io. '•> dw Fre»h IVa>-G‘-> in cau*; -iv«d And fee *01* by (iftKDNER ft 7*' do f rench 4'ordial. a ouited; ,b 4 HACa.N (NV a . MCMali 15 Cft*e* Pnibe*. .*ai W>v«.> MK Kai»in»: 2-'» d-* Frr«A lawbstvr* in can*, Hi;«*'4 N A FRI MP Ml ktivu h l*a< } M4 K'- UHt can* >| iced '*alm >u: iR \ITII WAITE S RETKt»^FFi T t»l FK\4 TH Al. MM*- -I r-*i»rth *tr*-et Hear M xrk - 1 4 L >•' ilie and !•>! Franklert Ri baskets! Ikampairne. I 1*'>4 .uftumies t« !• me Sui c rv part for « ui>i f and , T*. July . rm \uix r- JeAer^uavtlb- a«4 « ..Umba* |t*i t--a 4 N Hack aun»'*er- at ltro« a d >u|>*ri»r Brandy; - '4 \ 1 French ib i*tbl. .44 . edit t.y 4 . .4 Ibl* day tei iVrd || N* ft 1 . l-vOVEKM L KEMLGIE* f 4 iR Li, aRRUO. \ Nea .4ILany n«w B'Vel- K att --I- and >nlem 5U dw du Flierry d-; Duma*'*

1 Arlhnr itx« v -liKUe ••••iiu - lu ju*t atl 17 bi-l- Engli«h >4 aloiit*; Thi* G-mperauc* sht sal-ject rv«tri.*tive i* a.’.iiati alely re«-eiv< d bv 4;4ETAN'(I time when the wf lau* *- « h 1- country, and «• predict n large «al«- fur it \Vh--l«-wle Funf- rtiwu- r-* aiii stLLtm * W4- AU Fitly Ve»r« la G'th Hemi«phere*. r Kv-mini.-crttre- ut t .X TAia aH 37( Mam etreet. Set Been >eveii I u| -n-t r.ontt OB* MorWiM > Mta LmOob fvnar; laul]' r— •U' *T ife a F--rmer Meix-Lant, Vm-eut N»lte. » l “ CAETAWo A CR.krtrhe* - I G« B< s. Pioa, and f l-irxttce, by Mr- M. II. K- HK4IU N A I'Kl MF. It has been discovered at last, != M.aa .C. FAN> AND I.IN'EY F4iR NEt-RO M EAR—5^« yard* _\V M Dci-.mt .* Funrth strv t. a**ar Market. iflE 0.1 1-1. LOat or.-, oil XiaHa .1 Aiaaoar* oA Um -Ai*. n-h - Thirty V I .. rrv,'>' ..of UmFo.. Weft brand* f ironie at monmiorturer*' it •e* MIIKIllllEREIl >KIKT' K.. . iv«l Ihi. m..ra Ri**.w .r».T-lt«r. Rgi taia'llia .\menrait li ...ry .ynrim 4*0 I I'EnI* 0*4 ! a**.?i*( aft il. IH MEsML A i»r— . oa a-M«»N Third I r.‘ %'AL Nw. «1*5 Main oCreeC. tWFLTATION AND Sdid C*>1< ( ilk-tPH H aovWILL. TH4IHAS. •. ha*ed F \V. P4 bbl* large N I Mackerel, > o. •nwffh. \ TrmG*U4ed from tJm Fourth edittun by P. Markham, EruLfV'idrr aati. Lo*Ar r«-l who tt M oaa moAo n luMrnnd Wu 24* We .. B-WL W.D h du N-. 1 du. iMe than eiiker *4 tftw a^-ve namsd mdi- I h lllack Gr. James’s New Novel. Rankin.'* Half Vsnriy AWrract. Ne. 19. »f bU* h •>»- J d-r, l*«lm.-r*i T-r*i*M- rAom-f I- loti** W H Indiz saiii .•< *‘" •'**« K«a fooa ever^xwy m thr Rai awd Fng line '|4’oNDKK4m; 4. »-y G F. K J iitie* vo. Fif r -*rW my >f tW fursnlebi HENRVF M<*RTON. ;akdner ft f'O. Whit, lUi >-rWr. ItvO . f .T*r OM. »fo' oWaAiB*. I Mr. Jam-** ha* thn>« a all hi* brilhaiit talent int-f thi» I 5 iiitA. - arr i;t. a. a« fiS2 Main st . hocwern TbirM and F. Illark v..*tc*»»rj *• . o, S.f r*t Rumania • liirher prais- can iw award UWIT. \tii-ri«3a . and n

I Wi- hich «-fuld f ' tiaii b- *av that, like \\ averly'* and " M» N v el” . f Se« AFON If r fs" -M. W«* .atiTy:. fiioA fr-a nd llnlwer. ”Ti« -ndcn*^a" will >>e tkew -rk that will mx w«rn**aXv oa.*a IA* 'hoaldors «•%« Hit li fr'.iiibroid«*i ifw E'ia..a-a..]ria«imtalUisln,tiaaadian«aTC*. PxIbot'o 6 yean old TV * the M di al '‘Cioiice*: l-eia:; a |•ractlcftl ansi Analytic,;! w, U d««c ewn*i#nmetoi. W PIN-FLA TK— .II'O ill r-lMT. you At .'A.-., t>*a Mol will mimty cars uld, i iH \KI.K> LEt E:K-' 1 .A-T \NUIIE'‘T NuVEL--'*ir J*- Dige-i -t tile 4'uuteat* - r tlie |*rin- ipal Kritisb, Vnuerican. and t.n ft . Wall st. 5 H A DFME.O'NIL a> ) 1 Ml boxes K>-«'finf: .at la. *lo*Wa. B. rara to oak far PatiAOT'a X )^rt.; In- lite aitd rx|*«rirnce. with aimr a«*- 4*..Btiiicntal M-dii xl W -rk* pitbli-xlied durutk' the piv- 1-411.,.- BENT, & CO VmMoW* J l"U d«» 4K; l***t DUVALL. ami;. I.Aioa. a*4 ompt i>f wUUBf olo* Fhorcuol brandi ’* rriraXMl*. J MN: Mainst. • uiiut uf hi* uvrrivi.i biiii: and rt-x^miugs. n->w Inn given tix m nth* I -•ether with ft -xerie* -f Fnti. al Kefwrt* »a th* MONKS. aid > E> FI V E D thi- tauraiag, by eipivs-^. arr I'l-r ‘Ol« k; 4r*f,Mia aiorrvkat*. 1 .yt'barirs L.-vx-r, *4 v-». F->llat«ra-' t ' th- w-rid )-y itiui*' if. Paj- Fr*’.’r*--s uf M dli'iaeand the •>cieuc*a danaik th* liu.o-« palsrr rv 1 1 HK4IWN 4 II K.vakia*. .,. . . 1 . rwoeived Fur sale '-y A KFMF. same |«ori si. Edited by W M D . aad 4 li and ffT »ale l> tm»T-..d. r-d Swisx B* d«, -a— Foortk at., ri. 'FcaAR—TV' hds fmr UstrteUy |•rll bl F-'urth >t.. u-ar IV- _ *, Belle aL'» l>Aj Mark-t Ka I anhru- xc. . RxTMu.NU a P.XTTIN 0.M .4 H \4 ;a\ ft r .I'R raWnk-r> .illi'tra-. War ia mad IhsI -nmiatra. tftb HKn 'Third ««-lhe A AHIFTIFw AIII.I.4.IIA4.0I lAlEttwFoartb :*ra«rUnnM. u* Ii.|.«ita nkjo. t I., X ( I" »i'|.lrI'-*> l-J IE. >-ar»[.ir.d - HUT IKiiK—l.iavka*4l-.aaMUd aaMttM-. in 'I.IV oi .irhl rkn kf. a Ih. I.tol June lo. ADIE"' 4;vZ(TTE 4»F FARI^, IjO.MN»N. AND NEW I. hl<--till r,«d «•' atrvst. ' H MIINSAKR.XT A It). W. a ..l.lilj, nl.irti .lull b. for aaic by find Iu «-|l by Frank l.r»l|.,. |•rlc' MR'*— Wehnwo I \ urk Faahi--n«. • 2.'fx*nt4. .ta^avt n warWiyog I>mwning 4 4 u*r .Id , a.t..ium ua r-a#-,aattle l-rtu*. l. '1^ Cmmom *1- SMITH. A >.. VRatlst O.al odvaa- iu ««*I1\'-KKT." .. . Mll.LFKft t.ia i.D. f uiirthst. lb CILI . AND W ARRANT'' -Tht bighrot luioi* tuber r> evtVed and fxjr .lal* by svary arti. U fwr fnmiahiag them. [ rivea fur l-and and It I. Ual i. af,|.ljr a,..a. Tteao •: ipleto --•tfft it l-u arrantr by Lffjfth A. HAG\N ft 1(R4» . Third will Rad to thoir taWwwt to H lal2J G. H lONsARRAT ft FO. ««-WILLO.V WAKE .. MII.LEK fti.411 LU. Fsarih vt. .-Ml afi al< i;li:i.. SMITH. 1 I'll MILLER 4 4^ LD‘h *|r>,„h.t|| «^UKL>1IKS .... MI I.I.EK ft G4H LU,.!'' i Uiirtk st. For August, HEFT IKo\_54iU handle* Slu-et li #«•> OM Its...... —...... Ml LI ER ft 4.4H lie F->urth *7. IF LAIH>> i.AZI.rTEoF I ITEft 9MftU..Rr> Main * anmWriiig trwm Nu. 12 U> 27. in ct-ft V V»rk Faalii->a* ivf-eived aixd f >i i rate* by W.Al.L.44 F. LI M^fEXril DF'iTEK'* . . MM.I.EK ft I.IH LIE^^ luunl.. t. curni HKu\4 N ft alff* No. 5.M», nortbweat r ! dw Gibb »*-.rAM>ll I ANS . . . MII.LEK ft tfOFI.D, io* F-arth st. 'I Fiiarth !»l.. a- I'lMH RI ILLINOIS . 444 AMD rLOCR-- '.AR — 420 bags Noo 4. 5. d. and TiW landed from at*aai •*'llKk."lM, I A>E> M 1 LI E K ft »l t lE io4 Fuiirlh it’. bbU At. I owio 1 tty inlla GbmI tad for sale low to tbr trade bv Carpets! Carpets! am rtow. R^-W4»RK 4 A'KS :• bbts Extra gmnoy JIL) family now; E. J. MARTIN ft tX>.. .la .Idilitionil .Irrieal at the Carpet Warehouse. ..HII.I.KK I.IIl'UI. rscoifcd nnd for snfo by Id Agsat* fwr ll-p* •^TKAVTi IIASKKI' A m Fuirn li •!. ADAMS ft Facti^. D L Fu , II. ITuwr aunstantly EE.NT. in V.Xl.L. A I a FERCrVlN M OOM, boiwora Mala and rivor. y INE 4 1 TI.EKl.... VlU.t'k « I.Ot I.IJ. M' r'uuiiir.t. ^ are in rci.'Oipt thi* murnia.' uf aau«K« r lair* arrival < f 3»jAk Caron Tiftk t*d MwkM-to. Mil I ft 1.4)1 • ARDNER ft 00. •«,-FEKFI MER\ KK LD.'.^ F. urlhsl. TV Um VdUriuiuri'wle* uf Farpetin.:. embraubg ' Eo*lU Velvet For|>rt, «^*|4>|LK1' .IKi'D LK: Mil I.EKft 4.4M ED ^ „rth*l. Fhairw. or* snbotani RaNDI’. Amanc I du du; ummsr Thoy ft 4.4 AKKIAI.E' MII.LEK 1( I.D.9’* I tiahl oaavswieat. H IH R pi, dnrk nnd pnie hvtgnoci* nnd FeUcVxu«in; E- utth U Em.'Usb ntftseU du; ttmo and Tk uf do Rasteoa; . t>ei>lry th* mMft dolighttnl tha kiado In N d'> du do do do 41^-4 A N K FH .Al K>..— .....MILLEK ft 4;4IFLIE if'* f -urth st~ Du d ; Guitars, String (ftf-y Oc. . ft I tor-diaaerToverio* thoy atw 5 H du very fins Scraps: 5m bbl* No. 3 Ma.ker*l; ex.-lcbraud ! Impf rial - ly d--; have aaoarr ... VlU.t.K W* jn*ir*e«ived a ftne n««urtment uf brand* «if Tubaceu l« •^-Hill.-FLtiTH" k i.ori.ll. ,-..orlh .1. uffaess and hrai actoa mng woadm 5 h do do ViewxFognac; iMUH^wNo. 3 do bo 2-^y du; Gnitnrs. anmaufthsmrTv»m th u K ,\ \ I yy boat man nine- * d<>; 4 bUs Nu. 1 \ ft SFMMEKs, Sole Agoui*. i;oi)i*s me hair to ndmifnbly aAxpoad lai 5 R do Logor Fmrws stnr Mros Mackerel; a^-i AM V U....MII LEH ft GOI l.b. Ito F--urthst. Fat- a Finoo: tnrvr* in this -uuntry- 2a Faryst; Martin and Uall ft dcsarvodly popttlnr with thn 5 h d-. Dcomoam do; Sdo N’.i. 1 du do; 4 ita a aadeofttoa tihain >^.r. M IMi -j^.M MJ.EK ft I.IK Tji. viK — al»* soms vary ftae Fronch. txifetber ftl I’R.ICTir.M. MKU- r^rlhst. Rug*, ftc nnd pip«av4tfix>«* other ftne Brandy; Rdo No. I do do; " 5 bale* a**-rt*d , h h witb a largo lot >f string* 4 by the importer ns* Dalian wbWfi Iff ffWc nnd oftU by 4 iierre* Nu. I Salmon; aUjAb There being adev line in the inneo »n«v'* ^ who *n*y favurii* mat uw fur caoh xo *n bo pnrcbs»od in tha oity. nlf J. MONKS. 9»C Mai d H do .No. 1 du; aad maanfa* turer. our fn* ad* and all IRim-.V A CRCMP, at ajnch lr« than former EK^KINE ft CIE. 13 M do Nu. 1 du. relv np-a making their parchase* New Edition. gm*d* «»• parebaoedia sreoomnra w RaioDff ft Dsboo, 12 H bblo l*akc Fish, in store and luraalr Ly pri'ota and ao IwW a* tbo *a»« rlaosuf ^ I T ^tato* Di*pen«atory. bv a*k » »n vxaminatiua uf Xo 417 Third 04. 16 E. J. MART sited Ge>ilTt B. Wood M D aay of tbo Eaatem citis*. .aU wo 's m Book for ITufeSAor ul Medirim: in ih* fnixeriity Gkxley Lady Aucuot uf Penasylvaniii*. mr.«-ka.dc.o.r.rir..u(prir.^^ Bt'RITEDk. tk*ac««. brown A 'Rr VP. lEAZlF.Rs' C44FPER— 1,5414) shoou Brfiiisn Copper, nil and Fraabltn fUchr, M. D. Tenth edition, earsfnlly p, TAM.. A CO.. "Keep healthy action In the Liver," revistd r. *rtk iO.. ,«« , j*k M > Kcntncky. lya Bwkw. sites, instore nnd fur tale at lwwo*t market price by Reseivi-d Uus dfi> by a7 jftb Main st.. upposito Baakuf ^AlD an emiaoni pmetiUoner of modlciM. **nndyo«bnT* il6 WALLACE, l.ITUGOW, ft FO. al4jftb V. HAGAN ft CO., Main st 4-^ nAtbtag to foar from Cholam. ** Then an' tho Grmfonbsrg style SOFT H.ATS of every and qnnlity for sals low VsfoUbW Pill*. Hobonsnek * PHU, McLea* Uwor PUM. Dr. Chambers's Joomal fov J-uly millRTY YEARS IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE. Souo’s FilN, and MvEatt'a Pills and Bitter nil uf which may - “• 1 by Th-*mM H. Benton. A smnil *«pt»ly received POLLARD. PRATHER, ft SMITH'S. *kii?!r"M"TrsrvF E. BUSTARD. ftlHjftb this doy brftmndat RAYMONDb PATTENS, by (filtjftbj C. HAGAN ft FO., Mata ot. iUMmnit, fi- No. 74 Fuiirth nmu tj HO-WU*.. *a*,X*rtw, T i 1 W A T a T 1 1 7 " a „ , » 1 ' 7. ' I . ; ’ r . . 1 . . i , ; . , 1 — I h » , ' I \ ' - D . « . n

C^ikLAMiTV oi- SckpavSt koav IkseoIkreci-kf»r KmiwF«o»i thkt. Ikpiak Coi-ntiiv. he Balli- Thethe Caeam.tv —_ , — c , CARPETING. $10 Reward. ' I I Ky.. \utnft lv^4. JiOL^ISVILLt: JOIRX AL. c II I .t Ai . A ^ Ilouti W HEAT, H coinmumca-coinmunir*- more hunnun publitJies the followini; extract from hold anti Fur«j*Ai«» HI/r^Auufr. \^LAR< E /iVwt -. |sqi VBLE. &. WHEAT, Hi iiniNCk.—ii.iii.ucs. e puhlithpublish to-d»yto-day a ; rmmB tn riaiaj*»*» »t —We Tb» r^r.Ur fiii t,na •! Oi n.i. d r rc«.t^ j ' Tlurtl hbd F' Brtli GOHIN, Uie letter 'WWh Tbr hi*“lVT wTu JVbir»Uj bv ktYliir RANNEY & P R E N T I C K a. HENDERSON. uonUoii werover the initial -H.’'H.’’ on thethe»iibjertsubject of a receivedre in that city on Tluirsday from I I '*V*‘ n w*Vm tri'e ju“!“Tu'*n » « T» i rtni^^ FA\< 1 A.\I»«.^lf *« ’ KOODN ' arplin* r^pDaily $in; Tri-W eeltly W eekit house* and rurta«i.in'f f.i-tidf, »*.nih I'-itr brs-n *tlt*<*l«d •V., AO. Ill YfkI.A NTRKI'.T, IIF.TWI'.EA FIFTH A.AU NINTH, imperfect construction of the blown Col. DixonDixor S. Miles. I'nited States army, now withgTYRt Ill ir.,., „ ,, | ‘*T(!ir7V™' 0 Rr>- f r*4ii tb.- iiiii— tt»*r» RD*t taabufacturert. Our •li 'oi AKt NOW RCI IITING TIUIB '' <»»i; cke nsbts j-aril) I oun£[ l.atlifs' i.sviue. , "I'lxTi in School, : It has often been said as on his detachment muu.'v, >*4 aii.qutiit own on” Sunday last. “ 1“ way^ tj New Mexico with a «» dctrrmmr^ op»b Attaiiiipf; their |Mir|KM*. Ktija! Wilti'b itid Velv.trari-ifiii'; • . 1. u -F» AJLsI^ Ri* >• IMI^OH.T.A.TION'fil to lliell»c people of thistlu5 country that the of troops:troop.«: ! ** Kn^lidb T«|>Y«trj- do; Weekly Journal isif publishedpubUfh«iHHivbaj afav. i. D-> Imptir'Al cb d-*: j l>u Hress^ ft Goodn^ li J^trieift Ruj t;r Fanrff^ l.. an Daily Journal year. river, July il. P^r>4. .-r , fi^The Couii^ a some extent this is true. VH.y Arkansas y | mpitfte*. p„*rded. To , LTAiiS?.’?*,*:, Tai»*«iri an-i aluit uT^rcr-.u.'m" Irur I'ti do; tbeir«n»t.B ritBrobt*ii ND bv tbe ir't of SeMeaber tbeir ftnek will be fall tad c-apieie. coBBtOsiBf ia par: 01 Stika of »]] liniyuo— «ad m ices *"'*an*! ^ Hu*ij.« .... All wi/f»l ..« ID I'.l.e.l,. ui.; I’"'"* r(«His‘riMHU Bias tiirjirirj ar»*art* r.*tire»«nn t*«**.tj«*«. « .Mri.„ : rcbreMnn n, .r* ir. nllm/ d' n isa brviM #*#ftf a&si it . Catroi, laws to Wc arriAetiarriveil hereiien* yesterday,yes>i*-rua>, 3hii milesrniir:* from ™ o. imirreN|..- V ,»1 f.,r ill tli* Sch.»d d. -AV Dr««4 CwmIo all hiads,kiads. White1 Good*, Lia* Vt». D*aaef« R*blH ao • a Fare* aaoertaeat >. Tr aaiac*. La o have ne no prolPCtprotect th^the public ajramxtacainst I.in«a»pt *u*refi.iit4 erteo. tl'*inf>aadC«itt- n du, lun.»«Mk. !* ** xurnrisot IndooimeBt* Rmi*errMilliBerr G.«tda.Gtntda. HH*«ier]r.m^ry. OI01"T««. Tbr-ad* -'f all kiad*. I'aiWeila*. i arpoi Bbo* aad '••leWlB, »» oh^oT-ex >e- “ * f'urt Leavenworth,l>-.venwortl., our startings.artiij^ ,Mi.nt, some -xl l“?ituau- r* V t* I... ^.**>1, liUiA vB *ti«M i ar|>v‘tiDg; ileaijiucd to Bi»kc thi* matitBtioB *** ^ siJ w.™ «d Ji»,^r,:*a*.“l Mil \ porotBeBt tad oqBBl • *• lo eali «.» .m^ I bobbIKbobbIIv fiewad 4» M«w«bs the lEuon-ce or eupid.tvaiditv of tiJsethose who build Ir %ma > f^aad la a^lki a»d Eaxy be>4 wack. lBpf»w*««f Tartodf 0m aw4 ~ .< irpr To'^T^copioa. I »rer.*rer. th«tthat iii^ir ' t*> .mi th, . .r y-andaK-iti ' ' »'"‘'H„n°“‘* ti*rn* can i» i.utt.ut I, aoii 4-4 t* ill it" (I ill uj\an*aa'i in B. eo-a. - miles more than half way to Fortrort I( nion.nioii. w imi*hteie d..uhta..*i,i a«.« lutu »i.;whjwiiiivrviM*»ui rr.'.-i..- 0«- ju*ATP allalt pareWdpBrena^d fr-wfr *ai lire* baad« aaX at the t**o»«t {•rt-*ea. a* J a«* rmraootlt lat t o » •ia«t.ae ’bia warkrt aw 4;.s. /. inra.l»;pD ' Kl -Kcy H M I euiB u: ReY. W' I.. Brevkinrlvlge. SDC.SiaU u- U' ... . -WDi.DXt>....ra of oBraaoek..rk,~.b ^IVe«kly RulletiD $1. h.*usc»for public u«*Ve? TlieTiit frequency of tlie wwee cross the Arkaiwas.\rkan>as i.m.i.*'' ' * aad prir«»«. W- arc io«er«i?ard t**a*)l at prtcr* Nr co^k^oa p»a.. Rcy. Ooo. Sebi'tkv. KiY I awiaewBr at«Ak a*d pncea. If weeaaa *t tatiafi • a •••aa makB it f *r yk>«riatex«ai h* pofabaar 4 bb n «iU ’ I . fuiliire TiKr« i« li. Bu.bnel: W I'elio:. K**«^. J • •*>! b« of liouses built to answer the purpose of river and enter New Mexico. ».nsid**r.ibip nuery-t uuntfs-aoMi i.i miwe m repbM .MATS. !ib M. K Hti»* li E*.| J nemoved gbt r%ait.Faalt. aag.^' A pr.attRriety >*r i-jrl 'r nur MaU A .Miller. K»| !'> t.j. o. HaYi.. Ki*, altieud:tw - ore-houses .N ill Vl.*’^. and those intended for public exlii- vinTent- wtII ti. r.ll-d it|ion I • ii. ri KT M M ATA i„ speakiiip of the route and his family, he wj.Y'ui« o tu - LOrirnu-id itrK** tOmp Baud* l.-iup,, ruJ Ta»t^)a PITn. MiKLi'iii \ U N K.N 0'MU»'. iPr. T. NEW YORK. this Hiirlrif's ‘ * ' laUoo is required in reference to matter. ‘-4 I l.iutfii >b-«liuf; »B * ha.l t.m ..fccT), ab«r« ’ 4. 1iM.4tid 1 :; th*:jr »lll tl.krt , »,• s. THVRSDAY, ArGrsT31,l«.M. For some days after leaiing Fort I>*aven- Ik 4 .u« H, ... \ ,g. the-ughb. all tin* Ka-ktcra ' ti ' t tt .U .lo diici by aay all ' f •ft with wiRdsrm in the -1 lu.Ci who « til unite* uyd liar' 4. I. RJrvi i-’ 4 aad the dilTv*Mi t% . .>4 , --=^ ------' P-ople oudit not lobe |*rmitted to construct 4;ki: \t a\d I ,\sii |{|*ak!si;:d we a touch It 4<> II. — had of the cholera. lone th« |i,tr'y who*'* anteerdvot* will yitp t ni* «tri*iiin!i. 4iid Ua« b I'lll » t.iU' .uJ«'nSJ.ucraikdewnhdii.rr. »i,....wh'i«« t-liaroi'lrr aKilitv will»iii it>*m«*ui.- 4«i anil I.* inch I'.llow •‘otioii; rmiiTriKiiT PA^r.rafcr. ' desiirned for publir use in so frail a since has ceasetl, and the opposite principle oud»uj ,ur».irr and aiiiuv m tMH>s:t huildinrs | I*r»oiD«.i-£Vtioia, II I I ;ibI I'lirri i«hihr' 4i<>o4l’>. II. llor%iiii:iiiii ' trinUip^uinttriniuplutnl au.'--«-tm4ah***ica. Ko.luclKrtituvA * n-**...» «tuii>U-lali.n AnJ eYerv •tesit*rit*tM*n ->1 t arp-fn A. i . ',ru.-.il- y IS x^. prci ail . lia**er» LEW MOKKIS iJt (’O.. I'.,I ur* ordiiiaiy lU.. 1s i-.uiiaru..«.ii..|n .'uiiar uidiii >ta i-t.r,Ih f.*rr th*tu. .uu.ujr. ay«ta..i pst-* ui att»*nti*.n f j llioniiral •>! ; that Uiey will not withstand tlie I «i,..i. rwuyUy. ami l.colu^iral manner //y,jx/..i.i .ir Latioratorv. I .north third street, t- th«* w* rld ttu> ein.^iilar »|«^iai Iwh^etUu*, i i oiuiuinsioH ^rrcliuatd, a Mate ha* S,:ufutuur fi.i.g’* vk. a i vi * t*-r .Di.., ! 1 1111 . VIII-I.H.IIV. NKVr ^.s.o ou .a., . vf a rentur. pr>>v< J tm«> and untlic*.hiuc lu h'T d /U-il. .ifnliuni thf Uunm, *'I '‘ '.•.l '.'J', VoRk. of SiiiikiliM. Lh <-« the {iTiUi uf th>t AV hiR iiarty, and ib«(>t*ot4M> at^.u-iH-d t>* .n»..j,.pi.sj Manufactory LtasBtx a»T4»«b< ba»b coM4M!*«ajiV9 ^ , Fifth isenerai of tlie niteu s33feS3a^£i;S biliiy. n.ibitual aud Cherry streets. **»*•*• Attomev L ('utlirm.^s. /•;ry.ij.,/.i,, : , '.i.-li.i* «•£ Books! —Tb* exposed. — inp perhaps two or three thousand. are (aiupi.mf hi-ri..r Arratso-ai i-hiet. hiei "lihrh«*Whi|fwii.p >. ft tta'liMniiu- lu'.n leaulyait and School Book,' School ir*.%7p!.nil ykmmMm N#M>r*4l«. We is'c-i'lkO'..- • 'I'"'- . ..a.'. I :.. . lo.. |3U«l4U«l» pajipptp' full d and c> mrUi'XTHtn A.ki-itit iv- tpH 1 Eh iu"nt.ir> f'ulviiitiai i7..iih7'7i» •uh-r..i i a a /Ikcimc. ; Stales bts ^ven an opuuoti in relation to pre- of cily ouehl lo create a now eiicam|ied in the midst of the Coinaiichea ’i /.Ii.'r ih-*i77h,irK'’'* k I The council eiery | »,L^l'tlV7i.fiu.o“i^^iiw ^ rraA'tieat do; /../,v ^ ***** '••''^alg, lirvT waAk^favtiir^ b-„nui. irr.^uiu,. Aiaai ..f abvlt'.ai, i *.r .*a>.rt4i*ua »'«1 *^>-o-wa\s. of seven Ihoiisaml lu tatu, ..dtiL la.m-ry . i iwt iiiiottu... - . .ind.. ' t *lw. %i.s)i.ia riw emptioii nfhts in Kansas and Nebraska, which, board of commi-sioiiers, say of tlireeex|>erience.l upward ominrrrial i III* f.r tstn!tt,Skin Minnfa- nr* .Ao. 7I> liaiiiht-rw I'hp' pretend to be friendly, but are lyifenfes^ ">'.*. 4 MrrrI, -a ..rr.. .l.,..,kr- CKfl.i- I.., ik.,*,.. ! :* If acted upon, wiU xriouriy interfere with Hie architeeL-. to whom the plan of Di.uauii !?d ""It.. r‘l..7i,..r,= “*V M J nMiiurmbuilder, «»d«i*u ! A'l'/uru,. • '*fdrr »i»h «k»c|| , impudent klid steal everytluilp |.refem,vv*. *elra a * J "“y fa»,.rYd. NEW YORK I will all lyduidaal sauev, and »«d mea ..f ih* tr.i order .f ! Th.r.l. ^ au'l I

m *rral bhiI ' JU/./r,ijfy • And. titnn*s. of the settler* who are crow dine into for public use as a .tttciiect-«ii*n wb-.#r «yuccdfot« rty itnoRo iiaiitv e*«*'rful Tonlr, |»«rir«lnt Ibf 'fl an ! 1 %iew» DOW I every buildinc intended we have if not clo>elv watched ' * HiMud «Md Ck? • •*•»* ., ' * bt»trMU»n*hi|. RFr f^lUlllRr to iLr* hot* o-Utitry. Kiiir lu«ia»rfitlaK rniirr e/ Vi/s’ I’lN'IN'EO Y • , A.a a A • A. a . . .a 11 | »Bd aitd K.y; lusinictf.i ^ 00 v-i*-.. H*.sin? upon the richest portions of these theatre, or otlwr public pur- "^ivnldaru Antbrnetu*, nr »*»*•»» «'• w.n *i» rrnTuy rA'/vw/xi,.v. iBPMiTBat 43» joaaKK3 and , ,l.urch. w arehouse, * Stic* "f '^niltill d•••»r^bg t*. nukl.rratc tbr w 7.'™rr,;r7''i- ibr»*c "“r" *r r-..n»p.,utd* v.f J vr f -ar ato.l«bu • beautiful mid amiable daugli- .,th*-r $t i.'i iwr t. rm uf ihrM- w.x/.T/i.x I Ka> I* d d •; partii*. I will i*ii Htt.stp TkiHwiyt; U rMar4iit\ miu** tL pur.-*t, W»i. au.l SILKS. RIBBO.VS. Temtone*. By the treaties m«ler which much p..- be submiltcl for approval before " u»i>it:uy. tiLi»\‘ns. * VELVETS. FE.\THER.s, slmuld •• ' Mttcb<-ir* la«'*srapb> ahd Alia*; U»*»t trfti. Ai'inu*. bciu. < liUip U»'tw *r-«ir-t U»Ba»prMn* , ..f <>u« ii »tii.«ri«»r > sisstWr. ^ ,,.h„ ,eeon, panics the folonelV and...u his lady, 1 - Xlg.iiViual N .siDa»Dti »iU Irtfrth. *1 * *>'*• i n. t'AliHiA*iK />/» I ^ -‘V.-lfrr''’'* 7‘‘‘lr7.r7". J...bu» I llr‘1 IT.-' Maitb'i dw I i.ui|- a* . t **«gn. and < . >. Moreliead l'a\e l!7l>brea Mriff- PL. |d»y. |*t abil 2.1 part*; ptjacTful. Lf idv l.?ing **'*'• I l»r l£TI tnntlK. ; ! frr !r li 4 II Il^ dan, ru i* au.i n,juri*n* Ar, S.-W r»-».vi»» * slel* . iy* ra>xat t" /'/. \*fS .I.V/J !•»« sad w a »f ^ jv R|H>lbfti Ilf in dift'-n-at |>arti «>f tbr Mate, and tb<->r rUiiii- haTi**a'« llouru n. l4,;ibdrr, ar lit'. I- ***‘ \lf' br». iii.T. -Im It ^nnlik.' * '*** ' Ha SSKK< publo tlie account tlie should also he for J*"’':.'.' -tlicr>ar*apailtlbj ••{•••il f..r ius|>c-'' a' auction upon and for ; provision made ,^1 . anvlri>‘ii‘ K -a-U-: tl .n. uud La* Il Hx .1 h. th. *"** *^“*'* aiUndinf' rit£iTHiru.in:,,,HATti the 6«ck««ck. olleri-dorterr-d meiiic a.• tau md s.a ...... mill IIILLIXERI boons. t«meSome of 6 • ,.,m. .,11 U.,- , i'7!;:V u,, ,.',„.p ip^, p tiuodr-- lli*t->rv v.f the I nit - ,!r :Ti- *rAM/./i .i.v/j yt u.\m ins|iected it -^^r L I’ii'torial u,.si.i.»f.i.MY*. .iru :ist,,.»|p„ .1 7."} ?k HK beuetit of Hie Delawares. low ays. and Weas.. >iA. the work as proRresses. It I ,i„p IMV'hr'' f-U-i itli hai i»ainr * •esii. x| Urtur... w tb» arv; u. ^ 1 ) *)« .,t • iBx- K>v«*t tka J .7..' ^ .hr ! /.- . . m " •• Sr.:,- 1I atl offerOtf**r of a v...knw* authmit.autl.i.,. amAll orof theiuarvr**odiiio. .ivr.ai andtru*.i.d ini' w i.i*-. m* ..i»( » Pictvriidl lint* ry -I l-u((lau.l »« •iu|*sr«itii.u * *xl** * I jf.,— tsuy.n.t' r,: had an u i II" . hor^Shorses for inyinv dHUtCbt«*r,daiiichler, andaild Whif*. OoviriiL ^^l.url ’ "Ucif* anvl ., . and iujuri".i- lb • fl I ui..ulvt ,,t , } b»t •S..I. \e f3Ynrakl» Wrm« TXh*^ wW ra#«aaf4^ . f n* ^kt.* ..«« they paying the cost of surveying, done, we -hould not hear of so <• •udri*'b * ru*t»riai lli-tur.* wl In hcve w It i.'.ar kl. »«y B» respectively, tin- weie many I la-zbriraii* u. I a-i.*l lAwlm IVBf swapofasquaw^,{ ^ for Mis. M. I1 declined.leclined Imth Uam- th. m M Waal. M YwrA M> 3ri> 3l? -f »«r r m*4» nY«^iVYd lb* J‘:7,,V;’!riV5t7Aie“r * Hllii r*»r t*v,vdrtrL .Xucig'iit lll*t*.M, P.v. r> »* c' lit i ^••wImi •d j ! »4» tt« -' j f ii«i|.cn< rit) ei. r> • - , in *vl tak. • « * maaafAxtttjwr- selling. Tlie legal casiialtie- I itui^l s>. tiu.i. f»-iferl thai.that, «bil>ttil.jr managing, and title, domain, of the distressing arising from the *'iAdvaiitli••ailvantageoiis4r**OUS olleis." tiu.,,buiibut 1 crui.o«rtain nbilettbey ...la«Muld n.rin>.t »<«tweek it i;ve..lric!: Mvlt-rb lli*t..ri and all Ann rn a pivt |uitu it n«. 4 ri-' i*. 3 |-»rrfui - u.l xu on- Col. *•*- >v'L<-*i liisi**i. IDoIior* • S' •-'Eft rwi N- . I','*"',' •">* " ur'Dit. i* xMlrt* L t ui.iUiwu p*.4ll.lr.| f ill'd) mr I'liioii the 12thl -'th of l'•'*J' ‘ We ex|iertexiH'ct to reach Fort riiion by **'*' | I r, rtZrtk lurisdictionareuithe I mted Sutes, but Uie failure of buildings. f t*> • > ''*^r***»*u^±fPin abb .iifi.-ibif and | .• mit tbetu b. r«'fuN# t hv-ar ita l•anller IIm* wioLea ul Xli lo ] when . ill'* 1*1 t;ort**> K'-a'lcr*. hi» fr.rtx.iw Ififh-'s 7»» to .k'l Ih.. Sfioot .Sitk, Chauibers Ureef, l-st door we-i of Broadway, if weW’«* haveluvt* as gomtifOOtl lurklliok in regardrptc^rtl u.»ithat party »rvaiv ruU>full} -ir.ia.Mrnitxda m«,ie Afi,r.<>iratitr ‘ K.* , A A. ri — — .AugustAu^u;n pvtulinr i-N'itiwu ! Mit' (K**frapb> AND SEWING * 1 a I- LvU I’riiaary : vVv‘i' in'i ;•» "< ; V‘ MACHINES. M ; .^^;':1 "» *. the sales IS ill the Indians. Tlie proceeds 01 the ' ii5 traveling.tratelin^. ' Mi»/*RfAVpp^""‘II 'y _ I ramrain toUllto fall on us to n*tardretard our i-abTin“.»i\Vau.tbiiatu*ii4iand>tat.*|H.itti.».mV.- i-*iiti.7. rku..,'\.l7“u7^^^i ivb< » v.f D*ruiu. »b.< » At L, abkl s»lK*it« tlM.ir a .uu — patmaa*** 'PUIS «rll kbubb Mifc ,bt.- ,4k;'--r: i ^ the x Saturday, u hen ._ b.br Oil ^n...certain vl »u«*«*rai, and « h» ruild carry lUkh uir-ngth a» sale*, to be mxounted for by the rnitedSutes.:«»'‘®"‘^‘*‘'‘*'‘'‘““‘»’'T‘n*yo« _ « ^ ' ' a*Atn j .N' Hvii-loy’s tVxf/ V* M-.rrhxu! lie i» kte-nu t*> tlir aLvde c'tintr), __ .wu ail paiir **I-.1 tb« I bi ' TMOn««i l>0|l.|*4!^H, thermometer stood at l*i degree- fahrenheit, 1 *.i*»*d la# UotryUiat ry ..aand oiuriruroliararUr .r.are lamiiiarfuiuiliar i.I • .i.-rii—nv \.*rj h*s«l> Ml rlibt'ick'* 1st U* t.k. U i ' .>x,rx»,-.l 'I'll »* extract thetlie IaukIuiiI.z<»ntlon i-4t.u «p.,»l . V., after deducting the cost* sjf surveying, maiia- j ijy-Tlie followingfollow in C from < OMl'OIMl SIIU l> OP P,,P ,, .f,^ I,,, Mil.K -%i:KMT jtiK ” !<• S\llSU*Alllhhl, . • -All lbU'*a Liui he an ar*','iuplii>hed and fearlei* iti-nticui-ai. M.-t'l>atiM*k e 2-t «l*> dw. .. .h x" «• win-k ». Or- ...i «**^ cmi loyed writing a column and ahalf ... « ,k„. .,„j I.,,,, ; . biilliant .."Ii.'r.r. pn>f-Minvl . selling, f«i the i Curreittrondelit „fof theu,e NationalNutionul Inlelligei.ceillttel|itr»*ncel le-le* ,a bniiu:.. mat* .iVbiVu^ran able U«>b-r. «aauvl .a 'tiurr,;ntatvstuan XI- « liiit.M-k'- lat Ur.ck d- ""'-'•'•"si. giiig. and are Uie considerations .\ tiireloi' D|s.m-,'s arising lion, ail knii.iire xr- r»..»r-tr.i ... . ’ oi ; 7' ,ii ut Doo’s Sx*AOO, It* un>' *d et \*. i’llbt '.'kl dU ' * "‘*'*'**^' '*^“^^ **** ****^ *“‘* '^‘**‘’**“*'‘^ ,*1 1 1 P*^'"'**^ viti.tea .stale of the IIIo.kI. t'-''- Conmu.'^sik k. M' li Impf.r'er, cessiiuis of lurisdicUoii and sovereignlv to Uie lat«**lates to th«*the prof^rcsiprogre.ss of thetlie warW ar and Ihethe move-|jlove> blm\t*tii.biui tt x:4i. bel7jii*i!ijitnilt r«iJ. aa a»*?i.nr.^,.Ih».!''^s..."1..7di*iiu-'m*be*l >« nanir oatd • f .1* Blauk It.«.kw 4 inactive an.l ,'.v,77vL^!:V,':'.;,:.'k,%7^^ Mumif jctiirerp j «7a* A large kk ..M wpv llwk« ' aa-i H :: fc-» ' ,b.ih« •''-I* braird J 'hii Mar*iiall, i>< «-«»utd till pA«iiivz.i ,, tNaNr ;»<-*-r) W**ri| [ ttaa the . , .ly.yany in the ('••rAAl«*by A. I»\X l.n.-r, |ll|lsia. I'lxt . .u i.^nj. “ •‘‘'f'-r Sunday's leadiiu;, to prove that I sluggi-h Dy or ilerange. ..i ..is"', p,,'-'.pi,. II'nitrdnited Slates.Sistes. The treaUes expressly 'requirerequire the I rltnea: <; irtHiSr.g«ilirtiwSr.ga ar Mark* t. il''* ' | Uient on tv Rm etuerg.tnerginv't, aid "justa* a.Tl jAb Thitil *t i»* ' j mamilio.x. .v«,.,„r inei.t of the Dige-live Eiiii. i.; ‘ •• • lion*. 'la. * A. i ^ ^ ^ *^bc H«l>Nia9 Jid n4>t Slid l>Oiipla« in i ta>i* h iuin «h<•>h<'» , . 1 m.iest;*.! ^ . - I u \ ,1 I, aaK^II t-. .a- at a.i.l I... I _ _ I.rxlh Z II l.liD.. rU‘31 11 1 i*«l : me tbatthat theU*c UihI-laiMi' Hoallshall In*ie- offi-iedoMrl**tl at pUulMpublic aucUoliaiicUuii |...e'uavra and Kivj r. ••.Yed p* la w si 1 4 •• 1 ) 01 « tb.* at.litnitiilatilitni!i*d t Iiftd-Itvr I.f ai.vl '•M IKK li-7 hag* pniue % !I be»*ii lUll« lue •.«» |>an> ID r .. „ . I'XOvl' >o pL.x ry -TRkbT irraatEw L t trsal. g.a.ing‘ the N^bra>kaNebr».«ka Hill tbioii^lithionprl. ~mtt.Bvt-mtaamls tb.tb« re«pr.^.,* a4 t«>t1 ,.t bi»l II. . .,uLm. . Nteutucr Jane- Kiankliii aud J Xv : 1 ~ Im ' 1 .r-tiltk .rti vliai4->> • . S I Licb w.- -.u Ir Ui tbkri-k>iisttiuti .b, »iivl ®^0!©"«OUSe I legurel-^dsr^ lliey can be subj<‘Ctsubject t,.l.r pi ivate entry in p, H S.f hisl..s faiiulyf anuU hr,.! a fOT RCllt, UK rilFR-. » VI . 11 N C/.ar «nd part of Uving ha.l **a a:tl H 1> N» XXt tiMU A IIKO. • r-l-.', ll'illl.i•iliijk andRt:d aYatlahilityaYRtlBtilit^ . I- th*' i-I.Oir. .if "the vdvl yii4ra • .• • -- * ur a-t- UrUc III I h I .».*!•;' t*. r_. . , w f .*r t.;i? kl I d th.* ir-"il5i* .*•* Irwr, II -a-e . -i.,,, i > instigate .Mr. I i « ,i t ..r NEW YORK. and. fuitlH-rmore. that lie did not •t.e.tl liV thrv.ii|th lit** #i * rvca|M fioin being cantured by an Kng- II*il M. 4'Ui all ht« furmni-. In dark • *f II. • *h| it ill - Ta«kB j 4t!«x' thr klrrbsl iin-flm.Ot v . W xrrt l l' — M*lb. ^ ' - Dihrai. y «. any form. : a.I*“| 1.\* : W- en m- a« j Jl Ifvirui bt* lifi- «*-ll R« If) pr-'«priitt Iti- rarnrr a i—li ' M..I |s32, 1^. [*' .ii ir , .kllu. I ...l.kr ID l-al.. .1 11..' p... pxrx> - u " » »o, » 1 ' < , oti' Cionstadt. llie whole af- n Vpa. ^ fcrin -ri . . allHMin aiKl tlie State of Sontb t'aiuhna. in ip.lp war steamer I | J' || “'.V iki. I n .SliiM* ksivi.rir-.gt *i L arises tir.M 1*«» U-Yb NtraiKii'. r* lit, 4Utl iibiform fjoi; VI ,.,' li«"all*l*w, (gllestloli th' eupon U|k«|, the following Ih* M* -'s,. -11. *-r fiivi, 7 as clumsy fahricalion. b*‘>*a all lian LrYu utii-iii 1.. nullily Stale*, nie fair i« legaided a ijLa* frv« frv*a HUth> «mLitiv'b. and he 1 Uie law- of the I’niled | |irovistuii of July 2Z, I**.>4, viz: f irdU»» ‘*i ' wL* a tlw lot*T*-t» ..f hi s art v *• re »» ixlko 1 i j •“ , W'ith regard to atiairs uii tlie Danube, it . , I , I ts»rTrd aLiliii l.i-i’uilaMir*- •" ^ ill l''••••l-I. ^ JJII La* Mitli 4i•tiU|(•ll^Lrd >n ilic 7 -xu*;:; ; < I Or. II. >l«N4 I'.ngrisli vessel- bave enter.liert'd.! ('• i:i v.«»i , fei,ii rr's Hitli vhBwl, n : , Hire,' tin- I .Nti*lts. II*- T Ki.r .,,,,4 ,,.j . tbal K**b(U' k> and Ib njttrbt ul tbr nit*«| La That all the Imei. to which tlw Indian u n. , j a. , i... IlciAf- I \V di.xit 1"^"''' pio|Hj-iUoi,s pal- U1'.4. I hub* If » b.tti nal r«*| 11. < lit,- L«f n .. j|io prove the ne^atixe ««of plo)»OMUoli> Soso 1 ^ulii.a moiitli ..f that rive, . TheI'be first Rus-Kus- I’heslii-.t, fiuei 1 has b»«i or shall be exlinguislied w ilhiii said BOARDING ' n , i.‘ l>r*'rd u| .uroreilluttri'B*u“ “iVTr.*'•crYic** and dc\'*t*-l atta* Lluvot I', ttl* .SCHOOL r '7 r tl « w'lUiin halt a league ofI thellir C**nter sf rt-u-i TerrUoryTerrilory of N**br^s»kaNebraska amian.l Ivanna*Ivansas sballshall be sub*sub- pat.ly|*-»h!y absurd a*a.'* those I'oiitaii.edcontaiiicd in the artn’b-artit h- : >iansian postspost‘d were wiUiin priesa,(ri*-ad4tri**ad« itul.i, lariytarty .natud Lhl*i* loiiiitrv. Sui L »• tLr ni^n tL-i: j Ih'Ssiau forces retired fromi B.i-B.I-K«l- larrr I* atii.u «.f tl.*- pariv • f k*ntuik.« pr-')--** u« t:.**.f 4*%4ii*rk. operatHMioperataoi, •""«”'• T*"'T*)'' i ject to the of the pre-emplUMipre-empUoii act of the oiigbt "cil••cut for ! \u»r*,. T;ii*te>-- '.rr> to • PllE ' Jr„m la.iutonla.inton N. ws, ought Iw I,"”h. \l andida'r fur IJ -T. rn-r i uiu>t . Pme l.ci iL. i ..f t)ii^ :n«titut« bervbv f*'**»ribi' i*rb:- ,e .. llK.SKr Min.KK. u. thf-.rui i* r.*i>ts *r, alvI i: , , h(»*»tkt. 3 ' Ihe 1st liist. I he Generals represent-^ rm ‘ charesi on p.. I .JuanliabH -c»r: . the fowrUi Wtftember, IMI, and undei the con- pp^. p,-.p i»-»ra.iM-ard. ...aand lU,tLc •• uiuiibi< ul* Lvimu expr ^-cd « i)l U that thi .| mil ; L*'**'"' N* i ..e, ;aci| ai u :aiiu. . . ,p p p. i.,ppf,.p p , UU • tr.l « Itli ttiY i IV \ ai|d a skillful operator .an lind iFiesh Ai rival ol White Fieiich China •i n r* •*|*«*iivl* >i ii< Lii., ,b.tb* Lrsrt V 'iif .-f ib«' >'r«gt uijfs *-u»l-r n.*Yt. Th v * * • retreat wa- strategic movement.inellt. l..,.aiz'r.-p-.„a.al«*i>dly i-.n and -:i^ y h—l ma 5.„,.rd.,. « . If l—r ( ... - dStHHis. rei!t?ictions. and sUmiUtiom. ll.eiv.i, P**' | pl.eir in.H u!*'-' -li. d / jit Ux h»»x-. ,T.i K-. .1 111 .' " XT tl « iH'W r«*ad> t • r pupiN, aud .ff. r*. i-r. -ir.-i.abt •». iiiu.st !>how lib r Ir* u; .-.t-il -n .» . - , at Ui«* I im*' ol!i« H** that 1h**y 'hHiild return umcli somiei tlun M^frtioued 11»»U wb**i#* mi- u r I- ?',.l l vl\ rxr_ .. . : r : l Ul- a*- . « ill li;. J P, , 1 Fi.iuf.,rt-i'le -?" -iB'ii-.n, w • ITje luik' are at Kalu*:»‘re- the mk.gt kir ' xp^rted. r^Lle abiMl. , nuiAryed UdUe are claimed by |»re-eut|»tuMi, no- hi-' ability lo leiuove the MUiphcity without di*- wa- Of tin*lit** (iraiul(irdiiil I.l.rU4l^«' wliirh now in r..p^ ot | t r I 1 \- -.|hh.1 ^O. 21 u ttiidrr tbr abl« • NORTH aa^riiktrbd-b'-c f X|‘ FOURTH STREET * t.ce «i tiw ecaic irsct claiiuea tOiall be l,l.’ d ! Til. I'l III, »b wh-m t’v. Tm.l.rt* n.'.i.e Uieui»- Ut-i*i- h**H full 1 , , - tu.tui luiicbiiig thelue brims—uraiiiN thereuirrr b.urtiteii.g muir* olut * 'sMuii atai K*‘\iii^'lun,i*»*\ini:;un, Iticiiii* ' 0 1 ,,,^*, | PtI I I..U»LI.I‘H| , • Oh^nvirx/n^riviT ofui to-da)lo-uav a . , — , .4 U../sl.-.i.kx i .... t, .kaxa.i iix.. ^ Ixordl.x>rd KafUnRagUii wcr»*were ex|»exjMclj-ucle,l at BucbaiesI,Isiichait'ot^ timthe • wW!thlCi;thi» three inonthsinoiithfk aft**rsfter the survey i. I I . ••**_L* .. the Nur\>'V hadbail hN'vUike. I wj'i.* quitt* tranquil. >ax>: Itownaml iieiP\M I irscUcUimed before the day f The tirand I-o.lge of K-nturkv is now hol.l- F^- i?;*! II n KEK. ,T. .. >'«' ' o 7 f-'Howitu; in T'" u.tuic. Rlih* Ux'. •-.ven.« bt ‘ity, ***‘'t'*«rM tnt). ‘M“" I**" U- ,e,H,rt that .\ustr.a wishes or«^^^^ tu-.ar tt flaffi. irutlf r»i -ia..Mit*.f ( : .V r.r . , fixed for the public C^Tb' m !a*cd V ;f ^ -„:v 4 t-.f'p., «le of the Ui.d- by the comim.nication in this ntv. It . to prvrrrTr It 1. lu '•fX, N-»v«aiNmr L^INK,psp i'l r Cl v*sX.'.-J \M»vM. T.XUI1 K tlw evil ibt««’bkr»,.| « Ity itfo “ ^d1 andaa4 l-.rl .r 4lcale at tl. - ’ li»a '('bilklrca tL bawr t into th I rincipahties. The III Itl-FV'S jowr . ««. \ nominated he« from advancing mho \ ^ S I'uj drtcr.v-a T •' proclsmsuot. the regxrd to <.'*llioun Benhxui. recently tuit ihtn.'tbutii bavt tWlmat w*ri. 7 i.L r aa»«»AHr»A T-r>«| • of President of the I i.ited coiniiienceil its sr-ssion on Monday last, and will F xvi jzi. (iiurtuaity Im Uaru, '.riUr aa Kid, Cali->kia. I'aKat t»«a «MB Lus'liah «.-—niea*. -laj N-.P'.;-.!».. r-i writer add«: Compound Sirup of Kramu) ir. tbe land I fk,; t'oiwress bv the Whigs of California: a close before Satiirilav iM'v.vM.li ioiii.rsn ruis on: .f pt-*rac«r tk r„, :l'..."D.l.D ll’ri.-tl'l T. f ,r b“3rd auU ia.;i'*ii per annum 4 kar*«. I'Ml u-r.-l Wca.Clltr -lul xll Dll'. Wlxh laartt-rl) l ay- feit all right thereto: is •»-"" El- Wk-iito., 1 !- aUm mxy '••**b(adam4 f Lw Prorided, -lid notices inav lliere an unii.siially large atten.lance .. I I . 11 ., . :in luUe* ludtnik ti*'B lu ib«- M ' »..U .'i.a r. 1.-I.I. p ..p.xrx.i-u ii iu»ii-.p , . lanjua^v ,, , J. „ „ u. n-sfor > ,hu ‘ Benham nominate, by th. '' •* |-ace w.th Russia but tor luitruxtiou ^ WtVecB Eifkth Hbw ' »“««' i-.r. ..1 P-..M .1 ;',rup...r riu.a tu fn acL, Li;.u, aad MiUi' will ^*ca be «ed with in. acted , l.xirx.: I : W cbar»f .4 r\- Sunevo. OiwraJ. and ! d.-legates from the various s.ibor.l.nate hnlg-s ot dJi'i.k .p.arilU. TL,, Katliiiijf. ^ | n, ,. ' .» Imy. He '• '“t'* A' stria and there is goo.l Jo 111 1 . rcp. 4 r.ra »k!. 11 k *1 . Gonpress an Ohio a«d p ml. xrc ai.a .tt. OB bv him. until oth. r arrangement shall have ,,„,n,tt..d to ^ xl- Oplvijpal3l«. form an • i"V" r ibv Ixriuul . . f tin Liiitvvi , ', 1 u»|<-m >lU Uitlrr- Hoxiso, distinguished t ii.cinnat, lawy. r, who di^ ^nn r.-aso.,^^^ that, ui.le-s concessions are I apt^ To llie < ilizeiisuf “.“.. r.*m It • been nmde bv law for that purpose. „,,i,ii«ii from the number character ' aly tu bring lu-.ri: -. a vutraitul. i-.-O" iiu* l^laiulq illr,|n). ’ ' and of tb. w V. VrNi aokl atlv I ' Rreiilici* ' is a nemifW of the her ariuie^ will crosis the * . u-f. VV.ILI «; 4 . a;:u. bv enemv, . *• twf-ntv vear* He 1 1 1 _ ...... i . .. 4 ^ a.-iT: /i.. .7 ... *i |-.•ul^lan.l..1 •Eti\«M sniuYiliala.' ht. tLeBn vrr;. V Tulike u) 3 !i>- < f tbr Tlie CommisMoner of Public I-ands states U.al „( the l.a>uisville Journal, a graduate of Ohio at the latest within a fortnight fiom the *7 !»., ular »iru|* r. Atr.vi t. uLu!. dej- n«l frontier .'..I'l 7 I pi*. SCHIEDAM j AROMATIC ,*Vl'e l*^r 'i, •rt* ir .th vyuii n |» SCHNAPPS hyvijuniatw t.:.-' WALKER 4 klui r & the^ g/ . ar-. GARY, *r aic. lyrr *iv Y»:r .EV3 Or J. smai' t . t. Iniversitv. «.d as utliiua'tf. ' laf?c|^ r-c MtUn I.N 1 Diet l»ria'4 i. Corned the pan of penu„» intending uua ••tlurr uuku-Ho ingrcklix'iita. » UAl.X -T .. .V. e* (« i rmnieatle «•'— v « on a m:^. Mghe/l.'i^eVlL;^ la OiLiu^ii -b v) I ill. aaourv ir. -adc Bad t 4 ,aai i . ‘j/.::’'''...'whn iii Utliee'^Mexi'M**xi- a , . Ill Mtb -ir« ^l> tt k#! -41 • nnk Jd'I '* ibiT he i> lazv. H*' *iai•> . It is now hat ,, .... r ,i *, | 4 a i- iu4 vlr rr.n. be i-artTM : 'Z S. hermrv - ^ iM ^ > 4 a: .'.l kej t la '< -kevivax, tj!i4if*r Ii4>lur\ tlie ' la -inaavj act - >iet UP t>rr—e-mi»tjk*n> the of Julk i^*. 4 - * * i in Hie of institulioii in ft«r (t.r (••na I tbk m-r-, •t>le «U)w r»* U .a .fi. v»aa xi»»r .l »i bc ii *i n'»(>viis4;ury, md* 1 V I'iDth. Vcli.t. XB.I r**. aa . * * i ' i *'at4in*.TtMtbui k»Mcb 1 Ml* -4.- IT r can nracticeu law *« while with Aed *Mar* CarpathiaiiN into MoMavia by the * T4 V.-'ina, I war, once cross the i i. i .» < v.tci r fi * " ''“ ' belween Dwt ku«>»a tti.kl •ntu«ly btruile.-i m itn aaturv. latb —14. '.i.rly u-» ai.4k .v.l eallai.4»... f 1 llaadlrre d 'A»» es« W nl..«,4,, L. lSs>4.tlk»i this act constitutes a coulraci ' roh‘'.Trx‘r».iXi„c Cincinnati, and has since lollowcd Ihe ri |T* fi* r»e». , ,« ,r OD...O Kr„„sta.lt and Ojtos passes. Tl.is would look gohu (ar4 a .f '"tr afardU. tl* r .t i« UaUd iu W;: ty f *r tl.kt kr Bd. ITsi'm h--,, j \,f f iV V*' BI3a t G t Bt f Af ST* £* r.AXe les..» _ raBC' » afcv4»i?:.v-:,^i ^*,4 extr*«ri4t^ vry •r. uud 'litf -iruiM.r • \ ir 41 r k-**iii|-K-ttfvl iii ^ • m«4> inai I'.iited S'ates, ai,d that in so fa, destiny. Were it not for l.is jmliUcs, w e .Viistriaiis "U ar t » n ilav g. 1 . *‘*'‘'**< i-: kBk W ii !i • them and Uie star of |,i;p p„ ,.ap„est. and bring Uie .’ . ».mf .i ladra. eia •: j f. ,,,7,, '' iV.'*tn > .'./irr-4 i.ft;? m iiu«tihur«t n-. Ur : i-arily. be Vvr lu. rt * r-rj -v#t.*s *-•* kir« rtU«iva. Uc-4 U9 t -X. |.iu4i...!c 5 .r » 3 lur 7 k. • I *.». mav i.atlr « ,».i. XE4Cr-v-4 x»ri.y GonKr«-s‘- The split op|Kjsition. As t ii Ixil er ( -vfe ,-i tiitUTvCiv ,,,d Russians into immediate X4 wvtl-.»'aL:;s!..klWvtl-.»' 3 L:;.!..kl tacttjct U-tlh::t Waf-ra!waf-r 4 I ur t ar-x.«4 Ih, ;ro,ri. V t. in- treaties w ith the I * ill v*|- •* regard- Ui. supulation of j,, ,i,jk ,o.,„uriow «|U a uke atlx,., 1.U:.4. .r r. iL ..I..,-,,:./. cy evening • l.vi.rate. t, |.uue'' [AlNPIiF. nt'l'KI'MX, « HKCI.MI ,*..a RIh-i Tit.nm is: in Uie California Democracy gives him a fair ' .S<'a, v.-ry genera , a* wr -itii-riu *r tUv r •. U|»>u » hi^li ai*> OK .\EltVill> uK>rruc«SHM af •? .. , . „- , the Black it is , y I Bluda.. uLd 4 . 7 - DLaiUtY, Ui'.C4»:.' vd .4 I tit TMt K^ 4 la loways. ar,.: U ea*. of May previous. Av-tiviry ai.vl 4liiv .j.-y ^ L -tl.tt; diesj|.,i: KIP.M.Y4, U a r-: 1>«m< .tj,.tj. j} :• mlDeU s-es.-r D";aw.re-. • . election. 4** V hance of sSl^i that the wa,., of action is no, attfibutable k-'f |•r)Ukl|•U- aJ alMi» 4r.*ii.k' tr m a l»ia rvl, r J Livtr ^r 'b ^ . -'‘’'‘"r uBvl itviovl iLk •** a.-U-ku iulluvr UL t«» -a »..ica ib«y VS) _ r i I to the“ ajiiiadmirals,ai». but I iI . the II -*«i. Xv-uity.-t tliv.'*t-inan endorses our vouriffyoung fnemifriend min * a»lv'nr ter be coosiuered a^ aiMi actions are cripple a . i i ir i i- i I T4ri«ty t >t bu. I -v*Vd tbaii at IIAfi L dllutevi X If .li.-l I'ullutai r Weight la ‘>•“•''•‘-1 U A. X.N X UKO.'.S <*f iutte.vd *‘f w tttrr. autl tbv • b'd- I Statesman ougl.t to f all save bis lazim-s-. Tl.e »'•-»“ IbinlAtr-. t the Stk.mxdi. -=.ur Kructat|..u4, ; BLilall ib. i i i' ttitkl I'aftt ikjut i • -^luk- T„ , c,v,l,ans, and..., that...a .V.the Kusslw ships would '“.1 m waat v*f lucb !(•' 'lu • ill tniiu)-Ivtrb ,v ie-: ,« a .f inx i-r KUtti at The publici ;'rare '.1ii.vit.'.l to attend. »U'ir*t*.rk lar|- auil su **! f artnt nn< ib« I'lt :.-f Uia , V;i f*.- J orler, bciof jo»t mc'IV Irviu {>riBci|>lr bi tua rnttuu* f there *"• '**>' jK-ople *"in Califor ' manyta"! i' know that aie no lazy |„ng ere this have been brought intoW Bos- ‘ aV'ma*jh, >« ‘ j ‘“'‘K imiaiUit "f the ney Oeuerml'. however, says that m his judgmimt ! “V* , ''V,' the ca'*e. Tiiere i>. H<.il. llorri'kl au4 liia. It 15 iii lew atTord phorous had not tins been . .. -»ai_k.»g* ja rai i a luxurv which men con i |ire- ani> DifBfoU Uivatbiuar, FlBtteruK? at the there » nfl€ the fuimdalioii for thu Crops Uf.atiier. rheI Cincinnati ^ H«art. ^ i how'ever, at Uu^h pretty conclusive evidence Haiper ^ mduipe.* ”* for September t^uMOb,t^uMon, either ui the frenerolgeneral principleg of Uw. I that th»* spasoiispa^oii w ill not be allowallow'eded to pass with-with* i Fi ice-Current of yesterday says: construction of Uie letter of the out a blow be ng struck in the Ciimea. 'IV tale, or oo the proper n... , p.. it-.v rn. Id.ig- The long sju-ll of dry GAturTTo Bov.— The ladies of . «aiuu.rr. Heu *ams up... buI..X concluarons as.k fobf .1 fr. queiiUy been referred South Carolina. Uve ereCe.1 a isXl French. Turki-V and English Irrops having '“^'is.s vi vsx hand-omen to Uie memory of a young been shipin-d at Varna and Balb.-chik^ Uie the at44«— tad T.rCrt»).k ; I f..,, pi-rpen.liciilar depth‘‘of V. 03 tneh'^^^^ • *1 *kx^ dinirteta IB - ‘ •* piece of ingenious but I wuicB-tpvia' opimori is. that ar, of Congres- nu'^- regarded as a ...u t. . li. hue. *V , Tbr my ,„j.„ u,* ag, of six- 1 Ills ran. has been pretty^ X^'Tttatte NBBirvbtia 9r.'»aacmi i*

. SCHOOL tdemBad ly .nly..na«cb.rfU^ land- ! FOR a* traer.T.r gives pre-eaH.'ao, efit greatly the corn ami YOUNG LADIES f« r »K.u: *>

OTr not requiiHl firpl to be off» rru at i cted o* sii|iyK>,s|.d that the former e..rri. iiiu-ke, ii, reg.iiiei.t from ceded by tlie d a Ihe Palmetto .* |).n\f ky xu.v "tisrr p.r pur.ti. poblH sale; that the laud* Dela- Seciitaiy of the gives W aln a*l lu • •>iubiitati..u With g^-pM, Tieasuiy htariMatvof |..*ttjh lo all « avi-i* «h< r« j lit man.) i aft* I'yl. .'iUs, la. V ti*4* u-f *f tbtdartiel* ware^ lomiw-, aiid Wea,We,,, ,.^ruu^r conditionc^^^^ ol Vera CruzCr.iz lo the pates of Mexico, wwherehere he ‘ i« in.liv'4ii*.J auil i-r-'i •r. r h< i.s i from various hi.- ;7.":,r,.f'h,V7b ^ %r that tlH- Department prepared to purchase pacts oft aud adjoining coun- d-lliQH price- Le rib iim^tistn. ii*r. nvlarv nypbilit, 4\|>hi)i<:d tli^t-axnk. itirprun Lnrt \h jiic otfered at pu^c aoie. a^ no ’ - lost hu rigid arm. OnO..h..-re,urna,u.ecloseoflii.<^ r^'turn at Uie close of -ati.-fied that, notvvithsta^^^^ 4>T>Lilitu*suiv thr- at, tnUircvUr forint „f v-.-anval craptiMnii. ,t*j kaji mai 4 f F < t/wi- • nn 1 I 14. r .11/vu.itiir 1 »jy^40.0uu^3,S4U.IM. . b.S. stork>stocks on thetin following I Kicb i-taivl, of V.I L 'V,r..7.T:r,.;^ an ^tanl >*ri >i>' n'. openee to pre emotAop by the act of Conprrss I b trnm-ii* inHjiuroati -n < Mb«* . tt*. auvi *i k:4 . 4 U 1 1 11 «|-;r T W'hit*- »*'•» *'• G.roliiia placed him ' " r .r •!« .S.'ie orur4lr>t' tir* ..iitbrbc.*! 11^ reJrv^res^rviOion at Eort Le.v-£^.v- ‘ terms: |4iu« | (.• i«.U;vl« i-t |u'4 aii.n, lilL, l m »„ m^Iry^autv ‘ K'.l'r.l.Vi'Kii-li bLiiv i*>ca.tr,.it* dh U* iJt»»»iT»ii of aiii aave^rreee ajr cioj».rim 'uU in B 4tv*r uDvI takfi) a itb ilte* hirup in ti* m in Ui#*Uie miliUnmiliUry academyacadt my at CharlestonCharI« *cUii underUBdcT claimrloim ofOf prr-enxpUoi,;pre*«AipUoi.; andat»4 Uiattliat cation.cation, Wi«u.w iieii heb** entered, he was ignorant even • »i '*| c.pfB *r-a 13 4Bd i4 l!I'rip'''**!l.?'Lf1 .. i 1 . iwh*kyc **"ii . ! i 1 niiud.-lll iLtli- ^iik^ilk >iil \%’'1U. B M*bJi\, tbv ir^.rt)BVm hun*-. 'p,***^i '•'J*' lY* TX’**^* .; *tb uf >rfit«»bgr.ai -Uez. rr- -h* y*.b n* ’ *'> ’ •f .Udine, . fY urns of pre-empuonnre.empUoi. Uwrethere will be merely void ... „.x •! Duf Itobhi-rs — An.An nincident occur- r..)Dt Ai Uru ..B I iMt. BrarCra) «;r*x!. f3*» tm •))• cimms “‘H'- 4| vilU .'Yn rally -1* « in itf v ti n. an V .t 3. Bril ’ rrdred/a few nigliUnights since in tinsthi.s city, ut'« i-Yi'tnanYnt l>vLv^l itti r *ult kiu)<.« it* ti*- i» * *«Mb«, will t onfer right, DOW or hereof- m showing that yvb .* .11 .h- . LiW, and ij# . VI. 'r-BM , . , , , .V*|.Ji&n«>U k«3y«rca 'w.ian. - t« tLiv .s* the loan the ot retb-eui- I- r a ItiihU. f Uini*. artiftilttrly in Jv j. -ia B»«kt yL - S ..f veTirt rio.four yeai>, he graduated with the bighe>t outhoru^ by act I rL*B- lu J..a»*. w*hich lb*- isMiei>Mie of naU'o:paU'O* a foriiii.iable d<»g had been Iraiin d up lo tak»* a U li llltl hi.hcit: /rB*is> IB c%i f) BihvK'itmB B ^•'-3-Mi..B«.tLtVyriB^iy.laV34Y. trf.. Ol.oci which toio demoDddemand Ih- a •I.4I./1..1d lui u, ug|\v/U '>-r rr«;.4. r. . fill -D* auvl Ltk .i 2i**a#t;<. f W I Mi'*i, I I »yi \ EL a. VLaB A B*r >| v«b3U«! 1 B 4l' * i*vn lb* December. ot per cent on .L.-.. »..*-. t Ku Ky.. JuB- »• B«r. - 1 ; ikIK Uf..i;*-.. kK f.*i iN'.I.sai.l « ChgluubrfJtclkd ^ B«B«r f^r}- CommiMioii^'rCoBunissKMiei of F«ibhcP.ibllc lAndf.LAi,ds. . liIi 'nort..nois. But bu constitution was broken, and part in midnight r«»M*erie.'*. .Mr. Arthui Jlart- “WN per*.»i*4*n W iCi Ihethe j T.'k. Dam ' iJlKKi I'ttK I .a v.l.t.v riiiNS >K. viou,. t . n jlDtl n-*-l XU sXt..l sp a « Llltl.. U'-k V -I.M « v hrattrtl uutltrui* I .. fs ir'.-1.4ra«.'Di»aL4l»4»'» Presideipi Sheiill street, a l.'vv niglits Miire. X #• nMe laxaiiY.* «*tfr<‘t .-ii tb*- U «,*!• i* ibt> ml'-tl to (. uUy maiutAiLi W. . asii^.xu-.x „.| »,.»! Moreovri.it will be the duty of Uie Presuleni ,'..i,Dmnplioi,,'.,p,smnpli closed acaiev-r leiiiaikabb- ‘'''‘’'‘"e «i,.Mis. »4 uinu-iubiU-r.t.*..i.. putau..n Bitirh haa W« n vfivra », j >oon so pil-^IT' I 1*K4S 7i. Tre 1<1-niihl7^I"be foi1i*.er*n[ribe krtluk' vl i.y tr»- Di* viii in.*, th* d #f ina.^t in •.•in. nkf4«tirc 1- txdtcd -t*«« »r4ur d THyBi frr-« ! li anil 1 I , and redeemable, the foiiiier on tin i iu:.b} I Ji.au J. baviisy lU virtii«4, w« Bi»be«jtattD »rw «k»rb wXJithy vn B> mIIh.') L.vit.i. I 2 lv it -f t*.- nmiiitaii. force if n<*eda<*ed be. the phghte<:phghte.: awakened by a slight mus.' in liis ruuiii. uUm dLu i ^ hAv^ For Sale. Bb* >( to . by nmuiUii.. Hr , » , , t., , , , • -ultttv-il l.\ I* J’ t. ill. rr vliii. -lt<-xl. %. U». J.v 4 ! , uatl -.r ini av tl.w . BeBtly J rve* u." rbn». bQ*h I'l K'tr vb t lo: promi.-e. Tile monument is of j.ure w lute si Deceuiher. 1*0,, latter 301 j 't: .4B*( ^ 4 Uw :n . and the on the h w Inch is tir.-t ^ •waitoMi). «*• .'td'|It:d»| ^i A . on Uie lloor. opeipii.g eve- laithItk of the lulledI'uilcd State- ii.11 Ulisthis behalLbehalf. { On bis iJ.W. Ukrkt. rrii..ftt..wn, Ky., July IM, |A«, * *• k, ta. , u,x.' m.*<, cent.; L h ^<•M4 4i> 4 rbiM. kB Bb 4 -Li r."i IViwTril"’'* f June, 1 In per on ol Ik* trl ' a '•'-J*!'-.V. irtile. -^hout twelve feet high, on which of and the stock 'H >-c . >b.'»i- c f iu.»iiy vur« * r/-nt»ra by tk« .. X , . lids, he saw two rulHaidy-lookiiig men nearhi* V f- uot* *.f in -l^uv ••I..BI.Y.U.. i.mxU X. lu iiiiix', n "il. .Nfi.l bisM. < HilJr-'D lit Uv.tBU." lb.xes.,.,.,.„^ I*u: >1* la * it |•.n;..rl. II -.lliki.a*aGenn4b Uitt«ra, hjad K Ii«vy ittzk«» .4 th- .par had |.iBl K4lb-4. u, fsans ,.f twx X.^mismaK Tilerbe OfMiionofMiion Wic publishedpubluffied by order of Uiethe De- »'*'horized by the act of IKjO. and re- vhliuklc m* .4 Si IB rlK? g;fy t *rll,fbe.YrtttilAli<»«. ip,.<-rib< the bed. who were probably watcliii.g lo discover II l'rv| -r..aau.l ,-.Ul.jr TIIO.'* \. Ill l»ruc;idt, S»4h< slUl; »-rm; Bithav D4^ «m tKr Vifk*, „,.,.riUd. -To memory of the hrav.- Pal- Ul KV. F-rk and a....w.t- ./ «« urah the Interior, and is no doubt design- tlecmable Oil the 3lsl of DecemUer, 1S4’»4 (coiil- U i r> .L by 1 wrLv.r.'cv.-utLaudlaryeu l.miM.llg Kr. '»!- a xk» Uk-I. r.r •»!» k, *U ta« laa,a«t»kla pnrtBient of their entrance had . ^ xi.4 awakened him. He had hare- I '\J ‘Tm'ln boy July I' . >*U ...v»tf —r ^r» IS ;*• t ajW4 .-wxi-a iiionly called the Texan indemnity )a0 jiercent. jL!^* discovered I ed to notify setUen of the course to be taken by Iv the men, however, when, looking muLi-Ho Worn .u. n,,. It.Gres, on the parof each certilirato from the .{ownward, he saw a large, here,-looking bull- ( ‘ ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, s* Ua«»w *»..», .N.« y..;*. x„i,ni « . o theCo—msione.ofthe CoaanisMonei of PatdicP'lldic Unds.Lands. Co^AdAdv.cj-s f.om Fort Myres sUG Uiattbc j k S !3r Is, of July, G54.Jo the date of receipt and set- be, I.IVEKI-IKII. AM> I.II.MMIN. dog weeY the men audViuUelf?r^^^^^^^ . I •-,1.1 Wrl-s„ b, .14 X f.» .1 r.egioe* of B-.wleg., recently th." ^ IN. NrtilolM mv ,s a, captured by tlemeuf at the Treasury, with the allowance ' SUrtl." ^ ypyj. clo.sely. .At first Mr. wa.s so I ki-,., .sli 'i.r .s’lc Tl.i. .4|viU. tw *h* .-r : 4t ••••dlU'BJ RailMt U’iro Etxxd Xalfo. i,r..|,.-rl, z»,B«.tiW valar *>f Ike '*r|)Ba»lea G Pii'ik^«i3 r.KE.r.n. Ml l-.inkl, ia IW r,!v .b (for the money to reach U«* owner) of one day's 4 Ak-Yttnanv. .\l3.. s«-pt. ny. 1342 Ur. Iwvid I. U**tr. -t \>der»'''< »• Addition. 7 b^4e^ 4b- ..am, „4 , of Uie Tnbune newspaper appears to be summe.) J'oeliiigs became w orked up to such a state tliai .ai £2.000.000 Sterling — SIO. 000. 000. wr ftnU It t*. b« 3 Very YaloAblr m 4u-iur.“ b.„„ fp-on, , bat staU'xn. Tliey .-ucceeded as fol- • uVr'zYr eeB! . IB I j , , ycArfl. 3 b 4 the r«.ukOBvb ». ('. X. In<*iin. Ul 11* f*.ttt4'. r ib vevr *r a* Pay metit for said .stocks will be made in draft- ‘ — ''bAP' b- la* I- L.sbl. >C I.iilv K«*3 AIa. J-U). :»L KX|.tai4 ' vb4,.d h, twrytrxr, >--»l|*re:le-l |.|,;.,,,ti..bAfAii-** •.# i j •*Y m W3v Ai'f'-rd. ..f xl«-lb4A|«4kh4 f,. up m the maxim, that a nation iffiould produce be moved slowly a, thougli about to awake. W f-r ^44„.aWadiuBal ruri-: uru -v« | aiv IUv eltttt'tv '.-lltttAil) * ^ ^ m. bAYr 3 Ur.;* d kl. ; alllb**«w f* aa.l ,B »b»* r, ^ U*a»iir**r States, the a>- Blk..B*w, Th, p .mu. .1 «„ D.-a anirr ^ of the lulled on „ „l,l h, ,. . 1 . . ... within itoetf c%'erythia|r for which it has occa- Hie robbers, thiiikiiig they were about to he dis- 1 L^f fbv»t»*uirt^r ouniM.w.ur T,a It lb tiu* t3mik*'d It Yiry tttUYii. Tlkv |••’l'|•lr httv# 0 ^ Ifr. II.TI.1 . • j bres tati*'l Trrfed iBti. a n R. lh-,4,b r t>. v-w vL-tigl Ifitl .IbcUii t’ V .,h to bathe the uver. consequently their si-,ant treasurer at Boston. York, or Pliila- 4u< * i«i 4 bz n* bv iriflittk' r^t'-Bt n* jtraiBv, •' i,tu 1... ^ m hand- New J bdU tLat aff* t* ,..,l, s.HVr -h, 4100 . Discooramg on national w-ealUl, i, *«y- covered, crept on, of the w indow noisele-.-ly (- -Wh-n. 4 .t. 1,,1 .»e . . "xlsst .tr-.l. I 4 ». „ F;: - . . of .k i';;|r,i,,.,. ii '* ' ix\v y* ur valttYblo Uitt. n.aiid »illui«ti| u be.s.iurqhBowu. l .T^’ * 4.,r,4 l-c dHphia, as the parties may direct. But no cer- IJI'fvvt role* lBj,s| B:A»4e sr. -kb.14 h, 41 T.. I, IV 41, . iti sheet of this menung: cuffs were unlocked and usually were acrompa- while the rontiipued strict Jiei r.o.7.'.i !'. FtiA I » Ttt*e entitled ,o benelit of Uiis no- trrv jr- »*-Uiit/ «• 11. aiol 1 Uiibk tb« ill - svnbc I "'j** the * v.M. vv iii'i ii.y.x.vN z i o > b ts.utmBr tu «lu tu n. i-.><>.i»'h. iwiTiK-xi-k-Kuz “For the oner wiltow. we pay hundreds ,i>d by over the supposed sleejiiiig man. .After the men j .q.,r..,R a guard for that purpose. On Uie night ' I v** !•-* < !•• ezr I lb> r 4 4 .if 3 Ct,**b tL- « 40 bBYr B*t*4 y tK la.' ''^ *• * I!**"' t** teceived at the i- ***'" — of thotiaaiMis of dollars per annum to men who I . had go, safely out, the dog, VI'k mii.n.i vm r a,. huu..i. vv rxpp d“***v*‘« without a word hav .ut i.»i»r Pi.. II. I*. t.E.i.NAKO. Fayelt* r II. 1.'; Oo-.r m XU . J'»B. |«vij ''iir,*'.' <»«kt de«rtio,..4 »».riio. however, the»h. non-commi.-no. -eon. o... For Sale or 1 vv^ . Rent, ' Tre^ury on or before the said 2uth day of No- am. m ii7.m.n z": o V'.br bittz-rff Lay* vlf be B'-ttilrr* ib tbii 4U I r»» r gYcu^'B. .V .Di'»-D I ,4 payfrom ton to s.xty dollars per acre for tb- i„g L-,, ::,H,ten. walked to the w ludow : he then vt.BiL W , l>nZt, .—Jnl HsJ'Ti | a* B • f it. XI llBbWrt. Kd| .-if ihtar.utoiy. vembernext. bm4 W> b f.ir ^rve .».1.D,11. »4..,4, 1- J, 14., °™cer accompanied aiKi, as j uae of the ground or. which it is grown: w he: Uiem alone, turned around I J a ie« u, r-o. i.r .xi, tv » „U . and l.mk another look at M, . | rsl u-.Bth« uu4v:r ib« i ah ..r i..^*J*xV,.». ,d4 I 3i4tl t!ii F3<^ vl have coujitleas mUiions of better land lying the opportunity offered, they Bartlett, as if l»rl. rvlYilti U lUbdul. 3tt l tiM y.iBB/ *kvi we decamped in double to satisfy himself that all was right. I |D3tt. al II., | ia"n ixr.t I- .,.4 .. II- . I blu.u^h •.'•Ar, » bUf t* r rr*.H ,iy IB fewer sluilingf per acre than they pay dollars j! of r- bbers departed. .V. I EXt'H.A.MiE )s;t . to take ibe-m uaiil 3 c-.tui>Utc rur« vS- rigil. 1 deltb. U, f , t for , lie V. Tribune. BROKERS, street. bm I , Own Chiip. — Woonsocket Patriot relates — .Main Ue »• b*ib i.-r t,ri. r-zs.e.U.yf .. hmr.b. h,.-kU * ,x44,itol- rtly wi-Il •( ***• •fci' WHIW..., 'I.ek- .1 lDV*«(«tl 111 I'uittkl 'Ia!*'*' f. 3||4 at.** I h'*!-ral. 4p}>l v t*. t4* tkr «tn «• a rea»*4.Al *>- I u zii l„.4. 1 urrsat zn4 I'a, urr.»t u..a-p j •vea.Al aevBIae«BI 4B4% tb«aiMMr. for the annual uae of inferior land. The sumac I .i . r ii , i H #ur BUmKBttMK v..«i,.« . . TUr«r Itituii are "ifir . re.g./.z/./s., r-i* «Btu* it the following singular circumstance, as having I 11 11 f.Ei.-b»nz, r n-i.«. «..*,> r»t. .rij i’baL kluz- Ly Aci It!.. th«r* by poatrsAiB# ii XX lU I tu Ul'Hor l 4 11 VY iBv' a Balaral K^aO* . .1 zc I rr> any iv 1 . a n a I _ wr Uw WW -ah •«'• " -. •tt . I . 34»3tttagroYormvi*ivil tL*- fa.' grows apootaneoiialy and abundantly mi waste 2.'l. 1 -it 3 . 4 intYFeM PrvOiiuiud tttt.aix' Yttvet.... |*r* P^tbi*. a* rrcuisai' Bilk 3 p«kl lr#r*e Pul-GHKEEPSIE, ttJ 1 tu> ' luttrkvt |irt*'i athd .,f dtiaml^,. Aug. b)dl*r. jt*r •iw* ^ it # Abtfsian transpired lately in Providence: diB-Ads-i. U,..nt .w Th» Wei.l in (aid . lUr XLe lands all over the free tkates. yet we let it w ithei CHAacE-TON.— i.-r IxBiid W»rruiitw. *'""!'*-* ****•'***'••'> XeaileiiiY .i»p.ri*B« IB rhroB.e raUrYWJ B«btWBB« .A house on the farm of Bcekniaii, in this F'*r hsU- by J-bIits ib Bcdiobe YTxrY a b«-cY. i • ‘C** I. .•^-XesolAilyia Uto.>..B-.«n**gy "t-f '•""4»z I,,rt»rr. ,r V, n. i, | - AH araiSr and rot where i, pew, while we buy our large The Charleston (S. C.) artesian well has reach- Wh<4v*Bl«Afi \\ ** ' ”*' J BU r-i-.V-ti .« z- X WllhMck|Y3^rYt,yu<4P k -*rB t, - , , Usiiwwxli X, I IttffiirnnYv a*'3iii*i 1 .it Ar rtimsfr by FiTa, Hi3*». dt*.r? a^y <4 s^ For t^ig from ,.) in .tw* Dill IX* - .-h.rB- .f If, C. A. l.tAA, M. D. Uw depUi of 1. 177 feet, 4IIU | of which have b**u»*-d, ix.“! Uxih.i.»i,. »| 4 '-,-. uaAbUf ru^ -»ii J ilw*ir t*-iLil'iit4. I.. .1 Ijiuu*! an .i.««»,b: n- lb.,u..,„„„n-; .., other far-o# comer of the UId B orld. So w'i'Ji . ... _ -e-.d I , , , I*rwu|.ll> Ly -.1 X.4 .-rr,,,. *«U1.4 P XV Hi H XXIllKK'. Vf-lit, I .S*:t 4I„ ^ Courier say s Dr. A. D «*>)3L.B«r. alMMt ererrUung eUe Yet men stupidly worn N». Xluiii »tr< t. Ky. P^a^lpkia, Kia mov mi Jnl* li ariu-fl u* ' ^ : PRESBYTERIAN fwiluBt tl‘*t ti*' .*/.: - AUffc '*'a» >tnpj»ed. a few days bince. H,f, M*.««rd. XVilliam IJii ' tu & f..., iJartl-v. * FEMALE del why tunes are so bard and money so scare. AJI .tluiu street., J..ha n. SCHOOL Wr npputi/f lUnk of A'. iWucAy. !'•• . dSTEPMf «»K l.ol W.jfr, r..-3»r.,rrrn*r^, /. U* xi«*c bait !;rt“ r. l.i'Mtle. « |>v II Tar*- (J , k . i!.*, .X . . J. -h » n ir «i« }.K with US' We marvel that Uiey are no worse." bvby rock, for the fifty-eighth ' l,aa« aoB* B. tbA wnwr 9mr.»ym4 time. Uon. child is l ttrt III ivi'fti t, 1 I'le-il uf ..| 'j'llE 1 ; ard f Tnisive. well. Tlie called Cass l UauIv J, .tiisvill.. . vmt The L«*wi5 De K Lv «|.ri*aji X’lritil Xt. 1 .f Oto m»bi thia 1 Ktti.’lit ah^ent fro.n at the time. aii* «i!b«r« uc. v.i 3 Ixr/v •)• ,, ter* ; a reBkal." » .b home vz,.i .t Itv a ‘1 .Xf««at4C lv < 1 I- m«' lilv -«U»**aaM > I ii'li'i »!im-L Uittl <» Keotv).!.) . XI* lake our part, we cannot the time- ^| f Ui« 1 a>> at tttll mi|v.r'aii>*ii' * LatL** U ah.K*'!., Xtt.l'w IlHvhY.'tt b »»Brr IB ABrtv aB4a*B«alkat •» bow , I F« when« hen compleUd,cunipleU-d, willwill' ^^*** •<*khowledgetl child ot laeiit. H. D«* t BB' IL/ that tif - laxti'M 1^11*4 ^ behe oneoue of Uwll»e mostmoat valu- 1 Jt is Mip|io#eii the (ire xx'as the work of an in- * baa (reueaUd th« abw* ib KiCL Uvivt] •-1T«U, t Join* hr. .--I ! .1 t^rtBiB \ g|.lpU.U.I K . ornwMl i I5i Vr. liallAffh- r Nrw« oi wywbtv WOUM b# if Ul^ p«^Ople OI tkllf COUbtl t ' , », '• * *1 , I Amy, his wife that w as Kiv-b r»lr3U)i I J **.. XIkIiT' iU < k Willy VB 3JPd ^IB-B* *o I'l I Xtc.laUJob M . a u . jrs 14. I ral ttr. .1 i far able, a. ell '*‘**'^' ceudiary. inu»**«i*, >i*li-t..Ii.| 4e*igi«« J . .\lfrr w gigantic w ork- “*in the country. f'd Our , x’iteaj4{e4 I i,l uf niBeh WBrBi g., • ri.r.isi. li . th,. tk*ai were to l«avvtb# oceHp»Uoof> wfairki tKry ' 4*Li.r 117 ,Ib.. .1. now ' - i K.* b l.u£li»h 3b. I .Mn-ru .ua liru wta I.Aiiu f I. uisYjll.*., S. 11 UulL 1 . o xA.i. f..,».r r. ,|J r,l,. ... i, Baiad TheIhe cause of this atrociousatrocioui'actact on the par*part ol Ta|K'irY ; w l-„,. 4 . ., aurf *»*w*k of driiliug r yfibpr tt.ib tt yfrv'it Yari.-tY -I -Kpri. «uu', K'tttk I k*utu. ky;. II 3 M* b T. i urd Ai *>., auJ \Vilh3bi C.i 7'' *'.‘7“"',“== urvv|iurB4. I te^orcfirotebkc. a^ly IbcmBcIvcs to tin roik at the depth of J2on M. I'a’cut | ,irk- »*'• s*wc.-, iz,,;.,;.-,w aOeHiaiL-lj TtollT.'' motlM^rsreins to be the fear that her mother , L '‘ektoOBB. ^cBaappa. XU I -,1 •• Tkaa..M rufl lluf.. Il-Uil. , 1 .IT, ,..ui I E'i jaii** jALj*' ' k... 4 x I Nryt.Br utaaBeBB, i xm r«*pw«3#'ill. ^ r«nvv%tiOti of tlie Mer, the Utokinc ba*>ke?w. . y«Bra. of >**ef|.*ef* mi^htmight tliidtliis little favorite an heir to the pre- lor. Hall. SJ..I P'.rvb Xlai*. | make 'W rii-tsudi fc-*ii»«! * . i.- h- . — ,,'ll.. x:.f.' *...1. xrs.i.l r.l)' \ U • H XUiMEB. W D. •nd tne gBtMnDgr of 5umac. M> ahoiild lueri X^O'K^O't;. I..W. ,.f U.e b,slia»:.ri»l..lurm '"li"N ii.KIlM.E u j , < I pidice of llie daughter, who by a series of pio- L<«i -oBttt AV i\n ivc.'iv.o It.- zz-bn. ,'l ll.'blzl l..,truu,,i,tt laUly bW , ulwrx. mu.| ji i.nc- II,- f * I.y N" RmbiK aiBM -aa,. .. . 1, ai.y ... .t.r l.axt.n. 'Sd ,«r -ul. exdiMfpe ooe enplot menhi ' ( wtof for another h A CakdidAKDID Milk-Mvk.AIilk-Mvk. committee li«ld by !)»• u»wkvi«. »|,«s, r n. bWa*. 'tt of the xod'ation.H has entirely atTfctions bra <*f SntcKff... yic.Xllot' A 1 «'*uld aV' 'lb- ,At acieu!»..i» x*f it ^ B I — alienated the ot H r, uur f ri« a p*>wptB«MB«tliY U bu ; »*i'au * r*. cfBttt diWrwhr »|irc>ttBllr faII ib» AitrbtiMU ‘ii iK-j.tiat* i*. • Lu tuAy ti- v / '***'**' N XAKN — ! T.r >r lay •t*>ck ultra .aiMu^ e I'y 1 .^*’VTT:::.v."'r {..->ear.B^ which we are inclined. «. for which wv -f I ibv wtigaUmr tb.th: h*-r p!it-nl. and indeed of iieaily all her former 3 a* oi UN \r*Mi«« j OKIitfl, IVrIb. At'., ill bv* th* 4e k.»h|. Ill ,. ' li XN .<>4rUz4aBar: ahich B 3l all , 1 XIDID I tlUt*t lull 3lid tfumi.lrtr narMi*iil3rlv rtllMl u. Ih„i.4 V. f...... l-..^ U-Xtv Ol.i, Z i’-I-S 9A‘bBXi.|*« an l«ellw« • bave fewer ^ I .u I, facitinos, and thoae whogvta hiiiu' . cv z . .. foeiid-. If there is that arid iml.r. ir.iuii.. UDtrv.x.r-.D.i.xsi.d ti.. rr nu«.x.4 Ilui,, " * ^ suSU ill milk »|uvslion. t anything can to v, rwh. .ill ... .I I, h„, I H*t# ur ar**cle z- x” 1 I I questionquestion. OnOi. T.re-davT..e-dayT.ic-dai1 “* wck"•'we.-k** a- milk-milk XKP Oil. y ,a Nor ra» • 'b« u.in EuropeTurop. hibv Mipplying u- w.tbith baskeL* -.1 <»J •?«|»'« 1 1*1 ffg. '.rr *4 b I ..b Mjfmlying w bask^ and I 4,,,,,.^ . turpitude of , 1 .;, traii'':actioii, it is •'“"‘I* liBd • BreDv at . »r ib V-tTIc , . Uie this u-i,,-action. theIhe decladecla- I J a* yb4 Be . a ^ S"'"",';! ' u RKtsO* . x . .k at IB Wm »«Att Ion.* I*l3r.4 %a ar man'nzn wa- '•Atm.iwdexam.iwdexaimiied Imperial, Extra I Ur J J. hall . k h i. a tio'.* ma. IB Bbicft kwwB BB vtt*,* h« biIIImy* * JiBti L and sAiijerican O*** «*.pcr»t». u B ABbeUTBUt UI U « »at«nA itooA'ca fur ver>k'cry well asOY it is.IK. Insteadlu>tead of teudii-g -i^r,.i..r,•i*‘r, Jv»i 4 diyABawzaiy.t ooro r ii.tt 3-ply un,l (’arpeliiiij.^. Ucv* kiuii4«- aii4 |'•^ )»..i|1b4 tendiiai: |4atila-(•laiila- UiotichUiottchUiotigti fterhap-|»erhap-|>erhap- J.*vr* 4 r urth.u. Pr. * he told no more Uiaiitliaii what liers,l*er^, hut on«‘on.- *he-he in »\ew.New Voik, to im- 3 . faV*-* ^*> picked up X t i ENT, Pi M.I , « o. 1, 4 V.. rrFviv. Jmt 1 by Utv Arr VAh oraMe iBth , our»r . ti^ofof weaving tlw r ihvlMi.ti B lJ,eD.»r t 'prtf •^aiKlweaviiurUwtwi^smtobasie;twizs uitobaske: Ui'*u.e 3 iBT-'e 3U<1 4 J.*vm V Roai;|.\A. public alreadvolread\ puf onDii her iiiolheriiiotlier as a grandchild, in onlerorder tot«> U httUOful 3.*««>rui)z 111 nllhr- A I ««Iy9c f'rtBBarv knew. "Some“Some milk"milk,'*milk.'' h.'h*'he n^Li! KS'« |*iy 3n*l 2-tdY la haviB;r ••• ar«a f r - H Uu- 1 .. < Tb Ih- f Wfy •woriCaoilc. vewe piaatjrfoat Br|K*tm|;4, viitirvi.i u m draigua, K KXtKXlKKK AT Tt» X V I'iU.I. • »\tU.B« U bf*ie,AB and reap, amiarid UMiteadiiuilead of nUier-gather- .. . .*i !• m (LaII the vliflVrvttt TU P XKI». I'K XTM KR •>'r|aMnBdtru«t*.r>. t*. | 3Bd I ;j . 1 a ' ur«4v- a b. b tb. ««»*• XX X. -ri,- I secure’**'["'' herhe, piopertv.pi ..pert v. H“dMad this declarationrleclaratiou bee,,beei, : r* Azlver* b i. .4 K ' H • said, “he sold^olrl t«r itoir »r . r I) \ A I. E! Yl I* O |{ I I >1 ' I 'll* Uaujv •raUMMI -Mil II ir.tr wlu'* tl.eif - il I rtt ?.:• l-tl. r ' r'iwr T 1 •** l.r F ('ar|H liiigv, I. ..| Iiv-fc rrnltr,-mU per quart, some for tfs.Ui lL>* till** ttll B ml t.: ill. AI MVI K HKK^> ll.Xi tfcc* h'roBtb <*r Ifcr* iBvtitMOvvB U^r Ui< U r U ui|r nuBorWtotoc lee razae P-r , WB.Y pqx.pigs. In Uw oldol.i wo*worid Ui.lli. ‘ reviuirc. Mr ftartoi vVj.uLi^.I'i.zDV. •'ij . tiu •tr.*r?. . yj a;^ previous...eviLus to her la>llast ill-fateiiill-fate.1 marnuge,marriage, i,it i^iT.v” r" cruirl ii. 'U, BitbUuz^, -• M in*-' t Ih* ru*»L • made XIbu. to •.'* T m.nle f ' X* ^ w . . . a* mat b. » r H- iriu.-.J. OWrly Yvubeet«d « tib J. ff. rec*B I r..atAia. «r Xp B4 .ne ..rf.*. ^ »zY, »“*‘i« t'-lle e. PvbB-H« 4 m> 4*;. --kBai lbi- dby ar- have plantat^.s or Mim»'Mime for «cx;z.x; if B'ill tl»v* 3# u-uaI, ready set a^ flourish- J^ople|»t’«J*le wanted clwapclieap .vrzz z/..--. Be M-11 at Yv-ry Iobv*: ru.N, .«|.| aiiii4 rvi-Aratiott* jrt ilaIv I r a lull ' rn-fm i*e». * r*' au*! t->r* 1 i>*aBily . • I, to aUention;atlentio,,; but A«r/< j b tLvi- *u- -m i.p. wiib Panwlle I ..Iie.g, I* » i.|v Aa.l *B- *AS Biit nt.« •!»»?« •» more 4 h..r 4 ab I mn »mkr»X _ T''-*th, V M. y^iir »|*-.'I3I 3ttrli!<.,b I- 3Mfla- Dkg, Ui id**Bt ** /^*iRIKl'*‘IN0 .v rtitieibl stt|>'rior t»o|d F-'il r .#• ''i** iW-lU. 3'tti b *»feiy ka-wa **. nanuiec OOo^tUide'* skieB* Y*veYt uii Ik mm# j a. «/ ntt^r .a-i i ii. ^ 44 , JA . a# a *«,ii.4 !*.lar tb a.r, ifljctgiftjctg bi*B u*e4ival milk, 4# la l.•lvaza*l ab*I r frfrit- IB i/diter. it her j»i 4 i. ; u» 'ally itaie K-a icXX looks like an attempt to deny UXbn ,.f I'viitBU. ..riud.ur ^ g | I .lU.udv, AH..rAt«r.»U I.HtrawubU ^**“*“** '• * '^**t**'**** CHEMICAL **7* t'aiYer*,; . ZSiow \l EYE-SALVE. f p*. •tAftoiTiiT /UKTAIN P\UA^K<. I. .\ t . 1 Water |goccuni»-«: »sd Txe 1. t-iUi lur id ciaBDCtti »ud ..|e r ,iir. pvutitiry. E Ml XH .iKlN I KT.XIN W. Burldiardt, 1 child, her new and I in oidertolaxor hunband. V Dr. J .!1 * Ru-rs;, P.3).rriv . Krxuvb. XX •*r*i. .1. aiuI fi.ttLu. ibVAnuu«i..i| .— B ^ U»«|. B*llA.Ba,IB. I \i''!P»i.t:'»u r -xNp UKi'xii, t.K«M r.R AN' INrAl.Um E REXIKPV Rd., *‘^*^ t a.bm.r* and peaifr ^ ’ Table . " CarWill. W.. son of Garland we think it not entitled to any crclit. We im- 1' 3«.l Piai) l . wr-, IIKX T. X Webb. E:-q., i-x:Tinr’zsd PI Xl |.l \t lu fiue t.r . Tr*,-. j l-zt.ah 4 y r*'’ H. U-. W Jue . I ,..U to Lav.- Juvt r »v»r*l. by e*i r*-ss Abl utLi-r lai* FOR DISEASES OF THE BYE. . arm ai*. < yv* rai.4v, I .ur >Y*si.- J*-' cl.,1.1 .- a beautiful boy, with fair a^Ail rKr. zc--m, .r...d s.m lru|.i|tv.| KlOlU. IT. -r.,-. I'JvklvS brriHclUalh "ABmKr ? 13 - iiw r mb# :w died on Monrlav las, from the in- , cai, e^tov »i*rtt »Y«rAi Ksvu Air iy ;.r<~riiw.| -i. tB^l-l^'IIIJe'^'vrewa) to w'tk‘‘uiwork 1 auABwaii »#.t l*.-r i.. * up i I | T^v^r ^ . . . comph-xioii. **aiid v hair, and has a rouirh mark tier - c- received fiujlt twig- u tooti as tliey are . on Thur.-day evening las, '’>hy c»L We l-li'l-aLH'lilhU «t‘vlllc leftIt*n **ar,ear, thatinai xtuuiu a«*Mgiiuiedesignate 4»* ^BCB-BAi 4*b(tt».a:3ad* hgv ••Aflrrr*; •" " would himuim a.-nr.xscz'.rsT:';!^^*g^-PcEASccaLM or thf. I.irr.u i« -at «f tlie uiat -.n..f .by ji*?’ I ^••***erain y*'"aiid pork,perk, butter and cb**e>«.cb**e««. being run over v" aa-ctau -I i!c^ ,4»-> - l^aa-m. b- - :-j ,j^_ .^'4 . ji by a han.i-car on the Danville \Y\Vhe learn that meansiiivaiis are lieingl>eing ta- bi Bell x* tbctl,. .n>tt anywhere. » ..*n uas ».ll u m fonniSzll.fortuidaiie cfof dixrzx.xdi»e 3«Y3 ku-Bku.,«n •®*lBcB»l7 «• 3 B* "f 7toB«ia2=rrtt’-lF s<. •- J '* ^ tilt* kldliappt'riii. XX Inch, if tllt're AttivncAB phyiiiiBHt. It Lad |.zr year* BttraviBd the VBl^VYrd, It oil fs. “P«n '‘‘•“•t* t-c znd some oU.er of hi- koli to puiii>«h d ». «««eW« vizlv ,;uu«r3l tt«B o«T fertile Deidk oamI nch Attt ttiiwtt <>1 tbc iuv4ir3l ftteulcy w postures lo ' iu Bll |•3n» bestow , , aiiX M'Ciirity in a writ ot liab«*a>* corpus, should lMIm: I ujiy4 F O. 1. ' *riend» wvre riding. , l« l*4i. amci atleotion Mate*#, >rt. u{. tw iLv timv.if tLc ••* apos I Bud di*«,>Vvry lir. morsbes mod waste Uiidv XIcIailc s I w.IlkBMan*diW-ti!*r .|,^!^Ax•.TC — -.ai^ ; do so. »iull ^ . _ yival <|rt*cili,. It 3lui.i«t tfi.i «|.int» «• il |Xs I'f ^ B33 Uynttd llie nBcb t/f tuvdicBl ! r» IBY kiCNy. f .f•r »r.5lf5i; 3. ¥» Krtntmg Pm$i, |-,nn^ I r»y«»rtT ^ -kill. TLouMutb Lb lo-ruLcd b itl>>ut ev«tt »t my 3?“-r!pt B Bdcr ^F«r tbt LoBibviUc J-urttal.J 4 b h*if*c •/ relief t.V ; srt: tl l.= Tbd *tu« The editor of ibe Peat rgsi -4 3ii 4. altL.adL tbouhttitUfl may y«i licptuu-d U> ft-vl adopto the error w hu h wo J I 11 W tLe dire- t- ! :a b** art)* Iw ^ ttYiv .rarrtaf. 4,. UjNEI.I Rl'alN*.- Messrs. Lditors: The sad calamity which ,u.. ^ Ui«z,.. t, ...... thxi.h. rat ! tl. k'l s-r llidlttbd XX 1 .iw - ,w**My » . J . patotittoaUtbe wniertof his kcbool. It f ,,| con- occurred on bunday last, aiMl wliicli lias cast a i„ o„ nezrch -i Ur. m.Lxi,,. m.et .‘-I,.:^.,aM i, 4at.... Xx„-a - uis.trij tr ur lu * 111 , ib — T. .xwit„v .'i-M- to Be by TwT -ei«®i l'r..fi*»i.rk. -• a»iiM , Aioa over i .- that all people universal gloom the community, should be ib, m-dical e.ntral. Th, ,,i Pxm«. J ''.,»tfi>H. , | Be oft!., CT trtt> 4 b«K bb Uit> briitLt ADkaTv k„i< i.r„r.ti,b.rx Ui iT,r hi«'L a.«1 Ky 33 7 IhSI w. U 3>4v1 r ‘ ^ |>1 atri| I Df l.atLcfl; * =f*'***rre Bill b. • Au It* fB:- -•t •mm. I C'BmI ItSr Mb.T. la. «i»l»'*rvd .cr«giv,fcai|r. - RWaI l Stt pncjis— Ur.AB Sir twi/buxcY i:*\. ; dBrm# ttv? id?B*Mra B Y i ? ta ' >'>• •** rbusa.bi that ti .,7 oScr srta,,d; »ui. i, hzx TW Sa.*.. »;n» % I'nrted Muiaa arc 1* Mv-s* BB-( t • bg. U«3B«a* a lasting warning to the city authorities against i„b rrvml. Mef.tt cs. Dow fully you fcLt •abj.aia ' ‘“***''- •' JX»» employed ii. the BMf Iktvt Wtt ». r> -iicrr-kfully a.rd IW .. by di«Ub|BoLr*l r* StvM 411 -Jss.. It 1 ? -M-zv, b. tb or 1 . 4.- 4v- t>»ilr '~i I. TuT, '^.‘Vrub.rt-l1 n c U Bu w . re true, AND l.uU K taOODS.t.ottns. tli« Ibst ft Bill bv. •.jirbvd no i* • r «'*»* • « dAYo. tcmpurarily id tlir kv-zi 1 w-.urB frivi>4* tOat Berv 1 -s-r.. n. imiierfect a manner. TLr«.i>l it'c i j I. 3t>rf. Vizur* iftr-n-rd: -. f*. r. Krilr. Z..M..a./l-, g.. iwaw b. .». rciirvttuUy, K. J. IIROWN. .. 4«..3^A, improveaieot wtialever could ( BrgB*iBj( BB4 CBrcBB«4* a.k 'r ',r Dr . » tor..,--. -i-t-,,,-,, II .'iitMii ( b. introduced SliortJy after disaster I visitclvisite.l Laev 3i«« tnd lH*rtiK*; ter mio the occurred, the . B.,url' *Bt#r 3«Ml3r. will xytAj •.» X.l*. I Lxa, I,.* Ml S, wxut f .(Mama j ^ Oifk Bt'rubty V.aft. t-.a H-llxi.4 a . - Lir-r /N/^, 3Bttdttd takttake ii 'Bt; rl««. I »L » ttini «0.1.1 I 4 mr 4 4 42> f Tberr are utb<*r I'illfl nurie*rt- d CollarvUeg 3 ti;l II'*rtLcf; - -- ' TrvA'Brvr. L*r Ut «ny laduftnal tfcr. iTv-,; ; .at. 'BklBCi-e-ay p*«C«-bl. 3B?? MiCgrW tL# puramu i ruinsofruins of the large stores on Main strcH-t. boSo far ^ WabI f .1 Hut Bis is no, Be f.ct. MettU maiIa iikc fiBra. xhrnxm ti.« wmia, Mam l. i..,cri*m..ow bci.r, ih,th, 1 re ttcL Bi rk* -t ( '..vtuiB-itar* 3ti*4 51 yvTv _*»s:i.iti ,„d. u.cM-mis-w p.w.c.p.bl.c n, u.i.aa^LU. »; IiaisiiL-.eiic. Ky.. samlli i vssEli.vv. i-tsi.i,.- b«»t V kttd la Ibb* aArk««. -wr 5«KbAi*|.« lluuvott, .MxlW-tr. Kt , J»>Jab M,W, IVU.lV-4. a«uv« »Lai I I*rm«i4 OSas 1 wwa>as able to examine,examine. I found the outsideoutsi.le ttLd Vttkbt 1 . tthvj 'l.a*« ~ ~ " We produce auaually f'wU iKbC apward obbt - ,r-riMiaI'.n.. al.o3U0 huwl-Wawdhiac«iEbr3U)d Vcrmi/a.,,Vermi/ti .* th ni Dr. T. la. STTriirN*' 1 r««*cio**l Lu« ..f e '* IfiBifB. 1 aKbU Kay« yiBBt idaMffB tb more food . cb n.,w h. had 4 , all 3 t -t >>i>arv>ar K.E;. r "alTf31 t* wt^ 4.*> .4 » . AtYMacibd It Ban w. can .- -«llct ttiid t^L-i.Ti‘ii; Oeay *ib- j ^j’K \—Z) Lttlf cLcatv j * nBvi*ttly rr^«*B» t*Be*, w all but 13 inches thick, including the immense rwp,. .u r,. h I ii3\« udi* 1 tt m% tYtrd. 3bd niid ir 3|.rv{>«rAti*Aprvp«rAti*>ba w.•rt^w..ri‘. N0UC6 to Travelers and Aad V- ).rwfi*«|i*B prBvIwUy. uM. dm* m ih. Lsitad sut,. and i znzdz. Vtru I. V I'l. Ill It )|••nl l»rtt(*« , Shippers Ber wU or ' 3 t|vj Sl«.*vYcfl; ewiouMe, aiA if 'f rvv.'mmrbiimti.iit tu tWv. ASicted wkL M.rcei, «. EX>T we could .divert SKbII iLyy 4ep3rt irmm v-BrtL. Hia* k 3i)>i wLiU- j AXI»HF>T bUy* broadside on the west, which w asexjiosed tu the aa-'ZiiddZwi Nfitf -rV. il#, Fr-JWk V«.ttr»rt.|'ei.tfally. \VM. l AL l.EICII. JT?...*wW Dw. 1*03. votoc of lIuuitubAUii Valfiifit HIM - Be producers of gram and meal into -AwaaiuF 4- 4 ui.br' full force Wind. Tlie brick were laid I.3C** t'wll irfl; Hf Hayib# I of Be up . JACuutft, -IiB-rirbCk^ vlL^aiU.^ W BLt«B *«« alhiO* IB ' | >B.'*. (>ittj| urt-. 1k«* ••'-Old 5oku, CLCtBi. aad mil irrafti .u« ttiul Lacv* Itab'iA. kc Sii (*" and dl«t3#Y# SM“r?iiirr.l3D;i nYrii tr. I30 . F.Fvb.b.l7.17, InM. !*?«•• ri'Uwu «iB. I* will ill j xO>w4mmftmsmmrrn. a« .t «, i of Oiler I the luost imperfect manner, with mortal but Ui»„ 3 ..r tma Way P**'*^^*" aud sumac. tJj. c,,- or I, .r*o.*’i?.in*rifti.y fr *in bda.^ imfurv* * r d' t rttv«4 ^t3t« MII.LKK a bttU,3rw3T -ntry .L.r - i„af du-h. .i-.,d,d «,.Lt of tlx* bl 4 1ab’«. Thoh.». I.. «TKriiev<. E*w|.E*W|. ^i.mr an.,xr», ). ' *i>b a:-. Iypia^a > -4. | timetiBM I ryrr-n»drvr?lY«d ,I I ibUr •'.ttuiu** ifay isbUdBU. -.4/ »-k*j**' t ortiYr .Mttrkct **‘*'**>-^**' »«ribvr li bKcb tLr.tUr i-itra*x 1 rx rrdittBry4 .nar cur* of Xir. U ia. 3Li} r.iuriLktd. •f r ^ a****-^. *>.. little U. lUrB-nml. >«n'r >aIy . tip Jab. U better than and which occupied 7 3 Li#hlt rt*. I Kyr and 1 Lunt.d up tlu* ' .;s,a. !.. sand, a m**ktkt , ***** 'ould he i< ...I . »i«n m* axliKBAntaaliKBABt vt‘ t w,..™ . / bauefitad. Our V itiX'tt capacity for th, •IwfUblt* of kirJ,Bi'.ttd. V3.. by t Carpeting v-r- **• * F*»‘ » ' >T"‘ iiAvimji AiKr • cYffl lb till* ?.»to t!.vt!iv ‘ jt --d# ?a .’‘I.auibh ! and Household iLi*ii>l34.-«,i34.^.3nd.and, \f r>BW frua Rix- ! and aturutur 3«t.>tti«LmcBC33t*>tti«LacbC ..f*.f ** N'W . Steamboat V- rk ] B- i..b.«d 4a, X bi n*i.t. of 3paP aa radiant Spare between each course brick double a« ' - Graham's *>ar.i'oV.* IIii.' "i.idui.httd ulcv-r* and •••r.A of the* worzt dysv-riDtiou. Magazine for September A*.|ua btAiivNw,utAiiw*., bi. i>.si Y.-s wa-r •»1 »*L»U.irjpLi». cbd thib thc-a fr !*'"*“*•'«• "f ore aad Furnishing ' eimdcurv'd ib 7 f*wf-w day* M.uad»..ub.t ladan a ru.?el3bd •.riTycar. F m Or. .T n ArhA^f^m. L.*miniPr, Kv.. Iis^ agnculluraJ . 1 Goods. 133^ article,' Ban we -..d In,.*, . *n.» ».rr aa b.i,ht nbaiiitittttllx rr-*t-t a,im 1*34 tLttt li. bju t-i Pill' fttY .i-itt- I.A - k 1. , II .*. uj anabl* U La* r. i»t B. II. • great as it should to insure sub-tantial work, Bajk t-xec-ui ou vr’at* v- | t.r fhiN a«rf h\d (L« »kill if tL? aukt taiBvbt ^"*;**‘*« IndiAua Ks'ir .ttvi.B3*.Uifa.Wd by j n K.L SM.vl.l. 4V> MaiiL .fft-.t, U phy. Xl IN XX e ,.*T. ni'.f , ilcmttttd I r Jib^ • can a\ IrB bwttlrd *.f « ATt« r » >|*iiHiak i i«r,.nTLir.| mill ' t)hi.-riv til xx di«f»*cBl bb diapoor tt i a.a-i.—i».uaii»* L.arf MiXtur*-. tiw rr'-ttt M.-aI * KKiiWN k Kl Mr. or:h.* ; di<*i lud (• rt'w.: YcttTfl. r. J If. rto biule-a 3i rettbifcaMc 4 sn?- rmitry it , I ^ YiW*. • egtremely de-ir.vl-l. Such was the condition of the material when the • rv tt'*w rrf-.'iT;i.g ttizvl tt Ly cu«| l3ibt£ ;^^'?ttYl bstv to ewtor -I'tfUiup* =- aa*! . •!• rxWbU ilViiitr.'mK.i'hn{•ttriLrr. rurcil hiiu, 3* it L«< t .i LuiivlfeU* ••'’ilb Ur/a L ;t ,s*k • 1 *b*1 j^wsb j.b M*taw ” ur of otherk ).u 1 ^4l -urth*t. ttvar XiA.-k. t \uur*r.-iw.i;iull\, rxs-ENt.KK' •L..al.i•L..ttl.iI o-a-u tbotbn utr ii,ti. b luiv I J, VERNON. a* r .,d.id rtTurbATi-,r-.Ttr bj ^ .4r|rt t ttiztl . vf v*ttT bv*t BritL luif 1 iiriiiahiti, (.r'Ki-a B lit. || Lay e t*rrn rrm tthxi xftx’x-rx o«*d oared to be no aair.rr.iwiii.rh-a•nff rre, the mortar. -ur *»HBfiiil,tliu> union w een the brick and f.*-tur.*r*. bLdL .ui? is u« t*. svll ur eiJargiig "*j'..Vaii,**L)For »3lc Ly *saic>atclifli a Um^Lct, lA'aitYiUc, !• Ho*,‘;ii »4 ;..h avsuy .\lffit. Be circle aaJ by d«*3iert ir '1H> Dumber r.iutbiLi -i iivlid l « U2r3v iti: th- f 'll wib.* b liYidttAlf LaVi- a -d RcUrfiibtAiB* Abv; DvdiAr.a of coiwi.iii- | r. rv* u L>iUa« 3bJ Accb tLiJ 9a;?f Rttilr *». | lii tbr . If KttatvrO t Itl4-g. OUT «ti i i • y«u 3.1 A tl« *f nr Tlie print of thetiowel is distinctly visible in the ai.Jicibcv'rVwL w k -i.fli- .f g;'. y VSbBf r«. I »Lb1I bU by of fuel varie- mat. rially in diff. rent .ecUons of I IttX |.af3YCttg lUteTYICB Bith l.v/UI* iotii aH'I used. 4bd ' their tg-tiuiuUY tu It* fa' 1b- *rt for Allti/IU tl l( i ill Be j XXTIumi And Vtihet ( .'-titiif' tv pr iCdt< tb« HM vf th« AtoBB; product of Be lou-i t.i Ar JB tot^KA4 ytBktUMa country . ro Li- di |>3r'urv.* f r Auu ri* 3 . .r..c VD'ir'f Kieb KiifiKflb G« W "mitb. LaDCBAtcr, Ky. : UOA.ll.l) co.mtn,butthro..ghouttl«.ComitTV. but throughout tl«. West it is probablyinohahlv Tai* »trv d.i; ( AMPBFIil. Il IS , b A. IIA«. \N A llRo A M lUttck. I'tt. not true Bot " J. S. CHENOWETH kii'h |-.ttjlia!i L«ri:>4.]k ll.lBd. theme foreign iiroducers IV weie the three courses of hrick which com- & CO.. I du; W.It euuti»,c the 'producers of , . Ss'. iil» tm I.. uovi'.i Win * LAUjLibhttU.L. DU.*kr* rl. Ind.. Clerk H. C. >J:rr* -Tgr Iw* - ‘ *' '* FHII'I'INU AND X| E K( 11 .N Ti*. (‘..urt. fe m ...n-iti t iSvi lr*t i>bY»Acfivu ootor , *'**'• A 1* *• tO* (wiUewj aud Ip4».'xf*inep*-elhe thicknessinirKne:<5 of<»i thein<* w.MIsxx.nia united,uiiiieu, that,uiai, init. J. J-.b.'S, Lttyrabkc. Ibd.. t U*rk I Commission, .'rate* sumac ! 1 IWINN \ 1 1 . X I'lvet, T.- -vitry. CircuilCuBrt. Receiving, I :..W4 Bvlorair<4 •».* ''ttrity take \ ' and llruks. and *»i '•vK»«m«. Uon.fiom I 1 li Stair us u, le 'IM IN«. uv 1 MAti- oery 3oB. Ibd. Uu'Un- .Ww HavenHaveii itailroodItailrood C'omjja-Comuzi- coiii>y' ti*rft»r .'*exeral--ex f»*et in htuiflithrii;lit f-r ToLbc*:* . iiar* tal)imf,thetaDiuif.tlje innerjiiii«*r com ^e era! I'ork. , X i.v ! R.XYMi»ND4rxTTS.\.Bi , I j 1 ICI Uou? ilTw.ll Bose 3rd, art! IcUkt cP mux U- luti ,'f AND MAT.'. ar.'7.vg.w /.V r/.vr/.'.vzrr, iobHw articles j J. t;. Ilaniilt. a corresjKNidiiigcorretiHMidiikff^ BH.nurzt d.# I , .. . 1 z* . .. .. B Uurlibftti.b, Ky.. CLrk ILk-b* amoutit of ••-•, CuiKty. tiBito H'tiijkb HKOXX ( Toftmla «‘L-itllI**. X‘.|Y..f, •bd Itru: «»' distinctly wparated from the other two N k KI'MI*. elk Ku;;.. XVm. t'l-- k l»-jY er r^Bb., i i-rA E..4-r tlM Arm a»4 •or ny. whieh is now paying riglit dollars |.er cord *-Uw*ft t'oubty ( wurt' H7 U »r products We seiid boy l.iiid, llruvh. t’.i« a. XXiU Ulikwb. toitiier bread nor m. a, *' '* ' *'•“* D. Hcbdurj b, Ky., t. l«rk ll. Bdt.rivb CAMPUll.l., msstl.l., for SouBen. w^KHl, M KTMN XlxTKKI.U.S CwBbly t CO.. MetropoUtan to JHI* b about to substitute ^ eouatne. from liAVv ib -t*.r . tt lutvc -b*ck "f bak buiulwr? »f *dct A« Uiuv-r IU. PIHK G (.i a- I dv H. %\l» WXMINK l\B|HX\rK which Bey are imported. | l.aiu XV rkUd. Ac.; It. Msatl. IVzJtti-ab. Ky. t'UWPS^f tam •• >Artaitt* ttbdi'itcr* b > Rtktti'u.i. ^*— D iu.rt*r.4ittti*nvhig • Da:?LSik; BikttTOli. llfitoSiBMgllB. ^ Ciunbei land coal oil all it* freight trains. rei I ott"b X -NaUou., H. J M Hny«r. l.a«reb«’cl'ttrg,I'urg. Ky., like uAivtouata. ' 1 al-o examined the remains of therhurch, on KvYicBf. Auy v>f Bhicb cad b<* Lavl l-iw « dim.- CKrk Ab4i;i < if they w ish ue- racL ty XX III'** I»arc 3iii| - kari.rud ( a(llal. •S.ia««.eee to :.;U Mu*1id< , tyt'.'irt. ' urtAin!*- 11 . lAllibx at HKoU V Mils viciniiy, We understand Bat the prire of tlie corm-rof Walnut and r.levelith stieels. The TobaCt'O. k rKl'Ml'S, • 4'««a 4 b^lBl Iw bad lw«e*«e*4 wewwrd* cumulate wealth, urtaib XJu*liti . A J •'tvYrb-. Mt. swrlitt.*, Ky. Negroes Wanted. must stop aU th. a^Ujkb If -kktz.r**. K-urth *t unnr, e-,a. m-ar Mark* i. t* • ... , " Hr A-? TLi, • UrA!H* Tk- uu,lcni.-u..l. 4.Btrr y ^ "f "'1' building w as, if ibie, s^lill Inor. '“'{y UaitJi: J'*hb S. It rkihsTir, XXaab.b.t Id>I., R urua. fur lala. -. .X larg- ALd van* .| az.*..rtinyii! i-f I.iih-d 'sh.‘r;,a , a.- tu t-urrhau- u aad i, 1. I XI aU 'V.r ru whilst on it l.tb*b«, T'Btliii^*. T*'BvU. J J. ID D‘?inst .b. T* bn. :alaruit . Be L.diana side of the Iivei i- : ‘'^1 Kow.Be me, lur- n.f.irmeJnif.iriiied that oneo„e of them was hut N inches.inches, ^'**'j*’* F* urtL ft., u.*ar Na|kib« ubd Dili. cost *rf a , v 4,*TL.l.ima tu. M irk. t» Hii ,.tt.r d. r-*, - 1 : 411.4 ,ctogo aiora.:;.^" JaovL t ' aa4 an ua tia for eximrt ,-en,. re.l >brf;tibittr-ti I E brtt'J. XXttraaB. Ib4. t^v -idt uf -i-aad i* «t *v l> ‘ twuaa Ma aaad Markatitriitz. our eustom-hotMe t*"***''ti sh' d the railroads at the *Utlstill lower price of sev- ' llieI'lie mortar in which the brick were laid cun- iiRoWNiikown i crii Ri‘'gi'*'”g, F t..rr t. XXv*.t Li»i,.rt.r Ky. m .a , LIHTV XEAKs IN H*»TH II K M ISI'H KR| S i. T.VUl.t. AND ri X.NO rnx'EK.s toaro^ „ vi_, Xiu-ii.! aw'l*ru'« kJviutaahvv aiav TM d.il n e vKRiyON. lr. if Ri.'L iriittfl t III .•• 7 "ant,t.y of r N . IttU Nv b ttrl-uni.. r* l* I'lAUu C- ?'• I cold. In connection 4 * I-r with >*TdIu»scl:-«| u M. T. i ''T B* rtl.A and Lily, -r Hu- J'ttf uagr vf lw«.cL tllru. Kli il <1«» J Br.XW, St. a R .m.-Uti? , d' *U yarito* to liWrmi 3 p>-J'.-v with 1 7 Bird's Patent Steam Boiler and Ly Kliitibrthtfttk* ' .'‘UiitL. 01 Zi. L-l aad !Ul m» ise v.n^lK* t»«brral .Xir*-Bt Copartnership. db- »;aw.... . lu 1. r ey««t t*. •*— t : ^ •» RXYMOXn r .pi* 1 », m bbi -kportzag "!? • I “mam toirwtla“^told, was laid winter ^TL« .Maati-r r ll u**-. a 1 aU -f S iilLmi I.if* d- 1 ttbd ^4 ri* h « IvtL 4 F.XTTKN abd B.!boi 1 ha»r awS, IMiS, , 1 rre Make • )>— no^mw alp‘'^i! Ilird l*3t<*bl f-*rtli« lb«( »ix •ur ll'*uc*\ ib'- «»tlM-r<'uni:cA!ifi*r‘ I ur III.' iv IiiMtrJ t. Xr*bU lb Uuifij - A « n 3bi lUr mubttiA, f*d«>b - ttBd, ib fr**in r,n,ol. i %L rXAUilUAii..|; - -iiDpari»'ib ii *.iv "I lb . b AI „ur uatB]a;*d i r.ttG. 3fi l W ^14 ^*4 I , Rkfkrt tbst our ing, "‘‘hw ith thin walls, was rendered still more in- iLe t«»t Dnbi«l II “ th*- I|tibt-m <-f It « lit be r* '.’111 t’. •.hi If -*ii **• '"C* .^*^"'*1 flut-l>vilvr furbbfe? ib tbi> I b« aud K.-iiiuiky, ! Conuistilua .Mtiisb Ly d lu f..r, i and aercbaiiU ' ol tbr r XV 11 I to- I u I'orwardinff «P«BXU. - carry on a foreig,. FrMumy uf Fuel in /tunning Locaiaurire*. — ,7 | .Qatr tlcrcbantb, et N W Kba-lbttvl «. BCIMt cez.tal f ;f for s-cuie til.’ fact that it- interior not siip- c 3b btrlY c*tiiii 3t« ti.f Aa?io;r of fuel at r«iit. sa3,ooo wnu.*^ ^'“1“from "" was Tbr ro5 N7\ror*tii. as rSlr4 **lreel. LvbU« 11I^. ElTHKIl MO.N.-O.VI „* recrentjoi,;- published I • Ky.^ t»r>>i. ' ‘“’-'y remarkahle some f.-ats a- ; of putiib^ Lttilerk Vi. Bi* Xf* •z^ ur Korol'S «n B lib Do Un y up vb tbii pUb u lc» t‘,bn vb th« .'••m;u«j knaprivk apd L\ J _B3rlS^i* T. W. Tbayrb. S»«'y. p.jrti'.l a- in oidinary buildings by cross wall- llt\ar*t OF FtlOIS l\l» III l|.m\4. tl,.- ft-*** I. llA*sup;r Tayl'ir. l.OTS’i “•Ae I'-.form-d bv lo.-omotive, built at the ('uy- , »iBBrr«>3s- enough to ! “V"' ^ Tl*. «avr'.-*. -r I' • 111 »' k 1 1 L* Lyt. K. R J#m* =. ! XX 1 tbu rf- ' NOTICE. 100 Farms ' tl..- Bill YBArALty i- rmab* - if tlir».* iuruai-* and 2.000 Building Notice. Aam'l*. I.BvrwBto. a t. PfB«toY ‘•u.inesx -'-.ga Work's, of city. W- do not know • u> Div -Ni. - Lota I 4y ^ .N. B r\ ' for ag'- kyb-'- llAPllim r m| Utr in i>:.. r..|, 'pil i; 'i-arib' rfLip Ip t.'f .. I*, til** n rxi'»'t.- L *.wr* n j < Witw a ^ ' '» '•"• coursec of «>rectioti r|Uai aU-r* c'crtiLt atr. Abd Bill fUi>«r;bt«bd tie pu'.tti. t’. W* will pxf th.* i* ?B*bir.k**^f.rNF W;,Rl^, 1. r < )bb«y. profiu-Xai*.-Xtoi. K*i f will k. aiiia.-a auiuHK umi • Jkmorrtt.Demorrti. d.-,H.ted' I ri?. d ttizd *r fair Ly ilKnXX N t 1 L. r .\l ll.kE- suk.rrlk. r. U.a' any one has our -tolements. but x Kl XII' ! -IIIKIIIVN z. I. 1... »a ik. 1 | . L.aa .RMl;.'<4t.«r\.Ye* l»?fut. lir»t RttlybW H lB3b( ,l,;...|“^bV l «4 af Ikr 41.1 ul W .*B *tr^.. Ih FiJtli stretfls 3k»_Ja;. -I Kv.artL*t..n.ai iuulu.lt Vuza.l, could Xlirk*t. a. al J IL -L.I. , l.u, Laiiut ' !•-• J twrwb M.krkft Yi'il JvS. r. m. toil^yr ^ Ito wonderful, tlie V**.*" ^ The afioreafioto er.e*i that ; Cv act wla uar* of * n 1 P*:'!"™***''' «,-V I»r»« namlu r part of a flipp.^_ ''>

have ^jsca,.^ a simi ar fate but In- ar- alrMa-U -uza^-a. V.i.y XV c ttl*vkt«p f X J. Xt;t*.'h- II. from I com- SAMUEL RINGGOLD, lh» L. ii I N.s?<«R r m1«. Tjb repuUtom of all erne.l ' u. con. ilemands iK-rf.-ct I fair- I "* ar th-*” hai. lw. 1, 'VM WII.Kl.S. ,14 f.., f, .,„ ,. •*3« ^nury article For Hire, , ,^1 1 FwrkiaK o« the subject B (M) K S K la la i: K a\ .\ ST.\ I vai... r 111 - i-r.-e r.r of th* , 1 's- a,..l ixac, lu-csion in our statements. I NEuRil 4| \N. » r iLf L»l»...a ... tl.f D T O X K K ...ai,,t vmV af tlw ak. ra ana. tbiidc, U.a, H. n. e, when w. hav.- spoken of one tender of I be ha* X VI.NG tttk' b >Lt- -taiul latrU IK** up.aii l.\ -li't 1. <11 R If II w. Sa-E*. lull. nUr. i.ia ...sty 10 -i» . -aj .. ai-RirZ <«,•». auli'... he 7IIO> V li'REVT. * . |ui,allr lu tviiiviY all 7 .tk. •bomn ^••"e cuui se should adopted calcu ate. to tir*- ihtrr-*t til J It i..i!j|uMali. 1 great 1 lutriid k< iislaitily (ib L.-uisim '' Shv-ridan. tt aatoteow. '*•'«»* U*e.-c may be considered such indefinite- H piitx* iiiiulktr tt<».r'ifi* tt< takt I *>''-4’'>l. will IV VIVl I..1 •**-• . HVI. aad Fiiu-nika. K hLIU.lSU l..ri h3?« bi**?4hI d«ir ."UHik : 1 . — .... '’S abd MB* r -d- -.ru m poiating out toe f.c u* iiiliii. him trB>* TW proU et the public from tbr-.-e awful calamities *. tti.r'fiv ihr liiu* t...-ll.rr, ur a iauu..l Ir ii. 4 u, ' I XI 310 3bd S*??btL fllr^vU. wher'* Mielby ( 1 liri Jl aural. Wr Bill li* Hb^i.! ^ f~w4 . U «Aat *be exp, a- le..l to ollegt*. |..rv rk.ir r?B3 prwVaprqfifa are wotaot taken suspicion of \t«**tdrd tu ill*' C ’Ui mu, tW •'ru 1 L. ar. h-autifull) lu-al-J at LaaZL.i.sh. ••ar utd *tvr- at tbr eurb«r uf M.iib “‘"il-Uoncalculation in .-u,..r.,ur,, to^.r.'a,.a, of nt i.u- th.* lu*n,.s..,u la.i., Iita..,| ami Fifth AtFrec ufy hai!: , , -,i,.n,e.sion or ,l.etlic *,rutb..zutb ...in part. tender 'I'Ut ,i..„„..uu b- all it^ |,r-.b.*h. j »:.-r. a saw -hur-haua Eua-a »r..ia» udrr wlt-i-a iaa,-4 at •ur a^. bu, toe wnzl A T'm - i!nls s i Uctt.iL* •clu».l-h..uir. au4 a i.uuib.r iyl.tt diitf l.D tITfN. I 4*EXX ^ NTH XI 3««*r r?.'" tki awaarr wiU ka fT,*;’'** v I ^ . r‘i^AXUNK.' Ly Mfa Xi.n Stui.lvii* ttuiL..,'»/,.| **' bu.ldn^s^ H **• ':.'!.'4 UeclalltU |.r.. al- 4w.lliuri. lU r. i. »..rl-ih..|,. )»n>B^iy idywaG vl awa fcUKa by ito BBdvff«iWB* Au “*y ^ larger or smaller, and to.th wood may be -I,'L U;'Ly ao4 ..clurir. k.,. 4 Vf^-vabtY >w - K i« 'AM I. RINfil.Ol.li, ^iTfiArt ofr , alrial7 k--.. ,r-.l.il. » «-rai u..ra arr ...» the dub^ct i or full iLf.Tibanwb a< to iL* futur? -S'jk** Lubu I urtti tt.. •i'o.ri kri.j ku.ll. which he closely or looftly dimilh'ii.d. M>so UiattliOt the actualoctual amountoioouiit |**Iicir au-l plau "f id- 4 fvr Httit 4 Wll KES. i-ieral {--OfBlly •’dMiKd. a. H. (-XS pre>tiis:«m-Mis.-issin- • -L* W all Prohu consumeJJ ruiutiup a certaincertoii. distancedi iI Fatai — - MMII> la a llb« •^I'portuuity U nonce ‘ vf -zBbibj uever l.’vuni i-nt-os- vNi. n K>. Ly N. I’ XX illiA, ju.»l , a dr ligbiiul . or« oor oev J . Bbtr» iBeUerHl i 4Mkllll tKBMIH tlrrCliaUtS, ^ i»d*lrt-f-tii|e thrt»ir uad<-riit.d. r. *iiiyc 1 =*- B. SHERIDAN, Oiihnulrinul tf ’ is tio l^tliinsl.1 2tli insU cixen^ix en an account of a dim-dilti- iwuyurgdb)ured by ad-imiiiie ubdrr-vnutrti. il w; C* (KBr %Ni*iBiiKi» IN riii: be.be, token b^**^**.* by meaus OBceiBcertoifi^adtoiiiiad wheti wevx e i«3yi« 3 V a ten- I |uaiiDiaii ot the Bfwn.'.f a ULaVEK kkakH ukco lato i ..i .*.^^.“*1^1 U sTKELT. NEW Vi>KK. ^ I iIm!T! Lirvlcvttblttr #i ni w.*! . in socli 1 additi*B U the tiaa*ir> au'l MatLctbatu a tai‘..uiLu fi Jamily fullv r»a i*cd. alJ • colculo- p ,| Lm buiUius J?tt divtt derof wood. I ciiltv a hicli occurred about a mile from Dekalb, l*.tf • •biy. illustrattwl iL*- iid and lUut tpM farm* hbYt* latrlY — Liirrposl Uo^ by N|.|gb K'iuafvnal Tl FKEXCII CHINA AM) POUCELAI.V, bv«b •m.U. audiaL-aar" Tke aid LoaJ«a r^dtice the inatler to actual luathemotical on ^turdav, the 5Ui iiist., and resulted in the thr luiirir ob-rrTttVif.. . Bill b*- • arrfully Uugbt. Tbr I ** -X Ml i X K I NG.<, s*r < K A X <»N -KEH UK- or IIIK ^ J c, 1 »Ueu- t " .iiid lb,tier Removal. HI erery li**n uf ita j nioiUi iiob f parrotfi Bbd YuardiMUf i- rt-p-vt ‘ ^ •' * lt..L<.i>. rarietu lucati "U and xmu rtainibiC ariI Life oiMl oU lolly Lall«,l tv thiA >u‘.- > " ju»i iv- uf Cuuiin iL* *(uality v*l the *..il,•1. a*»r«f Fire iRUHraHce wnton and tlie voundiiif; of Mr. P. P | rpi> t'fiBpAi* on Engineer Moores, I of Mr. Hall fur to tb* 3 if , poUUcol econ- who ruiis tlie death OK SII;vq„,,vi-. MOTEL-. ’ K ivitibg' Uniis fi.r ABtii'ultQrAl aak, ^«B| 3 b b baiLlia< 3d 3ftrd V bto nf VM. Arim ,v par]* sc*, brin,; < ««ihdrbiiitLffttl. .Nil. :-0 Wxii ,TB33T. 1 1.1 I IttFse 4i*d ibt'ivA*M• tke on slienrt' Kemper county. The abrvad will • X 1. -M M:« ,U;E labd chrjp abd vaicalAr* the Cleveland ! (iully. the of .XU fruB brrvFt-i?«di M d U. luervaur' pooitioo and Hittsb'iig rood, has H. I'BpiU M lUNta.Ul.D TIEKl lU.II E w | a.v »v ranidU la tah thot i . 4.V * - ACTHOM/XMii • trode IIbf-- W'uk .e*b fe*bt . rth betw »»l..\>>tX XKK, * l.4.| «i;l.iniiPBi.l-. gtAbd, N Mam *trvt,to a* .lerr i 4, “*''***^ **“ AND lA.Nt V t.iHID.'*. I «»nb. tik. n... land notioORnotioiw *»^'^** precise decea.**ea,decea.'*ed, it apjiears,ap|tears, had an altercation with Dr. ***^ auuld1 kaLbYv i.f Mii OS amount of wood consumed I fl'da* XI Alb fltrvrl, Wtttccb ScVvttth Ativl Cl|ht.'i. tfib«r«; «t filiAll exebonre i • ^ i \X liulrvNlr bfttrb taken cxchonee at Mti>ar rarid ai All up year* bAd'k, of t 4» j f!.?” bat Lan bai-u.rfl 2. MutraUr _a BROWN & CRUMP, •»'• lur ^.•v,Alb C 000. (XX>— 31 0. 000, tAio^ on * nt. ttl tiU*.«r**Ll arv BUB * AY ivSbiU. UOG, yesterday in runninj: the Rocket Brown, and, attempting to .shoot him, was on- Jfii c*BBllIicaGvL.*Bidrr.i.t. thrt*,r Nv y, i,rth -tr*-. the la«t V Vbtury. and ••-•tnpleUly I.m ke*i rtmm beiiwMiifiBl from Wells- A. Ubd«-rsi*iudubJ* rsi,*iud wuiwill u Ml IttitfK DElMiT Fuurtl. .tirct up f. “• Paid V aplVal aad m It tlK cld ;• W*"KA»«*b*'B ••bikuivj -ll*- tbr K fibw-kfi-'f Dy^ ,( -wrH—«> aawalz pruu.ptjyruu.ptjy .tu-udid tv.t XX^M *»..ud -i W il huiidr*d AT* — *tn<.*« wLi.U l3r*'e ,^1* * •XMWWWWi Clex'eiand. his pistolpi.xtol mi-*singmi-^sing tire. After»\fter i .tuodtd J XV “ L3 yv !.» d msto*^»dr, ™ recetmtd. 1 'Hie diiUncedistance is 104 miles, ly prevented by (itjteUi Ib tl*<* Wvft, 3Bti B**Bld ibVlW "Or '*Id riut.-fibrrfi 330 v.\D -Cl j Abd B tirrt- Die Bi]*i vl«*t*r ptin.'iisu I Rxn i.N If iTeAt. i.f' >L**lby>Lriby rufiiiird At lAfiir Iuav b- L- NEW ro«x e^-2. P^ww were tviivtg. b a««b W*vi friemdfi.iBi wBBt uf BYtivLfi IB arlibfi, ^ivf added procured more and i aU vbu Af« 13 w Am a l,»»i»l to arms ^ lra-1 eoefa wood UMrd was tbree-fourtiis of cord, this occurrence Hall ^bitib? t 0»ethe eiigine warrant however was i-suedi-siied and placed iniii Hiellie . — : H. A. cowtrrroiMiti by Fireman Diimesuil& Co Louisville, •f fur Ajri«-ultur«I purp , woul I Ku I \Xilk.*.SLvndu would he I < Iveed. 4>Xl\ll>.'*IO.N N.ND KiKXX .XHDlNi * 'TheI ue amount usuallyubuilly consumed handsof the sheriff. Mr..Mr» GullytfUlly and his pos-«pos'Of friv bvi .lud thr t-xl by tfie aaaovart in ordina- |j Valuable City Residence I for of toe urofit tk.. Sale. L--’. * ttrll tt.iril. lb- Att, btiMb uf --daSfiS * “W cxcew r)’ riigiij*, l-.tl. >AttL r«3ud «|'r. - ^ iMrs De t*** ubJerMunj-r-i i.a- of from ;! u-d Lt- im- rumiiugruiuiiug to*the samesofu** attempted to arrest Hall about a mile tu dvorimbeddrt-rniii.ed luiw .,11 I *•' Caaaa. nnrta IS M-.t lAf •li>(3bt whk-B Cseiii of J'lrvkCillaad. Kalb,Kalb.‘wbenwhen h*he (Hall) drew a and 1 ^ ^SSn ^, ••ur.diL.il th,*; uill all Ubd* Ub tbvliB*' . Zr n. X imvfvMi IriwiM* Ritu-rfi ^ >> rtt.lruAd * ti-TEriKK" IDirbK'* i.ArptcclUBt \r ^ . • r •trAbilmAt rum.*. cKCOMpY f tJ-v U=,‘ 3b«l withia **'’ iL|. mafcoa a profit v|Uilitv Kty miiea.ir i '‘•‘Vav,. xrhich Rocket, in jicrforroiiig|ierformin^ hboot.shoot. The sheriff however *tei/pd*iei/ed the I f tb?u*« euy. i*..b.* vf Tb*Bo3tTh*Bofit *. S u . this f**at,feat, hauled eiicdeiied to u*3utrfuiu*3utrfMi B- w piffttj BkD kB* «3 3Bvl A| liiv lA>«vl ky tb* yBllic • f W«Wak.s.w.imtr. oiao »bd^^^ ll. "'ll L. «..rlk tiiari I *d. iupnoowd ^ «-l; a:;vl | W» Uw n ^.. r ^1 rtoto. |>nFK, l.MiUv iD U »t Lmud* Xvr . pnr.. w.» »,krd f..r ^ nty. il* I t® be mtimmi, •xpreasfireos traui,train, ccmiiist firing woundedxxouiided dt«ir.idi«ir«i .a ih?th* 3ud imiMYeib i. I Y Ib l.mkrUbd 3bvl Ru»tY »**l.r. ^ Hall ' sir. ta,. R coDitistiitF111 of < bridle of hi'« horite, when nu bU «»•» 3UI pr. 3s thw fttrtos ' n oUo four ars, I how, btlr^dbtlT^d pjt _ th»* *v made I 3bd \\ 3-“» A xu.'N I 3dik*Ui|b . o^nom ^ j ! Tl K fn Hitter* arr BitK-Bt • , Btodi’ IMP. lik*eUtt«r> aby * L.uctur, i Uac. arr D* H ,,nitiff At fr m $Jist ... sBBBvr ^ -xifivd r-iL t*B. “"'M- ‘•['“U -onertnie stops,Mioph. Several shots were exchanged, ihr*roui.d.r groui.dNgrouiid** 4 ;^** ^ tile pi^ and mainUined the daily speed him in the thi^i. « ft Ih f duiii t, Oy« iBst liua»p Ft bo'ifi 3 %>» X > vi-DYzrKrri* ** V ito St * denrod to. >ttrdf G pp*'rtMbitirs bow • Xbl*VvBfaBJ from FANS XND UN'F.V A*-r«d to tbor b L 1 M* |U«f«B34M3 tXf Bi| *'®n»umer. Allowed that I •*« fv*rv ui*I Ya- oae b 1 b***.*ta>»f ll tram. pulled oil his horse hj Hall, who l'-r*.i. .ininu* ,u rzrtoaw i.icii pru|»r,7 Uf of tLrir oB b Y rt brubsLt IKp | ui lak-a — tlwM-ifiiii * -1 ximI (iully was »m |.|ei»iettfii- Obit...n .J*1 ».B'l 3r fur *3]*> 3t bJttBtifficturfi • irt'« to iHirtbasr ’.or f ***"*^ bf. V tttAibib im«aI« B ill he 3 tur. I urr f - r I»; -i-vj. la Bill rea»o«« aJl •** ^OWB weigh- his pistol. At this Uibb.wU h X DI XM SP , .a-ki.adlU„ra..a4eaxb 6 Ai*d lOaer* 4 ,- *»(*»•• k^ldiam 104 . aa a tiart twenty-five tons, and has commenced beating him with ^ bry ur WaVlbri** IruB tK* sSvByAi K, kurj- y**b Itrr ||mb thl"’^.!!*****''**”’ * "%*'‘k,?,')r,'l!r’L4«V‘Md ' • |irr ai-rr of toto. bOwkC rf •»« -foot v aIv trade driver. to Mi. B. .Nelheily to ^r<«'XH.*^ :^ 3 • bbdff t Air to prim* jittbd III iLirl; |*«iitrAb4tBi* LiH* laffaraaes ^ f^rtr the lime Mr. Gully called fIfV da; I thrma* lerK.if iheo|*pMrtttatly •^fodr.B Wi«t fBB.rBbk totwa. ^ . ' lilt Gab* tv tbr •La.lr • vNtsbi aad 3 vrrtaib pTuYt-t, L»««« “' _ulr_sa* .2 ' And 1 ai-u :.ui brAllb> BdiBisWd ^^'ly »; A a, MB *.r aad I r iriUrd by ctoitt*i profit* Otoe off ^ **ow of any shoot Hall, as he had killed him Hall turned , £7.“!: splrbdld Dtlildlbf I.. t of our chance for a * . I* I- Kiiipir.' < ity 'liuiild own D«onl* at bL' . u> irlb< luake liMbi' UiAtz* appiioalii.ii WS ^IJITOXI, A•s•^ c*0p**’ I ^“""'*’*1^1 Certainly > K<»rK -XND I XX IN; z none is toward- N.therly, who fired at him witli one . I xu: Mt*l ili-l Uo puLtii t,p Y Arfu.Afly an vii>p.w..l..f. fiSftoi, Ttocood* UuMMd (raw. 4k, intended. The ai’i'iualul" Uiiiliiiiai. a.i..i..i I U" Apply l*. » II XKI fn XXib’iD N*. 4M S*ia LaviffYitla, K^ finical «f nailaiiii* iilulplu*. .L.urmttdjH.,.•Liui'tuttdy K-*|* tf**r h Il4** I1 li .’.r.Ur.. 4d. 4 .. -’ rnrr.l dksarrAbfrd »G.B»avr. **^ I’uli. ,u. . n i.. . 1 .r ji* BrsidsvrbstKfiSaMarYB ’’* f''®"''’ “** "«“*her of barrel of hi- gun without taking effect. Hall ,. ,-r- «ia,4 »,.d _ ^ OKsTa. ,.,„j 4,,.u,p...,d.Bit'UrpBsMd. .udjiu,i7 ' V I'.' !»-** yIIcI. her*, aikd rpHt oriiUBAL AbdiUstly eelrkrtU'd pttibi LK't ab Lttvi v>r -kwal • a>« d liVrr. ll L «* UU I>». T. S. I l-md to goods IJ*' r,iJr.JL^\'nvxEX|\DXUF >1 r* *|Uir- d Ly mail. Bx: . SrdMV tz>wiaar. tonoad^^r*****^ cl^r*to^’ I ffrAiM Z(^ (MC« *“l*P*d from ~ xnd tlie over a fence xih»iXlMil i'HEI’llE th.cL* ubiv.*r»BntudixvibbIIy 3 . a foreup. **®PP*f^*z amount thenatlempleti to ejicape by jumpuig 1 3«'Vbv/«Ud|f*dyre3t.fitVLv/wUdff•*'ir«oent ?**]•* lady W.b. l.uUI-Y lllv’ yttly , KoHEKt l.CAKX ore aie time Uie con- Bbi«i»: *^i*" .’..U ’Bt % B i-..» . Affral l»•isY illt* luNiiriince and the near hy hut received about that ^ \' x-i^ (g, , 4'uiu|*MmY~. worth , \ x in mAa. remarka- ‘J*. \ '* tbroBylr i**r B* 3 rYv.l*eo« rorrUti rba 1 ' tod. of iLc pAsi. iim i.rcgdit I b;*;. piirv ha -•'d till* i*trr«- t..f uiv ptrtbrr, ta tLr sriu BBU*tt.tr..l,b. ar Maia, •a.Dr IL BtL.iBHabk .fKy 4Hi«« vzB tKs BvHb *y4* "I M t b«»b Bs w«ll BN iLficu^cl fil^ictizB* ol tbfi futuiy, \ f VVi»k •. ^I.rr. III. At |,r-t.*. Twid 3^4 surL ibtob-r tRAiN llAt..‘ . all .bd.bt..l t-. iLr ».«.• I i/ Criu'b U*t Uy thw full* F-Birib. uT«x tW •toffbuf |>. S. Satodsfft. IB FrBbOr. 1 - . < Trtts; • Kcitobirat LbfUbd. 3bd tbr pTiBt lbbl citzd., iz. \ 1' tSHi u t.usL. I Itsr lU brui Bill pi . «ll uid a til. n.t ,r ''Ui.t- ttutuv.liAU i. I T \ J L' I.USL. l Itfir XX 3 D» II Y ar. V"rarr J-mr»v3 aad Firfll Ytr>*«t*. .StBtos, that niAvk Jm. all *>f »u|<«ri 4'KflirtrrBd X'aplSal tLe i D tod gBovn FictoriB {rrr*vrDWd u "B dll.* tu u*.', J i; .'liKKIDvN. -r-ittAliiY fi>r 1** Siwa.afiMK her B itb a i"R* Jv-Lu**Ik1.1u •a k«^ XX r -«u»K 3 iit. U- Msia ttlfVft Lrubeb XX XI I. Paid Ib btol C'wUy diABtoBd aad Dabiel XVrWtor • dialiu jA*- ("iirtliHt lwttt>eu Xl.tiu Aud XI *rkrt At F. Kil'E I'o. — Bl«Sfis «kwa. Bitht .1 4 ‘ i«neUd J \m» ;i*Tosl*el l»f* E * ^ ^B'l riby. BOB rrady to rrceivr YisitorsBt iL« “A**’** FiDhfita rtufitBBS^BBy u Kaiirizad Houl oa 3J“' '' liK-^ bSvB4BuWfi#-^^^fc_^ ..W,. ** * TKirdaad - -treei.-treet. luBdIw-Bd *f•# llrook,llr«M>k, *.br nAHliNER A ft ir. hiid* fur eai« at rvdu.pd ra«. lu. 1 cuba.ki. By Express. FuurtK. bv tfieir reepective CUOUNBers. - ^ <;rr*btirroa bLub >br BillbiIJ ibforui all ab-utab. m *.* /r IBBtBed. BiL mxkx Itoartti. Y ' 1 *1 * pa-»t.|i3.*t. m*-bl. Ly ttj E J M \ K I | N 4 t O I LI-1 X v >riter tlai ' ' aadbBdtatitrr I 4* pr.^btprt^bi I Ihr tatitrr . k«t aB«l *fif theytbre I ,a UH. Fuurlb i ... emburrinien- murrinl «>rur but HinrA>k'Kv- MrM'*iiKE->DKE'> ir-vtV.i *11 3* »t4U V dr«i«riptiob. ! i*i*3fi ery sad bltai>kt iBi|-z«iitl« -’*v, ! -V .tov Bt ’T B "f lalBbd as herDr-* , *b traaff^artatlwB. TL “V"? *’ r. i mBdTke bb »**T»ble ^•* . tu BMieritinn, ana we u*dixniual f'*«fi!ob api*ears.appears, iheah* «t>ui*s nU.<‘t-K.XNDxNli Hi:\\ I K X loi! I .tvliiiii.'U turmn wtriTAl*. *uaLlt** tL«b* t*> fialiiLit Bflt f^ly p«ty is f-iaioa recviaimbdeJrccviaiut-bded by ao#o a stuck. . BffBiBfit -.f the exIilxM* of thu* announced bv Wetlnesday eveniiii', officer Dyer, of South Bu.s- highlyhi;rLly rv»t>t*«tiv*itt.*ita-3. I I T\ Ua tdiasfi. 4« ixm dawM* by ^ ble aad ibbBiaerBblr (vrtibeatoMif a* CmfS*» b-.vp*!»«'••• Hullaad si KairA VAri. tY. •ipr-biff. aad bv»Y* D> uf ftYl*. Daguerreotype1^ 3 U © T I -'BC “* kboBlrdffed H “* Bb«*(ualrv| g XX l'BArni.3. y. b :s. »*chm.g*: B-i-r I Y iiv- S B aa.N EDICT. Silver street, p aad kH \ ..iiu-r tocT Pm t to D««KT*t to to exhibitios of ton, W4» calW into a house on ."iVr^'uTa-^'lJi: «>4 du t;arb«r*a d*. l-y tliAt *f 3tt.v b'*u»* 111 tbp XVr- tffra WAskrt. TbrY » r i*Erk:H ovutii q:,mc»wc, ; li i.ra.k'4.rks„d,.z,..U4r,rn: s BIOSCTysO* or imi-aiar. a. ia ..thar. a-ar J««t rvcvivcd aad f-*r »alc Ly B uldEAll pArti. uUr att.atii-B •* Y«wir aasBally iuhi [ ak-w awJ -...-..-14.41.. - - ,, L'ucW K,—. .. ., where lie found fiva sUrving dlid destitute chil- .»7 |.rz.4ir» Ian* sG*ek NNo.o' 52J ,41V -razzT. — I'lj- n-uii.r I . SU..-; D. .'*• BfiB«di*t( •B. J. i.f... rich f„.yfao.y jini.d,Jtrti«d. Rlzi.1.pla>d. aadmad ki„rzdalf»cx4m Miks.silka. Orrr .4. D. 1$i,r-.mrJ.I Vvfaaw Nlll'K I klaidplaid aad . Fr K- Wll Kt Z I I .1 .. I.II llaunir J... I XLiiaurt *trii-d.trii- J U*Ik I.Aib.s.l.aia. .. FrtbchI'r-ack plaid|.|si4 lt E A. 4. UvrdmB. a-lii»,rr..A*«Li4*rrett. aad rich pUidi.lald IMrerl l.*llrr» '*l< *'“•*' al'u *.| '-••••nie. W7. “ r. Itorti.r I'.!' I.lm-.plib*, aDu k.G' theirthrir larioUrip -l.ick't**ck ..l EutLr.,i4cricaEuiLr-zidertrs n»d*4l7 w J7l7s» 1 I,". i'. i"' aad Lac-t,ar.. 110^.417 ! 1 It.kault d',: H. I U- i;...J.,i;.Hids. ao-3D4->bff.u.' .ki.Bhlv'hh ranrAli Lrk,- futtbd ^ sSlFH. f..aod a3 cr.atr.ai.,ffYf at r>A by 1 — elementary “*»'*'* bu»r li*i,.g ^ ^ W'riten oo Durii^ children died last week, and tlie lui.serahle For Rent. J|.il--I., .1’, political ho H du dti a*.; iM” ' WW.. .-'uM,nm-alllh..rin.,uc,..fiU’«»ndd».r»kU^»ouM .urn- 4|I Ih .,r III .|Urat ..f kra VyiNES—\1*INES- United States Fir* Insorance r imi-* ,, _ »udd»>ir»kUz»,a; CompaaT. f**r r«bt. ' ' ^ K 4 < O. Samuel V**'***^n named to starve. Four uf oa f>H.d tertas, 3« du d . d", just rc«t*ir, „ t...4llr<.rlv.»..r»r-.|et-tam..at-t-i t'ttll cAfl V. as Br arv *let».r»iftcd Ul 'iar*.ttrSrr.urr.-^kjattL,*!!?,c'-uoj ’’ ***"* iv *»'Y- l'..nF"rx "VVia,; or POTTsOAS. >tw WiIimaii left them thro*- I S Yuat ecoooatf. waa*r»*kwJ* wreU'h thereupon ^ »y JO d aad f--r sal« by at IL* Yery 1 . ’ A l. ««-l Bi«rY-li’rir. I I I.EK INN d»d. Sadaira WWiar: z-kViTkl. •iwxeee. I XXDKs io. F X XKMMI fLi* ui.riYalfid ^*** 4 T V IIB to to xrmy, th-’ over.-eers of“• the‘he Wj:;! A ! Crov AND I'.KXTK Varbi.1, xml, tJie children were sent to I *ndX“u P“'^( V.:,r;rl“''^:r:i‘^^.''‘tr.h';' — ‘‘ a^izk r . rbTrm • Fr'l.'eli!brlLaad t at S J'*Z"d" •»arl * 'itli y^^^arl^ad •••rlzkddr,Zkd di ^ . .V- . ^ fur Alt ,-u.rU of l^a Burk uiay Lr .t; p|tp«i biiLa tbtaiuub MarkBtUarkat ^ N VzlzrzW’iar. Generalieiseral the froatfruat yardYard aad a«atbeat ir.*bir..b frb«« I Go eriun**nteriuns*nt ^ poor, but the yulincest,yourqjcst, a helplesshdplejis infant, had M**L ib Wt-cvaiaiashobt-cobiaiB« ti^Hb ivbt UMlt*. ihr *'? ^kauiA kam|.44a.. ... ,kria„ krzadj: a a SALIA. rnudaal. ud NATH42I cakST. SaaraMay. I^TJoImi Wlutcoaib, at mrmrn wers>Wer*. Ul "i1 i* '***ir • i. ou. E*..at Iwipy sum. ir.iu is HoneAek ui \\ Vraas-buai.d Ilu- kuls; %.ry rusty, * i m.v XNIV M |•|•UKTKR.•*- .s*ryBY..Br s GaTTTTrT * f?^ fi1-V ' '-«««. Urje L^D. bark p.rch-s, kiicbra .«-»*•* k-zai l.-afaartk’, -,,;-rL!>a^ l » Mr. WiliMNi'VUiK>.. the offic^^^office-r, If pr'*|wrlY appli. d. It Irttyvaa "Id sttiv* or*'th> i ri-akz waswo. faiiuliBruTw^*^ WoCecoinene so emkcialed,••macialed, when found by w«n iifLtcd ciYcS;%^* ju«ju»t rwceiVcdr ( | ual >Qpp*rt«*r is uuw B*z;d anvf apprw**d Ly nofiO-BBtfi^ fiutulilrlv*!^^ 4 aad fur sale 111lu a-,.La <mw OiBBt '.*:**> 'Br it M wibuic*. /acuIi v 2* tt rally, abd.aaidtt fr-m L*ibg -m, beemne removed, and death lermi^lermi- SiH galTaai/ |t ^itbeemne . that it't could nottiot he S::;L'7.S::;L' . .Vr“cf.7,*r7.Sri'krr^^^^o. ,*r . k XX |« K' •’uBipBBr. I xm d b. -.bK* m^Kb f* customxrTkH'Z”customlirTkl; 7 7.Sri'krrdl:;.^ 3I..I 1 Au.i W .VLI.AI ITll'l KBfBW *^*fn. ^°r- T. 7 U..LA.1 .upp*.rVr tb «*/ Tlw Ml-.wib, E 4 1 11 Z”* '^ , u AABiii-ttihtios nt rresMlnit '“**dier-'“**'•***- jiick .vl.* uEU* W wink laMU, oZereaz * .'tol!^ArV."k;, 1 aad fv.rsalr br 1 ^ toived — _ _ . ,, Ki*pr3..t.ottsto,tKmla*tlk,B,m>mm(L. jBMMdMU W 9. J«B«Bl 4«*t fkvKy. to Coroner . L.V.^L* appellaUon I® the notice of Andrews, but Nik t AimummlntiMt. from tot time to which „r ' K XVliKs. a G. irt-^mrad tbeB tu iLu*c idiysiciaos Brh* to to pFW- ^ hu ' |0 vor MlAVfc X ol K.**El.F.*— If >»uvl... aadBishtodu may Kay* I I The Cement Store of Francis I \ . - almoot os wade a inquest deemed necessary, the facts in ??* McHatryMcHarry G* tL* «^*mb I salvU* by (aZX] ^ - cirrulatAon was r«.eVkr L. YblYaaism reti- B . I tbr I I f It d..b*l fail tu t.r apply oa that f^V\***^ I Bithca'B‘3 dvumfurt. buy uBc iwu of I Off f*tl,Awo IS Baird la Saimtrrrt, lielwcrii Eifblh and Niaih. ” giS, • pwMfi Mto} ytmn. >u,tb I (/ id k. Bull m U, * ' kL. ihcOW xrmy or Wost-iiLulm Kai-rs TLtp is really a pUa*- KAVM 0 ND 4 K.XTTEN are tK« oaly tiigluh *'**"•• *P|.*rent. «y«ats la I I JAt.rDOVtT.WBni Ilti^iUir" ] r'"* V ^7r,T.“qrMi‘ilK | Uh citv *mi 7. 1* 4.1 viy ^®*^*^***s*rppvu ’Suk-UM pwa, Iruw urc III sLaxibg biIL nthpr ..f tK* b 1* r sal** Ly onll uk* pUafiureib iKuwibs ^bea tupbysiciBBfi Ua(a SOW. Nc* 1 *;sfd. rrjr'j;r»rww I 32SJ4b KAVMONU 4 74 Fvuribfit. 1 ttl&j4 b V -f«c n«a •• > ' M* C J. *AKTi> 4 10. J T T W U . j . M i' . | I ' W K u . . c , , ,' f . - ' . !. . f U

THURSDAY, AlTCrST SI, 1 P. M. Mriipr.R. MrKarlanJ, ) A — A. B. of BY Anait \L oi- (im . ~ ~ - - TELFX^H APH. Mr.aKiWETiiER i.v Sant.\ —— — - riiiiUHi Kuniar^, Ky.. was kilW li?n miles For New Orleans. I _ e BIN KB NEWS. Fk.— have the Santa Fe (lazette of the onth Th. «»• - Sla3T A WMi Uter now* from Europo will bo tlio IStli in't..by Slojih. ARRIVAL JT '^ r -i-.iUM'el.FXIM.Tl.V, M.Tnf K,mr AMrSKMKN'l'S. from Iioi.tou. on n Sliort, I OF THE KLR01>A~ “ Ml It «v* ruir- for lilt. (Jov. .Merriwether f N«» Orl«Afi« ou >Ai»ir- i AUCTION SAIJiX ^®***‘^ leached that place on < i.srix>aii, Aaf ng, dav niUer tbo telofraphir bead. * roilior id fho ompl.iy of tlio Fnriuco Cuinpa- m. the IM t»f S«{>t< mWr. SPEX'IAL NOTK’ES It falliiif the 2-d. .l.sijr. TU s.atber is ..b h or t« oin) I l:u,u^ s- The Gazette says; warm auj »rd im.L-i,.isT :i .\u,hts. By T. Anderson A — McF'arland bad pono to the l» Co. =r . nr. •Toalinp’’ S. ncXEAK T. ^ Call I and Winter Dry W-NaaTors N'aUonal Intel ligoooor He arrived in :N'1c:^ Goods, Boots, Shoes, Jtc. > Disaaau CMTsotAaB 4.w» rontradicU whore Short had a yob. but found Rood health and spirits, ami all riirsai Bi;. Aiiirast ». P R <3-ooci.a,ll. c*ii«sBaaai— him at a wlii<- u. s. 'I'lll «Da classes of f.ll, with II .MAIL -Morning line H»hAV MORM.NU. ABfait 31. nmmtttnmm pDfwibbI *wa .a4w>«S kr tka of the death of Senator Downs, of oiir citizens apimarml Riad to see him i»fh.,»at.riB Ibrclutii- at *w ka_aa j., tept by at. Irishman named i« clfaraad narui. For Cincinnati. lirtiirn. DuriiiR his stay in WashiiiRton he ac- Lomfuana. Mr. JoUmoo, Senator from Ar- liAZEI., I §*',^110. Tlio latter wa- ordered offihe cuinplished I'Mcisxaii. \n,.|iit ii, p. u JT-I'..*- T.V jireiiiises. I much for the Territory, and made kaasais info ad a (centlemao of Ua» rity that . i*inB*«i..«ij-. a‘m:'‘ - f “‘Itninistratinn I two of Sliorfs hot s discliai Red for drunkenness Haiii ax. AiirusI 3o fiillv acquainted with our lOTIr.l(hlur |.UMr..|.|.|, , B Umnl.T le be wa* at Crab Orchard and aaw Mr. die. D. . „d=‘iorth.msolfUdd tuat Tin- «..-Ta.ii..H,,r n A. l.ftc„ro. FRANK TARTtR. he i must Ro unless C.mard steamer Europa has An*u t | he arrivH J j b.Ti^on* Z Merriw ether, and l)r. ' ui, drintino * Ihil. .. t.;i .. .c. i . .. i brinit.ne Livernm.1 dales to the 1 «tb. beii.e For St. Louis. CoBDCcriOK. —In announoinc the names of •n.iB.r |- F.AIRV OfEEN. J. f ^ , ®e**'-'r. * ih Icilr. A. .bvi. ub Tl.urMUi tbe Board of tbe hentucky Institute . Female wcwsaemtiK ai.i iBu., ai III -..v-ek v vi 1 | 1'^ le itht uria-nsgs B|.[.|y bb k»»raer to (cbangsed from LouisviUo Female Institute \ yes UASIIAVf, W.ll ,t. terday, tbe Curti* J. name* of Smith and ('lau> . , I'lllt NEVA lllll.I.ANa ’ prt ' I'llllVI < I re, outOU, of AIHU. hi- way. .Slior, did shoot. ley m-fTt hitti.iR him '» »'*' oommandinp .i .It ,.r“M,r^;:.:'w„.;* l“i“»Bs«r sloaBnr JAMKs dimf Du^-aII «o confotinded us to tiei* .. ' '"o s^culaTois^Nim' \ JT-5 .... RORR. *’ II < ABBtu. . in the111^ >aii.small 'be ' sr.^a'A •< Asd.re.q BiB.I.r, w.ll l»T. I Biro of his hack, and « “b return of Gov. Merriwether * Ur. st.,i.K.k aii«.i. l-r No. monallv woun.iiiuf > ii.'"*' bales. I •MaaaaiaiUrl.aBs. ua Ir.da.v, . S|.t , latar l»l, at I oVIock. Iber profwriy diMinipuidied. . ' _ the Hon. \V illiaui S. .Messervy, the ‘{“'*''5 •“'•''nsst him. so liiat he .Led Secretary of I l.u.iu I without SI., after.r. as- Flour— W. stem cai.-al t's ii | *' .iBiiIwaOB* tUBirBB4C-ulBt w.ll hbB,., '‘"w . F-r frokt., „r ,.bo.„ R- r* f ci_ 'V- the I erritory, is relieved from the duties of the Fl.i,t iu«.a .p, 1 , „b le-o, « 0. U" '"“'““h'JlL::.'’ |UwB.»l«-t-.~.t..m.S,«. a.o.nea-“ice r > I A I , •- . 1-“^ II U1 -.nee reach,reach' d him. V3 <-M. « . BA-I n ,1. o 'r oUTlxI ! Sliort Brown IAM, Will kMCKFBBurKF.B FOB S(.rTFMBF.ji. Short < t I Browu *4 and executive ll.e , W ILt. Cswthon — Shane have I and BE s Entire i snperiiilenaencysiii.erinteii.lencv of IndianInaian ‘'"It OPE.NEI) ON . Stock of furniture. it kria*. aw.at la tw Sliipley uiiole white wheat ' ' Jutt.^pat »ltt as— i_ 1 both been »rr.-'el leil n .at IbU^. ~ " *>«'»> affair... I . ». MAII. 'rua* i. . leceived tbe September . Ii\u,k LINE ; and Veneers *.n.k - Im« it kaaimr. — --.j Crump baw number ..I 's 3da9s7«l. Breads, MONDAT EVENING, SEPT 4. 1854 — uffs_, he demand tVen- " alt.U _ Tbt* uiail from AT AIVTION 0.\ rot R nu.NTHS' I’BEDIT |.b>b, taiM.af.Ml fwti*M ik. ^BMUta. tfai* valuBbie monthly. atid holders ibe rnitea .States via Inaej>eti- PORT OF L O U I .S VI la Distii i rav are lirui with modeiate L E LOUISVILLE AND ST. nini eei.eom*s- niBNi.Hi bni 'n,eesie....tIheexlen-iv.. di-lilleiy.l.si.llen LOUIS. iivm, '"‘“'I'U ~ ''-A -ales d.i.cc, an ive.l in this cily last 1^ •‘.r'—Wrll, at la. ,-loek. I - to the trade. Sunday, the -JiJ Xt r will««u Ajr vntire «t«rk n NTVJIrT***^'*''"'' ! •! raraiiMr*. Ilar4wnr« ma«4 a# »«4iM I* 'M T anj Vp- , . ,*t**^'* ' * uri.i‘r.•‘I'l.er. near IsM. *** * Tv* •“^‘'*'*'"1 A ae«ri at aaetiiw. at • ha Salem. Moi.isomeryMoi.iRomery I'he Crimea 'he mjr Fariorv . ora«r "t We are indebted U* Ml. Cotton, acent of exiieilition had no,not sailed. Other(nf,er M*"*' JettnoM mmd \ ta.h mp4 m4 aMlMiTatiMlv ip1i«4 — -- ’ MaruttB, <‘ii>cionAti. •tncpta. euMutini .a part .if~. •* “ '•'innnary of th,’ f* ia»r»p tw km tt i. ' was artairs ’ news will be found in — ‘••ruckstruck were 1 "“J the Muw«up|ii RailroBd, > hvhy liRlitiiiiiR on Sun- unaltered. Jaiip Eranklib. Kior^. Ualb icaay.«4lii«t an4 lu«h pMt Bpdst«>a4«. TW a*4p« tk« Obw and for Cii«;u.- ribbiboaii ptp«a to i«Tpkp4 i« •« ’*'* <>*•* E«rt llenrY. U *.t. l,..Qis t'hprrj, walant. aa4 Ri4Prp 4,.- ^ p«Mie ta Um* towiMg iowauia, J*.'' n*»c,'ilut ' .Si^«r«/«y. .Sales p." andlid biirne,!biirneii U,loth.-the ui.-utid.,emd. wWith.lli overov er -.Sales to-davlo-dav of .Mum.A.IRHI I ^ [.fiata4 tiBU Mper* R| A. Oiv n. Ik.. « w»r4aea^ » ] , j» 4** 4v pablar bale- Mr'G.lbor^^^*‘>lliiirst and Wife, sister. r*iro. Isomaraa. 4pt|wai t ly mI ^rUtoavalwp ' cotton, llie I and Miss f .7 . I demand J*is mmferateiiimlerate andan.l I.»ui«villr, lHra&. <'in> ibDati. I bushel- of corn.andacorn, and a larRelotollarpe lot of whis-wins- * .X^HIoN, Cai>t.('hvrch. ’^*11 kr y* AT- umif «a.w.«raua. | . 4 tht* la -at , lirui P'*" Mi John n*'”^ r|k. for trtu^trade and&iiu lorfor Robb. Mr. Ferdi- - u , . • ex,«,rf<*X|K>rt. Xh«*T^re marketinurk**t is ( f a Mkif wall lbv«*t»f»t , k 1 irEFAHTI KYSTAI. F.XLAi E.( apt. W. J. Kwaati. «.f U»eab4 ». or». •*' •o .'l estimatede.st, mated a,at >*'."<•.sJn.'-sl. l.1. s- tlmntlian HI:m. ailjAhif t Wir, aaaV.la.i-r-.aS*.::!..... itk. ^^We Brrindebled tothe U. A. Givens for dull hutbut no, lower. SalesSalis ItBi V‘ L.kOX* BIK R. ('apt. S>1. ('alWrIio. for exfmrtexiiort of Inn I la. „ ^ ' i , . Man*ti>l(i. XIaratia. Ciacinaati. ' “ 4 4m Braakfaacaa4 l>iaiait TakWt ^ RlNCf rswfnaue* nne-thir.! bales.bidles. " * ba\#* no liulian dAprMations to reconi tins TEI.EtiRAI'll Nv.S.Capt. Erwin. — _ ' of whichhich iwrtuernJi-c.ivercd by insurance.iiijjurafirt*. Jaup t** d ' 4.V 1 aa4 i 4raaer a ropy «f her manifesL Kraokhu. KixT*. < ibcinaati. '•tbb4 . Ylt Ri wi4aai X(*w

' i ( Wu4eU«. Tia .Safri. *.** KrPaa—Krpaa'‘tii(I. tbe J-rt llB-nrr Maaou i ibcibaati. |K( | <,(IEX At.KKIt.aiid llll>r0|iK0tlE IT.--... Iia,... *F *"«*>*. »lu.«dB>B. ika CaiiW — a**inaiia.b mai.a is moaeraleiiioderate ana ^ < svaUfcCaaa^ aaB a^a riX. “* j ? n* Ib*M. B VTBOND a prices ill "'‘•'kk: I -I i fax or of Wsi.t,..,.,.’ See .ii, r. I.. J irt.i! buy-rs.buyers. K. XI |*attun. It.*irtiar«l fy advertiaeaaent of Mr. Cremshau .Xlriut-hik. oo3m:buve2i>. I —I - .....ra, ak K. I> •alp Mku k, Ttie t'ollihs A iiivtb. \Va.team»>r>teaiii»>r Pacific Mr. Me>;*ervy 1 OR k(.NTL«NTLi KY arriveil at l-iier-l-ixer- has re>j^he>l the office of sec- Regular Tuesday Packet for the Missouri AI»m, alar«:a , KOIIIAMO.A A; i: I. Ih loti.f Rardwarv,Hardwajv. pma-iiiiMrpma-iiii ia nrtaf L*.aa«, UW %K Tj If iliVerVs .!u m"* ! *N. l'v.»4. River ^ aa4 XX i *a - * I-i.viN* kv.. Ao::. HO. "" t»-lar> of the territory, UECKIPTS, — ^ r • 4aa mCliflr art ix i»m r»>i and Davis, * ' I-.' I itiBfi's Patfkt Builfbs.— W. W. edit- ?.I’.’!'A' ‘.V- m ^ l^’* ' I l**'l ' SIEN.X(.rRIE. »€*»’-ral •!»*. ^ HE LOIIMILLE ea^iii rail tiie {h^'r.l/'”^ r ft*^.- . THE NEW riEii.B'T >vr, . VV^ SENAI.F.RIE. k f..p< 4b»a»:Wmak*rt FEH XLE I (OLLEtE '‘ ^ **" w.ll *V If*" '• I W.aTi»a -—.aw tk» wwa* e>ll«*ia«. •a«r..f Wu alaul,, "‘'f-.tiaa..ul. —r «-r'«>w E UU. Walaut aa. u.k V-ai-ri. rk. Txfvth.r wi k li. :tj f Pr.l»..r.aaaT«ch.r.. tarca alt articlaa aau av.ry art.rl. .a my makli.S. la aaakw. „ ] •‘ * *“*1"' Ik. kail4ia<« M. la ta. w*.r. Tka LiVawy

.-eoua Nsau. MrwiheMa.i. ‘ I w !»«. MS mi.l.tliiiR l-N. upland r. 1-S :> "" rfday niRlit also I C(b her rplkru. will si. ^ Speiidid fair mi.idliiiR Uat« JoMph•rh Collection of Ra.a .treet. I.. l-N , „ pyppyPYpry o(b«r VU., mdkj. 1 Wild Animals.wls. Xrlsuii vvIiicIiIh aoeilla. a neee.sBiy coBseqyenee. lal<’i j,, !kun, ij rBBTTTlIA.'X. r.it. hemp. K«hr«arY ' These sdv W. U. T. .M'l.isi: l-•illsvlllt•, >, ,,. \V. inIViior 7-s. -, R». 27th, Mbpch l.khB»th ^ u.URe-, to- 3 to I Denni.-lon’s lVnnsylvaiiia,an.l else- si.V i' m 4 Jtrih;27lh; ArnApril luth ^ U. tk« aWy, »(tnhvtiwu», vRi r* rt. quotations dif- s iiV," • h htll v>f •aur-pbt«r- I FfmiiiMt JttbP Ath kl»4l!*th. .\uctioiieeis and lieneral Commission, i-.-. ‘ ' JHnr 24 Storage, gether witb severBl W. T. N. M C..\ inRtoii. J. f-r 'tiers 'rvii * •v, IDM pi»w \ » -Thirty r fr rty G Io . H" lead. others, recuuiiuen.t W from Brown (4 ourIi' learn a ii-- rA»..;r A Ivt •‘*\*X* A«M«it j •mfp WardiMf fiMdpMti it to the Shipley’-. HiUare : Orleans lesson s4r*. J K Bol- Uth and >th, .Siptetuber lltL and 25^ ’ocW-' pm Y»m- f*** -ildrea “h‘* Eorw.inliiiR .Merchant-. ss.mmi 4,»k d ik ihk < BsUptor R. W. H. Fm-ytli.-. ti I'l.sp Ii ’bis season of Lvrsnh abd 2/d, .Nwvcmbpr Sth idle The owner- u< M fail 1-4. Mobile and upland fair l>I-l. Orleans drouth, and nearly a per- pbd 2Uth. iK-k'wmUr 24(h. ^ 41^ I*. the fiBtent offer to R.iar- I „ , ,,, ' [ \V. L. S. Fitch. G. <1. **' ’“bn iiii.lillinR .u 3-l.u. .Mobile I-'', round lor the crops in a ,iro|ier D.lCtCRREirrVPK inlddlliiR upland RuM; .H.m .i’.. T.-rtillit..'. l.lKINC^^C.'w Muw PTT Botee iG perf.jrmance ! | M>WK T as equal to I a sav iim iff W. FIi. SwiRert, G S.'.-, i.i.. iid.l.tliiiR ;» l-lti. Sales on Fiidav of .•.iHXi l‘'“»iii»; “H the farm of IVofessor m -..i» a REi^ri.AB nTAKDING rKiri.

pi ; rent. In it- ro!:s!i t. idi'c . t, ucGim it i- aduiirabi) W. K. H r, hale-, l lie market '>“1^.111 .New Jersey, for example. 4to*nkff«ipfT«0(jpM MOW fpdupvd m —mu, | .St.wk, exclii.siv tkm was dull. e Not a -lell'a.l. 1 J if w^^^^ tut .Ni. jri. *imm4xmr pr»««. to |{ ti. w J. ti D, of "‘iCle plant seems to be '"'•‘d. i sai.'i.. ad&i mcamboat-,;i li ocen|.„ - ab.mt oibc- -liipliuard. 9.’s 4.>0 hales. Hieadstiill's of- -iiffeiing for want of 1 T»» TM« TCklelC ’ I HpMTiW WPwmi — H.iii.-y r Wil-.iii, c, s. f; lered lirni e and w itli their roots f ^'-ayyl hut fell olfat the close. Flour— ’, deeply locate,! in ball the deck »pare, 1 and ,b. coiR i- 1. put laj -f th. l.M. h.,.( hark i>f .han J.'liii n .M wauj k«,a« j ’il.-Cra. k. n. ,1. I’. prices are easier ‘“b-.-oil. they seemed laiilyto snap hut not qiiotahly lower. their Ivr i.uaor.lie iromc. «arc. *aJ*ar.a«lhaVtk.Tw«Wl.keV.ka..ik«rI>B«a« boilers ' Img mp on Uie old jdan. ^*|**'**^'"' Tie' model u.zy D. I). k.. har.l 1.. S. • R*** cloinllcw.s .M., and T. \\ heal bas Hfl. JiMliaii corn ail- >ky, uiM latlier to rail at |v-. a iiMfiin; Ajfmt lai.B .1 bas I awiU tak. Ikw ter tk. mb. ,n-e -.km -eei. s' oM Sol he Mm oPire of M- -i - I lor liyinR to inteilere l.a laet fall ' Sw ag-r cm: D.tw vane .-d sals lid. with tlieir j.rivate aaa wiaiw. 7S reaia, I aow laU About tw.. Iiundi«‘.| laslRe- wcic repiescnted i i.Tlli'uI'.??.'';" ikm Ika- ^^‘***’’''* karfe ja-v (k. ,iw«. aeiviikataakiaf s> .. boilei ittupertiH'-. QUrouii K SJii(»!«*y quote \Ve>terr» ralial Hour I >)iirld4 k Sou; {.i i^wb-s ' •“-••»B«»»Biaifh,iuM«*aa.ai*hw^tlMkarSDM.aiaksw aad “ ^ - REAL ESTATE! REAL ESTATE'B«-».aaae. ai..l a la.:;"- I uin;..'! of vi-ilm- |7^^.''" ha. .a,a- , . - -liere i> eee* I. bro'Ii.-i- lit. | , ,, k-.- .l.ere....eTnt«Uwaa.kF.V.to. waS* kr iv. SOTul*-«Ta l’i’7,'f7rhe Keilvllg.. eaaM ula Mm mW. I 'W*- tlBJr'ra; ^lareril, n«*lar- m- w.-ek. lhep.rlatlwr..«,-fr, la waJ.r " ^ tka *«Mj«pakli. willat|| Dr. Raphael will eoinmeiice co»irse ••ry klu Mtiwb ^ ^ ”*' >hrrry, Jiwt rpceiird a o. : Wpkp4gi»ppr»»ii4»hii.|,»r*.Mhip|,r*bhpd»«irwa and f*«rBal< bY Real E-tate, s, ikMr*aiM,«a**. ; n. StiH'k, and (General .Viictioiieer-. a. I vara eal artI ale., Ill-- *-* l< I. In. .-I ii.Ter5-..iiiiu .p.»‘.-i.*.n.- il 1 AI.ADS * fo. »aam.kMa... |. .'to;.-- now up f.»r con- T b;i,;r|.v“ uti. r uh clwiiiii al surgery to-motrow ui.irn- and t’ommisaion M. rrhaiits. | bobsbbbc. ! I'rBrnei..r •t ik« -l.i.'iatn.l. ai.- in !l,.- Grain! .Ma.siir’- BwwMk Da«BrrT*aa UalWry. rngat * o’clock at the lenii vilje Marine Hos- HEOAN. Na. U. S. Mail Morning Lino ESCOTT. & MOORE, an Bata .as.1. kMwxa Swxad Md Tkrrd. ' **^ '*^"^^‘’lroiiii 1-s M**.- WAIN STREET. |>ital.lal. St.identsSt.ijet,,. andant! - tendency. Pork iiiferioi prices locationaiiil^unfavorahle.sea- fUllVINVINXvIl. “**«• tka Raafe .( piacUtiunei-piacUtiunei of iirt- i — are roiisid- u, I, Keataa/. UM-dnun-dn — n:T' .. Heajaaila krar««M -llr call at„..m.a I., their ’*’• I'l"- tr;..- si.h-i ahly low er. would think l.liIrP. A KviilM-dy; | I.*, Ilmbbwu. Wt. 4? AT O- I i-rz tarn aad position of in.i.-all.liatiiiR (,le- Bacon is iincliaiiRed, w ith a forty bushels [M-r acre a Tlibt* r k McK I J Y \\ aree inviU-diiiviled to MMeml.eml. !i U» j -I will 1 d< HhU. Xldn-jh, a I> 11. I dw Itortirv. Mew Tw Tam.~~ ’*’*'’' JpUnspn. ji ( „ |: \ ‘b’hitU'd |ireviuiis •’ w ill, w ithout AKVlll .V .. ' i“ -o' ENDIG 4 (7REEN retp«clfMl1y nil leU) Ma-oi... h.ith at lales. Bande- J doubt, be ncaier one Jw^llry ItMtllrv; 2*k». — W.e.aacB.s I maa -MaF# ta tk* pab* in llatlon to I.sm 1 .'c- an.l k K.d ’‘(•lifi. 4 Millt-r laait r •• ym a . j ' , |4*. A Tubb.' I < Fafwr f p.a*: ! fI xi.xii 1* ipt r-H -'kytbK* lu «n- lie th«t timy will rvadaet ikr '“"'died 1.;..,* ; «a 11 YArivty; K ,4to*v« ba*iar«* la all ii« ” circular says bacon has declineil Is, biisliels per acre. Thai a th. way my lee. kw'a.." Mr. UmA.iey. keeper toll and These I ••kik rivvaa Wtkav*li«s t of B cate on ,..,!.i„l„ M,.-....- I ar«Uw ha ^l. I .reeel, sad '(•lAJ-gwurefcrx diiM 'tiBi. k. r tKt ffax-arffBfal aian ;ff«ai«at r» liteet k.at. ..a' 11,7 W^Bt *f w^Fkthrv quote.- lard with little parts of the dM-ai ib**iuaelvf« w«ll N> raw. aa eM aua* w. hare - a s(»eculative I State the drouth ha.s M vk.kc i|ttaliftrd. Rr Kviidir efua nr I - ' demand. iB.lriet uis.rd.ne. mpUUiM*. rtotr^t, kat a< ka4 aa- wash It aar ther NaAvilleBimNaAviUeNashville unixii.i rallaHw I. . ,l-e u-a L It i >i t i. . , withihe m GalletmGallRhDtn.i.pike,tioi.pike, kill-kill-.'.'.. ind.i* warvU was M..*,1. TieIli- in.-’.in.'*. *“'** ' XX I'rvnch ai. J -f ya^TR Y«|>»-n*ac« la it. a.at. Batw. in. !!....; of I i .Xmfrieaik, as. dw d;s(>en-ii.-: Sale- for the iiOO ’bat the If -tfirr. ( VI, I bbl wil. I.iirl<> e'dBirs-eat. ef the B..ara f .0«Uy»ltk, week bbis at .tls tKla.ja.s. Ta!- larmers are selliiiR their A soin.'l 1 i'"* hal aka. axtax " VarMitiiM-* uf v«rr i>u|>«ri<'r Ilai laff madff \rraLA«m«ai< witk Ibr prvpriFt..r« * th.t ellin^ at * ^i«aII rii-c*. MmYg. Aiidcr*.ii, a 4 «; i.s ~ “ .r>r,d u reader Xl*r»t vdwia'.orw- m found ,,f,.{ Ma^uMv,Ma>oniv. lii^bcr. Com- tLiu (» i.»r’ ulii*' «.^»l.bl. Bh.. IW^ a.rt- Atu.wee-'. iryia*. r.ii2ratii.R«, We eaa I wak. m»y Frrit«h. K -eeii. R . yietaiM '.Bal I.atr .nil, Iheia. Enitlmb. 1 Amcricaa-' n .rirxe . r iher. ere r.l.a« will wia. t ail ' a. Ika a<« '*^ proiHTtioii. (.lit XX .'rk ib all ita tu law. aad will all., (tee llarir neero stealing watermelons. a, ,<• Graacto atUati..a I., eut-deur ule. '.f ‘iBlKry.aeaUwaW a«aer -I Bata H< tempted ( It is hop^dhop;.! ,I.,ai,I..At the ,i ‘p t''Mrmiie' R»U t-iae aad Tk.rd aw Net— and l^de- will aeci. 1 . ( orDteas, br^«c and nit; |.r..perty ..| -e-r.i dcceri|.liea. ^ - are 1 'T ‘"'i . unchained. I‘alin oi! 44 >a 4 os. India rice r, i.«. wtiirch. ii ike. ((brid .r#. r ii d.*. sympi.r Hr.* wseS le.wei'ec^’ V a ( POBT NA sink* •*’< Bloa '•a««ws. urtaiu .Xrm<. -V Rciiiter will ke ke| t A BA turn, whea tbe negro struck him with a Uie-e tiie k.^ \i » n .i a .. ’*' l-'•‘|"lr<•r ’bat the city Ainciican•'xoicucan stocksSiocie.' are uiicliaiige.1iinciiaiigeii ! ‘ ‘ council has negro tbeti made his escape. I foilowiiu;!loW lilt; - amiamt dull;Ulili; . ! passapassa^. I I’.t j 'ds. bonds. IMiN, KIN to 109;; I’. S.ii’s, stock, “‘*“l’’' '' " '‘‘suliiUon to hold 111.' question of ar- j i P.o-pei:tv un.-xaiiipi.d ami with.c.t Is'.T, a ch.-ck 10T!al0N{; Pennsylvama 5’s N-J'aN3' repling the navy yard at that ;i.» Rossi, the bii-band ; port under ad of 'Um- mei.ti.! | re»t.. I'li,.. ujionu,K>n 1 m;.'..i..T r• *“«• Ih. liiaml iXNi::**I^o-lge ' MarylandMaryiajiti Jo’s.w, homls.Uumts. lOUKU.UMaHW. rarisJParis3 per cent!-.rent.**. • ^ viM*»m**ntvise,....., 'I'hwl l...:i.Lte.l.is*e*( ..r this«i.i.i ... i i- biNHag. ID New lork his miiMiM Uon. * move is explained u on way to E.irofie. N-xerw^ llmif *Miii-f*d n4. i,**.;- 7Hf Kic. At Lixerpind tmjfbts were^dull uilh ! . . l- I era! 4 die* p'jNjtioii to l.ati’ini/.t* xxiib Kiiquirer: The Ev.-vres- j-an.a Us*t some tlie i»ar iiiNtitu- a decliiutiiif tendency. | • of investments , AT 3 0*(’l.4j» K, r. M (72 t« ( l>k.iCITED J Tllewortl.. .1.. T JVv'VtHlII. d" baiDi-GjfDi- XX'iar; iKismuraiag aa»>larrk.« •# ('onw-'M* wK*o4 la libi ! 1I '^ We now call ujioii I i|.. ?"''>F*'-l d a ro t*Mm-c r*vr.'*^i!r 7 I M,l.ell.a '»«x*»»*r*•tffiwmcra 7 7 m' w.,Mcr- , 3>( XI u*i*B4 |>E« • tW Ur.'uatlar.'imt • T (i V Thivm|>'"R. w > d" XV IB<-; KIVCDihiadav h* uxk** tl* Fall aad XX iaf«r •(*!«• aad kcox-aoJoetod •(•. k >f I'araeUaa om.i port- money in good ’b**”'** West."'esl. Southwest,Soiitlivvest, Ky i t-f »aa M !rss “ demand,‘’•‘‘‘‘“''J. Gomsolst’on.sols for mon- andand' SouthSo’utli to A.NSHEUl, Wade, a.a.t F«rMi*hja f - ' I come to the dvi IklK'thiag (.1 ^ C 4ii 'k- out favorable than was aiiUcipalrd. Vl'i- Ntji, Tl.c •.i'll ..( I XV KeiltlritUF. " ifcS-iM NatttiAl Fruit la Jmiv btlrab b ar« rr*|.r.‘K«lly fud a• W .!c,a rv*aatrr irar -•>»*_ V,' rv P Iritii e; mb b- . «!i am I iv««i^ =“*• *:*J . ev 4*1 eYAiam* I ' rescue. lh« are quoted at 93;f-i93^'.'-'S.'. .Vmericaii.\mericati dollars This great pro|ecl of Mr i S.|.|., .m' y yFlN.w.U, Tti*i» d>* \ r«*h IV).-h^ ta vaa*' .mpcrbAP>.rt«imt m *U.r« aad rvA-ivm# datlv ; ^' c'c ' .he ,V.J 7 ;i -r' a building and * |He-iii»e some of tbe w '"•' liiU In.) z I br-WIt bi al XI ilt«tit*' investmen'.- were railioa.! iFn«’h R W a aad Vdrrt -Iia.le ''ifiii|il>ii.g XX ycl.iHFhltn. d<* (‘-.rtlial: I'mrpetiaa; M""’**I lower-oslower—os '.M'J.l;; batbar silver os I'd; eagles steamers here has received For fniffht »r pA»tAft ai'i-ly •0 Hoard 'vr IJd; the sane- to ^ •'**h l.-aist: (»X EU« Ri«hki«b tw i-*T aiiti app.uuciirtloac^mtil** tv"' cjihl ‘‘'""'V' ^ vV '|7!u“beri'v"KT J S lldRii nay m dlf F. (VxrtlKR. a^.r. I'hi laioi a. d. fea« d<» Hraaoclo do: •Til dutwb Kuv] 1 I urraat Vl.wT>— Kieh fanvv X'«Iy. » Ve~-rff. Ri- h Tap»»-trTtpm-try aad ' 1 J ' tvnnei't.ni. ii. -r< Dr Vao l.e>cr A I. XX Jxhy a*W'-ut «tTlr- ktack ( I U. Sracoolo 5tair Caraotiaw* '•"'‘•"H'O"he bullion fiill the "|<‘n of the country. rivalries »a N V ^lVE INKS- I Bank of France amountedamoutiled The which once 'Jii ra^x-ff '*ar«liDv , X*»«ts v*U uf).’rd Ihi'contI!:?.'!-necoiitiku....- I and ^F*rJ-flyffMi|*«rd-fly aud I -'i,u;..l‘'h!“‘‘TL‘'!, 2-yly dT.; .Mat. s. h.is mi, mi.. ,he f.-eble-' \ II l."r(hrup, ( bii-U"u h 3oi-A4ko('Urct XX'’io I'Um Ma. a '‘ilk. aaiifvd *ml . . to Xlf.lMtU.ifOi.|,ww,,aa, dividetl iis llBI KmKf« I’. : sterling. as to the location Kvrr **xnev; vviaakbc; Diit nnd “oi-or'(ni-wr InrmiInrraia f-BoM Feobida. ought tu have been it M^rrut. u. II Jour. ,\ X taary Cnauiavr' V rut«. aad I ah a 2-t.Ty du; — he Jacksonville (Fla.) *> I Mv|i KDriiih XX alnntff; l*XNr> DLivk Dra-v* • AllwooltlliAll Wuol XX II !*^tnith, ( f*ant>. \tr» Bu, lanrf Allinc t'utwa <(«. tn Unt for talc l'a-»icrr ky lo Hb7ff UfMtl.Nata, I aaiu. ntw« at ui) 1«». tqXffiKtr '>-'‘,3-4.'>-'‘.3-4. andaad 4-4 News aays that tbe company having the luipor* D e*(tark. Xur-rA viih a • n.***rtBVrbt » f lata T. aot.aa d*. >a;-v ^ A. ZANONE, III bkl» A Ini -ndi. r'l r|.-tkmE * r ‘»«’fcX4» W*XTo L.iY*k.ivw \l».olmv re*'«p*»-*i»eiTed m. a. »»d- tn tb« inXr«( fonhi i. »>v • fae a*«v.rTah*ni J XX'raklrv, lad Fifth .«t.. K-twren •*’*^^“' tel.! 111 Maib Bad XX'at i :*i k-aob* D.-to i pukl- *; * ^ * *^ •* XX' J 4 I. ^4,•'-4. IM-KU*>4. »-4 work cbaige of ronatructing a railroait Jnnia^aki . aad f r *)K aad Sarwetoy Trtif ‘Mdvfu •r>.^ontun«fftc.rae-rvl 33 dolt B L d>>; now>w ia 8tor*•(> and f-.r ulo Ky Mam aad 1 i..ri •I'-w-'u M>aadM>aadi3ia<-I3iach nil w Liara. acros- Florida have D ."*l>«Miuy, Lc’.ia u •-! «-4. already made arrai.gemeni- GAKTXNO 4 I R'O. XU M XN-F'lll.D. •"I 'i.aadaad 12-4 ('oft.-a >K . >ia«. (i 40 XwtWmra **e>YFUth Allf FitfMh Hark. Frvaiii. aad UaMaffk To««lff- wrfaicb imiiire tbe T XX' »' XX * 'T l*Ki EIXF.DFKoXI NEW VOKK, a ronstractioa of the soothe: i. 4 S K I lam aad ffF’***- .N*Fkm*NffFkla*. U (li.c. kc. XI •I did affffortibiai at Ktrkiatncl, XXVtdfurd 3 H do YMrdi d. .’ J«c mf tb» laitst Myl«. c«*a*i4'.iai i I WoW* iavtUiovtU (he •bb'i '“Tiie pressure ’-’••’‘-I B..marsund suricmlereti «:i th.- Putnam’s Magazine for (hcifo'ial atsaii>>a»f -—r aaii^nci . fork of tbe road, terminating from vvilhm.t liase..!i:.-!v . 'i: T *4 September Nn,,uekl^ffi Dra<'«irU. Ear A-., either Ijl"' I 3 d> kiaf>. ala** at Tampa'ami.a ! '’'i' ‘T'r"'7i F, .X. D*il«Tin (’•unae; a «|>l«ndt4 aoffor'- vj.l.a»na-ruataaiioa .-.,.m.••nr ai»-kk. ' *.<*<^* jealousx of otlier sections. ECEI V ED and for •ai« by U*o A«-a(, iwciicat a.«,«,u uk. /~.t ^ Mt"!; ar*- Ktis>iatis taken pri^uneis: yr„ > i »u a f. Dh u M Ha,;aii'. .iu 3 S -M >at**(au »f Faaff MKati, f >r krtvialff avi ATtiva. all w( «i aa free uffer I d«>. I '«r^**uff to iheir ji**uii»>i,> far iiiitia- *'f tf’ A. ‘M HI rii a or Cbartotte Harbor. J n ('alwvU. Danvilli' ^ Sl’ipYsJB IliBBFffST K HAGAN 4 DRO.. 99Thtrd#L w*llit Mil aC (bf lonvii caih FrD-*-*. VLi • d.i, dark: o2I lOi xiv. c. mrtwroa ti..Ti 11.1,1 OUT society a, they are to cast their Bomaisiuid wa- ’!v«hi.ilrn,‘'ix r vtrd .t'r ^b w J (*T»nK*i, d l ~ j V T-r ,W-ulur«,XX'«4trr«, Ire.i,,'Irviitc* 3 \ r-ukr PiB.t dt. MRl P-Gd.Uj.m. jro, -g.j, dwV or -elect the iellt;i.i1;> ,le- i Boston, .Vug. FALL FASHION -1854. V.j .a U~,^\ l.« kew *'e .X XX KiuIf. XX UI -lii-ttir T« thkde tar-rilr brAiid* by ,X. SOitlK. .V‘T^airl ^wbbme Adolfh. ^ \\ asliington I laYitf th« a(l« ui:..u to . ww« -tO. — hu celebrated |4.re-jdire- nomiiuitioi,nomiiialioi. in -ailed fiom Southampton for f.f the tmdr »»nU.AKD. ff (INUII.XU whn-iiwhich they wouMwoulc h« '“"•I-’'.im-uiher-. . in J will raXTIIFR, A'^XIITII, ®a >aiaTiUr, 3Cth _a2l Tbi ram this l'^'J-VKy i1 RM K- livfrt*. t it> fftttrBbty II Wto^Aoto* .a/*.t. i vicinity on Saturday night them | ur-, .tbd "fl.-r ih- arr ** ‘rMii-pe,s,>„- 1th, with 2|o 1“*-^''^**'*pa-.-engeis and 1/ D.glF^K. |'a>«>tlF butti'ht ib till* « and fihyaiagomut bas airived in, thistins whow lo) ww.’re. re reared up im.ler th : '* CD EaAtrrn or S uth. ra laarkrC. '^1 was not siifticientlv coi.ioiis to he of any benefit FAI.I. STX'I.F. DRES.<» do « arils. |.|4ivi .1.. L'RFNili XND KM.I.IwH j ..'"‘‘••D J’r-rkowe.ia*' B,.t wXX X|orri»un, nly HAT.**. « MtRI2to>h^ "‘‘r-- preiuitice-pre.imtice- ^ A. ZA.N’O.NE. li pLaid Jito |iv««. of.,f the geiK-.a'iongeiM- ai.on of iwenUtwentv- lo the “.7 b'lthibAb'bthibA ibfi'ri>>r (heir to<>«li-|to<>«li>| i.rtMlactioaff for ytanrtan {vafft.tvafft. dW (iita||)MB«, vtl v-tjh.ri; r Fr«a b Merto.'. city a»d takes rooaa* at the Railioad Hotel.Hotel -j’r i„ grow ing crops. I i V M^;(*. ( Ill iJ luaim.Tiuim« t.',7"'itiv ’ «-rew'N'rew r,.,, , . , which K)T«* ffaTored K> lh«m tht raviaklr IX dw Mark aa>i white Gia«haa»; A” Eaolicb <4* I*'*’five '•‘•r.year- agoA~>' -teaniship Bran. tonIon sailed JViEirtei.er.Kyr. difftiartioB f dimot ioia*rTat.>>a. coto • v aie I from K; J uC >FtfftchFr,'leickrr.' . , c I . enabled to iwrceivciwrceivf in thel,,tfie Ky VEW EKI, n.NliETHE UtSIENSATtiltV Ky OF TIIEl N N •rilK MODEL •’ M d<« hlaek du. Jxiil'* (I on Green street. oppoMG Brook. She ' HaTTFKSOFTHE WK.-T I LOW 4 has Wi. ^N'uthamptoIl on the 19lh. -X 1*1 -la , ..I Aiaerica, by , full Ge-rge |(* p,. a-pect of Fre. ina.soi.rv tha. tneir vo-ith- of pa- U W eal. U. IE, aad T" prtvffbt di»a|>|n iaYm.«ut. cubtamcn will dt' ( huBikra.v iltj. GALT llOLSE—JouM Raine 4Cu. traakliB |de)ff« laarothrir I ch. . ll. '*’''-®rs 1 rRTHF.R FRu.M U M. Teat'. e.litl..a, rarelallv r. eiieJ. vi^ffpff •X 'HFC>B— am(. a74)Ak 4m; Kcocr** i bot .« ,-r« «*a I’niled State-. opinion- we erioneoi.-ly (' based. i 1^ it . and is no j.,i Ky J .XudarbtH. X|i$i viiiRTtiv X-. prx fft t i:hi-\voi.iE i Direct t»i wrtatiGb f >r sal* kv oito Vvat Gaooi aad f.r oalo »y Bbt! tbe prew. every where have beatowed "“Fomroon c.r. ui.is*;.i,ce incur lo.ige- to witne— -fiigD.f Kl/A. Tbe Vienna conference Hats, Caps, and Fur Goods at Wholesal-^« UOICSa ^ a« r on her | — LVLt.tK HOWARD* M I fllLR-ai (o J Crutrlior. 4a XbU I l.ar Sal,.ha, Ja« n«„ed I Tm,: »-* Saia. ^ < aatry„.rr' V Vtwuoa THgd ao t r ‘ J • ei i' exp.icted 1 aad t ir ffal« •'"'‘rT mrrehaaunt-rrhabt* wa ill taddnd atit -ir warens.iai.warfroi.ai. a«i ar»x « ». j*"-' .' 's count be- to rca.-emble next ro'llrifii. by iM ;r uaa a.ual, I" week. j I L'T REi r.lVED .XD.\X|.> the higheat eiKomtuau. Madame A undoubt- « 11 PKR » EXl^E>'‘. a I Inryoffi • aiif Id JAn n i «D»ek in ihff XX •( of ff*a’it»a)k|a aaj fot >h J I* ItUckwrll J IKiK RIS A Mi^ a*' •I ."bull x.vmb-. V- A 1. Ky uffioia^ v.f Tm k. PaT. (.'«*« . _ taoarlin-. *huhwrnillffr!lforra.hv„,BffaaIh!. wi.ri aad m do u. „i edlv at tbe ,7^^ >^'*--Drders have been re- J XX iiu Att. D< Z far ffaloatUkcluwgfftiaibFrueD.it Fund* bead of ber iwofea.ion in the lo i PT » i''N>.J passage to that Will 1.1 where ff MIKXXI( H K X XI T A X ( I*0LLARD. FRATflER * all mvs- ceive.t for .\iistria J XV XX hittr. TAHTXR-l2hLUpowdtrinl(MmHT R— 12 hLU {K*wdt>red 'r* am TartaraaTartar wa hand . a 4'MITII. do Are 1-laod t otlea; to enter Wallachia. They RaJihsiU XIR'i G. ND Uol.x.'i 1*. I' .1 I w t II 1 J . V anitrffalcby Iwlet! hutes. She will be ready to receue teries m,|| he c|.oi..!,ip. Ihese Dr **«ndFr*. N V No. F.arthff* K>(w^a Mk.-Ii*« lai do uvaakar* facts furnish have commenced crossiiu; the aug .tdAw , Maia_aad frontier at Turaii T l.•DM•rlv. riu J «. MORRIS 4 SON*. ^ ~ lUM J«< kruwa ImUiaR: '’‘“‘'p' -.d'- ev i.lei., . ot the healUiy stale ,,| ; vtHlors to-moiTOw. From the many highly eu- oaw.,j letters I. X|.tr|.h>’, FRBNCHCHINA LE.Xi HKD((I1T(*N- X* do Mae of the 7lh sav there has been Kv HOUSE. 4m; voe«.c«d aad fur no . (..XIID. >(M4.X—3UH oalo k. krgff NwnraatU Soda jiifft asr* t ( t rff. ( r«c«iT«d H av eaoot rtod rand*; af K(»d* in d XHRw I r**ai k^ UlXX a . loguUc her f"! wockaae.blockade. ’ a nd l> r aal* l»w by J- B. V* O Mma ok boGoot of select ! wr the following po*^>ih|p incaua for tlip ('(Wa'uv. u. XX XV' SlttUIDAN, 3U du kin. DriD. prove that ouroo^'w'^T '’"7i'r rt*lipf of flo* sulfprpis*. Tut )*>r, ifIdLaui •««» ~ ~ craft will find no scant in th- J. ?. MORRIS 4 SON. :>• do 3>4 PiH- w-X'a*« OH XtR Ll'8TtR5- , V rt i . a\ U Dr wb 41. Ky (.mtt'-a. from Nen Urtean* Creacent ^ 'leploiable a state of affairs Saccensur to M’ilkesy Sheridan, Co, <»•> Uw had scarcely 4r Ill ' (Kv ^oeoff a»a rtod : matenals offereii th* m for Uieir peculiar work. Baltiaioke,Baltiaiuhe, .Vugu-t 30.3tl. s iViVt’i!/'’ lu-4 >L*^tiag. M X laaiuioa. ^ I N F |4*»1 RDo.S XX **•• XX' 'Hie Indian troubles / I.^^ II ISK X' — 3o kKU gwaaiaa Uuarhub 1(1 do !K>4 d«-. v.a haad aad for -ale •r _ da r«t«d itoffo; New Orleans U A«»ie.Se.Ke r liUD in. ('viBn XX Madame Adolph uses none P-'P-rspapers “fof Thursd.iyThursd.iv have been \ T County hiffky la store aud f- r •)!• ky »» Dirov:! laifGrtatkaa; K*r «ato ay of the cUp-trap ' ^ J X ME:* I .OXX- 4 ('o . 4.7 Maia *t On Tuesday, the follow ii.g officers at Durango he. ii J .ha-ea I, I. were! , had checked. Armed hands, R a ky ArnisU-GUg, Ti'ftn received A. /.XNON K. at l\^!a*vd i»ri* «w. JAuU LOW »|t parapbemoha usually brought (' j A ro via, an iuto requtsiUon • . .u,', . I \ Dauff-'n, do **vted^ (or the eusumg tvveive iimutlis; M>l*«»'’‘i'< O' “’ber di.stricts, causing J C. Russell* (’apt.( apt. White,bite, foi l7, J > Dawti-B. * t-ff by the ordmary aspirants to the fame abe has U foimerlvmerly of Com.ecUcutConnecticut, and a dv VINE— 13W M.,. km* ,.fe uriBV | \\*’Uol.C>Al.C r.RiM ER jxND PRiiDrrt Aa.n- b U. “ ’'"’fro"' J rralpf. « iB 3(1 kbU lr>ra DnK her’s rchavry: MCR( H XN'T. M EbIB. 4.4 I 4.tw.l«. '=* ' ,Ui. 4.4 f...,,' • Tyler, well knownknow fV» , , , aeturved, but seems to have reduced tbe old: M.M. ot Etidyville. G. M. ..SavannahSavaiiiiah pilot, died in... that city of Xthtur £X To Physicians. » **'»tkffoatk *.vto Market, hrt«o?a Firsi aad '‘cei«ad «i*V' qdo I ' tTentvMolhirtt w7it rrabrr. ('in d*» dn do; I •!' JAHfi Low ’birty w lutes had['fbeen cruelly iniir- ' *•••«»»»«>LoaUville. _ * CO «. n.in. d- David T. MoUsarrat. yellowvellow fever on Monday..Monday. i.VoJaTr.?!. n\. E MarsUall, (Mihi I >K \ITII\V.XITE'> RETKo-PK TOF PR xrTK'AI. MFDl- Ky style of fort one tellii^ to a perfect science. of Iwmisville, I), • , If eibe aad **ur|ery. briaf; Ai nt. A It Heulerv u. Vi (; 1. ( ruti’lipr. Ky a half-ytarly F-uraal. rwbUiaia^ ,« A„ *'• (*'* N»ltoiial 1 She ba* been very aoccessful at rest- Intelligencer .-ays that Uie an- tr* . 471 her new W D Xlarahaii. f«bti a iN »|-«-«tive view ..f every dieo.vcrv aad iwovtieal im|*r ve- Main street. ' V Bonn. », Tk.M .t B."!n , . . 7t>dKyXV Braitbwaite. S. ?. MaRXMaEji W H Dt I WW.U..1.I Bfert. iMoceuence at S. \V. Senator Downs' J XX IIg(*X lb*. I*art LavBT G. Down . Foydrasroyaras street, aud byDy berleer mmple,tumple. 1 G. death was pre- Iby F July I. > I. I^hari* ( hiiAtw 'IMS PLATE- 2H, U.M. kf: ^ Philip. inatiir. xkon xhlf: unpreienduqi;,unpreiendiiqi;, and ajausiagamiising manner, as W. Sw igeiL, of Frai.kftirt, J. (i. W. —that he is still living, tff'ffRVZ> AND JELLIR.- V well a- l’«r* >a- at A di-taaoe have tko seat — i«b.vb1 MW-rtw.Bi -f H Drink. Md i Ml Uxea K'M'dbg; oa wvrk them ky mail .XRK.XRK DiI w.’ \| LvNCX. 4 DOWS'* ar*( tbic ai'*raiB( '‘iwa! ag P •B wBBul4«an f-r iBlc |4« kv Ih M . H. I orsvthe. (i. (’. I1ie Fre-ident gave by r -mittm^ Bi $1. incomprehewdUirinromprehensihir infight into things apparently i up his trip to Cai». May. J .X Rcllutt n 4 I, >i aa am*>.r:ia«at of >ilk-«. t.iakr >idcri«o* ; M ^ Ac . wkiru / *£' V B4»niF « l••.•h i. Mi,ui.i,er vi... Wn Nbiiiii, l.«K ailjAb BROWN jU Rl .MP. n;hao»«ri> hao»« .Tk,-4w. Jn«. C. Bie. kiiirofge. (I. because tlietin- boats ", aadaa attwacaff f -ffica eaaa >t K» .. bidden from the human rye,eye, sheahe hoUiboth j>lrase>i .leases (L fromfron. Baltimore had stoppedstoi.,.7d I 7 ( «an‘a*>«d F.a>: I | "J*"*. '' bad gone to .Micfi I 'r^iCc nV’ Mi«f ( XXrfft. , - an extent D Uilr*. ly-x la ywiat • I (Evil- 'as to .suppress he »f ( nco w« F^edoo oartclvv* tu «ell a* OKDAI.E ^ .M. S. M. Corkle. (i. Set mmrunning. H'-If weV. , “’‘“i'""'*' K •n.l . went tu C’ajHiii Spring.-. ' aatiNiuilieaasttNiisliea all who viaitviiit her. MadameMadame. ('ItUv, du Oodey for September. t^iMo'c*!]iho ffoaiocla-* T ^vnvdseaa I I ]i> ilv II.w|. B44-(or4. ,...blication of actual facts. Tbe ciilerLndcliolera and Belle k« ffwld aay where. XX « haveku.. -*• ’* H'-ige-. Th ^ec'n^ j Mountain Coal. I.ARiIE tU|>|,l]r ,.f IluJ.y'. l.ady . IV-ak fur n« I The recent ScpIaaiWr oi-ta fur B«4-t>l4, Adolph’* appenrancr G. Tr. i stage accident in the neiglihorlioodneiglihorh.iod !. II i . ta.*rcti..a— 4.1.B IB Mon bb i* very prepossea-ing she . 4 *n. S. “(of Petersburg was Several EUtaat >tr,arU M..,rr AaliTat J"- K WI, K- A CO. ie ai..l greativgreatly | X / i« exreediuipyexceediuirir affable and iivelvlively uiin T. I exaggeratedexaggerated. DrDr.. „ u. ffoi'f.ly ('cal k> the i»k conversation.conversation, Iinrruj Jt^rrn^n nnj ttrrrli jearraptrid -b the lit af Jaae Iwat •J" c.C. HAGANH AUAN *A ITE,I'lE, .nr Ua.a.t.Uaii Rirl -ilk.: l.la , s.tkj; XX c bax V htiH VI KIN,. ('arr.nrton was not kdle.l,'ai.d all of the ' '’7 a K<.od auppt/. w hirU mr »luU glad ta sell t» Black watered black j TWim- and has no doubt dons much good by giv iiig others ooy J J Kr,., -mT"'' R Mhrr*.. U Miki tipwod *;lkj, n.) tinmen? aT r"'" 'alru* oar old ( nitoiacrff I Ik. *Brk,B* Tvibb; p.4i.lL. xiL.*i. pui.i-hed. i ua reaffoaalU torau. tXal u odTaaciaff. Guitars! Guitars! ll aavoa . j 4*. M I,? jv-Mmai. Xb- 3t iiijumiinjure.?*r^are lecovering.I'^covering. f .u iV, ?. H i lark. Ik. good advice Her patrons are among tlie mo-U . 1 « i. dw and It is keffi to opFljr ffLv.a. * a* BiBow 4s; >uv .lv.4 “1 XX K iMvr jw t ro< rival aa-tthcr aaperlor t EMBROIDERIES. I m .a4 t„ ’.m, *» ' <^''y .Mexico were iiiiseltled. u T v.uieli. vv,.at, XX D exiiress Atkiuffoa, Simpt'-axl •I** Jj'* Nib w.-altliy intelligent Tmi Fiat- Ik Till W.sii.s I NFARvi.i.Ei D'cIhe expfess train on the New York Centirent.al III I.. «(nTII. 4 CO. f tn -t Vaaiiful (.uitorff. Embroiderod H zadhtrchirfs; k wick-. a-Yo and citizens. attrati. I of our — - I H Adlar, >hrlLyvl r*N^^ The a "f ““ «->• »‘“te of * Di-Tkr.iii.N railroad,rai{r::d."d’[iich *' 4 ih. lodi Ik (•.'krticuLirly lavitcd t*> oa examt- Pmat d* X'nbiov X. lUr»; rn oi , which PaociaTV ibum .Maim \Z‘Zreached AlhanHasnitAlbany last niglit X:'abu I VV;rw?.'xX‘..., Hartiffit, (.4 ' ^ilKET IRiiN— 3*01 Laudtod >bt«t Iroa, IN. w * D (• ( IcTfUbvl. I. ffui-rrittr articlt -Vi aati->a "f tbvic ibitntiufaU. Thrv arv the ('bemtoott. mad *>1cevca; I 4 ll ( raw It r, 1 artur *w TO THi (*Hio. — Fires ap)e-ar tn be breaking I” “'clock, ran over two ladies at (’nnastoga. aiimlH riag from N.. I2 u. »o fft-.re (' out (' 27. aud f-r sale at |cw- Ust make. KR^KlNF 4 ( (>.. Sw -lUr*; H'>a.;-a Bortbr*; SMooTinn. —A diKcoHy occurred last eveuiiig Kail K> citraWffky I XVAI.L.XI E. I a2.ij 4' .r*to -tiered fr«Hit Ill tlie wtKMld i,T almost every ilirectiun. I from Sy racuse, instanllv killing Uieui. Yfllutr Freer ih Saeaunah . LITIIGOXV. 4 CO., -mco»g. RaLliffA l>e^’-e. d7 Third »t FmKr >kir>ff. llaitllv 'Ihe — It is no loiiger " H7!i!dei2a. iteykco (^*1 Labdrrbuuk, Ctn ! LVINtCllA11EAi.NI*— »U N>‘. .Ykia herthwofft o«ra> r Mata aad Third su. VffUacia la«ema.:». betwren Mr. H. M. MiUer and Jnrvi* Hanimuti, tlay |ta>.-e- llui lj koffkete Roaiy. a w.- il» not Iwar of some nev* were just tlesceiuling from Uie mail train any one portion of the city. It is b.*Bo.t I tor Also RikK a*; J s*,ili7i,7*(*;,,i„,l J >Uaokiiti, Ky Putnam September. 23 du Jeek’*y Clak; Kofft Ir-niarff. brother*-4n-Uw, connagratioti. Tlie lung . unliiim-tl ilry. hoi So'iig West, which awaits Ihe exnress train to now all over the city, ami I’ l-ee AKNS—420 N«*. 4, 5. 4, aud 7W landed froia lUanier ST received Ium Dla k De dr during which Miltei sliot Ham- cases are hourly oc- ^u.ti'ro" T J l*ltiDi|*w. k'/ t Putoaai's Maxaxiar f<*r Sentomkor V • a«*e De Sriaa.. .Mi: Maia fft. 1 Weather ha. iiiaih the iiinlerl.ru-h so cuinhu.-ti- ' Hiey got on the wroiq; side of the ears ciirring out in Junes .-treet anil in that T( Ga>D. Mviuitkiff T^ Bmb*bbbm m, I my ... mou m the arm. The wound i* not daiigeruus. I'-*"- vicinilv. i"'H'uiua!n*' E. J. XIARTIN 4 ro.. ,M*.„tMi. .. bbJ I,-.. W P XiaU.. wff. .!• 'Ofely reeumascad iKem ae very saperiur. ble tliat a blaze well start.-.l -'''‘I were caught the biince yesterday there •Dl -\ve.-|.s tlirougii by pas-iiig train and liorri- ha- been a regular staiii- u vv Huu.e'ri.’,rd, liiv.-ei (. Aj(«btff for l^|*e Faeturr. Miller was arrested. Hammon was in Millei’s DTvW. Tr.i New, Interesting, and Valuable Bcx>ks. ^ F. THOMPSON. whole mile- nianglej |>ede in the city, D XI Miet^ .V of wuutilami. Inth - p.m- woo.|< M’D and terribly torn asuntlc-r. i’lieir and probably not less (»YU*by ( i .vYriort than fifty , .XTMEKINE Afflatua. bt the aath(>r "f .Xmy llcrhert. 3 Received (wr Odd FelliiW aad for oolo by ? <»*»Kad Market. 5*t''"ie7 ' ''' XX 11 (F/IysKv, FAD AND 'HOT— yarn, and wanted to cotoe to hi* hun-e. MilU-i they are e-s|MTially .. names are not ttr sixty faiiiili,-.- left. dw I K v«|ff. $1 /m d.-tiucliv known. have 'I'lie disease is aii J ll*rn(rrB*, 7,ieo i«Hiad ' ti.Va' J J lloliac‘, ij lor Lead: ( 1 “-VvK'NllINTiror aw M«rdaUb Hcf'bura.a $(ury uf ^••(tish Rcf»rmatp>a. 1 vol 'J”. L * 3» k. i's aff.'*.rt«d IVPa. af^npseiig.-r-i'* ove,uxe. thtti feniralf «*pidemicepitleinic bexondbevoiitl doubt, aiul /!,“• N L ( (. ( Sbvt; f >r lalw hr I ' “I* VaH m NbT.., -BMMAn. totort Vmral road fioin ilfa- I and hasba.< het-nbet-n wk 4 1, M4l C4 . ay* tktthat HammonHaiuaoto haun that lin-yth. «liM*rx»**!oh-erve.| liu*-. Dr. WildiimniMiiiaii stateditUtti'il this i! i Xaa f,,...... morningtnoniiiiiir .x d-u*!**k% Monsmh.sfamilv.MOOS 111 his family. y | . 11 ( II all. Darrrb *'* I«I1 ^ L^ISH- Suashiue .-b Daily Paths, nr tlmr K«velati«>bwf Beauty aad ,«n m-«k. ^ urev III * ' 111 tell or Dficeii (iiti**(»*(i1 tills xiriiiitv baxe |)artiallx abated, Uiat there were **** Trabchmut, k» XX I jdac*"* ill tlie xXiMKi'* pi'(di4bly not less than I’x) I J hrtlF. to I Zs du kla> I r 3(1 bkl* N.(. 3 Mm-kcrel: XX'> adrr IU ('"miaua Thiayff, ky 1 has Di(-k«aff. k aad wkile de 4>>; Ik-ffuv NoUco to All. ’“‘ ‘''’'•’S ”'ej are being D iGtinjv, ll4W«>. Kvei vwlmre on th- line a -iiiu- fever in the city at Del Sdu No. .lu -r N a Travel. i-i a tb* Tr yies. Wtar ' I that j I w«o “‘fa'd •*•'•••* •“* B4ylh,K, . 13 (K* Klim ym *B« k n . a< Uw M44 iHt. C-oHtr.RT. bbe, II, ciMijuiicliuo 4 IKIff N... I M. T* Mo kenl; aPditi.-h), llifflurical, :tad MatisOral actuuatof the Isload aad whito iK<: with a kj ha.'e 111 th. alinosplM-ie 'I'lie weather I UeRffe. retara tkr art*c4e aad 9«t ati.l is very I year amaee (,y d..y a dull le.i hut, and will no J ii K..beru, oaeava Ii ***^* 12 du klae an J oraa. , Laff«a . ll"|iktaiTill«J 2S N . 1 vl'. do; docuYcry to the frtrebt tioie. hy e du; I ' lUf SJto Sdu MatanaM. J y THoMP!M>!«. I j s stet.u.'a 1. iTaff N 111 I very reapertahG amlietwe rouipo-etl of the elite glare at i.igid indical.-d Ih.' prev e increa.-e it. n Pari. BHtar, i^d-tNu. 1 do plaia ffulid cui >rff do; al.-n. uf di— d.> 3l do dw; - I D Bai.timuri. August 29 3 du Pearth *«.. aear Mma. I. L«ffra<, I afaYYtu* 4 tirreeff N >. 1 >alm(>a, * -N It* W-.sid.. ky H.ary h Tk«T.aa. ru>>y d«; B Iw -en lure and s. bene, I «r the cUy. again had the pleasure of wilne-s- lady Ih- ’ J aX p.u.Fita,Pfttiyrvu Rcck^ivvd « , XV aitd iN.yFEE | Teau Hall, .xia I* f'>r sale Ky ito tore The bark Indies arrive.1 lo-.la'v Slie hrin*e- S du N». 1 do; Eraajclical Chrotiaav of the kaiTil^ rTu ! a aI::- aad fur saL vi. l.t '^ Volli^^vf 1 ***^'.ai Mr- ('w«k k u M--ir.ff'*b. .. K2J ( (X 41** M G D Gal*a) 11 s d" N 1 du. JAMF' LDW 4 . Xfma it. \KlS BRXNMN 4 SCMMER’* lug the performanceperfiM^amnee uptm the viulo.vvolu. the iniu,-iniu.- Kio.lates ’*' upon of lo the I.7th “fof July. G.KidG.K>d coffee wav ! P(u ttiu. Mk-IKwiIUM»im.'.'ii“ J XV uatuill. Allv. ar skrUh.. »r-« ^oalT Litciikcl.l 12 S bUff Lak* Fi'h. la at fiv aad fursato by . f..,ria...k.l I.if,, j iniU|e-7'7lw ,l',;"'a„“7i.^ng7m^7m,q^^^^^^^ by Jvibu ( siKiT Dr 1 <•*. <..ubt>* ti (iaitlicr, Bardfflwwa Id Kcv. ummia^* D. U- ead AND itahle Wiu.. XVaThiN-. r.-a — >(/. I r.'-wlYrd xgup fi K J. MARTIN 4 TO. Nick GoodaM. He i* wiaiout question I * a u, L.any oUier localiiies. Fx. ei.! the ll Kaliau, ( tU J Hffkar. l.trtflrcffoa K iitaatim. by same aatber. L 21 k'-g’ assurted "h UiiiVi ami ! llli , , «•! ‘'•iS , . , I- "tbiArkrd tKiff dai« , r> btaibiiu* fvttr ibtrrrw*’at<»ri« 1 resi* **ii did not leax** Hashm^oii till A J Ra>aa, ( .a A 1 K««('ii.( K.X/.1FK>’ (‘oPPFK I.3n(» ffUecta Braiicri* ('D|>|k«r, all >abtath Morniae Reodiaye oa tbe Bix.k (>f Geaesto. phr* t.cad: receividthuday aad for *ale ky lb I r«rr and ocimtitir violiiiidt. ricbl) lu^'rita x«^n xx*- h»*ai a^ )i*t of r»o otiid reriom »hi(’liyv*4i, ri-viue-t i-r-'iLjit ab»«i'rw I'-r r »ffs>bff xiYeb. ll pEN\ES.wKR 4 lor# ol J Fwfft«r. ffueff. lb atwre fur •)!• at Gaa F!dva. or i'ictareff vf Cuba. CO,. UTTO.N YARNts-di ba^ averted aMWrU OMbiiabi fNibld \ .'Ntlvia) XX F XX a. (to. ((lafffft.w H aad l.»we‘t market price Lv D L. XD XM' 4 j Karr Wfii adviovd i>t>«-cikv'4nT aa t» (!»•-' ^ I Ja«t received aad fur sale ky ('• X|. -Hr ('. Third It . J XlaKaa. >aK‘bi V iusff. aid XVALl.Ai F:. LITIIOOXX’. I'O. The lrerw«>va M (1% aad rv -r tofiprofirtat# b#sto«#«i u|m>i. ' A T Tn i 4 cofrnoiB#(i him of Le ' riouff ram.T' ' alladcd Marev 'remains at tw ib > our 1« tu r Url *rt lu*’. 1 dvMiU RiiMim, Kl'J N04 R. WD K-*, 4 I Berkley Springs, J M XIvKa). DK-.ubrld XX tr.«aslated frwm tbe Freachuf tbe Xtaniais DeCas- CO . ai'iiN ani|.lr B K«>a..Id-. la.l / vl^ bOl Rln.N W ,rk • - f th,. citv u.-r. hr. ibloruiatiun 1 U «. cwbld t*aY« U-ra f:ircii, lut ia tlu iiae. "jjr.B bb4 for' 41. •Peu. Ote Bull. a.Ki IS a valuable «-q.u-il...., to ' |*repar,.q{ imjm^nt Stale |Gi,H.rs. lie K XV Dirrb, brauitouKnrff ' will re- M'EKM CANDLES—4Ukoxc ' 1 . Z. Kt — El 1 tlt; 4ey4ev*ff* I.ady'ff 1 ^ ^ J,,. J XX >^iitkf dw tn Lady's D—.kB....h ff->r.rSSvf.temkcr.f.tei “ ”>e close of the present week. llira ( the musical world. Ma.1. Julien lent ber charm- ' Time*, by harteff Dickri cty. Tlie nien engaged at wu. k on the R -ns-.- '** IXTTlNx.-luM kalee N >t lii^ V4.. al eiiii veil tiff# xx'-r*- ^11 to OTcasMNi. Prulp. I :;fi tii^^hf hal'.Iinjr u ith Ih*' ^ ^*"'“ '*“**** ' jv / ^*!*^V* l ^**^**iV* I J i.4.‘ihirxyii,htv.muty U.dl •«* K Dl>TARD — - - MUEli—l.,Vk, Ik. rikk«.l Mdn i quite a mtus. S-air ; Goodall and Zoller each are master* of »'7t'“Kn«vY.^^^ St murtyaye Uadi luxe l.«eb call it GLl.AND |‘ur« Latest Arrival of Fall Goods. Card. i aa act uf treaffo - 1 f G1N--4 I'll'Off lL>Utbd («ia la storr A JX?-’v* orL"^' “ esle^^^^ a . but w o euasider it oaly aa eyss-hiti aai II.I.F.K k T.XDlt. • wraer "f Market iVraeaff of tuadi ^ ^ sale by [alti] A. aad Fuarth stravts. r«- ia waataat vf saweriue 1 1 My (be uf the rv.ua- tlubtiub uf the(be rjgi»-treaee«ff-huberaaceufrxicff-treBieens-huberaaccur - Z.XNONE. I'ARIETV *r..( xt» w*. OLD orOR.d cm ‘'*1**^^ -4;K ra^ ^ks. Tic . >u-t4*ader.. ffidriuffidriU which «rxey*- ceiXefvi thiff ky ^»!k 1 .iIITTo.- 1***'' Vl^ M Muraiait Adame's ex|>r«ffff— ilwavff ebCaia U.«mikem at tie Staa Hwwae. -a P..ar" 5t*J(>hllR, *‘**^**'*‘* towsi > aad L.m a Haadk. rchu-N. (4«nrrff ck th aad :-it». i. . ^ N. B., **'^''* riw»e*ra the a»usiesrff.«m|daryeRrs.«m|.lary ibdividuaU : A •Jr ' ^ {laiM^rb stat** th^t fires are I VON‘> ffs Kirh fftrl|M-d I ^ wIko aaderuader K -Di rvc«iv.-d I'ltid Obd Silk 'rret. with uecide.1 ability. There will be ai.oth. i ex- theIhe XTH.XlKON— Fr> ju.t aad fu ; Dear Mma. ^f | ,,e riam > had i.a-,. d over and burned the va'- uitasof^Uviai»bt.Miifuixidim cluifu hive*"bii lau (oaeff. ImkrelLu. Truak.'.('a.|wt-Ba/«. AC lur*alel«4t iM nE- *.urr. •rg*-hilsratia|t iaflueuev*•»«“«»«« uf l/*»lvky lau«lu.l4w|^ J < MOKKI>4SO\. Rich Xlwrcabtiqnv du; 7al»ihu^ ^ rsffilig ill tiie XX'iXmIs “i,Oil boU,UUtil sidwsiiles of the line he-be* tbe o>btra I«ebt« Iw ihe luc''mutivt-luc’.mutiv.- i.hUdcrs.khildcrff. aad'iruaud'iei. aa crys-traerr»-lrt putluu uf the ff|>iritu-ffi-iritu- M.XN'FIEI.D' D J P THOXIpeON bihiUui. to-nqrht, anti n*’'’' K"ic l«'*d h.-loiq.Miqe to >• |ff|-ah«a _aJ2 we would advme all u. go the water-work^. : HI k Gr»a de dw. ; lur al•! _ ; ‘i! j fair. The nr.td«enraiduc are lulb ef^s-tract*.cDto-tractff. r.^rv-tebbatia*r.^rv-teauatia* cir«cir. uibsUbc.uiuffUhces tuerli Nexx’ ! m^ymsy egyw-iegy-i-i I XV 8fUll^wick‘ mui Maine. iDllli(®»e A CUFFKE-ni mate Very mii ef.ur for sali Ky d*'. l>r u»-*uraibir: > j- ' KuhOtUmaa A LlMEcv.BffUatly Ky 'INiBXt (.(K- earlv 'Va.liing'ion street, ami w burning whicli.oa.eeffs pUiDod, mirhl I TTD XX'HITE wa kaad aad f r »aU . f a cKfs-wfterate.•rs«.' orur spg* emit ih,the i bD* E Ul>TARD. damage"*„e was done. rl',;, . . Rieh alaid aad striped U- louaeii: I Kto kuaeakuxaa ' -vh ,U k..aa. of tu- coa,*.., a, U- l 032 J i . Klw>EIL Et R. Jekaeaa’i Keatarky Tabaceu quite hercelv t..war.i . Lv.liii- Slr. el. Its prog P'H^*'**I^*T«*«* .t‘^' *f the«**• eg-ff-ecri We art frum tUaic.Uaair. aadand his F.gCff-Eg|ff- ~~ “ Ku'h ( -iffhaaeni Plaids; I | lu aoy way idedyr,!durur l.y|K.tl..caUdaiKyuutKecaUd^i thatihat the ^23*1 du WekK CUw. 4('a i„ III PerrvPerry, MeMe., a newnexx* brigbriw on^**nn tlieth«* noar tU v i u i ade du; , - ”*^*^, ^** ^^^^*'stocks, **^^*’near- . 4-11 ( inron''h t'le' -h u , ... to ( . „ . ’! ' demab(labd -KUia ««Dfaf> shuald epra-to«tuUte with the yuaug reach hiati aad (.ibvhaaiii; -jii.iswli-ff r «aleh,w.«ale hw. tr. ctoee ... I p»**»-*.iub ..f tbrm with- ejrgs-naijiir aad CUiMI.DtR la «wre aad f >r «ale ky cuaeifaMaA kv received hy mail last evening I. *. . . I 1 1 ^ ^be New 1 CUIUpleled, Frvbch XX (rsted Ptaidff, fur ahildr U '‘"sXX'SS >ut rott. • a‘» drettou; >> -lestroved.(lebtroicu. aud detomebt t tbe chArsclcr Obd credit ul 4x23 J ( . 'i'iEI 5» - ^ * wuuhl«oul.T .ilUiliAfllv G*r rwod cgps.hurt hiBi t« ergs-erriffv mure diffcrrtloa lb future. Tbrrr. Rl 1 NOCK, WD IS* 4 < ...d.nanlv WalkWalk. A»W vX o,all' M|.« lluillU.'lo.U Di**a .^uiN'r Gib.'cr Brandy; I _ 1 ,r a. . } Platb aavl flyured klav’k aad wlut« V.ir»#rti *1.0 D I’tie M. a\iuirew> Nets, BaKimor* p»per> of MuiHlav evening Staii'tlan! oavs that the for- that cfg iff, like XX'ebffter 4 Br.> Su|M'f Abiff.(t.’; Flmbt'-idcred Maslias. L'INKTUBXtIU a„a h am- wer-'out p'owing liirrow to -top it, "**i,*.*^.T^Su iT.aJ *f this ouMpaay* bv*r tbe euubty Luudff. Swiia a k V j Su|wr .XUyalb Godey for September. , Alffu, oa civellcat osaertmeat >-f t ^kesc«Heeei Ptogrgss. A Urge hui'junt of pii.c wood ha> bu|fr i'utkC"m: F.XIDROIDEKIKS I.AI'E ni’« faTvirite l.odx ff Duuk la t» >aad aad ran Ke had »f tto 3i du L* _ I a.SD CRIODS.

j iKF Wr vurderaUmi there w*c a terrihU row u*—' d<'stroyc.l, ami au imiiiHU-c amount of tiin- Su|-er ('horry JU'cc; ('••mpriniar ia i*art—Jac*>aet aadSwis* Baa4«. Joecaat, Swus. I T Mtoau. BKDXX'N A 4 K( MP. 13 de G* j IffOuisvUle Marine and Fire Insurance Sujver .S) ivaiiw^ Thread, aad Giaipar* Edffiaf* aad a32K4j Feartbitnet. aear Market. ; 23 du R* '**' ‘“’,'"’*'1 .''41 coiv a- Forliaud la*t evening ‘‘I’ '"J"rcl ff I'Ura XX'ibe, Ibsartiac*: Huait'a. between MMue In.-hiuc I;" I’''''" Company. Talraciraac*. Malteae. XTcatea Paiat, lU KKlff Pearh Braudy; Frebt h w»rki CLemiuetxaff .wi«ee«ff: b' ( ha« iM •’••utj’ •-•* 13 da ^tar du; over thf ffitrw o/ M'.if»u« 4- I'tark, mmst Jugt lo (A. aud d aad Freach w<»rked , keu« mni the crow. «f the rtromer, ! lU KMff 4v; 21* dw J 1 R. M. Patten a„.l Z .'{'jiiiArrn Hnnk. A|>I>1« L'Dra Cambrie Hoad berchie iff; Mack .Net Xliu; black aad BRUXX N 4 CRt Ml”:4. MdWradu. while ('r«|M Cullars aad Slcevrff farmawraiax, 4c a23 bkj F«*artk vtreet, aear Market HI 4. liiU . 4b; iBMBr4»a4*wMl4l4« Thu Cuinpaby cuatibarff to tak« risk* ob I V* Ill aiiititioi: to tijr^ in our The abuVv t ••dt LaVe kev a -'artfully selected fn the Urrest .NOl own iin- Fall Hiv f-r, Auc. -iJ*''c*.-^if*tbVvua'r!»et^.rl!^iu*!V.*iuto*ilIi^••"r.'— I f the vuatrAct rs w lU 1 x« cut*- (heir cuntrart. I Us* ti ulU aud ( aiyueff « f Su>ambuatffaadX'«»- m K * ro. . XlaucheffUr. t^ber. Ham- . },uj«.ruagiiufw>rtiwg b«mee*tomee* la Yiek. I - inrtliale 10*i;niU<*lhoaby hav«huT. cTeryI’Terv ••Obfidcove•'Ubfidcfive inID redia-iuiuxr«de«-tbitic *xer>cxery I'ied/vIded/. ftiVffapiVffO ffvU by »*-a, lake, aud rixcrs tu tad fruBi New Y-ek. aud we wuuM luvlte all (l*»-e ( R.XVON ^K»:ri DP.' Of leuin that the lie Tl.a**.A .»..** : *l « i «i -* | 1 1 1 M Sh avana rnBviin ^ dre eitfht la fftf*ircli i f bcw aud desirable R»i*d* t«i call. X y the N> It •'•ahle uf rv »•> deUtllN reported by cholera -ual...• afffreuifr- m luw uaierwater I.rvvrbtii.yI'revrbtii.ir tbr deltwrydelivery !uff tlutlu> iruu AtUbtic aad fufriKb |«.rlff aad iuUbd iive u* aa early M a XV DGT.ffi* X « - ^ale4 rontiMiea uihrliurl:...* L‘ . Ii 'dV H Ha\xtoa fiDer^, aiuu> jM*lut> ‘ 111 • brlli«hed CoroisTi White Uie rra.-ffff-bi. ,,Iff a.^w kai/w trau.i*.lrabff|*>>rtLti ,. > With iweaty s> *.vL jG 't lv, held bin first iiM|URift laM MUCe noon yesterday, also eiijhl bvw ka.,wbb wh>w hy theth.- r>.od t.tn lhcthe diveryeao.diveryeaot- »f..f iwtlu uq Daildibgff, Berchaudiac* wbd F'urbiiyrt a rt *i««l 3 du Meaicoa Wrapfevt. IS fflegg fur ^ IltXX- cases. r>.^ aad «a|g by L>re«4 rewn .111 ! * ^ ^ l.K ted ia the preo-at year H*>***xacaiusi luas ..r damorc by Fire. Kl» e^'enuig. allalt NO« K WD K!X 4 CO. Kefcrribif xvtt tu (Ik- ab beat fftate-m- bt» biakCTORff. * TABB. k3I >aj In euataim d la tiw re I Dj-Jen, Washington ro. Iiundrcls of Bovto.n, Ang 29. “''1'.'^?^. U.nr I N DK.U -3 cases yriam acres |f>rt > th.’ a2.ly*b ('uraer Xlarkei aad Fuarth Maailla ladHto la rUrr aad fur f nraDuard "f stu. .“jr.-l'S.kh -Ider's m- ct,ay.ct,*.;'!*':::Jua« Dfth.fs.‘“ lH3l.IlS,"I Th'.moaTk,.a II. Iluat* Auireivaa Gray* /hi uaev d* mto { d" a s Cl-tliff- »*I tilfiDer I bv iJWj N(w K. W ICK.** ro land haxe hevJi ' ^‘1’ with « hat i"Iff herel*«re T'icd. A.DiDuchauau, a il**-*joved, xxdh on* Orr. alias the An^el CtahrieL was ronvirts^d rci'rep r'.cd. wwillill W ^a(l^facl•rxMatifffaci vry la reidxre|*ly A. XV. J. LiudcbterKerp Come one. come all aee rjttCfftiuas 1'rui.osed. With awauraaca that it will at all S. K.saiUh* Jal. X'uu B»rrivff* Emerson’s Pianos. C^We it «Ut*si is tbe B*>»ton Post that n,' il u:‘r.V2i«Vu;Lir.lro*ur« tu furai-b i*by ialur- U U. Fursy II wu. Ii Ju a.Brid Al,..t4,bl.ck.nd*.lvr«J; " '>»«' rv-ettrd l^ orvaer Kca- V M alW SILXNSIS a HVMMERA. |R tbe j ' ** *' BriUib House of Lords tlie •b ia ril.it 1-01 to all aia'tv rs (uab.-ctod with tUcir tuabsae- G. W.MEKIXX'CTUER* I'rwidcat. tucky. ladianm. aad Teaa«ff«-v fur 'Ewiersua'* ' '. on Uth Uv^\‘ Of vBron B imp-MBtlui,. 4Bd f,.r ..!« k/ fej) Vi! V' *i o' \ mm h mtoUkr.V wi 1 crvaii\1 xpvat < a- uf tlufftuad. Very r> ffiM'C'^DlIy. Wa. Sintgu. Secfeiarv. ^^l«br*to.| ir.n frame H.s.|..a Piaa . |v,ri.ff 'P iB XCt 05- XVarwick 4» . o4 dtf ku jasien eow a ro ii« it. (»uy sceie^ratod AaUi« Ward. l^rd . maIb ^ ''’•‘J'**"* •ativa amuax the readiaa yu( If*. XI’e.••***•*•*•all *f as. *‘^*like t« ku- OsreDdoB laid dis|iatrli — uTT7 on tbe table a from I. I . Pr«'id«B(. ’ J Theffe aorivaUedaarivaUed lafftruBX*lafftruBx. aao are w/t I Jwlto Oeaa. aad La Belle Kgaade *# "HKEVE. ,^“1* _ J • J 7d r>*^*.T*' i** w‘* •’ J* Tvhareu fwv e«du by V • •- « •umetkiair I thetbe 'iMit atoa f tK-.*etl.-.*e h*< ..v • •»e«k*aa uwtwareware Ma wwk*. i.'ii*y.uivv 'ax’.iu.,—*> ; M*H> 0a- taIB Ith«-h»’ H.-*-/f..rH i.f beautvkeauty ••( Aaishftaishaadaad briUi’»aBr wl^ Falls City Insurance tw 1 mmm mmm „m. 4. a. ^ k SRANMN 4 5L MMERA. !tole Aaaat' tbe — Company. ffitiuB-'. aad keri wi* a.-e mod< qaue «u h awab. withwiih j-.|w. t-. a vr*-v* CoRMil-Getkersl at Haxaiu defrcrib- ^tlUlll^l Af laOdflltfle t . Til* Chronicle s»v* ,h* mountain Theft uuawuet.«iuri.aiiffiff a»beB»be t. «ur|>aiiffeurpaiiff aaaaadaaafcwt..«^a../thcmfew t*.cv*«.i/thcm.t«cvN.i/them. IVriaswaat-IVrs"a4 want near White- .laV. OIRee Nu.416* burthsidc Maia fftrect.cppoiitc LuniaviUcHuUl, editvirff* to'Dtieia*“i aa>l. lade- 4. with m*>*t <>f tb« ' tr.: ' flcvi-fatoflr«t-ra(c I'lam*l’iab‘> are iuvttediuviXed tu «all < ill ic -.11 *. C.m ..4 I .. . k r.>fu«irlaa4. Tku ffk«u*aeff ore r*-morkai*l> wtllwrut* , luvxaui th»* ImiiiImt bet. Sixth aad SWveuth* la'iuffrilK-, fft-vk. XVe ffboll receive wr-rkly tiaxe i Ky. ->-klv fn-mIn vki.t.wthis the abuvi- J<'M‘|ih /. uin« h. • tl»<* toxty • I A »uj>|'UffCvl « ka* b bt.ta, tu he a (ivr- I 1«l r .Brth .trnt, k,t«,.B New Oreeans, Aug. 2'. M«rk.t k.d Mbib exhibit a f.ur aa*l iia{>ari.al sknirh. aad, lu v’ato ia-:a-- f uaretuek "f fall r*-#*, euagifftiaduf toeBH^k ! ia‘trum.ia«trumv*at.at. aadand unruor assurtmeutaff*..rtmrb( will wn be ^•ln|J>-le. i |{>- fk'kffi.iio, ab utab, bau»« baVbuWL. wa* aK.ut 4ii years v«ld. i'BARTEREUC'APlTAL OF XX il3D.nOU . A . , . ^ Cohn to 3 (((t" I pwt ffow-n to* *Uvc trnJc, on which oc- ‘••'amboaiv I HDH rroVtf that ili.> 1*1. f>>arlro*v -. ‘ • ^ i, ,, writ«r wi a a> d |-uwerfai » uf v. ' irffeei afftorttoeat II.Ff5. I'.XPS aad ibvle-ff K'tfh* hffMVy set. had black rl<>(hin|i PAID ."E( I KED. ihe real inrentors oj the Sifnoud H xv-XV- w..uUwv-uM call«-aii |•ar(l^ula^|•ar(lcula^ atteatiuaattewtiua k*t** i.>«oiffl.>«aiff .XIX’ fftvW. tw< PTR fever for the week 1 h 7. aud ha>r.‘ III* cub- AND tV, and no TWcBtv te> '« uf reerived. I ear ravin — f-rtrait*- emUilli«htk« wv*rk.w (> Gooi>** ever -^Sefwd la l.ua«eville. Meruhaato la qweto gff bar'- u,, • i»t^ of a t;u'- cU rk ffhirt i*D.I Kluc c»tt b I'aut'. Ibh*ff|*u-| Am Jh CuaiibOetw ibffure Merfhaadito, 9bvck* whi.hweUavew hi« h we have Jafflrverived.Jwfft cu,^ u»v ,u V /isniOU^.humbutr raaavt fad < at .. f havibA a /r* rua caias afw iav ited to sire wa a call befuiw t;:.''.;'to th* 19lh are received. '23 .Ab VO.,l’(».. fft. parchaaiac etogwkvfa, • 123. Ab 117 *e»-iv.u « j> f-vubd t w iv»j.|.er c- bt» a raiz»r. c 'UiK. k> ^wSS^^hc.ykfkiMt ly* wheu carried ua ^tval- . . . . KR^KINKdKR^KINKA N^N. Third y, a Kua- . | .X 11 XI..XN prw|.I Grhtlv‘m«*u'ff iiTff, a BR(i . rtvitd Jtr-et. w ill ffupplv the to wg are detenataed to nvg bantaiaa. * 'port Circulated tiie Ih* texolutionrevohitiun 'Uv •Uni,.-. .u.i ki.i.k i...k. ku4t«..t,.tk«r ri-il 1 AIiIES' and XX Half XVigt, Seal{>s, Braidv, in nited States at 1 . lu.rk. . f v..i-bm «. k> riTvr.Uk.. L ous poinl- on tli>* Uke, f.oia I< *>i>. % Pwiul to TamumaiilitiUB was kprcailiii-. r. Li.atBffiD-* ol'IjAv iJ Curls. Ae . cubstandy ua hoad al!*j4b pollard. PRATHER. 4 SMITH. In.'' •n I," r, via » I k».ljr »»», cbbbI, »«a nitr-ad r.,111... iu creat variciy aud mode A Useful Book. l-r» ti.u . „r 4B) anil '*vcralMivcral Inwn* hail B,ll,*r*.l tn ...... «nlul , th« i 'W tbnt Greet Britain W liiteliall. WfstjKjrt. Inwns had to the cause. teurdvrat the shur(est uutice aad at tltc hail ever contemplated or in- M>rmh. Ac. One liiin a’ I.,i|. uf u*>‘r» 1, u.nriuf U« must r*-a»onahlc |.ri IIiiMRoXIR Fi»RFiiR MII.Llo.N. . vf m-rB.lly >u.l :i.t.iB»llr. 4Bd iru, I4.|. .Ilc.U-l feu, I CBHBMCIBI «„rW, lUvAOiuvI ; THF: MII.LIoN r the ApiApplieati. a (to rl ** 1 liPJ XX ' hrxRI'FRLV RkVIkXX' -K*|«Khcat.'a -f the 1. u. _ WE hav. h».i >-' vkk< a Ilgut Oh 111** i»lil hear » «*»• (he jury readcrevl a Tvrdiet that "lie raui*- lu hw IluIU uf SUambuats aud utla r r'«d vcskcU; also o^taiast Giavct Hall ' .mrbi tg the aurfvffe* uf Ituildiag, -7Ky Ge> I temlad to vvorth ..f 1-imb. r Metdiuores, H r— i AfneaniaeCuU orO. U eestablishIWU,™ a« hU-k0,4 w .VT'’,' lues by Fircoa Uuildia^ aad Mvruhaadis** Altko. Hair Draidibc of cvrry ti.>n d'vMc tv order, urg»'iit^ werfvvere xicturiou^. aad Pr'acitx. ,»..i i: and woodwooil desliovet.ile»liov*,t. m Ear Kinffff. BracetcU, Dreast-Piuff, Put and Guard Chains. v.t Wff f>«r Jan lUpuhiK•puhlKUtcre.Oiere.M K. BCKgE* Prvffids&t* ! This b*>k is di.vtiiirdt. r xulu‘>uaixv the enltmKlh>-d -I .11..' l.oNlMiN I xNi jlwjA w.ter. (v. .,.m buuwiff, THE CT. a Juarail f Briiisli a;.d I . , Wstcr ill.-: . N.C. SCMUERS, Secretary. haildiBk le make ev, r> mab hjA.wa arvhiteLt. («••».*•’. IV Onw.i. cm.’*, ;gh!j ac,.^ ^^L**!!**’ t * 4K . . I Bcipalo, 2t*. The Hair^ ittinr . aluua uf this vfftaKlUhmrB*. is vf Medieia--. rhdifu yar^L-fV. t la-mnirf. i'rnt, i* •». I Aug. IXbRCTOae. tm I every dwclliag a|i*in*t tb- ra\a*'effvt ar», wai4T, aad time have b.iriifil — X%x% EEll11 XX RKADX PORnL R ?*.%LES rHL*' MURN- he*n ov*r ’.he l,;c pn-rcii.g m.(*t cmlurtablc aad stxle, cfaiare. aad Sew ff. B-vtited K> 1 to •. XVoklvy "arffeua. M i I tin- i 'ha A. Dialup, bcrt tlcAaut aad the atuudauce infe i and I- act -I , Tlie K- Beattv* la a j XX’m. Hld>. . • number of »tiaiig*r sojourniiig fi'vt. Two tamili,— hail • her, hercKy c«-rt:fy that I E. "‘'»cAttei.ti..B laid to cklidnu ( llBir-fuIttiB,'. >ud“2 urdlinry .kilEd . *4bb> 141' UNDUN ItiR rkR-A sai |d I., I ff’ 17 1 ("V I’ It A X <’ K . \ *• Dtl.l.. R(»lil\M*N a' TIIEOIHAKD . . ,T rv Xr:B)v\V,.t„rBK,'.vrT. Cl me at liirr lUSUDBCr. .XllDllItV. f1IIEE>E— t'L.m«r,n;GlVtfdhew*g recciVtfd karvhavv 4a h''!,,.h>'bi ,'t hi, •>wa.i. o..aif,irt4k>h•'.atbfurtaliik 41 ut V u-t i I ii* toiac* XVXX cnirra aud Trust Co. and duraKlr. wiUh j xUEE'‘E— |•rl»< Kc»r> Te 1 he- •• rvcv .vcu»««.vffteambeat l*itt | RAiTiiWAiTt s RrrsosffiTT or PSA, ti<- vt sis- ^ I'erI’vr cFurlurv , and fvrffale by ia|t a fvrtuue.f-Tlui Evtry maaman wlu* laUndalaUat baiMinr ah-Mild buy V. per stcaattwai Xaai«l and furtui -ato Kv OF rUlLAOKLVHlA.CUlLAt*KLVHlA. ^ ... . 'KE un'toa- j B teta# »ad rtoruery. Kgtag a Uwlf-Tawrly J«wr“al. JNU. f. ll(iXX.\KD4 CO.* thiff b-B.k' it will K«> Wurth ig a d tiiacff itsg J.N<( ( (>. ('haPtrYvd IB lo.4M kim kundn F. HoXVARD 4 *i aJ Im- cu^ nr* hnniing L,iiou.-l>— lire lag a r trmaggtivc view .f -ggrv DwohWgo aad th. l4irly '*it- Msi. vt., Ul.M. T tura ..4 i -urth .1, fur* !»«> iff dull" buildiuK. '~.Xf*i»*ac ti. *«e*c. buiwcga Third aad F*»arth * **itixdii>. ^ XI 4 . . i i-B.k ('.*11.1 43IHI.UOO. la (tor Miniteal Setoatg. E^i*gd Kj W Ervivb- A. H . Kichardfony '111* wc«th*r continu** dry. ,11 *.|4 B*. _!i" argsgawani Lrtj., of tiiir city. ii.g up Uic c»nh. Thesuii is pow- C'K*(b 3(1 venO. l'a|ier 2.x eratff. (’4*|>i<*ff ran bv- bod gt woi:g. Fort 2i‘—Jwly I. L'G4 JOHN r.JABE.s, AilBsr/. TUO.S. .N ^ ^ | KllKiWAV.rm’l. I UIGU-:i,lkiv tb« iBaiz*, volt asd tuBdeuBc. f„r.4U 1* I I'l ChaulAiiqur cuui.tv.ln*- FiiiUy. Th* A. HAGAN 4 BR«» ‘ST.trd.t ar* hiiinii,'' II \a- II AX' E breb a|vt*>ibted arvbt f»r said c^mi-any this f aajrlod4a J. .s MORRIS 4 SON Caipetiug! Carpeting! ' dro ith continues at Cl*veland, CO.M.MEKCIAL. in city* non- dll ccUons. doing i,*4t diiuag* IMroit, and I bd am b>« fully |.rv|.arcd Wibffun-Iivg. at tlie enfftomarv TTT;., .imotker .irriral ,il ihe Carpet ll'arrffon** o' n»» Otuo [ i * a vai. iJ.u • v .IT" Slid Mi^-i4-ipp< rmlroRi! pro 1> E'lN El> l«IKAX--u bU. Wued. II ,raa juat K«iv,d a br r.t.-«..| .ih ru-sl ,.«lr lin* yrarly, >.r ^uvrt.rlj. lv to- *a4“’>rggry part 29. 4'r Jal> “3 a;* rtu betw**t, Cincii.nat, ‘ B 4 v*rnn,- |H.in .. ri''h d(Nj» y U4- Av.'mi, - Tim- advan-' U'lfi* bfv i Ong raicJ la *«rt >11 (rmn'i FEi'EI VP.D thiff uu-raiB.' la aJditi a %>uar forawrrdvr:; . f..„r mil, ,.l b*; .n all *rffcri|-t -ii* |'r***iuc« tor aaig ^y Galveston, uf has '•"'I KK'I'NT-JU lU Il.l , ,-oa ffdtbua Rgegivgd aad I Aug. 2o. f, b„bi, rc’ry Bb*. «b >, /im llln!'I:'''fmlr7iuB''it2Vi!«« J I I"- Oar ri(*h dvc raud with ^uld and R-wrr- • Dibibk Srtt... 2 I (hr ii(i|n>tlerff, *«*i*ial - ( nad hrymov coBpl*t«l( fcnccii K;! :^^tOD. r*'frjvi 1 Mati..B,lr«lr*i»CB atmy ottM. * J W UREDEN. I direct fr m EROto > V R > in w r.hii -cventvI • * fliv'. . ab*l ali:lc • a«* r.’ibnut I I l.a.d 1. T. 4 I . . ',uuiv aby attual •> sad lur .al« »cry * by ^ Ouc rich |»aiu(cd Vbd d«-C'vr»tvd Dibit. .- SrCI...... ol XVilt.*B XM' ct ( a, L t la. ^»<»'^riior has i} and -e “4 P««rto a g * Ms prorldiiiatioii • I.* .... K.r,..4. for cl'h . a* b trabrait'obff uf aiucD'dAw J S. XfORRiS A FON wl- (lays tb« i A «,f \ , ‘ ib'i 'irtab' haw tak> n |•!a<'v, tlac Obc rich n-**- culMrud Tea ?* ti C* afS' *w Kt-audfai dg»t. n^ al*-> from pment bm*. of wbkv b 'B c itrvD a sad ' new t4*arkr( trooj.s. iu«y b» »a.d (• K*- .di illy 3.- i a'priia.*: .n,L (’ Gh dull, a ith ' bly v. rv .'Bioll onr r»( h dark Mu- ia suhl Tra Kiv h Kid(tomiB-t«r Tajrfftry buck }r.m. Ih* lU* ui . wl. p:;.,.. The riremen’s liiauiance /lAsiiirE II.: Company soAi'_i,aru,7s„idra.uirf.r.ai*i..'bv *9 -alto fv $.v Rich I -h V du i.' * y’low fever at I V (MW rau * r:..«r XX h« at »* or m- at r ! -uw.iniIli..toc. thei w.lli here, and $1 3V TIk or I.Ol lsVlni.E. Vs aaanidAw J. S VIOKKIS a >0 N. ISI VIbio al wo.. ! ui.d h mlier ' d h— ,1 ( lb laaaii — — Rich .Vm- -oa J (^Thero wu* ucc^- ' Journal advi-ies strangem Drier ( uiis ut qugtt--. Ol^rv on (Aff aorfAiTff»<«»ru*r o/ Main and Wall t*rp^t», ffue. • ; to -tay longing t, ‘*‘r away. 'Z7t Z Kick ClldU-k Uraff-bU U-.; H^mmm.drHun, moiid A O,:'C„.. huviiu^r h*en totullv1 I PIKKi'TOUff. D *>> TheIhe fevei XX Ufft hat iurtlorradvab'gJ. W*’ f..'*— | n,i* ab-1 . 1.^—r.j 1 . .1 - . . . slowlvslowly increasingincreui.11.4' at V.u- rn. w- nuvi qu.(« $1 3 * I T ugvthvr with B ffrwctal asto*Mutrat »f van* a» grades lOBicff witli run, in Pbiladelptiia on Kiluiduv deutroved New Or- E. Murru. I hy Ui* lire spii ^ ling t ... a» the • urrvat r«trs. yi^JBCA J. W>. Kalrsi, tr„n. th* -v.'• At Gm> ch-i tlu- uj «ar>i U b.iruv v w«wmr>l .Vply. TapuwirT In-'raia 2-»ly. | leans among the emigrants. j dacub K.lirr, U. N.l rump. e, d, irim,- race Gmaer: riieli Deaths at Ihe hos- (..have r.^u,.| a .herk. ( .ira evumug. Ko dulling*, however, wu* done ex- I0-- i- e-timut, d at f,‘*i.<»io." tia- a ivaac-d tu awi Ilt-mp ttii-a I'orpgtff. ffU-ady St B.it . I'sll/ffl mal-raa.ia;mat.' Caffffia; and ***' < oiinty. 'he w, ,,d* are nn tni Dy iffl**14at - J. It. llalcbl*,.. W- ll.l,a»idr„B. Rto du Rrwadv ^offWg aad ('Wngto cent Ukc prouicutiae few trees. ' <3(a«ui’. «ith«alca v.| An>i aa r-ttvll*-** variv ty «*f rich at r-dut^ priced, at (hr past k. of a There wu- . .aftriur at 7xk i- ^ cB'vff .Nu. I XX'lueb we hate received darms we K\e' 1- I. 2 ea-M Nu. I1 Notmeu:.Nutmevi; ImtI t nI .v*(u li*,me.setrtary. Tuu*. J . VI ikti.s, I'n-.id.Bl. 3d da Ptoob tvachto la eaaa: ' iffu . ' J the stand XX ilkes. .'bb«ridao, i u. • * '“'oif* of iK>iii^> Oil il»»' liifff- (if tJiff* uid uf A Kl (i!^^ Rl'(*v 44, 4. 1 rRilrukd.«1. I’UIEADELI '• *I KbIKbl Msec. jn»(jn»i rweivedrv’cived It. HI .Vug. Sll. 1> ( and f-Tfur snU Ky ^PU mivany c*btib4r t" take rwki Buildibct. storks of 73 do Frgaah (. ordtal. otourtad; . rocmnSeffitio.il, the uameloculity on Sunday ( Ve'.vvt, aavl Tufted Rug.v I. vht -airs 10 il4ailia .u. Rich M-saie. hcaille. ..,,4^,^ fl,,, f ^r-M iTroff at rvV.uU' M(>rchabdtar, and utlur rty oaaibfft I ana J M((RMtiRRI'A SON ] TJto 'Hie weather 1- | rate^. 1 m>; also Gb Mer- 13 eotoff rrwato. her* cool, • cl.'ar, and ' — " IVrffuas in want uf t.andsoto* rarlur • rChaaiWr Carpgts aud aftemoow, drv. We r-«cr|i« r»-tlil * chaudiffuaiid 4 anruvsccbirally a»aiit«( tb*- |M>rtU of ffeto, during w4iich roveral boat* oi, Ihe spread with fearful rapidity. ffah :n ITuX imUbS. tb* J I ,'~x aaZ^a T Hai d Times, by Charles Dickens. W.ff« MR Rtofftag; have had no rams since the slight riverr.a.d iBland trsi.a|>,rlatiuB: alau tbe Foraishib-ts will A>a*l the latest stvle* at Lgtotovg la eaaa; -hower' .Satur- >.ii.t ..f 27 j.Ld* tutmrii. UaUauf Steambuala \l ‘ ."i""’?.'.’* 3* to Freak In at full ju-ioeff-l hh*l at ,Ul..r«aleb»V |ausn’da»| J .- FR F,"ll supply just re&i-iv'-d by 5 1.‘A. Delaware were uprot. ma:,y places inol.io Uiew ,,i,ds and s a ampsil>s dav. (1 10. 13 at aad Sea Veaarla. VOKKIS A SON HITE 4 MaL l“# l«h rang -Xpiged 'Biitoa. $1 4 r.C. at 3. 14k*> s', 7-'i. «t V a23jkDa23jgD II Xtv.XNxtv.XN 4 CO . 3073(17 Main st Main si.. Sd.i»r« west Daak -f L wisvine. 7 gd"*.; id. an t I al7 i'*0 are burning. It 40 tliiealeneff the elegant bnilii- 2 a( $(> toiaad At Breolvlyii and Jervey City roveral houro- »* yi M4i.ut.:ctiir.b. ml"" |'*F* 1 tod jufft rcvi I’onTi.ANU, Aug. 311. tuKaeve tub iff ui ward. 1«^ toff* a ffapgrKffr Freagh Brandy. ingkoii a larm near the village ol H,jaltff uf rcctitig 1 whiahy ai I Godey’s Lady's Book for September of Sarsaparilla. .*idis da do Chgrry dto were Mown down and other* damaged. lives The Whigs, I reesoilers. and 31c. Sirup u N- ! Democrat.- u,at Uie ro,^*ga„i>,u c Iiehl Lafftvru 0.1 bVKAM. riTKlN. 4 CO E( Kl V F.D and fur sale at l«., >•ffi *•do *MotoirmWiag left tne chin hes to f«ht vAihffu.'*. I l-^r. b.». Wvu f r IB. U., -r Ibn. ,.o. iircba. — LKtff aH'l rveff 'I’HE a county convention here to-day I>A.I 7 (t- .\u, 1 landii a2-:j'ib A. ' SubuMl', lo(d. fire. and nominate, K HA(iXV 4 HKO. S. 99 Third at. 1 *r,j4r.B« 4. .rn.k f I •4 the Tl«-y succeHed after 1 iitting down (i.XLLXGllER 4 Co.. I A an ' a tusion ticket for comity officers >o|*LlN}‘ lU ra.'cff platd and plaib ruplibi, direct ibi|>urta- made ocr -rdiag u> V " I'Uannacviparia.and. fr- m tbewati- rto ^ Kbls “le an,t Stale S,-n- Smith 4 K- wlaud's • k. st. I M Main nearly a whole oreliard. 1 dun, f. r fftle Ky which it hto .fiten bvth (•• phy Mciaa* oai v» 17 bbU Sae. — - - a The Know Nothing iwr frrnUv t., any pr*v|Tietary artD i< •! the kind. Fur -ol*- Latelylyraceiwffd^raceiwvd CAITA.MO 4 CRSXO. cunvention wa.s also ing ever brought to this city. : n ' Ll'e tire, IcAV iiig th*- held, KoMX. (*«M (I.X. and ( H(K (il.ATK — bviies Druiua. dei,-e \v*x,ls. m 3" Ky l i . X— — IV . . w V* _i gnawed into O at all tiBffvft aad wanaaWd f wat irvia,j sii*ng'S w to l walg Coatgctigatto aad frwitorvrw* from the Trro«wy Department U N-w I odi c.tv hut Ihe noiiiiiations have not Gan.-pired. ('••Cun aiid ( ’b(jculate justriKwiVvd |nr aC aiarr Maastirld 2X r RI.XNCUAKD. havibg Just rv-turavd fr>,m the Ea*(. H ('<> • al'i gXrggX. i BKI I . KoHIN^An a X374 Maia bgcwgga “ewtaih aad EiahffR. j u., turf, ainl teacUd the ininK-diate v. ' unity of 4ua I .rul. kjr (sS) VV III frallff Datrff; M alls the ntti Bti- B • f paruutff and guardtaw*, and can on KKlIAKItT. 1" air Market iwjtwetv. Third auJ F* wrth *»•. Wat all good* now m Uro public atore*. on whirl, sure them they will find thing th«y b*v>»' I tlie city. The dames were only kept from the tu »la*ff • ff,4ia at |yc JU coM-d rruari*; even «i-h la (b« dt- N lo.Ns— :*, kbli 1IB1..B. rccaid, will to he reaio- , exertions uf liieu.eu O A X (be have and voato at gents [ m 9. S. H Daaaaiy...... ^^.O. P. Rmwssa. New OKI. ».a.4i-, .\ug. 2J(. 73 d * frc»h (*o%c U.» Nters; 30 a pair. Mada W •'’j*'''-'- It appears that after all the indignation ( utt b Iff >luli. ». N. «#-“>*: uf oGNE - Mc-sr* Ra^ m avI a I’aitva pit; are aad * ^ , Flvur Id . llul.iir* the Gulden Urcet. M>1 thiff of M. hrt With ab npuaril 1. w.rl, VV II 7..7n. I'. Il.vi ... 111 KKlff T< va* Drcojis; Hand. DT Main 'MBRtHDCRED SElRT^Rgtoivgd mswaia#. by g»* v»d the*ice within one mouth and. if nut ao re- b-lcact. wit ; XX'aiantff; ( which, f r t'reakih and ra^wi-iteurff* . f iveifwin. j ’I**’ I iriicli consul • ah» at a7 /Of, I.wrd In do Rii|f!i»h GEO llLANt HARD. ( «l-fa«. ff aa tougrtotoat ji rtah gthfuidgrod .^uto. alto a»- It if at San Francisco, hir.lr ffalr.N . f t vrerff Vjf.i 471 M.ain street. F would seem as the for*sG on at 11 I2, . wer* hurning .- hav. v. r -vea. XX g Worn tha: i* 10 d» >icily Almuiidff; Iff aasarpOff^ed Ky oa> w •uovod. will, at the exptratiou off that period. U- F. baVr* this fft-rt “f ’'‘vj'fct*n,l*il Hay rewivrd aa ubu*aally larvv kof T xRe- c, that th- ( everywhere. insult to hi* flag Niw X«»ba .Xuv .111. 1' Iff fwfft yaiaiag erlcKni^ la this tamaatiy , oud »aK U'h*r* or wli*n th* in- .M ffockff I’araguav Almubdff; ; i MIAMDKKMIAMDKK.“ ;d l‘X)'KK> l‘Eo|'LC. vuD. **^^****R»«h plaid coiiflAgratioii VV ta lU , I FuR THE 12 m Mka: I luur pr.rci hr* and >atiit Kibbunffuf all widths aad i-ulur*. tu which ihr *w«V wt ibv c- uatry The ItoOe* a tntfr luv r, 3,4 **i KKIa j K 5*»i. are ra| idl> angnsffia.: voivcd in effort I aff»*-rtcd F'niil iu tiffoliag all ifflto ardvcrtiaed a* unclaimed good*, and ttici, fold ac- Ih* of the I iiited States ff.i|||; fftra'ght '*( ii 2.'»b> lev Juice; V M de >><•. W* w ill end, Heaven s. uiithuri- I wi- iarit« tl»r only kiiou 9lU: atu btii-b uur <-ueU*mvr* aud tla-ci(> trade yva- fa» r. *ad -f c ar*e the icaiktoxa wiU a-t l$Sl3.ff.. r uO 01.;., >vl#o2M 3(1 btoketd ( hampavne; ( hamWrff'** Miffeellouv of I'ffrful and Fatertaiatag Traei haveHovided la o* ‘ Nolid gnlufwd CbaUtoff; ti*s to make him Gstifj in the rrnUy. a‘i M XHK. DCI.A N KY. 4 DkIXX'N^. case of the , deeisiuW' corduig to law, If not prevuMi«ly claiuieil aim prose- !*:• .."ru 1^1". ( 3c»ok‘ Frearh Ursuvir; lovulff $7 3 .iBtotiffa iholr Eiwbrv'tduffwd -llafwug aad Slogwga; i.tUb i ri«. j C i a HXVMOND4 rxTTCN, Fourth «t'* ciilioncutioii thoseUiom; engagedrnpapff*d !’ D-'urKua (‘httatx-rs* . 2'* of min gKtinpgetting ^x\» O.Xi.o 13 KKlff Old XX^sky; 'yclupu'dia uf Eu,;li9h Litrratarg. vap-^a{uCh«vffc r«i.*«i\gd L ... Ri ./uulVV.iVuJ w iih a'l — I persUaut I removed. - but *d'Tu GoudaGood* hereafter sent (oto ttie puhliald rgopgrtfallv lawtto tRg aitoRttoa of involved in 77r kff-bi<>av-> 'Ni.I.ISlI 30 du taleav intu thi«V hi-Kb. the tame the dutam are pud; it not, will he I •’'‘'’I'l.V that transaction, in con- I* aU.ui tW ffatOM-. .N I'KINTS— 23 coffci Kuylish Cribtff, direct im- 1 Mr Jama* has (hr wa all ht* bnlDoat and luu.uOU; uid a decrease in - X du i a|irrs aud Oliveff; dtue alH MARK DVLANtV. 4 circulation of $14 Cffbtrol ffc'lup--*, 4 purtatDin, 30 Kigto*r proriv v-oa b<* aw uii«*d.1^ DOWMR. Kt 2 CP*,. .NurtWta h fur rolv by ar«T XaMriioa r> maaeu. and a- junction wiUi .M Vale, i|.e Mexican con.s.,1 ladiaua *-S Erie coffkff >ci*tch .Xlc; IS MnKToV • *y 4 (5RI“XX'Ol.D. 'XX art. rlV *n.i M v N vel. '.•f’G f» la-l dvorUsoduvmcUimed goods, and sold at the eiHl imh. . ,,,..,4 JAME.S LOXV A (O. 4D L -B the w.*rk oiat will imm..r*«iidei‘,Tv 471 BCjun RlTMt. 4 - has been reci-ive.1 here .,ij Balw*r, Ticoader-fa will W i#-ii .1 k . oj,. .1 . ^ ^ lU0,(Xai Havana and Crm* i|-c '(•ran: I -rgiaalKi •to)and Kn-lu l-, XX eat. LXrk.Ni 11 MF.KINoFl.'‘ oosurtod i‘l ItIFt VO||{ fll.OOIl!!! It* antto-r • f*m*. It c |aaU h.» Wot w xk* la :4.5. M*aa W H. DvLaauv G f Dtovug "•*' -3i-arStohooffdanoa. t»2s. Hrrf Iff krtu JAM •iKud and fur sale hy „ ^ I Now OU ( n.Xi.AN4((» Mtoao o.vtr ahtu lk nr -..:h**ad a vm*toyul agw —4 ctoneg Cgiia, toafftoiiaato (HK* KKla ohiy Whtffky I GAET.XNO 4 I RSO. iit:roJl- ^ (usrt uf th# RiUuw I a$. IJklNT'- 211 Cffrv,^ Kiigltffh Mss’k, black whit.-, lin alivet. bvtwc»-n '^eVenih I ( bt luvht* ar<- uiit haa^td. aud aud wl2 374 M and Eighth. UR 1 I luaU.Otoi* (hi-v dftrttoiwgf.tofia.ai Mowsgelai w s#; vXnfgd block aud k'ray I'riut'. direct iiitt-’Ctati -a. for sale Ky 1>1LC> ^ Mewatoltow#: •“ ^*' ***•*•**'' (*i!»ci*.'«ATi. ' FILE OINTMENT. Do Laiag Ruhw ^•r .Mtsgaa, Au , .-IKt I--1U bkK b.ll bbU. BBS x,;.. ,r.m ibi I I.IUHX nvt.'ai. ( fft I..EI.EN I I' ; J.XMK.S LOW k (».. 41“ Maia ( jobbiiip bou-f^ wbo luxcU.-i. .'./vV.Umlrt It will reaa*ve every vtotig* th- ewto- *** » Go%. r>iMlky, Rt Ckkuir^h, say* Uiat im S2V « l.„k> st. r.BB.ry. I.,i « wWr* Cv.Birffa* . as and xxere :u,., ;v. N.,i 1 [ I U.BO lie*, bur, Kvcff ** “*• iii^loriouslx def.-uU iirUietr „b, Iu,.,/ . I*"' di^ffcaffcsufjhe•.fjh.-k,u.“kiu, .»aand uiall diffraffew aruia*.ri.,.. fftonding vtotovtoui will .XCKI.IN • plaiat. S -wseWffe h-aiiv-ai ^ su isf"'’ I- H.XMS—.X large fttpply la •t*irr aud fursato by UVRnNFRAlO« »• L ui t oiiiiiit'hr*' ..an.. la.rUl »*• Irom a diffurJercd Stomach v^ i.| the < heiiig killed,kiUciI. ,>Jb||. I U.„. '‘*^*“‘*'*^*'*^*»*’**^*w iBipurg ffiaie th« liiiwul. «*i»t m.»cm Bic few lacurwhle . otoff If to. man the rapid progrem of inaorTt-rtioa in Spain i* ^ coinmanderuiuii,aiidt*r U-iD? (;«'nt'ial(ieneial VanesVaiitfS com- M •it XV - ^*i'"*,V‘“ (leave(leto e, aad llieretliere BIwbbI rUld SuG. tmU M.U; HCKKHXKDr |•(*f ' ' KoUlu $1 A literal dlffA’i.Wut w Ko dcau Ky tto. ' Rtodewhea pttf- gklllffkill will relieve th«th* diffctoe.diffctoe, Kto wwever. tt UI Mriprd dto, * ' ’ man,inamlclled tlie victorious garrison.gai ri^n. thr chief luptc of disemaion amoi^ all classes. _ Many of th* xii.koxdskmks Fiaia blach dm no-ii of Kaoiis-et iiiet PATTEN Fuurth •(. , De his fate, anil the re-l K D iiivviDc and I rabkfurt K»ilroad .Stuckf; ***a'lVjAb’*''*"**"*' RAYMOND 4 Fiaid du; It was feared daily that ui outbreak Would take (Fur Dm L••wLtillr• Juiiranl.), I Jvffcr-'bv tile ( du, ?haw J''l’*'''*’'h '(I'*' “hject of Uie ex|ie,litiun aud viluiuKui do XX AKKANT: The hiffhei to; I and ,X( atgritaf he-ld at (hr Keatuvt - It vb audU4 Ilia--- *wa4i;r Wa- a Ins I1 si.a.r, .New < du; vale F>Mdg!*ww place, and several wealthy families were ' AIKauy and >olciu d f r Ky to. piepar- ctrw.a.. ' revolutionary, aiul it i- Offto Hatbimu M**p. 1g«hua> Aw|ra-’f,- ^.k.2p(h. Into.isst. regaided m Mrxico as U’lae aad “wnnry. part », fur Jalv. 1^*4 vsnifurm Xmer- EMBROIDERIBA. (to to»'tv4«i Mr Jut.m loauffufft »a- cniKd (III.> ciaairsi.4.r 4«aaa' 1. HA«..XN 4 ( O.. to Imve the Island aad take up their reviffn,. having U-eii’ almu.st entirely a I'lench adven- i«aa vdiiiuat* (h» day rgctkWird by Yalgto*ia t hcaegtlM amd ^iroTM g XK to 4iKiax*u Bi p'lBLd ffuf rtary .Xaguatff fvto toeatmky ISMkn. CVi S ( (>l'lt.“E aldyAb du ds du; ah*i ‘- tuie, KOFT OF READING. A soar e I F.bff ea* cUy. Tb* fwHuwia; i n-otoMr r« lut. a w«rricr* j*r«ro*atrd|4«M..t*-a aaBBS . ia that 1(1 KKlff Al i-lc d«>. b readiur. adapt, d tu *• I h every loffU and ca| o< it t bv Ito v *“ awikaimuggl* a4iiff.t;,>«ff,aadand .dla- New I -a KKlff ImitaUub Sweet .Mala^n XX'tne. Ky EMkr»idBi«d aad iI " ’I'J’ ’he authorities in imi diti»a> ) y J A ^pcbcer. D. D. One vul. 73 (--aU.ff. . Nights ta a Bar-H.- la, aad XX h:it I Saw TKrfc. T Umw BM4«T4>*dB lareh , San Francisco 'pFN mi4<4 uar frtoad aad fglUw « >ikma(. K v . .''in. H. nlrlrr*I*av.-. Ky ai were jmr- i I Ito Silk Msia. 2ii KKlff pure Cider Vinegar. Morton 4 gki>xx'oldRI'XX'OLD 1 .Arthar. Thi» arw vmpuraa** v.dwmg <“*aw* iw Jw»t al ito Ito •rn E- 3i» bKIff S. E. Knm; lusturaand fur sale by nght Ximg. whffw lb# ffaajcet of rv*tri. us* lawns ocuaiiaf CgUara,t itohgii, Hart liM, saUrority (hat Mrorox. Wing Cs., brokers and billon responsible for 2>U) mat* al2 J monks. 396 Main st. Dictioaary cwoatry. aad wc prodict a larcc *alr for it. t m::7,2r;w7 i... their violation of our n*u- ('a“tia; A lU- wto-lc w X I uf .Aid* to R«m.aisgcaggff TAElETIEa. 1 hill Nw 1 .Nut RcAB.rtiutt, Mw- tatiuas of Maxim*.i. Mgtaptoirs. Fifty Voarv la K^ch llvmi*pHcru«. -r gf the rodemption ageula in thi* city of Uic of •*..,««» fn«u .. •ik*''" bu...b,i a4*t«*ii< ui,uwi, ' Ir.lity laws, th* r*gi*t Honk being, tlist, ilcceiveil hy x| 4 KaighCff family riHiwffeU. <'auti<*ns. Tia>-«at N dt* ^Ik Baadkgyehffgfff: I'ruvurbs. . 1 KM .\u Ol K Smith exua Fluor eunfftautly Xphuri*m-, 4 r . 4 c. (»av(tovvid.«- Awthur.\wtto>r TwoTw<- >h«i«hgff cl tMB• ti» ’ 10 pil’C* dark and pale s%ip'b«(tg aud IVlK-v,ii»ia; Am«riv»M tU>v*ram«at fur Yvarff, frwai l“D) |g laflto hs coutmue to redeem it* lioro .a tu, ! authoriUe*authorities permitted tlie nftgiraffair to drop where B H 111) bblff ( oruliaa Tor; vivikiun- lU ^ uBi Br* “'.I -M LbU laryei.;,. n...Nu. I Mackerel; 3 If d" Very hae Hard TlffM*. a a«w Dighgas. Maay ] ’ * lU bblff i’ltch; fur sole uy *’ I 21) meet With mato «Ato. Uetoog tka iodiga ggaag* ' a-afftoiagaUy Im* hsOsire tlu« el^ an unfortuiiste position ewo-|>KJu.r J.!. 1— i tt**bblff NM 4-du N".N'.., 1 du; 3 d du VicuxCuraac; F'(»r>algby A. UAG.X.M 4 ER(^ one (or sJI - . of<*f his was never before |>*rpeGateil(terpeGateil hy r-*" »| s E. J. ('O. bblff lo-rcr Frercff .“tor MARTIN 4 call lag early lg the drat fftoito. 2U du Nu 2 d >; fur talc Ky 3 d» d"; 4ld Third cisrmasd . iMrait « ;x M — jldmtriuer. <;ivooikt.V I functionaryfuiiclioiiary COIRT. »a foieignforeign in the I'nited Slates,Slates. (ini. part of Mr. Valle, the ‘ 3i and M pipe* fine llrandy; ’R«*4 COF'FEF.-Stobgigg ajbff^ar. Anra«t the act was quite as '•“'-ii S I ND N«« Y«gk GrMoad ( Pmrk Oftralmo».—Oa Fridsy had *' o*, i- / XOl'PKK H lIlsKV^ by I vSm. a IjOuu bhU mess Headffrffi a* dntoi aad atmug la store aud fur »alc 1 a I ffaiigriffr ortKlg, fur salt by Dickwna's Kew Book. ika—' y ImiIv. resiHict, bile he ' XX AFl.At ( (». uwa tx-y iii that w also romiuiUed treason, suwi ii V 130 bblff .Nrlffcb cvUDly. I T«-ar old, E. LITIIGOXV. 4 aerk eoU Ihi* rnerkd, Rtiff’ <4«p al2 J MONKi, 3M Maiai by Chan. 04 Uffwam. m iffaa fur y*aj . TIMER, *a I C. pvircheted. s. w* w 30 Kblff do du, 2 vcors (4d: f MVBTIM 4 CU. I rxRD #Rm for whirhu Ins Governinent will ' uf ito 4( g«i UiO. Ky Pbillf Itovtd r$Vff HganHean l»*^abart bybv wuo uo woi atmi leastleaal deprivea^priXf* B-M-ga .laL.ffide*. rC.i.'.’.'.i ire-lrcwff, emKrwciaa every — — — I I Fort I Haryu'*' Gffffffttffor World. leeni, •• Lmiievai* scemmL An order TbrndurcTbaidurc , v^ ^ 31) bblff du du, 3’ycarffuld; was '• xX to i.iitoirc a»d b< (. I* Titc «. log rttogaaKlt. Ttoffe la I l(•IIT CUtNTKY RMotvad ihu day hy w i |.«act liiiu of his ofhcf. As foT Mr. Diilun.xx'f' 0) bblff B»iirboa do, 2yrar*Md. Ktoerbraad; , HULFUXXT XY.ARE^JR imm aas-rted IMM-WMIWi frov Hof^cililirille, ' ’ take* it casks Curt XX'in«. , . 30 Rbu ky,, for l^JUUJllili w'Tr.^nalff*warrmLt^ InLi'iJ^dT-domd Ll«mmU dieiMdlViBto . * .i . t . ... N«iaar>< nr.*d ba 20 h waat will pleas# .all. (Juick salto aad small pruiu bciagbgiag uar"i Ld il#llg« XVaig i» ffturg. which «g will sell i# ihg iroto u al7 MORTON 4 OMI^WOLD Kblff do d >. a years old: j '' - - - ,3l( du Hur/uady l*'*rt; - . herreU at $14 ar 1cm, hot it t”*'** ** umy fftim i» Jww w«la "'»» ($ m -U-. mwmwauaffwill*•••» bg disapputatod.-•••« Furaalobvcrocw m «WW mm mm ^mmmm •ay«ra>r Thua#^amm ia coi41 not U.i! 6 bblff da d >, y**tt old. orUck. be haa N ll 6 •hliiiiiuk to ' *• ••ye- J»'M "“*(««« «>» i w I Star leacbes or very shortly UWI EX bhU r*>aa*Dc Ry«, Sycorauld; *.«.n j • «ii f sccm|dmg to arectrero, ffff high BOW Off at tin so l Isn't: . — mmr^tA sa4 ••*». rro.eiB« W iB* BM MmbibIm*. waa for- *73771V^^STtT. h. ... .a lee cBid I. .11 ..*—d the L’nited SUtes cau now uwle out to him. ' T pktUtftmctr asii-w fft r kieoi Sl'UAR-CaibbU - ^ , Sink. „ n-n„ bTITir;;;;* ma .:„..uV OEEI.NEn L,.ai,rnulud,sBdl'uird,'rM. .at. •tof# sTOaad far aafo kyby B i .7—.12 Jt D .uw (w *4W I KDf G U MONSARRAT 4 CO. V' ' ^ »'4 A.SfW BICUASA.N 4 CO. .NkusUdiw J. S. KtJgEIi 4 SO.N. ^5 “ 4LE4CI, UTHOOW. 4 CO. A »*l MU.kBUw kOAlNdOA.SOSI.NSOJI, 4 CWC% k , • . ' . 1 ~ ; A — ^ ^. — -. . 1 . . A — l i * - t !,^ a - —u m

BI>1N FX^ CAR DS. MANrFAd’rHR'^. NEW YORK. RAILROADS. .MIS('ELLANEOTX RAILROADS. ^ COPARTNERSHIPS. lU^SINESS ( ARDS. jWr^Vw*!» .4#^*, 119 A«m.<« i>. L. <*» wri mU « A-. IT. rw«i««*^/ # «5».. ] iBoliaii and other lue tiAH> * Hydraulic Fouudery, Pianos.* To Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Boston, and The Last Public Sale of Lots in Copartnership. TII.V*. VA»*. ; Town r. hacv'' r llAiBMii WBt^vtvwM*. .V. J»»i. Aw«toN. lOBv »ABa IV-^ Surtkemtt rttmtr nf mtnf t’tvifd BMIHl ltr«BA«a3. \rM York. "“••r«i»n<-i i>n>. Now York. West Hickman, FultonPulton 'P'15 im. da. « mnd a iH,,nirt>mlui> lor «r tW W«1 mi»4 Bi«»t viAcIt eirc«Ut«d pl'KI I^HFKmiK Vl’SH ^ county, Ky., r«- r * BCCBte l,oit»riu.».l.oit»riu.». Kt. M) !>FM.KK^. WHm|.|.-\|.( I 'Wni-cA. ct? iN'rtsli, l*Mit.>A ^MB «*A Ue ('bbaAm. Mill I aad rKail. in I'laoo*. Mel -rleons. airJ al» IB Utt HK BnA^YViABeA art b««w makiaf s<«aa Md Mu»ie. anH a't nt^ f >r ' Prom Cincinnati | ~ pl.at« •< l.vaebharA, Va. MackiBcrr frvBB new pattern* irM Bfia tin Bin~wb»«r |>iaii I Ii| business DIRECTORY. »tyU. bIba. tokacm. IbtA. timWr.r. B»dand ar* •naider* d «iiu ri* r Hickman, and the koilERTbikitri»*r nrt Toil At to W 1 .\ I Pit T 1 K »: KS, T«>» II Y CITY UCl.L. ITulV~li. IB e I rHiBBO. 4 Wa*:.iactM ct*. * i*' all oth«r*. <;rwat ••‘'•J' Ijr H u «fr>f »Bri-B#tari' B# vise*«is« and k»nraius tu \< V< t*ian«« LINE | man, l „, . ^ Ina RbiIibf. FuTBiBfBJiA I.iftiBf w rk and M^.bd* ONLY STEAMBOAT .h.gld B •till oRi indacementrA tdi WM miHAN'AN T.. ila*>l.. IB >*.* ^ ^ «^%4 tke kBBt bbA * hand IMaorw and Mt I r cspiUli»to tucast rhe«diaaicter.SK'kvt -Ai mf Maeir supplied, I KilW I I T(l III IIM.II iheirlMswltn iia «HCIC it wt. la kiB4*.cBBtirBi>errwr»|««*r>« S*"^^**^***^^***^-*" wbolcftale nr r»« I r.\ U.IMl A^Wi (nui*. Ac., Jllw V!If I [•*» I Parrkast Tobticro, rrUmkU ib ike!w Hty .4 New 1 ark. je tail, the and invsiit tbeir cab capital in pnpertr that 'TRi.THER, for the of Ltaf T Itnakukin - - •• at loa«^tlout^t • Mt aad^ FlaamP, Piiw,, ,fr>>M jS /iacbM h- l'» iachwsj stutu diBBM^r.diaBM'tcr,diaBMrtcr, Rail- rate#ratt # Rerr^ A <;•tt< id >n.>ii. *ocre»»»rs*ocre»»>>rs m Ics* tlmn tw f t*iB. Hewitt. Xortna. r«.. B MBiB j to T V A Si\l> .Vllle-, I.e»s l.ake Traiel year* it*< t b ill quadraple If, 1 Kb. Inn* »K e rri . m; wt 1 T in ar Wk««4« aad Axle* and «>ther Railroad i a*ua|t#. They B« 2 Brm.Uav. Pian..s ti> M. bav«euuiludvd make jn>4h- Martin. Owen. l‘‘jhb, Soennd itrget. Wtnoon Mom And WA*.r. r>ad( , Mes*rs. A ‘I'bHH b.t Ike Old ^aiidaak.v ItuNie o1f«r of l.ots at uhlic anction TB oilAb, OMtfv BBd sAiBU. |•BteDt I*. -r | ' («MAMBI« Mir Dry Goods a^alMikeBdeare al>#v# and FrrarhFrearh'ss’ intent H., 0-. A < ».’s .E»liaii l*ian«shaTrtb* llasKertt. | latest impi Mc*«ni. Bel! A # »iiS-i3 d«m LOUISVILLE. I « WirT*. I i* KY. Bee. r-.i^c. • ilhi i/t'tiittion on SukI /iri/'t. 1 U in cdL- K»#aT auythiap-f the advant tee# I Hi. IM INN.kTI. riU.rSBI .4ND ||.ml..»^D |»4.«*rv. MeNAMEC, A ttt., I»p.wte« nf A»#rieaaieBB BBdaad HahHab M 'rtieiBc MBehiBeMaehiae war.-Bwar.-a andaad eamay#eBirta^ Biaket*' no kman. ' Me4«r« K.A J. lin. hanan. . a*the« SIS thruithi.nt th<- jadpest** be ••De«>f••nenf the ' kn«.BU . uuti/t» h. •nprrior n< MAlLM'ttlt. lAFIX. RoSINswiK.ft cai.. Vie-ikwBle iJcwKisto. Mark-a I# r.wMm silk aad Faaey Caad*. llgaad 114 brwdwsy.way. wkiehtihieb ba#ka# buenh«eti pcvB«*w»e**dpfiw«*w»e.-d hyby w>M|>» a ..x.-r' »l» lU. J> rr bK . wsrti la •»:, I. I---- ft F /vtwwrv . H TT Li .1 — r. [ ~ ~ Certain at Buffalo 'pilE R-ut. ttBiV-iiM* — Connection j ' l^tTTKM.T t n, lia^wtec* Biber E«* - A _ - - . U Frracb aad cash _ — di«taaoedi«taaor. wwithitheati*laet* \ I \ ift I I>RANMS A >i MMkK> Otwv aad i^waaskssi^* il*T- • 0.<4a. Va. Rr>*d auwK our^xcsl Instrument I tiuv, be t'.o ^rand termiidiu "I Ibi Copartnership Notice. iweriTerereire atteatiuB.^atteatju#. Sd^nufsctoiy { ' iwusnptpBumpt I M-4e«.ret.. mfora ptireha#afB of Piaa. * Ini .. .Ill-xnv. \r« V.rk. ...i Ifc-l w Bffck., I iril.i; MIAMI K.MI.K'iMI. fnMu Ri eV frhr _TEV1^AI^A B_^RBARorx. RUN A RKlM'kKKlIorF. rharl-s:.iti ^n-i Ns' lunuh t>» the W^f*- nadcrsi/ned, hav« thi* -Ur f rmed ae«.part»er«KiB Si-i: *.rltn«- ^ _ AMF.S OWEN, 1.1 Hrad strwet. I»p.wter *f Dr**# Trial- .sV.i»H|/«>.r/ I r.ll« Srw" VB»k. Smw. M. ntr--l — I MsarrAi'Ti'KiKH A'cn B'M'ii last link Ml th# .'Mai chaiu h«in« the Ohder the sti le >.f « Rt'T« II FK A t I RD f.rib#Mr-t K< vt.r nc 1 1 r.K- i*c AM.Ki»tM —- “ ‘ '•*“ “““ ’ sad bar* n->B Bf-en the Ura'^t P*aa'. sake-n — ' esiern of transartins « ’ kIKfsIt'Yld %M» 1>»:\1 \|. INBTIU m:\TW. road, which terminal. » at Hick- 1"^ a M li<»l.k>ALE II AK1»W tRE aad I T ^ IP.Slil.'iiVViJ' Tobacco Screws, Ac.&c. .vTF\MI« ( A • ASButed either la k-urepr i*r \mert. a,sa.i MU MF\MlH»\T INNATI 1 M d K.X1RK.S.< Tlt.\i'\ I.EAVI> IM l-LRl bnone**. *i'M It * *J rdMM*e«, R'f nmM-d th« k of If. >hieM« * ll^E aea aaaafsetarinc Tobaeco Screws aad rresse#, a)a«> more 'haB *B I' e as larxu »« any la ik« I aitr>i I XS* Maia r an t . M • lanre. • | A i '‘Utotry arpet#. A 7 . icr> a> I N 411. |.|»*it« *w METAU.lt >VRIM;r.<. N FIVE tTTI.ERV, u d eniKradVs ths ui"'*t fertile and U QiMVilla lintel. Main street, aad Bill I Ata'«*.Bta'e-. Tiaher. and Mill >erew*. all «if which we are pre- D ,.»Tr\\i( < Tin*Till* r.«..mr>wi will oe kept with If l.ard. IVa*e. nmmandvr. 1 aUed Flaaoe fn-m the H...t y •«*aet.*VRn»«o CTFtMKK rursi FNT t ITV. U. T. B ealt .n# *•£ V\ C'l Kentucky 'o ee. tb« hnnine**ham in tb« Saak *< #*ee, I Kt ll, Ertrcka >kaBis. M»Iia d« Laiar», Baref»#. Ac.. «P Hr Uo* aad on«>a rea#«asblerea#uasble tern#.tenaa. l-ave* I tl.e e«.ttnir.. and tbe e»i. n* f >i'. I aa A4 William railway and d"ck wiuiauv ho* Ih en onraiiii.-dd Bi'hfnnds - tfuH sulirit th« patr»i>Affe ..f the en*t«*m"r# ^f tha VKaM. rirblN.Ato. lw«i.r.ia.^««d..Aync«ltara. la- •!«*<. TEVTEVI?^A H.lRItH.fRlt\KorX.IKOl'X. Rain. \ 12 OtH.D >TKEF.T. *i'rF*u e^Me n* tu Sell W|ow all e«>apcmu.a ‘ t.. an >TKlMFk i^l U F>T. II h McUtide ; 1 *® aad at Ib* >>aa«. tinN> .V LF.N OF*THF. .oBinianil 1 sad as at •. »id n >1 T. - - - V W Uriurkrrh..» M.id. n I An. en>'U”h iu.-ur.. the rni»pt<*tii u of»f that nier-nter- many other* a* nivy h« dUp ** d to fat tir u« with -Iirh \ K W A R k A N G E E fAHWepH Ae.Tbtrdsa.. bet Mar a aad Water. a. / n..r «. and >at- r-na?e. la p »av prire, tranaht with many adT4iiie|r« > i ibc pic- r. .\d a« «e at** determined t«* eell ajvin a- fA%**r »ble *lldly \rw f«irk ^natry. «>t,r Fr-t s-1 I ttbtn;n« F inriM at < BVi«»ek AM. J- k b#ri. l4ia> c;»«nd*. Kibbws. Eiubr-iAr *#. H-oie- teSSt Xron XvSlling. urdat*.urda\i>. opening stuck ..a*.*t- of I7.T nrw Runew -Ki E-'*' t— iytN|.t>l«'T D. Orurew^ awB i«saais»n« M< nlaai, A12 Mik#, n tlirHv tBu impr«A«ni. nt.» (lU. r«i|ru4d atol marine raiiwat »nd Fiabu*. aid i,1)ir,.iiv' f-.n. w. aak;at tf;r.c« and ~xct«*t*« mslmad w»nweuaiaw to t'lwaline ry . i.lor#*. *4Mwk. *^aMll M are*. Ac ly ll^F hare a lar^ asa>riaeBt uf vary hands<>me Railiaypat- fr iin t. A Ma*aaire«t. rhvrland dot'ki th-- m.iny other uiin -r inipr. Banking-Houses of J. T. ulliml-landinw; with pra*l aad ivorv ke»*. %: Pt»u» -rr I »a *« tcras saitaW f.tti*ville. T .T" ZIT'm « « ^ :»• II iekiiian d r* i nd uceme.it « to.tpit.ili**# aU'llcisine#* men June 24. IV.t-JZt *• tf RI.D^ Ja> « Ufel^rawwp. i At A^M* .,i th-rso. UaA*lo. AiKaay. Nxw V-rk. Aaau. of Dress Tri mm ngs , wkiek ..| SFM >OKK: Sis.urnI V-w \ aad Importers Ladies' W- caU tWattentkia tb-*e waat Raihayf.w ant • la • -I f alui.e>t eterr npti -U Iipt e l Li' the *'**** rtiiladri|4iia.N..,rtiitaa«d|*ia. acrac fthfO. street.>cr..e<. iuabd > auv | >.u ^*^** r -ed. I ha# PIIII.Mlf l.rillA. the Kssi,., lo. I.. Cnii. lMr Kni.i.rJ all r.nn l »lik.. nt A%T RK»»^., I-* J**ka street — Hertia M ibr ak.re aaaard |•arp•«rs. Wear# pn pared tu |mt it up at ) Mi W s.. -•-/ 44, at Ctfre*# at a*ri-w k. \. M . ' MOI NT PLFAS.f NT, 1 The >tri -Htn, f Tjike saK 7M RENTT V. smN.A Su iMKak aad t>aiai^- !k*. Ela-ti. Rr»»d#, t« 4d aad Mlctr friafa. Otaife, sb>wt a<4ier aad «a the a«st reas»aable tera# Orders fnNNFI.|>VI|,|.K. ypa. tier lH*in'*'*‘’'* Crutcher & Curd ,,4S,. f. II 1** miles lee# Use crBVel «baa by aav . wiriia^ I ~t diiMaace, ith |ir>>apt i *'"'** • H a M I rrhaait Maia 1. i». i.ait-as. star*. I.aw#. Ae b sati#fart«>r« ref,reaee». will reeeive at- »" ' *“* I V* i. (Kerr*.*..- II. lev > FremBto .'Uamet*— IMOMOMN. I YorkI ork 7u B. -Hirin, (V,.'. att 4 ».i w.th Tb- aacniicrat L*w tintr4l.t.c t'h-TeUnd, t «.lui;il*U'. and t mrinnati. and * 'MITII * M\I»- i RbHAkUtW «t..4wakaa4 Ktiail .Li'iVJi*'"*"•"> Udm. karlet > KKOWN>Vl|.|.E. J Little U IU(I.K>.VI.E 7-.', F..nrU. -• inr, it I un«-r «• MiamiMi: K4]lr>ade, !• -'nncih. s|*vd l>l:\I.F.K> IN' . I Fspf. Me|Kn-i m.hiB^.j^M.4 j r>jt?id IIIKDWAKF. ..ftl. r.nt.Fiftk- TaM.U. Uat- * with motv Ml EL\ or TIIK WM Hl> Wi r wrth aad Il I>tv>m4< l.«k TnBBia,,. l'nuM.Ui*|.. I Depnsits Imai tuiat* : Israfts b»nrht. «nH. ri-eciTcH mad and aiirivsM uUer/, Bla-'k-uitk. u.1 Fa,c . S* Silver T...U. I'l.aei ; t'lU.-* fc.S r 4 ITV - «ar;.FeB*- I.*,.!... , < fc.. SI J*» b Icwlloted. N-1|:\. U.i AKIIAt'. I|«T^.T• «« Uw- N'‘td>. and ••ihcr Secnritn* on n »hai•hat *kill.*kii; B» JI,-., Piire iEN < a-, any other route. M HUl:i’t.K A b»„ ... kmad lr.« F. rr. And l‘:.iUdelphi.i. i>ii eor rEH. heap _ t'«'iTe*fii»nd« n e and I llcti ti* s In ited. f2t>dly ieif..t,iperL.t A.‘\ wIh n fumishtd wi'hAmm.an Cold r d *t. I ' .i-hMi: tl Aks,-iks. M*b*. U«M»cnc«,n*is*enc*, Rcsc .Ni*.,>4*. .41 -onth.lJr ill. ’ • I -r-.”- t t. u I. HtdnF>. iu-i..£. I. M - . s.-.sixh « HI> man aad Hridfb«kaaa BeHr «dwd n Il.ifi l*an|o ..f•! tbrthe a «t-ct a|fth f r ei#tem#cistern# .iiTlKr .1 Riifl \ A Rl HP, B«4aelkrr>. eh*- n I'liil * !.-l|-’,i i. Silv. t »n* r-inh Mati#a#««. A< . F >artb^ lb k r will “t ull d< n >nmiati< n>. i l.mh* SI, I r i . t-i-n with tW A»ri> >.( -r_in- Ea rkawc i*lae« aad well* <*f any drptk warrant ••nr INimp# td» perform Mliao.i is the -nil La'tern D p>t a< Dissolution. h—ra. u»akmff —ttmn n. H n.-ar Marbst. We sum# of u-’t h *# tihAU $Ii* lach. at th. f.>I!>ia lu. rktv Bell, and will rcfundtbe auaeyil Ibet fall fyfiTe *ati#faetiiAii. le.uU U-ar HI tuind ilial thi> ii* tie blTfR 1» mFi j”EK ImrT^ German aad $!•» It .Si 2'.. *21 TEVI< A ll\KH\Kt»l X REMOVAL. I f'UveUiol t-. Ilufiri*.*. .'mI to make l> l.fvti l>LI\KU k. Tii-TnN in ihg M.rrhn.t I V- Drt oid. -lik*. -tiar. Vrl%rU. Meriaur*. MiawU, *2Ad Tvk.rinB * l.u.iuf.- thr . U-ir Ti<*k>-ts via < •luni' u* and lev in ii.r .t l.iiu..Tt!l-. L»» t.nmnnt.J. Th. VtoA4eBF,A ,N XT'. Br ad Street. ^ V sU ly Wi- _ le-nM tt.-- • tll h,r-nlt.r h. r, — Removal. {q mind that thi* i* the njn. ir.l kjr runs. M. tll.lVER. win. - t ii.. n Ill— <««,<.eireet. impnwvarB oi i«ca* ( .'ll •. nl in Ti-trJ nith IbII IfCTMasaat B^ h Hu «A.. hum tvieUnd t-- Riiflalo.». .iN th:»t Lake Lr nr w, r t.. r, l|r. t ni..| pay iiBt.t> dnt hi t O. hair 4 ND W RUfHANAN A r» iji“V.*d frt-m the store •' — 0*‘u4s. and Manatactarers .dul ^Llrt•. tht* i*' it nii'l (r-iui th" l.lv tiriii. . — — - ( . u.»-.Uemoa • IFaraiekiai!««A.„o.-d.,«d than U* TUO>. M.ul.lVF.n |>t>TARDb a inwi^ui, 44^—.>A N- &V Main street t*. tlieir n. w stand, tiu* .V f>.imerlv > at I w'et.in* *f-rrliaa‘ M •• k» Ac t t*i dek uti. u* n >a T. E TIITDN. m 'A.m 'i>reei an-t rac.ii»i. rMlruM m 1 do d' d>j Rcralia; Wareh"U*e," in tire r I “Farmer*' Tobacco arof the Halt H\.n#e. « at Sandti«ky. I Order* Ivft with Pitr.'.vr;' at i Icvviand to Itonkirfi. New V> sk. an.! tomm: at t do R tal.frcb iMld'ina*: of **econd and Washinirton «tn*eti Hr-r*. R»t. lire k In-l.,. S -i. — «r- teener Bhere tU*y nil] M.-al* and >l Ml TI'.M. tUN-ENT l)| K I' \ RT.N t*s L* U •tatc-r“*.tr ER- HU- in Iht I IlnRa*** N infirm Fat AP'snr Nv» A rk. IKmen#. A«' X lloi*KlN*^. Wb-dia j i* Maamfactarers Thlrd-trBrtWwr.B Mainaad SA.».i. oral Baal im ta tjm’easBar- . #1 larnisliiai^ aad «*f Mwt k#, '“birt*. do 4o 4- K.mDb; their f'l* ts, .hot.' will 2 pleasrd to See all “Id nd* and cu t.'iucm t^auivr* . Mill I ^ and as f , > rianin,( and umler Itnsiu.*# is hereby * M nla a.. be|.m many this r.-utv. IllnlS I’atriit Sli-ani Itoiler and I'liniare, r 4:s-,^.|Tt.d BMM-i artth pro|d .tlratiun. 1 to 4mlv ^'tMe londi'ts pae#eB*ipT« in t levetond. Tnipd -. Sl'l arpea *trre< do Diploma#; , T«-. 4 2 2 M M i . ELY. Tbe r<Veinetit ..f the are. the 2 do d< do Reyalia. ^PH « her. hy one-half | »*-•« lO-EFII l-tiTTFR. ' ^^^^'AU.A RKo. Oriwwj A^i «• W II.I.I < 1 o . a^ iTiMisMoa Me^haais STRALHFJM llr.«dBay. lmi* 4^ers uf Lace. Fdidi *1 turl i-an U- -4- « d vMihout :.o- \M HARNETT, leTwUn Ih'Bk rk. oe*4 Ha&b- are )«|.f with to«vt T ir*K. I ^ 497 Maia street. Cincinnati t. Ruff.ih. tH' i.ldiii.ital ev|.eM»v in c.n- i ' aiw«. Sira of the Utddoa Hand. Removal. I JllII.N ^a t,w4e. Eml^'iderm*, I .N. RKELIlF.N. Mtiliatwy and fritnaiia^. n)o«ie| ‘ Fr-mrineinniti '/»*'-tru'tioii— a ofnlinh ear* 1k- iKen at M- -*r* I «; RLWf'IMRD t • N, * York, rall^•ad fr».in RulTalo 11 Snarer A THE LiTTLK MFAMI IN THI uNLY E.A TERN DRPOT I«I2 '|t|IE andersira'd her# to inform his friend* 11 , Till,-, M#r--h ?4. 1--.V4. I. umber! I. : and custom* umber! Door-.! Ka-.li rt M.ainl*.-'t 1! .iu< I ^ Fr in.-iuttati t„ %*,.* .'*• liiB*. n'i, ih-r ln-pe.-i.ir», -i. M at’-r .D-.t, lip- 4 MAU-, Wbide^e li^Ge^s ^t Ml ' HARM. FK«*Llt II. s Hoi THAl ^EN. Na. 92aad via Hnd-n nversi. aim rs.l'i -AT INi INN ATI. that be ha# removed lr> m hi* late stand t ( 1 N*. It* Third street i J N - I IlM.nrs t 43. Hatam. li’^HITE IH < K ruAT?* MW >TYI.F; I fotn 1 .boiiinjti to Ih tB. en F> Urib and I itUi. \ll per-oii* lritrr.-.te.l in the u-e .f Wt.ti ,1;., .„T T »,....an..„,i ^ l.ttwrtv Mrwt. Ini^wten >4 Frea k. •‘Bia* aad Ormaa f..ur-*t.wy kuildtnr i)*e -t n U .kssiil s 'TV *ire rr>.e**T y..ur tiek-*!# u. hiB new »n ea«t side ..f WINC I.ITEIl niTII | IS - X# awl eiai'-dnmtoM check, kr-wn l.iaeni 'St# Fifth street. st. >». r ar- reijU' -i. -1 u. e,»U *. the I.I MRER ,-I l..,ai- li. — . I 4* Hud. and am an.l e it. For | art N.t.n,; I Vri e*a, f e*tiac». At p her par i a Ml ^Ibs Ribkw*. >axia*, >cr e*. A* . w-lea* t«>-d>s>rs 4 UKHli rrhsati~iilf betBe.n Main aad Water. fn>m Main, alierv k X* l K-JnV TirkFTS. ItB.inr.s an* ManarnTtBrinB of l-Bmi.r, i RB'*Hntfn«v*.te.«kW tr* m mrinnati to OWnkira and Bnf- H t’uat# Sacki; In* ha* . 1- i lifLu. t l n Mr r TIIFlt- M'hite and check Sea-fra* aid „ ticiiiar>. a-ldr. Uird A ul.an a, Al i a 12 j.lm* ( •tr— ever* 4cscn|.(iia Ir.-rat . t a-Bi Maia. al( ly •a hand a larrc •t.i'k of Forviyn and li..nM *tie iocinnati t • V la aia Fall* and kai «* IMiKE VEN Mt.EKIInl A N.lrk-i, J 4»1,. e>*berke |.il«Tte stce.-*. aad <*iraer <4 Mrtprd. Asared. and cheeked Maraeille#. tine. tUirattin- . ki V JAML". ledaak-I mbI D«mWIh’^ic la FnauiapMui^l'aaecI'Bfec. A |I oal^ l.ami -aii.l 4 «ial >1 i iie t geiicy PluniHf Mdl (Ijii'isvime) .V ti.-n. uarantving Usell as h>B as may ln.«#r — j .Wm» Thr ; I tM* r'lto "^Itoiv • I I f the W< *t WII.I.I.kM — l^p nmi Lake Rnilr-uid vt WveUn WaM « r,. Imj^rs .4 LAI t\ t M RKO| DtKI E-, M biic. buf. aad cheeked Marseilles Vest*, hoe; m OR AS ( HFU' ANY OTHFR KtiriE CIRNETT. < , s runne. tion b it Ic uiv ,etieral ll-okepaF,. h.i-m.-M. ' 'I..K'.A do. dw, A. ZWiVE. I b ill at- mJ7 JlillN N. BKEEItEN. ar. the -nnsr rnn.iaow l»u. do. do d- Linen , F-rThrou/h Ti. kets ii.d t t purt ha-' -al.-. « t. : I ifth itrret. all inforri ition ileaw ai i ly at th.- Ii tend i- he an.i lea»in.i*ot 04] l.an 1- I' “ * . * 4.;^ « m 12 between Main and k-r rnR«»l OH TI4 KRTd. nwd f-r a'*cm*t#an. I ” Mark >kele^ *n Mlk Ve«te and Water. ..ld-*takL-h nD 1 «baw<. ft all at d H n.ral Rj,l.-..ad tirt-.e. inl.r;:.- v.Ih.B three- Mine-.Mil Hare made mr-elf familiar Biih tlie r al intrr---ts in Hvn*e »t the 4i«e. snpe rior R. ady-made npHv oM —tnblGlid '.enemi Rails* od . ^ Clotiuers.Clotixiers G« ntjemefi in saarcb **f ele.*ant and I •*“•7 !*"**«*»*»«. • .- of . * de-ir Ib • '•Utheaei rii. r Rr adn^v .|il st*. tl.«tl.o Imm e' Obi I’artj u- ..f him-iii »heir t . •1V.-.1 '-s f'^r io=-ls *r .*f. if. -, and Fi I -.nd- »»wjUs. . sn-licj. 1 F--t .ryU.iUins * I 1 HkEI 4 1-FREDI.FRED MI'VRoEMI VRoE lit,i AwiiAA-r t'hdbiay(*h4biny are respectfully iantc4invited to rail aad rxaniinr Removal. a ikUntoyWWB n?V s«i <.w«er -t lArt>a iw *v Ht.UII MIVRoE Aa eatra«trreatra«i i 1 A*'* Dealeev a i arwets, Dr« i «o,o . retAil H-dkiarH-dkiaf cdAb-Mtab- Saan*er dlre.ilv ..||..,ite c-in*eni. Kith>r the n.-.-. partn.'r i» tuf-r rs. I ^j-oc r H Kailrrad Hotel and mt 1 mutual antle.riied h. u-ee th mtbBf* Ih- -a-h. V-'.eii.»a »K'i rr-4H.tr*«tN dlrwetlv •., |..eiW 1 iiaUaeat, >ale at 'HE undersirned. mannfactnrers --f al liliad-. M tk Byrmer H l-e R.,1 "^ FarfAri.be* HsHiet aad J#R> ra,« -f-% 441 liradamy S-N-- deAtaU.m #r-mfr-m marked ! my a**«.rtarat. For ?«ry low ('andr and wh.>lesalr viaii-|{..st Landing, of tin- tirtn lu the nettlenn nt .>f Mt.t4iHk. ' -r a: the Ea-t.-rn i f IttK- Miami > Kailr ad Lai naui'- debt*. >.aa>t Fram.# f-r |v.«*rs « e..«.i il'.t* 1. sn-l Mailton* j dealers IB F reicn I'loit*. .Vuts Win.*. «« Wiad- w- Landing, >.r nt tW t.Mt*rn Ltt te 1 >ardine* t'irar* t. L:i»r I htrd |tT|U*#»N #• Pont ^tre. t r- ns ind will pb oee call the • Hav« l.*.a«l thr A .Ueake la M-is. >taUtia»rV.Ae7Third . ili. .VII I- at ffl«e -f It.I. IIIf a Ur|«*t A#s--rtui ut Fine M.*mO i.t rr mt s:r««t i - 1 umtor j t>' . have reW'.vcd''xl tU'irir..t.Mi,lnu.estaMishiuent it I *', «t . ne n- ..f.>f tl.-tl*e i.r„inrce ' *'‘•“1*"* llrpv.l >udand WM II. t LFMFVT'5. Mi'H.rini.nd-iit. ji hiscouotiu ' H•rn-b^,. ru«r<>t Fifth and Main #tivT SEi KIVEll B» EXI’KF^ *|debdld hve>*t.>ryhve-*t..ry huildin?*huildinc* Slttute*!situateti HMif M w-esahaa K W Ii 4 I.1MKNT. .S«f t. . . I Daguerreotypes idebdid “U.-u _ , _ _ I Main strict three *' = * *|... M’ .sTli I -uiiJ. . II. W f have ribte.1 lu • ' IKld I.II ..., . MiEK. ItKnWV, ubii f.r tbr ...... >rM. r "t Tirk't and Oiieral .Njretit. W ( biJG * . Sra » Tl- V t |<.iMM\oA|<.»M lnd.p< d-T»l.-.r» Wlwtljec.rw'-rofwi. w tile c of >rv.-rv . Uth,uth. b k.)|. re tliey i 4 .f f fM. t'-st P W nan. nnd *.rncr»l A sent. M\i#A MktMKt'....raafoutfoafeaMua ta .A* .. aca#r JcR. r».N. 1 Ne^aosts I • *-'BM;«baeat thr I a;t«d Mate* and uH. 1 m 1.4-tiisvine, F'-b. 14, l<»4—.Itf tiM \ n.uybt t. thi* citv. be* a* may U pleas* d t- . ..ine Wc I J. IIRFFIIF.N TIIC VIBI < |;'R*^klM. ii.tendkeepinao.n.iantU e*.mcrr. ol Br't.idn U\C aTi. Mb^esa I Wi'l enll f'lr Tm-orng. r* r«rt Engravers. •n hand everythin? coinpn#.. 75 aad 77 Vassal market pri.e*. or as ch«ap as anv ST .'Art it MrrndBat ant ith.r leu*.- 10 the We-t ' Itiatajl n»-nt tUc Snu ..f 'TRiiTllEB k KF.NNEHV T. GKIFtMH I , -**1, iirerily ..n nvrrbnnk. L'^IELDLK I l'nrchas.*ra Bill I>V M ,f V., I A JACK, Or>wert • etrsK Thi* I* thr lar; e#t aad W • MaUisluacat ja the I’ai d-. Bell t*. sive u* a ... c i >IHFS— >*ii 1 ...... llbuii^ -Ivxl. J HU. * i. li.tt- ,1k . I.DFH^ AMI \ew Kuan--dy t ; .-.4 Maitiotfwet M4«H |,uix>hasmf; i lse^ ami ICailroatl XNT'ixa. J. Iior*x*’€», I y till. <1*. 4i. anti.<'rt*.4 t.< *.-tt -.r J. B. r ted -tauw .1 I, l x. Bowtl.l. C«ndMi«r ^ :-k> tiUer* pMi r%ek# f>ork-ltua#r FHm M IMF OHIM RIVLK Ml I.VKF MKHitiA.N >11 tin: Illjir- -1 tlw laU Era.. K.r.'THoTHEK. II. < u- -tr- V. U. alelr ' . _ BSt.weandf |j>l2t FIEIDERA^' Removal. lain |S\ ll.lai;. Kb. — _ I snftii-i *h a» ai •• ,S. will •utii-u- tie- Wh)-teft.ttc reiyB K,%;d L'LtlAUEYa 'Mikin'!' t KFNVFDY f an«l ; RftN.NbfT. TIII II Land.baud, r*l#n.rsign. d. 4lw >f i*alvau:iiuA «lvne in h te st msnaer and ~-^C\ Importer«antr>tbirA - 5‘fih r Maia IS. •o r- a—naM. term-. *n llARliWAMT I I T1 jyltdlv Hulhll »U.*fl#. a frw d b- *w Mam. I a . Itall^r^aa. a>nklaM IHrrrI • Irntn-l o, Jiily iVa,,. n*d> , Fifth and aaaantoa •, .Mr l-7N'I“I-Is•rh"V'Ld^•;^^•^vIli'lhs^it. H«ary .V. Dutnesnil K t A tv l»r tr;.ll ( ' u»n M « M., ^ II n«de* J^a p..-i« .-iVutir .*.** •! j r.-.,..tfBl|y,n|..notl«..rr«.i„m,r..nd •* LITTLE MIAMI Mvdri^iby. «r water I'urr. IW f’riacipfe# #nd M.4es of MV L . 1 . i. 1 RAILKOAD. A CertBiU Remedy. tla*•** trad,if*d. iiin Eei -r.l17^1 th«r 'i?’**.'?' L\l*Kt'->TKA|N< bsre X>. IBxxjsmsioI’ss Murdock, Bell, ici that Nra AHanv at 4 ''rlock . & Co., ^ . , tluv l*ave fe. A M M :aI : by l»r Ne^w " vsHMt . WiKdewale Trestarnt. At" oruerrv t.w t -. a*4 lu tbe Ma-raar iTved.vedt the Uffest'.TvUrre *t TCriAffl . t r 4.r*i-nea tie st 1'. M.xicaaiicanMn-raarl ii.iaeBtjnRh.wmati«m Hra m MainMai.i sir-.li . t. . - 1. I J2 :2 I' M.. Lafa etie ai I* I Man- rner ..f s*N.oth M.. and h rm:M simu.mj Mimi.iMitPFs. fiu. VtavEic -Tnrr. ; asbic-. 7ti«' ^n. A k B lan-l Block. Mata St 1. -fffBtix * uf#.!Me-. ^nn * dti.-- t|v Bnd’*lsri:c tma • Ur« ass..H^entaw.” b 1st.; r ', NEik* FTFk I r a' aa-i egpfn w^ siv n--w aubled to fur- is I.uwtow W» . II.HH. « tile party tons trair;*! | -n.-rnt in 1-t m*i. Eiih-r autbnx.d sternal caipisiwa of ara ur animal*. t;,W ' ‘'fAf all anudrt»*^*vde# in ..nrliiie,c.nslstinf..nr Hue, c..nsl#tinf iksrt n Mulligan 1 .-ntral 1 ^L*'***’ T/*# ,*.*1. » a# i-E. tnnrt be iir in jkort nf »a #pl.#*,1,.,.n.lid a*- Kailrond. run in dir- i-t --nn.ctiun Dr. \ ni'h th. Mr unrival* . c.arfc of I,cct«pe# by d Yretrs inuuauuties at a-h >rt notic> . % Hydropathy, a tlie tb.- ib-dinc the biumcdd. h M a. E. % ' rirnat. r aad |WBprtci.>r, AiM UivadBay. New *.rtment••rtment ..f l*..«ketl^.«•ket and TaM#Table t'uthrv,t'utltrv, with tlie train- on till# n *d. f-.r t hi. namt f firm in EP S. -a for. icn and d.doni.etir .r- and tin W .--t and •• i.e ::r.'*'-h.a-i. H A. Dumesnil Sc Co., Huapbt..« 5 O, M. VAIL, ' • H»rdB..re,llsrdB..re, Rnild.Rn.|d. No,thw.u.t. TErr* • aur’< ,, • • v rx r*r#* T.-N.sinrIeT.--I*, sinrle sm(•«.( d>hti»d. » kifl al-4. 1 .r Detroit. Nia.ara Falls. Uuftal-. All l.aUj frataa ,a PlttwEara CmGot:- Kif.T ..»! anv 1 IjwwUsIIIm. , lBlr4Brtiool..th»W.lCTlBrw, will.F,r.tlrinctl>Ir,byI>r. UtMFB. olirH\.r.l»MFMMI SDiN AND F'tKW VKDINt. M .i .t Ac. . n . e>.r.iml mak-mak-*.s, als-ii*.. .a fine a*.#, Kiti Leave M I- h ran 1 it v a' 7 A M.. after th* MFRl H VNT9. v irAn^i.trtm -ut'•* of J anev ' Ihrtbe • f ..a. a,n. a f>ra«rr».ticaltical work, lyl >odJlery ILirdnar-' and t -.it h >i. RI'KO. M.dwiferrll.dwifrrT aadAad Disca#aDi»a»»ai W y Arrival f Titmrou El'.-I . W FI^.-I SBoRNNifiRN 1a toro Itnhahrnnndlapctcrsand WhwhdmirJaalc the Mtrhi.an r- ntral Trains front 1 hn.i.tisnil In- Copartnership. No. 2 Clinrch lliiildiu.', U ilnwt -’ret-*, i r.IRE UuaW la Gsrn.aa.Gsnt.aa. Frmek.Frenek. aad luj»aa Jfaneal fastmlastm Dcultl*cu|. r*and thetbe trade in yen. |^.H Leav. Latsyeti- at RF.DCCED. H ral we rr- l!-4.'».\. M . . Gr- . astle O. V' I . n* aw a*, v>w, ti sprctfnllystkectfallr n< at 20 *^,J'***T. ..a j., u.a sj.a »•«»...- n.. if*a»*_ ii i im 1 2 F have this div aM.«iat< d withB* lu btuincM M. Al w..# r II invite • by Mr- | ( W^’E in. inmnlinnli te F.»-y. incinnati, Olu-i. ! PFilMciphinPFilndciphin t:,.pu vv Cl.- a tail M and arrive _ nil an^.’^u-iay*. 2 HaiAca Iwaae. >aa ?4 ly and < xamine st.M>h and pric*-. , New Albany at lu 15 I m ! V. M. • finu will b< i'outinmd ttud' rtle* 4ame nanh-and #cvl«,'ia xli-i r* Notice. . kti . W*e hav.‘ a full supi-lv of 1 W t lUJtir^ . Aarmaars, dr-.paihy,tliclnvsltd •<;nidr ll.allb, b> baVisN.w MbanyaiUA M . ba.in> .. w nn''''tt- -Iw-wlirr to New A rk. Furs, Hats. |»rinciplc* .»f • a via Ac. Mam street, it. rii. •t0.[•j ln.' at l*aleiil lliiii- I’ickerN.If K C I’N. I !’ rof Scv\nih. |lh.--.l.ll...i.,n,:all #iati .ni; arn»..»i...,.,rtarrive- at 1. ->-(>, i.-tii- . F'b. 1. inm- «i rt .';T-^Ia' 7 I*. M ;i,uher*r.' I n I W E rl wilhdr-w lr ns •hr ;, 7 ,. ,.I t-> < A ll..r#hB. , l».a^ E rd k Rr-r n II Ptttohnrx . 'W AKi* J. >H N I' tXi.. ^HOMP'iOV k R<»EM FR.No 14 Msidca Iabc. la^wtcn• a . a June 17 'itf A ieruarv aad < <-«iaaiiua M* i it .'T'.r “III'*;Iil,lit. «i„n.ar.*l...|.leaves i.o-j- rtri atal in.i 1 l« onstipatiun and Indi- 4I A. M . arrivingarriYina in It- kn-.n.-- hrrr r ll kr ...ndn. i.d k, Ie. IMfw t-t^ .M;k.e s* aad M nalacfarerkof Re*alis..f ll.dr-pathy. Tnatinp. I i u '‘V*’.’ Ih. r- aainia .ore H tot TbtiM aad F-«rtl.. I Far* aad Wh.leoalo Dealer* in HsU. M ict.i an t >ty 1; 1' at M **-«-» Dissolution. E-rtnrtw. ».« kev- in s'.re fur sal.- J Tiin« t^n> tnnnto Ccotioa.by Fdwsrd Jriinsuu. M D nnd sale 1 '-Mr.-; EiiUli. J, . **\V. 1 y Ki t. b-G 4 '** . .1iJjylSi HMM.- 1..,,.. M .t.itnni iti nt f I’. \ -t Liiameled Cottage Puniituie. M ii.in i In-b t"f--rv riistii in- , AN *T1 . A JftniRI Lsmlen la I'asau. f'i«4twv». Sennor of 'I b imminA, fifiny a l.i-b»ry of SwiBiminyand H.II. A. Dl'Mr.>NILDl'MF.>NIL ki rot'O y mntnal e«.n#cnt, th*- r.'iartu* r-hip w ; I"i:ii. ' j "T.r ui::lii nt '‘i**.- rit. ••e' uf. Trsn-t-* 4:-Xitn.i.a. ' “ Itaiii.' i... j. Irt at f f M nu'l nr 'I'HE r w .iil-i r. 'i---iti.ll- nxitrtli. ,.n. M'-ibrm''tt aii.l llr-ther and Th'-uia# M<*t.ra I., uar IS dtf b. lieltM H •irartna•tmrti.atAlearners.td learner*. , B I, , EiiiMi FBUCy Goods. , ~.77/.r^. . L no in S. n H- wh- arv fiin,i.uik», t . tli. i.. tlv't aa- I ^llO( LDK|(S--|,(hsi .M- ni.t n> :i I- M. ir « ni.il I. uitilnl -Ij 1... r.tirine th>- e*.# L.wse fi»r *«.•!* «!. fhouia- Mc4.rai» fpim Pa-srn?' Vy . ;. • «t br<.aic I»i#*fa*e*: an• F.*p t*!! -Bof sal.- ver> b>w, to clu«« 'll Kh>- *lav d r* ^ V N ‘ V. - Watcri'nrvMaterl'ar, i.in hr-nir oait-icn- a«. A . lt.-Aa.Ii.os r tn\RI.I ElhN » t-l, 0*4 Mdi'i «ec».iki: iiai^#t^^. l.p^rWaf Frmrii aw* lirraar. i’- ie ment.by '|-E( 1 «"'t kn.iilitull.ut v. r- iilKtnnllal anil ilii < int. i broaic Di#ea#e* lAI. Ai ' I lilT 4 . »r :iuth*'ru.-d -lle«'t all ai'^ E. liC* TV re un-T urfi t Innr- e*.se«, Pr>de.I’r.^Trar. a«4a«d Tvrminatiua*T»raiii.aii..a. ol »vari-'Bs Ij.iD*] II A D( MKSNIL A 4*t» uMMUltATIiiN IKAIN' Imr. Mi.lii ni. f J- Mfln-rin-'t!, rl, X A Boardman. Boston, Ma.ss., LOIU M tmi Rai?c.4L'. H r ii,*TraT.-:iB, R-.-kn.aa4 Maanra/-lar-r- af I'aiu ' " I ' ilj- '•iil.b.aiii i nlvat .nri. ti ..f .hii,|. . •* ~ t at I till i ni.-l 1. r., Im l.li lit the Maai*-. *' f M .nrrivin, j| i f..r.l., - dur th>' rn and pay all d bte dU' I n:n*e nl pt ubrr; an ill. nl L. i H\. ....il, lard 1 r«d W tlk>« Furaitare bt Dr Ja«. M Gully I- M 'V N 1. r ..wir. in inr t niir.: "«• and Jenay Find Wurk-RCaad . , ^ < . '-,'- -' ••'b '-'-1 •-'J -H',' - ll.tX* GLi* husr ^ Ac., h tl l:.*i>. -. ' <- -.-t *n -it. d m . K W usie or*aetec ••• r 4 sneer. Asthma. l/nTV .'r"-: i aai lutoauaua aier DirtlUet lain >«r-fn>#rfnla. |4\t;t;|Nt.Vtat.ING f Jt.h!- Ii M .n!l I •».;. "»* Wf.i a 'WaterW aadand VcpcUtD\ cpctatD AND RtirE-Ih-*iRtii'F— Itest brands furfor »t "V .rr... T",''"" t llRlNHk b . ..I'.r Maiden l.sa. aua-l *aU . t kind that an t> k - 4'H t at n t I • t i:. - — by Hl>j>ll* r. M. h fr -a l-lk.wir., — Dr lAab. J.'"* HII A III I. 1-0, ^ur-. in l'fw*'ir , DlMF-N'lLll'oME' Vl , 1 "htaii.«'ij St • . I ;my ..th' r 'ul-li-huieiii HI th* -->rn fitie# Di*ea*e, by Raus*c. Tran-la lllFli Hi *rTi E I V o * I E. » .* u'jrl - n. '. .. i •1«AR JAt\fl4. AtTk * FBnCy wW atdr«Atdr«Bivnre la Every Kaowa Di-ea I’av H .. M.rl.ll. \ „n ti. I', d G< n«4 uw.tB<»e.a Jv.ri'hnn' 51- Goods and Hosiei y. <"undav, cicpfed). -ih-ut I A/.«»K’k S Th-*ewh.ar e.tli, r -emb at#, p.ibl.e . r * German K — gui.itiy 4,1 those r«-le- IreuhtFre n i.TBi.JiIJJaLaid. Rartraa Un.ld L-nik.i. l«. l-k.-u.- ra W| : ,| u-k-, k Msa u 'N'.ELMkNN A4'4»..*7 Williaautrm^—FaAcy4;o*d*.B«t 4.^h-d fr.afr*.a the d Bull laomp'ne- and di-i .iirh. ate Copartnership. I Brand, and .•.rk . I WINi;- ,v M *,,ra.. Tra.n , u*-.. - ^ Dr VT brated Rat or- on hsnd pro h' v'lll tn.d It au bjr - |.. .all and *xa * palar WofhanWutI HydrdHtihy.by aad f*r sale bv ‘*toi K R. *t'i-*}.atliif** Br.' . 4 t n- aad < .dtoa BAd W* mlua WWahrtah r4 «rc•rcMauaal,Mauaal. a PpalarP> aan ^ W--*n' * h Raary T* cask layer* <« af’Yraio- cf.no.'.t at l.atav«tic wul. the tram- of the |.a I'll E wti4. r'i/wr* hatr iKi. dnr f- rwnd a r.Tartnrr*hif . nc m< a A ' MIALL. Iswalcn all -narn-44wAm44 FwwtalUAAFarmtafuaf touds.«Bf9touds.«tf9 iy'** ' C’ ! ^e b ' =' t> «er«-a ShrB fiRMSIlV A OWTN favttie n« ant it. «* .«tn*ai»i s«-rn*rv i,r iwrcdai ac* pr At na tbr lar-vrtiar |dnc*B I ur vunr ImU Indisiiai' ltN Kii1r«a.| Full • I d r III. ,'jlr and Era. ! M. HERMilTT. < I.IIEiiKli. f >r ln«i;aaa| rf.ir sale br ' n..ar .» , ,— - u«a tatwefit. ralt aad Bee 2l aad < tin- iA- -if Iran##, tine a wie le^.l|e and r tail bn-i'-i* Waters, Caindeu. Co., i' ^ », r 'l aar rt. ' HI Kl.FY X LYFORIi, ».. I r puffM & • I'. MORTON^.VW^Maia roMI.EH \t t.I.I.N'W • k. Ell aKoAS - HFVRVrHENRI’ b « \tt.l.l,N W l-l III.K'Alll.ll'A I A. M . M r.-Aiu. ^ J.* a a Rr . laaicr* la B-aAs. jvI2 IIONN.l,.NN I i v»s, siilr «'MM1 "IiiN MEKI lit.' K. !t*in..'tow LJ5-; Maii'ascy. Ac., TLiro ^ J.lt il7^r.'aV‘%LL7 .-#> in tl; • ulJr.llf.».•tn^• f '*t- t;ntar#. and Ca-tiu;*-. HINT', l-.Tdrai .trart v—-- \nw.^kwncT^.Act _ HnuV. Third 4t. ' N.w:. , a*nth std.-, bet, a*. d Hr .a*l ( I ^ u a v, Rs.l-- a.ifi. j Air 4 t>ll01 and the Foa-tiintion ' inn.. N b I..,k Hot Furnaces. Ac. U uf Man, by ITPr f..-*sorI- -or YouYou- 4#- ri.is i- the U st. ..lp a|r-t. a;id .|iiick. *t tb. J>3*)dtf or t--r. Tin. iB'l -b.'. I Ir nW ire, at th- *dd -iso I -f M Ukr ighit * vi.T iiTipu kf- >'F } D.uts fr-.m 4 ir.i luuati. '. |>.RT .kM.Vn7M.-.kl.NF.- ! ^ P* -a.'ors Hv oV], Ie.-,nn I 4 - . Ft.' ** 1 1 tie |\riD ri YER (lavwtor aad patontee^;. 52 n.f •UbtI -* ‘D.iTiVer, and it I M*^, S'- f vS 1 .k' s>. JLl?r I .uoeru..:.A uth i.. ti,.- Faet t-.tl.i F’bl W BBS H'ln*! Firi.i.is st Pm-to*r *^'******^ ..rib# I bystolopieal »-*«.. >t ' wii. Fr.4i cf F w#rt- reUtl. la I BTBae*-, aad Moral Manage- L-ui*. Alt n. I'nnkli.ud .-t Fu.iD. t.alena. M.l- F. urih, I Ii ill*-, k> . Heid-i.'k 4'hMparac; James i |.s#kcst# i Fullerton, »«!•*• lie-.i#i**7-*^( ^ la- ni 4»f 1 h>ldr.-b -lilu-traU-d. Tri B f p -.'’.’..x .ml Rni*.ii>.p#. -.neefii.' RR. Wnti.st’mTs* rvke | wfiki.-. Ac. M. DPKMoTT XBR«*TflF.R. A f -r ssle by » SUM' “W JaMI.- t-i; Wr. 4.wn|e Jwi re4h^n#d and Ibroni.- rAKI'ENTKK.f .mi rU ..f J ri.k. r*n*a., will Ji ^UilOEirlpb.a B.t a Wbd^nle Dr>IN-^ G -4> Itoaien,Duaiera, 4i:4..* Di-EB-e*, e*iM-cially thr VerBous l‘ v** n.. r* tiek.-t. J. 4 I.IFF4IKI*. .N#w Jvf> y Rnilroad w Nwn Dimascs of Wo- ar* I thr-.url, from N.wvlbsnvai «\ li.aruf th... at| tu •* — V V his t.v ! Commission I D adv antare Brtliiiv t. Flour India Rubber _ - '1.. » '« Jan N'.J'f Warehouse, Goods *vilb-t- M.'hiran t uy Ihirii. N la ira I alls. Hurt., th.' -ub- “'i?.- . rilur* uud -totin,; «f . r h. II. k.1.1,.- ! , . ... i«. Ant |« re..i wh-.kn b i fbp Liiik oani I* '.}e» ’ NI41V TN’DI i ait *^*F^*D t*, IlivM.d t.y of Ih. n.,,^ M Rostera U jci nf 4*.neinb„:i. *' ‘ 4 Rt'ltHFR 41 J'dm «tr.W, make * cot.fwr la store and f«.rf*.r . Principles of UkUtics, AlLanv. N\b- - ( * iseaior;«r in WM.tj.dk« 1 1 II I'-K 25 btl# distiU«*d Whisk t hy An- Y-.rk. and 'i; al- • • rhi. ar-> 1 ‘ a .dalle 1 rt.'ii ).e m J. wHry.Arweitj . Ar -Vf.lio.a.Vi.', Mn.a V— Mr nib B ill r- w;.r.l b\ writi :• i.> th.- I IIWEtakrii ih- .I..rr * I d *nb*rrit-t r l..:rl, ...B;.-..; I bt»d-'di;abtortb(to. i't< r..*i#fr«. ^ ** 'tirk riiii4»iGii I Dm;7 ani.l-.A \\ |.. j r Rl'bSELL, *' •'IMn»«vld.|ll...<.aUn*. >t PjiiI-. M L..iii..a'* ai.il Copartnership Notice. fok iitKii fB 'I . -litinr Bh r- Mr. i* I.'t nn.l inteutl ‘i***^:* F. "r fiirtii h»n'* ant ii*t I1 ili.'i'ra.r^J'ElI.^ko-iiinc v n-.|.s -...leshjii.u . I 'miati'... V r L'- ‘,^^1 J'*e - to nach. j -PtoreM And all inf ii»-ii. 5 Sti any II ly st,. beiw».eB First Seistnd.L ./“**•>**',****’“ fiPt'l-oUr Treatise on tbe Teeth, BwFor.-'. - ' „ rm i- y »he •» » jvll Market and by D.C. L .11- and pU- W. and Noril.u.-t ihi* i'lh- th.*t Bill b-a.l I- ; n« *-»aMiehrd i IV. i N «'<• .n.inun.'-aoun Bith Immi. f Fl'Urf rfiinilk : H >*f V 1 i H \L. A .~H t.4Mld “ Fr m utv ita r- fi..ur 4aj-n* .! I re variety <*f Fansans IK-soent, its Laws tied . t*.a ^ ^ S.I-* * I n-ut .. M^*''T^AN^.—W have a W brat and Facts Applied to tiir .it.- I he .'*^Q- I I asawf« -inrer* and B ledeBale ^-aler* in l••«4rear** I'a- Uttman tie- tinn B • | nil tamilieetamiltoe acdnh.1 -lule-r* i - W Ii^ roveiaent. h Ktn:r a :»}= n r ariu'ie. .. .- if II ‘ . K. I- .d IF tel A^'tNtN ni. 44.#Bi>1> E*u.*»t«, t. lit the Uteri improvement k4f*ra.M.B?. rs 1 : xn.i M3.1 at l.aiid.i.r. O* W .#b i*rw% 4dl Ma«aHaiasUe-'.sUvw Ii.Ato R«bb.c B-G. MPwa. UnlD. Whips. tT-tbia#. «K aviu V. u Alh».,v bv the m..rnmR F\ jwnJ t B r a» T"}#. <“7l;n^n'>rsi,:uia«n’ • llf II nr an.i- the r „t,r^.rK. k .v^ pr-dn.^ r*«p9' • tlie tfnih « 1.. I. ).«*!,• I sai ra jt» 11 PITKIN, k Bearmraad Nur*in5 of t train will __ rn V to t I n.* i r* Ar. U *ldd BVRAM. . bildrea, inrln its# amveai^t |..,iisiu n. x't * v* mn-. maVin. fl5dly I - **lV'^*“*/ *" 4ia, F.mih Edarwlluw. ‘k, la W * li I l »".c ..m > i,i,«,, -i, m .i ! killkNI.. .n,-r., S 7 *M r k I It 'a~i'^.I <».. ti-aii b Copartnership Notice. „ ' d k ll W deuair' l*«wgfisto,5«b1 »«imwimo, Avb MbhMa.a t«#re Natural l.BB - «.f Man Special Notice. r. w -la.WKii t.. I Phy. lulvgically < uii-idcrcd. by I dP^'Hrtni nnite s E .ndi.- nrr*. Dr | .i''enveis are alwav sure ufmskin •> W R-wIwud. i M •t i-t. T^trinstU F^rtk^ hjvr It.i. dr . »»<.>-iwl-d wiih a. I H ARTWEI.I. and kaW in ciefT dtoiTiptHM *>f 'I.nr>b.iD^ A icund WYirk WM ' \1i T. G -•dV'wr’f PaUnt RnhWr lO.- ii a Iran,. ,.| t.uii,.. i kEsDKl.K U H ' bc-#iuc la buuAs, . sId ly of Man, Dr. It * t f.r. -A ^ninf I ir- n l>ui lit i ii. -t |>r<'^rii. Matinaury, A US o.„ Nt-BmAn— ai«isirat*d Bitl. •t- ctallv .na*.na.'* bbuI.iih ih.. ^-1 at Mi.Mi.-htrai.hirai. 1t Hv. hi- Nl 'iJ*^’*'***'^^'* {'.r'l ll.."- --f kti.ini'.i tir Rowland & Co., ’ 1. t.. .J will riin-iiiil at- tli- l-ti.j 1 ;* t .r -ah m I. .ui viib j.|. -ite th. ill II a« -. bv a. this . G IndiS . f*rh- ram# patent potato Harvest r. With impb- t.i / MiAIMU^oX .. RubbBt I OrMtHf I or the jy;,^fSMri\ tlir . a.r . 111. ..f vyK* HtVT- AND Gr.r- aws. that i;*.v.rn the Tl-iiil I..IW.-: .Mark.i DFU.ER IN IIIDF . | . idto.Ngi e-wenJ’.# Gbtl'WiM.i#. Ub- Human Or»ati \ I! t MiKof.l., Ai..nt. n 11. I>. NEW! ilMR t BFII. Hr^V DealofB . * %m ?^ii-^rv . Ac.'. farmer can Uir. # time* as many potatoc* in a day I„ '1^ * TLI. barib Iduiekiar aad Grv my Hatoos, als# a yreat va- 4if #in, by K. V J H >aa, I ii.ii.Uhu. fniui MatV.I 'Im I. wl. 1. h. will In ;ilaU , fr Mil. Mwrkrt. h lada RMt Wr K U Reads aad Toys, all of Phy-i<.b.i(>, M. I and I...,., ..Ik- ,e. ,11 . - whirb Aaimilaad niaLapi.h.d t.. Healtbaiid I'-.b • | J. 11 IliiM k'l.l — ,a- Ow* n IF'trl . I *'iii. arw :ar RVR4M. IMTKIN. t CO. ! ;ind kill. IlMfel. t'l take itas-rnrvr* t.» ti Copartnership Notice. ^ ark i LANI; A~D..W Nslbitofv~a lUi^va^ ,M. mar# hcauiifal ikaa ri..f oilier materials, aada *lAd r of .Mind. at# in i bui.drod ' Nob Aliai,). KNottLio.V. .'-U|e t'iiit.-nd*'ii'. W'M. AM KUm K. fumi> ii> cf R"*lnev, Mim., became i time- wn^r* durable I R. M d''Mo»o« F.w salr by tbr fsa'-v dealer Kepruduetive 'TF\I V"-, Avi-'ant >ui';. iiartiipr lu i> : Is i II A. Dl M I.^N IL X t»., n Ih. thronrtMBt U.* r**«atrT Mad. onlv bv the N«b T*wk Rnbbor 1 IgR>'F. RAKF-S—a riG.i- prin iple*. I il t i Very UN Is A Grtv-ry aa4 4 t». N* w tibhhv. f» Desirable nesideiice for Sale. Tr < -. PITKIN A Aux. iDt A. Dl delphia. ~ 4 Maide. Lane. BVK4M lUN . HENRY ME'ML, New York, etc. e' N X. np ri.ir- auTVi ioT » J«»» Its Effect na tto Ibolyand !/n'H‘r.H\,I!"l7.X7“tV»TrTr’'-"N- ebant*. W-; Mind. tUb -tworl I n I- r II,. M r -il. Iliil'Eand lullimnnw I.Mi.p), D'4. Ko|;T A. HKl.L. kec r t.' shipp. r . i\ to 1 M trt!t V r; A ; w k, Lightning several ran.tic# S(jiiiig Aiiaiigemciit. ^^VNA' Siuai. *s-»4’-c sa l.tqaw'- A< . 4Vi Main Rods iiur^l phw eks and threshers- bun*'* f'-n- i V Qf'lMKV d MIN, Itesjov* in Dwimb*-’# rcit id U- .roe PwWort aad Thr*#tors oi liand aad for sale by 'PH F ni>d- r>ivnrd itavr ..i* urtl a in M. Uini#, la 11 ; larr | i ' '/•>/ I* ^\.R .t. 4Hb No. I It; vti..ii .til ttoir h.-u«>' at this place, nad'-r th*. <*t\le f |>, Dtr.rf rw*ai,-wventliiirs*et and llfi july II wl4d HYKAM. PITKIN X CO. I B n, ; P*. l.imr for Ikr ^|A^M'l|N I i'W D A<^>. W'l)-.4iMh Grvto-rs. Mnia stewt Ml i <*.. r< r Ow pnriKi.' . f tmasnE-tinr a I \ K|hm K, UFI L. a «aletm'#hfa i'- .-bi-i t uiUr ItM Scalley & Dudley^ ^ |4.LNLICAI. tl»A4All»hiN :i'.d 1 4 »K AA A KDI N 4. lik.iB.aR. I . by - i.wb \t il'l 1 K \4 K ID'l.r * M.F t.lDu I |{siiniiiorc \l K> 4 l . fknDM l»F 4 *'“* . aii JLIXR a I ABb. ISeoAefB ia fta^ aaFld^ DrV 4r-.«'. Machine Tools. A Kr. >lurd.k pariiM rat M. tome K aI.FR< *.M Olii 4s »»HM«R\ A nWFV. *». I l - «er«er Msrie* BEN4 Maci ..ert HICI'AIaO I«» N» aa A4IHK MlltF.4 I! S rn ...l. g M. N... V.- .,n - r M %wfl I «rtb sto. k lnp>.4. X2i «arUand stow. t. Maidiine - - For Rent. 1 HFNRY A.IH MF-.-ML, M • * rv BJth -..b*. 2 d.-.r. fr-m -w.; I m: and Ma* .mery red#. HrilAlo AND M.W \«'KK till AND .NLVV VoRh -fl, .\.b-;r»)le «. Ilf KoHFRT A. BELL, K . il.ARET AND W'lilTE W IVES— K. F.lirth stn. t L twe-r. I IXAITsTkOAP. AM>FIL1.D.4 . y D D aW Mb iadiUB aad i^UcWbrW s 4 ur- N . K I ,rr.. «|wr ulr„t, a i. • AND FUU. KAILKOAD'. ?.; rl,..,„utw,.dllrtid.ai..-,Ir JI" WM.MlRInnK. |«,d E 'PHI-1 -T,: w. rk 'fif ,,lu >m«|.rw.l m|»r'.r,.Meait .>a«mile« aiBtiito; a^-4s.:HL' Jti „ri„-i-d.',„rl„din, ; fr- M Mstaoi. Af, _ - * ’ Situffi .V tu.'.ir Musical II,./. t'hkUfi iiHtI r ft flint fin'hilJ* Jiitu*- t 1 I l,*li.vl .BMra..m*«vw. «4 ... r-t..n.ks.& . lnstruments. . «n.l .. -a 'b stn Mad. ira •; Ill u •.-' rvant i« «. «n.( nH4 A wftomtbAU d d and ie-u-..* r* »ui >. Bill >• . a.«.^na.i S ^ u* wv i t A^'.. L’ERHINANIi ZiN.KAIII < »#n., ** N'AMtAlG H ~A ExcW;:- h7 HairAVt^. k o., N.. 91 MaOaa l-anw, lai- 2.' do < hiiry Brin.ly, ^^nt .1 lr n, Ut f M:i* U.i4il |,t .1 Owii.b r. CopartnCrSllip NoUCe. m Wai vb4 Ka# • ^ n fn lT |, kU« Whilr' WiBw; furaajrlaw ky In ! • md --^1 I J HirnoMassKt M B TbdN V Hdins, Guitar*, AcoMcdhtas, 7.'* ba-kkets « a fTein!*i an » !»»•.. • *-lriar*. Rrass Ib- .Anisette; I. '«# i;r... Alain-tivst. \’'E liave th.s d». a#*.ciai. *1 b ith b* bus..,.## Mr. DASH, i tr |« m»« thfEot- jyj| A.Z.ANONE. J a,r I2du \ m \k \ n j AR ^ MV hit. LaBolu as f..ll. b< 'u «4r u.aut,' r !! WAl'il-V\kkR _ lisi d..a«n : th. f. u.n a/ito l KRI14 A ~TRir.G ' French Hrindy. a ri>.r article; Bw A> K.4 I.AKk. Th>- firm Billto f«.btinito*i Budrr -amr i AlGinanirnt.-aii. n, H IpA^aW i -uf G«BM M4 mail I I -A. M.— A t.rk tbr- t-i • -New . Holland fnrsale 1>#» T Dat Fxpr urh NVw Vt>rk d»- i '..•tri' !»..•. r..m|4«(r Gia boxes Hrandk < herru-s: c*|nipBs nia. a*.i . Mwf.*i M j b with -ut chauk;** >f car-i: arrii at •• ra; P. M. i#.i«’-» ir uBilen A ZAXONE. ! Ilk) do jL'-4.rt«d Pie J. R. MMNTf.OMrRV X 4 4 a» l» n« f tm m-t attrtot.^e Irmi; I sRst 4 4<) P. Ni|(ht Lgprw^a arriv u .N. nest es .41, Itoaler* la Fnaey aaa VaiBuiy G>*bL> 2c Mr— w Yurk murninit I TUAX.vpoirr ATIO.V. •O.U f.r ira.. i. iKr I ntteal i do W alnut Frail in juii'; m wfates. Wtoie ^ ' aa>. nai^y lu pRint \ MS— l,llinicaa«aaed Ham# in store aad for sale bv T'A d*> } rc-h peaebr- in *'ant, Dissolution of Copartnership. etmg «itb 'to r^wnltses mi- i- . and Color I - IdRnufacturers. I ‘4 _ A. Al - Mail Train. *t..j '*t4ti..n#. jvl l J. r Rl >>El.I.a 5ti d»s*-ii frvsh I'fV.' Oy-ters; ^11 and tanet.v >toco. Fwwrtl.. UN HoW I'lil.iiR n I paOn-rdiip h* r» »''f'.iv rxi-in.-'- nn*|er tto name and Ka O WiiRKS I.. NirMoi.*., Tit*' ^Plir j — F- Ayrat fi.'. JI .'Ui A.M. - A> ;->.iiiiu-'*lnii'-"V.d Frvtcht. atop# at .'-tatiiii.#. idaiiis i;\|ti't‘ 4 «t. - All kin.»# ..f ATatrl'F^. t b.ck#. D#i iMtx. s t'larct all - e#' and JewelpT # Id >nd r^- «>_Maia and Varke* It J 'bn ritwet., Win.-, *tylr AA'-^ilN II* thi# dav di##.>l«*-4 b« K V . Paria aad <’hro^ 4^e«n, I «.f L A A FK A N k 5«, iD.iMi la f«»r |.ar..| -i-4KU Fell «, Maa.d.1 -1. ^1 DF>— lb# su*re aad sale by I 10 frails Datos; and b^U an i -i al oJ lutl c-wia-nt. Mr. J"ha Lab -K u is auth. rtse«l •ettlegiltiu ^*Tw. mHB H'D w .rk X Hk4 ' H a C-aiaiaMAM* M r _ I'j.vii J r. Rrs«ELi.. »• Sordin*;#. N AU w tmuted I'.r . Be veir, n2-l'f _ ca*es s. an 1 wh-de cans: jif!airs"f tto latr Urtii. J»i||V L.AAA'MiN, D«i ( I dos* English _ Paper Warehouses. a Piekb s; L ui*vilK',i*. t. IV. 1H.VJ. t. FRANK. TliroHr^h fiy Hailrothl /..owivri//* - >( KE HR ANDIES— 55 d'. itMst. n d'l, b; .\«'B l urk, all llw way by i:ailn>:id. from L»wVi u 1 o/ A*. Blank Book Manufactory. II'K.-T' ATWERN LOr f** ' * |j . 7fTf rsaadt uaaiaMwa > *•* I " km4 ^I I- Wl ! f AM. fill \ \ I ( 25 can t l*niues ||,N M. M,. I KolA.I I-, tr ...14 WGdeoal. I S I'ipasJas Henaemyf'offiac; PlnUnUiith'utJittltiinoreABo’ihtH.ouil ’ Dwl rain Aaericaa, Fr* nch. G«r**iaa. M th» h'.o ft, I aad Ear I b!, I.I.. -K . 7 , li#i 'tid-cic*’ lar-. nil th.' Bay by Kailr ad Notice. U( IIKoniFtt'*. A < AKLL. .i-.n.Wir,, W».Ei».b-= wi!i...t 2 d" Piaet *: Pef>|*er Raucs; 4 I tW-Vla. i-nr., 4| d -.-- - t '.r ^MM^l I N -xh MMiK .ADAM^ F\PKl>- oMp.A.NV c- i.tinue purrhaoed th*- rutir** lob-ivst nf Mr. E. Frank ii. 11 Iralora-,. It i- I . 40W W Uaranorr I |s Anr-I’s — I. r .; 25 bl Scot'-h Ale and Hrown *'^t'>nt; at mf-a- I I W 1,». Vi wEb-A ^ 1 • I l.vpret- . 1U.1 l. 'tti-viMv I AA L J.a- ,t.-d *'« u ..c «cd u. AA ny 1‘rp't. 'll FxihsiiL. sir* et. .-nlv o* ruds'-n-.t fmm und all Fait, rii • i;i. s t : II lii-kFNTMKY miA^^ AND IRON FoCNDERV. uitiiU4 *u Ito Rir lir.^ aokm.ton fvBM tho W-ri S \ MeMy du; Its) boief su|.erior Letin.n Sirttn. <*vr «.wn man. facarc; rb tBentv "I '\t IKb the safe. xpe«dy, eh. agaiinkt tbe tl*. » I I ' *'lat.- i.r tl,.- an | a;- cunvevun.. •( will pay nil I'laima «r*me, and will c#*ntinB'' » SCAN EM I- A K.KTwW. .\a l«l W .lliuaw,.,,. I5>>.i#s> Havana, Princiia>. Liu*' U t, #i ••tti-'.-. uiidvr tb.- Alaiim, u H* U-of. M*-t« tondiNr. it. »*w ti n attb ito Uniirumi t*# IpiGimKD 1 KX11 HKk.a a 5 M do E.Janllia do; and ti> riuan t irarr-; p *‘'T '>V|TH.~l*etoea~ia Bau, ' t I ii4i i*blia.i* I A tn>l New A , r.w< rnn-ty u, liuflalM. u'kete < i lu all It# van* n# -.ribctos. I s*.licit the pair-'Ua.*. i >rk n t'nr.a 1 a I al- • U; pr*n at iu'.«t > ,t. I #u 'It-,, t;....:. 4V. l r R-AMI-r., Mat. ••t* 3 do F. -A. BoiIeTia do. 15 Loves sii|«ri' r < IwBin Tobacco; urvd t the AV« ru M'Oari. I M ralitir. P rnabw*. R.J.k.nA'T*, Rai.araXwvri. Kaiii-nd oitu'* s. ill wh.. wav ui • d aiivthiug in uiy line. f.r tw ni'i.nijitun: l ti ..li \'''KNG5:X2'4*i»l N4. I. A'T frr.m nn* Tra >*nn-a I "Rer tbeae Braadies .50 d- a*-a fine-cut du. | D-'. ^ L.uuuUb* huu# .*Ha*m« *f 4 .. n.,; as K>w as caa be bnoybt in the Eastern in tin foil; "

: >(*.|..... •* Ii#i*eff« ..21 *ltf I.AAAMiV, rripti- n f Hindiritf. - ^a- h Am ucelm. vu lirnler# I and la Maa>< 2’i soft Havn/e ttot'k' d thi 'U|;h ht .Ni-w Vt-rk. Nw charge f *r JOHN \ By >iouuik at -n ti.« or b**utbora markeu. A . / A .MiN r.. sack* shell Almonds; Aw _ un*. Tto %4. H-kn"Vkn abtlit:*- f ^ Mr. Carlt. w]>.*5 r ; n irll Fifth, totween Main aad W’atersts. 2u bbls Bratil-Nuts and FuKlish kaudliitf: i(. Gn I W^alnuts; • ^ yj” DefUnce ra.ii* » I ->!f' t the Lintc c#tobltshivicn* '/ Zan Salamander Safes Thi- r-.uic aff.rd' vn|K'ri"r advania?* s the an tran-f-urt I’a.-ks. ' * b . tinir Notice. M '’•r*. A. (v.-#mp t J-iacr and ke(«ise. of Piano- Fort* and Goffin's Lately remved and f.rsale by G A FT A NO 5 l*RSO. f-»r shiim*-iii.d m 4 if N* w A "rk, and ! t th*- la»* v frviglit. r>rfnith.-r inf 'riiiati-in. apply t< . tii-jil ti 't I X* I'l t. d. 'Pll E C'.p.irtn. r-hip h. t.-f- r-* toiwccm thrs«i#cri- «ixt«tn ar* tbr s-har^ '=Tr..\Mra'* Imw tto L.mMTilW I ar . t i.ivraol ^'NDKIE-- -774 #t., DIM LI.AKD. r -aMtine whwrf totwaa Tl.ird aad FoaKk. Defiance I*ocks and Cross-Bars. Mam b"tween seventh and Kiirhth. ' iLr’ = tto lUrMlinvetUMi-htur.it | M- ^^g^^jJdnilT ml Fii'ipht .\2> nt, at the ut frrai.'ht v.saW.A.AI. < wr%. M rl..B Gruw Id. rend . 3 P. M.. nww tin- St M aad K casks Port Wiac; w h'-u-. HK. is hv n>a. A n««t ».rBin« #i * " “•‘•M.irtwnT, I'Yttrt •wifi. :eut X ARl WGd*#aK llTmisti filM WI Sm»*. t.. AA i.lbdijuai...Hs. a—Branc!- t’Mt -ur * rk will to ea-.ir.fdm ' me.nnau with I ns.n S*,, Ma Ba.«in. Huftab-. :>r . C. 1 ALM.AlH.F .A^unt. and Tcrrellaiitp at A| ; tnal ('"ll•’ nt di*4..|ved, AA*. HakK.a '*t ||»« f K'12T;*lT 111 t| casks Madeira; 3»#» 221* UroidBU}. 7 II . hav mg sold bis inGr in t Wbovl- SI • I5EFINED GAR!-' Lbl* Crn»lH-d and P.iwdervd r»- AA'rarat. 'he-rtb- H It ^(U*l -4UV b..u«ein tbe .vnd snrpa«- .j u- "U *•* v»##d Al. -ct.*. day 2 • hv d" do. Bery fine; r p. an l »; .A. ai. lid hrui tu ki# .>u*‘c»-«4' r-i. iKn 1 4 bb i» ,*atli. nt.d tc use ibr n m.«snBvi Biiktto nmen- 6 N I \ ceiV'-d |i r steamer C. Heeler and f >r ' -ale bv ;*• AA : #biil h.E*e m. B f r .A tost. n -i A M. tn i-l'-ein.- iti bneinr-'#. AV. il.At aiwav* ..n iuu<«i I b«ID^ i- Ta-d ,f |;’sr-k Ttoow W at* *rstelaa#a V. f mrU* ri., briwera Toys S bMs (*infer ilrandv nam. II. oN, ^imm*- Maia aad and Fancy U. D. NFWroMK X HRO.. laii.'u#. nu i . _ Goods. ani and New Albanv H—k -*rid..ther I*ar'ers fr n> *to V-t m.vi.'ita. ^i: -i * ttowmcbtsrkvu n# Mb.w, anl .f AA*. II . lUcn JI : -'i^e.wft I. a .' Chimnev Tnnm ..CAiti-' v Ttomtwsb Ik Ha.1 ^ -I '‘SKI I. IIK.AL H'T.VTI': ALKXT, toAmm-mMfier# Im- . 'OATK'. A V.tux XC’HAVtJE un New York, Philadelphia, AA'ashinetuii, NeB will W'UtiuUi.' tb-‘ sam* Budvr tto firm .-f t oH|;, .MAK- I -' ,N Banking-House. «»FFi« »: i:u Ai\i\ Briu.».r A'eni. towmvilU.^ WToNfi 1‘ F„ Maaotarii firieans, Memphis. Nashville, .'-t. -“"'“*-0* a iwmii... Sc.. Maui *tr ‘“"‘‘•'k IJHt«ia>-J»i K Lnois, and all tl»e uttor 4 tl TIN.XCo. D.40HH, 4.w.n Ealrw Enat-rn C H Mtt.V^.AKU.AT . STl,’'* , .'u“a"..7 'r hknkrr. f.J .Ur l»w A l.4tCI>VIt.l E. KV. » sra.r. '• Gnjt »*• *• pnacipal ciues la the I niou, f-o^sale bv H um I > c|«fsc aoa*iyament. v: TID*'. J MARTIN, fS r—'MIl. ».lTttrt..E.M„l by rrcviv*' i>n deiK-sit 4f4r-''ilvcri Innee will br.-nr'.t fr.tu the Oviu OtiTK* fiFTi.s s. i.*H ^ \ l^'E cunvut ai.d Aftut in l*hila- X i4vu.r.f. Kt. ’ J5l7 ii. II. MONltARKAT CO. *An:. 1, li5S. SKW.' tuners ait_mr at 11 \. ..r ^ 4'0. X drtphu i.n cx-'liaiif * J.H.OWENw M 3 p M BLII*G4.|'|*KD. MaaafarianB and Dealer# ii. ^ MARTIN* X TV t-f to * to: k -d lur at ail} iu'.m*ii f.rt.ubtat iw# ^^UlffoW-GlsSS. Paints~ I aud rrniins promptly %t'. ndA:d m>. Ac I AD AAto rXPKL!i< CO. I*#* AT- f Liitle BRo M;oaii HaG-iimf at 4 -r 7 14 A. w “Tr','7 - — >, ImpwuTt of ^Ol*E Y ARV-—3» ba(* assorted nnmlM-rs b ^IGAR-IIOVSK MOLA>.'‘ES— 15u this best *iuUity~ .** A JfiVL**. .rr: M *Tap*M^ . F Ftvarh Windowi t»r sale low W# rucriw V nev '.n *V|.octal Depnil and alF w interest a# Ai'o! -V**: Uatii t S'tk;l*i.!tf Pork Packing. ! F 4 * • ^ t la^ \l LilHto.W X 41 . ManiMnctwrkw# B»r*lay rimet. James for sale by • •»U CoMrml and Deal r» N, y. .^j*|4i v j W. Railn«4 j MARTIN X4«> to'r.'vd n|--ii at the ttnie. ^PH F *uA 'rile'f*. having pnrv'.aoe*! tto b.'rk-H .m-se .f ,A.«. A.Aumisvji . \\ K^‘- 1UM. aLrwv. thr-wab NeBn.'k ami /aa«-v:lle t>. Aa . e -tj -r Mm» aaO t him ots. j.vl5 AN’IfW CO. ( am%rid ‘v Tr lAoa H. |NiI|.la'»N nn ilANAN X AVhit.' 4-' * m | AVr arr pn'parvd t- iici-alate b an# and invest m ncy up' ll Pennsylvania Railroad. 1 A C".. at J. If r#.'a«i|le, will bnain*-*# und*r tto ;l»ra lEa ^'vs'Ob Atchison & Lynn. Kw;b.ri -ankra -I '.ha ohra Aiaa, i . « < R lad-w \l"AUrA4 k l*i»pfi A *1 toiohGIam . No. Md w. per* 'ual Nr.'uritv -.r r* al '.slat*-. namcul II A A| I K A i ii. OrMMTv and T«'mMrinki.m ifmr 34 lUreuj c. kite a.—...,...... ,.,,,.. v. LToX. U D ETT^. ) N.'i.a.,! anal E\I E'TATt M.EN r AMI I Dlt'iRER'. w,Il .1- R-....i b. aara, with iim oManm. t— at »-t ,M) Raii,«.ra n- . Man. aad Msrkt. «• AA . arv at all tiux'S buving Hills >'f Evchanfe and negotiabU- AA*. B. H AMILTON, i Ui'rL' a. wt it i tend T>. bu> lug «* • 4ttJ OW- K.ilr^b aaiil iW. .n;ra| HI TK k S.MALL. K and Ke.tl E.. i-h'-u* and ]raS«ir, K rl la ram, la,*a b. JTlII V..t.-, . . .• w ,b tl a. -I AkBIRD.A «Mi1B .AN'D’W Itl'l HAN.AN * CO. II Uecs and -Hr. ;:ru l»* > bv «uit ur Hi ;W anil tr.m f ,hu mut. WiKEtoBntoDrwttf'sto.X. 'I'illR n a l U in; It .w I- iu|>l*'(e jt |.. itorwi*#. s«Uii.^ Mm tia. fr '• u» a c.,uiiiiuuit'ati<.n Ink. n. AA mak.' C*»lto'’ll'.ns in even' i-.irt « f tto I nirr*l Mater. Can- t'lu DC Mn»n at Dealers In Carpets and Furnishing Goods, and hiring NedT*. i '.-r t. iin,r .ii- muati to imi: us.*w I tB'erai, L fMi.-v , pitubury and PhiUd. lr 'll • r I’iitsbur? and .A via til', at Hritain. ai.d the i Mii4iu«'U(. Ualti- TIIK)M i.lf *>.. b.|.| 4fifi Maix fiTBCcr. m'iT.'. All bn«ir.'*''M t- lifidt 1 !'• ttoir ear- «){) ivira.r T .kets a« f i; w.: bv Bhti'h fr* lenr fr'.ui tto AA . witb pr-mpt at- t'pAB !.*i,,,JU b', ^AStfki. A W h i wnli -t can r**arh an .d l>-ktor tn Liwumt#, 4 ucnia, Ac.. I ifi AA'v buy evrry dfscripfino* ''t I n.'Umit M-'ney at tho Vrry Eo«t. ru Notice. W askimti* $1«* >4; t. toll \I^F arc now ..Benny onr>t-*rk nf 4 arprU and Fnmishiur Wntioutenth.u ;.t ibvir .'tt .i. N.*. 5 L .Bii n IIM' r,-Sl A. Ehll 111 markti lUi. k#r and * he;ipri th.iii ii PU»». L bisviU*. ky. ^I., 0‘k7'. /j ri kitwt en Vnin nnd Wntor. hi anv»i tto pr*M'iitpr* ralarr> , T,-k.t .v_*At- A- - r atr-. 1 toy ...nn.. t with th.- dailv’ pa>-kcteat Pitt-wbur;*. .1 itiM,-, - mit M 'titfv tl, Fi.rlaiiiL In-land, Scutland. ’ '7'*’“’*- fr«-in -f France, aud >> anl Bill .ntmtt-me the at... Aar ThlH aA-l W.'er ttrrat..lra.1 1 fall , fiFNERAL CnAlMl<'>|oN I.. VlMMFRBraWis mn km Bnirarvmir. sa|.f4y. bIiicIi w« mil l*« rverit lof in ashvrttimc. Our 4 ., I-.am.iH..AMV 1 IW. , Pwfmn. X«^ F*mrt , l.vui.vill. tn. iiii' ^ Mm'S, At to k' tu •utiiR-'f ten ct'dl.ir# and upward, d all tto ..ifftr- st StiH — FoKAVAKDING I'.i.ineUdin nil iG braU' be* tbs styb- i.f AA t-b; ,..A TiCba:> aa /g .Koor Market. k -.I I under J. H rna » • u tto \\*i I Til HkLiiaoAa -aa oa,u Kai: k. I>r « Hr»IU, «,* IM*. r drawing: '*uhi 4 l*»-k* I'll N.'W wa l. v.Uad and 'Era.. V- rk. Philadelphia, ! HLsTON. MlLToN. R»yal W'ilton And Velvet Carpets; ***'1'"*'! A ltnltit,i>.n.. IbiMt.'ii. I Kailr-ad *"dand >'Ub-Obiu aa,l f'*-:.b'jrl,*aiw J. r*’. Pitf*barir.I'llf'linr,;. 4 in.iuuaii,in•ul-.^iid-a' • Rallr-bd. at i W. Hunt & Co., S*l stpibbl# m Ja*uc* Krbnvd >.'id. with- * ' -rfaoA-.,.. aaj b,il,t ,ri. - i-i.i ' Osetano I and . Kailrral. b, iha S Urso, kas been kept up Uir>avhIil -'lat.d b» ra. atiH. .aJ l.W^l r.a .jlf?; 1 m#4 t'»r« aad ocivar n**».i . „ ^ . m. n4«in'*u. h#r. uriti,4 all -hip,- .7s!2i7 ' * ib) tuns S- I #ofl Ply Ir -n: Huston, Milton. .a.0 f aftnoB BBrtbintWEaat. Ala., a a.m*rim. . & Co., l^b'»Jld. « w water I I /VIMMISSION/voV\ 'f' *#• f -rw .A.NDroltWAKDI.Nl, M CKl H .AXTi<. I^vaia- *«*•!««. Af. .hani<* and oitors haviup a* ments make can have aided fr-m l'itt*bue.- t.. t in*iu- I -,** « Tapraira In,rwin; I i>a ran.ifnin.nl inj fur ,»1* Ijr f w V nil., Ky. . Bion Ein»; u-iti. *'B'i.< jl.l ‘ r 1 m tto ini* n-.r. bv ^lll^ a*i. them pr*'inpt!y ai'.'ttd.'d tu by iuakih'j th«-ir n miitance# To - n*4 LifMt. LMmvilir Ky a.4 M|»r, •” aSI)'«- BIVU ,NAX k n*. S- -A* I, RaiIhiA*. w K». a Ira- • In n-a TaiIt a i. tk. ' »0^ Gentlemen s ard Children At , II a . ura NM'Hcrti.. o« All i.nl-r# fr. m a distanor' attended t*. with M IIS * I piNiMptu*-#-* %i op i W«ra ***7it5f”‘2 iritL LS. and flU H.IIT I' * .frlUl.,M.ra H-A.A...A -a < 'RIMIEIl 4 LOTin.Ni;. Ehui.i.lbh.. TSra AND I'OWIlLKED I ^ . KN— I'ri.Wd a'_fav..rabl*' lStf>i.t4.., . 'tUA Uj- n U rm* a- ni-n per^- ual appli. ati- n. t /%,/.„/, ..r re. hhU 0AAr.ll \1’’HI>KA -ItbAmtHd II •• Wh^ IIEFINEU M'GAK!<—550 bW# as»..rtcd rc4r4itv«d i*er#teaiurr J17 ( A. .ra.a.A, .n.1, lAir .T I* lAMra,. ra'C!!.’*’'**"*'"’ *««•»•* "U«rDi..«ra,V. m aud p.'Bd. r.-d **u,:ar> in *turv and f<>r sale bv at « b le-ale !a,1a*.ax MbA. •A fur snk ( 4 DK.tvLs I i.r- f rb.f^,..,ra*. by I\ asU« Garden aa*l fur sale br launUnij. . . ‘ =*= ai.d >,»uiy ..f tha ..a:,.. ***L' Pby*ieian, LINEN GOOlT>. \OTU K- .Vu.i.rl-umm- .AU xrAainl uMi-rt thM l-M* i. I Dydr'^wtAic to iw t —• w. j}15 II* D. NFAA'tHiMHX HRo. retail, .ra.M* A. M-A- 1A th# l AlrA. 8tr«.bu« af k.»».!*. • .r I Iih. c AT!I nl«r-. Unun. thr Trrj V.., .uufK | ku».-. ai*‘ihi I tTAa.Irra The Banking-Houses . WA ral.in* i ^ "r«^- of l>rvr..-Mlsn*».r i. Ib'it.it .« ck Ilttdn . . N- rtbu* *t o-mer M E. lb- an.H srja.finf ) |.err*»lb4. u»un^ I a*^n.'#r k;:eUG CtM>KlE5— III tf IIiN^iN * 1'); \\ os L«ui.ViH«. I *' ** Furs and PcDrirs, F.-attor*. f esAkst'.Nu FLOOR OIL-4’LOTIIS. '•addlvrv . A.'. 75 --T.-. FKI h.llT' - Affith tto 5« I^Aaa 125 Pepper; > | *2 lar^: vpipment * 1? bar* A D in.NTAt'o* Market ii,d I 'urth strrvta. i aar rxilcmid _** A laiyo «a t- . nitod ?4faTwi. and wcU-n»s..rWd stock wf vanoKi midtto quAli- jri’Mvn 1 i.as<. tbeM.mpany i* R r aad 5m bags Allspice and f’luvct; J. P.criiTI< t , prvtarwd i- xu ^ MfiRTOV A o'' „ . V „ • Lot.#* ill.'. Ky. im- I ’ find . tati-nerv, men-ti .* ueim in I»r> * tbt - ' ol\.n.-^i:s- traampTUitou 25 br.aes A’intiniaTobaccii; From thisdate Bill to .i,;.i.Ja..,Sbclb.EA.M,.„d.'iK-iicd atvSii’clui'k .A.M. aud rl..jb..l.,,cl«#c*l at G-hI. in bab-s,J \fDL' N. a. I IrBithta, which arc 4 t* ' ' Vf . • • I « itf* e«rr prur" GU.a-wsr , ou2w‘.7*"r . C. IT ind ]i#| Mfk, Gr .ricd , bbls 5m .-aept . .»! 5U50 half rvboiled MuU awd at ratoe a» b,a - I ke;:# S«*da: in st»re and f.>r sale bv icl-'kp. M. M 111 Kme | marl* Itf ‘•'*‘^••1 Gentle ''U's aad Cbildr-u's ' my ai,rr:.r.t p.ri<*r quality. , Ilirdwar*'. H IFb-v* ar* lm«. •’ . ouiie Tto C'«4 ^yl5 .AND AA* Uf i N CO .Mnebini ry. oil- 2U bbU Sugar- II d< 4 Utaksw laMUsMiate -bhUc- f : HANA X lUxncrn FWmr jm vbsw-iw#^ I *>- > •-*' j-"- i.oniisG It t loih, AA* d. ** *.»t w i.X'Te* I “r7T2i7.‘v‘'2::r in ' SMALL. I X*'. iu ib-f «trre’# f HITE X nothNOTH f.F. J made to "rdvr. aI BBlti^.r« «»ifiia« . hriween Third aad Fourth. ^O.A P— lUK buxe# is store and fur sale by I»*«^‘l-ktaami N«*w \.rwk. I wtmmtn I Call an«l examine f- r y- nn«lT«u Rrmwan Exchange and Banking ai» I I s Xer A House, i 1^ I Roff-n-.Raff'Uf. Raconrtacon p. ria Lin . I anjand P. rk in tuik,bulk. anal Jyl5 H ALLV X DCDLEV. j i;mt*r aA f-hdtf aaw >oa to New V rb atol UNDRItK- MPoKTI.D *^t*..l. It -B B. stean*' i- 4'JGARS- III T« IIINf.S d.' 4 lira C.pi-rr in iujr.'tA Flax'.vj. h _ N -rf Ib < harle«f< n. ;^Tnawab, vie, ^ rS) toam&icsiy .f.cU. 1 50« r r L^gMalnimndm • - l a to Kcealias; a* -Ur*. » r f r . I DMmW R Hair, I >ax. toath* r « a*i m \rd. Ziur. GILL. aAMITH. CO.. i ?ariif. • i X X* Wall ie« I wnabh a** toa , t nUs h u>4«4 <1 NDKIt!*- Orrtcr. Hmi ks ruou a>n attkk NorKUBKK 1, J A. Zimmerman, ^ > Aicaad Lmim Pm D'.iRki fttpcr4uc Gift do; sa.» *1 the F rwn.-diu4 H tme# !«• m :to Ww*t 44«b Buutnu PicAKu. Just rvceiVAd j«r steamer t'nba BOOT AM) -IlnFM AkLK N... Ill F urth str#. and f«ir sale low by Ha*- naii l p. rV * )4 iPE— i'at vutls 1*. K"|'« in store f«'r paAkr l. andl*-‘ « a#twarl. H U and *ale by .... AA JOHN U. iKsM. 75 «< Iow4m 4.. 1 between Market and Jt-torst>n. IS u*-w prepared U^rv »4iue I. -Hy A. UtiRIE. Che, AV • a.siB 1 i ui Mast*r '-.da I *- wrb the to«t juma: Musketoes. 4V .s m manner and the rrae .* M'lnt 1 b'dirials t A.afecti «ucr and fKaUr in Fruits, ft'ouLi:u ii* ui:i*|.N i*i hlic \ i ionn. "U ns-i 5‘"mtn j A-li. T.'hacs in leaf eastward. Tar. IF *in. ! . • •* the .50 I LSKETO NET ju.1 rac-iod and fin- lalr hr s’IDF.d and 'rt<-st n >tirr. I*"* 6 Pt Nu. Third it . Be.isidc I 10 c Jyl'» 'fNill.VCCo— Tbrue Pniv E«»ays by Dre. Aa hi»lty . ..f i«.u • lu ) I ‘ **i-*J*.*‘‘**^‘*‘i Tiall, >h« w. and vuui'vvr . ’.•U.-e, | Mf.| - 4* fruBi *' j Penusylvania S C«*v# OyufiuiB. Z 4.a«a Ma4stra. I J'IS M\KK. DI I.4NEI' k DOWN' 6.UU0 t*b 'nIdA'r«: Railroad. ! 1 K"V. I) mild l.ardittl > ' Iw UmldBin. thr.uxh >. i*>>rk. fn »h. iti fnil bOM P^Vmtt tuwnr; AY>VII.I E 4 41T10N V.HkN^. Xc.- V 2U cask* ritto-*! Std«#. >» • Wig Manufactory, Tvaaud C..flr«, ttoir Pi*y#ical, lutvllvtual. and M. ral Ef- ; n bMtom ObampacM.' M X'di bar# Mav»viHc Yaru, tr**m DO to l.odk j I I fe**!# by Dr, Ab <-tt, 540 ffwm Maxeto*' .150 bales Battiar; M ALLY X DI'DLEV. CEO. C. PRAM |^IT9. Vervtalde Du t. a# sanetutned by .Alcdical Men and Ex|>eri- fit ancto aedt stoll Fr*'i*ht Afvat. • Atmnm4«. J50 bars W'rapi*inr Tb me; PitGburr. /iii: ‘ LrMtfrom eftr.- m all a«r*#. by Dr. .Alvott. E. J. P\tttt>*rfto PhUodtlokia Idfi touuskeoret. Rcrriaf: lfiS« bales 4 ^^^:YDEk. I andle-AA'irk; V 1. • supef Reralifi Ciran. assorted brands; CAETAXO Iti 'ia,:y, ur the Principlva « f tto Human Miud, by Alfred El. iehi • ' NNIStiihr * 1 'r I»l Mrth. *.r.iM: > RSO Af-nt. Philadelphia. i L Mail Trai„. : Fnom. Uu, Mrira* aad fra Idi bant arpi-t4 ! aak Vt , — ham; f"r#al«by Sme«. ) I '.a,, 3,4*4) ib# Bar l-cad; store and f'>rsalcb^ I M AGK.AW 4 K4M)N<. \.M. Amt CArTEKO k CRWl. and JELUEl- i >l** GF» KILI.M K in lain •-t-'rea* and for j U am,.., .. T. .. »ale by 1 irah-AA. P _ _ Ft'mcutsFi«mcuti ..rI'f Animal Magnetism, <>rnr Pr ctmrrss an«latol Practical ^e- Aii-Ai. » » «»• aaara*.* J.ilra- .AND AV m t’H'NAN k f’O. Freight Af,qu Ualtim«.re Vt jm ITS <»#"*• ' ApplicationApplication 1'trfi>r •' I. AD\_MS * CO. TliiH't. / .m:%a .ami i\ii;ri.nti\g hookm. Unman Relief.Rcltcf. Jo.**. L. FLIIoTT S^RAk£ll KBOOMN-ll'AraM IVaAoinaiiun.tociisaiiui). "r PbvPhvsinb.jiysi.'l-.iiy of Charming.Chnrming. > m *“ **“ ‘'biYlipmei. '*',^ ^***^^ Futglii Agent. .So. 7 «t. AMS- : ths V. . Winr nn. tra aa>» W. )• MaalLjUTlrifillli; \ N u#*.BarranUdtak^ « 1. I T" ( 1 M .'r—.*r*.. '#m and Micr-C'-m.Alicr-C'-m. «.r the l'uiv<-r'*cI uiv<.r'*c \Vith«*utAA'ithwiit H- I J forsBl* 1 French ..f Paul P Dc '^ and the H ll4)l’>To.\. III!' S-iarf, * Cn.'«Oiv,r,n A l t ’.V Ml, t Thr A.h *BrM. Ttaia. IraGm-.'nicre.Ctovalirruf tto *G 'd tlic of ; TAl FB lrht .kgnt. i v.T.Tiug lu I i*oM g.f t^MMMA.a tG.!.. l#fiou H"U'r. r 7.‘*i!‘"'' I'hilAdcIrhlA N W MA,-hIin * '••A'..B|rAr.ca,,-H *•> *o ih,; iS'^ia at 2 P B i Mental .\lrh*ujy.tuy. reatixe Alrh* alreatixeona 1 on thrthe MindAlind aud SysGin,System, by It III Ni.;it Eipr*" < rUas * : aaalu . » ijJ loiattor M.ekmr and Silk, or Huntar J..bn I ^t'GA R—7Um hiid« fair prime Snear «i#ro aa* 1- r.ali hy *Aaay; lb- otiwr i e .r r.**.* Brwa4r. '"-"--'A-.lir*-M'«rka w-i'*!?* Myers and bi# U EIEIHER k J \< R. 5b»>14t« ei. A. .SiThitJ... ' al .',1’- NO. E'll ‘ ‘ 2 4e 4* ^rt W la# — Tim...Times, AMAr,a Mary **fbf Obtto' A ailevmlh-r.ifof V.runiaVirginia JElS A.NH W **'*''' N„. u>,rth'l*« Main. hat. Third lad F,>Arth*tA. X; RTH 'TREET. RET. Ml ND M \KkEr Si'intoal intor.".uri«, ph.l ' J'KtM K COAr.-i-Plaiu and vtlv.- I 'A*. - .aphy ..f, i I At* Aubrey. the autb i an Explanati-u of KV**' '>aae*:if'jwilh TfXf. fr m^t. f 2 4c Juice »' h^ kralA AlmUau by 'ruf a#tle Avun.Jtc. .mv M. 4c CbUaA aa Ima* aa* fra Katkarinc tValU*u. or tl*c A K D— l,uuu keg' p. ime K-af Lard in siore and for salet by \ f R**. G. N |4 \.-# luvites vM lth.-ag". LLn* - Frsi.ii- rt. Lt.«inx«an, X 4s Ma4s!ra Wia«. Kctol uf lAurctirster, by W. Gil- M iN'il'II tbe attenti, a = f tor cu«acuan mermrr> and L bi«%i|G HO* I, AA'If Soperual 1be,.bifcy and Life lu ^ptorus, by 'V.»r- - - - I.D'-. I Mks J kS, A . o, >mmt'>, Lsq. Owen C ^ FIELDER X JAt'K.I'K. .ti and oii.rr'* to tor w! . Mai * a. Laf» rite, U OU B*mrtoa Wl.i«Av m»rw m 'inveated V F N TII..VI.AriNGxlV-r ING i*l V- and In 1 anaf.*! H*. DfLoiv-i. » .n. :... h . 4«mu Ctorrv < aiavar. **r tbe > f the st, MG.SU'VU,** Warrant'd I t- Imytoa. » SrBa4v ' kH*. Knu bu a K .inauce<.f MeJt- J’-'M^LifLl colon, as- U «hnnk. br«ito«ie# ttovttoT ar-ar.- «.o -prdnatoW. fcil-f. .imL. EfiMr NlA*r fra K'tauy for all CUssa-s, , bj c-mlaininr a Floral Dictionary. . T4fi 4^ M> bv Bith , K^IrtoJ a f-frd 4 U* md. 4 rWri Wia«. lao. k«.brrt M "ntfumery Bird. G>r , * f..f rvsrmMaoce to nature a# i.. defy det.'etiou.•U. .% laiwe a- dumb^*. 2 xik»*iGb. Maaoiltou. ium<-i--u« illu-trati'-n* . * * t-t * . to to Numi 4- jyl4 MORTON X GHISAVOLD. « 'N'FIM.D^.v -n Ku. v.rtm« nt i» krpl "Ii h »ud tor ti^.n. any I whi^-b, *f aj- 4 Ivrinistrv Ai-i-U.dA]-plt>d to Phy'iPhy-i- b.yy, - - ' 4 Cf). Agrienltun-. and C -m- ** H»Alli.. _ „ _i jyl5 AND W IU HANAN X pp'4r.| .f. sv.etbe purrha'ef h til ItWe and tr.,«W, ** aa* I aw m- l>U:iH«tADf XDER'HlRT'- - - ID- ree. bv l*rof. Li' big. ; _ vlegnnr M*«* In Ma4ituA. |MlT..aa i-raaaaaha^W CDFT MIELL ALMONDS— __ Fowler & Well.9 ’s *|«irimrns "I \V;«* anm^r be f*>Ui.J i-kwIc* re. M> t E.aU **.«• .»tr. 1a» aa* — , F-r sale by Publications. Iai !•* • rdew liOOlCS. L'-!SAV,,I1 '! ieudida«a. rtment ..f 1.»4 \\ buA#»wft#toH Aim-mde. WAr,*. .|,.,i.i"r tl'» ,•, k# »g*. Hall * aJ Jy2l HFNKV a.. laWwlii.^ Mau'- Braids 4 the \iu^uttxti»D J # Tariff. I>* Pliihp 4'. urD aluav« n band and t > - to • 12bblsMily d*>; 4 (*L1 N 1C A I. lotrodurti-o Practice 'f Fti, . made orJ* r at Tto *toTt''( o. i * ^ti' a.' ’•* I .JI'* « lutnbiia. . - ..412 al • Hnmbe^. iVrfumrrv. ' Ju*t receitiad aud ff Roy -'Usnd fimilie#. importato n*. -« A. floRlE. at., and M h-.ai-L* . «A ..A, Third I L'd . . 15li 2525|/h:v-T/ h , -T h« ,#„k„ IIDIl L\fE Gn» ** “ A»l,nira,— — cram-# and U Maa*.n-iaaad • rv.#taair " __ .* Maia aa* Tlai* iA%R—3lk>bb4# fair to |inmv f**r sale ioB ty of Tuhnrculosis Writ mgs. bv H.tir*-'!. II m au. -ykr Patholoay aud Treatment Palm"nary y. n 7.-.1 vr . .a r E.E- J. M.ikTIN X CO. aud *»a tbe Local Medicati-.u ,.f PharvDrcal aad Lar.v n-n'-al ^^H* pe- au*f Helps f r tto. oitng \ of b*fth Sex' by Rev. G. 14 iri 4 M}au4 for "r a#sI> MIICS .'TAKi H-SalU,Ara aa* hoA# ab* "-funiA!/. t-lnl>rlMA,- 'Tr-et. fTAU -WAAibAAt I AT*. M'OU ImH rhiril totWrvB Market anl Jr>kr»'M C-nfirm. d pbihs by a safe and su.'*v«#fnl tucthod. with lu- Ihiiovation F:otii]ed t- a I >itl I • ' ••ff this sttiwriwrstt|isrior stareb furfoi sale l.y >> and I'andi l H^ ai *n *. by Ji. ' Mareb • * I.' uiJ* ilS- ky .. w tore I arri r - . rr-r HMMlAA«ra *.,- ’IDE' AND HAMS— f ^-r v 4-- u rl.i,. . 4 ns. by ; |•HltA4.l^l-T. It loefvB# Case#. Furuiiilw. and l>nit-aJ obs* rrati* iotn;: Pait-r«-ti. * ' *• t;E4> kll 1 |4'K ' : Ba^n! l>raAUu' T*» . cripifa ai* twi:t '-rd-T a;i4 ? r wsi. h Wiltauumd Telvat of tto iwat *. - - *'isks ribbed 'id-S CtpaG u#s rivlea nud — - - — -I— -tnu l*ark*-r. ^urre<>n to th* Out^fi'4 Hospital. Uirmiophaui. Lato.r. i!s Hi'lory an.1 * Pr i-ct, th- l*s« ai.j .\bue- , •• qmlity w# are ewa^tod ael! at *- Ea(W l..5<#> canvasio'd c«iuutrv ...y Bb'l cb*» Sbi'c - f tiai*.'. v •r]>ao «a |wk«# Mak towar tiisa tto tOFEEE-EEL— Treat isr <*a 0|«rstive Furgery. e It •nrarhA# TaaD VIIKK ,,VE OV>rEK.'<- lA raAra Ja.t r. ana m suuru iwwwtry 2t<<4vM • tbu n<-B V baf# fair U prime RtR*.*' IVffec; -,f tto various pr-<«*sc« ! the art, inoludincall •pera- Milk Trade in V' w Vork ai.d Vi. ii,itv, b* '»"»«'|-'MA.I.h.«, Vullal L «-'iT«-d and f *r inle low hy ,.4,, 4<*1<* iMeketotowloMfket#ket# old do; tiou«. cxhibitin|C th« state of >dncual '^cicure in iU pre-* nt p•Wir «f 411' LouisTiile and Java i kH"l:ie«s »‘l' itiiij; ilf 4'hrutiat* Prankfort Railroad. IJVLMLIC^ VKuLTAliLE '^METD 1.4ti li>N -A .-rtain i p A. bORlF. Ko|e*ale CoBfe<-tii,n-e, s. 4n«j separate il- . W .* D’ThiN.*.. Dl bufs MoCba d*': in st'»n- : advaueed ''undiliwU. with n> plat* cm ntaining '• v- "V-r I hvsi. a J>* I cure f -r T-tTcror '.ilt kh-iiw. . >. J.' '•»* Tier. t.««iiauto4 nrwaseis whAlraAi.^--hal...l kih '-U .in. al.i-H-..'l. i Third st. 1 . r,i M a AA* JilV AND W B( 4 H lustrati- It#, b) J"M*i ^HOT— l•^uIatl••n,TI^•- Haltim*'rc IVa.-l- tmp'rtors aa-1 Ii-..- r# . > VKRVM. ;I)K>T. '* ' bv • f f'.rtilit;. (-otv ( J loied to at nr •(her • »< . I*'., ju"** »4*d t-'f *b Aur I a M#4 Cariawl'twaa 37 kcT" BSS-'Tied small f^bot; 4 \VINF.<- warranterl fre#h. f^ r -ale by «4l I.I.NnU kUFra t*l* “ *#“L'A^‘^M!.Vra2jra^‘^**'''^’^^ 1-HSE HAMPA4.NE Trull. ksw. t IIIN PI, \ ri.|# % • “]'[* ' >'•" wh'b'Saleab'l r#*ail by MU’* ^«"'** K» ( ) , i>2Ji G. IliiLvs, i 4md uU tka touar fradaa ad « umim, ut rary 3 ea'»es ND ->i A. .'41 i r law rv.«wa. do d>* Buckihi t, )u#t received 1 2i In Urn • „ h BnRIE. Third st. AM* r kHl.l. 4 1 tl.l ^ Alu 4n4 m»4iam. r 1 niseMiice R« f ruiafi 'n UF. OlL^XrTRS ^wuamer Rtokor 2.* li-iuxi *' Nliirtsand JJH GAH taikets v'THAW-J I rane. SnieTy loth*- '• '• »•->-. a_, I TlfkA-tovralv a*l-p' era's'll tto Drsnrrs, \GG|N*4;-2l-pi . I Jwat iwcmrad • akaaaa od beat ae»«rt#4 Ba,t* .. l. Br - y|.A.-ra ; entm l.cBvy nud —til rtn~su»d d^< J^rk-yGl>ih. . -nsiihUj. •**>»*'» I nt. » T #ale by »m.. nafika. kuw4auM atrUa. wtosii •wvt AA*.r»#Ar. *h«t WARE H J)tl ra Cb I srw:iau#Uir».|’«»:iAU#U*r». c- ftt W'ODDEN ii we will balUur a^-’Ve ar«"t my own • Bv.'iodBv.4a4 Mila*-*Milu'-* *•• &#- rMw Tto jy:-' O'l liifli.-n- by 7 _ ^dand ar- I Mr*. * a i vl r-5*« ri»o F'-v-.i i ft %: wi m4 kaw»to nh n aa«t# v-** aud 3 ea^b > pumled Tot#; 15 ^ | M UITF x *^MALL • owni' bd ttoiM to ai')' one in 4Bk Vatu Ma, JE* 2si d^den • xtru largr 4o 4-. i* batVM TksH amd Fawttb * A.- eratr* asw r.' d tfo'.easwar**; .Rra..., mVa^aaS'^^^-U 25 de ' _ pataGd ke<-lcrv; I') *oft • a'V bay- shell .\lm .n«t'; I 'iv-s. an'i fur ab- b w bv 4 1 k < lb* 4 — — — J*M D kasL 'h kiaa; I CIIBItOlMRiCfi-fAeuuTereBaivadttoa U»'KD,.«a_ tnv d^. do bo-kets. g'. 5 la/' Sieil) tpi; 3#* • *. *“ MRS NICHOLF^. b xi'« ib» . - !' •• I YEW m (•Ixsvwar ; ,'r *ir mmawa. Jortsito. 1 ju#t r.r. i • •I ..- ^ 2»w do fsa-y liu-ket#; ToWAKD H Hl.tihIDE SOAP- A upply 4 bi.N "hell (at Ert.neo - IkrG- V;.--. | uiutod I R.5 F'»*4rth 't., between Main :md Mark*- bard d#: 12 eaaks do Fsaefithiau i’La«ur*-. 11. i r parrs, tto -tu--'th >"ft i* ui> 1511 d*. d" do Half do; I 11 Tbi«s* «ur]^a.'ft d. It 1# a1*o n#ed f>'r bb-a^ bin mu'lin- and handk* r ^^Miiii: lie l.iiii. q ca*k, P„rt U•a«•« (T 'ttM*s Pins; nMi^ nveived Slid fur sab 1 ,a.. A IMfRIF. N" 44 lar^'ra r ^ I « »w; I iw Third ri., A a*w rtment |>"^IN- eaibU'!. ah b.W. r PU.,d %V are. . rea*- . tar. Ac. fn^m rb'thin- 4 r Ket.jp.,: '-f ' ^ I's* 4 icea ''baker (UrvanCs'i; • chief# and fur the removal , tn K\M. PITKI.N. A o. jv A| Wto b'«alr 4•'af••• tn n-r m. I#a*e Frar.ra . rt 7 ***^‘*'*'' Br-'*«i4 vud D. alrr la l-'r-in-n Fruit#. i "Ur #1 I'k la all • f Ilw* nr»N»* *».«? # a: 'ri F M. ^*^ ^**»»ed - - - l4 aad A riMe iruu»— aud j>27 II. Il p f*ir#sD bv Kolll N.m»\. A Co . \. lyS . I HFLL 1 .... 25m F''T-*lrby : 'IU a» 4w as'wrtad broom >; C'r -ale by ' »#. wrW'iild .v'k tto- aO'-titi-'B lu » M. "f V' iiatrv as* rv traaia N'«** k. Mirk": -is. *4 j I 4 I bird I Ml .VT fi O. jyl4 Market. to tw.*D and nrih >*KT AND \V I N f — v.'itiiiL' I 'i' I. lib* at 5 r. M su '' M « a4. i -V'.r.v - I ria*.../,, Ft4«OTduw4 brweto- Swiae MmIius k to f. II ,ur. i. re pur- haaiit? « •' fr> i;*..,,.. ,, . I a'#«?-d -ur priv- * so*# J < .'*PR|Ni, dire-i *r>ni '-^araidin. t i .! . ' R-»brii«aiia4 / voNgKE>''^ tVATFK. I.'. IdP. P; 1 ^ re s. Hwckper .. Uas*dkaraL.at» I stock induce t*. u*.d arr « at l.aara^4i al I AN'- A -uiKiri-r ar'ivle . f W h.at Fan f'.r ale utU ttom i# 4#» P M 7;; if“'wiTK‘:'77.^ { #ale by bFl.L J{4»BIN;^»N.^»;o.I ACo W'HLAI Iktot nc'-ive'l au-l for .ale l^aaValrah, MASK IJyMJ - Uw tv • '• DLLAXCr * DOWKR. _ bj HYKAM. PITKIN X 4 O.. - 4 \'"ED\y * llOi KIN •' ri'"-.*. *«B. J. Hunt Sc Co. j A. Ht»RIF. t p! t rara.l - W. 50Third . _ *1 5* .m to-0*« IW at . «#. 471 Mam ri vHoli t. ISRANDY — A Very snf'cn #artnle>f ltrai..1v u »4»i l.DeuHila .thcirivlebra- i ’H*'*4 E !l FY)i'.le<.-i!-i* r and lieal-r in sp'MalaiGnii .n'.f bnvervi J> F*.ivigu Fruits. lta.j*-- rovb 1 roa-hb run »> (' stere and forfvreaU-#aU by n .a Uane* fi w.ia LraV- U Vd HI MHn. so 4 P.arcde.n) tto tori article f..r d^. Tkf ATKTTPrFV . aad Iri .kf NTNriGP -n KaOr-iwI. Tto» arv rwa )«* kPESTINX -MkklB lu krat-Atc annferuf* r»«mwa4|wr jyll r.FLL ROniN.^ON. k CO. ‘ , Frauftfo#' I UM'riir Btkp IT'* .fee ibtr"4u(-ed f'*r ^*- in lots to ;uii. Al#- I r Claud) Burke u*4 for Mkr by rirsf %ri*ikiil4>l 4 ar|»«7liiig J VHI.GKIDK OF LIME— food r-lial I. ariK-lc, put up » iV GARDNER t ro 4 t: 1.*^. Fancy Bar S- ups. biyhly * rfnm*4; M.L\4;iiril X CO \T HITE X SM M 4i*’» Mux *r. Wash f I ti#ht to ttles. for sal- by ball# S'S rt-U eU'-s. rs and («rsrfiimus; < o ' jylt nru.. R4»HIN>T»N. 4 i MIAMPAI.NFIIAMPAI.NF i;7 ll'F.haye Jn«t tveriv-d 17 p4.cv*"f 4 ar|*ciiar. -*urlip‘t fall I F i-i^kaat. imiaibu''. Itarb-r-'. Usthutv >uafrs, Xc I \N- aud V ml* ji«d tu V V nii|,.,.tati"nv~ I I I •* F'*r .. oil un bat* 1 - ael Sal* tto tra4< <'H torus hy the fUBaufa*'turers. ' artiA-le of Table I nock WIGKS X Itf. farorabb l.'i pie.'-' Imperial 1-plie«; ‘ ub aadexamiu* street UelBern Main aud the LD GoVCRNirENr at 43 Third ID do tor«t .(Ualitv 2>p|y: JX% A AND MOCHA COfTU; lu P> AND M4.LA''#,Aa_ river. j)IM Ro|llN*«ioN. X 4 O IlFI.L, 12 d«^ 3..^««rid <|uality O umM f*5 uaie fey ' h^ A. 2*plv; ^irwi. I )o|‘L - II JAMk> 1.4 *U CO., u -..iP • b..tcv > M 4i- Ku| lu #t"rc and lot sal- ! ID do Cni'^a fine 2-1 . AVD'W BTCBaKAK ^•l -Tr; by ' 1) t 40 NDKIES^ I>K1 MF SK. VK bh or sale *' »-• bv i.Al.l Vi.IlEK k I'li. AI- . ral. rill, T.;.-«lry Umra.l.<. .b bm, ib* Iraaiifal tr. • I'Sj hh4# fair N'-w tiriean# Snsar, 1 f.r*aUbv iJvIt | I^BL-NONIVCMI HAMh l«fiw fltoue K msr.vKD. umd «uD bv )«i U.EO# j.-mia Sicwf. 2m bid# 4 rushed d". c in Slid Market #l- .Vl»". by Same arrivals -V J nl SSEL'L. *<• LAD M ia#.m ta N» »a*'ka;.'«#i.Br powder Tea; ' - Ua4 for sale by W"'Bt' daad l.iucn Damaak; iji l4Si lbl# M 'lasse#; TFR> WliL". N«H C*'4)N4.E'- buffi •tt'.n MERINO. tND.SKKi.F’s k W|4 K«. do; - • fiuu : ; . * PMCW# Ha^iui;: I . 7 VI'- j; Inri-r. INED SCGARN^2D4bbtoSi »ud 12-4 llarn-ley Shcetia;;; Ju ow«-n4. •54m -oiD K*k«. iu •to*re and f«r sale tv 5 t 4 k-red and ajof'-'L fi'R: **‘»-«*^ N #!^kin.-, w cl#, a.*. » UUd T era, »«i4. V. iyiU 4*0. i *h.»r f*w M JUS. T. Y IlkfcNT. SON. X Ml 4 ANI*i.E.s AND .MfAP— • « ' T I " PV TEN r d-» M Lu'* r Cl I C HFHMETD \l. >EI.F-^F Ml Nt. Ti» Bhivh B# particularly Tite thr atleati"B ! purehus No. 90 Fourth Street, .Vl r ; Us, It.’ t -44 pa- k Ig. - 4 4 AN. a«c rtord «oDr#; N’Oi >tar aitdle#. F4 >R PKL'KKVINi. IRCIT'. TOMA riiE.". .VO K. WD’KJi lin E •* • ..? X SM \LI . t WFSTSIDF. BETWFFN M 4 . *. Merm . fo; u- t-i'ily ..i ' UN AM* eU' .l or . l...i;d, MARKET ' re'iaimiv no .'obi-ri'ir i'#>r* west ' ' -f 1. * ** hy III < II VNAV * <> . - bank uisvili INF'ENTttR f tb J Vl :.;ark !*w**a B* bb* Wm«h.B.toB |r» r.imtl .. im| ra.-ia'toa. on ^ irt tiou# tor hllihd u« I re., rv.iig haml aad 5 r saJ I a.c*’ 4 ni anv the lr MM K. W|< I I2U hbUold 4 -pper Whisky; B^ri-oli.-# Ft.,;*. W.e*. _Il KS X Cti Fans! Pans! Half Br*i l«. Puri#. Xc . J (MBs L»»W at Cost! A CO . 4J'» M*'U i |2#i 7.5 bbl«.-td b-urt-n a *; 'r«l*-r. al#*' /FOl FMP- f-sles Missouri i vyiNi; B »t,-Bk .•( lla.r Ur*: f '-verv 'h-i r*' *i"j., . -r.*rT; FLE-^Bm !.»«» i.rim* i>. t~ .m Y’^EUY M PFIUOK VlKlilMA ToHAl O' laiici! I'aa. >t,ll ..a hBB*. Iw'llch- sale .W) bb1» dd lUe do; in ri-'W and t >r rale bv :ira<‘- let*. I't 4-:: * ruBJ^ CHAIN-M*-' rtoa|>, to Kre Pm*. bt itaiu* 4 1 1 - N' H rb^, by F PA» pai-kagr^ t.ieni •'•wt. F *ri b r> t4...|M, , t A "*“•' .<'irerrigii «>f the >ea«; cut at Ladle#, M.», t\D ROPF- L MWartiTni'lraTlh. ;; S04 >V14 K^, «*0. n cull so*^u au*i let harraiu# at jylw SOS. * K». Jyl* K. i Aw*Ladi*« Hair lip w-inC'b'BF rii' .it TID*. V bRFNT, MR." li. Ml HOI --r ttotrr U pieees •wrr-bom llagfiac; . ^ A"'<. •«. I to r • t m»fp*' m ;i -* 1 J W<'HAKaN » '-o iiN^Mi.N IVK J>» No. ".'.Fourth ft., betwaen M. *CI M " B.iii'i I '•m f EMiiN Barrunt- n pKKloKtiLD UR VNDIF.S AND WINES IN FYOOD OK Mam aud Murket ~ ^IKl p -fl.'jd'wcu '-f my "Bn manulartujv, I h- tn bkis fid. | ^h to* f•yr: f..r eaD Nr MOt.ASSCS- lin J /'*»TTON-24l*toi * eia«# alBai# CfiC Al.U«v.*'aa.... - I d od b Stand thcsuinmer. f'waaleby ran Steuuser Emj«.ui4*AN X ft). —: — 4 * aud 4 ruihnl Sugsr# p eeiv .l i-cr #t* am**r Mida# Aidl AFRA <«iFFEK-ltk» bags *#f quality iu»t re ! and f<-r I r—4 INVAI.ID"^. attention ?— FOR pi ke old LlQlt»KS. sale bv ANl>\v HCl YFRY soiiri' r Ikirra-* f r Ijcvivodby ^ HANAN a Cli STBAMBOST AQENT tra't L'w»* )asi ruupived an*l far aal defined M*GAK^-S5..W*|i | Jy|M^ f J MARTlSiK) Apply I" be r» ally '.f Mfrv i V tu V'^u. if you need Li'pi"i>. j>2u Gri-i-ery t-Mtue.- V I #nch a# Bill | De|iot, n^l and U a-hiu.;ti.n *^*" »ta FRANK 4 kRTEB ''******'” ” oy avi.diny y-'ur orderst-) the "Uiu* ll>'U»c** y*'U can ruly ui-)H j>27 (.ILL J>» L-RE.-H I ER.iNsy-w^.ra raraira* |,rr Memnirr II '.till.. j , . filfl'NTBVCANTAliBb BAHfie.>JHou uUru uud f'W sul« by » m « BANA.N Bhat vou rut a# being - inctly pur* I.I.N'Kl — 22 boU# verv superior quality k CO. r BB* f.a- raU hj liiKI 1. Tb'i* »t. . I 2544 bag# Rtu Coflte; l„« .V. M ' *»4 ( J G Rl>>EU. ,J'I'| ' J P. TIloMPMfN. store and for sale by \ N Dl —5 cash' A, S«:igiit FORWARDING AND COADIISSION .541 do Imguav ra (hiB*e; ‘ _ totw*<*n j jyUD F"nrtb«t . Mam and Market. IlKFDY X DAY If S rm. m-:i mm m. z m m. .-m. ' 2*4 ' mr ' l•AR.'-a)•• Br. ner, A ra.M-.ljah do Id t;"V-rnaKttt Java Coffee; ^ a.-. ICB liimrum uri^i uuulity UMuivMd m Eau'fows aad fur HraraLVoil n'2'rI*ra'V«^^i^ra Inxra Clai-k. h lit hbl# Lak*' < an* » r h, ..E". k lELK \^Ek\ >l PEKIOK V 1 Ki; i I .F Toli.xi't Fish; K tv jkT CABWEB X iv N o>— u > tORNER W.tTER A%D TfllRU NTREETS* I J.ii. Di oLar. 541 bbls '•radraWai S»l,*rarT_i. erarl ; .Nin 4 ' 12» boxes J..lms 4 |Uuo -ck’s Cele’ rate*l; M las.es; l>4 4pI.INfi^| . !Me "lik T*!** .T:‘, 1 asdforsuluby [Jyll* K, M DKS. X o I aadCottvtt FP* plius. difurt impB*r- - — " ID t*» drum# CihIObIi, LDBul BBi*N W MIbNI M* bW* lu >to»tu Aud f «w uuD tow do Jn*>. J.ihn* s do; I Scally & Dudley, LOUISVILLE, KEATVCKY. 1 •ct. a. f r*>tob) 3ii i 2.'<4i hr !»• C. (-i; ^x)x) hhdshhdt fair to vtriitlyvtri'tly nine aSuyar.Sugar mtn sb.re#t..re aud dv rrBinct.'n - tt' k*r* Nail# \Mr*4 |4iw O J BrR."ELL aR— I] W H n; W^HOLE'AI F. (;K4H f K'. I 4*KW VKDING \NDC4*M- J X S i*y MM.'' M . GAGAY. Lb) do |4X» tmekages i;nap»Bder ^forsalclyfor sale U W Warn « Extra I m«; VI .M* r< •. 'tr t. Teas: I km: M.un !. M'\ ill, f'-'me-rf'''rnvr I to* kr;.s f*eeundf^ecund an Main sU.»U. | M d 11 siv u t . ^ tlw f-rw ii'liiu i f M-i- »V ' t . 11 Its . " •’ri do Ft r"s 4 tuu# bar Lead. . G*.U. W . U X I U, . . . » ! jufr« d‘( d''i chan-hw an.l Pr-lit.'.'. 4iw mr- .( r.H-I* iv.,u. TlSil #t..r*st'if* f-rf"r sale by arc te-l lu h.iV) i r VOFFEE—VOFFEFI— 7l4«1 a,#a,'# Ki"Ki') lu and 2**44 yp, j. • ba.'s M vysv tUu j h-^ * th. ir pa-.'koge- -M ai. ..I Yams, a** rtol; '* marked ‘lalh X Dn.ll-i. Hite & Small. bl-1 11401) WBlSkV- WM G\Y.' 141 (' JyM .f ' *U bales -Nos. I and 2 Battm.; " WI.II. A Eiira I'iBB; ifuT’f'aj'h .idvaiii . ' mad*- '••igiiui. I ui#'!* nta.' Jv2ii FALL IMI*4»RT.\TI(tNS FiiRFML «1VI OF BK( "^"EI .n .'{It baL- C.'tt. n Thiuc. n X Jooc»*s do d -; N.wr 1 ...h-a ..U' vt iwioimiiou: I r~ARD-ARD— i** AND T\PF>TKV C.VKPiTlNi*. uw bAwd and lor .afo by XwBBBdThiidMrraU |iX' »•» ' filler's d" •; |/E«i| K 1# l.'Ui'^xtra *•' d r-'ciVi-d bv 1 J (MF't at.W JI *oNi keg* prime leaf Lard; , steamer N low ro.. 4ic B«MMBk ki Otm'KtXfMt. rJ ll'*E bavc jn*t r«, vV c>9 aud • mauttla^turert. ucw auu Vxutiful *t)Ws ->f l >LI N'^ 2 1. »•' Frank Taylor d - d-.; Jj-'*' EH t N K c A TUird .t Ta- a Mna.ta du Lame, dsfuut im« tnstureaudforsale by | FIELDER X JACK. KTFR. |J)12 pe.trv and Hnis#t ;* 4 ar]-. ' - factory, .ra..I.l_j tm^, which • *<%:’< • rxrvlkd m p*lta«toA. for «#;« hy Arkwright I JO'] imU'V* I'AVIES, M rieu ' I figure or • |,v,|K".M'>T.n'K I.'KS'li;^ E.MP P.\4 KI.Nt. \ 25t* riehui #• f »'-| r>. 1 11 J (MRS xtra mne hrandie.'- (RN— ruvis Hemp Pa<'kiag Yam. TOW X CO . 41" Mam «%. tl iL tJ'T'ES— llu 5 stts X 1*0. |.i).-.*-- p sale bv ^ jr*> gEo k ili. ick. •* I 2 «cts r' 1' «i \e* L*>m*.« cinsp. AND W Bl 4 HANAN X CO.’ J'-’* *• H. MiiSSARKVT I'O .\mericaa do t k iu* t lOfToN tl \TTIN(.* — l'ri bales 4'oitoa Batting store aad .\la^ lmpunal3-nlv. TBpntry IncTBin; ! 1*,..* \\ TM* Ltf*«#iriBsu 5i)n bar* pnme Eastern (linen bays); 2 S d - Lcrer Frvres, j m e*»k»a7, I'-.q# Mlk I .v.vs f. \ f. r ml** b.w b Ib ft .ri do WfOlaaaffcaai.tfcaRrr r talc by y | jy» (;E4». klLLH'K En^li'b 2*ply; to*t \mrriiraAdu; Mm»rul du; Itsufi PiuX»«r WU iBfarUlBa* .afFrOrdr; 9si d'' 2 do B ili'Vin. 0 D do do iffunni«#.(; M J 2»» l*bl* \MF'* L4iU A i n , iN Mtdiues and 1 ai»a fiar 2-pl.''' Pale \lo Tmi-rarj iBfraiB: (*nito-d Statas): for salt 1 Cvrprtia,:. vml Br- wn Rtout; FvuutoMp .airart-ni. 15** do fair do du; (No purvr or finer Itrandie* in tliu Ij ( I Kt* I N I T4 IH A4 'C4 — 57*' t'oteeV irgmia Tobucco, an#*>agst W« r*#|>retfuHy lavite tbu atiehtii'.au# ***ir ewab^mrr* aad t) u ba*k*tu« hami*asa* VViao; f’utUu uLaiu all wwuJ alim> 3lfi) J. MO.NK.'C, Mam st. * whieli “**' du barsbai jyl2 j are »«VrraI vhuivo braa'l', sale low. to fair New firluan# (linen ; fur do**- e«*u« U..,. • u-;' all or this I public geaorally t au r«aL«mv:'' •*! tto«« r .ri* ra> ria4 Aud VT- « Published Day, ri^nm nl#. by n toiu-Niil I'i.- Ira.'; Ttowt bv Jr2h] (;K4t ' ~ U want per late arrivals and f*.r sals | KILUt K. **• aKEFIMI •# \4*'ONDERri LCH AKAt lFK^. c-n.j rnme take grv-at pleasure iu exhibi tta.' them tu ..11 wb** «* favor iw ANBrr>bFIW. ^ ’ M-moIrs an.J I 'UliB* It ," J UARTI.V t •'O.. iBlIraU E IV \ wiinarUl. II II -^M f 'le- . iiumi -oAUst laarat fc. aBnra'ra need f the m- at Kriuaikat)!- Pel '>*11# f . C & ILL. L • »-* at wrv Age I (KT> J D* : ree* J,l« « ranar Firat an* «B4n Macklin N*m’s canra#*'d sugar-cured Hams: — tveJ a larce luteteu wf r«ad«*madu Liar n J' X ri * < I# ud Nri.'.ii •'••Hcct«*d nthentie >..uic. u3 4W Mam . 3d- r« we B..i.k 'f l s:*^ 'll- ilu "‘ar'linus Mouus FTk WdfiuM . fur Mke My from A » hv Hi-nrv \i il- 4/^ an*l D. S. Slurp X i o.'s Orrfou esnvased family If sms; Muilm **hirt*. uitb and Bithvut «-«'IUr#. Ine and broad *•*0 -'*ixie.-n I'oriraii* on «t'.ei 5i* dMun KvtraeM. TaniHaa R«*#e. splendid at the f< lbiB ing b>B iyJ5 J \ \i 4 4» plait*. *iir* ^ toreund torsale by FIELDER k JAi K. MF" L>*-; I pr'*i'ortr>a. 4*«ntiemeu want oi 12 51" Main st.. betBcca Tbir>( and Fourth. m Linen **r Mu#Im )«• Fle/antlv iMjtibil emb*j**«'d mor»«oc«. W^OK.STFD PI. I Euel'sh Walanu rsv.;. m only io Mil vase tch PUid, dir« i ; ."hirts are luvited t«> call at .'<25. touthwust curAerof Main aud lu 'U'^'iantial emi-f-ed ''1011). •* * t|. II, for .-ale by Id 1 hist ream Nntu; mi M Third #treet». A. D. MtNSFIEI.D. CoIfMfrt* ’•> !'hl* "iet.’7 A.m*ads: Bur*D' k A yen*#. nr*, and Canvasecr# furoiabed on j> ^ J \ M NtH k. WD K:t. X 4 (>. ;X4 #acks Tarw.: >aa •k*; (il.NuH A.M-5 5.HUD La Gunrdana do do; \\''HALEBONE-5(Opoui.d. li.ng WhaUL. n f'.rsaU by I »E"TEK ca'US, direct imi*urtati bw do#«n *n«wriur CkAmpagAu Pnt.listore j an*i I'WOID •’*\ »**« by eVW ."BOn ktgal.a Cirai. , II 4 5,m*t> large jy2.5 . iBiiwnal d'>: ra_ J Anr.xMF'b I.IiiW k n lUil Ma-uvi« u .tt. .t )iW du Bar# Utl iWMorr'W g Luuvill.ky.r . | J AME.^ lD,4Mu medium La Rena do; for sale by LOW X CO.. 4IS Main si |t*i Fanvy taap, N(H K, W|4 kJt, X CO. 'to aasortod, yl2 J MONk.s, .w; Mala St. 1CJ llavaaacnd Priuei;** Cim.'-*.

i I Ormsby & Owen, LCXTRA FI.NE BL.Vt K DKfc.vs p.OTS- 25 4juv^'U* I M.tDLlHA — Juat rucvlved a Fl-INF^ Xe.- towia# ^to«c HERRY AND : IMI'OKTEK'i.WHOLFSALE 'lAMrACKK WINK ^ T' Is full asxTtmvBC of 'lies. GettUemru in search ul neat >V bhUtbU llVI d'SeU towSoA and - storrv 3Uau >We«t>we«t Malaaa Wmc; Ebglub Flik 1 K**.;*?* S 12 casks Wine. and Ketnl Dealer# lu Hard w' Dress Pan's will find them at 525, p .Ml,'Hf hbl#bbl# Am*rican\m*ri Braadv; *’?*-'#*««* IS *B ('all) !*a*aira Wiu: , _ .ra, ware . Cuihry. Gun*. NaiD.^^^xBlwLi^ I i #*—.1 S , l4Ul HRb rasm Spiced 2 R. MONTCOMEKV X CO. MANSFIELD. g hhUbbU DmraaDmraad Port Win*; I a , V "almua. J. I pip* supurior old Madeira Wine: in st<*ru ar d f'jv #al« by ia ttore and At salu h. ' L. tour#. N«M k. wli' to?*V’l'u ^ eiviug . .3% at. ! WKkS.M |(k. to.CO. Jyl3 J. MONKS, Mam go*Ni# trim tb* mctmfactur r*. l*oth foreign aad '!«>> M .'#1 X I„. ** / V\'l AWUA WINES— ^INC OH-BOAKDS— d- len ZiAi.- M aab-lF arvi# just F#a, ho* and Ctorriua "Lra, I ra«*tir. whii b vnable u* to s>-II to m-n-Uant.. tuai«ufat-turer', rara, f.n- i receiVod aud tor salu by I •-•'•Ij B.J irk „* aal. br V 25 boXi'S Longw'»rth # Sparklinr Catawbx; » r rala ky '-.'(T-t NO • CB!'". aud bnild-rs at price# that will l ay ttom t» give call Nnil. is- raa.nJ »-«< • mt., totwweu Stoventh and Eirbtb. u* a at a * l< ES. A CO, 2«i d" l. n,:w'.rtb a /immerutan # Dr) Catawba; GEO. KILLKK. JT* M a ra.. ka StaaMk. 2D tbestoirvof j k. K', X n m k casks KordcAux Claret; t*l>*^^J oRM"HY X (iWFN. 551 Mam -t. I Mk wn Nv I *^**^^1*l^)ETtl) ii,.AIu<_* iGABi* For sale at manufai-turera’ pruus b LABB.MDDA-MMtedars^ , tov . ^ 30 do -S>. •'*'«*'• WtoteWine; ^T-\ R (*.\ N DLE"— 55u boxes, Ik naw Mjrbk '-kaak fra raaak kn, . *•••jn#t reueiv^ *»»1|B U VI.I.A1 K half toxes, and qimrtcr boaes tMa ^oByil-AU. X BBo .ra.i.jr7,*^ C'lfBn, r to* bnxeu Radsina; l4iU casus Claret; received and for sale br / I RAIN B-tG!"— 4,*#*' just received aud for |,„.E * ; Ju#t #ale bv jjjr*** j •‘^‘*‘** ** »• caueu by lYnnu#, Jjl2 J MONKS. 396 M ain St. ^ * Jyl» G MIDNFK X CO, t JAM.'' I.OW NXTHBM—A Uflg* kusM Always M diure n»d for — *'- #I< E8, i ilN.Nl B.\G.'^'*^.UiVi second-hand Bags for sale il U.i C„Unn k ca. to SniaM. t » CO. It* Tiiina; frails I |<>w to I .a^Vy T'"~ Dntas; j ^ AC . : \ close, j.v2l! I » oeiABr a owes / 'a*T«"N-TUa,raMral,lTioN—Thu rrunt ra _ \I!.* du (.'j's aiid Id’s) Snavely brand ToMmeu; |( E— 1(4 tierce, t harle.tob stip«*rior head Kiev received (rr GEO. Nuw ta Ato^ 22U do 6 Fill# t* amer Isabella sale r bn#, xraurt.4 nBn*k«ra • ,.lt-ra He-w Booka. aad I by Y.kRXn— BAVDT and MBBIir AND POBT WHTBS- for sale by' du K and for XI Yar.. Jy* la sturu and for #alu by OMfMS— W*4i\ E BodtjM." — Jn#t neulvcd 25 dusvn neat ' jurt racclTc^ •* H d J iNipwydfiMr GAETANO X rR.«M). ( Jrl2J FIELDER X JACK. GARDNER X fTL rar atcMnar .ktxJantn an4 ^r anla ka *•“* ^ »«yc..wd.a HTkfmi BTMdy. pattern#. Persuu# Bosom# (w T"t Ur'kT B la search of ready-made p«t tl NtR'E. MK'K'. k •<> * ** bultoworn ^blrts cun buy ttom rhrap st l.ratar. ra. tka Traa. Ika Baaaaifal. 0*»d, ky JiCCACTC'Rtl) boara la .uaa aa4 Ira RUMMER k I.OTII J NO— caprra. i)ut LVit.Bs— l,2#nid'**cn lJ-\f»f*ING AND RUPC— 54X) pu-evs and v»>iU aad Jk* «. y \f lUB.k'*''*) -2W( r.aala.d Stnbto'. Butchert's. and otbcrvckcbrated I of c‘.#»icc ' St*rcr“-»’ST’ ->X By 4 Mselu. aaUWw kj Black !EK I.'*) tora,*. atraa ihHia t, I jrt| J. H. MON'TUOMEKt E DA-Ul>eaakaSa|,. Cork. WWa WraM. k> lataala. w. ra "!? 6l4 _J B BONTGOMERV X (iO. ^ TEAN8 AND L1^^F:Y— A constant supply of the IMst ' Sraiaiaalara aad y .'l ' Baiaineiwr) trimmed jyy, J „ BIINTOO>trHV k ' 1 ) I •« <*"*«a EraacliSilk MIU; ^ and PaAcv oat and ianuat aad elegant «tyU; for talc low at 525 #J brand# always on hand for coi fra'alaky |U| K. Wit and »al« i V-^«OI. on oa.ilumtat at . M, k CO lalrala.alala 1 ml,. fcd. ^ **^**' I — 7.' El.tak.aV--#««- . .Irak, do Satin .'Ira [ ky El,aak.a VFunrtXtt., . ki: . ^.Ay.toarky. betuuen Earn I “^ aauortm.as tor aalu a.atbwcft c*jracr of Main aad Third structs. . a*/ b arRct, bd uaaufacturert’ prices by ****- **'-'**U.I..A--SO d..icn f,r ral. ^ K'J-*-'* I RccciTcd day lar rala ky " J. r> ra 1. . I Uu> and R. M(JNTOOMCRV X CO. i/W A. D. Mansfield. • jyiy ii. a. dimesml x f o.,O., wniist.Wall,t. lij.'Sd ^ KIBE »lOAB—.Wkkdayri*a sayar larara aad «' J H MONTGOneRV k CO. * Jjfe ^ Irarala 1 *'r.;bi*»RR*«a)Vrd aa* »OiSCIUODN JA1U8 LOW * ca, 417 Si.a it. P *WR*W«»sjfsraa**»» a*aa KitvaaakJrra^*a/'' l»*l .Not », WICKS, k I ^ . Iku4Ikra4 Udaad y,^