Lord, You Are

An Adventure In Praise By Allan H. Franks


Allan Franks has been a Pastor in the Church Of The Nazarene since 1977.

He currently resides in Loudonville, Ohio where he is Lead Pastor and Counseling Director at the Loudonville Church of the Nazarene.

He is married to Brenda and they have two married daughters and four grandchildren.Hallelujah! O my soul, praise GOD! All my life long I’ll praise GOD,


It is time to praise the Lord! It is always time to praise the Lord! Praise for our God needs to be a way of life. Praise is something that God deserves. He alone is worthy of our praise and adoration.

This small book contains a list of many of the names, characteristics and qualities of God. It has been a labor of love for me. For many years I have used the Psalms in my daily time with the Lord to prompt me to praise Him. Often I found myself repeating the same words and names and qualities of God so I felt led to take good old Webster’s Dictionary and go through it page by page and look for any word that could be used to describe who God is or what He does in our world and in our lives. This discovery journey through the dictionary took me about two years, but it was an incredible experience as the words I found sprang off the pages and into my heart and out through my lips toward the God that those words describe. I am sure there are more words than what I was able to come up with that describe who God is and what He does, but I think you will find it a very thorough list that will help you give praise to God as you use it. I plan to use this small book for the rest of my life as I praise God on a daily basis.

My prayer is that this small book will help you develop a life of praise also. I hope it will help you know God in a way you have never known Him before as you read through it and then let the words come out of your lips.

Hallelujah! O my soul, praise GOD! All my life long I’ll praise GOD, Singing songs to my God as long as I live. It is a good thing to sing praise to our God; praise is beautiful, praise is fitting.

Hallelujah! Praise God in his holy house of worship, praise him under the open skies; Praise him for his acts of power, praise him for his magnificent greatness; Praise him with a blast on the trumpet, praise him by strumming soft strings; Praise him with castanets and dance, praise him with and flute; Praise him with cymbals and a big bass drum, praise him with fiddles and . Let every living, breathing creature praise GOD! Hallelujah!

It is time to praise the Lord! “Lord, you are…”

A You are Alpha, the beginning. You align my life so it aligns with your life. You are alive, and because you are alive so am I in you. You are my all in all. You are my ally in every battle I need to fight. You are all-around me. You are alongside me. You are The Altar at which I worship. You are The Ancient of Days. You are my Anchor in every storm. You are The Anointed One, the Messiah. You are The Answer to every question. You are the antidote for sin. You are the anvil on which my life is shaped. You are the apotheosis, the perfect example. You are easily apprehended. You are the most approachable person there is. You are The Arch over my life. You are The Architect of the plans for my life. You are my strong arm. You are the armor that protects me. You are The Artist that paints the picture of my life. You have ascended into heaven and you reign from there. You are the one who has assembled every part of who I am. You are my assurance. You have atoned for my sin. You are the example of the perfect attitude. You are authentic. You are The Author of everything. You are the ultimate authority. You are always available. You are aware of everything. You are amazing! You are awesome! You are Almighty God! You are always present. You are altogether lovely. You are my Abba Father, my spiritual daddy. You are active in my life. You abide in me. You are able! You are above all. You are absolute, free from imperfection. You are the absolver of my sin. You are abundantly gracious. You accept anyone. You are always accessible. You are always accurate. You have acquitted me. You are active in the world and in my life. You administrate grace. You admonish me when I need it. You have adopted me. You are my advisor. You are my advocate. You are affirming. You are the Afflicted One. You are agape love. You are ageless. You are the air I breathe.

B You are the barrier breaker. You are big. Your brightness lights up my life. You are bold. You are beautiful beyond description. You are the Bread of Life. You are the balance in my life. You are the ballast that gives me stability. You are my balm for healing. You are the band leader as I play my instrument of praise. You are the Banner of love that is over me. You are the one who has baptized my heart and cleansed it. You are the solid base of my life. You alone are the basis for my faith. You came before everything. You are the beginning of life. You are my belt of truth. You are always beside me. You are The Best! You are better in everyway. You bind up my wounds and heal them. You are blameless. Your light blazes in the darkness. You shed your blood for me. You are bold! You have bonded with me. You are born of God. Your love is bottomless. Your resources are bountiful. You are the brace that holds me together. You are the Bride-Groom for your church. You are the bridge over troubled waters. You are brilliant! You allowed yourself to be broken and spilled out. You are my Brother! You are the builder of my life. You are the burden carrier. You are in the burning bush.

C You are The Christ, The Messiah, The Annointed One. You care about everything in my life. You are compassionate. You are considerate. You confront me when I need it. You are easy to comprehend. You are concerned about me. You condemn sin. You are the conductor of truth. You are the conduit on which truth and light runs. You are my confidant. You are confident about everything you say. You are the one who confirms who I am in you. You help me resolve conflict. You console me when I have been hurt. You are my constant companion. You are my Comforter! You are my Counselor! You are The Conqueror! You connect me to yourself. You are The Conservator that protects me. You are the one who constructs my life. You are my consultant. You are my Caretaker. You are the center of everything in the universe. You are The Crucified One! You compel me to come to you. You are The Chief Cornerstone! You contend for me against the enemy. You are my source of contentment. You are in control. You convince me of your truth. You are copious. You have an abundance of riches. You are The Core of my inner being. You correct me when I am wrong. You are the costly sacrifice. You are The Capstone. You are The Creator. You are The Carpenter. You are the cable that holds me together. You are the one who calls. You are my calm in the midst of the storm. You are my example of courage. You are the course to follow. You are the covenant maker and keeper. You are the master craftsman. You are the cross bearer. You are the crossing from death to life. You are the Crown Prince. You are the enemy crusher. You can! You are my canopy of protection. You are capable of anything. You are The Captain of my soul. You help me capture my thoughts and make them obedient to you. You carry me! You catch me when I falter. You are celestial. You cultivate my life and make it fruitful. You are The Cup-Bearer. You are the cure for everything. You are the one who challenges me everyday to trust in you. You are The Champion! You are changeless. You are the channel of life giving power. You are charitable. You are chaste. You are my cheerleader. You cherish me. You are The Chief. You are The Chosen One. You are the head of the church. You are the first citizen of heaven. You help me clarify everything. You are the clasp that keeps me together. You are clean. You are clear. You are always close. You are my coach. You are Co-Equal with your Father. You are Co-Heir of everything in God’s kingdom along with me and others. You collect people to be part of your family. You are colorful. You are colossal. You are The One who came. You are The Commander. You are The Commissioner. You are committed to me. You are the master communicator. You are my constant companion. You are the compass to guide me. You are the one who compels me to come to you. You are complete in all ways. You are The Composer.

D You are The Deliverer. You are the debt payer. You are The Discipler. You are Divine. You are deep in my heart. You are determined to fulfill your mission. You are a doer. You are a drink of fresh water. You are the defender of my soul. You are my Daddy. You are The Son of David. You are the dawn that gives hope. You are the death defeater. You are decisive. You are deep. You deflect the attacks of the enemy. You are deity. You are deliberate, never in a hurry. You are delightful. You are dependable. You are The Deposit guaranteeing my salvation. You are the designer. You are desirable. You have ultimate destiny in your hands. You are the developer of my life. You are devoted to me. You are the director of everything. You are discerning. You are the dispenser of every good thing. You are displayed for all to see. You are distinct. There is no one like you. You are distinguished. You are the distributor of gifts. You are The Doctor. You are the source of true doctrine. You have dominion over all. You are The Door. You are The Dove. You are my driver. You are durable. You dwell in me.

E You are Eternal. You are The Everlasting God. You are The Exalted One. You are my example to follow in all ways. You are established. You are the exclamation point. You expand my life. You are the expert. You explain all things. You expose the lies of the enemy. You are the divine expression of all that God is. You are exquisite. You extend yourself to me. You are excellent. You are the examiner. You are Emmanuel, God with us! You are the eagle wings I ride on and hide under. You are what makes Easter the glorious celebration of resurrection life. You edify me everyday. You are the perfect extension of your Father. You are extensive. You are the exterminator of sin and evil. You extinguish the fire of tribulation. You have extracted me from the world. You are extraordinary. You are extravagant in the giving of your grace. You are exuberant in your giving and loving. You are The Educator. You are my elder brother. You have elected all of us into your family. You are elegant. You are the elevated one. You exude grace. You are an eye witness of everything that has ever happened. You are the emancipator. You are emblazoned with light. You are the embodiment of the Father. You have embraced me. You emend, correct, my life so I can be free from sin. Your coming is eminent. You are the emissary of love. You are empathetic, understanding, toward all my needs. You are The Employer of all who give their lives in service to you. You empower me to do your will. You enable me to live for you. You are all encompassing. You are The Encourager. You are The End. You are endless. You endorse me as one of your followers. You endow me with all your gifts. You are enduring. You are my source of energy. You are the engine that drives my life. You have engraved yourself into my heart. You enhance everything I do. You are enjoyable. You enlarge my opportunities to serve you. You enlighten me with your wisdom. You have enlisted me into the work of your kingdom. You are enormous. You are enough. You enrich my life. You have enrolled me in your school of learning. You ensure my life by removing doubt. You are the one who has entered into my life. You are enthroned as the King of Kings. You are the one who sanctifies me entirely. You are entitled to the reigns of my life. You are the entrance to the kingdom. You have entrusted your life and your kingdom to me. I am enveloped by your love. You are equal to your Father. You are the equipper. You are always equitable in how you treat those you love. You are the eradicator of sin. You erase sin out of my life. You are the way of escape. You escaped the clutches of death. You are essential, not optional. You are established forever. You are The Esteemed one. You are ethereal (heavenly). You are the evaluator. You are The Evangelist. You are exceedingly great. You are exceptional. You are exciting.

F You are faithful. You are my Father. You live forever. You are my friend. You are the destroyer of my foes. You are the source of my freedom. You are fabulous. You are the face lifter. You are the facilitator. You are factual in every way. You never fade away. You never fail me. You are always fair. You are familiar, never a stranger. You are the Head of your Family the Church. You are fascinating. You are fathomless. You are faultless. You grant favor to me. You are your Father’s favorite Son. You are fearless. You feel emotion. You are my fellow servant. You are the place where fellowship happens. You are fenceless, no barriers. You are spiritual fertilizer for my growth. You are festive in spirit. You are the example of fidelity. You are fiery in spirit. You are fighting for me day and night. You fill up my life. You are the Grand Finale. You found me and have taken me home. You are fine. You are the finisher of my faith. You are The Refiner’s Fire. You are firm to the end. You were first and always will be first. You are the first born of all creation. You are the fixer. You do battle with the flaming sword, which is your word. You are God in the flesh. You are the focal point of all history. You are my focus. You are the one to follow. You are the source of my spiritual food. You are the force behind everything. You have foreknowledge. You are foremost in my thoughts. You are the forerunner. You’ve been where I am going. You foresee the future. You foretell what will happen. You forgive! You are forgiving. You form me into your image. You are a formidable foe toward my enemies. You will never forsake me. You are forth coming with the whole truth. You are forth right. You are the fortifier of my soul. You are my fortress in which to hide. You are the foundation that I build on. You are the fountain of Life. You are the freedom giver. You are always fresh. You are a fresh breeze. You are fresh water for my spiritual thirst. You are the fruit giver. Jesus, the fullness of God dwells in you. You are fully God. You are fun. You furnish me with all I need. You are the future.

G You are God and I am not! You are good. You are The Good Shepherd. You are a gracious God. You are giving. You are The Gift to the world. You are the giver of every good gift. You are The goal. You are my guide. You are the Glorified One. You are my guardian. You are gallant. You are the gardener who plants truth in my soul. You are The Gate. You are the gateway to eternal life. You are the gatekeeper. You are gathering people to yourself. You are The General of the angel armies. You are gentle. You are a gentleman. You are genuine through and through. You are gigantic. You are the girder that holds me up. You are the one who gladdens my heart. You gleam with brightness. You glisten with holiness. You are global. You glow with light. You were the scape goat that took our place. You are the Godhead. You are purer than gold. You are The Gospel message. You are the one who governs my life. You are the grace giver. You have grafted me into your family. You are grand. You are the grantor of every good thing. You have me in your grasp. You are gratifying. You are the grave robber. You are great and do marvelous deeds. You are the grief counselor. You grip my life and you won’t let go. You are The Groom. You grow my life. You are The Guarantee. You guard my soul. You wrote the guide book. You are guiltless.

H You are my hope. You are my healer. You are my helper. You are my haven of rest. You are the host of heaven. You are the source of my happiness. You are The Head of the Church. You are my hiding place. Hallelujah! Praise you Lord! You are always on hand. You hold my hand. You are my safe harbor. You are the one who brings harmony in my relationships. You are the harvester of souls. You hear me when I call to you. You are the source of my spiritual heart beat. You are heavenly. You are the heir of your Father’s entire kingdom. You are my helmet that protects my mind. You are here right now. You are my hero. You are the one who hides me from the enemy. You are my hide-away. You are high above the earth. You are The Great High Priest. You are the highway that I travel on. You are my hiding place. I am His, and He is mine. You are the center of history. You hold me in your arms of love. You are Holy! You are my home. You are honest through and through. You are honorable. You are the horn (source of strength) of my salvation. Hosanna to the King of Kings! You are the hound dog of heaven that chases me until you find me. You are the house in which I live. You hover over me. You hug me. You are huge. You are humble. You are humorous. You are the one who hunts me down and takes me captive with your love. You are a husband to the widow. You are the hyssop that cleanses my sin.

I You are the great I AM. You are the ideal I want to pattern my life after. You help me identify the good and the bad. You ignite passion within me. You illuminate truth and make it relevant. You are the master illustrator. You are illustrious. Jesus, you are the image of your Father. You are the one to imitate. You are immaculate. You are immense. You are imminent. You are immoveable. You are the one who imparts to me whatever I need to serve you. You are impassioned with me. You are impeccable. You are in me and I am in you. You are inclusive. You accept anyone. You are in everything. You are my inheritance. You are The Incarnate One, God in the flesh. Holy Spirit you are the indwelling presence of Jesus. You are infinite. You are invincible. You are infallible. You are immortal. You are indescribable. You are indestructible. You are the most important being there is. With you nothing is impossible. You are impressive. You imprint your life into me. You improve me. You are in me. You are incandescent. You glow with brightness. You are incorruptible. There is no error in you. You are the one who brings the increase. You are incredible. You are indefatigable. You never get tired. You are indefinable. You are the one who identifies me as one of yours. You are the indemnifier. You are my security against hurt or damage. You indicate what is right and wrong and where I am to go. You are indiscriminating. You accept all. You are indispensable. I can’t live without you. You are indisputable. You are never wrong. You are indissoluble. You can’t be ignored. You are indivisible. You cannot be divided. You indwell my life. You are inextinguishable. Your fire burns in me eternally. You are the influence in all my decisions. You are the one who informs me. You infuse me with life. You are ingenious. You inhabit my inner being. You have inherited everything from your Father and passed it on to me. You are inimitable. No one else is like you. You have imbedded your initials into my life. You have injected your life into my life. You are in my inmost being. You are my inner light. You are the innocent Lamb of God. You are innovative. The ways you work in my life are innumerable. You are the expert inquirer. You are inside of me. You are my source of insight. You inspect my inner being. You are my inspiration. You have installed your Holy Spirit in my life. You are instantly available. You are my instructor. You insure me against any damage the enemy causes. You are an integral part of my life. You are my example of integrity. You integrate people together for your cause. You intercede for us day and night. You are interested in every part of my life. You are interfaced with my life. You and I are interlocked. You are my intermediary. You are internal, you live in me. You are the interpleader between me and those I struggle with. You interpose yourself between me and my enemies. You interpret your Word to me and make it plain. You and I are interrelated. I am intertwined with you. You intervene for me when I am under attack. You are the one who interweaves your people into oneness with you and with each other. You are intuitive. You have invaded my life and taken over. You are The Inventor. You have invested a lot in me. You invigorate my life. You are invincible. You are invisible, yet I can see you. You invited me to be one of yours. You are involved in my life. I have an inward relationship with you. My standing with you is ironclad. You are irremovable. You are irreplaceable. You are irreproachable. There is no evil in you. You are irresistible. You are It!

J You are Jesus. You are Jehovah-Rapha (The Lord who is my Healer). You are Jehovah-Tsidkenu (The Lord my Righteousness). You are Jehovah-Nissi (The Lord my Banner). You are Jehovah-Makadesh (The Lord my Sanctifier). You are Jehovah-Shalom (The Lord my Peace). You are Jehovah- Roi (The Lord my Shepherd). You are Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord my Provider). You are Jehovah-Shammah (The Lord who is there). You are the justifier. You are the champion of justice for the oppressed. You are Judge. You are the jail breaker. You are jealous. You want first place in my life. You are The Jewel. You journeyed all the way to earth from heaven. You are the source of my joy. You are jubilant. You are the junction for me to take. You are just.

K You are kind. You are King of Kings! You are my kinsman redeemer. You are the one who knocked on the door of my heart. You are keen in your great insight. You are the keeper of my soul. You are The Key. You are the key stone on which I depend for support. You are kind-hearted. You kindle the fire of your Spirit within me. You are a kindred spirit. You are the Kingdom builder. You are my knight who fights for me. You are All-Knowing. You are the source of all knowledge.

L You are Love. You are loving. You are Life. You are Light. You are my leader. You lavish your grace all over me. You are loyal. You listen to everything I say or think. You are I AM the Living Water. You are Logos, the divine expression of all that God is. You are the lamp who lights up my life. You launch me out into ministry. You are the Lord of Lords. You are the one I lean on. You are the ladder I climb. You are the Lamb of God. You are lasting. You have the last word on everything in my life. You laugh and you are the source of my laughter. You are the fulfillment of the law. You are the lawgiver. You are the one I learn from. You are legitimate. You lend me all of yourself for whatever I need. You are the liberator. You are my source of liberty. You are my life boat. You have rescued me over and over. You are the life giver. You are my life preserver. You are the life saver. You lift my soul. You are the light house that keeps me from danger. You are the exact likeness of your Father. You are the lily of the valley. You have no limits to your power. You are The Line of the ages. You have linked me to yourself. I am permanently linked to you. You are the Lion of Judah. You live in me. You live forever. You are lively. You load me up with all your benefits. You are the locomotive that drives my life. You are long lasting. You are long suffering, very patient. You look out for me. You are the lover of the lost. You are loveable. You are lovely. You are full of loving kindness. You were low born. You lived a lowly life. You are luminous.

M You are my master. You are the maker of everything. You are The Messiah. You are The Miracle Worker. You are The Most High God. You are the one who moves me deep in my heart. You are majestic. You are measureless. You are the mansion maker. You are macro. You are magnetic. You draw people to yourself. You are magnificent. You are the main-stay in my life. You maintain my strength everyday. You are the way-maker. You are the Son of Man. You are my manager. You have mandated the way you want me to live. You are a man-hunter. You go after people with intense love. You manifest yourself openly to me. You are the manna that gives life. You are a mansion builder. You manufacture people and things for your purposes. You are many-sided in the way you work in our lives. You have marked me as one of your own. You were the first martyr who gave your life for the truth. You are marvelous. You are massive. You are masterful in the way you lead my life. You are The Masterpiece! Your grace is matchless. You are maternal in the way you care for us. You are a maverick, you buck the system. You bring meaning to life. You are The Mediator between us and your Father. You are meek. You have gentle strength. You are Melchizedek, the Great High Priest. You are memorable, unforgettable. You are merciful. You are The Message. You are the middle. You are mighty. You are mild. You are mindful. You are mine. You are The Minister. You are miraculous. You are the mirror image of your Father. You had a mission and you have given me that same mission. You are the missionary sender. You are the mobilizer. You are my model for living. You are modern in all your ways. You mold me into your image. You are momentous. You are monumental. You always have more. You are The Bright Morning Star. You are like a mother hen who looks after her chicks. You are my motivation for living. You are mountainous. You are the mover of mountains. You multiply yourself in many ways. You are multitudinous. You are the source of all music. N You are new everyday. You are nice. You never get tired or bored. You will never leave me or forsake me. You are never-ending. You are necessary. You are my nighttime comforter. You meet all my needs. You give me a new song to praise you with. You are The Nazarene. You are the nail-scarred one. Your name is above all names. You are my navigator. I need you Lord! You are my net of protection. You are the Good News. You are next to me at all times. You are with me all night long. You are noble. You were a nobody, so you can identify with the nobodies of this world. You are notable. You are noteworthy. You were nothing, but you became everything to everyone. You are noticeable. You nourish my inner being. You are now. You have nullified the consequences of my sin for good. Your acts of mercy and grace are numberless. You are numinous, holy, mysterious, divine. You are the one who nurtures my soul. You are nutrition for my inner being.

O You are the opening that leads to so much good. You are open-minded. You are the opportunity giver. You are optimal, so very desirable. You are optimistic about me. You are the optimizer. You work at making me whole. You are the orchestra director. You help us all blend our parts into the whole of your church. You bring order to my life. You are The Original. I am a recipient of the outpouring of your Spirit. You reach out to me. You out-shine everyone and everything. You are outstanding. You are over all. You overflow your gifts into my life. You are the overlord of my life. You overpower your enemies. You are Omega, the end. You are omnipotent. You are omnipresent. You are omniscient. You are my oasis in the spiritual desert. You are The Obedient One. You obeyed all the way to the cross. You and I are one. You are The Overcomer. You are The Offering once for all. You are my objective for life. You are observant. You are the one who occupies my soul. You are the ointment for healing. You are old. You are omnificent, unlimited in your creating power. You are always on. You are the one-way to a relationship with the Father. You are ongoing. You are The Only God. You are open all the time. You are the open door. You are the one who opens doors. You are open-eyed at all times. Your heart is always open. You are the over-seer. You are my owner.

P You are the master painter. You are paramount over all. You are my spiritual parent. You are the Parousia, the one who is coming. You are my partner in life and ministry. You are the passageway to life. You are passionate about me and about your kingdom. You are The Passover Lamb. You are my Pastor. You are paternal, my Dad. You are the path to life, hope and peace. You are the pathfinder. You are the pattern for my life. You made the final payment for my sin. You are peaceful. You are The Peace Maker. You are my peace. You have paid the penalty for all our sin. You are perceptive. You are perfect in every way. You are permanently in my life. You permeate every part of my life. You are patient. You are my Papa. You prepare me for whatever comes my way. You are the Pre-Existent One. You are the possibility maker. You are working to perfect me into your image. You have pardoned me completely. You are the Potter who molds and shapes me into your likeness. You are praise-worthy. You are my provider. (Jehovah-Jireh) You are The Prince of Peace. You are The Great Physician. You are the precious Lamb of God. You are persistent. You are my personal Saviour. You are persuasive. You are pertinent. You are the one who petitions the Father on my behalf. You have picked me as one of your own. You are the picker-upper. You are the perfect picture. You were pierced for my transgressions. You are the strong pillar that I lean on. You are my pilot. You are the original pioneer. You blaze the trail for me. You are my pipeline for all the help I need. You show great pity for us in time of need. You are pivotal in my life. You have great plans for my life. You have planted me where you want me. You plead my case. You are pleasant in everyway. You hunger to please me. You are the one I give my pledge to. You are plenary. (full and complete) You have plenty for everyone. You are The Point. You are the one who points me in the right direction. I really enjoy pondering on who you are. You are my portion. You are always positive. You possess me. You are potent. You pour your Spirit into my life. You are powerful. You pray for me. You are The Preacher. You precede me everywhere I go. You are precious. You are precise in all your ways. You predestinate us into your family. You accurately predict the future. You are predominant. You are preeminent. You are pre-existent. You are the premier person in my life. You have preordained the days of my life. You prepare me to do your will. Your presence is always with me. You are present now and always. You are The Present, the greatest gift ever. You preserve my life. You preside over everyone and everything. You are the prevailing (superior) force in the world. You are prevalent (powerful and dominant) in my life and world. You are the giver of prevenient grace. You prevent the enemy from attacking me. You gave the ultimate price, your life, so we could be forgiven. You are priceless. You are The Great High Priest. You are the primary person in my life. You order the priorities of my life. You are The Prize. You proclaim truth ceaselessly. You prod me in the right direction. You are The Producer, the one behind everything. You are my professor. You are profound in all your teachings. Your resources are profuse. You are progressive. You are prolific in how you have multiplied yourself in the lives of your disciples. You are prominent. Your promises are solid. You are The Promise. You are proof of everything about God. You prop me up over and over. You are The Prophet. You are the propitiation for our sin. You are the proponent of grace for all. You are my protector. Time has proven you are God. You pull me into your heart. You are the pulse of the world. You pump me up. You have purchased me with your blood. You are pure. You are The Purifier. You give me purity. You are my purpose for living. You pursue me relentlessly.

Q You are qualified to lead my life. You have qualified me to be your servant. You question me when I need correcting. You are the answer to every question. You quicken my spirit. You never quit. You are the most quotable person ever. You are often quiet. You are my quest in life. You are quintessential (the highest form of purity and excellence).

R You are my Redeemer. You restore my soul. You are my rescuer. You are the Righteous One. You rebuild me even when I am responsible for the destruction. You are my rest. You are Royalty. You repair me when I am hurting. You run my life. You are the Ruler over all. You are the refiner’s fire. You reform my inner being. You reprove me when I need it. You are The Revelator who reveals the will of God. You receive us unto yourself. You are The Rock. You are The Root. You are The Resurrection and The Life. You are The Risen One. You refresh my spirit. You have me at your right hand. You are The Risen Lord. You are the one I rely on. You are radiant. You are radical in many ways. You are my life raft when I feel like I am drowning. You were a ragamuffin (rejected and alone). You are like a refreshing rain. You are the rainmaker. You raised me up from the depths of sin. You paid the ransom for my sin. You are so rare that no one is like you. You reach out toward me all the time. You are always ready. You are real. You pick up the pieces and rebuild my life over and over. You rebuke me when I need it. You are receptive of every request I bring to you. You are the source of reconciliation. You record all the details of my life. You bring recovery to all who seek it. You recreate us in your image. You recruited me for your service. You rectify situations and turn them into good. You are the source of my redemption from sin. You take the mess of our lives and redesign them into beauty. You redirect us when we are going the wrong way. You refill us when we are empty. We are a reflection of you. You are my refuge in times of trouble. You reign in my life and over the entire world. You reinvigorate me when I am worn out. You regenerate my spirit and bring revival. You rejoice over me. You rejuvenate me with your strength and energy. You and I are related. You have released me from bondage. You release me to do your will. You are the epitome of being relevant. You are reliable all the time. You relieve my stress over and over. You remain in me and I remain in you. You remake me according to your image. You are remarkable. You are the remedy for all my sickness. You remember everything about me. You remind me of who you are and what you’ve done. You have removed my sin for good. You renew me inside everyday. You have renovated my entire being and made me new. You repair the injuries of my soul. You accept all who repent. You replenish my strength with your strength. You represent me before the Father. You rescinded my death sentence and gave me eternal life. You have taken up permanent residence in my life. You help me resist the enemy and temptation. You are resolute in your purpose and mission for the world. You resolve my problems and conflicts. You are my resource for all my needs. You show great respect for everyone regardless of gender, race or social standing. You respond to me the moment I enter your presence. You are the one who is responsible for my life and the lives of others I love. You are my place of retreat. You retrieve what is lost. You reveal truth to me in my inner being. You are The Revelation. You are the revered one. You reverse things and bring good out of bad. You review my life and help me see what I need to change. You revitalize me every moment of the day. You revive my soul. You are a revolutionary. You reward me over and over with your blessings. You are rich. You are the one to ride on. You are always right. You are righteous. You are the River of Life. You are the road I choose to travel on. You are robed in light. You are my rod that comforts me. You are roomy. You are the rope that I cling to. You are the Rose of Sharon. You round up the lost. You are my rudder that steers my life.

S You are The Sanctifier. You are my Savior. You are Sovereign Lord. You are sufficient. You sustain me. You are my fellow sojourner. You are The Sacrifice. You are my security. You are the sin-carrier. You are my sanctuary. You are The Servant who is my example to follow. You are my shield. You are the Supreme Authority. You are my strength. You are the standard to follow. You are The Star that shines brighter than all. You supply all my needs. You are The Solid Rock on which to stand. You are the spring of life. You are the suffering one. You are my Sabbath rest. You are sacred. You are my safety. You are the saint maker. You put your salt on my life so I am preserved for your purposes. You are the source of my salvation. You are always the same. Your thoughts are as great as the sand on the seashore. You are like sandpaper when you smooth out the rough edges of my life. You sanitize my heart and make me clean. You are The Sane One. You are the source of satisfaction. You saturate my life with your presence. You scan my inner being to help me stay right with you. You were the scape-goat who took on all our sin. You are the nail scared one. You are the scout who goes out ahead and shows me the way. You are the one who writes the script for me to live by. You are the writer of scripture. You have scrubbed the sin out of my life. You are the master sculptor of people’s lives. You are like a fresh sea breeze. You have put within me the seal of your Holy Spirit. You search me and know me. You are seated in heaven permanently as Lord and King. You see everything. You are the seeker of souls. You help me seize my thoughts. You have selected me as one of your own. You give self-control to me. You help me with self-discipline. You relieve me of self-doubt. You give me self-esteem. You are the example of self-giving. You are selfless. You are the giver of self-love. You are the developer of self-respect. You are the ultimate example of self-surrender. You send your people out with your authority. You are sensational. You are sensitive to all my needs. You are the sentry that stands guard over my life. You are my shade in the heat of battle. You are the shadow of protection over me. You shake things up for good. You are the shame-remover. You shape my life in your image. You share everything with us. You sharpen me to be your tool. You are sharp-sighted, you see it all. You are my Shepherd who leads me. You are my shelter in the storms of life. You shine! You are the ship-master. You are a strong shoulder to lean on. You sift out the bad stuff in my life. You are my source of sight. You are The Sign that directs me the way you want me to go. You are simple. You simplify my life. You are sincere. You are single-hearted in your devotion to us. You are single-minded in your purpose and mission that you want us to follow. You are The Sinless One. You are The Sitting King. You are skillful. You are the skipper of my ship. You are sky-high. You never sleep. You are the escape slide away from sin. You are slow to anger. You are smart beyond my comprehension. You smile at me. You are pure as snow. You are the soil that helps me grow. You are the solution for every problem. You are the song in my heart. You are the song writer. You are The Son of God. You are the man of sorrows. You are the soul purifier. You are my sounding board. You are The Source of everything I need. You are so spacious that everyone can fit into your kingdom. You spark a fire in me to live your call. You speak to me. You are special. You are the specialist at meeting my every need. You are spectacular. You are Spirit and you are holy. Your splendor fills the skies. You are my spokesman. You are spotless. You spotted me and chose me to be yours. You are the Spring of Living Water. You squash the enemy under your feet. You are my stabilizer. You are stable no matter what is going on in the world. You are the stairway to heaven. You have stamped me with your Holy Spirit’s seal. You stand. You are the standard to pattern my life after. You stand by me no matter what is happening in my life. You stand out in the crowd of humanity. You are the Bright Morning Star. You are the Star Of David. You give me the start I need to follow you. Jesus, you are your Father’s Statement to the world. You are my home station. You stay with me no matter what. You are my staying power that helps me persevere. You are steadfast, unmovable. You are steady when everything is moving. You steer me your direction. You are my step by step guide. Jesus, you stepped up to the call your Father had for you. You stick around and never go away. You help me be still and know you are God. You are the stone the builders rejected. You stooped down to become one of us. You are a storehouse of resources. You calm the storms of life. You are The story writer. You are the straight path to follow. You straighten me out when I need it. You strain out the impurities in my life. You are the quiet stream I can drink from. You are my strength. When I am wounded you put me on your stretcher and carry me. You are very strong. You are my stronghold of protection. You give structure to my life. You are stunning. You were submissive to your Father’s will. You are the subsistence that I live on. Your resources to meet my needs are substantial. You substituted your life for mine when you died on the cross. You were successful in obeying your Father’s will, which is the definition of success. You suffered beyond my ability to comprehend. Your grace is sufficient for me. You are the sum total of my reason for living. You are the summit that I want to climb to. You are a sunbeam of light in my heart. Your grace is superabundant. You are superhuman, fully man and fully God. You are superior to all mankind, but became one of us anyway. Your works are supernatural. You are the ultimate superpower. Jesus, you are our supplicant as you plead our case before the Father. You are my supplier. You are my greatest supporter. You are The Supreme Being. You are sure. You are the spiritual surgeon. You are surpassingly great. You surprise me over and over. Jesus, you surrendered your life into your Father’s hands. You were my surrogate. You took my place on the cross. You surround me with your love. You go ahead and survey the territory you want me to go into. You sustain me with your strength. You are the spiritual sustenance that I eat. Jesus, you sweat great drops of blood while choosing to do your Father’s will. You are swift to come to my rescue. You are the author of the Sword of the Spirit, which is your Word. You are sympathetic, because you’ve experienced everything I experience. You are the symphony conductor that leads each of us to play our part in your kingdom. You are the symptom reliever. You are the one who has synchronized everything in this world. Jesus, you are synonymous with your Father.

T You are The Teacher. You are the Team Captain, and I am on your team. You are totally sufficient for all my needs. You are tender like a mother hen caring for her chicks. You transcend time and space. You went through the test and came out our Savior. You are tried and true. You are The Truth. You triumphed over the grave. You are The Tree Of Life. You are the treasure I have found. You are thorough in your examination of my inner being. I am your Tabernacle in which your presence dwells. I am tailor made by you. You take hold of me and lead me your way. You have taken me into your family. You are tangible. I can grab on to you. You are the target that I want to pattern my life after. You tarry with me, even when I turn my attention away from you. I am your team mate. You are The Team Leader. You tell me your Word. I am your temple that you fill with your Holy Spirit’s presence. You warn me when I am tempted. You are tenacious in your desire to keep me close to you. You are tenderhearted. You relieve my tension when I turn to you. You are my tent of protection. You terminate my enemies. You test my allegiance to keep my heart with you. Your life is a testimony to all that is true. You deserve my thanks at all times. Jesus, you are a Theophany, the visible representation of God. You are therapy for my soul. You are what satisfies my spiritual thirst. You are thorough in the purifying of my soul. Your thoughts toward me are as great as the sand on the seashore. You are a three-fold God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You are seated on your throne where you will reign forever. I am tied to you permanently. You are The Time-Keeper. You are timeless. You are always timely in the way you provide for our needs. You never get tired. You hold the title to my life. You have been tolerant with me as you’ve urged me forward. You are going to be there in my tomorrows. You are top most. You are top notch. You touch me with your love, mercy and grace. You are a strong and mighty tower. You are my traction when I am slipping all over the place. You are the trailblazer that goes out ahead. You are my personal spiritual trainer. You have transferred me out of the kingdom of darkness and into the light. You transform lives. You translate your word to make it easy to understand. You are transparent. You do not hide anything. You treat me very well. You are tremendous. You are the ultimate triangle: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus, you were tried and tested and you stayed obedient to your Father. You are The Triune God. You are The Trophy in my life that I am proudest of. You are the trouble shooter. You are true and righteous altogether. Your heart is completely true. You trust me. You are trustworthy. You tug on my heart and lead me your way. You are tuned into everything in my life. You have turned my life around. You are my tutor.

U You are ultimate truth. You are my umbrella of protection. You are unalterable. No one can change you. You are unavoidable. No one can ignore you. You are unbeatable. No one can defeat you. You are unbelievable, beyond my ability to fully understand. You are unbiased in the way you treat us. Your love is unbounded. Your grace is unceasing. You are unchangeable. Your love is unconditional. You are unconquerable. You are unconventional, out of the ordinary. You are the uncreated one with no beginning and no end. You are undaunted in your pursuit of the lost and broken. You are undeniable. Every knee will bow and call you Lord. You under gird me with your strength. Your understanding toward me is complete. You can be understood. You are underneath me, holding me up. You create unity in relationships where there is division. You were the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of the world. You are unbending in your hatred of sin. The mystery of who you are is uncovered for all to see. You are unique. There is no one like you. You are unquestionably God. You are uplifting. You are undeviating. You stay on the course. You are undoubtedly the only God. You are undying, immortal. You are unequivocal, clear in all your commands. You are unerring, never ever wrong. You are unfailing. You are unfeigned, genuine through and through. You are unfettered, nothing binds you up. You are unflinching in your battle with the enemy. You are absolutely unforgettable. You are the unifier. You are unimpeachable, above question. You are universal, everywhere. You have unlimited resources to meet my needs. You are unmistakably the greatest of all. Your grace and love are unparalleled. You are unprecedented, fresh and new always. You are unprejudiced, impartial in all your dealings with us. You unravel the messes we make in our lives. You are unrestrained in what you give to us. You are unorthodox, out of the ordinary. You are unrivaled, no one compares to you. You are always unruffled. Nothing worries you. You have unshackled me from sin and bondage to the enemy. You are unspotted, completely free from sin. You are unstoppable in your mission to draw people to your heart. You untangle the dysfunction in my life. You have untied me from the bondage to sin. You are unusual. There is no one like you. You unveil truth over and over. You are unwearied, you never get tired. You are unwilling that any one would perish. You unwind me and give me your rest. You up-build my soul. You uphold your Word as completely true. You uplift my spirit. You are uppermost in my life. You upraise people from despair. You are upstanding, full of integrity. You are always updating my life. You are upward in focus. You urge me forward. You utilize your power to change the world. You are utmost in my life. You are the uttermost in this world.

V You were victorious over death. You vanquished sin and death. You are the vibrant life giver. You are vivacious. You are very good. My relationship with you is the most valuable possession I have. You are full of variety. Your thoughts toward me are so vast they outnumber the grains of sand on the seashore. You are versatile in how you deal with me. You were the vicarious substitute for my sin. You can be viewed from everywhere. You have vindicated me time after time when the enemy has accused me. You are vitally important to me. You volunteered to come to this earth. No one forced you to do so.

W You are The Water of Life. You are The Wonderful Counselor. You are worthy to be worshipped. You are The Warrior who helps me win my battles. You are my wall of protection. You are warm in your attitude toward me. You are the watchman who warns me when the enemy is close. You are in your watchtower observing everything around me. You are The Way. You are the weaver who takes the various traits in my life and makes them beautiful. You are well-known everywhere in your dominion. You are the well-spring of life rising up in me. You are the wheel in the middle of the wheel that keeps me moving forward. You whisper your truth to me. You are white as snow. You are wider than the ocean. You are The Winner in the battle against evil. Your Spirit is like the wind. You have all the wisdom I need. You are with me all the time. You are within me. Jesus, you are The Word, the divine expression of all that God is. You were wounded for my transgressions.

X You have x-ray vision. You are excellent. You are exalted.

Y You are Yahweh God. You are Yeshua, my Jesus. You are my yoke-fellow, we are together forever. You are the ultimate Yes! You are the same yesterday, today and forever.

Z You are zealous about your mission to save the world. You are The Zenith, the highest point in the universe. You are full of zest in your pursuit of those you love.