Information Classification: PUBLIC

West Community Network Panel

Date: Thursday 20th May 2021

Time: 7.00PM – 8.30PM

Location: Virtual ‘Team’ Meeting via Microsoft Teams

Chaired by: Cllr Brian Clemens

Agenda: 1 West Penwith Community Network Panel Welcome & Introductions Cllr Brian Clemens, Chair of West Penwith Community Network Panel

Virtual Meeting Protocol James Hardy, Community Link Officer 2 Council & Town & Parish Council Changes James Hardy, Community Link Officer 3 Review of the last 12 months, key issues & future CNP Meetings James Hardy, Community Link Officer 4 Network Highways Scheme Update James Hardy, Community Link Officer 5 West Penwith Community Response Hub – Food Access Update James Hardy, Community Link Officer 6 Tour of Britain – Update James Hardy, Community Link Officer 7 Updates from Representatives Cornwall Councillor, Town, Parish & Partner Updates & Public Questions 8 Next meeting date Thursday 15th July

Please note a date has also been set for the next Police Liaison Meeting: Thursday 24th June

Information Classification: PUBLIC

Membership of the West Penwith Community Network Panel: Cornwall Councillors for West Penwith Community Network Area: Cllr Brian Clemens (Land’s End), Cllr Tim Dwelly ( East), Cllr Andrew George (, , & ), Cllr Thalia Marrington (, , ), Cllr Jim McKenna (Penzance Promenade), Cllr Tara Sherfield-Wong (, & )

Representatives of Parish and Town Councils within the Community Network Area: Ludgvan Parish Council, Madron Parish Council, Marazion Town Council, Parish Meeting, Penzance Town Council, Parish Council, Parish Council, Parish Council, St Buryan and Paul Parish Council, St Hilary Parish Council, St Just-in-Penwith Town Council, Parish Council, St Michaels Mount Parish Meeting, Parish Council

Contact Officers: If you have any queries about the Community Network Panel, please contact:

Name Role Telephone Email James Hardy Community Link Officer 01736 336650 [email protected] Community Support Kerri Gendall 01736 336732 [email protected] Assistant

Address: Localism Service, Penzance One Stop Shop, St Johns Hall, Penzance, TR18 2QR

Website: West Penwith Community Network Agenda published: 13/05/21

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