Reinforcement of Local Democracy

★ Flooded areas in the focus of the fourth phase of the project ★ Stories with a happy ending from , , Domaljevac-Šamac, , Šamac and Žepče ★ We lit up in blue for people with autism ★ LOD strengthens the capacities of CSOs through training ★ Quality of LOD methodology recognized by the authorities of both Entities ★ What is the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA)? ★ LOD NEWSLETTER REINFORCEMENT OF LOCAL DEMOCRACY

FLOODED AREAS IN THE FOCUS OF THE FOURTH commitment to the improvement of mutual IV project staff in relation to the introduc- for transparent budget allocation for CSOs cooperation between civil society and local tion of transparent financing of CSOs and projects. In parallel, better communication self-government units and improvement of improving cooperation with the CSOs, as will be promoted and the partnership will the situation directly in the field in these mu- well as active participation of the LSUs offi- be strengthened between CSOs and local PHASE OF THE PROJECT „REINFORCEMENT OF nicipalities,” said Natalia Dianiskova, Head of cials at the training courses organized by governments, but also an increase in the Operations Section for Social Development, the LOD IV project for the purpose of capa- budget of LSUs will be lobbied for further Civil Society and Cross Border Cooperation city building of the LSUs towards improved development of services provided by CSOs. LOCAL DEMOCRACY– LOD IV“ at the EU Delegation in BiH. cooperation with the CSOs. On the other hand, the associated LSUs have no possibi- At the time of preparation of this issue of In these six directly selected LSUs in Oc- lity of financing CSO projects through LOD the LOD newsletter, public calls were anno- tober and November 2014, public calls for IV project. unced for CSOs in these six LSUs through financing additional project proposals of which the CSOs were supposed to submit Performing results from the field motivated the donor, the European Union, for the LOD to CSOs were implemented, and total of 18 The successful practice from the previo- project proposals in line with the deve- get its continuation, i.e. the fourth phase, which began in June 2014 through the rapid in- projects in the field of social inclusion, em- us phases will be also applied in the new, lopment objectives of the local community. tervention projects. It was one part of the European Union’s response to the floods, which ployment, sports, environmental protection fourth phase of the LOD, therefore the ac- We believe that in the next issues of the etc., received financial support. It is impor- tivities with LSUs will include active work newsletter we will write about successfully resulted in contribution towards gradual normalization of the disastrous situation in the tant to emphasize that these six LSUs, due on accomplishing the previously identified implemented projects that will truly impro- field, whereas the benefits for the local community were multiple. to their specific status, were exempted from objectives, as follows: ve the quality of life at the local level. participation in co-financing of project pro- posals, which was the practice in previous establishment of permanent The region is ProjekatThe project „Jačanje “Reinforcement lokalne demokratije of Local / de- phases of the LOD project. Implementation partnership between CSOs and local buzzing about LOD! mokracije“Democracy” (LOD), (LOD), kojeg financed finansira by Evropskathe Eu- of these projects started at the beginning of governments by raising awareness of the current year and you’ll get to read the unijaropean (EU), Union a sprovodi (EU) andRazvojni implemented program Uje by- the cooperation benefits; In the past five years, through its activities, success stories from the field already in the dinjenihthe United nacija Nations (UNDP), Development već petu godinu Pro se- the LOD has demonstrated that it is a relia- next issue of the newsletter. sprovodigramme u (UNDP), Bosni i Hercegovini. is being implemented generation of unique and transparent ble partner in improving relations betwe- in for the fifth mechanisms for allocation of budgets en local governments and civil society in year in a row. Everyone wants to be of local self-government units, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it is rightly Three phases of the project that were succe- part of the LOD foreseen for project activities of expected that such practice will continue ssfully completed from 2009 to 2014 inclu- CSOs; in the future. Stories of good results from ded 40 local self-government units (LSUs) Additional six local communities were se- the local communities, in which the LOD lected through public call for participation has been implemented so far, did not re- throughout the territory of BiH. Over seven capacity building of civil society in a new phase of LOD. It is interesting that main only within the borders of Bosnia and million KM has been invested in imple- organizations for improvement of mentation of 224 projects which benefited as many as 20 LSUs applied to the public Herzegovina, so the ideas and initiatives services provision to citizens. 60,000 different users, starting from chil- call, however after implementation of the can already be heard in terms of expanding dren with special needs, through displaced procedure those that were selected inclu- LOD intervention also to the countries of In addition, through this project, the capa- persons, marginalized minority communiti- ded Berkovići, , Kotor Varoš, Novo Sa- the region, which would be additional re- of the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and ods, the implementation of which resulted cities of partner LSUs and CSOs are being es, to elderly and disabled persons. In addi- rajevo, Šekovići and . cognition for all those participating in its Herzegovina, Delegation of the European in contribution towards gradual normaliza- developed in the field of project cycle ma- tion, through LOD implementation, civil so- implementation. Union (EU) in BiH and United Nations De- tion of the disastrous situation in the field, nagement, and LOD IV provides additional ciety organizations (CSOs) were recognized velopment Programme (UNDP), decided to whereas the benefits for the local commu- Furthermore, the two LSUs, and synergies with other UNDP’s activities in the LOD IV is implemented in the period from as service providers to local governments, perform the selection of six LSUs directly. nity were multiple. In this issue of the LOD Brčko District, after expressing interest in field of local self-government, such as “Inte- June 2014 to June 2016, and financed by which hence got the partners for addre- These included Bijeljina, Doboj, Domaljevac newsletter you can read some of the most participation in the LOD IV project, were grated Local Development Project” and the the European Union in the amount of two ssing some of the most pressing issues at – Šamac, Maglaj, Šamac and Žepče, which interesting stories directly from the field, offered to participate in the project in the project “Municipal Training System”. million euros, provided from the funds of the local level. are the LSUs that suffered heavily from the which initially resembled a tragedy, but at capacity of associated members. Status of During implementation, LOD IV will provide the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance consequences of flooding. the end they all had a happy ending. associated LSUs implies the possibility of receiving technical assistance from the LOD assistance to the partner LSUs to adopt the (IPA). Rapid interventions LOD methodology, actually the mechanism in flooded areas The emergency caused by flooding in LOD project continuation was these local communities required urgent also welcomed by the EU Dele- Good results from the field motivated the intervention, and thus some of the projects gation in BiH, which also funded donor, the European Union, for the LOD to were already implemented in the first six the previous three phases. get its continuation, i.e. the fourth phase, months of implementation of the fourth RAPID INTERVENTION PROJECTS which began in June 2014. Due to the spe- phase of LOD. These were the rapid inter- Rapid intervention projects were implemented in LSUs that were struck by floods. A to- cific situation caused by floods in May last vention projects that represented one part “By providing support to the projects like year, LOD Project Committee, consisting of the European Union’s response to the flo- this, the European Union shows its strong tal of six projects in six different LSUs were implemented, the value of which amounted to almost 295,000 KM. Some 10,000 people, including mostly children and young peo- ple, directly benefited from the projects, which mitigated the consequences of floods.

This publication was made possible with the support of the EU. The content of this publication is the exclusive responsibility Local offices, culture centres, stadiums, playgrounds and other infrastructure were refur- of the project Reinforcement of Local Democracy IV – LOD IV and it does not in any way represent the views of the EU. bished, thus enabling a normal life to the local population.


RAPID INTERVENTION PROJECTS Doboj: People with disabilities are not ONE PART OF THE EUROPEAN UNION'S forgotten

RESPONSE TO FLOODS A great contribution in creating better living conditions for people with disabilities is also provided through the imple- mentation of the project “Equipping the day care centre for children and youth with disabilities”. Project activities im- Bijeljina: Amputees helping in the plied equipping the premises of the Centre with the neces- sary means for work, purchase of teaching materials, as well social life renewal as training of the centre staff.

When after the heavy rains in May 2014 the “Thanks to the donated equipment optimal In May 2014, the area of Semberija was Restoration was completed in due time and rivers in Bosnia and Herzegovina started to conditions were created for the start of the struck with the unprecedented floods. The the residents of the aforementioned set- leave their beds and carry everything on work of the day care centre. We hope that in outpouring of Sava River caused serious tlements were enabled to freely perform their way, no one really expected that Doboj the coming period we will obtain additional damage to a number of public institutions their civic duty. In addition, various folk- will be the one among the flooded cities. equipment so that the centre could provide in Bijeljina and suburban areas. The facilities lore groups could continue with their work But the river Bosna was unstoppable. Only complete services to all of its beneficiaries that suffered the damage were local offices and with organizing various entertaining the Centre’s building. With the opening of a accordingly”, said Slobodan Mitrovic, direc- in and Brodac, as well as culture cen- events. modern equipped Centre, children and yo- tor of the Centre, who did not hide his deli- tres in , Balatun and . ung people with disabilities, as well as their ght after project completion. Culture centre in Amajlije was also success- parents, will get a place where most of their fully restored and the local offices in Janja needs can be met, which was not always the The satisfaction with the accomplishment and Brodac were refurbished and thanks to case. was also expressed by one of the parents of this, more than 20 000 inhabitants from this a child who uses the services of the Centre. area will no longer have to travel to Bijeljina my prosthesis. This would leave me incapa- Doboj Day Care Centre for children and to endorse a document or obtain excerpts ble of movement and everyday activities for youth with disabilities will be the part of the from the registries. Within the implementa- couple of months, which would pose a threat “Day care centre is very future project activities under the LOD IV tion of projects in Brodac and Amajlije, ac- to my livelihood and that of my family”, said project. Namely, through regular public call in a few hours the entire city was under the important for inclusion of cess ramps for persons with disabilities were Miodrag Tomic, a disabled person from Ve- for civil society organizations published by water. The Day care centre for children and children and youth with built, which makes an additional fulfilment lino Selo, who urged the government and the LOD IV together with the city of Doboj, youth with disabilities was one among the for the “Regional Association of Amputees other institutions to construct an access disabilities in the society. I the project “Our Children – Our Centre” was flooded facilities and its construction was Bijeljina”, because most of their members ramp for people with disabilities wherever consider that its equipping approved, and it is also implemented by in the final stage. Since this is an instituti- are actually persons with disabilities. From necessary. LAG Doboj. One of the goals of this project on that should take care of one of the most contributes to providing In order to be able to provide administrative now on, the access to these facilities will be is to develop a program that will systemati- vulnerable groups of the society, local go- diversified and better quality services to the residents of Janja and Brodac significantly facilitated. Upon completion of the project, a gala cer- cally and in an organized manner develop vernment and the international organizati- and in order to revive cultural and social emony was convened in the refurbished services to our children. I am a long-term policy to protect and support ons got involved unconditionally in order to events in Velino Selo, Balatun and Amajlije, culture centre in Amajlije. Cultural and artis- particularly happy for equipping children and youth with disabilities, as well put this facility back to operation urgently. “Regional Association of Amputees Bijelji- tic event, which attracted many residents, of the physiotherapy room, as their families through the daily activities na” prepared a project proposal for the res- symbolically celebrated the reconstruction of the Centre. A great contribution in creating better living taking into account that in toration of the aforementioned facilities. of the institutions, the functioning of which makes the life easier and more pleasant in conditions for people with disabilities was our city there is no institution also provided through the implementation Ever since it was established, this Associ- these local communities. of the project “Equipping the day care cen- that would provide adequate ation did not have an opportunity to im- tre for children and youth with disabilities” treatment to each child in need plement such a demanding and big pro- proposed by the Local Action Group of Do- ject, which was an additional motivation of the physiotherapist.” boj Region (LAG) within the framework of to complete the overall process within the rapid intervention projects implemented This project is also a good example of deadline, to the satisfaction of the entire by the LOD IV. Project activities implied synergistic and coordinated action and co- community. After successful selection of equipping the premises of the Centre with operation between several donors, such as the contractor, the first activities were per- “Now that there is the access ramp in Brodac, the necessary means for work, purchase of the United States European Command (US formed on restoration of the culture centres where my family and I collect the appropriate teaching materials, as well as training of the EUCOM), which, through the Office of De- in Velino Selo and Balatun, because this is documents, I find it easier to enter the prem- centre staff. fence Cooperation of the US Embassy in BiH where the polling stations are located, and ises of the local offices. Before the ramp was in parallel worked on the refurbishment of general elections in Bosnia and Herzegovi- constructed, I had a fear from falling when na were planned to take place in October. passing the stairs, or slipping, thus breaking


The bad memories of natural disasters that When the Culture centre struck a large part of BiH in May 2014 will Žepče: Refurbished also remain with the residents of Žepče mu- stopped functioning, the nicipality. Torrents torn down and destroyed education of children and youth everything in its way, and hundreds of land- playground brings the smile Domaljevac-Šamac: slides were activated threatening the lives of was jeopardized, including the residents of many rural settlements. work of cultural and artistic back to children's faces Revived place of all “However, the most damage was recorded waste and mud were transported from the vened, whereby the tournaments in football, associations, various clubs and on road infrastructure and agricultural crops, children’s playground in the local communi- volleyball and basketball were organized, civil society organizations which and floods have also heavily destroyed play- ty Zenički put, and in parallel the works took and as for the young participants they were cultural events used the premises of the Culture grounds for children and young people, the place on arranging of the community house able to enjoy the games on the sand, or the central meeting places for gathering and so- in the local community Orahovica. new playground accessories. The conclusion centre for organizing public debates. cializing of the youth.“ is simple, the project “Bring the smile back” In the third phase the final works were com- was definitely a success, and the refurbished Many of the residents of Žepče were forced to pleted, which included installation of the playgrounds are again the places which will leave their homes for a longer period of time Last year’s floods, unfortunately, did not associations, various clubs and civil society of paintings and photos and book promo- seesaws, swings, benches and bins, and the resound with the children’s laughter and joy. and move to a new and safer location. Among skip Posavina. One of the local communities organizations, which used the premises of tions. Children and young people are given lighting. In addition, a basketball and football the displaced persons there were many chil- which suffered the heaviest destruction was the Culture centre for organizing public de- the opportunity to further fulfil their life by fields were fixed up, including the volleyball “Through this project we managed to create a dren who were forced by the circumstances Domaljevac-Šamac municipality. The flood bates. playing some of the instruments, enjoy folk court. A special touch to implementation of pleasant open-space environment for young to become accustomed to the new condi- wave of the river Bosnia damaged the en- dance or participate in workshops of liter- this project was given by the local residents people and children. The enthusiasm of adults tions of life, in a new environment, with the tire road infrastructure, and the vast dam- “Water did not only destroy the ary writing. and children who have been actively involved and young people who participated in the re- new peers. Most of the children were thus age was caused on all public facilities, such in the reconstruction of the playing area. It is construction of the playground remained even walls. A number of artefacts, forced to spend their free time on the street as Health centre, kindergarten and Elderly important to point out that this exercise in- after completion of the project, therefore the old costumes and antique or in makeshift premises for accommodation, care Centre. volved the children who live in Papratnica, activities on maintenance of the playground which only led them more towards isolation items, a part of our history, were Orahovica and Zenički put, including also the are being organized regularly. Today these are and created a feeling of rejection. destroyed. Much to our dismay, children who had to leave their homes and the meeting places not only for the children, temporarily settle in these places. but also for their parents, who can spend time the work of our association was With a desire to help the children, the Asso- together and peacefully watch their children en- ciation for Sustainable Development “UzoR” disabled”, reluctantly recollected Upon completion of the project, the opening joy while playing”, said Maja Mandić, associate Žepče designed a project called “Bring the the flood Mato Rosic, President ceremonies for the playgrounds were con- for the youth from the Association Uzor. smile back” with the idea of gathering all chil- of the cultural and artistic dren around the joint action of arranging the association “Mladost”. space for play, which should ultimately cheer many children. Renovation and construction Association “Sunce” from Domaljevac thus “Our Association is once again filled with of the playground would create more ap- recognized the reconstruction of the Cul- songs, laughter and hope for a better tomor- propriate and safer place where the children ture Centre as a priority in its local com- row, which makes me extremely happy and would socialize, rejoice and play, all in order Equally affected by the floods was the Cul- munity, and thanks to the LOD IV project grateful to those who enabled us to have our to facilitate their transitional period, which ture centre, which was considered to be the their positive idea has been implemented Culture Centre shining with the same glow as was needed for normalization of life on the main holder of all cultural activities on the in practice. it used to glow before,” said the president of entire territory of Žepče. territory of the municipality. Impossibility of the cultural and artistic association whose functioning of such very important institu- Today the restored Culture Centre in Do- members make this building the happiest The project went through three phases of im- tion, such as the Culture centre, challenged maljevac is again in the service of the cit- one in Domaljevac with their dancing and plementation, and within the first phase the the education of children and young peo- izens who got the new chance to enjoy singing. large landslide was restored and the fence ple, but also the work of cultural and artistic theatre performances, concerts, exhibitions was installed on the bridge in the local com- munity Papratnica. In the second phase the

GLOSSARY OF EU TERMS IPA - Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance Over years, the European Union has developed a wide range of external aid programmes, and SAA - Stabilisation and Association Agreement in 2006 the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) was created to assist the countries in their efforts to become EU members. IPA is divided into five different components that cover The Stabilisation and Association Agreement represents a new generation of the transition assistance and institutions building, regional and cross-border cooperation, agreements on associated membership for the Western Balkan countries. The regional development, improvement of human resources and rural development. Agreement governs the rights and obligations of a country, future candidate for the membership in the European Union through adoption of specific laws Since 2007, BiH, as a potential candidate country, was given the opportunity to use the IPA and their implementation, as well as meeting certain standards to increase funds only for the first two components. In the period from 2007 to 2013, according to official the quality of the state administration and capacities of the institutions. On data of the Delegation of the European Union to BiH, these funds amounted to nearly 625 the other hand, the European Union facilitates access to its market for the million euros for transition assistance and institutions building, and more than 33 million euros companies from the signatory country, and it provides technical and financial for the development of cross-border cooperation. support from the accession funds of the Union.


Šamac: Little football stars got even better Maglaj: Floods have not destroyed sporting spirit football pitch Maglaj is another municipality in BiH that was club was left without the support of local gov- of young people in rural areas of Maglaj mu- completely sunk by the overflowing river Bos- ernment, whose resources were reallocated nicipality and create better conditions for na. May 2014 will be remembered as one of to the reconstruction of urban infrastructure, sports activities. At the very end of the football school, the After the heavy rainfall, river Bosna has over- nalised the entire process. Day after day, with the most difficult months in the history of this therefore every help from the outside was closing tournament was organized in the flown the flood protection embankment in good irrigation, and only four months after city, which was mentioned for the first time in of the utmost importance. That is how the As the project’s icing on the cake, a football sports hall of the high school centre in Šamac, Šamac and began to flood the city in the early disastrous floods, auxiliary field within the 1408. project “Organization of the football school school was organized involving 180 children morning hours of 16 May 2014. The day after, stadium in Šamac began to turn green with where four teams crossed the swords. Thanks through the mass involvement of children and young people from the flooded parts of on the football stadium of FC “Borac” Šamac the newly grown turf. Reactions of the resi- to the awarded medals and certificates of ap- and young people from the flooded areas of Maglaj municipality, as well as the neighbour- the water reached the level of the goal cross- dents were overwhelmingly positive. Football preciation for all the participants, everybody the municipality of Maglaj” was created and ing municipalities. The school participants in- bar. The stadium of one of the oldest clubs in fans came to the stadium and they sincerely went out from the sports hall as a winner, and its main goals were to organize football school cluded a number of children who were given BiH was completely destroyed. The water also rejoiced with what has been done in such a the best team, the best goalkeeper and the (involvement of young people and children the opportunity for the first time to experi- flooded the official premises of the club, as short time. In addition to the planned project best player were additionally awarded with in sports activities) and the reconstruction of ence the charms of a real football training, and well as one part of the stands. activities, club management and the local trophies. infrastructure (renovation of dressing rooms, their joy and satisfaction with what has been government provided the necessary quantity sanitary facilities and supporting facilities on made are the best indicator of the success of For nearly two weeks the water did not with- of seeds also for the restoration of the turf on The best player of the tournament, nine year the football stadium in Maglaj). this project. draw from the terrain, and when it finally the main field of the city stadium, and it also old Nikola Dakić shared with us his experienc- drained it left behind the mud, garbage and started to turn green shortly. es from the football school and tournaments: Thanks to the European Union and the LOD IV other debris.. Through rapid reaction of the Despite the havoc that was created after project, this project was given the green light “Although I trained football before the flood in local authorities and the management of the withdrawal of the river to its bed, the local for implementation, and as a result 250 per- the children’s school of football organized by club, and with the help of donors, the mud, residents have not lost hope, and all the forc- manent members of the club, who compete FC “Borac”, this school has enabled me to meet which on some parts of the terrain was up to es were focused at speedy normalization of in different age categories, could heave a sigh a lot of new friends. The trip to Teslić was also a depth of half a meter, was removed manu- the situation. Among those who suffered the of relief. First the best contractor was selected, unforgettable, where for the first time we played ally by fifty volunteers. They were loading the greatest damage was also the local football and then the activities started on the recon- football on the artificial turf. My team was the mud from the terrain and transported it with club FC “Natron”. The court was devastated, as struction of infrastructure of the stadium, as winner in this tournament and we were very the wheelbarrow to the gate of the stadium well as premises of the club and the players well as building of two sports grounds in the happy. I managed to score most of the goals in from where it was further transported by the lost their equipment and gear for training. suburbs Misurići and Kopice. These sports the tournament and that is why I got the tro- heavy machinery, for which the access to In addition to all what was mentioned, the grounds should improve and enrich the lives football field was prevented in order to avoid The next step in the project was procurement phy. I am also glad that we again have the turf damages to the surface and the drainage sys- of equipment for maintenance of the pitch. on our stadium and that I can continue to train tem underneath the pitch. A new pump for irrigation arrived quickly, as football.” well as supporting equipment so the grass Only two months later, in early September, FC growth was further boosted. Then the new, We lit up in blue for people with autism “Borac” Šamac and representatives of the local modern aluminium goals, meeting the high- Autism is a biological developmental disorder of the brain, and its main The aim of the World Autism Awareness Day is to draw public atten- authorities, with the UNDP (LOD IV project), est standards set by FIFA and UEFA, started characteristics are poor or none social interaction and communication, tion to the needs of persons with autism, as well as send a message signed an agreement on the initiation of im- glowing on the field. as well as restricted and repetitive behaviour patterns. Due to the lack about the importance of early diagnosis and early intervention in au- plementation of the project “Reconstruction of professional support, many people with autism and their families tistic spectrum disorders. Thus, each April the 2nd is an opportunity and building of an auxiliary football field FC In the course of the second half of the imple- suffer isolation and face difficulties in their lives. to provide support and raise awareness on the needs of people with autism by illuminating in blue recognizable facilities, as well as streets ‘Borac’ Šamac.” mentation of the four-month project, it was According to the estimates of the world organization “Autism Speaks“, and homes, in cities around the world or by wearing a piece of blue the turn for the most beautiful planned activ- the autism is increasingly taking on epidemic proportions. It is believed garment. This project foresaw renovation of the auxil- ity, and this was the five-week football school that, worldwide, in the next few years there will be more children di- iary football field, procurement of equipment for children aged six to nine years. Participants agnosed with autism than with cancer, diabetes and AIDS altogether. The staff of the EU Delegation and EU Special Representative in BiH, for irrigation, pitch maintenance, as well as in the school had the opportunity to learn as well as the staff of UN agencies traditionally joined this year’s global sports equipment for 50 children who par- the basics of this sport, and some of them, Due to such extraordinary increase in the number of people with this campaign “I Light It Up Blue”, and in addition to the City Hall, National ticipated in the football school, “First football who have participated in the earlier schools Although the flood caused enormous dam- disorder worldwide, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) Theatre, Academy of Fine Arts, the UN building was also illuminated step” which was one of the project activities. of football, had a chance to further improve age to all the facilities in Šamac, good will and in 2007 adopted the Resolution 62/139 and declared 2 April as the with the blue light in . their technique. During the school “First foot- persistence of the citizens shows that life is World Autism Awareness Day. In the text of the Resolution the Assem- ball step”, the children were given the oppor- slowly returning to its normal courses. One of bly urged for the training of people from public administration, social workers, families and others so as to provide support in the best possi- tunity to go on a day trip to Banja Vrućica and the indicators is certainly the project of recon- ble way for the inclusion of people with autism in the society in which feel the artificial turf under their feet, and in struction of the auxiliary field. Short period they will be able to realize their full potential. addition to cross swords with their peers from the disaster to completely reconstruct- from Teslić. For them, this was an impressive ed turf is a proof of how many things can be Moreover, this year the United Nations invited companies to concretely and important experience and they sincerely done with the generous support of donors, commit to employ people with autism who have enormous potential looked forward to the trip. Even the heavy rain in this case the European Union. More than a and provide them with a working environment where they can make that was falling all day long could not inter- hundred of football players of FC “Borac” Ša- a progress. rupt their desire to play. Completely wet, the mac from all age groups now train in the sur- After machine soil tillage, around twenty kids were wholeheartedly running after the rounding villages, and in spring they will final- “Recognizing the talents of persons on the autism spectrum, rath- volunteers manually started to prepare the ball, thus demonstrating a strong competitive ly return to their home stadium and continue er than focusing on their weaknesses, is essential to creating a so- ciety that is truly inclusive”, said Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General. ground for sowing and they have expressly fi- spirit and a desire to engage in football. to train in excellent conditions.


LOD PROVIDES TRAINING LOD IV foresees training courses also for CSOs

Having learned from the experience of For the 193 training participants, who parti- previous years, when the training sessions cipated in the training sessions in Berkovići, Indispensable segment of LOD: Training for LSUs and courses were organized for LSU re- Bijeljina, Cazin, Doboj, Kotor Varoš, Novo presentatives, which contributed to faster Sarajevo, Šamac (CSOs from Domaljevac establishment of cooperation with CSO re- were also present on the training), Šekovići, presentatives, LOD IV decided that in the la- Visoko and Žepče (CSOs from Maglaj were An important component in the fourth phase of the LOD, just as in the past years, is training test project phase similar training sessions also present on the training), the gained would be organized also for the civil society knowledge will facilitate them in identifi- of the LSU employees on project cycle management and the ways in which funds from the representatives. cation of the problems in the local commu- budget of LSUs can be transparently allocated to CSOs. nity, professional preparation of project proposals and their efficient implementa- tion. Among the main objectives of the LOD pro- LSU whose terms of reference include co- all cycles of project management, starting ject, which has been implemented for five operation with civil society. We believe that from the planning, project proposal writing, years in BiH, is establishment of better rela- empowering LSU representatives will help through implementation, monitoring and Training participants were presented with a tionships between local authorities and civil in transferring of the skills and knowledge evaluation, to the last module that is specif- methodology of creating project proposals society. In order to raise this relationship to gained in training courses to other employ- ically dedicated to the LOD methodology. that they could use for applying to public a higher level, that is, to make it a partner ees of LSUs, which will ultimately provide calls published by other international do- relationship, one of the project tasks is to better starting points for the improvement nors, particularly the European Union. The improve the skills of LSU employees so that of cooperation with CSOs. acquired knowledge and skills are of crucial they could efficiently respond to increas- importance for the efficient functioning of The training sessions were organized for ingly complex development processes. Sanja Stojčinović, LOD IV project coordina- the CSOs, as well as for the development CSO representatives in 10 local communi- tor, city of Doboj, said the following about and implementation of their projects. ties and they were held in the period from her experiences in training: “One can never October last year to March of the current have enough knowledge, the life offers the Through these training sessions CSO re- year. Thanks to these training sessions the opportunities in which it is being applied. The presentatives were encouraged to take a capacities of CSOs were enhanced in the experience that I gained during this training, more active role in their local communities, field of project proposals writing with spe- both from the instructor and the colleagues, to improve their services, and to operate cific explanations of how to apply correctly is priceless. The methods that I learned and in accordance with the local development for the funds that are provided in the fourth the project approach help me solve everyday LOD methodology is actually strategies. phase of the LOD. problems at work.” a set of documents regulating application process of non- Therefore, an important component of government organizations the fourth phase of the LOD, just as in the for budgetary funds, and it is Entity Associations of Municipalities and past years, is training of LSU employees on based on the EU methodology project cycle management and the ways in of project cycle management, which funds from the budget of LSUs can which implies a transparent Cities true partners of LOD project be transparently allocated to CSOs. Rely- method of selection of the ing on the experiences from the previous The complexity of the LOD project necessitat- the project, and on the good practices from Adoption of this decision is the result of sever- project phases and the obvious need to ex- CSO projects, performed by ed the active role of numerous actors involved the earlier phases. Special attention will be al months of activities of the LOD project and pand the knowledge in this particular field, the LSU Evaluation Committee, in the work of local communities. Therefore, dedicated to the promotion of LOD meth- of the Association of municipalities and cities in this stage of the project three representa- Training of LSU representatives is conduct- the composition of which also the cooperation was established with the odology, where the representatives of local of FBiH, which, after consultations with the rel- tives will take part in the training from each ed through five teaching modules covering includes representatives of Association of municipalities and cities of Re- self-government will get acquainted with evant ministries of the FBiH, prepared recom- NGOs. publika Srpska (AMCRS) and the Association the ways in terms of how the funds from the mendations, which led to a positive reception of municipalities and cities of Federation of budgets of LSUs can be transparently allocat- in the Government of FBiH. Furthermore, Min- This methodology introduces the standards BiH (AMCFBiH), which are the associations ed to civil society organizations based on the istry of Public Administration and Local Self and improves the quality of projects pro- that bring together representatives of all local standards of the European Union. Government of RS recommended the applica- posed by non-government organizations, communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. tion of the LOD methodology to all LSUs in RS. and in addition the capacities of local govern- Benefits of the LOD methodology were also ments become further strengthened. After successful cooperation in the previous recognized at the higher levels of government Through participation in the LOD project, AM- project cycle, both associations became ac- so the Government of the Federation of BiH, CRS and AMCFBiH, through their activities, Through the previous three phases of the LOD tively involved in the implementation of the in April 2014, issued a Decision adopting the did a great work to strengthen mutual trust project these training sessions have proven to fourth phase of LOD, through the organiza- LOD methodology. In parallel, Government between the LSUs and CSOs, which ultimately be a practical solution, which led to the faster tion of regional workshops and round tables of FBiH recommended this methodology for contributes to accomplishment of develop- establishment of cooperation between the where the representatives of LSUs will be in- adoption and application at the lower levels ment objectives of the local community for LSUs and CSOs and more efficient implemen- formed about the details and importance of of government, namely the cantons and LSUs. the benefit of all residents. tation of local development strategies.

10 11 WHAT THEY SAID ABOUT LOD: SAVO MINIĆ, NEDŽAD KOLDŽO, MATO ZOVKO Mayor of Šamac Municipality Mayor of Municipality Mayor of Žepče Municipality “On behalf of the Municipality Šamac and I personally would like “It is my great honour and pleasure that the Municipality to express great pleasure for involvement of our local community of Žepče was re-elected as a partner municipality in LOD in the project LOD IV in the period 2014-2016. Our commitment IV project. As a mayor I have a very positive experience is to build partnerships with CSOs, through continuation of good working with UNDP and representatives of civil society who cooperation with the EU Delegation and UNDP in BiH, as well participated in the LOD programme. as through this project, and to improve the living conditions of residents in the local community. Žepče municipality was severely hit by the state of natural disaster in the past year, and direct participation in the LOD Primarily, we are honoured to participate in the LOD IV project project led to development of a framework for cooperation and for having the opportunity to be in the company of the with CSOs, the projects of which significantly contributed to communities that are adopting or which have already adopted the normalization of the situation in the areas affected by LOD methodology. In addition, it is also an obligation to ensure the floods. Joint work on the projects influenced awareness permanent partnership between CSOs and local authorities raising of the usefulness of mutual cooperation and the through raising awareness, cooperation and achievement of benefits of teamwork of the authorities and CSOs on sustainable dialogue, to establish transparent mechanisms for strengthening local democracy, which is indeed the main allocation of municipal budget funds through project approach “Novo Sarajevo Municipality is aware of the benefits offered by objective of the project. in financing CSOs and to encourage CSOs to professionalize their the application of LOD methodology for LSUs, and we see the activities and to focus on the project approach in tackling the participation in the LOD IV project as a possibility for improving issues of their members. municipal and CSO’s capacities, which in the long run can be used for applying with project proposals to other available international and domestic funds. The municipality wants to systemically regulate this area, with the aim of resolving the issues of interest of the citizens of the municipality, taking into account jointly defined priorities and local needs.

For many years, Novo Sarajevo Municipality successfully cooperates with CSOs, both in the development of strategic documents, as well as in implementation of joint projects that are of importance for the local community and major drivers of local development. Years of positive cooperation with many CSOs resulted in the joint development of the Strategic Development Plan of Novo Sarajevo Municipality until 2015, Youth Strategy of Novo Sarajevo Municipality with the Action Plan 2012-2014, budgeting, and implementation of joint projects that contributed to improving of In the area of Šamac municipality three projects have been the quality of life of citizens in the municipality. Through project activities that aimed at boosting agricultural successfully implemented through the LOD project. We would production, reduction of unemployment and fighting like to emphasize that implementation of planned activities It is worth noting that the CSOs actively participated in the poverty, Žepče municipality managed to accomplish certain through these projects resulted in great satisfaction of end users. development of Integrated Strategy of Novo Sarajevo Municipality effects in the area of social inclusion of the rural population Therefore, we expect continuation of cooperation with CSOs until 2023 starting from the establishment of the Municipal and the population affected by the natural disaster. on the principles of the LOD methodology, all aimed at faster development team in which they are represented, through the work development of our local community. It is expected that the non- of the consultative body – the partner group, and the focus groups I expect a continuation of the successful cooperation on the government sector, by participating in this project, will raise its for specific areas, thus, together with the Municipality they identified LOD IV project, because through the improvement of positive own capacity to a higher level, develop a professional approach strategic objectives and programmes by 2023. Cooperation between relations with the CSOs we contribute to the benefit of all the in project writing and management, and thus be prepared for the CSOs and the Municipality will continue also through the process of residents of our municipality.” new projects and new grants from the European Union.” monitoring of implementation of the aforementioned Strategy. “

Look for more about the LOD project If you are interested in activities of the LOD Project implemented so far, as well as our future, planned projects, please visit our website Istočno Sarajevo or take a look at our 1 - Istočni Stari Grad Facebook page 2 - Istočno Novo Sarajevo 3 - Istočna Ilidža The Facebook page of the LOD Project contains information on activities of LOD IV Project, part- Grad Sarajevo ner LSUs, implemented projects and information 4 - Stari Grad 5 - Centar on general activities of the non-government sec- 6 - Novo Sarajevo tor and youth organisations in Bosnia and 7 - Novi Grad Herzegovina. It is enough to click on „like“ LOD IV LSU and you will receive updated information on projects and on-going activities that you are Associated LSUs LOD IV interested in. Previous issues of the LOD newslet- LOD III LSU ter can be found and downloaded on websites LOD II LSU and LOD I LSU