Oli Smith | 256 pages | 25 Aug 2010 | Ebury Publishing | 9781846079894 | English | London, United Kingdom : Nuclear Time PDF Book

This tale of the 11th Doctor twists time and even the fairly lax credulity of the average Who-fan. Also, the timey-wimey was interesting but probably would have benefited more by being in visual form rather than prose. Why create the ultimate weapon -- and not include an off switch! Jul 29, Ken rated it really liked it. It was one of the less well written in the series, simply re-using bits and pieces from the series in a different order and slapping in a bit of admittedly accurate dialogue. With Amy and Rory being hunted through the suburban streets of the Doctor's own future and getting farther away with every passing second, he must unravel the secrets of Appletown before time runs out Cancel Save. This is one of the newest ones, about the and his companions Amy and Rory. It's good for something to read over a weekend or if you're like me, right before you have to finish a book for a class discussion. Details if other :. Start Your Free Trial. The second batch of Eleventh Doctor novels are a vast improvement on the first three books to feature this incarnation of the Time Lord. May 24, Meagan rated it liked it Shelves: read-in , whoverse , eleventh-doctor. I've enjoyed the current doctor quite a bit, but unfortunately, none of the rakish charm that Matt Smith brings to his portrayal of The Doctor is translated into the book version. Read more Firstly is the fact that the companions were pretty much shunted and are eventually saved by the Doctor. When you have a series made up of thousands of books each written by a different author, and often written before a series has even finished airing, it's really difficult to tie the stories in. Thanks for telling us about the problem. It is an intriguing concept and at times it can be quite effective, though there were points when I was wondering if it all makes sense and even now I cannot be entirely sure that it does. Oli Smith did a great job with a direct-to-audio romp in The Runaway Train. Preview — Doctor Who by Oli Smith. That was disappointing. But by the time I was finished with Nuclear Time, I was by turns bored and offended. The second is the Doctor Error rating book. It's even more confusing as time is rewritten so some o An epic timey-wimey adventure. Nov 25, Jim C rated it really liked it. Stream the best stories. The first is a mad scientist — whose warnings are cut short by an untimely and brutal death. Doctor Who: Nuclear Time Writer

Oct 19, Talia Franks rated it it was ok Shelves: doctor-who. It just isn't much fun. I know the point was to keep the reader intrigued, but after reading sixteen versions of the same plot point, it ceased to intrigue me. Night of the Kraken Terror Moon. It's good enough to tide you over when the next episodes are nearly a year away, but not the real thing. When the had attempted to activate the Moment, its interface had appeared to him in the form of a face from his future. The Doctor and his companions quickly realise there is something wrong with the whole set up and the truth about the residents and the town emerges from a set of well juxtaposed chapters that move between the present and the past, where a brilliant scientist is challenging the boundaries of computing capability The storyline quickly turns nasty and as the Doctor battles to use the TARDIS to avert Armageddon 'timely wimey' stuff happens and the Doctor finds himself moving backwards through time. At Childhood's End. The book overall reminded me of the episode Amy's Choice, and not in a good way. If you see a Google Drive link instead of source url, means that the file witch you will get after approval is just a summary of original book or the file has been already removed. Cancel Save. There's a basic plot that tends to plague most media in the New Who expanded universe - the big bad aliens are somehow doing something bad to innocent humans whether it be in the past, present, or future , and it's ultimately up to the Doctor to stop them. True, each series has its own one-off adventures, and some are better than others, but they all tie in somehow, even if it's just the mention of a few words or a shot of a crack in time at the end. Mutually Assured Destruction. Start Your Free Trial. Thus, Gallifrey and the Daleks still vanished, and history was preserved, but the Doctor was ultimately able to prevent the genocide of his own people. Add links. As it was a Time Lord construct, it was not limited to a linear grasp of time and space — it could select the forms of people from an individual's future they had yet to meet. Reset button? However, the Doctor later learned that his memory was not entirely accurate. This tale of the 11th Doctor twists time and even the fairly lax credulity of the average Who-fan. It can be secretive, and scary, and kind of dumb. The result is a complex plot gimmick wrapped in a very simple outer shell. The Moment was capable of destroying Gallifrey , the Daleks , and whole galaxies within a single moment, hence its given name. This quickly becomes repetitive and the sequences only serve to slow the story down. Average rating 3. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. The Moment had one conversation with the Thirteenth Doctor , spread over two locations. Nov 29, Sarah rated it liked it. I'm on the fence about this book. I guess, in the end, the books can never live up to the series. Oli Smith did a great job with a direct-to-audio romp in The Runaway Train. Doctor Who: Nuclear Time Reviews

Doctor Who New Series Adventures. The Moment , previously called the Eye of Discord , was the most powerful and most dangerous weapon in all of creation, described as the Galaxy Eater , which the War Doctor intended to use to end the Last Great Time War when he felt his people had gone too far. Plague City. The second is the Doctor According to a dissenting account of the end of the Time War , the Eighth Doctor activated the Moment to destroy Gallifrey, destroying both the Daleks and the Time Lords. His deadpan delivery was a lot of fun. Showing Great book, Doctor Who: Nuclear Time pdf is enough to raise the goose bumps alone. As for the characterization of the television characters I had no problem visualizing them. It gets off to a good start, and the characterisations begins to seem similar to the show, but as it goes on it to be less so, and the plot, for me, had less of an impact. Smith by L. The one thing I didn't like about this book was that for the first few chapters, it set up what was going to be a rather interesting story, but a few chapters into the book, it switched plots completely, so neither story reached it's full potential. Not that the plot wasn't bad enough, it's very noticeable to an American reader that the American characters speak in British English. The second is the Doctor I know the point was to keep the reader intrigued, but after reading sixteen versions of the same plot point, it ceased to intrigue me. The Doctor told him that he would die at her hands, what's the matter with that happening later on especia I'm on the fence about this book. Ryan , Yaz and Graham. Granted, the American government can be a bit sinister under certain circumstances. Similar effort needs to be put into the other bits of the story, and I just wasn't feeling it. It had an operating system so sophisticated, so advanced that it had become sentient and developed a conscience hence why it was never used, as the Time Lords feared its moral judgement. Tenth Doctor. Start a Wiki. Thanks for telling us about the problem. You'll be glad you did. Jan 22, Anne rated it liked it Shelves: sci-fi , adult-lit. His understanding of time, cause and effect and consequences really show him at his Time Lord best. In the scorching sands lies an improbably perfect little town full of oddly cheery suburbanites called Apple Town. Try Now. I'm on the fence about this book. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. They're not even that good, but boy do I love them. The advantage was Brigg's excellent reading. The Isley Brothers. Hot Moonsong by L. The only major issue I had was with the characterisation of Amy and Rory - the dialogue felt right, but Rory was way too heroic and Amy was way too helpless, especially considering the story was set when Rory was new to the TARDIS. Would not recommend this book. The ending? But when two more strangers arrive, things begin to change. It seemed like the author got confused as well because it seemed really inconsistant as well. The Doctor , Amy and Rory arrive in Appletown — an idyllic village in the remote American desert where the townsfolk go peacefully about their suburban routines. But one genius concept cannot alone carry the day.

Doctor Who: Nuclear Time Read Online

While the Doctor and the companions are still the central focus, a lot of time is spent with a couple of important secondary characters, which gives this story more emotional depth than your typical Who novel. It isn't serious literature but I wasn't expecting that. Some of my British friends had been telling me how much fun they were. This alone makes the novel stand out and gives it a more Classic Who feel to it. It can be secretive, and scary, and kind of dumb. And I also think that too long was spent focusing on the supporting characters. When attempting to initialise it, the War Doctor expressed unfamiliarity with the Moment's controls and operating system. We do not guarantee that these techniques will work for you. Jun 07, Mary rated it did not like it. While Amy and Rory run and hide in the town, the Doctor is trapped, going backwards in time and getting ever further away. You'll be glad you did. Perhaps I picked the wrong one? An unnecessary and irritating one. The Forgotten Army. Your Comment:. Oct 11, Kimberley doruyter rated it it was ok. Amy and Rory as ever provide near escapes from peril and the gentle humour of their relationship, Amy striding forwards heedlessly into action, Rory desperately trying to save her. Oct 19, Talia Franks rated it it was ok Shelves: doctor-who. However, the Doctor later learned that his memory was not entirely accurate. I've enjoyed the current doctor quite a bit, but unfortunately, none of the rakish charm that Matt Smith brings to his portrayal of The Doctor is translated into the book version. This Doctor Who —related article is a stub.