
for the study

100% for the Korean Peninsula – The Base for the Renewed Peace Process and Sustainable

Contractors: Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) School of Energy Systems P.O. BOX 20 53851 Lappeenranta Finland

Energy Watch Group (EWG) c/o DWR eco Albrechtstraße 22 10117 Berlin Germany

Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) 19F Jeongdong Bldg. 21-15 Jeongdong-gil Jung-gu 04518 Seoul Republic of Korea

Place / date: Lappeenranta, Berlin, Seoul / June 4, 2018 Table of Contents

1. Background ...... 2 2. Research Objective ...... 4 3. Work Packages and Form of Results ...... 5 4. Time Schedule ...... 10 5. Financial Budget ...... 11 6. Rights ...... 11 7. Contact ...... 12 Annex ...... 13 Reference projects ...... 13 Proposed key experts ...... 14

CONFIDENTIAL Page 1/15 1. Background

On April 27, 2018, the world community has witnessed an unexpected historic moment in the Korean peace process. President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea (ROK) and his North Korean counterpart Kim Jong-un have pledged to rid the Korean peninsula of nuclear weapons, to start a “new era of peace” and to foster economic cooperation.

Real denuclearization of the Korean peninsula can succeed only if the use of nuclear energy for electricity generation is brought to an end. As long as nuclear reactors are in operation there will be doubts about possible hidden uranium enriching activities. President Moon Jae-in had already announced his plans for nuclear and phase-out in Korea. This new of the Republic of Korea based on renewable energy (RE) sources should become the solid base for the renewed Korean peace process and sustainable energy supply. Such a policy will become a solution for the modernization and economic growth in North Korea, which Kim Jong-un strives for.

Today, new solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind energy plants are more profitable than fossil and nuclear plants in a fast growing number of regions all around the world. The shares of RE supplies grow in many countries in the world. An increasing number of countries, regions and cities have set a 100% RE target between 2020 and 2050.

The Korean producers of cleantech, storage and e-mobility technologies are leading worldwide. A 100% RE-based system will help North Korea to achieve energy security, to attain an independent political position by not relying on energy imports and to boost economic growth by creating new jobs. Such a plan can turn the Korean peninsula into a flagship region for an ecologic, nuclear-free and green economy worldwide. It will also make a significant contribution to achieving the Paris Agreement targets, which aim to limit the global temperature rise between 1.5 and 2.0 ⁰C.

The current electricity systems in the Koreas are mainly based on fossil fuels (petrol, gas and coal), hydroelectric and plants (Fig. 1). The first RE power plants, in particular solar PV, are currently introduced to the country.

CONFIDENTIAL Page 2/15 Fig. 1: Structure of power plants in the Koreas (Farfan and Breyer, 2017a1). Remark: data only till 2014.

The RE potential on the Korean Peninsula is very good, with recent estimates of RE potential of about up to 960 GWp of solar PV, up to 72 GW of wind energy and up to 29.5 TWh/a of sustainable biomass resources2. This RE potential is substantially higher than the current and future electricity demand. However, it remains unclear how the current fossil and nuclear dominated power supply could be further developed to match the COP21 agreement, which implies a continuous switch to a low-cost RE-based energy system.

The research gap will be addressed by the proposed study “100% Renewable Energy for the Korean Peninsula”. This study will analyse an energy system transition in hourly resolution for a full reference year for the period 2015 to 2050 in 5-year steps, integrating the energy demand of the sectors power, heat, mobility, desalination and industrial demand.

Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) is an innovative university in Finland. Education and research at the Department of Electrical Engineering at LUT School of Energy Systems cover the conversion, use and transmission of electric energy, the control of electric systems and the electric market. The operations aim at sustainable development, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources. Electrical engineering issues are resolved by experts from the electricity market, electricity application engineering, digital and control system engineering, and applied electronics. The Solar Economy team, led by Prof. Dr. Christian Breyer, is specialized in energy system modelling on transitions towards highly sustainable energy systems on a local and global scale. The Solar Economy team published leading edge research on 100% RE systems for all major regions in the world in the recent years and is gathering increasingly international attention. His team has published the most articles in scientific journals on fully renewable energy systems among all research teams. The team members are from 15 different countries from all continents.

1 Farfan J. and Breyer Ch., 2017. Structural changes of global power generation capacity towards sustainability and the risk of stranded investments supported by a sustainability indicator, Journal of Cleaner Production, 141, 370-384, 2 Bogdanov D. and Breyer Ch., 2016. North-East Asian Super Grid for 100% Renewable Energy supply: Optimal mix of energy technologies for electricity, gas and heat supply options, Energy Conversion and Management, 112, 176-190,

CONFIDENTIAL Page 3/15 The Energy Watch Group (EWG) is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan global network of scientists and parliamentarians. The EWG was established in 2006 by an international group of parliamentarians under the direction of Hans-Josef Fell. The mission of the EWG is to commission objective studies and disseminate transparent information on energy matters to promote policy choices accountable to the quality of all people’s life. Previous studies and projections of EWG have always been forward-looking and have among others predicted a decline in shale gas and oil production as well as the coal peak long before other analysts did. In 2015 and 2016, the EWG together with the LUT have released a series of analytical studies on the misleading World Energy Outlook projections, which were widely covered by the international and German mass media.

Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is an intergovernmental organization with HQ in Seoul, Republic of Korea, established in 2012, and with 28 Member Countries and country offices in about 30 countries in 2018. GGGI works with developing and emerging countries to design and deliver programs and services that demonstrate new pathways to economic growth that is both environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive. GGGI provides Member Countries with the tools to help build institutional capacity and develop green growth policy, strengthen peer learning and knowledge sharing, and engage private investors and public donors. GGGI was founded on the belief that economic growth and environmental sustainability are not merely compatible objectives; their integration is essential for the future of humankind. GGGI works with partners in the public and private sector in developing and emerging countries around the world to put green growth at the heart of economic planning.

2. Research Objective

The proposed study aims to describe a pathway of the Korean energy systems from the today’s status towards a fully sustainable energy system by the year 2050. This implies: • optimal combination of technologies adapted to the Korean resource availability • optimal mix of capacities for all technologies in Korea • optimal operation modus of the integrated energy system and the respective energy sectors • cost optimized energy system transition for the given constraints (resources, financial, technical, societal, etc.) • description of the energy transition pathway options in a 5-year resolution from 2015 to 2050 • greenhouse gas emissions reduction as a consequence of the energy transition • jobs created within the RE system

CONFIDENTIAL Page 4/15 3. Work Packages and Form of Results

The study is formed by six work packages as shown in the following figure.

I. RE resource potential

In this WP the resource potential is derived for all relevant RE conversion technologies and for Korea. The resources are solar energy (PV fixed optimally tilted, PV single-axis tracking, PV rooftop), wind energy, geothermal heat, sustainable biomass (municipal solid waste, solid residues, biogas input, reforestation), hydropower and ocean energy. Indicative solar and wind resources are shown in Figure 2.

The maximum technical resource potential is converted into an economic potential to limit the primary generation cost to a maximum of 100 €/MWh and societal limits are taken into account for an upper area limit.

CONFIDENTIAL Page 5/15 Fig. 2: Resource quality of solar PV single-axis systems (left) and wind energy (right).

II. Future energy demand

This WP2 is divided into two sub-packages. It serves as demand input for the simulation and optimization of the 100% RE pathway trajectories of WP3. We therefore suggest adjusting the proposed structure of this WP towards a dynamic structure which takes into account demand developments of all energy sectors from 2015 to 2050 in 5-year steps. The focus is set on the main energy sectors: - Power sector, as the core of the future energy system - Sectors heat, mobility, desalination and industrial demand

WP2.1: Electricity demand The electricity demand projection is based on economic projections and expected developments for Korea. The demand is provided in 5-year steps for the period 2015 – 2050. The national load curve is used in an hourly resolution.

WP2.2: Sectors heat, mobility, desalination and industrial demand The demand for the additional energy sectors is further sub-divided and also provided for the period 2015 – 2050 in a 5-year resolution. The energy sectors comprise: - Heat: space heating, direct hot water, industrial heat - Mobility: cars, light and heavy duty vehicles, aviation, railways in units of person-km and ton-km - Desalination: mainly seawater reverse osmosis - industrial demand: all major industries

CONFIDENTIAL Page 6/15 III. 100% RE transition pathways

The WP3 is structured in four sub-packages, which describe - first the modelling setup for the power system design and all technical and financial assumptions, - second the modelling setup for the additional energy sectors (heat, mobility, desalination, industrial demand) and respective technical and financial assumptions - third the transition of the power sector - fourth the transition of the integrated energy system including all energy sectors

WP3.1: Modelling setup and power system design All relevant power system components (converters, storage technologies, power transmission) are implemented into the model including their technical and financial assumptions. The technical and financial assumptions are set for all technologies and resources for the transition period from 2015 to 2050 in a resolution of 5-years, taking into account the constraints of the COP21 Paris Agreement and its consequences. The consideration of Korea implies in a rather decentral way designed energy transition. High risk investments such as fossil fuels may be considered with an increase cost of capital compared to RE investments. Korea will be structured in several regions for a deeper insights in different parts of the country, but also for better understanding of the requirements for the power transmission grid. The results of WP2.1 are used to set the electricity demand.

WP3.2: Modelling setup and additional energy sectors system design All relevant system components (converters, storage technologies, power transmission) for the sectors heat, mobility, desalination and non-energetic industrial demand are implemented into the model including their technical and financial assumptions. The technical and financial assumptions are set for all technologies and resources for the transition period from 2015 to 2050 in a resolution of 5-years, taking into account the constraints of the COP21 Paris Agreement and its consequences. The results of WP2.1 are used to set the energy demand. The sector coupling is in particularly focused to achieve cost optimized transition pathways.

WP3.3: Transition of the power sector Based on the power system design and the technical and financial assumptions (WP 3.1) a power system transition pathway research is carried out. This is based on the available RE resources analysed in WP1 and the electricity demand derived in WP2.1. The energy transition scenario is carried out on full hourly resolution for an entire meteorological year for representing the intermittent nature of RE resources such as solar and wind, but also for an optimised operation of the most likely future main components for the Korean energy system: PV systems, wind and batteries. The energy transition scenario is simulated in 5-year steps for the period 2015 to 2050. Two main scenarios for energy transition pathways are applied, a business as usual (BAU) scenario based on a continued coal based power supply and the base case transition scenario of this study designed as a Best Policy Scenario (BPS) assuming a fast energy transition towards very high shares of renewables based on a maximum relative RE capacity share increase of 4%/a in the power system.

CONFIDENTIAL Page 7/15 WP3.4: Transition of the integrated energy system Based on the full integrated energy system design and the technical and financial assumptions (WPs 3.1 and 3.2) an integrated energy system transition pathway research is carried out. This is based on the available RE resources analysed in WP1 and the energy demand derived in WP2. The energy transition scenario is carried out on full hourly resolution for an entire meteorological year for representing the intermittent nature of RE resources such as solar and wind, but also for the PV plus battery interplay. The energy transition scenario is simulated in 5-year steps for the period 2015 to 2050. Two main scenarios for energy transition pathways are applied according to WP3.3, a BAU scenario based on standard IEA assumptions according to the New Policies Scenario (NPS), but also further scenarios featuring Korea, and the base case transition scenario of this study designed as a BPS.

An exemplary power system setup is depicted below:

IV. Estimated costs and investment needs

The WP4 is divided in two sub-packages which describe the financial aspects of the energy transition pathway scenarios defined in WP3, first for the power sector and second for the integrated energy system.

WP4.1: Power sector system cost The expected power sector transition according to WP2 and WP3 is evaluated according to its cost and investment requirements. This WP exhibits the average system cost in units of €/MWh and the total system cost in annualised system cost and investment requirements resolved in 5-year steps for the period of 2015 to 2050. All cost are per technology components required in the energy system and are available for the cost categories of investment cost, operational cost, fuel cost and emission cost.

CONFIDENTIAL Page 8/15 WP4.2: Integrated energy system cost The expected integrated energy system transition according to WP2 and WP3 is evaluated according to its

cost and investment requirements. This WP exhibits the average system cost in units of €/MWhel, €/MWhth, 3 €/m , €/MWhgas and the total system cost in annualised system cost and investment requirements resolved in 5-year steps for the period of 2015 to 2050. All cost are per technology components required in the energy system and are available for the cost categories of investment cost, operational cost, fuel cost and emission cost. Cost of application devices are not considered as parts of the energy system (e.g. vehicles, etc.).

V. Socio-economic benefits

The WP5 is divided in two sub-packages which describe the socio-economic benefits of the analysed energy transition pathways.

WP5.1: Benefits for the power sector The results for the power system energy transition analyses are used for estimating the jobs which can be created separated into the construction of the system and the operation. Additional parameters to be assessed are carbon emissions (total, per kWh and carbon intensity of GDP) throughout the transition pathways. All these parameters will be direct results of the modelling and analyses of WP3 and WP4.

WP5.2: Benefits for the integrated energy system The results for the integrated energy system energy transition analyses are used for estimating the green jobs which can be created separated into the construction of the system and the operation, as well as related to reforestation and sustainable biomass production in the rural areas of North Korea (benefiting from similar successful reforestation in ROK). Additional parameters to be assessed are carbon emissions (total, per kWh and carbon intensity of GDP) throughout the transition pathways. All these parameters will be direct results of the modelling and analyses of WP3 and WP4.

VI. Communications/Political dialogue

The WP6 will deal with communicating the study results to mass media and the general public. This WP will include recommendations for a favorable political framework for the implementation of study findings. It will also include public relations (e.g. press conference or special launch event in ROK and North Korea), a stakeholder workshop, and 1-2 days of political talks. Therefore, the costs for this WP include costs for logistics and organization of the events, press and public relations, translations as well as travel expenses.

CONFIDENTIAL Page 9/15 4. Time Schedule

We suggest project duration of minimum 12 months and maximum 18 months. The project can be started 4 weeks after formally accepting the offer.

Deliverables: • Mid-term report covering the power sector – 8 months after official start • Final study report (including Summary report for decision-makers) – at the end of the project • At least one scientific journal publication on the energy transition options for Korea – submitted to a leading scientific journal before the end of the project

All documents will be produced in English following the Client’s style guidelines and including the Energy Watch Group logo. The Summary report for decision-makers will be in addition delivered in Korean. All documents will cover all relevant aspects of the Korean energy system. In addition, the methodology and the assumptions will be provided to guarantee a maximum level of transparency for the methodology, assumptions and results.

In the following a Gantt chart is drawn to show the timeline of the project:

WP Name Timeline M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18

1 RE resource potential

2 Future energy demand 2.1 Electricity demand 2.2 Additional sectors

3 100% RE transiton pathways 3.1 Modeling setup and power system design 3.2 Additional energy sectors system design 3.3 Transition of the power sector 3.4 Transiton of the integrated energy system

4 Estimated costs and investment needs 4.1 Power sector system cost 4.2 Integrated energy system cost

5 Socio-economic benefits 5.1 Benefits for the power sector 5.2 Benefits for the integrated energy system

6 Communications/ Political dialogue


Report writing

CONFIDENTIAL Page 10/15 5. Financial Budget

The whole project “100% Renewable Energy for the Korean Peninsula” will cost 600,000 EUR (plus VAT). For the study “100% Renewable Energy for the Korean Peninsula – The Base for the Renewed Peace Process and Sustainable Energy Supply” LUT allocate costs of in total 425,000 EUR (plus VAT) for the entire study as offered in this document. The contribution of EWG (political measurement support, Media and PR activities, coordination) will cost 75,000 Euro. The contribution of GGGI (research support, political implementation and PR activities) will cost 100,000 EUR.

The VAT needs not to accrued if the client is located outside European Union, or if an EU VAT ID number is provided. This budget covers all costs for project realization, project management, personnel costs, costs of materials, and two travels to Korea for presenting intermediate and final study results.

25% of the amount is due three months after accepting the offer. 25% of the amount is due nine months after accepting the offer. 25% of the amount is due 15 months after accepting the offer. 25% of the amount is due after submission and accept of the final study report.

6. Rights The LUT has the right to use the developed method / programming code of the study in other projects and scientific publications. LUT has already invested very significant amounts in the model development, data acquisition and results analyses financed by public projects and own means. This requires the right to independently publish results at scientific conferences and in scientific journals in parallel to this study. LUT/ EWG and GGGI intend common scientific publishing on the outcome of this project. All contractors have the right to use all study results, freely of any limitation.

CONFIDENTIAL Page 11/15 7. Contact

Prof. Dr. Christian Breyer Lappeenranta University of Technology School of Energy Systems Skinnarilankatu 34 53850 Lappeenranta Finland [email protected] Tel.: +358 50 443 1929

Hans-Josef Fell President of the Energy Watch Group c/o DWR eco Albrechtstraße 22 10117 Berlin Germany [email protected]

Dr. Frank Rijsberman Director-General Global Green Growth Institute 19F Jeongdong Bldg. 21-15 Jeongdong-gil Jung-gu 04518 Seoul Korea [email protected]

CONFIDENTIAL Page 12/15 Annex

Reference projects

100% RE for Northeast Asia: Energy system analyses for 100% Renewable Energy by 2030 This research project has been carried out within the Neo-Carbon Energy (NCE) project in the period of August 2014 to October 2015. The energy system analysis comprised the energy sector power, and available excess electricity for heat. The case study for Northeast Asia showed that a phase-out of fossil fuels and nuclear energy does not result in higher system cost than a BAU scenario. It had been found that electricity exchange within Northeast Asia is for the benefit of the region. Further information: A new publication for the energy transition in the region is accepted and will be published in August 2018.

100% RE for Germany: Cost optimal power supply for Germany for year 2040 assumptions This research project has been carried out as a joint research for the 100prozent erneuerbar stiftung, Haleakala-Stiftung and BVMW in the period of July 2012 to October 2013. This research showed that a phase-out of the nuclear and coal dominated energy system in Germany is possible and that the cost for a decentralised and centralised energy system are almost identical. Further information:

GIoE: Global Internet of Energy This research project has been carried out as a joint spin-off of the Neo-Carbon Energy (NCE) project and the LUT internal project REFLEX in the period of March 2016 to December 2016. The energy system analysis results of the Solar Economy team at LUT had been prepared for visualization and global dissemination. It is the very first online tool which makes full hourly energy system analyses for 100% RE accessible, for 145 regions in the world aggregated to 9 major regions. All data are available for download and references are provided. Further information:

Global Energy System based on 100% Renewable Energy – Power Sector This research project has been carried out as a joint project of LUT and EWG in the period of January 2017 to November 2017. The energy system transition analysis for the world structured in 145 regions (thereof 2 regions for Korea) has been carried out in full hourly resolution and is the first of its kind in this high spatial and full hourly resolution towards full sustainability. This report has been presented during COP23 in Bonn. Further information:

Pathway towards 100% Renewable Electricity Generation on Ovalau and Taveuni Islands in Fiji by 2035: A Pre-Feasibility Study by GGGI As part of its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), a key priority of the Fijian government is to transition to renewable energy (RE) and approach 100% renewable electricity production by 2030. As such, RE has an important role to play in providing electricity in Fiji’s smaller islands for rural populations vulnerable to fuel supply disruptions and extreme weather events. Focusing on the islands of Ovalau and Taveuni, which rely heavily on diesel-generated electricity, GGGI investigated the technical and economic feasibility of: (1) different sources of RE generation; and (2) upgrades to the electricity grid needed to incorporate RE into the grid. It also assesses the feasibility of business models and financing conditions for selected RE generation options.

CONFIDENTIAL Page 13/15 Proposed key experts

Prof. Dr. Christian Breyer Christian Breyer has started the Solar Economy professorship at Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT), Finland, in March 2014. His major expertise is the integrated research of technological and economic characteristics of renewable energy systems specialising in energy system modelling, 100% renewable energy scenarios and hybrid energy solutions, on a local but also global scale. Christian has been managing director of the Reiner Lemoine Institute, Berlin, focused on renewable energy research and worked previously several years for Q-Cells (now: Hanwha Q Cells) a world market leader in the photovoltaic (PV) industry in the R&D and market development department. Christian received his PhD in the field of the economics of hybrid PV power plants from University of Kassel. He is member of international working groups like European Technology and Innovation Platform Photovoltaics (ETIP PV), IEA-PVPS Task 1 and 8, member of the scientific committee of the EU Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (PVSEC) and the International Renewable Conference (IRES), chairman for renewable energy at the Energy Watch Group, expert for the 100% renewables initiative and founding member of DESERTEC Foundation. Christian has member of the executive team of the Neo-Carbon Energy project in Finland focused on power-to-X solutions. He authored and co-authored 200 scientific publications (accessible at Twitter: @ChristianOnRE The team of Prof. Breyer has published the most articles on fully renewable energy systems for countries, regions and the world in scientific journals and his team is the only one being able to run an energy transition in full hourly resolution for the world structured in 145 regions. Christian Breyer will lead the LUT team. The team members contributing to the study origin from various countries, different cultures, several academic disciplines and united in the vision for 100% renewable energy.

Hans-Josef Fell

Hans-Josef Fell is President of the Energy Watch Group (, German MP from 1998 to 2013 and Ambassador for 100% Renewable Energy. Hans-Josef Fell is a key architect of the German (energy transition). Fell authored the draft Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), which was adopted in 2000 in the face of strong political opposition. The EEG is the foundation for the technology developments in photovoltaic, biogas, and geothermal energy in Germany. The underlying principle of the EEG has since been replicated in almost hundred countries around the world. Hans-Josef Fell initiated the legislation exempting biofuels from tax and was actively involved in establishing the renewables legislative at the European level.

From 1999 to 2005, as spokesman of the Alliance 90/the Greens parliamentary group in the research committee of the German Bundestag, Hans-Josef Fell helped to secure an increase in research funding for photovoltaics, concentration solar power, geothermal energy, bioenergy, batteries for electric cars, bionics and nanotechnology. This funding was crucial for the current worldwide expansion of solar thermal power technology and for the expansion of geothermal power generation throughout Germany.

As a member of the Bundestag Defence Committee, Hans-Josef Fell supported the development in military training methods towards conflict de-escalation. This training on violence prevention during military operations has attracted international recognition, particularly at the level of UN peace operations. Hans-Josef Fell studied physics and sports and was a grammar school teacher from 1978 to 1998. From 1990 to 2000 he was a city councillor in Hammelburg and a district councillor in Bad Kissingen. More information: and

CONFIDENTIAL Page 14/15 Dr. Frank Rijsberman

Frank Rijsberman leads the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI, in supporting governments transition towards a model of economic growth that is environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive. With over 30 years’ experience addressing the challenges of environmental sustainability and poverty reduction with leading international organizations and philanthropic foundations, Dr. Rijsberman was appointed as the Director-General of the Institute, on October 1, 2016. Upon assuming his position, Dr. Rijsberman has engaged with senior international stakeholders to drive the green growth agenda and help mobilize finance for climate action and sustainable development. As an advocate for sustainable development, Dr. Rijsberman is focused on supporting GGGI Member and partner governments to implement their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement and achieve their Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets. His priorities are to support collaborative NDC implementation among GGGI Members, as outlined under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and assist its Member governments to green their investment to deliver inclusive, pro-poor green growth, as well as climate action. He authored and co-authored 80 scientific publications (accessible at

Prior to joining GGGI, Dr. Rijsberman served as Chief Executive Officer of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Consortium. In this role, he led CGIAR’s transformation from 15 independent research centers towards a single integrated organization. This included a process of cultural and institutional change towards results-based management, including the development of the Consortium’s 2016-2030 Strategy and new portfolio of research programs for 2017-2022, building an integrated organization and governance structure, and developing its policies and procedures to ensure accountability. From 2010 to 2012, Dr. Rijsberman was the first Director of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, where he developed a strategy to help achieve universal access to sustainable sanitation services using radical new technologies and innovative market-based mechanisms. Dr. Rijsberman also has worked as Program Director at, the philanthropic arm of Google, where he led grant making in the public health initiative and was responsible for programs and partnerships in health, disaster response, geo-informatics, and climate-change adaptation. Before working at Google, Dr. Rijsberman was Director General of the International Water Management Institute, an international research institute with HQ in Colombo, Sri Lanka. He holds a PhD degree in water resources management and planning from Colorado State University (US) and a MSc and BS in Civil Engineering from Delft University of Technology (Netherlands). Twitter: @FrankRijsberman