By Joe Weintrob Norfolk, Virginia 2009 U.S.S. Bronstein

USS Bronstein DE189 Keel laid Aug 26, 1943 Launched November 14, 1943 First day in commission (FDC) December 13, 1943 Last day in commission (LDC) November 5, 1945 Post office established (POE) December 15, 1943 Post office Disestablished (POD) June 15, 1946

USS Bronstein DE1037 Keel laid May 16, 1961 Launched March 31, 1962 FDC June 15, 1963 LDC December 13, 1990 POE June 15, 1963

Slide 1 U.S.S. Bronstein

Covers from the Bronstein DE189. Each shows a different cancelling device.

Slide 2 U.S.S. Bronstein

The second ship named Bronstein is a fast frigate - notice the ff on the circular cancel

Slide 3 U.S.S. Eisner

The top cover from the Eisner named for Jacques Rodney Eisner killed at Savo Island.

The bottom cover Is after the war and again notice the ship cancel with the bar USS Eisner name on the 3rd line.

USS Eisner DE192 Keel laid September 23, 1943 Launched December12, 1943 FDC January 1, 1944 LDC July 5, 1946 POE January 10, 1944 POD April 1, 1946

Slide 4 U.S.S. Flusser

USS Flusser is DD368. There were 3 ships name for Charles W. Flusser in naval history.

USS Flusser DD368 Keel laid June 4, 1934 Launched September 28, 1935 FDC October 1, 1936 LDC December 16, 1946 POE October 10, 1936 POD January 15, 1946

Slide 5 U.S.S. Flusser

A letter from the US Naval Academy replying for a request for information on Charles Flusser.

Slide 6 U.S.S. Flusser

Another 2 covers from the Flusser. Note the name of the ship is given in the circular date stamp. WWII is still 5 years in the future on October 29,1936.

Slide 7 U.S.S. Flusser

More of the Flusser with different cachets.

Slide 8 U.S.S. Flusser

Pacific Fleet going to the Worlds Fair in 1939. Name of ship is on the cancelling device. Slide 9 U.S.S. Samuel Gompers

Destroyer tender named for a labor leader

USS Samuel Gompers AD37 Keel laid July 9, 1964 Launched May 14, 1966 FDC July 1, 1967 LDC October27, 1995 POE July 1, 1967 POD October 3, 1995

Slide 10 U.S.S. Samuel Gompers

Two different cancelling devices used on these envelopes

Slide 11 U.S.S. Samuel Gompers

Two different cachets shown from the Gompers

Slide 12 U.S.S. Samuel Gompers

Two more cachets from the Gompers

Slide 13 U.S.S. Hyman

Official ship picture of the USS Hyman

USS Hyman Keel laid November 22, 1943 Launched April 8, 1944 FDC June 16, 1944 LDC November14, 1969 POD none - given as such used different cancels

Slide 14 U.S.S. Hyman

Ship named for Lt. Commander Wilford Milton Hyman lost in the battle of the Coral Sea.

Both of these are after the war and hence the name of the ship is used.

Slide 15 U.S.S. Hyman

The cancelling devices show the name of the ship since the war was over.

Slide 16 U.S.S. Hyman

Top cover has name of town where the Hyman was launched.

Lower envelope has a double circle cancel with name of ship since this is 1946.

Slide 17 U.S.S. Hyman

Two different cachets from the USS Hyman.

Name and date used since the war was over by 1946.

Slide 18 U.S.S. Hyman

Two more covers from the USS Hyman.

Slide 19 U.S.S. Hyman

Notice here that the ship was in the Carribean Sea and the next is the Mediterranean Sea. Dated 1947 and 1948.

Slide 20 U.S.S. Hyman

Another 2 covers from the Hyman. Different cachets.

Slide 21 U.S.S. Hyman

More of the USS Hyman with different cachets and again different cancelling devices used.

Slide 22 U.S.S. Hyman

More of the USS Hyman with different cachets and devices.

Top Cover “Welcome to Norfolk, VA”

Slide 23 Statue for Joseph Israel

Slide 24 U.S.S. Israel

This is the only ship to bear that name. She was decommissioned after WWI and covers are rare

Slide 25 U.S.S. Jeffrey

USS Ira Jeffrey APD ex DE63 ex Jeffrey Keel laid February 13, 1943 Launched May 15, 1943 FDC August 15, 1943 LDC June 18, 1946 POE September 1, 1943 POD March 29, 1946 Name changed July 29, 1943. Designate. Changed February 23, Picture of the USS Jeffery. US government issue. 1945. Struck June 1, 1960. Sunk during ordinance tests July 1962

Slide 26 U.S.S. Jeffrey

Cover from the Jeffery. Notice on the cancelling device that the name of the ship is omitted for security. Slide 27 Slide 28 U.S.S. Leopold

U.S.S. Israel

Slide 29 USS Leopold Launching U.S.S. Levy

USS Levy Naval picture of Ship under movement Slide 30 U.S.S. Levy

Letter from USS Levy responding to request for cancel.

USS Levy DE162 Keel laid October19, 1942 Launched March 28,1943 FDC May 13, 1943 LDC April 4, 1947 POE June 7, 1943 POD January 31,1947

Slide 31 U.S.S. Levy

First permanent Jewish Chapel at Norfolk Naval station. Levy chapel. I have been to that chapel and attended services.

Slide 32 U.S.S. Levy

Two covers from the USS Levy. Top cover does not have name of ship in cancelling device yet the war was over in March 1946.

Lower cover 1943 has naval censor cancel on left side of envelope. Again 1943 there is not ships name in cancel.

Slide 33 U.S.S. Levy

Cover from the USS Levy and again 1943 only the date and city type cancel used. Buy war bonds and stamps used in the civilian cancel. Slide 34 USS Marcus information sheet. Do not have a cover from this ship.

Slide 35 U.S.N.S. Michelson

USNS Michelson cover and picture. Ship named for teacher and Nobel Prize winner in Physics. Cancel only says US Navy.

USNS Michelson Launched as Joliet Victory during WWII Keel laid May 5, 1944 and delivered July 7, 1944. Ship constructed in 63 days. Converted to the USNS Michelson October 10, 1957 thru September 30, 1958.

Slide 36 U.S.N.S. Michelson

no name in cancelling device. On Left side a nice cachet

Slide 37 U.S.C.G.C. Morgenthau

USCGC Morganthau Coast guard cutter with New York cancel. Below envelope is a picture of the Morganthau.

Slide 38 U.S.C.G.C. Morgenthau

Information on the Morganthau

Slide 39 U.S.C.G.C. Morgenthau

Cover from the Morganthau - no ship cancel just the city where mailed.

Slide 40 U.S.S. Noa

Slide 41 Cover and picture of the USS Noa. 1934 ship’s name and date in cancelling device U.S.S. Noa

Letter to Oscar Stadtler about history of Loveman Noa

Slide 42 U.S.S. Noa

Above: Picture of cadets and Loveman Noa.

Below: a cover from the Noa being recommissioned.

USS Noa APD 24 ex DD343 Keel laid November 18, 1918 Launched June 28, 1919. FDC February 15, 1921 LDC October 11, 1934 POE June 26, 1923 POD October 11, 1934 First day re-commissioned ApriI1, 1940. Sunk September 12, 1944 Post office reestablished April 15, 1940. POD September 12, 1944.

Decommissioning was announced for October 15, 1934 and many covers were postmarked in advance with that date. However, the event was advanced to October 11 with little notice and only 13 covers were postmarked on the correct day. Sunk in a collision with Fullam, in the Pacific, Sept 12, 1944

Slide 43 U.S.S. Noa

Slide 44 Above: Picture Photo of NOA underway. DD841 U.S.S. Noa

Picture of Noa DD841 and cover from ship.

Cancel has name of ship and date

Slide 45 U.S.S. Noa

Top cover in tribute to the Noa APD24 which was sunk in the Pacific area. Bottom cover is a recommissioning cover as a seaplane carrier Noa APD24 .

Slide 46 U.S.S. Noa

Cachet cover 1934 with name of ship Noa (DD43) in cancel. Lower cover with name of re- commissioned ship and date 1940 pre-war Noa APD24.

Slide 47 U.S.S. Noa

USS Noa APD24 with cachets and different color ink. 1940

Slide 48 U.S.S. Noa

USS Noa DD343 Cachets from the Noa. Top cover has notation First Oay of Post office

Slide 49 U.S.S. Noa

Notice on this Noa - new number to replace the old Noa which was sunk. Notice the Number DD841.

USS NOA DD841 Keel laid March 26, 1945 Launched July 30,1945 FDC November 2, 1945 LDC October 31,1973 POE November 2, 1945 POD June 30,1960 Post office closed 1960-62 for overhaul. Sold to Spain Oct 31,1973

Slide 50 U.S.S. Noa

Noa DD841 with different cachets. Top has regular circular date stamp and lower one is completely different.

Slide 51 U.S.S. Noa

Noa DD841 and 2 different cachets.

Slide 52 U.S.S. Noa

More Noa DD841 cachets

Slide 53 U.S.S. Noa

More cachets of the Noa DD841. Top cover different styles of cancelling device used. Bottom cover with cachet of the Noa with US Navy Recovery force for the Gemini space program.

Slide 54 U.S.S. Noa

USS Noa with a different cachet. Copy of back of cover with New York and double-lined cancel and date

Slide 55 U.S.S. Ordronaux

USS Ordronaux. Picture of ship and on top and cover from ship on bottom of page. Cover has double line cancel with name of ship and date. War is over and ships could use the name.

Slide 56 U.S.S. Hyman Rickover

Hyman Rickover with stamp of nuclear .

Slide 57 U.S.S. Hyman Rickover

USS Hyam Rickover with First day in commission. Lower cover has a launching cover. Notice no cancelling device with name of sub.

Slide 58 U.S.S. Hyman Rickover

Launching and commissioning cover of the Hyman Rickover. Again the city and state cancelling device.

Slide 59 U.S.N.S. General Maurice Rose

USS Maurice Rose named after an Army general killed in WWII.

Slide 60 U.S.N.S. General Maurice Rose

Covers with cachets from the Maurice Rose. Notice there are 2 different cancelling devices used.

Slide 61 U.S.S. Ruchamkin

Cover has name of ship in cancel as war was over. designation has been changed from DE228 to APD89.

USS RUCHAMKIN LPR89 ex APD89 exDE228. Keel laid February 14, 1944 - Launched June 15, 1944 FDC September 16, 1945 LDC February 27, 1946 POE September 1, 1945 POD December 31, 1945

First day re-commissioned March 9, 1951 Post office re-established May 16, 1951 POD November 25, 1955 LDC August 13, 1957

First day re-commissioned November 18, 1961 LDC November 24, 1969 Designated change to APD July 19, 1944 and to LPR January 1,1969. Transferred to Columbia in 1969

Slide 62 U.S.S. Ruchamkin

Top: First Day cancel for re-established post office.

Lower: cancelled as APD 89.

Slide 63 U.S.S. Silverstein

USS Silverstein picture and cover. Cancel has name of ship with date.

USS SILVERSTEIN DE534. Keel laid October 8,1943 – Launched November 8,1943 FDC July 14,1944 LDC January 15,1947 POE July 14,1944 POD May 13,1946

First day re-commissioned February 28, 1951 Post office re-established April 18, 1951 LDC January 30, 1959

Slide 64 U.S.S. Silverstein

Story of Silverstein who was killed in action during the action at Coral sea.

Slide 65 USS STERN DE187 U.S.S. Stern Keel laid August 12, 1943 Launched October 31,1943 FDC December 1,1943 LDC April 26, 1946 POE November 30, 1943 POD April 8,1946

Transferred to the Netherlands May 1951. Returned in 1967 and sold for scrap in 1968

Picture of the USS Stern Slide 66 U.S.S. David Strauss

Picture of the USS David Strauss - DE-408

Slide 67 U.S.S. David Strauss

Cover from the USS Strauss with name of ship on cachet dated 1946 and cancelling device is not changed from war to peace.

USS STRAUS DE408 Keel laid November 18, 1943 Launched December 30,1943 FDC April 6, 1944 LDC January 15, 1947 POE March 15, 1944 POD May 23,1946

Struck May 1, 1966. Sunk as a target August 1, 1973.

Slide 68 U.S.S. Joseph Strauss

Picture of the USS Joseph Strauss - DD416 Slide 69 U.S.S. Joseph Strauss

Covers from the Strauss. Top is the first day in Commission. Lower cover with the same cancelling device.

USS JOSEPH STRAUSS DDG 16 Keel laid December 27, 1960 - Launched December 9, 1961 FDC April 20, 1963 LDC February 1, 1990 POE April 20, 1963 POD December 15,1989

Slide 70 U.S.S. Taussig

Picture of the Taussig DD746 at sea Slide 71 U.S.S. Taussig

Covers from the USS Taussig Top cover: the month is first and bottom the month second line. Bottom envelope has the Brooklyn cancel on envelope.

USS TAUSSIG DD746 Keel laid August 30, 1943 Launched January 25, 1944 FDC May 20, 1944 LDC December 1, 1970 POE May 15, 1944 POD September 1, 1970

Slide 72 U.S.S. Taussig

Covers from the USS Taussig. First one has the Staten Island station cancel. Launched in war time. No name of ship on cancelling device.

Bottom cover has first day postal service. Notice the cancel double circle with day, date, year and New York, but not the name of the ship.

Slide 73 U.S.S. Harry S. Truman

Cancelled cover from the Harry S. Truman. Signed by the captain with motto “The buck stops here.” Stamps used are the two US stamps for Harry Truman. Set of Jewish National Fund labels showing President Chaim Weizmann of Israel presenting Harry Truman, President of the , a Holocaust Torah that is now on the carrier.

Slide 74 U.S.S. Harry S. Truman

Dedication of the Torah scroll on The Torah is one of the USS Harry S. Truman. the few to survive from Lithuania. The Captain Shelanski and Senator Ira Torah will be on loan Levin, chairman of the Senate for 41 Years or the Armed Services Committee, heads duration of the ship’s bowed in prayer. life.

Slide 75 U.S.S. Harry S. Truman

The copy of the letter May 14,1948, President Truman recognized the State of Israel.

Slide 76 Detailed information on Ships Thank You!

Many thanks to Claude Bell whose help this slide program could not have been done. His expertise of computers, scanners and power point presentations made this program possible. - Joe Weintrob