WALK CAR/04 -Pampaneira village (direction Pampaneira), where the old slope to the track(s) below ( hito ). Turn left along the via Soportújar and GR7 camino from Carataunas to Soportújar crosses the lower track, keep right where this forks at the corner Distance: 7.5 km Walking Time: 2½-3 hrs main road – if approaching by car vehicles can be of the wall and right again at the end of a stone wall, left in a lay-by a little further along the road, on the with the carretera in clear view below. The path This is a pleasant, scenic walk that follows the old right . The first part of the old camino is now a steep follows a ledge above olive groves - at the time of camino from Carataunas to Soportújar and then concreted drive - note the building on the right, writing there are no further marker-posts until the continues along a section of the GR7 long-distance which must be the smallest “post-office” in ! Puente Palo road is reached, but the path is quite (Athens-Algeciras) footpath to Pampaneira, from The concrete finishes and beyond the higher villa clear, with the occasional paint-mark confirming the where the return can be made by bus at either 1700 (La Rondilla) it again becomes a pleasant mule- route. When you reach a reservoir with two or 1830 hrs. Please note, however, that although it path. Follow this, climbing steadily, until you come galvanized depósitos beyond, bear left - the path is a popular, well-marked route, in places it is quite to a pylon and a high wall on the left, then be careful makes a short zig-zag and then bears right, heading rough and steep - and in late spring and summer to cross the water-channel and follow the path towards some conifers on the Puente Palo road. could be very overgrown as it seems to receive very round to the right (paint-marks) and then to the left, little maintenance. Suitable footwear (and possibly upwards, passing between fig trees. Ignore the some protection for arms and legs!) is therefore path to a cortijo up on the left and follow the ledge advisable. under the high wall - with fine views of Carataunas [Note - although the walk finishes in Pampaneira, if and Órgiva and the bulky mass of the Sierra de a longer walk is preferred there are several Lujar across the valley to the south. Keep to the possibilities, either for continuing on foot or by main path as it zig-zags up the hill and then heads making use of public transport - a bus passes directly for Soportújar - with the path again widening through Pampaneira on its way up to Bubión, to a concreted track as the village is approached. and Pitres at approximately 1205 hrs and At the junction of streets (Placeta del Moral) the 1405 hrs, with return times of 1630 and 1800 hrs most direct way to the GR7 (which follows the main from Pitres. There are suitable walks from and road out of the village) is to keep straight on between all of the above villages - or you could just between houses 24 and 31 (C/Estación) and follow take the opportunity to do some sight-seeing.] this up to the Church Square. On reaching the square turn right (C/Carretera), passing the townhall Pampaneira, the lower of the three villages of the and the Bar Romero - about 600 metres beyond the valley, is a typical Alpujarreñan village, large GR7 signboard you will see a GR7 signpost with traditional architecture, narrow, winding streets pointing to Pampaneira (2 hrs). and flower-decked balconies, and as such is much frequented by tourists - hence its abundance of Go up the concrete path as far as the corner of the gift/craft shops and hostelries. It is also home to the cemetery wall, then make your way down the steep Nevadensis Information Centre, which, in addition to carrying a comprehensive stock of maps, guide books and walking leaflets, houses an exhibition room with video facilities and organises a wide range of mountain activities. Unlike most of the gift shops, however, it closes at lunch-time and if you wish to visit this, you are advised to check its opening times before looking round the shops or settling down for refreshment!

OFF WE GO !------The walk starts by the old bus shelter on the carretera, about 200 metres from the fork into the Please be aware that it is many years since this guide was updated and continued changes and developments in the regions covered mean that the walk may no longer be possible, at least as described. Therefore the guides must not be relied on and the author accepts no liability for any injury or loss resulting from their use. The last year this guide was updated is shown on the map e.g. ET/20xx.

After the steepish climb up to the road the downhill However, if you wish to continue to Bubión along the road-walking comes as a pleasant contrast - and GR7 (the path starts at the top of the village) the CAR/04 there are some shady stopping places on the way. following route is suggested - though there are, of In about five minutes a marker-post warns you of an course, alternatives. From the square, go up the approaching left turn. As you follow the track round Calle Estación (signed to the supermarket) and the small valley, if you look ahead you will see a follow this round to the right, passing the Bar marker-post - another hito just beyond this marks Alegrías. Go up the steps beyond this (or follow the EXPLORING THE the next turn-off point - a path that is now followed street round) and then take the Calle Príncipe, the almost all the way to Pampaneira. This passes street immediately above the fuente. This steep, immediately in front of the old Venta del Aire narrow street is now followed all the way to the top buildings. Note the laundry area beyond these, but of the village - keep left at the fork and at a crossing with be careful to keep to the main (lower) path. Beyond street (small step) turn right and then left. Just this, as you cross the ridge, prepare yourself for an beyond the top steps where the street swings left Elma Thompson unforgettable view! (still the C/Príncipe!) you will see Bubión Church ahead. The path continues along a ledge high above the road, descends (quite steeply) towards the road and Marker posts now point the way. However, when The Western Alpujarra then swings left, keeping above a “new” fence. On you come to a section where the camino has been meeting a track, turn right and then left along what widened and surfaced, look out for the continuation appears to be the private drive of a house - an hito path on the bend (just beyond a chestnut tree). on the left just before the gate indicates the camino . About a half hour’s steady climb will bring you out at This leads along the back of the house and the lower end of Bubión, just below the Church continues along a fenced ledge towards a gully, Square, where it swings right towards a cortijo. Keep left in If you wish to continue to Capileira via the Puente front of this and continue until you reach a ridge del Molino path cross the square towards the Casa (manhole with faded yellow spot) where the path Alpujarreña folk museum and continue along the again descends steeply before contouring again - C/Real. Where this swings sharply right and with a few more ascents and descents. However, as upwards keep straight on towards the sports pitch - the route is well-marked, either with paint-splashes the path to the bridge starts by the small cross. or hitos, you should now be able to enjoy the walk without constant reference to notes! Alternatively, for Pitres make your way up to the carretera (choose your own route) and turn right - When you reach the main road, turn left and walk you will see a GR7 signpost by the Calle Ermita, along this past the hydro-electric station, looking for near the ceramic sign at the entrance to the village. an hito on the left indicating the path up to the village - a steep, but very useful, short-cut. Ignore the intersecting track and cross straight over - you will Happy walking! come out on the bend before the large Pampaneira sign. Go up the concreted slope opposite and bear Carataunas-Pampaneira right towards the GR7 signpost ( fuente ). Turn left above this (Calle Viso) and immediately turn right up via Soportújar and GR7 the Calle Verónica - you will come out in the main Spanish words used in text square, with the Nevadensis Information Centre in camino way, path depósito water-tank the corner on the left. If you are returning by bus, carretera main road fuente fountain make your way to the main road - the bus stop (no cortijo cottage, farm hito marker post sign!) is on the right, by the zebra crossing. Distance: 7.5 km Time: 2½-3 hrs Please be aware that it is many years since this guide was updated and continued changes and developments in the regions covered mean that the walk may no longer be possible, at least as described. Therefore the guides must not be relied on and the author accepts no liability for any injury or loss resulting from their use. The last year this guide was updated is shown on the map e.g. ET/20xx.