Yoga Elements – Jackie Buratovich Beginner Series – Sun Salutation

Surya Namaskar – sun salutation

1. – standing with arms at side or in w/hands in prayer a. Feet parallel, legs engaged b. Back straight, shoulders back, heart open Inhale lift arms and exhale to

2. – standing forward fold a. Finger tips on floor or shin or blocks b. Legs engaged & straight, not locked; Knees slightly bent to accommodate tight c. Heart moving towards thighs, arm pits hollow and moving away

Inhale, look up and lengthen side body, exhale forward fold, inhale again, exhale step back to

3. a. Knee directly over ankle b. Back leg: Inner thigh lift back & apart c. Front leg: Outer edge of hip moves back d. Tailbone moves down e. Heart soft, arm pits lift Breathe into back body (kidneys) and lift hips, exhale to

4. Plank or Table (hands and knees on floor) a. Plank – inner thighs lift, heart softening b. Table – hands & knees


Yoga Elements – Jackie Buratovich Beginner Series – Sun Salutation

5. Chataranga or 8-point prone pose a. Chataranga – hovering just above floor, elbows at sides, shoulder blades on back, heart soft b. 8-Point prone – knees on floor, feet flexed so toes are tucked, chest and chin on floor, look straight ahead

Exhale belly to floor, align legs and Inhale to

6. – Cobra a. Press tops of feet (all 10 toes) into floor, move inner thighs back & apart (blossom butt) b. Inhale into back body, creating length in the side body c. Exhale, move shoulders onto the back and tailbone down towards heels

Inhale to

7. Adho Mukha Svanasana – downward facing dog a. Align hands so that wrist crease is parallel with top of mat, fingers wide, weight on roots of fingers, grip the mat (paw and claw) b. Center of wrist crease lines up with outside of shoulder c. Inhale, engage legs, move inner thighs back and apart, and draw from feet & hands to heart d. Exhale move tailbone down towards heels (just a bit – most people need to move thighs back more). Bend knees here to feel into the lower back


Yoga Elements – Jackie Buratovich Beginner Series – Sun Salutation

e. Inhale, lengthen from waist to arm pits, exhale root arm bones into shoulder socket & move shoulder blades onto back and together.

Exhale and step other foot forward into

8. Lunge, second side Inhale into kidneys and exhale step back foot forward into

9. Uttanasana – standing forward fold (see above for alignments)

Inhale and look up, exhale fold forward, inhale into

10. Tadasana

Note to Beginners: These photos depict ideal physical alignments. Keep the form in your mind’s eye as you flow with grace through the Sun Salutation, Surya Namaskar. Flow from your hear with self-awareness, knowing that you are perfect and beautiful just as you are.

Images used by permission from: The Yoga Index, By Bruce Bowditch Copyright 2010.