Lightsmonday, out February 10, 2020 Photo by Teresa Mettela 50¢ 57,000 Queensqueensqueens Residents Lose Power Vol.Volume 66, No
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VolumeVol.Volume 66, No. 65,65, 80 No.No. 207207 MONDAY,MONDAY,THURSDAY, FEBRUARYFEBRUARY AUGUST 6,10,10, 2020 20202020 50¢ A tree fell across wires in Queens Village, knocking out power and upending a chunk of sidewalk. VolumeQUEENSQUEENS 65, No. 207 LIGHTSMONDAY, OUT FEBRUARY 10, 2020 Photo by Teresa Mettela 50¢ 57,000 QueensQueensQueens residents lose power Vol.Volume 66, No. 65, 80 No. 207 MONDAY,THURSDAY, FEBRUARY AUGUST 6,10, 2020 2020 50¢ VolumeVolumeVol.VolumeVol.VolumeVolume 66,67,66, 65, No. No. 65, 65,65,65, No. 80 10180No. No.No.No. 207 207 207207 MONDAY,TUESDAYMONDAY,MONDAY,THURSDAY, FEBRUARY, FEBRUARYFEBRUARYSEPTEMBER AUGUST 10, 6,10,10, 7, 20202020 202020202021 50¢50¢50¢ Vol.Volume 66, No. 65, 80 No. 207 MONDAY,THURSDAY, FEBRUARY AUGUST 6,10, 2020 2020 50¢ VolumeTODAY 65, No. 207 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2020 AA tree tree fell fell across across wires wires in50¢ in TODAY A tree fell across wires in TODAY QueensQueensQueens Village, Village, Village, knocking knocking knocking State bar outlines legality of vax mandatesoutout power power and and upending upending Aout tree apower chunkfell across and of sidewalk. upending wires in a chunka Photochunk byof Teresaofsidewalk. sidewalk. Mettela VolumeQUEENS 65, No. 207 LIGHTSBy RachelMONDAY, Vick OUT FEBRUARY 10, 2020 QueensPhoto Village, by Teresa knocking Mettela 50¢ VolumeQUEENS 65, No. 207 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2020 Photo by Teresa Mettela 50¢ VolumeQUEENS 65, No. 207 LIGHTSduring intenseQueensMONDAY, Daily EagleOUT FEBRUARY 10, 2020 50¢ QUEENSQUEENSQUEENS LIGHTS57,000 QueensQueens OUT out power and upending 57,000The New York Queens StateQueensQueensQueens Bar Association held a one credit CLE Friday to help a chunk of sidewalk. 57,000 QueensQueens Photo by Teresa Mettela VolumeQUEENSQUEENS 65, No. 207 lawLIGHTSresidents firms consideringQueens loseQueens vaccine power mandatesMONDAY, and lawyersOUT FEBRUARY representing either em-10, 2020 50¢ FebruaryAUGUSTTODAY 10,6, 2020 2020 ployeesresidents or employers lose to understand power the mandate’s legality — and challenges. FebruaryTODAY 10, 2020 57,000residentsEmploymentcommitmentscommitments Queensattorney loseQueens and powermember of the NYSBA Emergency Task Force Queens FebruaryTODAYTODAYTODAYTODAY 10, 2020 on Mandatoryduring Vaccination intense and Safeguarding the Public’s Health Michael Pas- FebruaryFebruaryAUGUSTTODAY 10,10,6, 2020 20202020 commitments SEPTEMBER 7, 2021 commitmentscommitments AUGUSTFebruary 6, 10, 2020 2020 sarelladuringresidentsduringTuesdaycommitments led the intense session intense storm lose based poweron findings from the task force’s report issued FebruaryFebruaryFebruaryFebruaryAUGUSTTODAYTODAY 10,10, 10,10,6, 202020202020 20202020 lastcommitmentscommitments commitmentsmonth,commitments which found precedent for mandates. WORLDADDISLEIGHADDISLEIGH WAR PARK PARK II VETERAN WAS WAS DESIGNATED DESIGNATED OLIVER Tuesday“I would expect storm challenges,” Passarella said. “The issue of vaccinations is WELCOMEADDISLEIGH BACK, PARK QUEENS. WAS DESIGNATED WE HOPE duringTuesdayTuesday intense storm storm a New York City historic district during Black not new; while COVID has created an incredible scope of issues, many of the everyoneNeliganaa FebruaryNewFebruaryNewAUGUST YorkYork fought had CityCity a safeoff historichistoric aand mugger 10,10, 6, enjoyable districtdistrict 2020 with20202020 duringduring Labor a cup BlackBlack Day of commitments ADDISLEIGH PARK WAS DESIGNATED commitments WORLDADDISLEIGHADDISLEIGHFebruary WAR PARK II PARK VETERAN WAS WAS10, DESIGNATED DESIGNATED 2020OLIVER commitments ADDISLEIGHHistory Month PARKin 2011. WAS The DESIGNATEDNew York City ADDISLEIGHWORLDADDISLEIGHweekend!coffeeHistoryHistory and Month Month WARhis PARK bare PARK ininII 2011.hands 2011. VETERANWAS WAS TheTheafter DESIGNATED DESIGNATED New Newbeing OLIVER YorkYork attacked CityCity legal issues practitioners are dealing with are not novel.” Neliganaa NewNewafromHistoric New YorkYork behindfought York CityDistrictsCity City inoff historichistoric Woodside historica Councilmugger districtdistrict district on iswith Sunday. duringduringcelebrating during a cup BlackBlackHe Blackof was the Tuesday storm a NewNeliganaaHistoric Historic NewNew York YorkYork fought CityDistrictsDistricts CityCity historic off historichistoric CouncilCouncila mugger district districtdistrict isis duringwithcelebratingcelebrating duringduring a Blackcup BlackBlack theofthe “No question, you can mandate vaccination as an employer,” he added. coffeeHistoryHistorycoffeeHistoryADDISLEIGHnotneighborhood’sneighborhood’s andseriously MonthandMonth hisMonth his bare ininbareinjured inPARK 2011.hands2011.richrich 2011.hands andin TheandTheafter WAS Thetheafter distinctiveNewdistinctive Newbeing DESIGNATEDscuffle.New being YorkYork attacked York attacked“We historyCityhistoryCity City all HistoryWORLDHistoryADDISLEIGHREMEMBERHistoryADDISLEIGHneighborhood’s Month MonthMonth WAR in inPARK in2011.PARK richTHATII 2011.2011. VETERAN andThe WAS WAS TheThe EARRING distinctiveNew DESIGNATEDDESIGNATEDNewNew York OLIVER YorkYork historyCityNEW CityCity “Of course the devil is in the details.” fromHistoricHistoricfromHistoricaworkedthisthis New behind month.behindmonth. DistrictsYorkDistricts hardDistricts in City in Woodsidethrough Woodside Council Councilhistoric Council our on districtislivesison Sunday. iscelebrating celebratingSunday. celebratingand during atHe leastHe was Blackthe thewas thewe HistoricNeliganHistoricYorkaHistoricathis NewNew month. Mets Districts YorkYork foughtDistrictsDistricts newcomer CityCity offCouncil historichistoric Council Councila muggerJavier districtisdistrict iscelebratingis Baez celebratingcelebratingwith duringduring losta cup BlackonBlackthe thetheofthe Based on legal precedent and the current progression of the COVID-19 notneighborhood’sneighborhood’snotHistoryshould seriously seriously be Month ableinjured injuredrichrich toin go2011.andinand intothe distinctivedistinctivechurchtheThe scuffle. scuffle. 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Many of shouldthisthisWell,HistoricPixASAS month. month.11. be anRACIALRACIAL able eagle-eyed Districts to go COVENANTSCounciltoCOVENANTS member church is of and celebrating the go search SEGRE-SEGRE-shop team -the MayorMayor BillBill dede BlasioBlasio delivereddelivered hishis seventhseventh StateState ofof the City address at the American Museum of Natural History on Thursday. Many of ADDISLEIGHshouldnotneighborhood’sneighborhood’sAS seriously RACIALbe able injured to PARKrich richgoCOVENANTS toandinand church theWAS distinctivedistinctive scuffle. andDESIGNATED goSEGRE-“We history historyshop all- matehis proposals medical reasons will have or religious a particular concerns. impact on Queens. Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office gated the city’s neighborhoods, Addisleigh pingspottedneighborhood’sgated without the backbeingcity’s ofrich mugged,” neighborhoods,the and earring distinctive Neligan a couple Addisleigh history toldof days hishis proposalsproposals willwill havehave aa particularparticular impactimpact onon Queens.Queens. Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office pingworkedthisFDNYthisgated month.month.without theMARINEhard city’s throughbeing neighborhoods,COMPANY mugged,”our lives and 4Neligan RESCUEDatAddisleigh least told we The key elements to mandates are rooted in the precedent that employees PixASagothis Park 11.ParkRACIAL butmonth. transformedthetransformed big diamondCOVENANTS fromfrom stud partanan ofSEGRE-exclusivelyexclusively the jewel- MayorMayorMayor BillBill Bill dede de BlasioBlasio Blasio delivereddelivered delivered hishis his seventhseventh seventh StateState State ofof of thethe the City City address address at atthe the American American Museum Museum of ofNatural Natural History History on on Thursday. Thursday. 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