tral First en N C a ti t Nurture o s n a Empower s New developments at E Future

Tre les of aty Artic the Partnership

E Issue 4 November 2019 d ip u h ca rs ti e on Par tn • Councillor Barry Sanderson, education three communities to receive a portfolio holder for the Chakastaypasin quality education that will guide them Band, is representing the James Smith Cree throughout their lives,” she added. Nation on the interim Board. Mr. Sanderson said, “Being an interim Board Member is • Stanley Merasty, representing Shoal Lake a challenge I want to take along with the Cree Nation, is an interim Board Member other interim Board Members. It is nice to and the Secretary-treasurer of the board. Mr. see the First Nations coming together and Merasty is the Principal at Wachik Education As the end of the year quickly draws to a establishing a system so that the children in Complex and this is his second year in close, the interim Board of the East Central the three communities will have access to a Administration. He also has 19 years of First Nations Education Partnership has been better education.” experience as a teacher. He is a member of working diligently to meet its goal of moving Shoal Lake Cree Nation. from an interim board to a permanent board by the end of December 2019. While moving Mr. Merasty sees his board work as challenging, towards such a milestone, the interim Board and he says he is liking it, as the work is a real of Directors has been making decisions on eye opener. He said, “The Partnership will various issues which are required to set the bring in more financial resources which will lead framework for creating an independent to a better quality education for the students in education authority which has been the the three communities. Everyone has the right ultimate goal of the Partnership since its to a good education and to me, this means a creation in 2017. quality education and all the opportunities for learning that this system will bring.” Changes on the interim Board

The following represent changes made on the interim Board of Directors. Councillor Barry Sanderson • Abraham Amponsah, representing the Cumberland House Cree Nation, is now He believes that with the Partnership, a the interim President of the Board of quality education system will be in place for Directors of the East Central First Nations all three communities so that the students can Education Partnership. Mr. Amponash is gain an education to go forward in our society eminently qualified, holding three master’s which places a heavy emphasis on education degrees, including one in education. He and training. has been a senior administrator in various First Nation schools for 25 years. Currently The interim Vice-president is Marcia he is the Principal of Nisto Awasisak Seeseequasis representing the Cumberland Memorial School. House Cree Nation. • Councillor Tanya Moostoos, education Stan Merasty portfolio holder for , is another interim Board Member. • Randy Constant is now working for the “Initially I was not supportive of the Partnership as the Education Director for Partnership, but after learning more about the three First Nations, Cumberland House, it, now I totally support the Partnership James Smith and Shoal Lake Cree Nations. and I believe it will benefit all three Mr. Constant was the first president of the communities,” said Ms. Moostoos. “I interim Board of Directors. also am supportive of the fact that the Mr. Constant describes his new duties, “I am Partnership will receive the funding directly working on the transition, second level pieces from and will be responsible for and the strategic plan, consulting with the funding all the educational services without group that is developing the strategic plan. interference from Chief and Council,” The purpose of the position is to ensure a she noted. “I think it is imperative in smooth transition as we move forward.” today’s society for the children in the

Abraham Amponsah

Upon being named as the interim President of the board, Mr. Amponash said, “My immediate priority is to move forward with the Partnership and to create an independent education authority for the three communities. I am looking forward to continuing with the progress that has been achieved by the board and I view my new appointment as an honour and a privilege.”

Another priority for the interim board according to the new President is to continue to reach the members through on-going community engagement. Tanya Mootoos Randy Constant ...Continued from previous page

Mr. Constant notes, “It was an honour and pleasure to serve as the first president of the interim board of the East Central First Nations Education Partnership. I am looking forward to my position, as we work towards making the Partnership a reality. “

• Harold (Butch) Carriere is now the Partnership’s assistant director of education for the three First Nations. Mr. Carriere is a former interim Board member for the Shoal Lake Cree Nation and is now the Education Director for Cumberland House Cree Nation. Audrey Whitecap Rodney Sanderson He looks forward to working closely with Mr. Constant. “I am enjoying the job, there keeping the contact list up-to-date, along Nation organizations and gaining a wide is lots of work to do, and I like the fact that with other administrative functions. She will array of experience. now the Partnership is embarking on a new also assist Ms. Head with other tasks. era of education for Cumberland House, While working for the partnership, Mr. James Smith and Shoal Lake Cree Nations.” “I am looking forward to the challenge, and Sanderson will be developing human I am sure I will be kept busy. I like working resource policies, job descriptions, • Faye Head is the finance consultant for for the board and I think I will learn how to organization charts and evaluation systems. the Partnership. Ms. Head is a former perform many new tasks as I perform the interim board member serving as secretary- assistant’s duties.” Mr. Sanderson said, “I am excited about treasurer representing James Smith Cree the work and with my experience, I’ll be up Nation and is the former Director of Finance • Rodney Sanderson is the human resources for the challenges that lie ahead. I like the for James Smith. She has over 20 years policy advisor. Mr. Sanderson is a member fact that we are starting out at the ground of experience working in finance for First of the Chakastaypasin Band which is part level. The Partnership will benefit the three Nation organizations. of the James Smith Cree Nation. He communities, the students, parents and has extensive experience in the various teachers and other community members.” In her position with the Partnership, she will components of human resources having be responsible for creating a financial policy, worked for various First Nations and First setting up systems, acquiring financial management software and obtaining quotes for various health benefit programs such as dental and health for future employees.

According to Ms. Head, “It is an exciting Partnership hires consulting firm to develop time. While the position is new, the nature of the work is quite familiar. I enjoy a five-year strategic plan the fact that the three First Nations are creating something new and they will need The East Central First Nations Education The team from One People Consulting has new systems that require planning and Partnership interim Board of Directors a wealth of experience and over 20 years development so the financial area can be issued a proposal call for the development of experience supporting First Nation run smoothly. I see the challenges ahead of a five-year Education Strategic Plan in Education Systems, and has development and I want to help the three communities September. The interim Board of Directors relationships at the First Nation, provincial move forward with an independent received a number of proposals and after and federal government level. education system.” an extensive review of the proposals submitted, the directors decided that the The Five-year East Central First Nations best proposal was submitted by One People Strategic Education Plan will cover the Consulting Inc. of Saskatoon. The plan is following areas: going to be prepared during the period • Impetus for Reform including the from October to March of 2020. economic, legal and moral arguments for One People Consulting Inc. proposes to such reform, and information on the best use a number of its team members to practices; development their proposal, including • Jurisdiction in Education including Dr. Michael Cottrell with the University of a section on-reserve, a Treaty ’s Educational Administration; implementation model, other conceptual Dr. Sean Lessard, a member of the Montreal models from First Nations in Canada and Lake Cree Nation and the University of a plan for off-reserve urban members; ; Shane Henry, a member of the , who is currently • Service Mapping including determining Superintendent of Governance for the who is responsible for each level of Saskatoon Tribal Council; Kirby Korchinski, service provision, and identifying funding former Director of Funding Services and sources/costs; Faye Head Governance for the Saskatchewan Region • Policy and Legislation at the provincial, of Indigenous Services Canada; Dennis federal, First Nation and aggregate level; Moniuk, former Chief Financial Officer • Audrey Whitecap is the administrative • Funding Model that will cover of Saskatchewan Rivers School Division; assistant for the Partnership. Ms. Whitecap is methodology, capital issues and volume, Terrance Pelletier, former chief of the a member of the Shoal Lake Cree Nation and price index and inflation; and the chairperson of the local School Board. and Director of Treaty Governance with the Federation • a bibliography along with appendices. As the administrative assistant, Ms. Whitecap of Saskatchewan Indigenous Nations; and is responsible for setting up board meetings Dean Biesenthal, Vice-president of Human by securing venues, recording minutes and Resources for Sun Country health Region.

2 Chiefs and Councils sign Band Council Resolutions Supporting the Partnership

The Chiefs and Councils of the three First Nations participating in Cree Nation have signed Band Council Resolutions the East Central First Nations Education Partnership, Cumberland verifying their support for the Partnership. House Cree Nation, James Smith Cree Nation and the Shoal Lake The following are the Band Council Resolutions.

Partnership leases office space in Nipawin

The East Central First Nation has Presently, major renovations are leased office space in Nipawin. The being performed on the building to office is located at 211 First Street accommodate office and meeting West. The building was built in room space. The electrical and the 1980s and previously served plumbing systems are being as a doctor’s office and pharmacy. upgraded and brought up to the The size of the building above the current code. The renovations are ground is 370 square metres or expected to be completed by the 3,990 square feet. end of the year.

The East Central First Nations Education Partnership has leased this building to house employees.

3 Future board member appointments

The East Central First Nations Notes Option D Education Partnership has • Voting members must have a minimum Choosing Non-Voting Members (Total – 7) been operating since its education level Elders (total – 2) inception with an interim Board of Directors. A permanent Board • 3 at large members must have a minimum Choosing of Directors will be in place prior to education level plus direct related the end of 2019. experience 1. Each community/school has Elders who provide an advisory role in education The interim Board of Directors • Each school has two Elders (female and 2. Education Elders from the three has been developing options for how male) a permanent Board of Directors will be communities meet together on a regular chosen. The following are three options the • All Elders together form Elders Council basis for discussion interim Board of Directors is considering. (Elders Council – Education) • 2 Elders (female and male) from Elders Members will be informed by the interim Council are non-voting members 3. The Elders Council – Education choose Board of Directors which Option they two members (one male, one female) to recommend to the Chiefs and Councils. • Communities choose 2 voting members attend Board meetings in an advisory role per school through application/election Education Board Option A process Option E Choosing Non-Voting Members (Total – 7) Voting Members • Chiefs and Councils choose 3 at large Chiefs/Portfolio Counsellors (total – 5) voting members Communities choose 2 representatives per school ...... 6 Each Chief or Portfolio Counsellor can • Chiefs/Portfolio Counsellors are non- attend Board meetings in an advisory role Chiefs and Councils choose 3 at large voting members representatives - (one per community) ...... 3 Board Size – 16 (9 voting and 7 non-voting) Option - Three-Year Revolving Board, Term Limits Non-voting Members Option C Revolving Board Elders Council chooses 2 Choosing Voting Members (Total – 9) School representatives/at large representatives (female and male)...... 2 Two representatives per school (total – 6) representative Chief/Portfolio Counsellors ...... 5 Eligibility Factors One school representative from each Notes 1. Child or grandchild attending On community will be initially voted in for a one- • Voting members must have a minimum Reserve School year term. After the first year, these positions education level will be voted in for three-year terms. 2. Community member • 3 at large members must have a minimum The Chief and Council representative from 3. Minimum Grade 12 education education level plus direct related each community will be initially appointed for a two-year term. experience 4. Criminal Record Check, if flagged, then not eligible After the first two years, these positions will • Each school has two Elders (female and be appointed for three-year terms. male) 5. Not school staff member The remaining school representative from • All Elders together form Elders Council 6. Not Chief or Council member each community will be voted in for a three- • 2 Elders (female and male) from Elders Choosing year term. Council are non-voting members 1. Application to ensure eligibility After the first three years, these positions will be voted in for three-year terms. • Communities choose 2 voting members 2. Eligible individuals go to a community per school through application/election vote Term Limits process 3. Two chosen School representatives/at large • Chiefs and Councils choose 3 at large representative: voting members One at large representative per community (total – 3) Maximum number of terms an elected/ • Chiefs/Portfolio Counsellors are non- appointed Board member can serve is three. voting members Eligibility Factors Elders Board Size – 16 (9 voting and 7 non-voting) 1. Community member The Elders Council will determine the terms Education Board Option B 2. Minimum Grade 12 education of their appointees. Voting Members 3. Must have related experience Chiefs/Portfolio Counsellors Communities choose 2 4. Criminal Record Check, if flagged, then Elected officials remain as advisors to the representatives per school ...... 6 not eligible Board while they hold office. Chiefs and Councils choose 3 at large 5. Not school staff member For further information, contact one of representatives - (one per community) ...... 3 6. Not Chief or Council member the Interim Board Members listed on the Non-voting Members: ECFNEP website: Choosing Elders Council chooses 2 representatives (female and male)...... 2 1. Review to ensure eligibility Visit Partnership Website: Chief/Portfolio Counsellors ...... 5 2. Chiefs and Councils choose one for their community Copyright © 2019 East Central First Nations Education Authority. All rights reserved.