2 2021-04-29

Barents railroad challenges – bottlenecks and plans

Sweden Nils Ahlm 3

Bottlenecks according to Joint Barents Transport Plan (2019) • Haparanda/Tornio ‒ Different gauge ‒ Lack of electrification • Capacity challenges and the • Iron Ore Line is old and need repairs ‒ Signalling system ‒ Rail and sleepers ‒ Catinerary system • The Northern part of the Botnia railway route ‒ Missing link, North Botnia line ‒ Existing links susceptible to traffic disturbances, lack of capacity and lack of alternative routes 4

Recommendations from Joint Barents Transport Plan (2019) • Haparanda/Tornio ‒ Further efforts to find solutions for efficient transhipment of both freight and passengers • Increase the Capacity on the Iron Ore Line and the Ofoten line: ‒ Extending the existing crossing stations and construct new ones ‒ Increase the axle load to 32.5 ton • Renewal of the infrastructure on the Iron Ore Line • The Northern part of the Bothnia railway route ‒ Take in to account the need to improve reliability and increase capacity when developing long term plans 5

Recommendations from Joint Barents Transport Plan (2019) The experts are aware that the Swedish government stated the following in their decision of the National plan for the transport system 2018-2029: “The Swedish and Norwegian government have agreed upon that the development of the border crossing transport infrastructure shall be done in dialogue between the ministries in both countries and between the authorities responsible for the transport system in respective country. The government’s intention is to initiate a dialogue with the Norwegian government of the development of the border crossing corridor that the Swedish transport administration describes -, Gothenburg-Oslo and Iron Ore Line/Ofoten Line.” Long-term Measure: The experts can only concur of this assessment and suggests that this dialogue, should aim for an agreement upon the investment and financing of double track sections on the Iron Ore Line and Ofoten Line, in the national transport plans for 2022-2033 in both and . Responsible: Swedish and Norwegian governments 6

Ongoing or finished activities • Haparanda/Tornio ‒ Platforms in Kalix and Haparanda with start of traffic Luleå- Haparanda 1st of April 2021. ‒ Planning for electrification, signalling and new platforms on the Finnish tracks in Haparanda. • Increase the Capacity challenges Iron Ore Line and the Ofoten line: ‒ Extended the existing crossing stations in Lappberg 2020 ‒ Allowing 31 ton axle load - and Gällivare-Luleå • Renewal of the infrastructure on the Iron Ore Line ‒ Renewed the catenary system Gällivare-Kiruna ‒ ERTMS Luleå-Riksgränsen ongoing-2026 • The Northern part of the Bothnia railway route ‒ North Bothnian Line, Umeå-Dåva ongoing - 2024 7

Planned measures

• Increase the Capacity challenges Iron Ore Line and the Ofoten line: ‒ Extending the existing crossing stations in Gammelstad, Sikträsk and Nattavaara ‒ Increase the axle load to 32.5 ton on Gällivare-Luleå • Renewal of the infrastructure on the Iron Ore Line ‒ Track renewal and switches Boden-Kiruna 2021-2029 ‒ Renewal of the catenary system remaining part Boden-Gällivare 2026-2032 • The Northern part of the Bothnia railway route ‒ North Bothnian Line, Dåva-Skellefteå 2024-2034 ‒ Measures allowing smaller number of 750 m long trains Boden- Hallsberg 2024-2029 8

Revision of the National Plan for the period 2022-2033

• Government bill presented April 16, planned decision date in the Swedish Parliament June 22 • Thereafter government directive to the STA to develop a proposal for the period 2022-2033 • Ongoing analysis of the bill on the STA • Suggests increase in funding with 21 %, up to approx. 74 billion Euro plus additional funding of approx. 5 billion Euro 9

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