Judy Taylor 1517 Tremont Road Seal Cove, ME 04674 207 244 5545 [email protected] www.judytaylorstudio.com

Profile Born in Nebraska, Judy grew up in the Midwest and moved to New York City in 1985 to study at the New York Academy Art, the Art Students League and the National Academy of Design. She has studied extensively in Europe. In 1995 she moved to Mount Desert Island in and operates her studio and gallery in Seal Cove.

Professional Awards and Public Art Art Residency/Heliker-LaHotan Foundation/September 2015 Public Art Commission/Maine Department of Labor and Maine Arts Commission/2007 Visiting Artist Heliker/Lahotan Foundation September 2014 Cover Selection/The Art of Katahdin by David Little/2013 Recognition Award Labor Heritage Foundation 2012 Lucknoos Resicency Quimby Foundation September 2012 Sidore Lecture Series October 2011 Plymouth State University Public Art Commission/Colorado Council of the Arts/2008 Johns Hopkins selection for Dr. Barton Childs portrait/2009 Cover Art/Friends of Fall Journal 2010 Artist-in-Residence, , 1996 Full Scholarship, New York Academy of Art, 1986/1987 Figurative Drawing Award, New York Academy of Art, 1987 Merit Scholarship, National Academy of Design, 1988/1989 Armory Art Center Figurative Painting Award, 1994 Society of Illustrators, NYC, Painting Award, 1992

Lectures and Artists Talks Society/The Art of the Garden/June 2015 Northeast Harbor Library/Travel and Sketch/August 2014 Heliker Lahotan Foundation Artist Talk/September 2014/2015 Francis Perkins Center August 2012 Gallery at Frenchman’s Bay July 2012 Southwest Harbor Library March 2012/October 2012 University in Brooklyn, NY/February 2012 Hudson Community College, Long Island City, NY, November 2011 Plymouth State University, October 2011 River Arts, Damariscotta, July 2011 Portland Museum of Art, April 2011

Solo Exhibitions The Figure Straight Up/Sam Shaw Gallery/Northeast Harbor, ME/September 2014 Portraits by Judy Taylor/Northeast Harbor Library/Northeast Harbor, ME/October 2014 Islands of Maine by Judy Taylor/Gallery at Somes Sound/Mount Desert, ME/Summer 2014 The Maine Labor Mural/Maine State Museum/2013-2016 on loan Gallery at Frenchmans Bay 2013/2012 Everett Mill/Lawrence, MA/2012 Celebrate Labor, Where Art and Politics Meet/VisArts, Rockville, MD/September 2011 Thomas Moser Showroom, May 2011 Claremont Hotel, Southwest Hbr./Paintings of Mount Desert and Beyond/July-September 2010 Grand Auditorium, Ellsworth/September 2010 Thomas Moser Showroom Features Judy Taylor/Freeport, ME/June 2009-September 2009 Figurative Retrospective/Shaw Gallery, Northeast Harbor 2005 Jessup Memorial Library/Bar Harbor/2004 Bangor Public Library/2002 Austin Museum of Art/2002 Cultural Council of Palm Beach 1995

Group Exhibitions Winter Festival/Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park/February 2015 The Art of Katahdin/Harlow Gallery and Sotheby’s Maine/2015 Heliker-Lahotan Foundation/Cranberry Island, Maine/September 2014 Islesford Dock Gallery/Islesford, Maine/Summer 2015/2014/2013/2012 Gallery at Somes Sound/Mount Desert, ME/Summer Exhibition 2013-2014-2015 Northlight Gallery/Millinocket, ME/Summer Exhibition 2012-2014 New Era Gallery/Vinalhaven, ME/Summer Exhibition 2014-2015 Thomas Moser Showroom/Freeport, ME/Summer Exhibition 2012-2014 Maine Historical Society/Portland, ME/Annual Auction 2014 Greenhut Gallery/Portland, ME/The Portland Show/April 2014 Greenhut Gallery/Portland, ME/The Figure Revealed/April 2013 MDI Open/Sam Shaw Gallery/2011-2014-2015 Belfast Poetry Festival/October 2011 My Favorite Things//September 2011 Women Artists of Maine/Thomas Moser Showroom Sept-Oct 2011 Women Artists of Maine featuring Michele D’angelo and Judy Taylor/Thomas Moser/Sept-Oct 2010 Wingspread Gallery, NE Harbor, ME/2000-2007 Abbe Museum, Bar Harbor, ME/2005 The Upper Coast, State Department of Maine, Augusta/2005 Thomas Spencer Gallery, Yarmouth, ME/2004 The Art of Maine Lobstering, Penobscot Marine Museum, Searsport, ME/2004 Punchinellas Gallery, Southwest Harbor, ME/1996-2003 Metropolitan Gallery, Austin, TX/2002-2005 Austin Museum of Art/2001/2002 Art Advisory, Boston, MA/2001 Turtle Gallery, Deer Isle, ME/2001 Art on Fifth, Austin, TX/2001 Maine Invitational, Blum Gallery, College of the Atlantic/1999 Kajuls Gallery, Healdsburg, CA/1999 Tarrytown Gallery Retrospective, Austin, TX/1997 Boehringer Gallery Solo Exhibition, Hobe Sound, FL/1996 GardensArt Solo Exhibition, North Palm Beach, FL/1995 Ann Norton Sculptural Gardens, West Palm Beach, FL/1994 Ten to Watch, Elaine Benson Gallery, Bridgehampton, NY/1992 Allied Artists, NYC/1991 National Academy of Design/1991

Collections Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD Bristol/Meyer, NY, NY Utimco, University of Texas, Austin, TX Hudson Valley Community College Maine Department of Labor Mesa State University, Grand Junction, CO National Guitar Workshop, Purchase, NY Austrian Embassy, NYC Claremont Hotel, Southwest Harbor, ME , Acadia National Park Barton Creek Resort, Austin, TX Numerous private collections