Present: Parish Councillors: Hayden Garrood (Chairman), Heidi Cook, Ray Perrins, Lindsey Squire, Sandra Nunn District Councillors: John Archer Parish Clerk: Christine Wakeling 11 members of the public

32. Apologies for Absence District Cllr John Sears

33. Declaration of Interest. None

34. Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 17th May 2010 approved and signed.

35. Visitor Talk Time No speaker at this meeting

36. Clerk’s Report. • An email has been received today from the Casualty Reduction Board regarding the training of community speed watch volunteers. New trainers are currently being given instruction themselves and then priority will be given to the training of volunteers in new areas. • A letter had been received from Mrs Williams, treasurer of Holy Trinity Church thanking the Parish Council for the grants received for the production of In Touch magazine and for the upkeep of the graveyard.

37. Chairman’s Statements Cllr Garrood read out the following statement. “The Parish Council is happy to receive information from members of the community. All information received is treated in the strictest of confidence by Parish Councillors, however in order to act on information, a name or a name to a face is required.”

38. In accordance with Standing Order 13d the meeting was adjourned to enable members of the public to ask questions or make statements. • A parishioner reported that the potholes near Grooms farm in Rookery Lane have become quite dangerous. The clerk was asked to report this to ECC Highways. • Increased commercial activity was reported near Byfleets in Fambridge Road. Including persistent parking of commercial vehicles on the road. This will be reported to MDC. • Residents had received a flyer from Yacht Haven regarding a new café/bar at Yacht Haven marina. A copy of this will be sent to the planning officer at MDC. • More foliage has been planted on the sea wall at the marina. The Parish Council agreed that the Environment Agency will be updated about this. • The height of the hedges at the recreation ground was reported. This matter is dealt with under Agenda item 8ii.

39. Village Matters / Information

39.i Highways • Many hedges have overgrown over footpaths in the village causing an obstruction. Near Manor Farm on The Avenue, the junction of The Avenue and Ferry Road, near the bus stop in Fambridge Road and over the railway bridge were sites specifically mentioned. It was requested that a site visit from ECC be arranged as soon as possible. • The white lines at the branch of Church Road leading to the marina need to be repainted. A resident had complained about the speed of vehicles driving around the bend there. It was also reported that the sight line at this junction is obstructed by overgrown vegetation.

39.ii Recreation Ground • At the consultation meeting regarding the Playbuilder scheme for 8-13 year olds held at The School House on 8th July only 10 people attended although the representatives from MDC said that 40 responses to the leaflet drop had been received. They are now working on costings relating to what could be provided. There is still a possibility that the funding may be cut but as there is a limited time span for the completion of the project work is proceeding in the hope that the money will still be available. • The annual inspection of the play equipment at the recreation ground has been carried out by MDC engineers. The Parish Council is now waiting for a quote from them for the recommended repairs. • Although the probation service team cut back the hedging on the recreation ground side, on the road side it has grown quite high. This could not be done while birds were nesting but now urgently needs cutting back, preferable before the summer holidays start. The clerk was asked to contact the contractor to obtain a quote to cut the hedging down on both sides of the entrance to the level of the metal fencing.

39iii Shopper bus Cllr Cook reported that several people had registered for using the shopper bus although there were no figures available for actual users. A reminder would be placed in In Touch.

39.iv New Bridleway Cllr Squire reported that all the paperwork had now been sent to ECC although a response was required as to the exact start and stop of the bridleway. Mouchel hold maps showing this to be at the end of the adopted road on Rookery Lane to the end of Rectory Road. Two more letters had been received expressing concern about over-use of the bridleway which will be forwarded to ECC. The Parish Council would request that the bridleway be made safe but not upgraded with palings. It will take some time to complete as ECC have large numbers of applications that they are already processing.

39.v Sewage System Leaflets from Anglian Water regarding the sewage system had been kindly distributed to every household in the village by the distributors of In Touch. Anglian Water had raised the point at the meeting with OFWAT that new driveways must be porous. The clerk was asked to write to MDC asking what the policy is regarding this – specifications for correct materials etc.

39.vi Cllr Squire had attended a management committee meeting at Blue House Farm on 20th May. She reported that a list of meetings, walks etc had been included in In Touch and specifically an Open Day arranged for 15th August. Any feedback from parishioners was welcomed by the committee; Cllr Squire will be pleased to forward this as the Parish Council representative.

39.vii Parish Plan Group update It was agreed to hold a meeting on Monday 19th July at 7.30 in the Village Hall to discuss updates of the Parish Plan Action points, including writing the Village Design Statement.

39.viii District Councillor’s Report • The Brownstock music festival will go ahead again this year over the August Bank Holiday weekend, spanning 4 days, not 3 as last year. The venue will be the same. MDC will have more officers in attendance to monitor noise levels and to respond to complaint calls. The clerk was asked to publicise these numbers on the noticeboards and Thelma Shanahan will arrange for them to be printed in the village column in The & Burnham Standard and the Essex Chronicle. • Finances are a big problem at the District Council. They are looking to share services with other councils to make economies. It is likely that large cuts will be made to keep the level of Council Tax down. • Spoil will still be delivered along the river to Wallasea Island but not until next year. This is another project that may be cut due to financial constraints. • has received a planning application for an 80 bed hotel at 3 Rivers Golf and Country Club. It currently holds permission for a 60 bed hotel. The outcome is not yet known.

40. Planning Matters 40.1 New Applications LDE/MAL/10/00525. Claim for lawful certificate for use of dwelling @ Osborne, Fambridge Road. Cllrs agreed to send a comments letter to MDC stating that the dwelling is located at a dangerous part of Fambridge Road which would be a problem if commercial/trade vehicles park there. They also questioned if a certificate of lawful use is the appropriate method of application as the dwelling has been unoccupied for 10 years.

40.ii Planning Decisions from Council HOUSE/MAL/10/00380. Extension to existing cart lodge and removal of outbuilding @ Westwick Farm, Rookery Lane. MDC approved.

40.iii Scrap Yard. No retrospective planning application has yet been received by ECC.

41. Financial Matters 41.i Bank Balances: Community Account as @ 2/7/10 £ 6,959.88 Business Reserve Account as @ 31/3/10 £ 2,081.48

Total: £ 9,041.36

41.ii Payments approved: £58.75 to Maldon District Council for playground inspection £85.17 to ASAP Office Services for internal audit £235.00 to BF Ground Maintenance Ltd for grass cutting in June £55.00 to RCCE – annual subscription £25 to Essex Playing Fields Association – annual subscription.

It was also noted that the following payments were made in June (as agreed in the budget or by contractual arrangement) £235.00 to BF Ground Maintenance for grass cutting in May £716.25 to Broker Network Ltd for Parish Council insurance £500 & £550 to Holy Trinity Church for graveyard upkeep and In Touch production respectively.

41.iii Payments received: £250.00 from HM Revenue & Customs. Incentive payment for filing tax return on-line.

42. Council Matters There were no matters arising from District or National correspondence.

43. Councillor’s Question Time. No questions received.

44. Village Hall Management Committee Report. Emergency lighting has now been fitted in The School House. The new tables and chairs are now in use. The Village Hall will be closed for a week in September to renovate the floor; this will use the last of the lottery funds.

45 Media Contact. The In Touch report would include items as mentioned in these minutes.

46. Next Meeting. The next meeting of the North Fambridge Parish Council is on Monday 9th August at 8.0pm.

47. Exclusion of Press and Public for confidential items. Clerk’s salary and expenses approved £389.28

Lottery Winners, June 2010

1st No.142. Rob Bache, Castle Keep, Franklin Road 2nd No. 48 Sue Thomas, Hathersage, Franklin Road

Lottery Winners, July 2010

1st No.238 Peter Moss, Almarie, Franklin Road 2nd No.188 Trevor Jones, Two Ways, The Avenue